Why We Created Pakistan

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Why We Created Pakistan

Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan was

assassinated by CIA in 1951 because of this
speech that he gave in Pakistan's
parliament in 1949 while passing the
"Objectives Resolution", the vision
statement of the new Islamic State. Know
why Pakistan was created by Muslims of
Pakistan is a unique political achievement in
the history of mankind, second only to the
first Islamic State of Medina, founded by
the Prophet 1400 years ago...it is NOT a
ethno-linuastic nation state...it is actually a
surreal phenomenon in modern political
The Islamic society is a concept beyond and
above any narrow sectarian interpretation
of Islam. Today we have sectarian wars
raging in the Muslim world. Our founding
fathers has foreseen the dangers of such a
narrow interpretation & had created
Pakistan was always meant t be a spiritual
State...most unique social and political
experiment to create a country which is
neither a Theocracy nor a secular
republic.....but an Islamic State which can be
the natural heir to the great Islamic
civilization of the past.
Pakistan was not meant to be role model
for the Muslim world alone BUT for the
entire humanity in social justice, equality,
spirituality, knowledge, human values.
World today is on the verge of total
destruction, not because of Islam but
because of those who waged WW1/2...
You cannot separate the State from the
religion in an Islamic State... As Iqbal had
said "If the laws & fundamental guiding
principles of a State are devoid of the moral
& spiritual ethos of religion, then only a
savage entity is created which brings only
death to the world"
This one question has been haunting the
Muslim world as well as the outsiders for
centuries. Is an Islamic State a theocracy?
Liaqat Ali Khan, in his most profound
eloquence, resolved this centuries old
confusion in defining the Islamic State of
Islam defines its own terms, its own
explanations of political science, even if it
uses the contemporary pol terms. The word
Democracy means totally different to a
Muslim society than it is to a secular one,
hence the confusions in dialogue between
Islam & the rest.
An Islamic State acts as guardian angels to
its citizens, Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Pakistan was a struggle by Muslims for a
Muslim homeland to live their lives
according to our own values & faith...State
is supposed to create that environment &
keep a jealous watch..
A "good life" is Islam is only defined if the
quality of life is also matched by the highest
quality of man. A materially enriched society
with decadent moral values is not the
Islamic idea of progress. Pakistan was
meant to attempt this unique social
Modern western society has unleashed a
Machiavellian demon which is now
annihilating entire humanity in wars,
disease, debt and moral decadence. Our
founding fathers had a global vision - for
entire humanity and Pakistan was to be the
base for a human revival.
Minorities in Pakistan were to be respected
& protected....as they have been
throughout every era of Islamic civilization.
Islamic societies naturally protect the non-
Muslims under Islamic laws.. Jews were
protected by the Ottomans when they were
persecuted by Christians.
How far we have deviated from the
founding principles of our founding
fathers... Pakistan was meant to be an
Islamic welfare state for all citizens...instead
today, it has been hijacked by Oligarchy
Mafias in politics and religion. Pakistan
need to be reclaimed now....
It is the loss of entire humanity that
Pakistan has lost its way since its creation...
Our founding fathers were great men, with
greater vision & courage to dream the
impossible. The dream is still alive....path is
well know...we only need another Quaid or
Liaqat Ali Khan...

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