1997 Tech Report Joule
1997 Tech Report Joule
1997 Tech Report Joule
Brian Johnston, Timothy McGoldrick, David Funston, Harry Kwan, Mark Alexander,
Frank Alioto, Nicolas Culaud, Olivier Lang, H.A. Mergen, and Richard Carlson
and faculty advisors Dr. Andrew Frank and Dr. Andrew Burke
University of California, Davis
College of Engineering
20 MPa to 25 MPa (3,000 psi to 3,600 psi), but would still fall team’s first choice, but proved to be unavailable in the
short of the densities of gasoline and diesel fuels. As a result American market.
of low energy density, the storage volume required to provide The chosen engine was a 660 cc, three cylinder water-
sufficient range would intrude into the passenger compartment cooled Honda engine. This engine provides accurate fuel
or trunk space. Furthermore, the combination of a low management with a closed-loop, multi-port sequential fuel
gravimetric energy density (kWh/kg) and the mass of the high injection system. It has an overhead cam and four valve-per-
pressure tank adds significant weight to the vehicle. Finally, cylinder valve-train configuration for proper air/fuel flow and
the infrastructure required to provide CNG for a mass fleet combustion control. The exhaust is treated with a close-
does not yet exist. coupled catalytic converter which has a short heat-up time and
Diesel fuel has the advantages of fuel density, engine high catalyst efficiency. The cast aluminum cylinder block
efficiency, and hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions. and heads conform to the criterion to be lightweight.
The fuel has high volumetric and gravimetric energy densities The Honda engine is relatively small, very durable, and
which allow for lightweight and compact fuel storage. The runs smoothly under part throttle, full throttle, and transient
cycle used to burn diesel fuel operates without throttling losses operation. The engine puts out 12.0 kW with its lowest fuel
at a high compression ratio, resulting in a peak efficiency of consumption at 2800 rpm and produces 34.3 kW at 6000 rpm
35% to 40%. Finally, the lean operating characteristics of the which meets the necessary power requirements (Table 2). It
diesel engine result in low hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide also starts quickly which is necessary under the high-speed
emissions. One disadvantage of the lean operating start-up characteristic of the FutureCar powertrain. The
characteristic is that the engine must be larger than a Honda engine gives the vehicle an efficient, low-emitting, and
comparable spark ignition engine. Another disadvantage is reliable internal combustion engine capable of fulfilling the
that the high pressure, high temperature, and lean combustion needs of the parallel powertrain.
environment leads to high nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.
This problem is exacerbated by the unavailability of catalysts ELECTRIC MOTOR/CONTROLLER SELECTION -
which can reduce NOx in a lean exhaust environment. Finally, The primary criteria for selecting an electric motor were high
the combustion of diesel fuel produces significantly more efficiency, low weight, high power, and an operating voltage
particulate emissions than gasoline. which matches that of the battery pack. The UNIQ 218G,
Reformulated gasoline (RFG) has high volumetric and Hughes Dolphin 50, and AC Propulsion AC-100 were
gravimetric densities which allow a small and lightweight fuel considered. Table 4 provides specifications for these motors.
storage system. The reformulation of the fuel and
stoichiometric operation of the engine produce low UNIQ Hughes AC Propulsion
hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and 218G Dolphin 50 AC-100
particulate emissions. Stoichiometric engine operation also System Weight [kg] 58.6 90 77.1
allows a 3-way catalyst to be used to simultaneously reduce all Continuous Power [kW] 32 38 41
three primary pollutants. Compared to diesel, the use of RFG
results in an efficiency sacrifice (peak efficiencies are 30% to Peak Power [kW] 48 50 100
32%) which is balanced by lower engine weight and Peak Torque [N-m] 165 160 149
simplified packaging. In addition, the lower particulate Maximum Speed [rpm] 6,000 9,000 12,000
emissions are valuable in light of recent findings linking Peak Sys. Efficiency [%] 95 93 91
particulate emissions to long-term health effects. Aside from Cooling Method Liquid Liquid Air
its chemical attributes, RFG represents the most established
and widespread fuel infrastructure and is the most familiar fuel Input Voltage [VDC] 180 300 336
to consumers. The UC Davis FutureCar Team chose RFG
after considering the various fuel types. Table 4. Electric motor options.
Engine Options - After specifying the engine
characteristics and the fuel type, several specific spark ignition Both the Hughes and AC Propulsion systems are AC
engines were considered for this powertrain. The first option induction motors. These systems operate over a wide speed
was to convert a 1000 cc, three cylinder Otto-cycle engine to range with relatively high peak efficiencies. The Hughes
run on an Atkinson cycle. In order to do this, the effective system could provide the necessary power and torque for the
compression ratio of the engine is increased and the valve UC Davis powertrain, but the weight was considered to be
timing changed so that less charge is drawn into the excessive and the high voltage requirement was incompatible
combustion chamber. This maintains the same compression with the battery pack. The AC-100 provides higher power
ratio while increasing the expansion ratio. The overall effect than needed. This power capability would seldom be utilized,
is that the pumping losses are reduced and the volumetric and resulting in extended part load operation. In addition, the
thermodynamic efficiencies are improved. While showing excess weight, lower efficiency, and high input voltage
promise for improved efficiency, this option was not pursued requirement of the motor eliminated it from consideration.
due to the lead time required for development and testing. The UNIQ Mobility 218G brushless permanent magnet
The second option was to use a two-stroke engine from motor/controller system has the highest efficiency and is the
Orbital Engine Co. In this engine, air and fuel are injected lightest of the three considered. The peak power of 48 kW
directly into the cylinder. This reduces pumping/throttling combined with 22 kW from the Honda engine at 4200 rpm
losses, provides excellent fuel atomization, and eliminates the provides the desired 70 kW for acceleration as (Table 2). The
bypass of raw fuel from the intake to the exhaust common in UNIQ motor is well matched to the Honda engine in that the
two-stroke cycles. This engine is small and lightweight as well highest efficiencies occur between 2500 rpm and 3200 rpm
as efficient and clean burning. The Orbital engine was the and the maximum speed is 6000 rpm. The UNIQ system was
chosen for its power output, high efficiency, and low weight.
TRANSMISSION SELECTION - A manual transmission IMPLEMENTATION - After choosing the major
was chosen over an automatic transmission to take advantage powertrain components, the necessary coupling mechanisms
of its higher operating efficiency and lower weight. The between the engine, electric motor, and transmission were
transmission must be rated for 140 N-m of torque and be chosen. The offset design requires a belt or chain to link the
compact and lightweight. In order to maximize engine electric motor to the transmission. A chain drive is attractive
efficiency at a freeway cruise speed of 100 kph, an overall since it is narrower than comparable belt systems. However,
fifth-gear ratio (including final drive) of approximately 3:1 is to retain high efficiencies an oil bath would be required,
required. Transmissions from the following four production adding complexity and maintenance to the system. Belts have
vehicles were considered for the UC Davis FutureCar: Toyota the advantage of being highly efficient, lightweight, and
Paseo, Honda Civic EX, Mazda MX-3, and Geo Storm GSi. virtually maintenance free. A Dayco RPP Panther series belt
Their characteristics are shown in Table 5. drive system was chosen for the vehicle. This system has the
advantages of a typical belt system and produces less noise
Toyota Honda Mazda Geo Storm than other belts due to its reinforced, parabolic tooth profile.
Paseo Civic EX MX-3 GSi For the UC Davis control strategy, the engine must be
easily coupled and de-coupled from the transmission. A Pitts
5th Gear Ratio 3.21:1 2.98:1 2.99:1 2.84:1 electromagnetic, automotive compressor clutch was chosen for
Max. Torque [N-m] 123 145 133 163 this application. This clutch was selected for its relatively
narrow size, low weight, and ability to transmit the engine
Weight [kg] 33.6 33.1 31.8 40.8
torque up to the maximum speed of 6000 rpm. The clutch is
Width [m] 0.343 0.343 0.368 0.318 rated for 160 N-m whereas the maximum torque of the engine
is 55 N-m. The reduced inertia of the cut-down stock engine
Table 5. Transmission options. flywheel necessitated the over-rated clutch to prevent slipping
from generated torque spikes as each cylinder fires. The Pitts
The Toyota and Mazda transmissions, while of clutch also uses a stationary field which requires only 60 W.
appropriate physical size, were eliminated from consideration The stationary field eliminates the need of brushes and the
because their maximum torque ratings were too low for the periodic maintenance of replacing them.
powertrain. The size and torque ratings of the Geo In constructing an efficient powertrain, it was important
transmission were more than adequate for this application, but to maintain extremely close alignment between components.
the weight was excessive. The five-speed Honda Civic EX Misalignment leads to energy losses as well as reduced
transmission was chosen because it provided the appropriate component life due to vibrations. Use of a coordinate
torque capacity and fifth-gear ratio within a lightweight, measuring machine as well as a computer numerically
compact package. controlled milling machine allowed higher accuracy to be
achieved over standard machining practices. Another
POWERTRAIN CONFIGURATION - Within the parallel important tool used to align, size, and package the powertrain
hybrid arrangement, the selected engine and motor could have was a full scale mock-up of the Taurus’ engine compartment.
been combined in two possible configurations. The first A simple steel box tube cage was made to represent the critical
design locates the electric motor in-line between the portions of the engine bay such as the main side beams and
transmission and engine. This would eliminate the need for a fire wall. This allowed complete accessibility to the
lateral belt or chain system between the two drive components powertrain from all angles during design and fabrication.
for an offset design. Its implementation would be Simplicity, reliability, and low weight were the major
mechanically simpler and potentially more reliable, but this objectives for the design of the powertrain hardware.
configuration could not be pursued due to the limited space Simplifications in the design were made by adapting existing
available within the Taurus engine compartment. The second automotive components. For example, an entire Civic clutch
design considered and chosen offsets the electric motor from assembly (flywheel, spring plate, clutch disc, and slave
the engine and transmission. Figure 1 illustrates this design. cylinder) was used in conjunction with the Civic transmission.
Greater reliability was realized through using systems that
have been thoroughly tested for automotive use. Low weight
was achieved by using high strength aluminum alloys (6061-
T6 and 7075-T6) for the powertrain chassis. The alloys are
fairly inexpensive, weldable, and easily machined to meet
strict tolerances.
The powertrain design was kept mechanically simple by
minimizing the number of power transmitting components.
This provided for greater reliability as well as ease of
manufacturing. A prime example of this concept is the
coupler between the electromagnetic clutch and the
transmission. This component transmits the torque from both
the electric motor and the engine to the transmission. Vents
placed in the outer surface of the coupler allow sufficient
cooling of the electromagnetic clutch friction surface. The
coupler is supported on the engine side by the single-row ball
bearing of the electromagnetic clutch, and on the transmission
end by another single-row ball bearing. The dynamic
components of the powertrain are illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 1. Powertrain configuration.
Battery Electro- SAFT Ovonic
Specifications source NiCd NiMH
Horizon STM 5.100 13-EV-90
Specific 50 45.7 70
Energy [Wh/kg]
Volumetric Energy 103 85 166
Density [Wh/L]
Capacity [Ah] 112 100 90
Energy Content [Wh] 1344 600 1188
Peak Power @ 300 250 220
20% SOC [W/kg]
Voltage [V] 12 6 13.2
Mass [kg] 27 13 17.8
Volume [L] 13.1 7.0 7.5
Sealed Yes No Yes
- Data Processing
- Display
- Command
- Communication
unnecessary to wait until a majority of the operating fleet torque provided by the motor. As the pedal is depressed
consists of cars produced after a certain date15. Stage II beyond 30%, the hydraulic brakes add braking torque to the
nozzles affect all automobiles, not just new ones, and would maximum provided by the electric motor. The use of variable
not incur the increased repair and safety problems of ORVR regenerative braking produces a braking feel similar to a
systems. conventional vehicle while providing a more efficient use of
The UC Davis team has developed a refueling system to the vehicle’s kinetic energy.
be used with Stage II nozzles which minimizes refueling To ensure the safety of the new braking system, the
emissions. For this system, reformulated gasoline vapors are mechanical brakes are designed to stop the vehicle from 100
contained at tank pressure by a flapper valve when the filler kph in 45 meters (0.83 g’s) without the use of regenerative
cap is removed. The valve opens when the pump nozzle is braking. Using this performance guideline and changing the
inserted allowing the vapors inside the tank to be collected by brake duty cycle, the stock system was downsized to reduce
the vapor recovery systems on Stage-II refueling nozzles weight. This is possible since the mechanical brakes are not
currently found throughout California. This is a low cost, required to sustain heavy extended braking periods when
lightweight, simple solution to prevent refueling emissions. descending hills. Regenerative braking also eliminated the
Figure 6 shows a schematic of this system. need for a power assisted mechanical system.
Effective manual brakes proved feasible by altering key
parameters in the braking system. The mechanical advantage
of the pedal was increased from 3:1 to 5:1 to generate the
required pedal force of 335N. The master cylinder diameter
was decreased from 25 mm to 20 mm for increased line
pressure. New brake calipers were then chosen for their piston
diameters to self-proportion the braking forces. The front
OEM single piston calipers were replaced with four piston
aluminum calipers for a weight reduction of 7.0 kg. The rear
drum brakes were converted to disk brakes using lightweight
Honda CRX calipers with an integrated, cable-actuated
parking brake. All four rotors were constructed with
aluminum wheel mounts and ceramic coated titanium alloy
rotor surfaces. The combination of the titanium base material,
ceramic coating, and the harder brake pad material performs
with a higher coefficient of friction, better strength to weight
ratio, and better thermal properties over cast iron and mild
Figure 6. Fuel System Schematic. steel rotors. The redesigned braking system resulted in a 9.0
kg (or 70%) reduction over the OEM front rotors and an
Current laws concerning onboard vapor recovery systems additional 3.8 kg savings by replacing the rear drum brakes.
for automobiles in the future may exclude the UC Davis fuel
system since it does not collect refueling emissions. However,
the laws represent only the latest round in the debate about AERODYNAMICS AND BODY DESIGN
whether refueling emissions should be collected by gas
stations or by vehicles. Two key methods for improving vehicle efficiency are
reducing aerodynamic drag and vehicle weight. To achieve
this, the body was redesigned and built with several primary
SUSPENSION AND BRAKING SYSTEMS goals. They are to reduce the coefficient of drag (CD) to .26
from .30, fabricate stiff lightweight panels, and maintain
The primary goals of suspension modifications were to driveability, visibility, and accessibility of powertrain
improve handling and reduce weight without changing the compartment, trunk, and wheels. The final body design
vehicle’s ride. The stock rear springs were replaced with resulted from aerodynamic testing of the 1996 Taurus,
springs that are 20% stiffer to compensate for the altered front literature research, and consultation with professional
to rear weight ratio (the location of the batteries shifted the aerodynamicists.
weight ratio from 60:40 to 58:42). The rubber rear sway bar
bushings were replaced with polyurethane to help reduce the TESTING OF STOCK TAURUS - The aerodynamics of
response time lag due to this weight shift. The components the original vehicle were analyzed to determine areas where
left unchanged were those in which no significant weight improvements could be made. This analysis was done on
reduction or handling benefit could be accomplished. These several levels. Coast-down tests were conducted using a
parts include: the front cast aluminum steering knuckles, the Datron speed sensor and data acquisition system. The vehicle
front sway bar, the hollow rear sway bar, the composite front was tested both in the stock configuration and with several
sway bar end links, and the stamped steel control arms. temporary body modifications. These modifications included:
The operation of the braking system has been redefined to covered radiator cooling inlets, faired rear wheels, faired
include regenerative braking and mechanical brakes. windshield wipers, covered rear door handles, and removed
Regenerative braking is now the primary braking system so side-view mirrors. Unfortunately, the results of the coast-
that energy recovery is maximized. The purpose of down tests were inconclusive due to irrepeatable and erratic
mechanical brakes is then to provide braking power beyond values for each run. However, the modifications to the body
regenerative braking and for emergency situations. The first did provide useful insight into how the final body might be
30% of the brake pedal throw varies the amount of braking shaped.
Qualitative information on the vehicle aerodynamics was the windshield. The hood gaps above the front fenders have
gathered by running several tuft tests. To help visualize the been lowered to run along the tops of the wheel well openings.
airflow over the surface of the body, several hundred 5 cm This provides a continuous surface for the air flowing along
pieces of string were attached to one side of the vehicle. the sides of the nose toward the A-pillars. With these changes
While driving at 100 kph, the pattern and behavior of the tufts (see Figure 7), the entire top half of the nose is smooth and
were recorded on videotape. Runs were conducted with the seamless, and should support a laminar boundary layer. A
unmodified body and the modified body (i.e., faired rear two-dimensional flat-plate approximation indicates that the
wheels, no side-view mirrors, covered rear door handles, etc.). flow may be laminar over the entire length of the hood.
The videotapes showed the direction and characteristics of the Wheels and wheel wells add as much as 0.07 to 0.09 to
air flow along the surface of the vehicle. In areas where the the drag coefficient of a basic body shape.16 This is due to the
flow was attached, the tufts laid flat against the body and did interference of the unsteady flow entering and exiting unfaired
not flutter. In areas where the flow was separated and wheel wells with the basic body flow. The rear wheel wells
disturbed, the tufts fluttered erratically. have been covered with wheel fairings to minimize separation
Several areas on the unmodified body were observed to along the sides of the vehicle. The bottom of the wheel wells
exhibit separated flow: behind the unfaired front and rear are also closed off as much as possible to decrease entering
wheels, around the side-view mirror, behind the A-pillar of the air.
front side window, and at the base of the rear window. For the The underside of the vehicle has been covered with a
modified body, the flow behind the removed side-view mirror smooth surface from nose to tail to greatly improve airflow.
and faired rear wheel appeared less turbulent. In contrast, the powertrain, exhaust, fuel tank, spare tire, etc.
created a very irregular surface for the airflow on the stock
BODY MODIFICATIONS - For an automobile, the Taurus which increased drag.
overall drag force is dominated by pressure effects such as the At the base of the rear window, the separation was due to
separation observed in the tuft tests, rather than skin-friction the increasing window slope and the onset of a concave
effects. Therefore, the majority of the changes made in the section just before the trunk lid. The result was that the air
body shape were aimed at reducing the size of the vehicle’s flow did not have enough energy to remain attached to the
pressure wake. This was accomplished by reducing or surface. This separation has been minimized by reshaping the
eliminating the separation caused by discontinuities in the rear window and trunk lid in order to reduce the rear window
body such as wheels, wheel wells, mirrors, and door handles. angle and eliminate the concave section. Figures 8 and 9
In addition to reducing the pressure wake, the shape of the explicitly show the difference in air flow over the rear window
vehicle body was modified to create a pressure gradient which for the unmodified and modified Taurus body.
promotes attached flow along the entire length of the body.
While the current national average is around 32%,
technologies such as gas turbine combined cycles which can
produce electricity at over 45% are becoming more
widespread. M. A. DeLuchi, Emissions of Greenhouse Gasses
from the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity,
Volume 2: Appendixes A-S, Center for Transportation
Research, Energy Systems Division, Argonne National
Laboratory, Illinois, 1993.
Reimers, Gregory, “A Comparative Investigation of Nine
Optimized Hybrid-Electric Vehicle Powertrains to Determine
the Viability of a 2.94 l/100 km (80MPG) Automobile
Capable of Reducing Exhaust Emissions,” Masters Thesis,
University of California, Davis 1996
Cuddy, Matthew R. and Wipke, Keith B. “Analysis of the
Fuel Economy Benefit of Drivetrain Hybridization,” SAE
This work was performed under contract from the National
Renewable Energy Labs.
D. Sperling, M. A. DeLuchi, Is Methanol the Transportation
Fuel of the Future?, published in Alternative Transportation
Fuels: An Environmental and Energy Solution D. Sperling,
ed., Quorum Books, New York, 1989.
M. A. DeLuchi, Emissions of Greenhouse Gasses from the
Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity, Volume 1: Main
Text, Center for Transportation Research, Energy Systems
Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, 1993.
Shimasaki, Yuichi, et al, “Study on Conformity Technology
with ULEV Using EHC System,” SAE 960342
“Air pollution devices threaten auto safety,” Consumers’
Research Magazine, v76 n8 (Aug 1993) :19.
Reed, Donald, “Refueling vapor recovery,” Automotive
Engineering, v99 n10 (Oct 1991) :75
Kahn, Helen, “On-board system shows promise for catching
gas vapor,” Automotive News, n5256 (Oct 17, 1988) :44.
Keebler, Jack, “Automakers, gas refiners debate vapor
control units,” Automotive News, n5415 (Oct 14, 1991) :39.