Ox Learn Manual
Ox Learn Manual
Ox Learn Manual
user manual
Workflow ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Concepts............................................................................................................................. 6
OXparams ................................................................................................................................... 6
List of OXparams............................................................................................................ 10
The OXlearn GUI ........................................................................................................... 14
Control elements ....................................................................................................................... 14
OXlearn is a neural network simulation software that enables you to build, train, test and
analyse connectionist neural network models. Because OXlearn is implemented in
MATLAB you can run it on all operation systems (Windows, Linux, MAC, etc.),
provided you have a recent version of MATLAB installed (R2006b or later). This also
has the additional advantage that it makes it easy to ‘look under the hood’ so you can
inspect the calculations performed by the program or adapt the program to your specific
First and foremost, OXlearn is designed as an educational tool that provides a quick and
easy start to neural network modelling. OXlearn provides a Graphical User Interface
(GUI) that enables access to most of its functionality, no programming is needed. In line
with the principal aim to foster understanding of neural network models, OXlearn is set
up for maximum transparency. By using native MATLAB components such as the
workspace browser or the array editor, you can easily retrace most of the manipulations
implemented in the GUI – or you can choose to manipulate data (changing parameters,
plotting data, etc.) directly in MATLAB. The main part of this manual describes
OXlearn’s general structure and functionality and provides a detailed description of all
the parameters that are internally manipulated.
The secondary aim of OXlearn, also aided by the above mentioned transparency, is to
facilitate extension of the existing functionality. For example, if you wanted to implement
a different learning algorithm or a network architecture that is not (yet) included, you
could just add in the dedicated function(s) while still making use of OXlearn’s inbuilt
utilities and interface. This latter step requires some proficiency in writing MATLAB
code, of course, although it should usually be possible to take existing program files as a
starting point.
Using OXlearn
Starting OXlearn
Before you can start OXlearn, you have to make sure that Matlab knows where to find it.
Because Matlab always knows the content of its “current directory”, you can use the
standard browsing interface at the top of MATLAB’s main window to browse to the
location on your hard drive where you have saved the (unzipped) OXlearn folder.
Alternatively, the OXlearn folder can be added to the MATLAB path (i.e., a list of
locations known to MATLAB), e.g., through the interface under File -> Set Path.
Provided that you have administrator rights, this latter solution has the advantage of
adding the new location permanently to the search path so that MATLAB will still know
where to find OXlearn when you restart it.
To start OXlean, type ‘OXlearn’ in the MATLAB command window and press return. As
an alternative to always starting OXlearn from the command line, you can also create a
shortcut. To do so, select the string “OXlearn” that you just typed in the command
window and drag it over the shortcuts toolbar (located at the top of your MATLAB
window, the bottom most toolbar). From now on, a single click on this shortcut will
suffice to start OXlearn.
The command (or shortcut) “OXlearn” will open an empty simulation in the OXlearn
GUI. If you want OXlearn to load a specific simulation right away, simply add the name
of the file (in parentheses and quotes) to the command, e.g., “OXlearn(‘XOR.mat’)”.
Starting OXlearn will open the OXlearn GUI, which entails three parts:
(1) In the title bar of the window you will find a label, consisting of the string
“OXlearn:” and the name of the current simulation file (e.g. “OXlearn: new
Simulation” if you have opened an empty simulation, or “OXlearn: XOR.mat” if
you have opened, loaded or saved (as) a simulation with that name).
(2) The menu bar which represents the main means to interact with the OXlearn GUI
(on a MAC, as usual, the menu bar will appear at the top of your screen). The
menu bar has five main menus (‘File’, ‘Set-up’, ‘Run’, ‘Inspect’ and ‘Tools’) with
a number of selectable sub menus each.
(3) The main part of the figure contains various displays, dependent on your selection
in the ‘Inspect’ or ‘Analysis’ menus. Initially, an overview concerning the status of
the current simulation will be shown. To return to this display at any time, select
Inspect -> Simulation.
Every simulation project involves three general steps: (1) preparing a simulation by
defining the exact set-up, (2) running the simulation (training the network, verifying that
it has learned and, possibly, testing the networks performance with specific or novel
stimuli) and, finally, (3) analysing the networks behaviour/performance. This succession
of steps is roughly mirrored in the layout of the menu bar, where the first two elements
(‘File’ and ‘Set-up’) are mainly used to define the exact set-up of your simulation, the
‘Run’ menu in the middle accesses training, verifying and testing actions, and the last
two menus (‘Inspect’ and ‘Tools’) provide useful tools for visualisation and analysis of
your simulation.
Although this order reflects the general structure of a typical workflow, it is of course not
imperative to use the interface in a strictly left to right (and, within each menu, top to
bottom) fashion. For example, you might want to use the displays to inspect your set-up
before having trained the network. Or you could train a network, have a closer look at its
performance during training, and then go back to set-up a generalisation test which is
subsequently run and analysed. Also, you will often want to change something in the set-
up of an existing simulation and then repeat the cycle of training it and analysing the
performance. For the illustrative purpose of this manual, however, we will assume the
standard case of creating a simple simulation of the XOR problem from scratch.
Before going into further details, it is important that you understand the general concept
behind OXlearn. While there is no need to go into any technical details, this will make it
much easier for you to find your way around the program and neural network models in
Try to think about it like this: what do we need to fully describe a neural network model?
1. To start with, we need to be explicit about the stimuli the model deals with,
sometimes referred to as the environment. This includes the number and identity of
input and target patterns, as well as labels or grouping information. If the model is to
be tested on novel patterns after training (generalisation test), we also need
information regarding these test patterns.
2. Then there is the network architecture to be defined, for example the number of
layers, how many units they have, how they are connected, if there is a bias, etc.
3. And finally, we need to determine which learning algorithm is used, including
important parameters such as learning rate or the number of patterns to be presented
(= sweeps) before training stops. We will call this the training paradigm.
It is clear that all of this information needs to be given before the network can actually be
trained (or tested in the case of the test patterns), and therefore the “Set-up” menu
provides the means to manipulate such information in appropriately organised pop-up
windows. All the information that you can manipulate in these pop-up windows
corresponds directly to variables that live in MATLAB’s basic workspace. The names of
these variables will usually be displayed as tooltips, e.g. when you point with the mouse
at the dropdown menu that allows you to select the network type (in Set-up -> Network)
you will see that the variable representing this choice is called “OXnetworkType”. In a
similar vein, every value that you can select, tick or change in the set-up windows has a
corresponding variable name, all starting with ‘OX’ (from now on, these will be referred
to as OXparams).
OXparams are just variables, each having a name and value(s) that live in the MATLAB
The workspace
If you are interested in sneaking a peek under the hood of OXlearn, there is a very simple
way of inspecting all the OXparams directly: go back to your main MATLAB window
and have a look at the workspace browser (type “workspace” in the command window if
you do not find such a window on the left hand side). You will see that it contains a
number of OXparams (if you are still working on an empty simulation you might only
find one, ‘OXcomments’, which was automatically created upon opening OXlearn. To
see more, you could load an existing simulation file or simply open some of the set-up
windows, thereby creating the corresponding parameters and initializing them to default
values). The MATLAB workspace browser also contains additional information as to the
format, value, size, etc. of these OXparams (double-click on a parameter name to have its
value displayed in the MATLAB array editor). An experienced user might sometimes
find it more efficient to inspect and manipulate OXparams directly in the workspace
browser or the array editor.
Note that the underlying workspace is not directly accessible if you are working with the
standalone version of OXlearn (OXlearn.exe, which does not require you to have a
MATLAB license). Apart from not being able to directly inspect or manipulate variables
in the workspace, however, there is no difference between the standalone and the Matlab
version of OXlearn.
existing OXparams will be stored in a ‘.mat’ file. If you load a simulation file (File ->
Load Simulation) they will be put back into the workspace.
In addition to the parameters pertaining to the network architecture, the training
environment, and the training paradigm, there is one further type of OXparams: the
variables that store the results of running an appropriately set-up simulation. Let’s have a
more detailed look at this: Choosing any of the options available under ‘Run’ will take all
the set-up OXparams that specify the current simulation, perform the specified operation
– e.g., training or testing the network - and put all changed or novel performance
OXparams back into the workspace. For example, if you have trained a network (Run ->
Train Network), the OXparams specifying the weights (e.g. ‘OXweightsInputToHidden’),
and also some information regarding the networks performance during training (e.g.
‘OXtrainError’) will be given back. The only difference between set-up and performance
OXparams is that the latter are not meant to be manipulated directly, but rather are the
outcome of training, verifying or testing the network. The displays available under
‘Inspect’ and ‘Tools’, finally, also operate directly on the OXparams (both set-up and
performance) in the workspace but will not change them.
Why is this important? As you will see, the notion of the underlying OXparams that
contain all the essential information about an OXlearn simulation will often recur when
describing what the individual components do. Secondly, it helps with troubleshooting, as
almost all the errors you might encounter when using OXlearn will have to do with
particular OXparams being missing or having an incorrect format (e.g. letters where
numbers are expected). And thirdly, demystifying the inner workings of OXlearn enables
you to use some of MATLAB’s native functionality (e.g. the data import wizard or the
array editor) if you want to perform specific kinds of data manipulation for which no
suitable OXlearn tool exists.
The only way to work with several simulations or states of a simulation at once is by
using the network comparison tool (Tools -> Compare Networks).
(5) If you change set-up OXparams in a simulation that already contains performance-
OXparams (i.e. the network has already been trained/verified/tested), your simulation
might become temporally inconsistent because it contains the result of training a
network with a different (the previous) set-up. This inconsistency will be resolved
once you have trained/verified/tested the network with the new set-up. To avoid
possible confusion, however, it is recommended to clear all performance OXparams
(File -> Reset Simulation) before changing anything in the set-up.
(6) We said earlier that .mat files in general, and OXlearn simulation files more
specifically, may contain a variable number of name-value pairs. If you import data
from a .mat file, the import wizard provides you with a preview of the content and
allows you to decide which of the variables you actually want to import. However,
OXlearn will only recognize the imported variables if the have valid OXparam
names. To ensure this (if necessary) you can change the name of any imported
variable by right-clicking on it within the import wizard. Alternatively, you can
rename variables in the workspace browser (right-click).
(7) The requirement of assigning valid OXparam names is also given when you import
data from other sources, such as text or Excel files. In this case, however, it is
difficult to import several variables at once and you should usually import the data
corresponding to each OXparam separately.
List of OXparams
Name Description Content Default Display
updated during the training process (false/true) Training
OXlogTrainPerfFlag whether the networks performance 0 or 1 Set-up ->
during training is logged (false/true) Training
OXlogTrainPerfInterval how often (in sweeps) the training <OXmaxS 1 Set-up ->
performance is logged weeps Training
OXlr learning rate; the magnitude of small 0.5 Set-up ->
weight adjustments number Training
OXmaxSweeps maximum number of sweeps after number 1000 Set-up ->
which training is terminated. Training
OXmomentum parameter in some learning small 0 Set-up ->
algorithms that governs how large a number Training
proportion of the previous weight Options
change is added to the current
adjustment of weights
OXnH number of units in the hidden layer 0 Set-up ->
OXnI number of units in the input layer eq columns 0 Set-up ->
OXinput Network
OXnO number of units in the output layer eq columns 0 Set-up ->
OXtarget Network
OXnSweeps number of sweeps performed, <OXmax-
equals maxSweeps at the end of Sweeps
OXnetworkType architecture of the ‘2-layer feed-forward’ ‘2-layer Set-up ->
network ‘3-layer feed-forward’ feed- Network
‘SRN’ forward'
OXpresentationOrder order in which the ‘sequential’ ‘sequential' Set-up ->
input patterns are ‘random with replacement’ Training
presented during ‘random without Options
training replacement’
OXrunNr index when training several optional
instances of a network
OXseedNr id of the seed used by the random <2^32 optional Set-up ->
number generator Training
OXsimFileName name of the current simulation user File ->
defined Save
string Simulation
OXsimFilePath location (on the computer) to which user “OXlearn\ File ->
the simulation file is saved defined Simulations” Save
path Simulation
OXstopCritType operator used by the early stopping optional Set-up ->
criterion Training
OXstopCritValue value against which the early optional Set-up ->
stopping criterion evaluates Training
OXstopCritWindow number of consecutive sweeps for optional Set-up ->
which the early stopping criterion Training
must be fulfilled Options
OXtarget matrix that represents target matrix of Set-up ->
patterns (rows) for training (and numbers Train
verifying) Patterns
OXtargetLabels labels for the target patterns eq rows optional Set-up ->
OXtarget Train
OXtestGroups group vector for test patterns eq rows optional Set-up ->
OXtestInpu Test
t Patterns
OXtestHidden hidden layer activations during RESULTS RESULTS Inspect ->
testing Patterns
OXtestInput matrix that represents input patterns matrix of Set-up ->
(rows) for testing numbers Test
OXtestInputLabels' labels for the test input patterns eq rows Set-up ->
OXtestInpu Test
t Patterns
OXtestLogHiddenActFlag whether to log hidden activation 0 or 1 1 Set-up ->
during testing (false/true) Test
OXtestLogOutputActFlag whether to log output activation 0 or 1 1 Set-up ->
during testing (false/true) Test
OXtestOutput raw activation of the output layer RESULTS RESULTS Inspect ->
during testing Patterns
OXtestTarget matrix that represents target matrix of Set-up ->
patterns (rows) for testing numbers Test
OXtestTargetLabels labels for the test target patterns eq rows Set-up ->
OXtestTar Test
get Patterns
OXtimeStamp date and time where a simulation date and now
file was saved time
OXtrainCorrect performance during training, RESULTS RESULTS Inspect ->
evaluated against the correctness Performanc
criterion of 'deviation < 0.1' e
The OXlearn GUI
Control elements
The different displays within OXlearn enable the set-up and the detailed graphical
investigation of various components of a simulation. In most display windows you will
find a panel with several control elements at the left hand side. These buttons let you
interact with the graphs that occupy the main portion of the display, e.g. by changing the
appearance of the displayed data (zooming, coloring, etc.) or by providing additional
information (enabling datatips, adding colorbars, etc.). The “Options” panel at the bottom
part of most displays influences which data are shown, e.g. information from training,
verifying or testing the network. Similarly, you will often find tickboxes to control which
parts of the data are shown or hidden.
Most of the functionality provided by the various control elements (buttons, tickboxes,
drop-down menus, etc.) should be self-explanatory – note that a short description will be
displayed as tooltip when the mouse pointer hovers over a control element. However, in
the following you will find a short description of the functionality of all control elements
within OXlearn’s various displays.
The zoom in button
This button toggles the zoom mode. When zoom mode is on, clicking within an axes will
zoom in by a specific amount, centered around the region you have clicked on. You can
also use the mouse wheel to continuously zoom in or out or specify the region you want
to look at by dragging out a rectangle or line with the primary mouse button held down.
Double clicking will usually restore the original view (see also the zoom out button).
Note that, depending on the nature of the data displayed, zooming might be restricted to
one dimension (horizontal or vertical) and several graphs might be coupled with respect
to their zooming behaviour. To circumvent these restrictions, extract the graph (extract
button) and use MATLAB’s zoom tool on the extracted figure.
to the one indicated in the title of the individual bar graphs. You can also set the number
in this box directly.
the two groups of datapoints that are most distant from one another and indicate the
membership of each individual point to one or the other cluster by using two different
The File menu
The options under the File menu let you import, export or clear (selected) variables
to/from the workspace. If you import from data formats other than OXlearn’s native
‘.mat’ simulation files, you might have to ensure proper naming of the parameters, either
during the import or in the workspace (choose ‘rename’ from the context menu after
variables have the same name – in which case you will be asked to confirm that they
should be overwritten. You can import variables with whichever names you like, but
OXlearn will only recognize OXparams when they are named appropriately. You can
rename variables by right-clicking on them, either within the import wizard or, after
import, in the MATLAB workspace browser.
While it is easy to import multiple OXparams from other ‘.mat’ simulation files (e.g. all
the set-up parameters for testing), you should usually only import one variable at a time
from other file formats (e.g. from text files or Excel worksheets).
Set-up -> Network
Use this option to determine the architecture of the network you want to employ. The
interface should be self-explanatory, use the preview at the right hand side to inspect the
current architecture. Note that neural networks, traditionally, are displayed with the input
at the bottom because they were initially associated with a ‘bottom-up’ approach to
cognition. You can change the orientation by pressing the arrow button to the right of the
display if you prefer the input to be on top (more of a flow chart way of looking at
things). Note also that individual units and connections will only be shown in small
networks. When the layer size exceeds 15 units, a solid slab (for the layer) and a thick
arrow, indicating full all-to-all connectivity, will be drawn instead.
The drop-down menu at the top of the figure gives you a choice between several well
known network architectures. The value chosen here (OXnetworkType) might also have
an impact on other OXparams – everything related to the hidden layer, for example,
becomes obsolete with a 2-layer architecture. The other control elements in this window
govern, for each required layer, the number of units (OXnI, OXnH, OXnO), whether a
bias should be included or not (OXbH, OXbO) and the activation function used
(OXactFcnH, OXactFcnO). The smart set button adjusts the number of input and output
units to dimensions of the training patterns (s. above), the typical set button initializes all
parameters to typical values for this type of network (note that the weights initialisation
parameters (OXwInitMearn, OXwInitRange) are influenced as well).
Set-up -> Train Patterns
Use this option to determine the exact nature of the stimuli you want the network to deal
with, the network’s environment. At the very least, this requires a matrix of numbers
representing the network’s input. Each row of this matrix stands for an individual input
pattern or stimulus, where the first value represents the activation of the first input unit,
the second value holds the activation value of the second input unit, and so on. Evidently,
the number of columns in the input patterns and the number of units in the input layer of
the network should correspond. How many rows this matrix has determines the number
of different input patterns or stimuli the network will have to deal with. As per MATLAB
convention, the first dimension is downwards, the second one across (rightwards).
Therefore we can say that the input patterns (OXinput) are represented by a n x m matrix
of numbers, where n (rows) is the number of patterns and m (columns) is the number of
input units.
Many neural network models use supervised learning algorithms which basically means
that we need, for each input pattern, a corresponding target pattern which specifies the
intended activation in the output layer. Thus we have an additional n x m matrix
(OXtarget) where n should correspond to n (number of patterns) in the input, and m
equals the number of units in the output layer. Because of the one-to-one correspondence
between input and target patterns, OXlearn displays them side by side.
The set-up window enables manipulation of these two matrixes in several, hopefully
intuitive ways (see the descriptions of the graphics buttons for details). You can also set-
up labels for your input (OXinputLabels) and target (OXtargetLabels) patterns – again,
the number of labels and the number of patterns should correspond. Setting custom labels
is optional, but it helps keeping track of your simulation. Another optional parameter,
again with n (number of patterns) elements, is a grouping vector (OXgroups). With its
help you can define groups within your patterns and later differentiate the network’s
behaviour with regard to these groups of patterns.
Use this option to determine the exact way in which your network will be trained, the
training paradigm. This includes the choice of a learning algorithm
(OXlearningAlgorithm) and the associated parameters (e.g. OXlr, OXmomentum, and
OXfahlmannOffset for the classical backpropagation algorithm), but also parameters
detailing the length of training (OXmaxSweeps), a possible early stopping criterion
(OXearlyStoppingFlag, OXstopCritType, OXstopCritValue, OXstopWindow) and the
order in which individual patterns are presented during training (OXpresentationOrder).
Furthermore, you can specify the details of the weights initialisation (OXwInitType,
OXwInitSeed, OXwInitMean, OXwInitRange) and influence which information will be
logged (OXlogTrainPerfFlag, OXlogTrainPerfInterval), saved (OXdumpFlag,
OXdumpEveryNSweeps, OXautoVerify, OXautoTest) and displayed during training
(OXliveUpdateFlag). With the exception of the learning rate, the momentum and the
training length, however, you will usually be fine with the default values for most of
these parameters – which is also the reason why some of them will only be displayed
when you click on the >> more button. Note as well that some of the parameters
determine whether others are enabled or not. For example, it obviously is not necessary to
specify an interval for performance logging when you have decided not to log training
performance at all.
There are three more things that are logged during the process of training: (1) the order in
which individual patterns were presented (OXtrainOrderLog), (2) the mean square error
for each pattern (OXtrainError), and (3) whether the network’s performance was correct
or not (OXtrainCorrect). Correctness is determined by evaluating the network’s output
against a relatively conservative correctness criterion, namely that the activation of none
of the output units deviates by more than 0.1 from its target value. As per default, the
three values mentioned above are logged for every single sweep during training – thus
producing a large amount of data which allows you to inspect the networks training
performance in detail. In large simulations (where training goes on for many sweeps) it is
useful to increase the logging interval. If, for example, the interval is set to 10, only every
tenth sweep will be logged, thus loosing some (usually negligible) detail but, at the same
time, reducing the amount of data in you computer’s memory (and in the simulation file)
by a magnitude.
Apart from giving these performance OXparams back to the current workspace, OXlearn
will also automatically save a complete copy of the state of your simulation at the end of
training. You will find this file in the same folder that your current simulation resides in.
The file will have the same name as your current simulation with a suffix of the form
‘_sw<number of sweeps>’ attached. Thus if your simulation is called ‘MySim’ and you
have trained the network for 3333 sweeps, this file will be named ‘MySim_sw3333.mat’.
Your current ‘MySim’ file (having, at this point, the same content as ‘MySim_sw3333’)
will remain open for you to continue working on it.
Other changes can induce problems with displays (e.g. changing the logging interval) or
training function (e.g. changing the network architecture).
When a network is being trained, a blue progress bar will appear in the bottom part of the
current display. At the right hand side, you will find two buttons labelled ‘pause’ and
‘cancel’. The latter, naturally, aborts the training process and prevents weights and
training performance parameters to be given back to the workspace (alternatively you can
press ‘c‘ on your keyboard). Pressing the pause button (or ‘p’ on your keyboard) will
freeze the training process and provide five additional buttons that let you interact with
the paused simulation. These buttons are:
resume (or press ‘r’): quit the paused mode and continue training
skip sweep (or press ‘1’): train for one more sweep, then pause again. You can also
press another number (<=9) to train for so many more sweeps.
skip epoch (or press ‘e’): train for one more epoch (= the number of patterns in the
input), then pause again.
stop (or press ‘s’): stop training at this point, give results (current weights, training
performance up to that point) back to the workspace
cancel (or press ‘c’): abort training, do not give results back.
The functions of these buttons are only useful when the displays are updated during
training (this is controlled by a tickbox in the training options window). There exists a
good reason for unticking this box: your simulation will run a fair amount faster when the
displays do not have to be updated during training – progress will still be indicated by the
progress bar and you can, of course, inspect training performance in detail after training
is finished. Updating the display, on the other hand, enables you to monitor online how
well your network is doing and, using the buttons mentioned above, you may inspect
snapshots of the network’s development during training. The three displays that may be
of interest with respect to this development are the Weights, Pattern, and Performance
displays, all found under the Inspect menu.
response to each of the input patterns. This is not usually an amount of data to challenge
the capabilities of modern computers, it is thus recommended to leave the auto verify
option enabled.
The Inspect menu
The Inspect menu offers convenient ways of visualizing data within the simulation, i.e.
OXparams or parts thereof. As an alternative it is always possible to inspect data directly
in the MATLAB workspace browser and array editor.
This display provides a graphical overview of the current status of the simulation. Three
main parts are distinguishable: the status panel, the graphical sketch panel and the
comments panel.
The comments panel allows you to include descriptive comments into the simulation file.
This is often helpful in reminding yourself what you have done or attempted to do in a
specific simulation when you come back to it at a later time. Nothing is more vexing than
having done a simulation some months ago and then not being able to determine which
was the final version. As an aid in this respect, OXlearn will automatically add a time
stamp each time you open a simulation. However, you can delete/add/edit the comments
in whichever way you like without causing any problems. Note that the small triangle
buttons at the left hand side allow you to enlarge the comments panel.
The graphical sketch panel summarizes your current simulation graphically without going
into details. This is intended to provide, at a glance, information such as whether target
patterns have been specified, if the network has been trained already or which type of
network architecture is currently chosen. The dedicated displays in the ‘Inspect’ menu
provide a more detailed view.
The status panel tells you which parts of the simulation are set-up correctly and which are
deficient. The nine labels at the top refer to different components that make up a
simulation, and each of these labels summarises over a number of OXparams. The up-
most five labels correspond to information that can be manipulated in the ‘Set-up’
windows (= set-up OXparams), whereas the last three represent the performance
OXparams for training, verifying and testing. The sixth element called ‘weights’ occupies
a somewhat intermediate position, because it is dependent on the weight initialisation
parameters (which can be manipulated under Set-up -> Training Options, >> more) but
will only be assigned values once training is initialized. Those initial values are
subsequently adjusted by the training process and thus, once they are given back to the
workspace, resemble to other performance parameters in that they are an outcome of the
training process.
Green ticks to the left hand side of the labels indicate a satisfactory set-up, a red attention
sign means that a problem has been detected with at least one of the OXparams
summarized under that label. Clicking on the status indicator (tick or attention sign) will
lead the listbox in the lower half of the status panel to show more detailed information
regarding the relevant OXparams and the detected problem. The first column indicates
problems with exclamation marks (‘opt’ indicates an optional parameter), the name of the
parameter is given in the second column, and more detailed information regarding the
parameter or the problem with it can be found in the third column. To address the
problems found, the three buttons to the right hand side of each label provide shortcuts to
manipulate or display the relevant part of the simulation. Pressing the eye button will
switch to the dedicated display (if given for this part) usually found under the ‘Inspect’
menu. The pen button will raise the corresponding Set-up window (if given) so you can
manipulate the erroneous parameters. Note that simply raising the window and closing it
again will often solve the problem because all non-existing parameters for this part of the
simulation will be created automatically. The red cross button, finally, will clear all
OXparams summarised under the label. This is most useful for clearing the performance
OXparams (the last four elements). Non-existent or cleared performance OXparams are
indicated by a gray tick – the preferable status before training a network. A yellow
attention sign at this place indicates that the current set-up might be different to the one
that has resulted in those performance OXparams. It is possible to simply train the
network again, thus rectifying the inconsistency. To avoid confusion, however, it is
recommended to reset the simulation prior to changing the set-up.
A simulation is ready to run when the first five status buttons show a green tick - strictly
speaking, the 4th and 5th (‘Test Patterns’ and ‘Testing Options’) element is only required
for testing, not for training/verifying.
Inspect -> Weights (shortcut: CTRL-W)
This display shows the current weights configuration of the network in so-called ‘Hinton
diagrams’. Each connection weight is displayed as a coloured box at a x/y position that
indicates from which unit (x-axes at the top) to which unit (y-axes at the right) the
corresponding connection leads. Each weight’s numerical value is coded in its colour
(negative values in red, positive values in blue) and its size (large absolute values -> big
box; values close to zero -> small box). Similar to most other displays you can
manipulate the subset of data shown in the graphs (zoom, pan, etc.) or gather more
detailed information about individual data points with the datatip.
It is not unusual that no weights configuration is displayed prior to having trained a
network. The weights matrix will only be initialized at the beginning of training. You
can, however, get a visual impression of the weights initialisation by choosing “weights
initialisation” from the drop down menu in the options panel. Doing so repeatedly will
reinitialize the weights each time. Note, however, that weights will also be reinitialised
anew when training starts. Choose a “Seed Nr:” in training options if you want to ensure
that the initial weights shown correspond exactly to the ones the network uses when
being trained.
Inspect -> Patterns (shortcut: CTRL-P)
This display shows colour coded images of all patterns (one epoch) used during training,
verifying or testing. In addition to the input and target patterns (similar to the
visualisation during set up), hidden layer activation, output activation, the resulting error
and the pattern nearest in Euclidean space to the obtained output can be displayed when
looking at verify or test data. This display enables inspection of the whole epoch (all
patterns) at a glance, e.g. in order to identify problematic stimuli. Note that the Inspect ->
Activations display provides a similar view on a per pattern basis.
Inspect -> Activations (shortcut: CTRL-A)
This display shows network activation and error information for individual
patterns/sweeps, thus allowing, e.g., for a direct comparison of the produced output
activation of each unit and its intended target activation. Use the arrow buttons on the left
to skip through patterns/sweeps, in sequential order, i.e. corresponding to the order in the
Inspect -> Patterns display. If the “sort by error” button is toggled, the arrow buttons skip
to the pattern with the next higher/lower error instead.
Inspect -> Performance (shortcut: CTRL-E)
This display shows, for every sweep, the network’s performance in terms of mean square
error and/or correctness. One datapoint per logged sweep will be displayed if “train
performance” is chosen in the options panel, otherwise datapoints will correspond to the
patterns in Train or Test Patterns. Recall that the curves can be smoothed and grouped.
Tools -> Compare Networks
This tool is meant to enable comparison of the performance of multiple similar networks,
or states of one network. For example, if you have dumped network states (including
tests) at regular intervals during training you might want to investigate how the networks
performance on the test patterns develops over the course of training. Similarly you might
want to compare the performance of several networks that differ from one another only in
terms of their initial weight values or the learning rate used. To do so, choose several
comparable networks from the file selector that is raised by pressing the “select…”
button. Similar to testing or verifying multiple networks, the currently loaded simulation
(always at the top of the list at the left hand side of the window) will serve as a reference
point with which the indicated simulations are compared. Depending on whether you
look at train or verify/test performance you can either smooth or group the displayed
data, just like in the Inspect -> Performance display. Additionally, the “show individual”
button below the list of simulations toggles between displaying data for all the selected
simulations and displaying the mean performance plus a measure of the spread of data
(+/- one standard deviation, indicated by error bars or dotted lines).
Tools -> Cluster Analysis
Cluster analysis is a technique for visualizing high dimensional data. Essentially the idea
is to always group the two elements with the smallest Euclidean distance and
subsequently treat them as one item that is located at the midpoint between the two
original elements. Iterative application of this rule leads to a cluster tree that conveys an
impression on how the items are distributed in some high-dimensional space (e.g. hidden
layer activation space). The length of the edges indicates the distance between
clusters/items. This technique can be applied to any high dimensional data (i.e. all 2-
dimensional matrices of data with columns being interpreted as dimensions and rows as
items), but it usually is most useful for analysing the distributed representations that
emerge in a trained networks hidden layer. Items/patterns/stimuli that are grouped
together are treated as similar by the network.
This tool works only if you have the MATLAB Statistics toolbox installed.
Tools -> PCA
Tools -> Translation
The translation tool will usually be used during the process of setting up a simulation, for
example when you want to transform a couple of words that should serve as the
network’s input patterns into a numerical representation which can be processed by the
network. However, you might also want to translate the network’s output back into
graphemic representations – to some extent this will happen automatically if you have
provided appropriate labels along with the train or test patterns.
Because it is literally impossible to preview the exact translation anyone might want to
perform, the translation tool provides a rather high level solution: you can choose which
variable within the MATLAB workspace you want the translation to be applied to
(translation source), you determine the name that will be given to the outcome of the
translation process (translation target) and you choose the translation function that
mediates between the content of the source (input) and the content of the target (output).
OXlearn provides some inbuilt translation functions, such as mapping letters in the
source onto a six-digit binary code that encodes phonological features such as voiced,
labial, dental, etc 1 . Another, more generic translation function (“OX_trslTlearnStyle.m”)
will query the user for a left hand side (input) and a right hand side (output) translation
table with corresponding rows.
In case none of the provided translation functions suit your needs or you are unclear on
how exactly they work it is recommended to have a look at the corresponding .m files.
You will find these in the subfolder “TranslationFiles” within the “OXlearn” folder. If
you browse to this location using MATLAB’s “current directory” editor, a double click
will open the file within the MATLAB file editor. The translation functions are heavily
commented and even if you have not much experience with programming it should be
relatively easy to find out what they are doing or to adjust them to your needs. Please
make sure to save any changed files under a different name. As long as you keep your
For details of this specific translation function (called “OX_trslCH11.m”) please refer to chapter 11 in
“Exercises in Rethinking Innateness” by Plunkett & Elman (1996).
customized translation functions in the same folder (“…\OXlearn\TranslationFiles”), they
will be offered as a choice in the drop down menu of the translation tool.
Glossary of neural network terms
activation function: a function that is applied to the sum of a node’s incoming activation
(= net input). Common choices include ‘linear’, which amounts to no change at all (i.e.
the node’s activation value is set to its net input), ‘threshold’, which means that the node
will be ‘on’ (activation value of 1) if the incoming activation surpasses a specific value
(usually 0) and off (activation value of 0) otherwise, and ‘sigmoid’, which can be
described as a soft threshold function because the transition from ‘off’ to ‘on’ is more
gradual, allowing for intermediate values as well. The sigmoid is the typical function of
choice for multilayer networks because of these model’s requirement for an activation
function (at least in the hidden layer(s)) that is (a) non-linear and (b) differentiable.
architecture: the way in which the network is set up, e.g., the number of layers, the
number and type of units in each layer, the way the units/layers are connected with each
other, if there is a bias, etc.
bias: a node that has no inputs and is always active (activation value of 1). The effect of
connecting a bias to a normal node within the network is to provide a constant
(independent of the pattern actually processed) bias on the receiving node’s propensity to
respond or, from a mathematical perspective, a bias induces a lateral shift to the receiving
node’s activation function. The direction and amount of said shift is directly proportional
to the weight that connects the bias with the receiving node, and this weight is adjusted
(learned) in the exact same manner as all other weights in the network. In biological
terms, the bias can be linked to a neuron’s resting activation, in technical terms a bias can
help especially in situations in which an output is required although the network has no or
little input activation to work with. It is common to connect a bias to all nodes in a
catastrophic interference: the most common learning algorithms work on the basis of
the individual patterns that are processed in a given sweep. The resulting adjustment of
the weights matrix is guaranteed to improve the network’s performance for this particular
pattern/stimulus. It is possible, however, that the adjustments are detrimental to the
processing of another pattern. Thus, if the magnitude of adjustments to the current
pattern is too large (e.g. due to a large learning rate or because always the same pattern is
presented) the network might loose its ability to deal with other patterns. This
phenomenon is often termed ‘catastrophic interference’ or ‘catastrophic forgetting’, ways
to counteract this tendency include: reducing the learning rate, using a momentum, and/or
making sure that the different patterns are presented in an interleaved manner rather than
in blocks.
epoch: a pass through the entire set of training patterns. If, for example, there are 4
different input/target patterns, an epoch would equal 4 sweeps. OXlearn does not use the
concept of epochs, everything is defined in sweeps.
error: the difference between an output unit’s activation value and the corresponding
target value.
layer: a set of nodes in a network, usually defined by a shared pattern of connectivity.
The most basic network architecture has only two layers (input and output), but most
models employ a three layer architecture which includes an additional hidden layer.
learning algorithm: the mathematical process in which the network determines how to
adjust its weights. In supervised networks, the learning algorithm is aimed at minimizing
the error, usually by implementing some form of gradient descend. The result is that the
weights are adjusted constantly (usually after each sweep during training) in a direction
that would improve the network’s response should the same pattern be processed again.
Over time and through repeated exposure to the different train patterns, the weights
matrix usually settles into a configuration that suits all patterns.
learning rate: the magnitude of weights adjustment. Too small a learning rate can
prevent the network from learning at all (at least within a reasonable amount of
exposure/sweeps), too large a learning rate can induce catastrophic interference.
Determining an appropriate learning rate is not an analytical process, as it depends on
many aspects of a network’s task and architecture and their interaction. As general rules
of thumb, however, smaller networks and networks with little overlap between patterns
can afford larger learning rates (> 0.1), while large networks with much redundancy and
overlap often use learning rates a small as < 0.001.
momentum: a value that determines the proportion of last sweep’s weights adjustment
that is added to the current adjustment of weights. As a result, instead of trying to
maximally accommodate the current pattern, the weight adjustment reflects a mixture of
the current patterns ‘demands’ and those of other recently processed patterns. In terms of
gradient descent, a momentum could be said to add some inertia to the downward path
along the error surface, thus preventing, e.g., the current step to go in an entirely different
direction than the last. In some circumstances using a momentum can make learning
more efficient or stable (see gradient descend). Momentum values > 1 do not usually
make sense, because this would mean that the current step has less influence than past
gradient descent: the most common learning algorithms (e.g., backpropagation)
determine the necessary weights adjustments by looking at the error that results from the
processing of a specific pattern as a function of the weights in the network. Calculating a
partial derivative with respect to all the weights in the network thus gives the direction in
which the weights must be adjusted in order to reduce the error, i.e., going down the
slope of the error function. Depending on the exact set-up of the network, the task
processed and the initial value of the weights, however, there is a possibility that this
process of incrementally reducing the error for individual patterns will not result in the
minimization of the overall error (for all patterns). Analogically speaking, the error
surface can be likened to a hilly landscape and if the only directive is going downwards it
may be that one ends up in a high valley; if this happens, the network is said to be trapped
in a local minimum. Common solutions to prevent this from happening include:
retraining the network (because a different set of initial weights corresponds to a different
place in the error landscape to start from, which might prevent the network from visiting
the problematic region in the error surface), using a momentum (the added inertia can
smooth over the local valley), increasing the learning rate (might step over small local
valleys), and/or using a different presentation order (can induce a different way down the
hidden layer: a group of units that mediate between the (externally determined) input
units and the output units, which correspond to the network’s response. The hidden layer
is especially interesting for researchers, because of the emergent, distributed
representations that develop here during the process of training a network.
Inspecting/visualizing the hidden layer activations can give valuable insights as to how
the network solves (or learns to solve) a task. Determining an appropriate number of
hidden units is difficult, as it depends on the complexity of the task. More hidden units
grant the network more processing power and enable more potential solutions (in terms
of different weights matrixes that solve the task), but that does not necessarily mean that
those solutions are easier to find (by the learning algorithm). Apart from runtime
considerations, an overabundance of hidden units also has the disadvantage of hampering
generalization, because the network can, potentially, solve the task on an exemplar-by-
exemplar basis rather than being forced to extract the regularities within the train set.
Conversely, however, an insufficient number of hidden units will prevent the network
from learning anything but the coarsest regularities in the task.
node: an individual processing unit within a neural network model, usually taken to
roughly mimic the functionality of a biological neuron or group of neurons. A note
performs two functions: (a) summing up all incoming activation (=> netinput) and (b)
passing this sum through an activation function (=> activation value). The incoming
activation for a node is determined by multiplying the activation values of all upstream
nodes with the respective connection weights. Input units are not usually counted as
nodes because their activation value is determined directly by the current input pattern an
they thus don not perform any computations. A similar argument applies to bias nodes.
patterns: in supervised networks, input and target patterns form pairs that represent a
stimulus processed by the network and the expected response. A single input pattern is a
vector of numbers (often binary, i.e. zeros and ones) that determines which activation
values the input units will be set to when this pattern is processed. Similarly, a target
pattern defines the activation values that the units in the output layer should assume when
the corresponding input pattern is passed through the network (The numerical deviation
from the target pattern is called the error). From this it follows that the number of
elements (numbers) in an input pattern should correspond to the number of input units in
the network, whereas the length of the target pattern should correspond to the size of the
output layer. The number of different training or test patterns, conversely, corresponds to
the number of different stimuli that the network processes. During training, the network
is usually presented with the train patterns repeatedly (in a specified order), for
verification the network processes each of the train patterns once at the end of training,
and testing means that the different set of test patterns (often novel patterns that the
network was not exposed to during training) are processed once. Weights are adapted
according to the learning algorithm during training, but not during verification or testing.
In OXlearn, patterns are represented in a matrix where rows correspond to individual
patterns and columns give the respective elements/values.
presentation order: the order in which the individual input/target pattern pairs are
presented (repeatedly) to the network during training. Sequential presentation follows the
order in which the patterns are organized in OXlearn, starting over once the last pattern
(= row of the matrix OXinput) has been presented. Presenting the patterns randomly
without replacement means that, similarly, all patterns are presented once before starting
over, but the order is randomly determined for each pass (or epoch). When presenting
randomly with replacement, one of the patterns is randomly chosen for each individual
mean squared error: value obtained by first raising the deviation of an output unit’s
activation value from the corresponding target value (see error), and then averaging over
all output units.
run: training a network for a given number of sweeps (or until the mean square error is
below a certain value). The weight initialization at the beginning of a run means that all
knowledge acquired in from earlier runs is discarded, each run represents a totally new
take, similar to training another network on a similar task. Successive runs with an
unchanged set-up may still produce divergent results due to the weights initialization
and/or the presentation order, depending on the settings chosen.
seed: a ‘label’ for a specific random distribution. A specific seed guarantees that the
same set of random numbers is drawn whenever this specific seed is used. For example,
the weights matrix at the start of training can be kept constant between training runs
when a seed is specified, thus ruling out that between run differences are due to the
weights initialization.
sweep: forward pass of a single pattern through the network. During training, this is
usually followed by a backwards propagation of the observed error and the resulting
adjustment of weights through application of the learning algorithm.
task: the task of a network is defined by the entire set of input-target pattern pairs that it
is trained on. The network can be said to have solved the task if it performs to a certain
criterion (i.e. max error of any output node < 0.1) for all patterns/stimuli. How difficult it
is for a network to learn a task depends on several factors, most of which can be linked to
the related concepts of interference and redundancy. Learning is easy when many similar
(i.e. patterns whose distribution of activation values overlap considerably) input patterns
exist that require similar responses (i.e. have similar target patterns, such groups of
patterns are often termed ‘friends’). Learning is difficult when there is much competition
for share processing resources (weights), e.g. when only a small aspect of the input
pattern (e.g. the activation value of only one input unit) distinguishes one desired
response (target) from another (this is called an ‘enemy’) or when patterns exist that (a)
are infrequent and (b) are not backed up by ‘friends’. Maybe surprisingly this means that
neural networks are usually more robust (i.e., tolerant with respect to the choice of
learning rate, number of hidden units, presentation order, initial weights, etc.) for larger,
more naturalistic tasks, because these often involve a large number of highly redundant
testing: the presentation of a test set of input-target patterns to a trained network
(sometimes also done at intermediate stages during training). The test patterns are usually
different from the patterns that the network had processed during training, thus allowing
to test the network’s ability to generalize, i.e. to transfer the ‘knowledge’ that was
extracted from the training exemplars to novel stimuli. During testing (and verification)
weights are frozen, that is, the weights are not adjusted any more.
training: see run.
unit: see node
verification: the presentation of the set of train patterns (once, in sequential order) after
training has finished. During verification (and testing) weights are frozen, that is, the
weights are not adjusted any more. Verification is necessary to evaluate the network’s
performance on the entire task for a given weights matrix. Such an evaluation should not
be based on the training performance because the weights change (if only slightly) after
each sweep and even adjacent sweeps are thus not directly comparable.
weight: a numerical value (can be positive or negative) that is associated with the
connection from one node to another. The activation that the downstream node receives is
weighted, that is, the upstream node’s activation value gets multiplied with the weight of
the connection. Weights represent the strength of the connection or association between
two nodes. During the training process, the weights are adjusted according to a learning
weights initialization: The values that are assigned to the weights in a network at the
very beginning of a training run. The virgin network needs to start from somewhere, and
it is usually taken to be the least arbitrary solution to simply assign small random weights
(see seed). Because a network’s performance is entirely determined by its weights matrix,
however, the random values drawn here can in some cases have a profound impact on the
network’s learning progress. It could be, for example, that the randomly drawn set of
initial weights is, by pure chance, very similar to a weights matrix that enables the
network to perform correctly on the given task, in which case there would not be much
learning (i.e., adjustment of weights) left to do. Conversely, it is possible that the initial
weights matrix is detrimental to learning the task, thus either prolonging the learning
process or, in the worst case, preventing the network from finding an optimal solution
(see gradient descend).
weights matrix: a set of weights, usually this refers to either all weights between two
layers or all weights within the whole network. The weights matrix in the latter sense is
what defines the networks functionality and ‘knowledge’. The process of learning, in
neural networks, thus consists of finding an appropriate weights matrix through repeated
processing of train patterns and subsequent application of the learning algorithm.