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This document provides guidelines for qualification testing of plastic welders' knowledge and skills. It establishes uniform standards and procedures for testing welders' competency in specific welding processes and materials.

This document aims to assure quality in plastic welding work by requiring welders to prove their knowledge and skills through a standardized qualification test. Passing the test guarantees a minimum level of competency in the tested areas.

The document covers welding processes like hot gas welding, high-speed hot gas welding, heated tool butt welding, sleeve welding, and heated tool sleeve welding.

File: D:\Eigene Dateien\Kunden\DVS\Ri+Me\2212\Teil 1\englisch\e2212-1.

Erstellt am: 10.10.2008
Zuletzt geändert am: 13.10.2008

December 2008

Qualification testing of plastics welders

Qualification Test Groups I and II
DVS-PersZert ® Hot gas welding with the torch separate from the filler rod (WF), high-
speed hot gas welding (WZ), heated tool butt welding (HS), sleeve Guideline
welding with an incorporated electric heating element (HM), heated tool
sleeve welding (HD) and hot gas extrusion welding (WE) DVS® 2212-1

Translation of the German edition from May 2006

Contents: 1.2 Assurance of the quality

The quality of the welding work essentially depends on the skills
1 Scope of application and purpose
and knowledge of the welder. For the assurance of the quality of
1.1 Scope of application
welding work, the knowledge and the skills must therefore be
1.2 Assurance of the quality
proven in a qualification test. They are only retained if the welder
2 Qualification testing agencies and qualification testers for
is concerned with welding work regularly and to a sufficient
plastics welders
extent. The welding work must be monitored by qualified welding
3 Admission to the qualification tests
supervisory personnel2).
4 Extent and scope of application of the qualification test
4.1 Qualification Test Group I The application of this guideline ensures that this qualification
4.2 Qualification Test Group II test is performed on uniform test pieces in uniform conditions
4.3 Designation according to a uniform qualification test guideline.
5 Proof and period of validity
A welder qualification test passed according to this guideline
5.1 Period of validity of the qualification test
guarantees that the plastics welder has proven the necessary
5.2 Failed qualification test
minimum level of skills and knowledge in the tested fields.
6 Theoretical qualification test
Reprinting and copying, even in the form of excerpts, only with the consent of the publisher

7 Practical qualification test This guideline thus provides the technical prerequisites for the
7.1 Preparation of the test pieces mutual recognition of this plastics welder qualification test by the
7.2 Welding execution and welding supervision responsible agencies.
7.3 Evaluation of the welding operation
7.4 Visual evaluation of the test pieces
7.5 Specimens 2 Qualification testing agencies and qualification testers
7.6 Mechanical-technological testing for plastics welders
7.7 Substitute test pieces and substitute test specimens
8 Standards, technical codes, guidelines and regulations The qualification test is performed by a qualification tester from a
9 Annexes recognised qualification testing agency for plastics welders3).
Annexes 1 to 3: Assessment sheets The qualification testing agency must possess the facilities
Annex 4: Qualification test certificate required for performing the qualification tests. If the qualification
test is performed after a preparatory course for the qualification
test, the trainer and the qualification tester must not be identical.
1 Scope of application and purpose

1.1 Scope of application

3 Admission to the qualification tests
This guideline applies to the qualification testing of the
knowledge and skills of welders who are to execute welds on
Only those people whose training and previous activities mean
thermoplastics in new fabrication and repair.
that they are expected to possess adequate specialist knowledge
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It must be applied wherever customers or agencies responsible and skills in order to pass the qualification test are allowed to
for the area of application demand the deployment of certified take part in the qualification tests. As a rule, this is the case when
plastics welders. one of the conditions listed below is fulfilled:
This DVS® 2212-1 guideline deals with the hot gas welding with a) Concluded training as a plastics fitter or process mechanic for
the torch separate from the filler rod (WF), high-speed hot gas plastic and rubber with experience in the welding processes
welding (WZ), heated tool butt welding (HS), sleeve welding with which are the subject of the qualification test.
an incorporated electric heating element (HM) and heated tool
sleeve welding (HD) processes on pipes, piping parts and panels b) Many years of experience as a plastics welder, particularly in
made of the PVC-U1) PE-HD, PP-H, PP-B, PP-R, PB and PVDF the welding processes which are the subject of the qualifica-
materials in Qualification Test Group I as well as the hot gas tion test, and adequate knowledge of the materials and of the
extrusion welding (WE) on pipes and panels made of the PE-HD, connections between the processes on the basis of the DVS
PP-H, PP-B and PP-R materials in Qualification Test Group II guidelines and technical codes. This is fulfilled by the partici-
according to Tables 1 and 2. pation in special training units adapted to the experience and
specialist know-how of the participant.
The welding of sealing sheets made of PE-HD, ECB and PVC-P
according to the hot gas extrusion welding (WE), hot gas lap c) Technical training (e. g. skilled worker or journeyman in a rele-
welding (WU) and heated wedge welding (HH) processes is dealt vant profession), adequate experience in the processing of
with in the DVS® 2212 technical code, Part 3. semi-finished products made of thermoplastics, including the

Encompasses the PVC-NI, PVC-RI and PVC-HI materials.
See the explanations in the appendix.
Corresponding to the "Requirements on qualification testing agencies and qualification testers for plastics joining technologists" (agreements between
DVS and VdTÜV). The qualification testing agencies can be requested from the offices of DVS in Düsseldorf and of VdTÜV in Essen.

This publication has been drawn up by a group of experienced specialists working in an honorary capacity and its consideration as an important source of information
is recommended. The user should always check to what extent the contents are applicable to his particular case and whether the version on hand is still valid. No
liability can be accepted by the Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., and those participating in the drawing up of the document.

DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group "Joining of Plastics"

DVS, Education Committee, Working Group: "Training and Qualification Testing"

DVS® is a registered trademark of DVS – Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e.V., Düsseldorf
Orders to: DVS Media GmbH, P. O. Box 10 19 65, 40010 Düsseldorf, Germany, Phone: + 49(0)211/1591- 0, Telefax: + 49(0)211/1591-150
Page 2 to DVS® 2212-1

welding technology which is the subject of the qualification The passed qualification test is confirmed on a corresponding
test, and successful participation in the DVS 2281 or certificate (Annex 4).
DVS 2282 course as preparation for the plastics welder quali-
fication test. 5.1 Period of validity of the qualification test
d) Technical training (e. g. skilled worker or journeyman in a rele- The qualification test is valid for one year. Thereafter, the welder
vant profession) and successful participation in: must take a requalification test which is performed according to
– a foundation course about the processing of semi-finished the same method.
products made of thermoplastics4) or If the welder has interrupted his/her activities for longer than six
– the corresponding course as preparation for the plastics wel- months, a requalification test is always necessary.
der qualification test according to DVS 2281 or DVS 2282. The recognised qualification testing agency which has issued the
The welder must be proficient in the qualification test language to certificate can extend the period of validity of the welder
such an extent that he/she can follow the instructions of the qualification test once by one more year if a specialist for plastics
qualification tester and take the theoretical qualification test. welding according to DVS® 2213 who belongs to the company or
a qualification testing agency 5) monitors the quality of the work
according to the subgroups during the fabrication in such a way
4 Extent and scope of application of the qualification test that no doubts arise with regard to the skills of the welder in the
terms of the qualification test requirements. The period of validity
Before the qualification test, it is necessary to reach agreement remains one year if the monitoring is carried out exclusively by
on the qualification test groups and subgroups which must be means of visual inspection. Details are governed by Supplement
included in the qualification test. 1 to this guideline.
4.1 Qualification Test Group I 5.2 Failed qualification test
Qualification Test Group I is divided into Subgroups I-1 to I-15.2 If the qualification test is failed, the plastics welder qualification
according to Table 1. tester decides whether and when a new qualification test can
The scope of application of the qualification tests (Table 1) take place. It should only be performed after adequate practical
encompasses panels and/or pipes in the specified wall and specialist theoretical training.
thicknesses and diameters. Single-V butt welds include fillet
welds. In the case of Subgroups I-1, I-2, I-3, I-5 and I-7, the wall
thicknesses of the single-V butt welds also apply to the design 6 Theoretical qualification test
throat thicknesses of fillet welds.
In the theoretical part of the qualification test, the welder must
The passed qualification tests in Subgroups I-4.1 to I-4.3 may
prove that he/she possesses that knowledge of the practical
include the assessment section according to 7.6.1 "Mechanical-
working rules and of the safety measures which is necessary for
technological testing of the test specimens" in the respective
proper and accident-free work. The proof is provided in the
Subgroups I-6.1 to I-6.3; but not vice versa. However, Test Piece
written multiple-choice procedure. At least 30 questions must be
I-6.1, I-6.2 or I-6.3 must be fabricated and tested for the
set and at least 60 % of these must be answered correctly.
assessment according to Sections 7.3 and 7.4.
The qualification test includes the following subject areas:
A passed qualification test in Subgroups I-4.1 and I-4.3 also
includes Subgroup I-4.2. Thermoplastics:
– designation
A passed qualification test in Subgroups I-6.1 and I-6.3 also
includes Subgroup I-6.2. – strength behaviour
– influence of the temperature and media
4.2 Qualification Test Group II – quality and condition of the semi-finished products and of the
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welding filler materials

Qualification Test Group II is divided into Subgroups II-1.1 to
II-4.2 according to Table 2. Welding:
– processes (WF, WZ, WE, HS, HM and HD)
Subgroup II-3.1 or II-3.2 includes the respective Subgroup II-2.1 – requirements (e. g. on devices and weld qualities)
or II-2.2. – parameters
– weld preparation
4.3 Designation – sequence
The designation of a plastics welder qualification test is formed in – record sheet
the following sequence: qualification test group - subgroup. – occupational health and safety
Example: Plastics welder qualification test in Qualification Test Testing of the welded joint:
Group I with Subgroup 10: Plastics Welder Qualification Test – non-destructive
DVS® 2212-1, I-10. – destructive

5 Proof and period of validity

7 Practical qualification test
In the qualification test, the welder must prove his/her theoretical
knowledge according to Section 6 and his/her practical skills In the practical part of the qualification test, the welder must
according to Section 7. prove that he/she possesses the necessary practical skills.
The results of the theoretical and practical parts of the In this respect, the qualification tester supervises and assesses:
qualification test are combined for the overall result. Both parts – the manufacture of the test pieces
must be passed in order to achieve the overall result "fulfilled" (f). – the surfaces and appearances of the welds and of the fracture
The individual qualification test results are documented on the areas
assessment sheets (Annexes 1 - 3). – the results of the technological tests

e. g. course according to DVS 2280 "...." (under preparation).
Corresponding to the "Requirements on qualification testing agencies and qualification testers for plastics joining technologists" (agreements between
DVS and VdTÜV). The qualification testing agencies can be requested from the offices of DVS in Düsseldorf and of VdTÜV in Essen.
Page 3 to DVS® 2212-1

The practical qualification test is regarded as passed if the ensured that the specimens are dimensionally accurate and that
requirements with regard to: the cut faces do not exhibit any notches.
– the weld preparation and the welding execution, The specimens must be taken with a uniform distribution over the
– the visual inspection of the test pieces and entire weld length or around the circumference. Reference
– the mechanical-technological testing are fulfilled. specimens must be taken from the same test piece in the same
The result of the practical qualification test is documented with direction.
fulfilled (f) or not fulfilled (nf) on the assessment sheet (Annexes The specimens provided for the technological bending test must
1 - 3), section: "Result of the qualification test". be bevelled in a straight line at the edges approx. 1 mm at 45° in
longitudinal tension on the side subjected to tensile stresses.
7.1 Preparation of the test pieces This results in a correspondingly larger bevel in the region of the
welding bead. On the contact side of the bending punch, the
According to the scope of application of the qualification test and welding bead must be machined off without any lines or notches.
of the qualification test subgroups, the material, shape and
dimensions for the test pieces are indicated in Tables 1 and 2. 7.6 Mechanical-technological testing
The test pieces must be cut to size and marked correspondingly.
The materials used (semi-finished product and filler material) 7.6.1 Subgroups I-1 to I-8
must be marked unambiguously and must be proven with quality The technological bending test is performed with reference to
certificates from the manufacturers (at least Works Certificate 2.2 DVS 2203-5. In the case of welds on panel material, three test
according to EN 10204). specimens with cover and root passes (single-V butt weld) or the
opposite side (double-V butt weld) are subjected to tensile testing
7.2 Welding execution and welding supervision in each case. The weld is not machined off on the tension side. In
The weld preparation and the welding are carried out under the the case of welds on pipe test specimens, the tensile testing is
supervision of the qualification tester or of a welding supervisor performed on the inside of the pipe on all six specimens.
appointed by him/her. The welding execution is based on the In this respect, each specimen must reach the minimum bending
stipulations in the corresponding DVS guidelines and technical angle or the minimum bending path specified in Table 1.
codes. In conjunction with a visual assessment of the fracture pattern of
If the welder causes locally limited defects during the qualification the specimens, the welder qualification tester documents the
test and draws attention to these, he/she is allowed to repair the results of the qualification test with fulfilled (f) or not fulfilled (nf)
defects properly with the consent of the qualification tester or the on the assessment sheet (Annex 1).
welding supervisor. The visual evaluation of the fracture pattern encompasses
In the case of any imperfections or difficulties which are not the (amongst other items):
welder's fault, a begun test piece may be replaced subject to the – fracture pattern appearance (ductile or brittle fracture)
agreement of the qualification tester or the welding supervisor. – lack of fusion
– shrinkage cavities
7.3 Evaluation of the welding operation – pores and foreign inclusions
The skilled manual execution of the welding by the welder is
observed and evaluated by the qualification tester or the welding 7.6.2 Subgroups I- 9.1 to I-15.2
supervisor. The results are documented with fulfilled (f) or not The torsion shear test (TST) is performed. The testing and the
fulfilled (nf) on the assessment sheet (Annexes 1 to 3). assessment are carried out according to the information in Table 1.
The evaluation criteria are:
In the case of the HM process, the test specimens must be taken
– establishing of the condition and identity of the workpieces and with the recessing of the contact bushes. In this respect, the apex
the welding filler material must be marked first of all (Figs. 3 and 4).
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– preparation and operation of the welding devices/machines

The results of the qualification test are documented with fulfilled
– selection, setting and measurement of the welding parameters
(f) or not fulfilled (nf) on the assessment sheet (Annex 2).
– preparation of the weld joints and the joining faces
v device manipulation and dexterity in the case of manual weld-
7.6.3 Subgroups II-1.1 to II-4.2
ing processes
– monitoring and checking of the welding sequence and of the The technological bending test is performed with reference to
compliance with the parameters in the case of mechanised DVS 2203-5.
welding processes In this respect, each bending specimen must reach the minimum
– machining of the welds bending angle or the minimum bending path specified in Table 2.
– elaboration of the welding record sheet In conjunction with a visual assessment of the fracture pattern of
the specimens, the welder qualification tester documents the
7.4 Visual evaluation of the test pieces results of the qualification test with fulfilled (f) or not fulfilled (nf)
Before any remachining of the welds which may be necessary, on the assessment sheet (Annex 3).
the welded test pieces are visually inspected and assessed by
the qualification tester. The assessment is based on the 7.7 Substitute test pieces and substitute test specimens
requirements in the DVS 2202-1 technical code, Assessment If one of the test pieces does not fulfil the requirements of the
Group I. The results of the qualification test are documented with visual evaluation according to Section 7.4, a substitute piece may
fulfilled (f) or not fulfilled (nf) on the assessment sheet (Annexes be fabricated with the consent of the welder qualification tester.
1 - 3).
If the requirements are not fulfilled by individual test specimens of
After the visual inspection, the WE welds are remachined a test piece in the mechanical-technological tests, two substitute
according to the information in the DVS technical code test specimens from the same test piece may be tested for up to
concerned and this operation is also checked and assessed. two test specimens. In this respect, the same test pass must be
used with bending specimens as in the case of the test
7.5 Specimens specimens assessed with nf (cover pass or root subjected to
Before the destructive testing, the welded test pieces must be tension).
stored at the room temperature for at least twelve hours. If the requirements are fulfilled by these substitute test
The number, shape and width of the specimens are indicated in specimens, the qualification test section concerned is regarded
the information in Tables 1 and 2 and on Figs. 1 to 4. It must be as passed.
Page 4 to DVS® 2212-1

8 Standards, technical codes, guidelines and regulations DVS 2203-1 Testing of welded joints between thermo-
plastics, test procedures and requirements
DIN 1910-3 Welding – Welding of plastics; processes
DVS 2203-2 Testing of welded joints between thermo-
DIN ISO 1043-1 Plastics – Code letters and codes for poly- plastics, test procedures, tensile test
mers and their particular properties DVS 2203-5 Testing of welded joints between thermo-
DIN 8061 Pipes made of unplasticised polyvinyl chlo- plastics, test procedures, technological
ride, general requirements and testing bending test
DIN 8062 Pipes made of unplasticised polyvinyl chlo- DVS 2205-1 Calculation of tanks and apparatus made of
ride (PVC-U and PVC-HI), dimensions thermoplastics, characteristic values
DIN 807 Pipes made of high-density polyethylene DVS 2205-3 Calculation of tanks and apparatus made of
(PE-HD), dimensions thermoplastics, welded joints
DIN 8075 Pipes made of high-density polyethylene DVS 2205-5 Calculation of tanks and apparatus made of
(PE-HD), general quality requirements and Supplement thermoplastics, rectangular tanks, design-
testing related details
DIN 8077 Pipes made of polypropylene (PP), dimen- DVS 2206 Testing of components and structures
sions made of thermoplastics
DIN 8078 Pipes made of polypropylene (PP), PP-H DVS 2207-1 Welding of thermoplastics, heated tool
(Type 1), PP-B (Type 2) and PP-R (Type 3), welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
general quality requirements and testing made of PE-HD
ISO/DIS 13 954 Plastic pipes and fittings – Peel decohesion DVS 2207-3 Hot gas welding of thermoplastics, panels
test for polyethylene and pipes
DIN EN ISO 14632 Extruded panels made of polyethylene DVS 2207-3 Hot gas welding of thermoplastics, panels
(PE), requirements and test procedures Supplement and pipes, welding parameters
DIN 16927 Panels made of unplasticised polyvinyl DVS 2207-4 Welding of thermoplastics, extrusion weld-
chloride, technical delivery conditions ing, panels and pipes
DIN 16961-1 Pipes and fittings made of thermoplastics DVS 2207-11 Heated tool welding of thermoplastics, pip-
with a profiled wall and a smooth pipe ing made of polypropylene (PP)
inside surface, dimensions DVS 2207-15 Welding of thermoplastics, heated tool
DIN 16961-2 Pipes and fittings made of thermoplastics welding of pipes, piping parts and panels
with a profiled wall and a smooth pipe made of PVDF
inside surface, technical delivery conditions DVS 2208-1 Machines and devices for the welding of
DIN 16962-5 Pipe joints and piping parts for pressure thermoplastics, heated tool welding
piping made of PP, Type 1 and Type 2,
DVS 2208-2 Welding of thermoplastics, machines and
general quality requirements
devices for hot gas welding (except
DIN 16963-5 Pipe joints and piping parts for pressure extrusion welding)
piping made of PE-HD, general quality DVS 2211 Welding filler materials for thermoplastics,
requirements and testing
scope of application, marking, requirements
DIN EN ISO 15013 Extruded panels made of polypropylene and testing
(PP), requirements and test procedures DVS® 2213 Specialist for plastics welding, qualification
DIN 19537-1 Pipes and fittings made of high-density test
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polyethylene (PE-HD) for sewers and waste

DVS® 2214 Qualification test regulations for the
water pipes, dimensions
qualification test to become a specialist for
DIN 19537-2 Pipes and fittings made of high-density plastics welding
polyethylene (PE-HD) for sewers and waste
DVS 2281 DVS-Training course – Plastics welders in
water pipes, technical delivery conditions
qualification test group I
DVS 2202-1 Defects in welded joints between DVS 2282 DVS-Training course – Plastics welders in
thermoplastics, characteristics, description qualification test group II
and assessment
Page 5 to DVS® 2212-1

Appendix: Explanations conditions, of the necessary joint preparation as well as of the

proper handling and execution of the welding work can the
The present guideline only includes the fundamental provisions results of the mechanical short-time tests also constitute
and rules for the execution of the plastics welder qualification meaningful proof of the actual quality of the welded joints.
test. For this reason, those requirements on qualification testing The initially mentioned demand for the extensive experience with
agencies and qualification testers for plastics joining technolo- and knowledge of the technology of plastics welding and of the
gists which have been agreed upon between DVS and VdTÜV testing technology for thermoplastics on the part of the
and were referred to in Section 2 include a catalogue of require- qualification tester is all the more applicable.
ments extending well beyond this guideline.
Rising significance is also being attached to the welding
Precisely for the evaluation of the test pieces including their supervisor. For this reason, DVS guidelines have been
manufacture, the qualification tester must possess extensive elaborated for the qualification testing of the specialist for plastics
experience with and knowledge of the technology of plastics welding (DVS® 2213 and DVS® 2214). This qualification is a
welding and of the testing technology for thermoplastics. prerequisite for deployment as a welding supervisor for the
The present version was elaborated taking account of the quality assurance of plastics welding work and for the supervision
experience gathered in the meantime. For example, the tensile of plastics welders. There are also a number of "welding
test has been deleted in certain qualification test groups because supervisors with equivalent qualifications" such as specialists
it is not very meaningful. from technical control associations, materials testing institutes
and other specialist institutions who are active in the field of
The manufacture of the test pieces was included in the assess- plastics welding and testing technology.
ment for the following reason:
With regard to Qualification Test Groups I-9 to I-15:
The dependence of the quality of the welding work on the skills
In the mechanical-technological tests, the fracture in the test
and knowledge of the welders is all the more applicable to
specimens must arise in the weld. The "torsion shear test" (TST)
plastics welding because, in contrast with metal welding, the
according to Fig. 5 is performed for this purpose. The compliance
mechanical long-time strength (i.e. the load-bearing capacity of
with certain measured values is not the most important factor in
the welded joints) cannot be established solely in short-time
this respect. Instead, the evaluation is made exclusively on the
tests. With regard to the strength and the deformation behaviour,
basis of the fracture behaviour and fracture pattern of the weld.
the destructive tests only give a guide to the long-time load-
The torsion shear test is performed in such a way that the whole
bearing capacity of the welds. In the case of welded joints
area of one part of the test specimen (e. g. the sleeve cross-
between plastics, effective quality assurance must therefore
section) is clamped in a vice. The other part (e. g. the pipe cross-
record as many of the influencing areas as possible in the wake
section) is gripped with a suitable tool and is then twisted in the
of the manufacture of the test pieces, here the quality evaluation
weld plane.
of the test pieces. Only in conjunction with the proof of the
compliance with material-specific and process-specific welding
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Page 6 to DVS® 2212-1

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Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Table 2. Structure, qualification testing conditions, requirements and scope of application of the plastics welder qualificaion test, Qualification Test Group II.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15

Test piece Bending test Requirements beding test Scope of application of the test
Dimensions of panel

Subgroup Material Supporting width Ls / Testing Minimum Minimum Workpiece
Process Joint type (DIN
(panel / welding Length Width Thickness bending beam thickness speed bending bending path Weld shapes thickness in single-
(DVS 2207-4) EN 22553)


filler material mm mm mm (mm) (mm/min) angle (mm) pass welding

SV/SB butt welds up to 20 mm


II - 1.1 > 500 > 250 10 90 / 8 50 65 19.5 DV/DBT butt welds up to 40 mm
continuous Butt joint, PE-HD / of the DB butt welds a < 20 mm
SV butt weld in same type,
one passe wire or granules SV/SB butt welds up to 30 mm

II - 1.2 > 500 > 300 20 120 / 16 50 32 14 DV/DBT butt welds up to 60 mm
DB butt welds a < 30 mm
SV/SB butt welds up to 20 mm

II - 2.1 > 500 > 250 10 90 / 8 50 67 13 DV/DBT butt welds up to 40 mm
continuous Butt joint, PP-H or PP-B / DB butt welds a < 20 mm
SV butt weld in PP-R
one passe wire or granules SV/SB butt welds up to 30 mm

II - 2.2 > 500 > 300 20 120 / 16 50 39 13 DV/DBT butt welds up to 60 mm
DB butt welds a < 30 mm
SV/SB butt welds up to 15 mm

II - 3.1 > 500 > 250 10 90 / 8 20 43 13 DV/DBT butt welds up to 30 mm
continuous Butt joint, PE-H or PP-B / DB butt welds a < 15 mm
SV butt weld in PP-H, PP-B
one passe wire or granules SV/SB butt welds up to 25 mm

II - 3.2 > 500 > 300 20 120 / 16 20 25 13 DV/DBT butt welds up to 50 mm

DB butt welds a < 25 mm
Butt joint, SV/SB butt welds up to 15 mm

II - 4.1 SV butt weld in > 500 > 250 10 90 / 8 50 65 19.5 DV/DBT butt welds up to 30 mm
one passe PE-HD / DB butt welds a < 15 mm
same type,
discontinuous Butt joint, SV/SB butt welds up to 30 mm

II - 4.2 SV butt weld in > 500 > 300 20 120 / 16 50 32 14 DV/DBT butt welds up to 60 mm
one passe DB butt welds a < 30 mm

Quality requirements for the base material and the welding filler material according to Section 7.1.

TB = technological bending test according to DVS 2203-5.

Fracture pattern evaluation according to DVS 2203-2 and DVS 2203-5 as well as according to DVS 2202-1, Assessment Group I.
Page 7 to DVS® 2212-1
Page 8 to DVS® 2212-1

Sub- Test piece Weld Specimen

group dimensions width
s L b1 b2* Joint b e α B in mm
mm mm mm mm type mm mm °
I-1 5 250 250 125 SV 1-2 0 - 1 60 - 70 15
V-groove prepared I-3 10 250 250 125 DV 1-2 0 - 1 60 - 70 15
I-5 10 250 250 125 DV 1-2 0 - 1 60 - 70 15
I-7 4 250 250 125 SV 1-2 0 - 1 60 - 70 15
II - 1.1 10 500 250 125 SV 1-2 0 - 1 55 - 90 20
II - 1.2 20 500 300 150 SV 1-2 0 - 1 50 - 65 30
II - 2.1 10 500 250 125 SV 1-2 0 - 1 55 - 90 20
double V-groove prepared
II - 2.2 20 500 300 150 SV 1-2 0 - 1 50 - 65 30
II - 3.1 10 500 250 125 SV 1-2 0 - 1 55 - 90 20
II - 3.2 20 500 300 150 SV 1-2 0 - 1 50 - 65 30
II - 4.1 10 500 250 125 SV 1-2 0 - 1 55 - 90 20
residual material
used for substitute II - 4.2 20 500 300 150 SV 1-2 0 - 1 50 - 65 30
specimens, * Reference specimens are to be made seperately and have test piece dimensions b1
if required

Thickness s

weld, edge form nor evaluated edge zone,

appr. 50 mm wide
Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Figure 1. Test piece and specimen preparation of single-V and double-V butt welds on panels.

Sub- Test piece Weld Specimen

group dimensions width
d L s Joint b e α B in mm
mm mm mm type mm mm °
I-2 110 250 5.3 SV 0.5 0-1 60 - 70 15
I - 4.1 110 250 6.3 S – – – 15
I - 4.2 250 250 14.2 S – – – 30
or V I - 4.3 630 300 24.3 S – – – 30
I - 6.1 110 250 6.3 S – – – 15
I - 6.2 250 250 14.2 S – – – 30
I - 6.3 630 300 24.3 S – – – 30
I-8 110 250 5.3 S – – – 15

Figure 2. Test piece and specimen preparation for a single-V butt weld on the pipe as well as for HS welds on the pipe.
Page 9 to DVS® 2212-1

apex during welding

Figure 5. "Torsion shear test" for the test pieces in Subgroups I-9.1 to

The torsion shear test serves to evaluate the fracture behaviour
and fracture pattern of the weld. For this purpose, the whole area
of one part of the test specimen (e. g. the sleeve cross-section) is
clamped in a vice. The other part (e. g. the pipe cross-section) is
Figure 3. "Test pieces in Subgroups I-9.1 to I-11", PE-HD, PP and PB
materials, lap weld between the pipe and the sleeve,
gripped with a suitable tool and is then twisted by 90° in the weld
mechanised HM process, DVS 2207-1 and DVS 2207-11. plane. The rotational speed is very low in order to largely
eliminate its influence on the fracture behaviour of the test
Four test specimens by means of slitting, uniformly distributed specimen. The clamping faces should be slightly undercut in
around the circumference with the recessing of the contact order to be able to input the torsion moment into the weld plane in
bushes, one cut through the apex during the welding: a targeted way.
Pipe wall thickness s ≤ 10 mm: test specimen width b ≥ 3 - 6 mm
Pipe wall thickness s > 10 mm: test specimen width
b = 5 - 10 mm
Test piece length: sleeve length + 2 x 200 mm free
pipe length
Test specimen length: sleeve length + 2 x ≈ 10 mm free
Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Figure 4. "Test pieces in Subgroups I-12.1 to I-15.2", PE-HD, PP, PB

and PVDF materials, lap weld between the pipe and the
sleeve, mechanised HD and manual HD processes,
DVS 2207-1, DVS 2207-11 and DVS 2207-15.

Four test specimens by means of slitting, uniformly distributed

around the circumference:
Test piece length: sleeve length + 2 x 200 mm free pipe
Test specimen length: sleeve length + 2 x ≈ 10 mm free length
Test specimen width: b = 6 mm
Page 10 to DVS® 2212-1

Annex 1

Assessment sheet for the certificate for a plastics welder qualification test
Qualification Test DVS 2212-1, Qualification Test Subgroups I-1 to 1-8

Name of the qualification test participant: No.:

Test piece no. I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4.1 I-4.2 I-4.3 1-5 1-6.1 1-6.2 1-6.3 1-7 1-8
Material PVC-U PP-H; PP-B; (PP-R) PE-HD PVDF
Test piece type Pa 5 Pi 110 Pa 10 Pi 110 Pi 250 Pi 630 Pa 10 Pi 100 Pi 250 Pi 630 Pa 4 Pi 110

Evaluation of the welding execution according to Section 7.3

Identification of the joining members
Preparation; operation of the welding devices
Selection and setting of the parameters
Weld preparation
Device manipulation, dexterity
Checking of the welding sequence
Intermediate and Subsequent machining
Result of the welding execution

Visual evaluation of the test pieces according to Section 7.4

Bead notches
Lugs, projections
Stretching, upsetting
Discoloration, burning
Weld reinforcement
Root reinforcement
Misalignment of the joining members
Uniformity of the weld path
Remachining of the weld

Result of the visual evaluation

Technological bending test according to Section 7.6.1

Nominal value bending angle [ ] 30 30 43 (67) 85 (150) 50 (90) 25 (45) 65 160 70 30 70 42
Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Nominal value bending path [mm] 7 7 13 (20) 23 (53) 16 (31) 13 (24) 19.5 57 27.5 17 18 15
Lowest actual value bending angle
Lowest actual value bending path
Result of the technological bending test

Visual evaluation of the fracture pattern according to Section 7.4

Fracture pattern appearance
Lack of fusion
Shrinkage cavities
Pores, foreign substance inclusion

Result of the fracture pattern evaluation

Test piece no.

Overall evaluation of the qualification test
I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4.1 Î-4-2 I-4.3 I-5 I-6.1 I-6.2 I-6.3 I-7 I-8

Date Signature of the qualification tester

Page 11 to DVS® 2212-1

Annex 2

Assessment sheet for the certificate for a plastics welder qualification test
Qualification Test DVS 2212-1, Qualification Test Subgroups I-9 to I-15.2

Name of the qualification test participant: No.:

Test piece no. I-9.1 I-9.2 I-10 I-11 I-12.1 I-12.2 I-13.1 I-13.2 I-14.1 I-14.2 1-15.1 1-15.2
manual mecha- manual mecha- manual mecha- manual mecha-
nised nised nised nised
Test piece type Pipe
* PP-H, PP-B, PP-R
Evaluation of the welding execution according to Section 7.3
Identification of the joining members
Preparation; operation of the welding devices
Selection and setting of the parameters
Weld preparation
Device manipulation, dexterity
Checking of the welding sequence
Overall evaluation

Visual evaluation of the test pieces according to Section 7.4 (if necessary, after the cutting-open of the test pieces)
Bead formation
Angular deviation
Ovality, deformation
Pipe insert
Positive locking
Lack of fusion
Pores, foreign inclusions
Heater spiral position
Overall evaluation

Visual evaluation of the fracture pattern after the torsion shear test or the peeling test
Fracture pattern appearance
Lack of fusion
Shrinkage cavities
Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Pores, foreign substance inclusion

Overall evaluation

Test piece no.

Overall evaluation of the qualification test
I-9.1 I-9.2 I-10 I-11 I-12.1 I-12.2 Î-13.1 I-13.2 I-14.1 I-14.2 I-15.1 I-15.2

Date Signature of the qualification tester

Page 12 to DVS® 2212-1

Annex 3

Assessment sheet for the certificate for a plastics welder qualification test
Qualification Test DVS 2212-1, Qualification Test Subgroups II-1.1 to II-4.2

Name of the qualification test participant: No.:

Test piece no. II-9.1 II-9.2 II-10 II-11 II-12.1 II-12.2 II-13.1 II-13.2
Material PE-HD^ PP-H; PP-B; PP-R PE-HD
Process WE continuous WE discontinuous
Test piece type Panel

Evaluation of the welding execution according to Section 7.3

Identification of the joining members
Preparation; operation of the welding devices
Selection and setting of the parameters
Weld preparation
Device manipulation, dexterity
Checking of the welding sequence
Intermediate and subsequent machining
Overall evaluation

Visual evaluation of the test pieces according to Section 7.4

Bead formation, lateral flow
Lugs, projections
Discoloration, burning
Weld reinforcement
Root reinforcement
Misalignment of the joining members
Uniformity of the weld path
Remachining of the weld
Overall evaluation

Technological bending test according to Section 7.6.3

Nominal value bending angle [ ]

Nominal value bending path

Lowest actual value bending angle
Lowest actual value bending path
Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Overall evaluation

Visual evaluation of the fracture pattern according to Section 7.4

Fracture pattern appearance
Lack of fusion
Shrinkage cavities
Pores, foreign substance inclusion
Overall evaluation

Test piece no.

Overall evaluation of the qualification test
II-1.1 II-1.2 II-2.1 II-2.2 II-3.1 II-3.2 II-4.1 II-4.2

Date Signature of the qualification tester

Page 13 to DVS® 2212-1

Annex 4

Qualification test certificate according to DVS® 2212-1

Mr./Mrs. _ ____________________________________ Control no./code ____________________________________________

Date of birth __________________________________ Place of birth _______________________________________________

took his/her first/repeat*) plastics welder qualification test according to DVS® 2212-1 in the subgroups**): ______________________

on behalf of ________________________________________________________________________________________________

on __________________________________________

with the test pieces: ____________________________

Remarks: _________________________________________________________________________________________________


The qualification test certificate includes the assessment sheet control-no. ______________________________________________

Qualification test result

("fulfilled" or "not fulfilled")
Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Practical qualification test: _______________________

Theoretical qualification test: _____________________

Overall result: _________________________________

Validity of the certificate according to DVS 2212-1, Section 5.1

Until ________________________________________ Date of issue: ______________________________________________


(Qualification tester)
(Stamp, name and signature)

*) Non-applicable words must be deleted.

**) The scope of application of the passed subgroups is indicated in the list overleaf.
Page 14 to DVS® 2212-1

Back of the qualification test certificate:

Test pieces and scope of application according to DVS 2212-1
Process Joint type Scope of application of the qualification test
Subgroup Material1)
(DIN 1910-3) (DIN EN 22553) Component thickness or pipe diameter (mm)
I-1 WZ V PVC- U SV-/ DBT butt welds 1...10 DV butt welds ...20
I-2 WF V PVC- U SV-/ DBT butt welds 1...10 DV butt welds ...20
I-3 WZ X SV-/ DBT butt welds 1...10 DV butt welds ...20
I - 4.1 HS II S butt welds > 2...30 and up to ∅ 225
I - 4.2 HS II S butt welds > 2...50, ∅ 160...500
I - 4.3 HS II S butt welds > 5...60, ∅ 315...1600
I-5 WZ X SV-/ DBT butt welds 1...10 DV butt welds ...20
I - 6.1 HS II S butt welds > 2...30 and up to ∅ 225
I - 6.2 HS II S butt welds > 2...50, ∅ 160...500
I - 6.3 HS II S butt welds > 5...60, ∅ 315...1600
I-7 WZ V SV-/ DBT butt welds 1...10 DV butt welds ...20
I-8 HS II S butt welds 1.9...10 and up to ∅ 225
I - 9.1 HM Up to ∅ 160
I - 9.2 HM ∅ 160...630
I - 10 HM PP-H; PP-B; PP-R Up to ∅ 125
I - 11 HM PB Up to ∅ 110
I - 12.1 HD manual Up to ∅ 50
I - 12.2 HD mechanised Up to ∅ 125
I - 13.1 HD manual Up to ∅ 50
I - 13.2 HD mechanised Up to ∅ 125
I - 14.1 HD manual Up to ∅ 50
I - 14.2 HD mechanised Up to ∅ 110
I - 15.1 HD manual Up to ∅ 40
I - 15.2 HD mechanised Up to ∅ 110
SV/SB butt welds Up to 20 mm
II - 1.1 PE-HD / DV/DBT butt welds Up to 40 mm
of the same type Fillet welds a < 20 mm
Wire SV/SB butt welds Up to 30 mm
II - 1.2 WE continuous Granules DV/DBT butt welds Up to 60 mm
Fillet welds a < 30 mm
SV/SB butt welds Up to 20 mm
II - 2.1 WE continuous PP-H or DV/DBT butt welds Up to 40 mm
PP-B Fillet welds a < 20 mm
Normen-Download-Beuth-FINMA S.A. / Org.Techint-KdNr.7046465-LfNr.5141583001-2010-11-30 14:59

Wire SV/SB butt welds Up to 30 mm
II - 2.2 WE continuous Granules DV/DBT butt welds Up to 60 mm
Butt joint, Fillet welds a < 30 mm
SV butt weld
in one pass SV/SB butt welds Up to 15 mm
II - 3.1 WE continuous PP-H or DV/DBT butt welds Up to 30 mm
PP-B Fillet welds a < 15 mm
Wire SV/SB butt welds Up to 25 mm
II - 3.2 WE continuous Granules DV/DBT butt welds Up to 50 mm
Fillet welds a < 25 mm
SV/SB butt welds Up to 15 mm
II - 4.1 DV/DBT butt welds Up to 30 mm
PE-HD / Fillet welds a < 15 mm
WE discontinuous of the same type
Granules SV/SB butt welds Up to 30 mm
II - 4.2 DV/DBT butt welds Up to 60 mm
Fillet welds a < 30 mm
1) Quality requirements for the base material and the welding filler material according to Section 8.

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