Level Gauge Bonneti PDF
Level Gauge Bonneti PDF
Level Gauge Bonneti PDF
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
General information BONETTI bicolour level gauges (Fig. 704)
CESARE BONETTI Company has been manufacturing level Working principle:
gauges since their origin. This product has been our industrial The two opposite glasses fitted into these bicolour level gauges
speciality in Italy and all over the world since the twenties. are not parallel to each other. By means of a suitable illuminator
This catalogue describes our glass level gauges, whereas our into which a red and a green screens are fitted,
magnetic level gauges are shown in a separate bulletin. – the portion of visible length occupied by steam appears red
When you only state the operating conditions, namely: whereas
– fluid – the portion of visible length occupied by water appears green.
– working pressure The level reading is very easy even at a considerable distance.
– working temperature The reading of the bicolour level gauges is not affected by the
we are able to supply the most suitable level gauge from both the blind spaces between one port-hole and the successive one (Fig.
points of view functionality and price. 704). Details on page 224-25.
There are three basic types of glass level gauges:
– reflex
Their main application is on high pressure steam boilers.
– transparent
– bicolour. BONETTI bicolour level gauges with parallel glasses (Fig. 812)
Working principle:
BONETTI reflex level gauges (Fig. 701) It is a variation of transparent level gauges, however equipped with
Working principle: two reflex glasses and a back illuminator, fitted with suitable
The liquid level is distinguished by the different brightness of the coloured filters. The sharp reading is given by the contrast between
reflex glass in the water or in the steam space. in fact, where there the bright colour (usually: red) of filters in the lower part containing
is liquid in contact with the glass, the incidental light is refracted to liquid and the colour of upper part of visible window (Fig. 812).
the inside of the gauge and absorbed; in the steam space, the
incidental light is reflected against the glass grooves and the glass Applications:
appears very bright (Fig. 701). These level gauges are particularly suitable for liquids:
– colourless,
Applications: – very fluid,
Reflex level gauges can be used in most of application and offer – non-corrosive for glasses (e.g. ammoniacal solutions, trichlo-
great advantages in terms of: roethylene, water steam up to 32 bar, etc.).
– low initial cost
– low operating cost Remote Reading Level Gauges, type ITT-RDR
– easy level reading Now these level gauges are not frequently requested because
Reflex level gauges cannot be used in certain cases as for example: Magnetic Remote Reading Level Gauges are preferred (specific
– when the separation level between two liquids has to be read bulletin on request).
(interface); Nevertheless they are appreciated and we still produce them.
– when besides the level indication, the observation of the liquid The system includes: drum connections, condensate pot, down-
colour is required; ward connection pipes, operating device, down gauge body.
– when the process fluid is high-pressure water steam, since in Usually bodies type BT29 or BT33 are used.
this case the glass must be protected from the solvent action of Further details on request.
the boiler water by using mica shields;
– when the process fluid is such that can corrode the glass (e.g. Request of Offer and Order
high temperature alkaline solutions or hydrofluoric acid), since
mica shields or Polytrifluorochloroethylene shields must be The above descriptions are given as general information on the
used to protect the glass. possible uses of BONETTI level gauges.
However the characteristics of the plant by same performances
should guide the planner towards a well defined type of level
BONETTI transparent level gauges (Fig.702 and 703) gauge, that is most suitable for the purpose.
Working principle: Guide elements can be:
Apart from glass tube level gauges, transparent level gauges are – pressure, temperature, colour, viscosity, density, corrosion
always fitted with two plate transparent glasses between which the power of the process fluid,
fluid is contained. The fluid level is indicated as the result of the dif- – environmental conditions as dangerous area, indoor or outdoor,
ferent transparency of the two media (Fig. 702) and in some cases corroding atmosphere, etc.
(for water steam), by conveying upwards on to the surface of sep- Therefore when enquiring about level gauges or when placing or-
aration (between liquid and gaseous substances) a source of light der the following information must be supplied:
(Fig. 703) located at the back of the gauge, the rays of which are – type of the process fluid
totally reflected down to the observer. – maximum working pressure
Applications: – maximum working temperature
Transparent level gauges are suitable for almost all installations. – centre to centre distance between the vessel connections (or
In fact they permit: visible length required)
– the use of mica shields or Polytrifluorochloroethylene shields to – type of connections (flanged, threaded, etc.) and standard (UNI,
protect the glass from the corrosive action of the process fluid; ASME, BS, DIN, AFNOR, GOST, etc.) according to which they
– the observation of interface; are required
– the observation of the liquid colour. – optionals requested: see
- page 27 for shut-off valves
- page 37 for gauges bodies.
Fig. 701 reflex Fig. 702 transparent Fig. 703 transparent Fig. 704 bicolour Fig. 812 bicolour
Quality Valves & Level Gauges In this Bulletin we give the description of our level gauges
made of metallic materials and omit that ones of non-
metallic materials (Ebonite, Polypropylene, PTFE, etc.):
Types, Material Schedules, Applications information on request.
Max operating
Material Rating (**)
Fig. 864 Type Page conditions Temp. °C PN bar Fluid
Schedule ASME Class
Press. Bar
BR14 - GP11 6
52 20 211 25 Water steam, other fluids
BR 14 - G11 6
BR12 - GP11 7 52 32 236 40 Water steam
64 120
BR12 - G11 7 52, 64 Other fluids (Remark 14)
40 300(*)
BR22 - GP11 8 52 12 187 16 Water steam
28 38
BR22 - GP12 8 52, 64 Other fluids (Remark 14)
10 300(*)
BR23 - GP11 9 52 22 216 Water steam
R e f l e x
105 38
BR23 - GP12 9 52, 63, 64 600 100 Other fluids (Remark 14)
80 300(*)
BR24 - GP11 10 52 32 236 Water steam
165 38
BR24 - GP12 10 52, 63, 64 900 100 Other fluids (Remark 14)
105 300(*)
200 38 Any fluids, water steam
BR28 - G41 11 51, 52, 63, 64 1500 250
160 300(*) excepted (Remark 14)
165 38 Any fluids, water steam
BR28 - GP12 11 52, 63, 64
105 300(*) excepted (Remark 14)
105 38 Any fluids, water steam
BR25 - GP12 12 52, 63, 64 900 100
62 300(*) excepted (Remark 14)
(*) Maximum allowable temperature according to DIN 7081 / 1999-05. For operating condition with temperature over 300 °C,
please apply to our Sales or Technical department.
(**) The shown rating is an indication only: level gauge rating can change according the level gauge valve fitted on it. See al so
notes on page 5 and apply to us for further information
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
For some types of level gauges we have normally available components made of different nuances of AISI 316,
SPECIAL Monel 400 (ASTM B164 - Class A), Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, Incoloy 825, Carpenter 20 CB 3, Nickel, Titanium,
Ebonite, PVC, Polypropylene, PTFE. Apply to us for other materials.
1 The tag indicating the type of the level gauge consists of two 8 In Fig. 706 is indicated the material of the piston for the set of
parts that define: valves type GP11 and GP12. For a detailed list of material
– the type of the level gauge body currently employed on shut-off valves, refer to tables shown
– the type of the set of valves. on the pages illustrating the level gauges valves (from page
27 to page 33)
2 The level gauges having their tag followed by a “Z” are spe-
cial constructions. They are suitable for operating conditions 9 For type BR13-G51, the ASME rating is an indication only.
different than the ones shown in Fig. 864 for the correspon-
ding standard type. 10 Types BR26, BR27, BT26, BT27 are manufactured for ASME
600 rating. Anyway the operating conditions must take into
3 The nominal passage diameter in the BONETTI level gauges consideration the vessel project, the welding difficulties on
is 10 mm, if not otherwise indicated. Only the gauge bodies the vessel of the level gauge body and especially that there
type BR25 and BT25 have a “large chamber” with 40 mm are no shut-off fittings.
inside diameter and are usually used where the medium boils
surges. 11 The type BTV-GP11 is equipped with a glass transparent
tube. Because of its brittleness this level gauge can be used
4 The ASME ratings and the operating conditions shown in Fig. with dangerless fluids only, although in presence of glass
864 refer to size 9. For smaller sizes the operating conditions protector.
an be higher. See diagrams on each description page or
apply to us. 12 In case the level gauge must be fitted directly on a steam
boiler drum, please state it clearly.
5 The classification shown in the column “ASME ratings»
could be modified by temperature operating condition, due to 13 Most of Figures show the level gauges fitted with the Sets
the maximum limit temperature suitable for the glass type GP11, GP12 (Fig. 834 page 29). They can also be fitted
according DIN 7081/199-05. As shown in the Table with Sets G41, G42, GS41, GS42 (see pages 30 and 31). In
of Fig. 864 the maximum operating conditions are generally the latter case the level gauges identification tag changes
higher than those of ASME rating. Apply to us for further after the hyphen, e.g. from BR24-GP11 to BR24-G41. The
information. maximum operating conditions, ratings and applications are
a function of the gauge body, therefore Fig. 864 and 706 are
6 The ASME ratings and the operating conditions shown in Fig. still valid.
864 refer to standard materials as carbon steel, stainless
steel, Hastelloy and to standard glass joints. When special 14 In case of fluid corrosive for the glass, please refer to our
materials (Monel, Nickel, Ebonite, PVC, etc.) and/or special Technical department to define maximum allowable tempea-
joints (pure PTFE, Kel-F, etc.) are required, the maximum ture and glass protection.
operating conditions have to be verified.
Reflex BONETTI Level Gauges
type BR14 with GP11 and G11 valves
7 BR14 gauges are fitted with reflex glasses type A (see page
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
7 BR12 gauges are fitted with reflex glasses type A (see page
Length CC min.
Reflex BONETTI Level Gauges of
Length Visible CC min. CC min.
Weight with Weight
Size of body length with with
glass kg G & GS kg
type BR23 with GP11, GP12, G41/42 and GP11 GP12
41 & 42
GS41/42 valves 1 115 128 95 241 209 10,4 218 15,8
2 140 153 120 266 234 10,8 243 16,2
3 165 178 145 291 259 11,7 268 17,1
Fig. 839.1 Type BR23-GP11 4 190 203 170 316 284 12,2 293 17,6
5 220 233 200 346 314 13,0 323 18,4
6 250 263 230 376 344 13,9 353 19,3
7 280 293 260 406 374 14,2 383 19,6
8 320 333 300 446 414 15,2 423 20,6
9 340 353 320 466 434 15,7 443 21,1
2x4 190 413 380 526 494 18,0 503 23,4
2x5 220 473 440 586 554 19,5 563 24,9
2x6 250 533 500 646 614 21,4 623 26,8
2x7 280 593 560 706 674 22,0 683 27,4
2x8 320 673 640 786 754 23,9 763 29,3
2x9 340 713 680 826 794 24,9 803 30,3
3x6 250 803 770 916 884 28,9 893 34,3
3x7 280 893 860 1006 974 29,7 983 35,1
3x8 320 1013 980 1126 1094 32,7 1103 38,1
3x9 340 1073 1040 1186 1154 34,2 1163 39,6
4x7 280 1193 1160 1306 1274 37,5 1283 42,9
4x8 320 1353 1320 1466 1434 41,5 1443 46,9
4x9 340 1433 1400 1546 1514 43,5 1523 48,9
5x7 280 1493 1460 1606 1574 45,3 1583 50,7
5x8 320 1693 1660 1806 1774 50,2 1783 55,6
5x9 340 1793 1760 1906 1874 52,8 1883 58,2
6x8 320 2033 2000 2146 2114 58,1 2123 63,5
6x9 340 2153 2120 2266 2234 62,0 2243 67,4
7x9 340 2513 2480 2626 2594 71,3 2603 76,7
CC min.
Reflex BONETTI Level Gauges Length Length Visible CC min.
Weight with Weight
Size of glass of body length with
kg G & GS kg
type BR28 with GP12, G41/42 and GP12
41 & 42
GS41/42 valves 1 115 165 95 246 18,8 255 24,2
2 140 190 120 271 19,6 280 25,0
3 165 215 145 296 20,5 305 25,9
Fig. 856
4 190 240 170 321 21,5 330 26,9
Type BR28-G41 5 220 270 200 351 22,7 360 28,1
6 250 300 230 381 24,1 390 29,5
7 280 330 260 411 25,4 420 30,8
8 320 370 300 451 26,8 460 32,2
9 340 390 320 471 27,7 480 33,1
2x4 190 450 380 531 38,9 540 44,3
2x5 220 510 440 591 41,3 600 46,7
2x6 250 570 500 651 44,1 660 49,5
2x7 280 630 560 711 46,7 720 52,1
2x8 320 710 640 791 49,5 800 54,9
2x9 340 750 680 831 51,3 840 56,7
3x6 250 840 770 921 64,1 930 69,5
3x7 280 930 860 1011 68,0 1020 73,4
3x8 320 1050 980 1131 72,2 1140 77,6
3x9 340 1110 1040 1191 74,9 1200 80,3
4x7 280 1230 1160 1311 89,3 1320 94,7
4x8 320 1390 1320 1471 94,9 1480 100,3
4x9 340 1470 1400 1551 98,5 1560 103,9
5x7 280 1530 1460 1611 110,6 1620 116,0
5x8 320 1730 1660 1811 117,6 1820 123,0
5x9 340 1830 1760 1911 122,1 1920 127,5
6x8 320 2070 2000 2151 140,3 2160 145,7
6x9 340 2190 2120 2271 145,7 2280 151,1
7x9 340 2550 2480 2631 169,3 2640 174,7
6 BR28 gauges are fitted with reflex glasses type B (see page
CC min.
Reflex BONETTI Level Gauges Length Length Visible CC min.
Weight with Weight
Size of glass of body length with
kg G & GS kg
type BR25 with GP12, G41/42 and GP12
41 & 42
GS41/42 valves 1 115 158 95 239 14,4 248 19,8
2 140 183 120 264 15,5 273 20,9
3 165 208 145 289 16,6 298 22,0
Fig. 841 Type BR25-GP12 4 190 233 170 314 18,6 323 24,0
5 220 263 200 344 19,0 353 24,4
6 250 293 230 374 20,3 383 25,7
7 280 323 260 404 22,8 413 28,2
8 320 363 300 444 23,3 453 28,7
9 340 383 320 464 24,2 473 29,6
2x4 190 443 380 524 26,6 533 32,0
2x5 220 503 440 584 29,2 593 34,6
2x6 250 563 500 644 31,8 653 37,2
2x7 280 623 560 704 34,4 713 39,8
2x8 320 703 640 784 37,9 793 43,3
2x9 340 743 680 824 39,6 833 45,0
3x6 250 833 770 914 43,3 923 48,7
3x7 280 923 860 1004 47,2 1013 52,6
3x8 320 1043 980 1124 52,4 1133 57,8
3x9 340 1103 1040 1184 55,0 1193 60,4
4x7 280 1223 1160 1304 60,0 1313 65,4
4x8 320 1383 1320 1464 66,9 1473 72,3
4x9 340 1463 1400 1544 70,4 1553 75,8
5x7 280 1523 1460 1604 72,8 1613 78,2
5x8 320 1723 1660 1804 81,5 1813 86,9
5x9 340 1823 1760 1904 85,8 1913 91,2
6x8 320 2063 2000 2144 96,0 2153 101,4
6x9 340 2183 2120 2264 101,2 2273 106,6
7x9 340 2543 2480 2624 116,6 2633 122,0
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
6 BR13 gauges are fitted with reflex glasses type A-BR13 (see
1 Connections between gauge and valves are made by flanges. page 38), that ARE NOT COMPRESSED by the tightening
Gauge body cannot be rotated on its axis. Other connections screw. Joint Dimensions and Maintenance Instructions on
on request. request.
2 According to the right or left position of the handwheel of the 7 Operating conditions and material schedules on pages 4 and
stop valves on the gauge body, the level gauges are named 5.
right-handed or left-handed fig. 857 shows a right-handed
level gauge. 8 Applicable optionals and bolting torques on pages 27, 36, 37.
3 When ordering a level gauge please state: 9 Gauge bodies without valves can be supplied:
- Centre to centre distance between connections (CC) – end connected (threaded or flanged)
- Standard. Size and Finishing of connections – side connected (threaded or flanged)
- Whether right-handed or left-handed. – back connected (threaded or flanged).
Please state connecting dimensions and Standard.
4 Flanges are finished to customer prescriptions. Please state:
– Standard – Size
– Pressure class – Finishing
The inside passage through the gauge is at least 12,5 mm.
5 Instead of flanges, connections to vessel can be delivered
with threaded ends or with weld ends.
Reflex BONETTI Level Gauges
Weld - on Bodies, type BR26 and BR27
1 These gauge bodies are suitable for welding directly on the 5 When enquiring or ordering BR27 please state the external
vessel. Therefore, no valves can be fitted between vessel and radius (R) of the vessel on which the gauge must be welded.
gauge, and incase of glass breakage, the fluid flowing from
the vessel cannot be stopped. 6 For visible lengths over 320 mm two or more single gauge
bodies will have to be welded on the vessel. In this case it is
2 It is necessary to control the suitability of the vessel wall, on advisable to fit the gauge bodies not along the same vertical
which the gauge body is to be welded as this must not be line, but offset.
excessively weakened by the holes or communicating window
with the gauge. Steel plates to strengthen the vessel wall 7 BR26 and BR27 are fitted with reflex glasses type B (see page
should be used whenever this is possible. 38).
3 During the welding operation, be careful to not expose the 8 Operating conditions and material schedules on pages 4 and
gauge body for long time to high temperatures, as this might 5.
damage the flatness of the glass sealing surface.
9 Applicable optionals and bolting torques on pages 36, 37.
4 For BR26 the connecting lip is provided to facilitate the weld-
ing operation.
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
1 Type BTV-GP11 level gauges are equipped with a transparent 5 When ordering a level gauge please state:
glass tube of 16 mm outside diameter. The limitation of the – Centre to centre distance between connections (CC)
operating conditions is due to the glass tube, while the valves – Standard, Size and Finishing of connections
type GP11 are suitable for higher pressure and temperature. – Whether right-handed or left-handed.
2 As the glass tubes are usually found on sale up to a maximum 6 Flanges are finished to customer prescriptions. Please state:
standard length of about 2000 mm, when the centre to centre – Standard – Size
distance is longer than this size, the installation of several, – Pressure class – Finishing
cascade disposed level gauges or the application of an inter- The inside passage through the gauge is 10 mm.
mediate support with stuffing-boxes are necessary. In the lat-
ter case the length of each glass tube will be half the centre to 7 Instead of flanges, connections can be delivered with
centre distance minus 17 mm. threaded ends. Standard is 3/4” NPT, union. Other Standard
and size on request.
3 To protect the glass tube against shocks we supply on request
– U shaped metallic protector (Fig. 720) to be fixed to the 8 BTV-GP11 gauges are fitted with glass tubes having 16 mm
stuffing box gland and/or outside diameter and length equal to the centre to centre dis-
– acrylic resin tube protector (Fig. 721) sealed by O-Rings tance minus 28 mm.
to the stuffing box gland.
9 Operating conditions and material schedules on pages 4 and
4 According to the position of the shut-off valves compared with 5.
the gauge body, the level gauge is named “right-handed” or
“left-handed”. Fig. 842 shows a left-handed gauge. Each level 10 Applicable optionals on pages 27 and 37.
gauge can be assembled right-handed or left-handed. Usually
two level gauges (1 right and 1 left) are installed on steam
13 vessels.
Length CC min.
Transparent BONETTI Level Gauges of
Length Visible CC min. CC min.
Weight with Weight
Size of body length with with
type BT23 with GP11, GP12, G41/42 and glass
GP11 GP12
kg G & GS
41 & 42
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
Length CC min.
Transparent BONETTI Level Gauges of
Length Visible CC min. CC min.
Weight with Weight
Size of body length with with
type BT24 with GP11, GP12, G41/42 and glass
GP11 GP12
kg G & GS
41 & 42
Transparent BONETTI Level Gauges Length Length Visible
CC min. Weight
CC min.
with Weight
Size of glass of body length
type BT25 with GP12, G41/42 and G B V
with GP12 kg G & GS
41 & 42
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
Length CC min.
Transparent BONETTI Level Gauges of
Length Visible CC min. CC min.
Weight with Weight
Size of body length with with
type BT28 with GP11, GP12, G41/42 and glass
GP11 GP12
kg G & GS
41 & 42
Transparent BONETTI Level Gauges
type BT33 with G52 valves
Length Length Visible or left-handed. Fig. 858 shows a right-handed level gauge
CC min. Usually two level gauges (1 right and 1 left) are installed on
Size of glass of body length Weight steam vessels.
3 165 225 145 387 41,1 3 According to some Steam Boiler Regulations, the visible
4 190 250 170 412 43,4
length of the level gauges installed on steam boilers must be
not shorter than a fixed length. Therefore the suitability of the
5 220 280 200 442 46,3
smaller sizes must be checked.
6 250 310 230 472 49,1
7 280 340 260 502 51,9 4 For visible length over 320 mm we manufacture combined
8 320 380 300 542 55,6 level gauges having two or more gauge bodies on common
9 340 400 320 562 57,5 centre piece. Side gauge for by-passing blind distance is
2x4 190 457 377 619 62,9 recommended (see Fig. 820, page 36).
2x5 220 517 437 679 68,5
5 When ordering a level gauge please state:
2x6 250 577 497 739 74,1 – Centre to centre distance between connections (CC)
2x7 280 637 557 799 79,7 – Standard, Size and Finishing of connections
2x8 320 717 637 879 87,2 – Whether right-handed or left-handed.
2x9 340 757 677 919 91,0
3x6 250 844 764 1006 99,2 6 Flanges are finished to customer prescriptions. Please state:
3x7 280 934 854 1096 107,6 – Standard – Size
3x8 320 1054 974 1216 118,9
– Pressure class – Finishing
The inside passage through the gauge is at least 12.5 mm.
3x9 340 1114 1034 1276 124,5
4x7 280 1231 1151 1393 135,5 7 Instead of flanges, connections can be delivered with welding
4x8 320 1391 1311 1553 150,5 ends (Socket welding or Butt welding). Please state connect-
4x9 340 1471 1391 1633 158,0 ing dimensions, size and Standard.
5x7 280 1528 1448 1690 163,3 8 BT33 gauges are fitted with transparent glasses type B (see
5x8 320 1728 1648 1890 182,1
page 38).
5x9 340 1828 1748 1990 191,5
9 Operating conditions and material schedules on pages 4 and
6x8 320 2065 1985 2227 213,7 5.
6x9 340 2185 2105 2347 224,9
7x9 340 2542 2462 2704 258,4 10 Applicable optionals and bolting torques on pages 27, 36, 37.
1 Connections between gauge and valves are made by flanges 11 Gauge bodies without valves can be supplied:
and bolts. Provided valves are closed, gauge body can be – end connected (threaded or flanged)
easily rotated on its axis even with boiler under steam in order – side connected (threaded or flanged)
to adjust easy reading from control floor. – back connected (threaded or flanged).
Please state connecting dimensions and Standard.
2 According to the right or left position of the stop valves handle 12 This level gauge is in compliance with ASME Boiler -
on the gauge body, the level gauges are named right-handed 20
Section I – requirements
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
Length Length Visible handed. Fig. 859 shows a right-handed level gauge Usually two
CC min. level gauges (1 right and 1 left) are installed on steam vessels.
Size of glass of body length Weight
G B V 3 According to some Steam Boiler Regulations, the visible length of
3 165 225 145 387 51,7 the level gauges installed on steam boilers must be not shorter
4 190 250 170 412 55,2 than a fixed length. Therefore the suitability of the smaller sizes
5 220 280 200 442 59,4 must be checked.
6 250 310 230 472 63,6
7 280 340 260 502 67,8
4 For visible length over 315 mm we manufacture combined level
gauges having two or more gauge bodies on common centre
8 320 380 300 542 73,5
piece. Side gauge for by-passing blind distance is recommended
9 340 400 320 562 76,3 (see Fig. 820, page 36).
2x4 190 497 417 659 89,9
2x5 220 557 477 719 98,4 5 When ordering a level gauge please state:
2x6 250 617 537 779 106,8 – Centre to centre distance between connections (CC)
2x7 280 677 597 839 115,2 – Standard, Size and Finishing of connections
2x8 320 757 677 919 126,5 – Whether right-handed or left-handed.
2x9 340 797 717 959 132,1
6 Flanges are finished to customer prescriptions. Please state:
3x6 250 924 844 1086 150,0
– Standard – Size
3x7 280 1014 934 1176 162,7 – Pressure class– Finishing
3x8 320 1134 1054 1296 179,5 The inside passage through the gauge is at least 12.5 mm.
3x9 340 1194 1114 1356 188,0
4x7 280 1351 1271 1513 210,1 7 Instead of flanges, connections to the vessel can be delivered with
4x8 320 1511 1431 1673 232,6 welding ends (Socket welding or Butt welding). Please state con-
4x9 340 1591 1511 1753 243,8 necting dimensions, size and Standard.
5x7 280 1688 1608 1850 257,5
8 BT32 gauges are fitted with transparent glasses type B (see page
5x8 320 1888 1808 2050 285,6
5x9 340 1988 1908 2150 299,7
6x8 320 2265 2185 2427 338,7 9 Operating conditions and material schedules on pages 4 and 5.
6x9 340 2385 2305 2547 355,5
7x9 340 2782 2702 2944 411,4 10 Applicable optionals and bolting torques on pages 27, 36, 37.
1 Connections between gauge and valves are made by flanges and 11 Gauge bodies without valves can be supplied:
bolts. Provided valves are closed, gauge body can be easily rotat- – end connected (threaded or flanged)
ed on its axis even with boiler under steam in order to adjust easy – side connected (threaded or flanged)
reading from control floor. – back connected (threaded or flanged).
Please state connecting dimensions and Standard.
2 According to the right or left position of the stop valves handle on
21 the gauge body, the level gauges are named right-handed or left- 12 This level gauge is in compliance with ASME Boiler - Section
I – requirements
Bicolour BONETTI Level Gauges
type BC24, BC28, BC33, BC32
Fig. 824.2 Type BC24 - BC28 Fig. 825.1 Type BC33 Fig. 825.2 Type BC32
Design and working principle For the same operating conditions, we produce both tran-
BONETTI bicolour level gauges are made of: sparent and bicolour level gauges, (see Fig. 824, 825.1 and
– 1 metallic centre piece containing steam and water of which 825.2).
level is to be measured;
Dimensions (Body length, C to C Distance according to the
– 1 or more flat transparent glasses (long or circular) on the different type of valve sets, etc.), Description and Mainte-
front face of the gauges; nance Instructions of the Bicolour Level Gauges are identical
– an equal number of identical glasses on the back face of the to those of the corresponding Transparent Level Gauge.
– 1 or more front covers and an equal number of back covers
holding the glass assemblies against the centre piece; Level Gauge Type Max. Operating Contidions
– 1 illuminator case containing LED lamps of two colour (nor- Fluid
mally green and red); Pressure Temperature
Bicolour Transparent
– 1 set of shut-off valves for connection to boiler or tank. bar °C
Fig. 844
The bicolour level gauge has a trapezoidal body and consequent-
BC24-GP11 BT24-GP11 20 211 Water steam
ly the front and the back glasses are non-parallel.
They form a small angle. This special assembly and the different BT24-GP11
105 38
Other fluids
62 300 (*)
index of refraction of water and steam allows that the red and the
green light of the illuminator entering the gauge passes through Fig. 846
the gauge itself and is seen by the observer as follows:
BC28-GP11 BT28-GP11 40 249 Water steam
– RED in correspondence of STEAM
120 38
– GREEN in correspondence of WATER. BT24-GP11 Other fluids
80 300 (*)
Bicolour level gauges are manufactured by our Company since BC33-G52 BT33-G52 90 302 Water steam
more than 70 years. At the beginning only port-hole level gauges
Fig. 859
were produced (that is with small circular glasses) suitable for
high pressure water/steam, up to 225 bar (see BONETTI level BC32-G52 BT32-G52 103 313 Water steam
gauges type BC1-G55). For these severe conditions the small cir-
cular glasses are absolutely necessary and cannot be substituted Maximum allowable temperature according to DIN 7081 / 1999-05.
(*) NOTE: For operating condition with temperature over 300 °C, please
by other types of glasses. apply to our Sales or Technical department.
In the recent year bicolour gauges have been very much appreci-
ated because of the brilliant and sure reading they give and there-
fore they are more and more requested for low and medium pres-
sure water/steam also, for which long glasses can safely be used.
In case of combined level gauges, with the bicolour reading it is
not necessary to use side bodies for the uninterrupted visibility,
allowing a simplification of the instrument.
C. to C. Length Visible
Number of port- Weight
Bicolour BONETTI Level Gauges Size
distance of body length
CC min B V
type BC1with G55 valves 5 5 472 372 311 094
6 6 545 445 384 100
7 7 618 518 457 107
Fig. 860 Type BC1-G55
8 8 691 591 530 113
9 9 764 664 603 119
10 10 837 737 676 126
11 11 910 810 749 132
Transparent BONETTI Level Gauges
Weld - on Bodies, type BT26 and BT27
1 These gauge bodies are suitable for welding directly on the 5 When enquiring or ordering BT27 please state the external
vessel. Therefore, no valves can be fitted between vessel and radius (R) of the vessel on which the gauge must be welded.
gauge, and in case of glass breakage, the fluid flowing from
the vessel cannot be stopped. 6 For visible lengths over 320 mm two or more single gauge
bodies will have to be welded on the vessel. In this case it is
2 It is necessary to control the suitability of the vessel wall, on advisable to fit the gauge bodies not along the same vertical
which the gauge body is to be welded as this must not be line, but offset.
excessively weakened by the holes or communicating window
with the gauge. Steel plates to strengthen the vessel wall 7 BT26 and BT27 are fitted with transparent glasses type B (see
should be used whenever this is possible. page 38).
3 During the welding operation, be careful to not expose the 8 Operating conditions and material schedules on pages 4 and
gauge body for long time to high temperatures, as this might 5.
damage the flatness of the glass sealing surface.
9 Applicable optionals and bolting torques on pages 36, 37.
4 For BT26 the connecting lip is provided to facilitate the weld-
ing operation. 24
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
1 We mean by Set the assembly of two valves (1 top and 1 bottom) for the connection 3 Each set is usually supplied with or without some optionals according to its original
of the gauge body to the vessel. The set stops fluid between vessel and level gauge design and its main application.
in case of servicing.
4 EXTERNAL HEATING has electrical or steam tracing, installed on job site.
2 This bulletin shows steel level gauges only; the sets fitted on the level gauges include By INTERNAL HEATING gauge body is inside traced for heating fluid.
the following patterns:
- type G11 & G12 , top and bottom: sleeve packed cocks; (see page 27) 5 All sets can be supplied with INTERMEDIATE SUPPORT fitted on the vessel in the
- type GP11 & GP12 , top and bottom: piston valves; (see pages 28 and 29) middle between top and bottom valve in case of very large C. to C. distance.
- type G41 & G42 , “Offset” metallic seating valves, with stainless steel screwed- Intermediate support usually clamps the gauge bodies only and is not in connection
in seat and stainless steel disk (see pages 30 and 31). with the vessel inside.
- type GS41 and GS42 , “Straight” metallic seating valves, with stainless steel
screwed-in seat and stainless steel disk (see pages 30 and 31). type G51, G52, 6 Optionals for gauge bodies on pages 36 and 37.
G55, metallic seating valves, with Stellite faced trim (see pages 32 and 33).
- Double ended handle for chain operating;
- Automatic safety ball check with removal device for bottom ball
Please apply to our sales organisation for more details and techni-
cal Information.
General information
Fig. 831 Type GP11 General information
These sets of valves consist usually of:
– 2 shut-off valves (1 top and 1 bottom)
– 1 drain valve.
– screwed:
– 3/4” NPT Male Plain Union
– 3/4” NPT Male Spherical Union
– 3/4” NPT Male Integral
– type GP11:
Minimum C. to C. = Body length + 113 mm
(CC min = B + 107 mm)
– type GP12:
Minimum C. to C. with 1/2” NPT nipples = Body length + 81 mm
(CC min = B + 81 mm)
Fig. 833
Material Schedule Body and wetted parts Trim Remarks Application
Exclusion of copper,
52 Forged carbon steel ASTM A 105 Stainless steel General purpose
silver and their alloys.
41 Head GP11 ASTM A105 ASTM A479 T316 ASTM A479 T316 Spare parts
42 Packing Ring Graphite St. St. Graphite St. St. Graphite St. St. One complete set of sealing elements for 1 level gauge consists of:
43 Stuffing Box Ring Carbon Steel. ASTM A479 T316 ASTM A479 T316 – 5 Valve Rings (item 2.1 - 2.2. - 22) B 10 x B 18 x 6
44 Stuffing Box Nut Carbon Steel ASTM A479 T316 Carbon Steel – 2 Gaskets (item 14) B 20 x B 10,5 x 1
– 2 Packing Rings (item 42) B 16 x B 23,5 x 5, for GP11 only.
51 Head GP12 ASTM A105 ASTM A479 T316 ASTM A479 T316
54 NPT Vent Plug Carbon Steel ASTM A479 T316 ASTM A479 T316
BONETTI Gauge Valves Set of Valves type G41, G42, GS41, GS42
suitable for ASME 1500 and PN 250
General information Centre to Centre distance
These sets of valves are designed and manufactured expressly for When these sets of valves are chosen for the level gauge, the value
use with level gauges and pressure gauges up to ASME 1500 and of the minimum vessel C. to C. distance is given by tables for each
PN 250. For use with water steam, we recommend the type GS42 level gauge type, provided that the connection between the level
and G42, with outside screw and yoke. gauge and its valves is obtained by means of 1/2” NPT screwed nip-
These valves have bolted bonnet and metallic trim with renewable ples.
The valves are available: The min. C. to C. distance is given from the formula:
OFFSET with Inside Screw (Fig. 747) Code G41 - Minimum C. to C. with 1/2” NPT nipples = Body length + 90 mm
with Outside Screw and Yoke(Fig. 748) Code G42 (CC min = B + 90 mm)
STRAIGHT with Inside Screw (Fig. 854) Code GS41 - If tailpipe connection with 1/2” NPT and Union nut is requested,
with Outside Screw and Yoke (Fig. 855) Code GS42 50 mm must be added to the minimum CC length.
They are both suitable for ASME 1500 and PN 250. - Minimum C. to C. with 3/4” NPT nipples becomes 30 mm longer.
Fig. 745 Type G41 and GS41 Fig. 746 Type G42 and GS42
Fig. 749
Material Schedule Body bonnet and wetted parts Trim and Ball-check Remarks Application
52 Forged carbon steel ASTM A105 Stainless steel AISI 316 Exclusion of cooper silver and their alloys General purpose
Fig. 747 Type G41 (offset 20 mm) Fig. 854 - 855 Type GS41 (straight)
Type GS42 (straight)
Fig. 750
Item Part Materials for Material Schedule Item Part Materials for Material Schedule
52 55 63 52 55 63
1 Body ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 S.S. AISI 316 17 Nipple Carbon steel S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316
2 Seat S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 18 Nut Carbon steel S.S. AISI 303 S.S. AISI 303
3 Ball-check S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 19 Union tailpipe Carbon steel S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316
4 Bonnet joint ring Soft iron S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 20 Joint ring Suitable compressed material
5 Bolt ASTM A193 B7 S.S. AISI 303 S.S. AISI 303
6 Nut ASTM A194 2H S.S. AISI 303 S.S. AISI 303 31 Stem S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316
7 Bottom ring Carbon steel S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 32 Bonnet ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 S.S. AISI 316
8 Packing Preformed rings Preformed rings Preformed rings 33 Bonnet flange ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 S.S. AISI 304
9.01 Handwheel Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel 34 Gland Carbon steel S.S. AISI 304 S.S. AISI 304
9.02 Weighted lever Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel 35 Gland nut Carbon steel S.S. AISI 304 S.S. AISI 304
9.03 Double-ended lever Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel
10 Name plate Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel 41 Stem S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316
11 Washer Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel 42 Stem bush S.S. AISI 410 S.S. AISI 410 S.S. AISI 410
12 Nut ASTM A194 2H S.S. AISI 303 S.S. AISI 303 43 Bonnet ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 S.S. AISI 316
13 Taper plug (on request) Carbon steel S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 44 Packing gland Carbon steel S.S. AISI 304 S.S. AISI 304
14 Union nut Carbon steel S.S. AISI 303 S.S. AISI 303 45 Bolt ASTM A193 B7 S.S. AISI 303 S.S. AISI 303
15 Union tailpipe Carbon steel S.S. AISI 316 S.S. AISI 316 46 Nut ASTM A194 2H S.S. AISI 303 S.S. AISI 303
16 Joint ring Suitable compressed material
BONETTI Gauge Valves Set of Valves type G51, G52, G55
suitable for ASME 2500 and PN 400
General information
These sets of valves consist of metallic seating valves. Connection to the gauge body
Each set is generally composed by: Can be:
- 2 shut-off valves sized 1” (1 top and 1 bottom) - type G51 (Fig. 861, 857): flanged on the side of the gauge body,
- 1 drain valve sized 1/2”. - type G52 (Fig. 862, 858, 859): flanged on the axis of the gauge
The Set of valves fully comply with the main international - type G55 (Fig. 863, 860): flanged with the interposition of a
Standard and specifically with ASME Code Section I, when appli- water column,
cable. The shut-off valves are bonnetless type, operated by hand-
- different connections can be delivered, according to customer
wheel with rising non-rotating stem and stroke indicator.
- The Body (1) is forged of carbon steel or stainless steel and is
the only valve part under pressure. Seat is integral of Stellite
deposited with highly specialized and automatic procedure. The Connection to the drum
Backseat ring (46) is threaded into the body and can be easily Can be:
replaced. - Flanged:
- The Yoke (2) is always forged and is standard of carbon steel,
has structural functions only and is not under pressure. - The flange is always wekded to the valve body.
Threaded outside the body and kept in place by means of one Please specify Standard, Rating and Size
welding tack that can be easily removed and remake for inspec- - SW:
tion or maintenance. - Please specify Standard, Rating and Size
- The Disk (3) is of alloy steel whit seating surface Stellite. When - BW
backseated, disk is pulled against bonnet with axial (not rotat- - Please specify Standard, Rating and Size
ing) movement. - Screwed:
- The Stem (4) is of stainless steel, heat treated. Threads are - Please specify Standard, Rating and Size
ACME. Being designed rising and non-rotating insures a lower
driving and closing torque and less wear of packing rings.
- The Yoke Bushing (11) is usually of special aluminium bronze
and is kept in place by two Antifriction Rings (43) and form a
Locking Ring (39). Fig. 863 Type G55
- The Packing includes one Bottom Ring (5), one Graphite
Packing (6), one Packing Flange (10), two Swing Bolts (8) turn-
ing for easier repacking.
- The Safety Ball-check (80) are in stainless steel AISI 316 and
tighten on a seat made of stainless steel AISI 316.
Fig. 867
Top Valve
Part Material for Material Schedule
Item Part
51 64 63
ASTM 105 ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316
1 Body
+ Stellite Gr. 6 + Stellite Gr. 6 + Stellite Gr. 6
2 Yoke ASTM A105 ASTM A105 ASTM A105
3 Disk ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316
4 Stem ASTM A182 F6 ASTM A564 T.630 ASTM A564 T.630
5 Bottom rIng ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316
6 Packing Graphite Graphite Graphite
8 Swing bolt ASTM A193 B7 ASTM A193 B7 ASTM A193 B8
9 Pin Alloy steel Alloy steel Alloy steel
10 Packing flange ASTM A105 ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316
ASTM B150 - ASTM B150 - ASTM B150 -
11 Yoke bushing
C62300 C62300 C62300
12 Handwheel Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel
Stainless steel Stainless steel
14 Disk pad ASTM A182 F6
+ treatment + treatment
15 Handwheel nut Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel
15A Bolt nut ASTM A194 2H ASTM A194 2H ASTM A194 Gr. 8
20 Name plate Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Antirotation / Carbon steel. Carbon steel.
23 Stainless Steel
indicator + Zincplating + Zincplating
39 Locking ring ASTM A105 ASTM A105 ASTM A105
42 Retaining ring Alloy steel Alloy steel Alloy steel
43 Carbon steel C70 Carbon steel C70 Carbon steel C70
46 Backseat ring ASTM A564 T.630 ASTM A564 T.630 ASTM A564 T.630
48 Gasket Graphite Graphite Graphite
70 Connecting ring Stellite Stellite Stellite
80 Safety ball ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316
Bottom taper
81 ASTM A105 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316
plug for ball
Top taper plug
82 ASTM A105 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316
for ball
83 Welded nipple ASTM A105 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316
84 ASTM A105 ASTM A105 ASTM A479 T.316
85 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316 ASTM A479 T.316
joint ring
86 Joint ring Graphite Graphite Graphite
Bottom Valve
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
Top Valve
Bottom Valve
BONETTI Level Gauges Reflex Gauge Bodies
Description and Maintenance Instructions
Fig. 817 Type BR14 Fig. 816 Type BR12 Fig. 760 Type BR22 Fig. 761 Type BR23
Fig. 762 Type BR24 Fig. 819 Type BR28 Fig. 763 Type BR25
Service maintenance - Loosen the tightening bolts and remove all component pieces.
Before putting in service, check the bolting torque as recom- - Clean the sealing and cushion surfaces very carefully, making
mended on top of this page. Tighten the bolts alternatively, sure that they are clear of any remnants of joints.
starting from centre of gauge. To avoid glass thermal shocks dur- - Smear the threads of the tightening bolts with a thin layer of
ing start-up, the gauge temperature must gradually increase in order graphite grease;
to allow both the metallic structure and the glass to reach the
operating temperature. Proceed as follows: close bottom shut-off Reassembling
valve, completely open drain, partially open top shut-off valve to - Fit in a new glass with new joints (never re-use joints which have
allow a minimum flow outlet of steam. Maintain flow outlet until already been in service!): remember that the sealing joint must be
proper temperature is reached, then close drain valve; the conden- placed on the side where the grooves are.
sate coming through top valve will fill the gauge column. At this step - Reassemble all the components in the right sequence. Tighten the
completely open very slowlybottom shut-off valve, then completely bolts alternatively, starting from centre of gauge.
open top shut-off valve. - Never grip the level gauge body in a vice during the reassembling,
In case during operation fluid impurities affect glass, proceed to but put it on a plane surface.
gauge washing as above described - Never use adhesive or hermetic mastic. Remember that all surfa-
ces must be perfectly clean.
Important notice
Maintenance must be made immediately when: Spare parts
- leakage appears, even if very small. In this case: shut of and cool - When ordering spare parts please state:
down the gauge. Tighten the gauge nuts at the recommended - type and size of the gauge body
bolting torque; - item number of the spare part, as shown in the above list
- the glass appears opaque or slightly white specially in the steam - construction material.
area; - As regards reflex glasses and their joints, please remember that:
- grooves of the reflex glass show sign of corrosion and/or ero- - each type BR12, BR14 gauge is fitted with 1 reflex glass
sion and the reading of the level is not clear. type A (section 30x17 mm),
The lack of maintenance and the lack of replacement of the deterio- - each type BR22, BR23, BR24, BR25, BR28 gauge is fitted with
rated parts can cause the breakage of the glass with all the relevant 1 reflex glass type B (section 34x17 mm).
For type BR13, separate instructions on request.
- Shut off the valves, let out the pressure and remove the level 32
gauge body from the valves.
BONETTI Level Gauges Transparent Gauge Bodies
Description and Maintenance Instructions
1 Centre piece 6 Cover plate
Bolting torques 2 Sealing joint 7 Bolt with nut
- Type BT23-BC23 40 Nm - Type BT28-BC28 60 Nm 3 Glass protection sheet 8 Stud bolt with nut
- Type BT24-BC24 40 Nm - Type Bt29 70 Nm (where applicable) 9 Stud with nut
- Type Bt25 40 Nm - Type BT32-BC32 90 Nm 4 Plate glass 13 Angular Piece
- Type BT26-BT27 40 Nm - Type BT33-BC33 80 Nm 5 Cushion joint 14 Belleville Washer
Fig. 764 Type BT23 Fig. 765 Type BT24 Fig. 766 Type BT25
Fig. 767 Type BT28 & BT29 Fig. 814.1 Type BT33 Fig. 815.1 Type BT32
Service maintenance - Loosen and take out the tightening bolts and remove all compo-
Before putting in service, check the bolting torque as recom- nent pieces as well.
mended on top of this page. Tighten the bolts alternatively, - Clean the sealing surfaces of the centre piece and the cushion
starting from centre of gauge.To avoid glass thermal shocks dur- surfaces of the cover plates very carefully, making sure that they
ing start-up, the gauge temperature must gradually increase in order are clear of any remnants of joints.
to allow both the metallic structure and the glass to reach the - Smear the threads with a thin layer of graphite grease.
operating temperature. Proceed as follows: close bottom shut-off
valve, completely open drain, partially open top shut-off valve to Reassembling
allow a minimum flow outlet of steam. Maintain flow outlet until - Fit in new glasses with new joints (never re-use joints which
proper temperature is reached, then close drain valve; the conden- have already been in service!). Remember that the glass protec-
sate coming through top valve will fill the gauge column. At this step tion sheet must be in direct contact with the inner side of the
completely open very slowlybottom shut-off valve, then complete- glasses (between the glass and the fluid), and that the sealing
ly open top shut-off valve. joint must be placed on the sealing surface of the centre piece.
In case during operation fluid impurities affect glass or protection Reassemble all the other components in the right sequence, and
shield, proceed to gauge washing as above described tighten the bolts alternatively, starting from centre of gauge.
- Never grip the level gauge body in a vice during the reassembling,
Important notice but put it on a plane surface.
Maintenance must be made immediately when: - Never use adhesive or hermetic mastic. Remember that all surfa-
- leakage appears, even if very small. In this case: shut of and cool ces must be perfectly clean.
down the gauge. Tighten the gauge nuts at the recommended
bolting torque; Spare parts
- the glasses appear opaque or slightly white specially in the steam - When ordering spare parts please state:
area; - type and size of the gauge body
- the reading of the level is not clear. - item number of the spare part, as shown in the above list
The lack of maintenance and the lack of replacement of the deterio- - construction material.
rated parts can cause the breakage of the glasses with all the rele- - As regards plate glasses their joints and protection sheets,
vant consequences. remember that each level gauge is fitted with 2 plate glasses
type B (section 34x17 mm).
- Shut off the valves, let out the pressure and remove the level For type BC1 (bicolour), separate instructions on request.
gauge body from the valves.
BONETTI Level Gauges
Optionals for Gauge Bodies
Fig. 773-Remark 7 Fig. 826 Illuminator type GSI Fig.870 LED Illuminator type LS & LX
Fig. 776 - Level gauge with external heating or cooling tube. Can
be supplied for reflex (as in figure) or transparent level gauges.
BONETTI Level Gauges
Optionals for Gauge Bodies - Bolting Torques
Fig. 777
Type of glass Accessories
visible length
Bolting Torque
Reflex Transparent Glass Protection Heating or cooling
Non frosting
Applicable i
Nm each Bolt
Type of Floats
A B B internal external internal external
BR14 X – – – – – NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 A NA NA 30
BR 12 X – – – – – NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 A NA NA 50
BR22 – X – – – – NA NA NA NA A A 1 A NA A 30
BR23 – X – – – – NA NA V A A A 1 A NA A 40
BR24 – X – – – – NA NA V A A A 1 A NA A 40
BR28 – X – – – – NA NA V A A A 1 A NA A 50
BR25 – X – – – – NA NA V A A A 1 A NA A 40
BR13 – – X – – – NA NA NA A A NA 1 A NA NA (Remark 8)
BR26 – X – – – – NA NA V A A NA 1 A NA NA 40
BR27 – X – – – – NA NA V A A NA 1 A NA NA 40
BTV – – – X – – NA NA R NA A NA 1 A A – –
BT23 – – – – X – A A V A A A 2, 3, 6 A A A 40
BT24 – – – – X – A A V A A A 2, 3, 6 A A A 40
BT25 – – – – X – A A V A A A 3, 6 A A A 40
BT28 – – – – X – A A V A A A 2, 3, 6 A A A 60
BT29 – – – – X – A A V A A A 2, 3, 6 A A A 70
BT33 – – – – X – A A V A A A 2, 3, 6 A A A 80
BT32 – – – – X – A A V A A NA 2, 3, 6 A A A 90
BT26 – – – – X – A A V A A NA 1 A NA NA 40
BT27 – – – – X – A A V A A NA 1 A NA NA 40
BC23 – – – – X – C NA NA NA NA NA 4, 5, 6 NA NA NA 40
BC24 – – – – X – C NA NA NA NA NA 4, 5, 6 NA NA NA 40
BC28 – – – – X – C NA NA NA NA NA 4, 5, 6 NA NA NA 60
BC32 – – – – X – C NA NA NA NA NA 4, 5, 6 NA NA NA 90
BC 1 – – – – – X C NA NA NA NA NA 4, 5, 6 NA NA NA (Remark 8)
1 Often not necessary. If necessary any usual lighting apparatus 9 Other optionals:
can be utilised. Apply to our Technical Service for details. – Engraved scales to customer requirements.
2 Apparatus for lighting of the meniscus at water level from lower – Mirrors to transmit image below to the observer.
position, not explosion-proof (Fig. 870). Type LED-LS. – Closed circuit television equipment, which allows level reading
3 Apparatus for lighting of the meniscus at water level from lower on monitor in the control room and/or transmit a 4¸20 mA sig-
position, explosion-proof (Fig. 870). Type LED-LX. nal.
4 Apparatus for lighting bicolour level gauges, not explosion-proof – Fibre optic remote viewing device to transmit image in the con-
(Fig. 870), Type LED-LS trol room, by means of our Red Cherry System. Ask for pecu-
5 Apparatus for lighting bicolour level gauges, explosion-proof (Fig. liar bulletin.
870), Type LED-LX – Specific gravity glass floats can be provided in a transparent
6 Illuminators Type GSI (Fig. 826 - not explosion-proof), EXGSI level gauge where the interface between two immiscible liquids
(Fig. 827 - explosion-proof), EXPIN (Fig. 828 - for diffused light- is to be observed.
ing, explosion-proof) are out of production, but can be supplied as – Additional side connected bodies (reflex or transparent) to
spares upon request. reach un-interrupted visible length (Fig. 820)
7 Non-frosting blocks: – Heating or cooling tracing tubes for reflex or transparent
– .for reflex gauge and for transparent gauge (Fig. 773) gauges (Fig. 776).
– for transparent level gauges an illuminator (Fig. 870) can also – For very long C to C distance, an intermediate support ( com-
be fitted. municating with the vessel) can be fitted to the level gauge
Recommended height of blocks, see page 38. body.
8 See specific instructions.
Sight Glasses for BONETTI Level Gauges
Recommended protrusion:
Iceland Sweden
Norway Russia
Canada Kingdom
Poland Ukraine
Germany Kazakhstan
Spain Turkey Japan
United States South Korea
Afghanistan China
Dealer Namibia
Botswana Madagascar
Australia New
South Africa
Quality Valves & Level Gauges
Cesare Bonetti S.p.A. Local Sales: Tel.: +39-02 99072333, Fax : +39-02 99072300
20024 Garbagnate Milanese, Email : [email protected]
Via Cesare Bonetti 17, Italy. Export Sales: Tel.: +39-02 99072444, Fax : +39-02 99072400
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.cesare-bonetti.com
Bonetti Armaturen GmbH & Co. KG. Sales Office: Tel.: +49-06431 598310, Fax : +49-06431 598329
D-65549 Limburg an der Lahn, Email : [email protected]
In Den Fritzenstucker, 4. Germany. Website : www.bonetti.de
Cesare Bonetti (Suzhou) Level Gauges & Valves Co. Ltd. Sales Office: Tel.: +86-512-62816396, Fax : +86-512-62816393
No. 8, Lane 1, Wupu Road, Shengpu District, Email : [email protected]
Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China - 215 126. Website : www.cesare-bonetti.cn