RFP Osam
RFP Osam
RFP Osam
Plot No. 1800 (P), Near Ramamani Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Baramunda, Kahndagiri,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha State, India
Tender Notice I Request for Proposal for "Selection of Program Management Agency for
OSAM Board, Bhubaneswar"
Expression of Interest is invited from qualified and experienced consultancy firm fulfilling
minimum eligibility criteria for Selection of Program Management Agency for OSAM Board,
Detailed tender notice along with eligibility criteria and Tender document is available on
http://osamboard.org. The interested firms are required to submit their proposal in
prescribed format along with Earnest Money Deposit on or before Bid submission due date
and time.
Financial bids of only qualified bidders will be opened at a later date to be notified to
technically qualified bidders separately.
The Member Secretary, OSAM Board reserves the right to accept or reject tender in full or
part of any or all the bidders or to cancel the tender in toto without assigning any reasons
Odisha has 66 RMCs functioning under the supervrsion of OSAM Board & DAM, but most RMCs lack
scientifically built infrastructures for storage, grading and primary processing of the produce. For the
holistic growth of agricultural sector in the state through Post-Harvest Management, Processing and
Marketing of different agricultural commodities, OSAM Board is planning to develop state of the art
.:.. agricultural markets. and to sustain and regulate the development create business processes and
internal organization within OSAMB These markets would have world level infrastructure i e.
technical, mechanical, informative; marketing facilities like Processing Centers, Electronic/Remote
Auction System, Pack houses, Cold Storages, Ripening Chambers. Shops for Wholesalers, Farmers'
Market, Agri. Business Information Centre and Logistic Hub etc. as per the requirement of the notified
area of the RMC.
OSAM Board desires to appoint a multi skilled Programme Management Agency who will provide
consultancy services for organizational development. technical advisory on planning design and
procurement of services for new markets and up-gradation of existing markets and development of
infrastructure and allied transaction advisory services for implementation in the PPP mode.
2 Terms of Reference
The main objectives of this Assignment are:
To develop OSAMB as a modern-day market regulator and to organize capacity building for
OSAMB staff market functionaries
To assist in identifying ways to strengthen existing markets with a view to increase farmers
access to markets. to improve market processes and supporting infrastructure and to initiate
private sector investments in markets and market operations on a sustainable basis
To provide technical support for project operations relating to markets, infrastructure. MIS,
and allied components
To provide Transaction Advisory services for 1nv1ting private sector partlcipatron ,n the
proposed developments appropriately
2.2 Scope of Work
The scope of work of the PMA shall include
Providing assistance for organizational development, to identify need for key skills for
OSAMB staff and key market functionaries in line with the Agri Marketing vision document
and organizing capacity building appropriately.
• Providing technical support on planning, design, procurement and execution of planned
activities for design, planning and procurement expertise for markets, infrastructure and alhed
investments, scope for use of IT in market transactions and in developing market Information
systems and allied areas
Provide Transaction Advisory Services wherever so needed for 1dent1fy1ng private sector in
investment, operations and management
The Consultant shall conduct assessment of various aspects of agricultural marketing including a
detailed plan to develop OSAMB as the apex state authority for agn marketing and as a regulator
Tasks will include
Organizational Planning
Conduct a need assessment for OSAMB and the proposed organization
Planning for organizational development of OSAMB including
Prepare a detailed Roadmap for implementing the OD Plan including planning for cadres.
recruitment of full time part time staff and subject matter speciahsts I technical consultants I
firms for preparing an organizational plan. organization structure HR Polley and Manual,
Appraisal Systems, HR Administration, Organization Development plans and manuals
Identify specialist training institutes and assist m development of training modules for OSAM
Board staffs at state level RMC staffs
Organization of exposure visits for OSAM Board staff and RMC officials in India and abroad
to modern successful agri markets
Develop Terms of Reference I Skill Sheets & Qualifications and evaluation criteria for
selection of above consultants and assisting OSAMB to select technical experts and subject
matter specialists I firms
Assist in selection of a suitable IT consultant to develop Management Information System for
monitoring of progress (physical and financial progress of programs budget uuhzauon,
revenue collection. licensing etc), disseminate report to relevant stakeholders for monitoring
and reporting progress of the project and in creating a project database
PMA shall support OSAM Board in procurement of consultant for development of proposed
infrastructure Following will be scope of work under transaction advisory services;
Determine the mode of the agreement (PPP, funding hne, etc ) feasible under the legal
Determine the procurement strategy for selection of preferred project developer. and suggest
the required documentation
Conduct pre-bid meeting with prospective Bidders/Consultant compuanon and drafting
response to pre-bid queries suggesting corrigendum to bid documents
Assistance in receiving and opening of technical bids. examining test of responsiveness,
preparation and submission of technical evaluation report of list of
bidders/Consultant for technical presentation Compilation of final combined technical and
financial scores
Upon receipt of completed proposals, evaluate technical and financial proposals based on
predetermined evaluation criteria, prepare bid evaluatton report and recommendations in
accordance with the criteria in the RFP document,
Provide assistance to the OSAM Board in contract negotiations. including its provision and
conditions such as guarantee measures and actions in case of default, etc and continue
assistance for processing approvals required for the developer followed by signing of project
development agreement.
Drafting letter of award/Intent and agreements thereto
Financial closure with successful Bidders/Consultant
Ensuring quality control during project implementation
Prepare & review progress reports, maintain progress records
4 Du ation of Assignment
The consultant shall be engaged for a period of 36 months The consultant shall deliver the state
agri marketing vision document m 6 months. After acceptance of the document. the consultant shall
be engaged for the implementation services over a period of 3 years.
5 Payment plan
The following milestone based payment plan shall be followed.
Mobilization Advance - 10% of the Contract value
Submission and approval of Agn-Marketing Vision document& OD Plan - 10%
Balance amount will be equally drvided in monthly payments over 36 months.
6 Eligibility criteria
The Bidder shall satisfy all of the criteria below: Supporting Documents
7 Instruction to Bidders
Bidders are encouraged to inform themselves fully about the assignment and the local conditions
before submitting the proposal by paying a visit to the Department and/or the Project site and, if
necessary, by sending e-mails I written queries to the Department.
7 z A\ 1 1 ty c Doc ment
RFP document can be obtained between 1000 hrs and 17.00 hrs on all working days on from
16.10.2017 to 15.11.2017 The RFP documents can be downloaded from the website of OSAM
o= L.!
The Bidder shall bear all costs and expenses associated with preparation and submission of its bid
including post-bid discussions, technical and other presentations etc . and the Department will in no
case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the btdding
The proposal shall remain valid for 120 days after the Bid submission date
I a J d Lr 11
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Department may, for any reason whether
at its own minative or m response to a clarification requested by 81dder(s), modify the Bid document
by amendment (s) The amendment will be communicated to all the bidders by e-mail or fax and will
also be made available on thewebs1tehttp//www osamboard.org/. The Department will bear no
responsibility or liability arising out of non-acknowledgment of the same by all the Bidders before
submitting the Bid
In order to afford Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing
their bids, Department may, al its discretion. extend the deadline for the submission of bids as
deemed fit
Such amendments clarifications. etc shall be binding on the Bidders and will be given due
consideration by the Bidders while they submit their bids by invariably enclosing such documents as a
part of the bid.
The Proposal with all accompanying documents and all communications in relation to or concerning
the selection process shall be in English language and strictly in the formats provided in this RFP No
supporting document or printed literature shall be submitted with the Proposal unless specifically
asked for and in case any of these Documents is in another language, it must be accompanied by an
accurate translation of all the relevant passages in English, in which case, for all purposes of
interpretation of the Proposal, the translation in English shall prevail
Bidders shall submit along with the bids, a refundable interest free Bid Security for an amount of INR
1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) in the form of a crossed demand draft m favor of XXX payable at
Bhubaneswar issued by any Scheduled Bank in India
Bids received unaccompanied by an acceptable Bid Security shall be rejected as being non-
responsive and returned unopened to the Bidders
Bid security of the successful Bidder will be returned when the bidder has furnished requisite
Performance Security Deposit as stipulated m Conditions of Contract The bid security of
unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 45 days of the bidder being notified as being
unsuccessful. All Bidders shall submit duly filled in ECS form as per Appendix -Ill for release of Bid
No Bidder or its Associate shall submit more than one application for the Assignment.
An authorized person of the Bidder shall sign the proposal The Bidder shall enclose a Power of
Attorney (on stamp paper duly notarized) or a Board resolution m favor of the authorized person
signing the bid
The technical proposal must not contain any pricing information If the technical proposal contains
any commercial information, the proposer is liable to be rejected In submitting additional information
please mark 1t as "supplementary' to the required response. If the bidder wishes to propose additional
services (or enhanced levels of services) beyond the scope of this RFP the proposal must include a
description of such services as a separate and distinct attachment to the proposal
The technical proposal shall be in a sealed envelope marked as "Selection of Project Management
Agency for OSAM Board, Bhubaneswar"
The financial proposal shall be in a sealed envelope marked as "Financial Proposal Part 11-
Selection of Project Management Agency for OSAM Board, Bhubaneswar".
The Authority will determine whether the financial proposals are complete correct and free from any
computational errors and indicate correct prices m local currency {Indian Rupee). The Authority will
notify the successful Consultant m writing by registered letter, cable, telex. e-mail or facsimile
Both the above envelopes shall be kept m one single cover and sealed and super-scnbed as
"Confidential- Selection of Consultants for·
The envelope shall be submitted to the office of The General Manager, OSAM Board, Plot No.-
1800 (P), Near Ramamani Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Baramunda, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar-
751030 latest by 17.00 hours on 15.11.2017
9 Evaluation of responses
The evaluation process shall comprise of the following two steps:
Step I Responsiveness check
Step II RFP evaluation
The bids submitted by the Bidder shall be scrutinized to establish "Responsiveness" Any of the
following conditions may cause the Bid to be deemed "Non-responsive" by the Department and thus
not be taken up for evaluation
Bids not received by the due date and time
Required mtormanon not submitted in the Bid to be evaluated andfor information not
submitted in specified formats
iii Bids submitted without the requisite Bid Security
1v Bids from Bidders who have not paid the requisite fees towards purchase of bid
documents as specified
v Bids not including mformatron as per formats in Appendices from I to X (excluding
Appendix IX that shall be submitted by the selected Bidder upon award of Letter of
The responsive bids shall be evaluated based on technical and financial parameters (b,d) Quality
and cost based selection (QCBS) methodology with 80% weightage for technical bids and 20%
weightage for financial bids would be used for evaluation. In case of consortium. the combined
technical qualification of the consortium partners shall be taken into consideration
Bidders that have scored less than 70% in the technical evaluation will not be considered eligible for
opening their financial bids.
The technical bid will be evaluated on a scale of 100 and the we1ghtage for each criterion would be as
The Bidder achieving the highest overall score will be invited for neqouauons for awarding the
contract. In case of a tie where two or more Bidders achieve the same highest overall score the
Bidder with the higher technical score will be invited first for negotiations for awarding the contract
Bidders need to confirm their interest to part1c1pate in the pre-bid conference on or before 20 10.2017
All enqumes from the bidders relating to this RFP must be submitted in writing (through email or fax)
exclusively to the contact person Contact details for the RFP are as follows
Name Sri Premananda Khuntia. IAS
Address. Director, Agricultural Marketing & Member Secretary, OSAM Board, BBSR
The Department shall not be responsible for ensuring that bidders' enqumes have been received by
them However the Department neither makes any representation or warranty as to the
completeness or accuracy of the responses, nor does 11 undertake to answer all the quenes that have
been posed by the Bidders. All responses given by the Department will be distributed to all the
The bids received till 17 00 hours on 15 11.2017 shall only be considered for evaluation Technical
bids shall be opened at 11.00 AM on 16.11.2017 in the presence of the Bidders or their authorized
The bids shall be checked for responsiveness and only the responsive bids shall be considered for
further evaluation The bids shall be evaluated and results be declared as per the schedule
mentioned in paragraph 7 131 and 9 2 of this document The selected Bidder shall be informed
about their selection upon satisfactory completion of evaluation by the Department subsequently
Interested Bidders may obtain further mtormanon from the below mentioned address between 1100
hours and 1600hours on all working days:
General Manager,
OSAM Board
Plot No.-1 BOO(P), Near Ramamani Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Baramunda,
Ph. No.: 0674- 2351311,2351316
(On Bidder's! Lead Bidder's letterhead)
To Date
The Director.
OSAM Board
Department of Cooperation
Government of Odisha
Dear Sir,
Wrth reference to your RFP document dated ... . .., IIWe, having examined all relevant
documents and understood their contents, hereby submit our Proposal for ·Programme
Management Agency for OSAM Board, Bhubaneswar (the "Consultant"). The
proposal rs uncondrtional and unqualified.
2 l!We acknowledge that the OSAM Board! Cooperation Department (the "'Department") will be relying
on the information provided m the proposal and the documents accompanying the proposal for
selecllon of the Consultant. and we certify that all information provided in the proposal and in the
Appendices. rs true and correct nothing has been omitted which renders such information
misleading: and all documents accompanying such proposal are true copies of their respective
3 IIWe shall make available to the Department any additional information 11 may deem necessary or
require for supplementing or authenticating the proposal
4. IIWe have examined and have no reservations to the RFP documents, mcludinq any addendum
issued by the Department
5 IIWe understand that Department may cancel the selection process at any time and that it is neither
bound to accept any proposal that it may receive nor to select the Consultant. without incurring any
liab1ilty to the Bidders
7 IIWe agree and understand that the proposal ,s subject to the provisions of the RFP document In no
case shall I/we have any claim or right of whatsoever nature 1f the
Consultancy for the Project is not awarded to melus or our proposal rs not opened or rejected.
8 INVe agree to keep this offer valid for 120 (one hundred and twenty) days from the bid submission
date as specified in the RFP
9. In the event of my/our nrm being selected as the Consultant, I/we agree to enter into an Agreement
10. In the event of my/our firm being selected as the Consultant. I/we agree and undertake to provide the
services in accordance with the provrsrcns of the RFP
11 The Financial Proposal rs being submitted m a separate cover. This Technical Proposal read with the
Financial Proposal shall constitute the Application which shall be binding on us
12 In witness thereof. I/we submit this Proposal under and in accordance with the terms of the RFP
Yours faithfully,
(Signature name and designation of the authonzed signatory)
(Name and seal of the Bidder)
2. Name of firm (in case of consortium information be given that of the lead member)
Legal status (e.g. sole proprietorship or partnership):
Country of incorporation
Registered address:
Year of incorporation
Year of commencement of business.
Principal place of business:
3. If the Bidder 1s lead member of a consortium{joint-ventures, state the following for each of the other
member firms/ Associates:
(i) Name of firm.
(ii) Legal status and country of incorporation
(1i1) Registered address and principal place of business:
b) Phone/ Mobtle No
Telephone No
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or
not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information. I would not hold the user Company
Certmed that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records
(Bank's Stamp)
Date Signature of the Authorized Official from the Bank
App ndix V
In this section explain your understanding of the objectives of the assignment approach to the services,
methodology for carrying out the acuvmes and obtaining the expected output
Work Plan:
In this section propose the main activities of the assignment. their content and duration. phasing and
interrelations milestones and delivery dates of the reports The proposed work plan should be consistent
with the technical approach and methodology, showing understanding of the TOR and ability to translate
them into a feasible working plan A hst of the final documents. including reports drawings and tables to
be delivered as final output. should be included here
Bidders to also provide detailed curnculum vitae (CV} of proposed professional staff
1. Proposed Position [For each posmon of key professional separate form Tech-6 will be prepared]·
4 Date of Birth
5 Natlonality
6 Education
(Indicate college/unrversity and other specialized education of staff member g1v1ng names of institutions
degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment)
8. Other Training:
9 Countries of Work Experience: [List countries where staff has worked m the last ten years]
10 Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair. or poor m speaking, reading, and
11 Employment Record
[Starting with present positron list m reverse order every employment held by staff member since
graduation, 91v1ng for each employment (see format here below) dates of employment, name of
employing organization, positions held J
From [Year] To [Year]:
Positions held
13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned [Among the
Assiqnmentqobs in which the staff has been involved indicate the following information for those
Assignment/jobs that best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks hsted under point 12 J
• Employer·
Positions held
Actrvmes performed
14 Cert1ficat1on:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and behef, this CV correctly describes me. my
quahtlcauons, and my experience I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead
to my disquahficahon or disrrussal, 1f engaged
A • Bidder's profile
(Provide here a brief oescnpuon of the background and organization of your f1rm/ent1ty and each member
of the consortium for thrs assignment/job. The bnef description should include ownership details date and
place of mccrporancn of the firm, obrectives of the firm etc J
B • Bidder's Experience
[Using the format below, provide informalton on each Ass1gnmenVjob for which your firm. and each
member of the consortium was legally contracted either 1nd1v1dually as a corporate entity or as one of the
major partners within an association, for carrying out consulting Assignment/Job sirmlar to the ones
requested under this AssignmenVjob (If possible, the employer shall specify exact assignment I job for
which experience details may be submntedj.tn case of consortium association of consultant the
consultant must furnish the following information for each of the consortium member separately)
Documentary evidence such as letters of award and completion certificates should be submitted
for each of the projects. Projects without documentary evidence would not be considered for
We certify that -------- (Name of Bidder/ lead Bidder] meets the financial qualification
cntena with respect to clause 3.3 of RFP as below· I Commcnt[H1): Chk
The annual turnover equal to at least INR Five Crore from consultancy business m each of the preceding
three (3) financial years from the due date of submission of the response to the RFP.
The lead Bidder shall submit Audited financial statements for the relevant years
We acknowledge that in case of rnrsrepresentancn of the information, our proposals I contract shall be
rejected I terminated by the Department which shall be b1nd1ng on us.
Bank Guarantee
(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act if any, of the Country of the Issuing Bank)
Bank Guarantee No
The Director-cum-Member Secretary,
Odisha State Agricultural Marketing Board
Government of Odisha
Dear Sir,
In consideration of [Employer's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the 'Employer which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors,
administrators and assigns) having awarded to M/s [Contractors Name) with its
Registered/Head Office at ... (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor which expression
shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors administrators executors
and assigns). a Contract by issue of Employers Letter of Acceptance No . .. ...... dated
and the same having been acknowledged by the contractor for . . [Contract sum m figures and
words] for . . [Name of the work) and the Contractor having agreed to provide a Contract
Performance Guarantee for the faithful performance of the entire Contract equivalent to (') of
the said value of the aforesaid work under the Contract to the Employer
We [Name & Address of the Bank] having its Head Office at (hereinafter
referred to as the Bank', which expression shall unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof,
include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay
the Employer, on demand any and all monies payable by the Contractor to the extent of .. . . 1·1
as aforesaid at any lime upto [days/month/year] without any demur,
reservation, contest. recourse or protest and/or without any reference to the Contractor Any such
demand made by the Employer on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstandmq any
difference between the Employer and the Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court Tribunal.
Arbitrator or any other authority The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency
without previous consent of the Employer and further agrees that the guarantees herein contained shall
continue to be enforceable 1111 the Employer discharges this guarantee or ttll [dayslmonthlyear]
whichever ts earlier
The Employer shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting m any way the liabil ty of the Bank under this
guarantee. from ttme to lime to extend the time for performance of the Contract by the Contractor
The Employer shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time
the exercise of any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have against the Contractor,
and to exercise the same at any time m any manner and either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any
covenants. contained or ,mphed, in the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor or any other
course or remedy or secunty available to the Employer The Bank shall not be released of us obligations
under these presents by any exercise by the Employer of its liberty with reference to the matters
aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any other act or forbearance or other acts of ormssion or
comrmssion on the part of the Employer or any other indulgence shown by the Employer or by any other
matter or thing whatsoever which under law would but for this provision have the effect of relieving the
The Bank also agrees that the Employer at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against
the Bank as a principal debtor. in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and
notw1thstand1ng any security or other guarantee the Employer may have in relation to the Contractor's
(Name) (Name)
(Official Address)
Apnendrx X
(On Bidder's/ lead Bidder's letterhead)
[Location. Date]
The Director-cum-Member Secretary,
Odisha State Agricultural Marketing Board
Government of Ooisha
Dear Sir.
We. the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting Assignment/job for Consultant in accordance with
your Request for Proposal dated [Insert Date] and our Technical Proposal. Our attached Financial
Proposal rs for the sum of [Insert amount(s) m words and figures] This amount rs inclusive of the
Domestic taxes. We hereby confirm that the Financial Proposal rs unconditional and we acknowledge that
any condiuon attached to financial proposal shall result m rejection of our financial proposal
Our Financial Proposal shall be b,ndmg upon us subject to the rnodificahcns resulting from Contract
neqonanons up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal
We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive
Yours sincerely.
X. B. Format for Frnan ra Proposal
All the costs associated with the assignment shall be included m the lump sum fee being quoted
by the Bidder. These shall normally cover remuneration for all the Personnel (Expatriate and
Resident m the field office etc) accommodation air fare. equipment printing of documents etc
The total amount indicated as the price shall be without any condmon attached or subject to any
assumption, and shall be final and binding In case any assumption or conoiuon rs mdrcated m the
proposal, it shall be considered non-responsive and liable to be rejected Only a single lump-sum
price rs to be quoted for the tender
The Fees shall take into account all expenses and tax liabilities For the avoidance of doubt 11 rs
clarified that all taxes shall be deemed to be included m the costs shown under different items of
the proposal Further all payments shall be subject to deduction of taxes at source as per
Applicable Laws