Flumen User Manual
Flumen User Manual
Flumen User Manual
User Manual
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Applications.......................................................................................................................................................3
2 Basics.........................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Governing Equations.........................................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Flow Equations.........................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Friction Factors.........................................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Initial conditions......................................................................................................................................5
2.1.4 Boundary Conditions................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Numerical solution............................................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Finite Volume Method on Triangles........................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Numerical Fluxes......................................................................................................................................6
2.2.3 Time Discretization...................................................................................................................................7
3 Using FLUMEN........................................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Input Syntax.......................................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Includes..............................................................................................................................................................8
3.3 Options..............................................................................................................................................................9
3.4 Alternatives......................................................................................................................................................10
3.5 Running FLUMEN in Batch Mode.................................................................................................................10
3.6 Generating Quality Meshes.............................................................................................................................10
4 Literature..................................................................................................................................................................12
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
FLUMEN (FLUvial Modelling ENgine) is a program for solving the depth-averaged shallow water equations on a
cell-centred unstructured mesh. It allows for wet and dry domains, sub- and supercritical flow conditions and the
specification of variable bed topography.
The main features of FLUMEN are:
• explicit time integration (1st order)
• numerical fluxes with flux-difference-splitting according to Roe (1st order)
• bed friction with Manning-Strickler formula, logarithmic friction law or full log-law
• mobile bed module to account for deposition/erosion of sediments and bank failure
• allows embedded modelling with 1D river branches
• adaptive meshes
Thanks to the finite volume scheme FLUMEN is extremely robust for mixed sub- and supercritical flow regimes.
Convervation of volume is observed.
FLUMEN reads meshes as nodes and elements. For generating high-quality meshes (with no small angles) the
preprocessor FLUVIZ together with the program TRIANGLE (Shewchuk 1995) can be used. For a detailed
describtion of the input syntax see the Reference document.
1.2 Applications
FLUMEN can be used for almost all flow modelling purposes where the shallow water equation holds.
2 Basics
FLUMEN is based on the depth-averaged shallow water equations that can be written in conservation form as
∂U ∂ E ∂ G
S =0 (1)
∂t ∂ x ∂ y
with x,y = horizontal dimensions, t = time and U = (h,q,r)T = variable vector with the flow depth h and the
components of the specific flow q and r. The flux vectors in x and y are
q r
q g 2 qr
E= h 2 ; G= h (2)
qr r g
h h 2
and the source vector is
∂ z b bx
S= ∂x (3)
g h b by
with g = acceleration of gravity, ρ = density of the fluid, zb = bed level, and τb = bed shear. These equations can be
obtained from the Reynolds equations if hydrostatic pressure distribution is assumed. The conservative
formulation of the equations remains valid in the presence of discontinuous variations of the flow variables such
as hydraulic jumps.
with u = q / h and v = r / h. The friction factor can be estimated by empirical friction laws:
1/ 6
h1 /6 k st h
• Manning-Strickler c f = = with n = Manning's value or kst = k-Strickler value
n g g
The shallow water equations need initial conditions at the begining of each simulation run. There are mainly three
different types of initial conditions that can be used in FLUMEN:
Type Describtion
„Dry Start“ The flow variables (flow depth and velocity) are assumed to be zero over the whole model
„Hot Start“ FLUMEN reads the flow variables from data stored by a previous run.
„Polygon“ The flow variables (flow depth or water level) are defined by closed polygons.
Table 1 - Types of initial conditions in FLUMEN
Boundary conditions influence the solution if the flow reaches a model boundary. If no boundary conditions are
defined, FLUMEN assumes non-permeable boundaries, that is, the flow over the boundaries is assumed to be
zero. In all other cases boundary conditions must be defined by the modeller. The number of necessary boundary
conditions depend on the flow regime (see table below). FLUMEN accepts one boundary condition at each
boundary. At an inflow boundary FLUMEN assumes that the inflow is normal to the model boundary and that the
inflow is always subcritical.
FLUMEN uses an unstructured mesh of triangles to discretise the model domain. For a cell centred finite volume
∫A i ∂t
d =−∫A E x G y d ∫A S U d
i i
where Ai = area of the triangle. Using the divergence theorem the area integral can be replaced by a line integral
around the bounding volume
Ai =−∮ F n U ds Ai S U (6)
∂t i
with Γ= circumference of the triangle. The line integral is approximated by the midpoint quadrature rule, that is,
the numerical flux is calculated at the midpoint of the edges (Sleigh et al. 1995)
∂U 1
=− [ F n U ik l ik F n U ij l ij F n U il l il ]S U i (7)
∂t Ai
Side ij is the common edge to the triangles associated with U i and Uj,
lij = length of this side and Fn(U)ij = flux in the outward normal
direction evaluated at the midpoint of this edge. As the shallow water
equations are rotationally invariant the solution of the two- ik
dimensional equations can be found in applying locally one-
dimensional equations with the local coordinate system x , y If
nx and ny are the unit normals in the x and y directions respectively l
2 2
such that n n =1 , the condition for rotational invariance is
x y Figure 1 - Triangular Mesh
1 0 0
where T = 0 nx ny
0 −n y ny
The velocities in the local coordinate system are u=u n=u n x v n y and v=ut =−u n y v n x
respectively. The flux Fn(U) over each cell face is found from the solution of the one-dimensional equation
∂U ∂ E U
=0 (9)
∂t ∂x
For a central scheme the fluxes over the cell faces are estimated by the values in the cell midpoints. Taking the
arithmetic mean of the adjacent points would lead to spurious oscillations in the solution caused by the decoupling
of odd and even grid points (Hirsch 1988). Therefore, different methods have been developed in order to dampen
these oscillations. Roe (1981) proposed a flux difference splitting scheme (FDS) which introduces upstream
weighting for the flux evaluation. Originally developed for the Euler equations, the flux difference splitting
scheme has been shown to have superior properties for the calculation of viscous flows (van Leer et al. 1987). The
scheme can also be applied to the system of shallow-water equations, which are essentially hyperbolic (Glaister
1988). Using Roe's scheme the numerical flux across a cell face can be written as
1 1
F ij = [F U L F U R]− ∣Aij∣U R−U L (10)
2 2
with UL and UR = values at the left- and right-hand side of the cell face and A = Jacobian of the flux vector A = ∂F
/ ∂U. Equation (10) differs from the arithmetic mean by an additional flux that is proportional to the difference
∆U=UL-UR. The values UL and UR can be considered as the states right and left from a discontinuity that leads to
the propagation of waves across the cell face. Since the solutions are obtained for the linearized equations, Roe's
method defines an approximate Riemann solver (Hirsch 1990). It exactly recognises discontinuities and leads to a
high resolution of shocks. The simplest choice for the variables at the cell faces is setting UL = Ui and UR = Uj
which leads to a scheme whose spatial accuracy is of first order.
=H U , t (11)
where the vector H can be considered as the differential space operator prior to discretisation (see Equation 1).
The simplest choice is the explicit Euler method
where Un and Un+1 denote the values on the old and new time level, respectively, and Hn = H(Un). The accuracy of
the Euler method is 1st order in time. The explict Euler scheme has to consider the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy
(CFL) condition that limits the size of the time step. With the CFL numbers in x- and y-direction
t t
x =∣u∣ g h y =∣v∣ g h (13)
x y
where ∆t = time step, and ∆x, ∆y = grid size, the CFL condition can be written for TVD schemes as (Hirsch
y (14)
3 Using FLUMEN
The model input is given in free format using predefined keywords. Keywords starting with double arrow allow to
structure the input. The input following a >>keyword is related to this >>keyword until the next >>keyword
is specified, e.g.
discharge 10.
node 9823
start 0.5
end 1.5
A double-arrow without a keyword ends the input reading, i.e. all the input that follows is ignored. Lines starting
with a slash (/) in the first column are considered as comments and are ignored. The keywords are given in the
same order as they should appear in the input file. If a number has to be specified, r denotes a real number and i
denotes an integer number. String lengths are limited to 32 characters unless explicitely specified.
3.2 Includes
The syntax allows for include-files to divide the model input into separate files.
Example: If you have stored polygon information for the bedlevels on a file called 'bedlevel.inc':
bedlevel 452.5
129412. 457967.
129445. 457932.
129452. 458112.
129423. 458097.
bedlevel 445.75
130412. 458561.
130601. 458467.
130592. 458512.
you can refer to this file in your input file with
include 'bedlevel.inc'
The program then reads from the file 'bedlevel.inc' until an end_of_file marker or the keyword '>>' appears. Then
the program continues to read from the input file.
Important: Include-files must always start with a keyword. This means that is not allowed to split a time table into
different pieces.
3.3 Options
Options allow to specify different parameters in the input file. Thus, a single input file can be used to describe
many different scenarios. Options are invoked with curly brackets {}
input_statement 1
input_statement 2
When calling the program the option must be written following the @ sign, e.g.
{hq100 inflow 150. }
{hq300 inflow 220. }
and start the program with the 100year flood with
inflow 150.
inflow **
0. 10.
1.5 150.
3.0 10.
and start the program for the 100 year unsteady flood with
Important: The option_name must follow directly the open curly bracket without any space in between.
3.4 Alternatives
Alternatives are an extension of the options described above. They are invoked with the character ¦ that replaces
the logical “or”. Example:
{hq100 inflow 150.
¦hq300 inflow 220.
¦ inflow 50.
The inflow in the model is either 150. (option @hq100) or 220. (option @hq300) or 50. (no option specified).
FLUMEN can be run in batch mode using script files that allows to start different FLUMEN runs one after the
other, e.g. if long jobs has to be done overnight or over the weekend. Such a script file could look like this:
There are many different ways to create calculation meshes depending on data quality, spatial resolution and
structure of the terrain. Often it is useful to distinguish between the original terrain model (DTM) and the
calculation mesh that should contain only cells with no small angles. The procdure can be divided into three
different steps:
Step To Do Tools
Creating the Digital Terrain Model FLUVIZ for data editing and storing data in .node and .poly
(DTM) from given data (e.g. with formation. TRIANGLE for constrained Delaunay triangulation
Creating the calculation mesh FLUVIZ for generating the model boundary and important break
2 lines. TRIANGLE for quality refinement of the model domain.
Mapping of the calculation mesh on FLUVIZ for reading in the DTM and mapping the nodes of the
3 the DTM calculation mesh.
Table 3 - Generating a quality mesh in three steps
1. Create a TIN of the digital terrain modell from given data (points and break lines)
a) Use Fluviz to load and edit the given data. Export data in .node and .poly format for input into
b) Do the meshing in TRIANGLE with the -cp option, e.g.
triangle -cp dtm
if the DTM data is stored in the files dhm.node and dhm.poly (see the manual of TRIANGLE for details).
2. Create the calculation mesh
a) Define the boundary of the domain using Fluviz. Export the boundary and the break lines in .node and
.poly format
b) Create a quality refined mesh using TRIANGLE with the -q option. e.g.
triangle -pq mesh
if the boundary and break lines are stored in mesh.node and mesh.poly (see the manual of TRIANGLE for
c) For local refinement use .area files that describe the maximum area for the triangles.
d) To create an area file load the existing mesh into Flumen and edit the values (e.g. of the bedlevels) to
define the maximum area for each triangle (negative values define areas that are not refined). Write the
nodal values as an area file and give the file the appropriate name (e.g. mesh.1.area). Then start
TRIANGLE with the -ra option, e.g.
triangle -pqra mesh.1
if the previous mesh is stored in mesh.1.node, mesh.1.poly, and mesh.1.area.
3. Map the mesh points with the DTM data
a) Load the TIN nodes and elements into Fluviz, e.g. fluviz dtm.1.node
b) Use the Map option to map the mesh nodes on the TIN surface, i.e. load the node file (e.g. mesh.1.node)
that needs an update of the z-values.
4 Literature
Beffa, C. (1994). „Praktische Lösung der tiefengemittelten Flachwassergleichungen”. Communication 133,
Laboratory of Hydraulics, ETH Zürich.
Hirsch, C. (1988). „Numerical computation of internal and external flows”. Volume 1: Fundamentals of
Numerical Discretization. Wiley, Chichester.
Hirsch, C. (1990). „Numerical computation of internal and external flows”. Volume 2: Computational Methods
for Inviscid and Viscous Flows. Wiley, Chichester.
Marburger, M. (1999). „Entwicklung eines tiefengemittelten morphodynamischen Fliessgewässermodells“.
Mitteilungen Heft 8. Wasserbau Universität Kassel.
Roe, P. L. (1981). „Approximate Riemann solvers, parameter vectors and difference schemes.” J. Comp. Phys,
43, 357-372.
Shewchuk, J. R. (1995). „Triangle: Engineering a 2D quality mesh generator and Delaunay Triangulator“.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Sleigh, P. A., Gaskell, P. H., Berzins, M., Ware, J. M., Wright, N. G. (1995). „A reliable and accurate technique
for the modelling of pracitcally occuring open channel flows“. Proc. 9 th Int. Conf. on Numerical
Methods in laminar and turbulent flow, p 881-892. Pineridge Press, Swansea.