Dsedfef Ojojeo
Dsedfef Ojojeo
Dsedfef Ojojeo
Journal of
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 20(2007) 282-288
A new mechanistic cutting force model for flat end milling using the instantaneous cutting force coefficients is proposed. An
in-depth analysis shows that the total cutting forces can be separated into two terms: a nominal component independent of the runout and
a perturbation component induced by the runout. The instantaneous value of the nominal component is used to calibrate the cutting force
coefficients. With the help of the perturbation component and the cutting force coefficients obtained above, the cutter runout is identified.
Based on simulation and experimental results, the validity of the identification approach is demonstrated. The advantage of the proposed
method lies in that the calibration performed with data of one cutting test under a specific regime can be applied for a great range of
cutting conditions.
Keywords: runout; cutting force; flat end mill; calibration; cutting force coefficient
Modeling of cutting forces constitutes the basis In practice, runout parameters exist and are
for machining simulations, such as the prediction of usually difficult to measure because the milling
surface quality, cutter wear and machine-tool vibra- process is a dynamic coupling process. As cutting
tion[1-4]. It is recognized that the magnitude and dis- forces measured by a dynamometer clearly reveal
tribution of the cutting forces are greatly affected by the influence of the cutter runout, they can be natu-
cutter runout, which is a common phenomenon in rally used to estimate the cutter runout[14-17]. From
multi-fluted[1] end milling operations. To ensure this viewpoint, Armarego and Despande[14] pro-
prediction accuracy, extensive research effort[5-13] posed an iterative algorithm to estimate the value of
has been sacrificed to establish a reliable cutting the cutter runout. Using convolution integration
force model.* method and lumped shearing force model, Zheng
In the early studies of the milling process[5-9], and Wang et al.[15-16] determined the runout through
the cutting force models were developed based on force analysis in frequency domain. A common
the nominal instantaneous uncut chip thickness point of these methods is that cutting force coeffi-
without runout. More accurate milling force models cients are calibrated using the average cutting forces.
were proposed in Refs.[10-13] in order that the ef- In contrast to the above work, an alternative ap-
fect of runout is included. proach proposed by Cho et al.[17] is to use instanta-
neous cutting force for the calibration of cutting
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-29-88495774. force coefficients and the evaluation of runout pa-
E-mail address: [email protected]
Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China rameters in end milling.
(50435020); Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province(2004E217);
the Doctorate Creation Foundation of Northwestern Polytechnical Uni- This paper presents a new approach to identify
versity (CX200411); Youth for NPU Teachers Scientific and Technologi-
cal Innovation Foundation
the instantaneous cutting force coefficients and ra-
WAN Min et al. / Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 20(2007) 282-288 · 283 ·
1.1 Basic cutting force model ter rotation angle ϕ are obtained by summing the
forces acting on all cutting edges as follows
An end milling process is illustrated in Fig. 1. N
The cutting forces applied on element Q of cutting Fs (ϕ ) = ∑ Fi ,s (ϕ ) s = X, Y, Z (3)
i =1
edge i, whose elementary length is dz, can be di-
where N is the total teeth number. When runout oc-
vided into three components: tangential force
curs, hi (z ) needs to be calculated in terms of the
dFi ,t ( z ) , radial force dFi ,r ( z ) and axial force
actual rotation radius of each cutting edge element
dFi , z ( z ) . These can be calculated using
and the feed per tooth. Due to the occurrence of
dFi ,t ( z ) = K t hi ( z ) dz ⎫
⎪ cutter runout, the rotation radius of an arbitrary
dFi ,r ( z )= K r hi ( z ) dz ⎬ (1)
⎪ element of cutting edge i with respect to axial posi-
dFi , z ( z )= K z hi ( z ) dz ⎭
tion z can be obtained as[10,13]
where hi ( z ) is the instantaneous uncut chip thick- ⎡ 2(i − 1)π ⎤
Ri ( z ) = R + ρ cos ⎢λ − κ ( z ) − (4)
ness associated with element Q. K t , K r and K z ⎣ N ⎥⎦
are three cutting force coefficients. with
The total X-, Y- and Z-force components acting z tan β
κ ( z) = (5)
on cutting edge i at a certain cutter rotation angle ϕ
where, R and β are the nominal geometry radius
are expressed as follows
and helical angle of the cutter, respectively. ρ and
Fi , X (ϕ )= ∫ hi ( z )[− K t cos θ ( z ) − K r sin θ ( z )]dz ⎫⎪
zi ,u
zi ,l
λ are the runout parameters as shown in Fig.2.
z ⎪ In general, the calculation of hi (z ) associated
Fi ,Y (ϕ )= ∫ hi ( z )[ K t sin θ ( z ) − K r cos θ ( z )]dz ⎬ (2)
i ,u
i ,l
⎪ with an arbitrary element Q (see Fig.1) can be writ-
Fi , Z (ϕ )= ∫ K z hi ( z ) dz
i ,u ⎪
⎪⎭ ten as in Refs.[10,12-13].
i ,l
hi ( z ) = mi f z sin(θ ( z )) + Ri ( z ) − Ri − m ( z ) (6)
in which zi ,l and zi ,u represent the immersion boun- i
daries depending upon the immersion of cutting where mi means that the current tooth i is remov-
edge i. The total instantaneous cutting forces at cut- ing the material left by the mi-th tooth previous.
· 284 · WAN Min et al. / Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 20(2007) 282-288
i ,l
i ,u
i ,l
( )
Fig.2 Geometry of the cutter runout. C = ∑ cos θ θ i ,u
i ,l
i =1
By reviewing Eqs.(4) and (5) together, Eq.(6) In Eq.(10), assume that the cutting force coef-
can be further developed as ficients are constant at the given cutter rotation an-
mi π 2(i − 1)π
hi ( z ) = mi f z sin (θ ( z )) + [−2mi ρ sin ( )⋅ gles ϕ + ( i = 1, 2, ···, N ). Different angles
N (7) N
(2i − mi − 2)π 2(i − 1)π
sin (λ − κ ( z ) − )] ϕ+ correspond to different coefficients.
1.2 Determinations of the instantaneous Note that θi ,l and θi ,u correspond to lower
cutting force coefficients and upper angle bounds of the immersion cutting
edge i, respectively.
At the given cutting instant shown in Fig.1, the
Eq.(10) is just the nominal cutting force com-
angular position corresponding to cutting edge ele-
ponents Fs (ϕ ) (s = X, Y, Z) that only depend upon
ment Q with axial coordinate z, is θ (z) . Obviously,
cutting force coefficients and the feed per tooth no
after a cutter rotation with an angle of (2iπ)/N (i=1,
matter what the runout is. Assume that FsM (ϕ ) (s =
2, ···, N–1), the angular position of the cutting edge
X, Y, Z) denote the measured values of cutting
element of the cutting edge (i+1) that has the same
forces at cutter rotation angle ϕ . Fs (ϕ ) can be
axial coordinate z equals θ (z), too. As a result, the
obtained by averaging the measured values over one
sum of all X-, Y- and Z- forces of the cutting edge
cutter revolution.
elements with respect to the angular position θ (z)
1 N ⎡ 2(i − 1)π ⎤
can be obtained by Fs (ϕ ) = ∑ ⎢ FsM (ϕ + )⎥ (12)
N i =1 ⎣ N ⎦
dFX ( z ) =[− K t cos θ ( z ) − K r sin θ ( z )] h[θ ( z )]dz ⎫
⎪ Finally, with the known values of Fs (ϕ ) , K t ,
dFY ( z ) = [ K t sin θ ( z ) − K r cos θ ( z )] h[θ ( z )]dz ⎬ (8)
dFZ ( z ) = K z h[θ ( z )]dz ⎪ K r and K z can be deduced immediately from
Eq.(10) by the inverse of coefficient matrix. This
N provides the possibility to investigate the instanta-
h[θ ( z )] = ∑ (mi f z sin (θ ( z )) + Ri ( z ) − Ri − mi ( z )) neous variations of the cutting force coefficients.
i =1 (9)
= N f z sin (θ ( z )) 1.3 Identifications of the cutter runout
where Ri − m ( z ) = RN ( z ) if i–mi = 0. parameters
It is important to see that the effect of cutter After the identifications of cutting force coeffi-
radial runout on h[θ ( z )] vanishes. It turns out that cients, results can be now used to determine the
the sum of all X-, Y- and Z-forces of the cutting edge cutter runout. By substituting Eq.(7) into Eq.(2), the
elements with the same angular position θ (z) is in- total X-, Y- and Z-force components acting on cut-
dependent of the runout. ting edge i in a considered instantaneous state with
WAN Min et al. / Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 20(2007) 282-288 · 285 ·
2(i − 1)π ⎡ FX (ϕ i ) − FX (ϕ i ) ⎤
cutter rotation angle ϕi = ϕ + (0 ≤ ϕ ≤ ⎡V11 (ϕ i ) V12 (ϕ i ) ⎤
N ⎢V (ϕ ) V (ϕ ) ⎥ ⎡ ρ cos λ ⎤ = ⎢ F (ϕ ) − F (ϕ ) ⎥ (15)
i ⎥⎢ ⎢ i ⎥
2π/N) correspond to ⎢ 21 i 22
⎣ ρ sin λ ⎥⎦ ⎢ Y i Y
⎢⎣V31 (ϕ i ) V32 (ϕ i ) ⎥⎦
⎢⎣ FZ (ϕ i ) − FZ (ϕ i ) ⎥⎦
⎡ Fi , X (ϕi ) ⎤ ⎡ A1 (ϕi ) − B1 (ϕi ) 0 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ fz R ⎢ with
F (ϕ ) = B (ϕ ) A (ϕ ) 0 ⎥i
⎢ i ,Y i ⎥ ⎢ 1 i 1 i ⎥ N N ⎫
⎢ F (ϕ ) ⎥ tan β Vk1 (ϕi ) = cos α ∑ Ek1 (ϕi ) + sin α ∑ Ek 2 (ϕi ) ⎪
⎣ 0 0 − C (ϕ ) ⎦⎥ (13)
⎣ i, Z i ⎦ 1 i
i =1 i =1 ⎪
⎬ (16)
⎡ K t (ϕi ) ⎤ ⎡ E11 (ϕi ) E12 (ϕi ) ⎤ N N
⎢ K (ϕ ) ⎥ + ⎢ E (ϕ ) E (ϕ ) ⎥ ⎡ arunout ⎤ Vk 2 (ϕi ) = cos α ∑ Ek 2 (ϕi ) − sin α ∑ Ek1 (ϕi ) ⎪
⎢ r i ⎥ ⎢ 21 i 22 i ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎪
b i =1 i =1 ⎭
⎢⎣ K z (ϕi ) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ E31 (ϕi ) E32 (ϕi ) ⎥⎦ ⎣ runout ⎦
(k = 1, 2, 3)
where By means of K t (ϕi ) , K r (ϕi ) and K z (ϕi )
2R π whose values are estimated using the procedure
E11 (ϕi ) = sin( )[ K t (ϕi ) A1 (ϕi ) − K r (ϕi ) B1 (ϕi )]
tan β N given in the previous section, the runout parame-
2R π ters can be derived directly from Eq.(15). In most
E12 (ϕi ) = sin( )[− K t (ϕi ) D1 (ϕi ) + K r (ϕi ) A1 (ϕi )]
tan β N cases, as the measured data involves noise signals,
2R π FXM (ϕ i ) , FYM (ϕ i ) and FZM (ϕ i ) become all per-
E21 (ϕi ) = sin( )[ K t (ϕi ) B1 (ϕi ) + K r (ϕi ) A1 (ϕi )]
tan β N turbed at the same cutter rotation angle. Conse-
2R π
E22 (ϕi ) = sin( )[− K t (ϕi ) A1 (ϕi ) − K r (ϕi ) D1 (ϕi )] quently, the computing accuracies of ρ and λ may
tan β N
be strongly influenced if Eq.(15) is directly used.
2R π
E31 (ϕi ) = sin( ) K z (ϕi )C1 (ϕi ) Cutting forces of different tooth periods will be
tan β N
chosen to solve ρ and λ so that the influence of
2R π
E32 (ϕi ) = − sin( ) K z (ϕi ) E1 (ϕi ) noise signals can be weakened to the lowest degree.
tan β N
arunout = ρ cos γ ; brunout = ρ sin γ In general, the component that has the largest peak,
with e.g., FYM , is adopted to derive the computing
1 1 scheme. Using the values of FYM at the cutter rota-
θ θ
A1 (ϕi ) = cos 2θ θi ,u ; B1 (ϕi ) = (2θ − sin 2θ ) θi ,u 2(i − 1)π
4 i ,l 4 i ,l
tion angles ϕi = ϕ + (i=1, 2, ···, N), the
θi ,u 1 θi ,u
C1 (ϕi ) = cos θ θ ; D1 (ϕi ) = (2θ + sin 2θ ) θ following expression of compact form is obtained,
i ,l 4 i ,l
θ (2i − 3)π ⎡g ⎤
E1 (ϕi ) = sin θ θi ,u ; γ = λ − θi ,u − φi − T ⎢ 1 ⎥ = TF (17)
i ,l N ⎣ g2 ⎦
here, φi is obtained in the following way. where
If θi,u ≤ π, φi = 0 . ⎡ V21 (ϕ1 ) V22 (ϕ1 ) ⎤ ⎡ FYM (ϕ1 ) − FY (ϕ ) ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
Else if θi,u > π , ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Rr − R π 2(i − 1)π T = ⎢ V21 (ϕi ) V22 (ϕi ) ⎥ ; TF = ⎢ FYM (ϕi ) − FY (ϕ ) ⎥ ;
φi = ϕ − ϕ0 − arcsin ( )− − ⎢ ⎥
R 2 N ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
Evidently, the first term of the right hand side ⎢⎣V21 (ϕ N ) V22 (ϕ N ) ⎥⎦ ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ FYM (ϕ N ) − FY (ϕ ) ⎥⎦
in Eq.(13) refers to a nominal component without
cutter runout whereas the second term refers to the g1 = ρ cos λ ; g 2 = ρ sin λ
force components due to cutter runout. Based on the least square theory, g1 and g 2
Assume that can be obtained as follows
(2i − 3)π ⎡ g1 ⎤ −1
α = −θi ,u − φi − ⎢ g ⎥ = ⎡⎣T T ⎤⎦ ⎡⎣T TF ⎤⎦
(14) (18)
N ⎣ 2⎦
Combing Eqs.(3), (10) and (13), the following Subsequently, ρ and λ can be determined easily by
expressions can be obtained, the following expressions
· 286 · WAN Min et al. / Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 20(2007) 282-288
g2 g g N θi ,u
λ = arctan(
), ρ = 1 or ρ = 2
cos λ sin λ
(19) ∑ [∫ θ f z sin θ dθ ]
i =1 i ,l
h(ϕ ) = N
Note that the correct λ should give rise to a
∑ (θi,l − θi,u )
positive value of ρ. However, from the above pro- i =1
cedure, it can be seen that a set of ρ and λ can be It is found that the cutting force coefficients
available for each value of cutter rotation angle. For have a tendency of varying dramatically and be-
this reason, the real set of runout parameter is se- come large in most cases when the chip thickness
lected to be such a one that minimizes the squared becomes small. This is the so-called size effect[7].
difference between the simulated and measured cut- Historically, many researchers, e.g., Altintas et
ting forces at all sampling instants. al.[1,7], utilized the relationship between the cutting
In the particular case of N = 2, T TT will be- force coefficients and the average chip thickness to
come singular in Eq.(18). ρ and λ can be optimally reveal the size effect. Cutting force coefficients are
selected to be those that satisfy Eq.(15) and mini- then calibrated using the average cutting forces that
mize the squared difference between the simulated need, however, a large number of cutting tests. In
and measured cutting forces at all sampled instants. this work, the cutting force coefficients K q (ϕ ) (q =
For a single flute cutter with N = 1, the cutting t, r, z) are obtained based on the instantaneous cut-
forces are not influenced by the runout. ting state, instead. Compared to the above model, a
relationship will be established between K q (ϕ ) and
2 Experimental Verifications the instantaneous average chip thickness h(ϕ ) .
Now, a series of cutting tests are carried out to
determine the cutting force coefficients and runout
parameters. A three-fluted flat end mill with a di-
ameter of 16 mm and a helix angle of 30° is used
and set up on a vertical CNC milling machine. Cut-
ting forces are measured with a Kistler 9255B dy-
namometer. The workpiece material is Al 2618.
Relevant cutting conditions are listed in Table 1.
depth Feed per Rotation
Test Milling depth of Fig.3 Comparisons of Kq(q=t, r, z) and the
of cut tooth fz /(mm speed/
No. type cut Rr/
Rz / per tooth) (r·min–1) fitted values.
1 Down 8 1 0.05 2 000 From Fig.3, it can be seen that an expo-
2 Down 3 8 0.066 7 3 000
3 Down 8 1.3 0.1 5 000 nent-like relation exists between cutting force coef-
4 Up 2 8 0.075 4 000
ficients Kq and h(ϕ ) . For this reason, the relation-
Cutting forces measured in Test 1 are used to ship between Kq and h(ϕ ) is fitted by the follow-
determine the cutting force coefficients. All the re- ing nonlinear fitting function
[W h (ϕ )]
maining tests will be used to verify the proposed K q = Wq1 + Wq 2 e q 3 (q = t, r, z) (21)
scheme. Based on the proposed approach, the cali- The fitted coefficients are also illustrated in Fig.3,
brated values of Kq (q = t, r, z) are shown in Fig.3 the overall trend of the fitted results corresponds
versus the instantaneous average chip thickness well to the discrete values calculated.
h(ϕ ) that can be calculated at the specified cutter With the aid of the Kq calibrated, results of ρ
rotation angle ϕ by and λ identified from Eq.(19) are as follows
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