Abductive Inference Computation Philosophy Technology

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Abductive inference

Abductive inference
Computation, philosophy, technology

Edited by
The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University
Columbus College of Art & Design

Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 IRP
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA
10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia

© Cambridge University Press 1996

First published 1994

First paperback edition 1996

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 0-521-43461-0 hardback

ISBN 0-521-57545-1 paperback

Transferred to digital printing 2003


Introduction 1
1 Conceptual analysis of abduction 5
What is abduction? 5
Diagnosis and abductive justification 9
Doubt and certainty 12
Explanations give causes 16
Induction 18
Taxonomy of basic inference types 27
From wonder to understanding 28
2 Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 31
The science of AI 31
Knowledge-based systems and knowledge representations 38
Generic tasks 50
3 Two RED systems - abduction machines 1 and 2 63
The red-cell antibody identification task 63
The common architecture underlying RED-1 and RED-2 66
The RED-1 Overview mechanism 75
The RED-2 Overview mechanism 78
Hypothesis interactions 91
4 Generalizing the control strategy - machine 3 94
The PEIRCE tool 94
Reimplementing RED in PEIRCE 101
Abduction in SOAR 105
Generic tasks revisited 113
5 More kinds of knowledge: Two diagnostic systems 117
TIPS 117
PATHEX/LIVER: Structure-function models
for causal reasoning 123
6 Better task analysis, better strategy - machine 4 136
Abduction machines - summary of progress 136
Task analysis of explanatory hypothesis formation 139
Concurrent assembly 142
Concurrent realization of the essentials-first strategy:
Framework 147
Efficiency of the essentials-first strategy 151
7 The computational complexity of abduction 157
Introduction 157
Background 158
Notation, definitions, and assumptions 159
Complexity of finding explanations 164
Complexity of plausibility 171
Application to red-cell antibody identification 176
Discussion 177
8 Two more diagnostic systems 180
Distributed abduction in MDX2 181
QUAWDS: Diagnostic system for gait analysis 184
An abductive approach to knowledge-base refinement 196
9 Better task definition, better strategy - machine 5 202
Tractable abduction 202
Software: PEIRCE-IGTT 215
Experiment: Uncertainty and correctness 223
10 Perception and language understanding 238
Perception is abduction in layers 238
Computational model of abduction in layers 242
Speech understanding as layered abduction 246
Three pilot speech recognition systems 250
Multisense perception 258
Knowledge from perception 259
Appendix A Truth seekers 262
Abduction machines 262
In synthetic worlds 264
Appendix B Plausibility 266
Plausibility and probability 267
The need to go beyond probability 270
Dimensions of plausibility 271
Alternatives to probability 271
Plausibility and intelligence 272
Extended Bibliography 273
Acknowledgments 291
Index 295

Note: LAIR is Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research, Department of Computer and
Information Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 USA

Dean Allemang, PhD Ashok K. Goel, PhD

Organon Motives, Inc. College of Computing
Belmont Massachusetts Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia
Tom Bylander, PhD
Division of Computer Science Todd R. Johnson, PhD
The University of Texas at San Antonio Division of Medical Informatics
San Antonio, TX Department of Pathology
The Ohio State University
B. Chandrasekaran, PhD Columbus, Ohio
John R. Josephson, PhD
Donna Erickson, PhD LAIR
Division of Speech and Hearing Science
The Ohio State University Susan G. Josephson, PhD
Columbus, Ohio LAIR and
Columbus College of Art and Design
Charles Evans, MD Columbus, Ohio
Southern Pathology Associates, Inc.
Chattanooga, Tennessee Susan T. Korda
Lucent Technologies
Olivier Fischer Columbus, Ohio
Kevin Lenzo
Richard Fox, PhD Robotics Institute
University of Texas, Pan American Carnegie Mellon University
Edinburg, Texas Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Osamu Fujimura, DSc Terry Patten, PhD

Division of Speech and Hearing Science TASC
The Ohio State University Reston, Virginia
Columbus, Ohio


William F. Punch III, PhD Jon Sticklen, PhD

Computer Science Department Computer Science Department
Michigan State University Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan East Lansing, Michigan

P. Sadayappan, PhD Patricia L. Strohm, MT (ASCP), SBB

The Ohio State University Western Reserve Care System
Department of Computer and Informa- Southside Hospital Laboratory
tion Science Youngstown, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
John Svirbely, MD
Sheldon R. Simon, MD McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital
Division of Orthopedics Oxford, Ohio
Department of Surgery
The Ohio State University Michael C. Tanner, PhD
Columbus, Ohio Department of Comuter Science
George Mason University
Jack W. Smith, MD, PhD Fairfax, Virginia
LAIR and
Division of Medical Informatics Michael Weintraub, PhD
Department of Pathology GTE Laboratories
The Ohio State University Waltham, Massachusetts
Columbus, Ohio

I see abductive inferences everywhere in science and ordinary life. I believe

abductions to be reasonable and knowledge-producing inferences. If this view
is correct, there appear to be significant philosophical implications: It leads
to a form of Realism about the objects of theory and perception; it leads to
the view that Truth is attainable but extremely high certainty is not; it ex-
tends the detailed conception of Reason to better accommodate fallibility
and uncertainty; it loosens the bounds on what can be known; it finds the
logic of science to be very akin to reasoning in ordinary life and to the
learning of children; and it moves toward restoring confidence in objectiv-
ity and progress where it has been most deeply threatened.
I have been thinking about abduction since the mid-1970s, when my doc-
toral philosophy of science dissertation project on Causality transmuted it-
self into a sustained attempt to reconstruct the logical foundations of sci-
ence based on Gilbert Harman's idea of inference to the best explanation. I
argued that abductive foundations are stronger than those based on induc-
tion, and that there are conceptual advantages to this view for a number of
traditional philosophical puzzles, including the problem of induction.
My dissertation found abductive inferences in ordinary life as well as at
the foundations of science and argued that they are epistemically warranted.
It developed a process view of inference, rather than a static, evidential-
relationship view, but it did not yet take a computational view. Although I
discussed a research program based on trying to build robot scientists, I had
not yet begun this kind of work.
I finished the dissertation in 1982 and promptly began learning Artificial
Intelligence (AI) with B. Chandrasekaran (Chandra) at The Ohio State Uni-
versity. From Chandra I learned to take a computational, or better, an "infor-
mation-processing," view of knowledge and intelligence. His research pro-
gram, which I embraced, was engaged in a search for fundamental building
blocks of intelligence that were expected to take the form of "generic infor-
mation-processing tasks."
My dissertation proposed investigating the inferential practices of sci-
ence by trying to design robot scientists, and seeing what it would take to
By John R. Josephson.

make them work. Still, at the time it was written, I wasn't sensitive to the
implications of taking an information-processing view of inference and in-
telligence. Since then Chandra's tutelage in AI and my experiences in de-
signing and building knowledge-based systems have significantly enriched
my view. They have especially sensitized me to the need to provide for fea-
sible computation in the face of bounded computational resources. To pro-
vide for feasible computation, a model of intelligence must provide for the
control of reasoning processes, and for the organization and representation
of knowledge.
When I joined the AI group at Ohio State (which later became the Labora-
tory for Artificial Intelligence Research, or LAIR), it was intensely studying
diagnosis and looking for the generic tasks hypothesized by Chandra to be
the computational building blocks of intelligence. Besides Chandra and me,
the AI group at the time consisted of Jack Smith, Dave Brown, Tom Bylander,
Jon Sticklen, Mike Tanner, and a few others. Working primarily with medi-
cal domains, the group had identified "hierarchical classification" as a cen-
tral task of diagnosis, had distinguished this sort of reasoning from "data
abstraction" and other types of reasoning that enter into diagnostic problem
solving, and was trying to push the limits of this view by attempting new
knowledge domains.
My first major project with the AI group in 1983 was a collaboration with
Jack Smith, MD, and others, on the design and construction of a knowledge-
based system (called RED) for an antibody-identification task performed
repeatedly by humans in hospital blood banks. The task requires the forma-
tion of a composite mini-theory for each particular case that describes the
red-cell antibodies present in a patient's blood. Our goal was to study the
problem-solving activity of an expert and to capture in a computer program
enough of the expert's knowledge and reasoning strategy to achieve good
performance on test cases. Preenumerating all possible antibody combina-
tions would have been possible (barely) but this was forbidden because such
a solution would not scale up.
The reasoning processes that we were trying to capture turned out to in-
clude a form of best-explanation reasoning. Before long it became clear that
classification was not enough to do justice to the problem, that some way of
controlling the formation of multipart hypotheses was needed. This led me
to design what we now call the RED-1 hypothesis-assembly algorithm. We
then built RED-1, a successful working system with a novel architecture for
hypothesis formation and criticism. RED-l's successor, RED-2, was widely
demonstrated and was described in a number of papers. Jack Smith (already
an MD) wrote his doctoral dissertation in computer science on the RED
The RED systems show that abduction can indeed be made precise enough
to be a usable notion and, in fact, precise enough to be programmed. These
Introduction 3
systems work well and give objectively good answers, even in complicated
cases where the evidence is ambiguous. They do not manipulate numerical
probabilities, follow deductive inference rules, or generalize from experi-
ence. This strongly reinforces the argument that abduction is a distinct form
of inference, interesting in its own right.
RED-1 was the first, and RED-2 the second, of six generations of abductive-
assembly mechanisms that we designed and with which we experimented.
In the following chapters the evolution of these machines is traced as they
grew in power and sophistication. They were all intended as domain-inde-
pendent abductive problem solvers, embodying inference-control strategies
with some pretensions of generality. One design for parallel hypothesis as-
sembly was never implemented, but each of the other five mechanisms was
implemented, at least partially, and a fair amount of experience was built up
in our lab with abductive problem solving.
In the PEIRCE project (named after Charles Sanders Peirce) we made
generalizations and improvements to RED-2 's hypothesis-assembly mecha-
nism. PEIRCE is a domain-independent software tool for building knowl-
edge-based systems that form composite explanatory hypotheses as part of
the problem-solving process. PEIRCE has various hypothesis-improvement
tactics built in and allows the knowledge-system builder to specify strate-
gies for mixing these tactics. Members of our group also designed and built
other abductive systems, including MDX2 by Jon Sticklen, TIPS (Task Inte-
grated Problem Solver) by Bill Punch, and QUAWDS (Qualitative Analysis
of Walking Disorders) by Tom Bylander and Mike Weintraub. Other discov-
eries were made in collaboration with Mike Tanner, Dean Allemang, Ashok
Goel, Todd Johnson, Olivier Fischer, Matt DeJongh, Richard Fox, Susan
Korda, and Irene Ku. Most of the abduction work has been for diagnosis in
medical and mechanical domains, but more recently, in collaboration with
several speech scientists and linguists here at Ohio State, we have begun to
work on layered-abduction models of speech recognition and understanding.
Susan Josephson has been my mate and a stimulating intellectual com-
panion throughout my adult life. When the project of editing this book bogged
down in the summer of 1990, Susan agreed to take the lead and set aside for
a time her project of writing a book on the philosophy of AL The present
book is a result of our collaboration and consists of a deeply edited collec-
tion of LAIR writings on abduction by various authors. I take responsibility
for the major editorial decisions, especially the controversial ones. Susan is
responsible for transforming a scattered set of material into a unified narra-
tive and sustained argument, and she produced the first draft. Many voices
blend in the text that follows, although mine is the most common. Authors
whose work is included here should not be presumed to agree with all con-
In chapter 1 we set the stage with a careful discussion of abduction and
some of its relationships with other traditionally recognized forms of infer-
ence. This is followed in chapter 2 by an orientation to our view of AI as a
science and to our approach to building knowledge systems. The remainder
of the book traces the development of six generations of abduction machines
and describes some of the discoveries that we made about the dynamic logic
of abduction.
Conceptual analysis of abduction

What is abduction?
Abduction, or inference to the best explanation, is a form of inference that
goes from data describing something to a hypothesis that best explains or
accounts for the data. Thus abduction is a kind of theory-forming or inter-
pretive inference. The philosopher and logician Charles Sanders Peirce (1839—
1914) contended that there occurs in science and in everyday life a distinc-
tive pattern of reasoning wherein explanatory hypotheses are formed and
accepted. He called this kind of reasoning "abduction."
In their popular textbook on artificial intelligence (AI), Charniak and
McDermott (1985) characterize abduction variously as modus ponens turned
backward, inferring the cause of something, generation of explanations for
what we see around us, and inference to the best explanation. They write
that medical diagnosis, story understanding, vision, and understanding natural
language are all abductive processes. Philosophers have written of "infer-
ence to the best explanation" (Harman, 1965) and "the explanatory infer-
ence" (Lycan, 1988). Psychologists have found "explanation-based" evidence
evaluation in the decision-making processes of juries in law courts
(Pennington & Hastie, 1988).
We take abduction to be a distinctive kind of inference that follows this
pattern pretty nearly:1

D is a collection of data (facts, observations, givens).

H explains D (would, if true, explain D ).
No other hypothesis can explain D as well as H does.
Therefore, H is probably true.

The core idea is that a body of data provides evidence for a hypothesis that
satisfactorily explains or accounts for that data (or at least it provides evi-
dence if the hypothesis is better than explanatory alternatives).
Abductions appear everywhere in the un-self-conscious reasonings, inter-
This chapter was written by John R. Josephson, except the second section on diagnosis,
which was written by Michael C. Tanner and John R. Josephson.

pretations, and perceivings of ordinary life and in the more critically self-
aware reasonings upon which scientific theories are based. Sometimes ab-
ductions are deliberate, such as when the physician, or the mechanic, or the
scientist, or the detective forms hypotheses explicitly and evaluates them to
find the best explanation. Sometimes abductions are more perceptual, such
as when we separate foreground from background planes in a scene, thereby
making sense of the disparities between the images formed from the two
eyes, or when we understand the meaning of a sentence and thereby explain
the presence and order of the words.

Abduction in ordinary life

Abductive reasoning is quite ordinary and commonsensical. For example, as
Harman (1965) pointed out, when we infer from a person's behavior to some
fact about her mental state, we are inferring that the fact explains the behav-
ior better than some other competing explanation does. Consider this speci-
men of ordinary reasoning:
JOE: Why are you pulling into the filling station?
TIDMARSH: Because the gas tank is nearly empty.
JOE: What makes you think so?
TIDMARSH: Because the gas gauge indicates nearly empty. Also, I have no reason to
think that the gauge is broken, and it has been a long time since I filled the tank.
Under the circumstances, the nearly empty gas tank is the best available
explanation for the gauge indication. Tidmarsh's other remarks can be un-
derstood as being directed to ruling out a possible competing explanation
(broken gauge) and supporting the plausibility of the preferred explanation.
Consider another example of abductive reasoning: Imagine that one day you
are driving your car, and you notice the car behind you because of its peculiar
shade of bright yellow. You make two turns along your accustomed path home-
ward and then notice that the yellow car is still behind you, but now it is a little
farther away. Suddenly, you remember something that you left at the office and
decide to turn around and go back for it. You execute several complicated ma-
neuvers to reverse your direction and return to the office. A few minutes later
you notice the same yellow car behind you. You conceive the hypothesis that
you are being followed, but you cannot imagine any reason why this should be
so that seems to have any significant degree of likelihood. So, you again reverse
direction, and observe that the yellow car is still behind you. You conclude that
you are indeed being followed (reasons unknown) by the person in the dark
glasses in the yellow car. There is no other plausible way to explain why the car
remains continually behind you. The results of your experiment of reversing
direction a second time served to rule out alternative explanations, such as that
the other driver's first reversal of direction was a coincidence of changing plans
at the same time.
Conceptual analysis of abduction 1
Harman (1965) gave a strikingly insightful analysis of law court testi-
mony, which argues that when we infer that a witness is telling the truth, we
are using best-explanation reasoning. According to Harman our inference
goes as follows:
(i) We infer that he says what he does because he believes it.
(ii) We infer that he believes what he does because he actually did witness the
situation which he describes.
Our confidence in the testimony is based on our conclusions about the
most plausible explanation for that testimony. Our confidence fails if we
come to think that there is some other plausible explanation for his testi-
mony - for example, that he stands to gain from our believing him. Here,
too, we see the same pattern of reasoning from observations to a hypothesis
that explains those observations - not simply to a possible explanation, but
to the best explanation for the observations in contrast with alternatives.
In Winnie-the-Pooh (Milne, 1926) Pooh says:
It had HUNNY written on it, but, just to make sure, he took off the paper cover and
looked at it, and it looked just like honey. "But you never can tell," said Pooh. "I
remember my uncle saying once that he had seen cheese just this colour." So he put
his tongue in, and took a large lick. (pp. 61-62)
Pooh's hypothesis is that the substance in the jar is honey, and he has two
pieces of evidence to substantiate his hypothesis: It looks like honey, and
"hunny" is written on the jar. How can this be explained except by suppos-
ing that the substance is honey? He considers an alternative hypothesis: It
might be cheese. Cheese has been observed to have this color, so the cheese
hypothesis offers another explanation for the color of the substance in the
jar. So, Pooh (conveniently dismissing the evidence of the label) actively
seeks evidence that would distinguish between the hypotheses. He performs
a test, a crucial experiment. He takes a sample.
The characteristic reasoning processes of fictional detectives have also
been characterized as abduction (Sebeok & Umiker-Sebeok, 1983). To use
another example from Harman (1965), when a detective puts the evidence
together and decides that the culprit must have been the butler, the detective
is reasoning that no other explanation that accounts for all the facts is plau-
sible enough or simple enough to be accepted. Truzzi (1983) alleges that at
least 217 abductions can be found in the Sherlock Holmes canon.
"There is no great mystery in this matter," he said, taking the cup of tea which I had
poured out for him; "the facts appear to admit of only one explanation."
- Sherlock Holmes (Doyle, 1890, p. 620)

Abduction in science
Abductions are common in scientific reasoning on large and small scales. 2
The persuasiveness of Newton's theory of gravitation was enhanced by its
ability to explain not only the motion of the planets, but also the occurrence
of the tides. In On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
Darwin presented what amounts to an extended argument for natural selec-
tion as the best hypothesis for explaining the biological and fossil evidence
at hand. Harman (1965) again: when a scientist infers the existence of atoms
and subatomic particles, she is inferring the truth of an explanation for her
various data. Science News (Peterson, 1990) reported the attempts of as-
tronomers to explain a spectacular burst of X rays from the globular cluster
Ml 5 on the edge of the Milky Way. In this case the inability of the scientists
to come up with a satisfactory explanation cast doubt on how well astrono-
mers understand what happens when a neutron star accretes matter from an
orbiting companion star. Science News (Monastersky, 1990) reported attempts
to explain certain irregular blocks of black rock containing fossilized plant
matter. The best explanation appears to be that they are dinosaur feces.

Abduction and history

Knowledge of the historical past also rests on abductions. Peirce (quoted in
Fann, 1970) cites one example:
Numberless documents refer to a conqueror called Napoleon Bonaparte. Though we
have not seen the man, yet we cannot explain what we have seen, namely, all those
documents and monuments without supposing that he really existed, (p. 21)

Abduction and language

Language understanding is another process of forming and accepting ex-
planatory hypotheses. Consider the written sentence, "The man sew the rat
eating the corn." The conclusion seems inescapable that there has been some
sort of mistake in the third word "sew" and that somehow the "e" has im-
properly replaced an "a." If we are poor at spelling, or if we read the sen-
tence rapidly, we may leap to the "saw" reading without even noticing that
we have not dealt with the fact of the "e." Taking the "saw" reading de-
mands our acceptance so strongly that it can cause us to overturn the direct
evidence of the letters on the page, and to append a hypothesis of a mistake,
rather than accept the hypothesis of a nonsense sentence.

The process of abduction

Sometimes a distinction has been made between an initial process of com-
ing up with explanatorily useful hypothesis alternatives and a subsequent
process of critical evaluation wherein a decision is made as to which expla-
nation is best. Sometimes the term "abduction" has been restricted to the
hypothesis-generation phase. In this book, we use the term for the whole
process of generation, criticism, and acceptance of explanatory hypotheses.
Conceptual analysis of abduction 9
One reason is that although the explanatory hypotheses in abduction can be
simple, more typically they are composite, multipart hypotheses. A scien-
tific theory is typically a composite with many separate parts holding to-
gether in various ways,3 and so is our understanding of a sentence and our
judgment of a law case. However, no feasible information-processing strat-
egy can afford to explicitly consider all possible combinations of poten-
tially usable theory parts, since the number of combinations grows exponen-
tially with the number of parts available (see chapter 7). Reasonably sized
problems would take cosmological amounts of time. So, one must typically
adopt a strategy that avoids generating all possible explainers. Prescreening
theory fragments to remove those that are implausible under the circum-
stances makes it possible to radically restrict the potential combinations that
can be generated, and thus goes a long way towards taming the combinato-
rial explosion. However, because such a strategy mixes critical evaluation
into the hypothesis-generation process, this strategy does not allow a clear
separation between the process of coming up with explanatory hypotheses
and the process of acceptance. Thus, computationally, it seems best not to
neatly separate generation and acceptance. We take abduction to include the
whole process of generation, criticism, and possible acceptance of explana-
tory hypotheses.

Diagnosis and abductive justification

In this section we show by example how the abductive inference pattern can
be used simply and directly to describe diagnostic reasoning and its justifi-
In AI, diagnosis is often described as an abduction problem (e.g., Peng &
Reggia, 1990). Diagnosis can be viewed as producing an explanation that
best accounts for the patient's (or device's) symptoms. The idea is that the
task of a diagnostic reasoner is to come up with a best explanation for the
symptoms, which are typically those findings for the case that show abnor-
mal values. The explanatory hypotheses appropriate for diagnosis are mal-
function hypotheses: typically disease hypotheses for plants and animals
and broken-part hypotheses for mechanical systems.
The diagnostic task is to find a malfunction, or set of malfunctions, that
best explains the symptoms. More specifically, a diagnostic conclusion should
explain the symptoms, it should be plausible, and it should be significantly
better than alternative explanations. (The terms "explain," "plausible," and
"better" remain undefined for now.)
Taking diagnosis as abduction determines the classes of questions that are
fair to ask of a diagnostician. It also suggests that computer-based diagnos-
tic systems should be designed to make answering such questions straight-

Consider the example of liver disease diagnosis given by Harvey and

Bordley (1972, pp. 299-302). In this case the physician organized the differ-
ential (the set of alternative hypotheses) around hepatomegaly (enlarged
liver), giving five categories of possible causes of hepatomegaly: venous
congestion of the liver, obstruction of the common duct, infection of the
liver, diffuse hepatomegaly without infection, and neoplasm (tumor) of the
liver. He then proceeded to describe the evidence for and against each hy-
pothesis. Venous congestion of the liver was ruled out because none of its
important symptoms were present. Obstruction of the common duct was
judged to be unlikely because it would not explain certain important find-
ings, and many expected symptoms were not present. Various liver infec-
tions were judged to be explanatorily irrelevant because certain important
findings could not be explained this way. Other liver infections were ruled
out because expected consequences failed to appear, although one type of
infection seemed somewhat plausible. Diffuse hepatomegaly without infec-
tion was considered explanatorily irrelevant because, by itself, it would not
be sufficient to explain the degree of liver enlargement. Neoplasm was con-
sidered to be plausible and would adequately explain all the important find-
ings. Finally, the physician concluded the following:
The real choice here seems to lie between an infection of the liver and neoplasm of
the liver. It seems to me that the course of the illness is compatible with a massive
hepatoma [neoplasm of the liver] and that the hepatomegaly, coupled with the bio-
chemical findings, including the moderate degree of jaundice, are best explained by
this diagnosis.
Notice the form of the argument:
1. There is a finding that must be explained (hepatomegaly).
2. The finding might be explained in a number of ways (venous congestion of
the liver, obstruction of the common duct, infection of the liver, diffuse
hepatomegaly without infection, and neoplasm of the liver).
3. Some of these ways are judged to be implausible because expected conse-
quences do not appear (venous congestion of the liver).
4. Some ways are judged to be irrelevant or implausible because they do not
explain important findings (obstruction of the common duct, diffuse
hepatomegaly without infection).
5. Of the plausible explanations that remain (infection of the liver, neoplasm of
the liver), the best (neoplasm of the liver) is the diagnostic conclusion.
The argument is an abductive justification for the diagnostic conclusion.
Suppose the conclusion turned out to be wrong. What could have hap-
pened to the true answer? That is, why was the true, or correct, answer not
the best explanation? This could only have happened for one or more of the
following reasons:
1. There was something wrong with the data such that it really did not need to be
explained. In this case, hepatomegaly might not have actually been present.
2. The differential was not broad enough. There might be causes of hepatomegaly
that were unknown to the physician, or that were overlooked by him.
Conceptual analysis of abduction 11
3. Hypotheses were incorrectly judged to be implausible. Perhaps venous con-
gestion should have been considered more plausible than it was, due to faulty
knowledge or missing evidence.
4a. Hypotheses were incorrectly thought not to explain important findings. For
example, obstruction might explain findings that the physician thought it could
not, possibly because the physician had faulty knowledge.
4b. The diagnostic conclusion was incorrectly thought to explain the findings.
Neoplasm might not explain the findings, due to faulty knowledge or to over-
looking important findings.
5a. The diagnostic conclusion was incorrectly thought to be better than it was.
Neoplasm might have been overrated, due to faulty knowledge or missing
5b. The true answer was underrated, due to faulty knowledge or missing evidence.

Many questions to the diagnostician can be seen as indicating ways in

which the answer may be wrong, each question suggesting an error of a
particular type. An answer to such a question should convince the ques-
tioner that the diagnosis is not mistaken in that way.
Returning to the example, if the physician were asked, "What makes venous
congestion implausible?" he might answer:
This patient exhibited no evidence of circulatory congestion or obstruction of the
hepatic veins or vena cava. . . .
thus trying to convince the questioner that venous congestion was correctly
ruled out. If asked, "Why not consider some toxic hepatic injury?" the phy-
sician could reply:
[It would not] seem to compete with a large hepatoma in explaining the massive
hepatomegaly, the hypoglycemia, and the manifestations suggestive of infection.
thus trying to convince the questioner that the differential is broad enough.
Interestingly, in this case Bordley 's diagnosis was wrong. Autopsy revealed
that the patient actually had cancer of the pancreas. (To be fair, the autopsy
also found tumors in the liver, but pancreatic cancer was considered the
primary illness.) One significant finding in the case was elevated amylase,
which is not explained by neoplasm of the liver. So, if we asked the physi-
cian, "How do you account for the sharply elevated amylase?" his only pos-
sible reply would be:
The diagnosis was inadequate because it failed to account for all the impor-
tant findings (item 4b in the previous numbered list).
This analysis tells us that if we build an expert system and claim that it
does diagnosis, we can expect it to be asked certain questions. These are the
only questions that are fair to ask simply because it is a diagnostic system.
Other questions would not be about diagnosis per se. These other questions
might include requests for definitions of terms, exam-like questions that
check the system's knowledge about some important fact, and questions about
the implications of the diagnostic conclusion for treatment. Thus, the idea
of abductive justification gives rise to a model of dialogue between the di-
agnostician and the client. It defines a set of questions that any person, or
machine, claiming to do diagnosis should be prepared to answer.
One power of this analysis lies in controlling for error, in making explicit
the ways in which the conclusion can be wrong. A challenging question
implies that the questioner thinks that the answer might be wrong and that
the questioner needs to be convinced that it is not. A proper answer will
reassure the questioner that the suspected error has not occurred.

Doubt and certainty

Inference and logic
Inferences are movements of thought within the sphere of belief.4 The func-
tion of inference is the acceptance (or sometimes rejection) of propositions
on the basis of purported evidence. Yet, inferences are not wholly or merely
psychological; there may be objective relationships of evidential support
(or its absence) between propositions that have nothing much to do with
whether anyone thinks of them. Thus a science of evidential relationships is
possible that has very little to do with empirical psychology. This science is
logic in the broad sense.

Deduction and abduction

Deductions support their conclusions in such a way that the conclusions
must be true, given true premises; they convey conclusive evidence. Other
forms of evidential support are not so strong, and though significant support
for a conclusion may be given, a possibility of error remains. Abductions are
of this kind; they are fallible inferences.
Consider the following logical form, commonly called disjunctive syllo-

P or Q or R or S or . . .
But not-0, not-/?, not-S, . . .
Therefore, P.

This form is deductively valid. Moreover, the support for an abductive

conclusion fits this form if we assert that we have exhaustively enumerated
all possible explanations for the data and that all but one of the alternative
explanations has been decisively ruled out. Typically, however, we will have
reasons to believe that we have considered all plausible explanations (i.e.,
those that have a significant chance of being true), but these reasons stop
short of being conclusive. We may have struggled to formulate a wide vari-
Conceptual analysis of abduction 13
ety of possible explanations but cannot be sure that we have covered all
plausibles. Under these circumstances we can assert a proposition of the
form of the first premise of the syllogism, but assert it only with a kind of
qualified confidence. Typically, too, alternative explanations can be dis-
counted for one reason or another but not decisively ruled out. Thus abductive
inferences, in a way, rely on this particular deductively valid inference form,
but abductions are conclusive only in the limit.
Of course disjunctive syllogism fits any decision by enumeration of alter-
natives and exclusion, not just abductions (where explanatory alternatives
are considered). From this it can be seen that abduction cannot be identified
with disjunctive syllogism.

Ampliative inference
Like inductive generalizations, abductions are ampliative inferences; that is, at
the end of an abductive process, having accepted a best explanation, we may
have more information than we had before. The abduction transcends the infor-
mation of its premises and generates new information that was not previously
encoded there at all. This can be contrasted with deductions, which can be thought
of as extracting, explicitly in their conclusions, information that was already
implicitly contained in the premises. Deductions are truth preserving, whereas
successful abductions may be said to be truth producing.
This ampliative reasoning is sometimes done by introducing new vocabu-
lary in the conclusion. For example, when we abduce that the patient has
hepatitis because hepatitis is the only plausible way to explain the jaundice,
we have introduced into the conclusion a new term, "hepatitis," which is
from the vocabulary of diseases and not part of the vocabulary of symptoms.
By introducing this term, we make conceptual connections with the typical
progress of the disease, and ways to treat it, that were unavailable before.
Whereas valid deductive inferences cannot contain terms in their conclu-
sions that do not occur in their premises, abductions can "interpret" the given
data in a new vocabulary. Abductions can thus make the leap from "observa-
tion language" to "theory language."

Doubt and hesitation

An abductive process aims at a satisfactory explanation, one that can be
confidently accepted. However it may be accompanied in the end with some
explicit qualification, for example, some explicit degree of assurance or some
doubt. One main form of doubt is just hesitation from being aware of the
possibility of alternative explanations. Classically, this is just how Descartes
generates doubts about knowledge from the senses: Alternative explanations
to the usual interpretations of sensory information are that we are dreaming
or that we are being deceived by a very powerful and evil demon (Descartes,
1641). Since low-plausibility alternative explanations can be generated in-
definitely, doubt cannot be completely eliminated.
On the way to a satisfactory explanation, an abductive process might seek
further information beyond that given in the data initially to be explained.
For example, there may be a need to distinguish between explanatory alter-
natives; for help in forming hypotheses; or for help in evaluating them. Of-
ten abductive processes are not immediately concluded, but are suspended
to wait for answers from information-seeking processes. Such suspensions
of processing can last a very long time. Years later, someone may say, "So
that's why she never told me. I was always puzzled about that." Centuries
later we may say, "So that's the secret of inheritance. It's based on making
copies of long molecules that encode hereditary information."

Abductive conclusions: likelihood and acceptance

As we said earlier, abductions follow approximately this pattern:

D is a collection of data.
H explains D.
No other hypothesis can explain D as well as H does.

Therefore, H is probably true.

The judgment of likelihood associated with an abductive conclusion should

depend on the following considerations (as it typically does in the infer-
ences we actually make):
1. how decisively H surpasses the alternatives5
2. how good H is by itself, independently of considering the alternatives (we
should be cautious about accepting a hypothesis, even if it is clearly the best
one we have, if it is not sufficiently plausible in itself)
3. judgments of the reliability of the data
4. how much confidence there is that all plausible explanations have been con-
sidered (how thorough was the search for alternative explanations ).6
Beyond the judgment of its likelihood, willingness to accept the conclu-
sion should (and typically does) depend on:
1. pragmatic considerations, including the costs of being wrong and the benefits
of being right
2. how strong the need is to come to a conclusion at all, especially considering
the possibility of seeking further evidence before deciding.
This theory of abduction is an evaluative theory, offering standards for
judging reasoning patterns. It is also a descriptive and explanatory theory
for human and computer reasoning processes that provides a way of analyz-
ing these processes in functional terms, of showing what they accomplish,
of showing how they manifest good reasoning (i.e., intelligence).
Conceptual analysis of abduction 15
Best explanation: Compared with what?
There is some ambiguity in the abductive inference pattern as we have de-
scribed it. What is the set of explanatory hypotheses of which H is the best?
Perhaps this premise should say, "No other available hypothesis can explain
D as well as H does."7 The set of alternatives might be thought of so nar-
rowly as to include just those hypotheses that one thinks of immediately, or
so broadly as to include all the hypotheses that can in principle be formu-
lated. Construed broadly, it would include the true explanation, which would
of course be best, but then the whole inference form would seem to be trivial.
Yet it appears that the force of the abductive inference depends on an
evaluation that ranges over all possible hypotheses, or at least a set of them
large enough to guarantee that it includes the true one. If we think that there
is a significant chance that there is a better explanation, even one that we
have not thought of, that we cannot think of, or that is completely unavail-
able to us, then we should not make the inference and normally would not.
After all, an unavailable hypothesis might be the true one. It is quite
unpersuasive for me to try to justify a conclusion by saying, "It is likely to
be true because I couldn't think of a better explanation." That I could not
think of a better explanation is some evidence that there is no better expla-
nation, depending on how we judge my powers of imagination and my pow-
ers of evaluating hypotheses, but these are just evidential considerations in
making the judgment that there is not (anywhere) a better explanation. We
should (and do) make the inferential leap when we judge that "no other
hypothesis can explain D as well as //does." Unqualified.
In one sense the best explanation is the true one. But, having no indepen-
dent access to which explanatory hypothesis is true, the reasoner can only
assert judgments of best based on considerations such as plausibility and
explanatory power. The reasoner is, in effect, presuming that the best expla-
nation based on these considerations is the one most likely to be true. If we
challenge an abductive justification by asking what the grounds are for judg-
ing that a particular hypothesis is best, then we properly get an answer in
terms of what is wrong with alternative explanations and what is the evi-
dence that all plausible explanations have been considered (all those with a
significant chance of being true). The inference schema as stated in this
chapter is not trivial, even though it ranges over all possible relevant hy-
potheses, because best is not directly a judgment of truth but instead a sum-
mary judgment of accessible explanatory virtues.

Emergent certainty
Abductions often display emergent certainty; that is, the conclusion of an
abduction can have, and be deserving of, more certainty than any of its pre-
mises. This is unlike a deduction, which is no stronger than the weakest of
its links (although separate deductions can converge for parallel support).
For example, I may be more sure of the bear's hostile intent than of any of the
details of its hostile gestures; I may be more sure of the meaning of the sentence
than of my initial identifications of any of the words; I may be more sure of the
overall theory than of the reliability of any single experiment on which it is
based. Patterns emerge from individual points where no single point is essential
to recognizing the pattern. A signal extracted and reconstructed from a noisy
channel may lead to a message, the wording of which, or even more, the intent
of which, is more certain than any of its parts.
This can be contrasted with traditional empiricist epistemology, which
does not allow for anything to be more certain than the observations (except
maybe tautologies) since everything is supposedly built up from the obser-
vations by deduction and inductive generalization. But a pure generaliza-
tion is always somewhat risky, and its conclusion is less certain than its
premises. "All goats are smelly" is less certain than any given "This goat is
smelly." With only deductive logic and generalization available, empirical
knowledge appears as a pyramid whose base is particular experiments or
sense perceptions, and where the farther up you go, the more general you
get, and the less certain. Thus, without some form of certainty-increasing
inference, such as abduction, traditional empiricist epistemology is unavoid-
ably committed to a high degree of skepticism about all general theories of

Knowledge without certainty

The conclusion of an abduction is "logically justified" by the force of the
abductive argument. If the abductive argument is strong, and if one is per-
suaded by the argument to accept the conclusion, and if, beyond that, the
conclusion turns out to be correct, then one has attained justified, true, be-
lief the classical philosophical conditions of knowledge, that date back to
Plato.8 Thus abductions are knowledge producing inferences despite their
fallibility. Although we can never be entirely sure of an abductive conclu-
sion, if the conclusion is indeed true, we may be said to "know" that conclu-
sion. Of course, without independent knowledge that the conclusion is true,
we do not "know that we know," but that is the usual state of our knowledge.
Summary: Abductions are fallible, and doubt cannot be completely elimi-
nated. Nevertheless, by the aid of abductive inferences, knowledge is pos-
sible even in the face of uncertainty.

Explanations give causes

There have been two main traditional attempts to analyze explanations as
deductive proofs, neither attempt particularly successful. Aristotle maintained
that an explanation is a syllogism of a certain form (Aristotle c. 350 B.C.)
Conceptual analysis of abduction 17
that also satisfies various informal conditions, one of which is that the "middle
term" of the syllogism is the cause of the thing being explained. (B is the
middle term of "All A are B ; All B are C ; Therefore, All A are C .") More
recently (considerably) Hempel (1965) modernized the logic and proposed
the "covering law" or "deductive nomological" model of explanation.9 The
main difficulty with these accounts (besides Hempel's confounding the ques-
tion of what makes an ideally good explanation with the question of what it
is to explain at all) is that being a deductive proof is neither necessary nor
sufficient for being an explanation. Consider the following:
QUESTION: Why does he have burns on his hand?
EXPLANATION: He sneezed while cooking pasta and upset the pot.
The point of this example is that an explanation is given but no deductive
proof, and although it could be turned into a deductive proof by including
additional propositions, this would amount to gratuitously completing what
is on the face of it an incomplete explanation. Under the circumstances (in-
completely specified) sneezing and upsetting the pot were presumably caus-
ally sufficient for the effect, but this is quite different from being logically
The case that explanations are not necessarily deductive proofs becomes
even stronger if we consider psychological explanations and explanations
that are fundamentally statistical (e.g., where quantum phenomena are in-
volved). In these cases it is clear that causal determinism cannot be assumed,
so the antecedent conditions cannot be assumed to be even causally suffi-
cient for the effects. Conversely, many deductive proofs fail to be explana-
tions of anything. For example classical mechanics is deterministic and time
reversible, so an earlier state of a system can be deduced from a later state,
but the earlier state cannot be said to be explained thereby. Also, q can be
deduced from "/? and q " but is not thereby explained.
Thus, we conclude that explanations are not deductive proofs in any par-
ticularly interesting sense. Although they can often be presented in the form
of deductive proofs, doing so does not succeed in capturing anything essen-
tial or especially useful and tends to confuse causation with logical implica-
An alternative view is that an explanation is an assignment of causal re-
sponsibility; it tells a causal story. Finding possible explanations is finding
possible causes of the thing to be explained. It follows that abduction, as a
process of reasoning to an explanation, is a process of reasoning from effect
to cause.
Cause for abduction may be understood somewhat more broadly than its
usual senses of mechanical or efficient or event-event causation.10 To get
some idea of a more expanded view of causation, consider the four kinds of
causes according to Aristotle: efficient cause, material cause, final cause,
and formal cause (Aristotle, Physics , bk. 2, chap. 3). Let us take the ex-
ample of my coffee mug. The efficient cause is the process by which the
mug was manufactured and helps explain such things as why there are ripples
on the surface of the bottom. The material cause is the ceramic and glaze,
which compose the mug and cause it to have certain gross properties such as
hardness. The final cause is the end or purpose, in this case to serve as a
container for liquids and as a means of conveyance for drinking. A final-
cause explanation is needed to explain the presence and shape of the handle.
Formal cause is somewhat more mysterious - Aristotle is hard to interpret
here - but it is perhaps something like the mathematical properties of the
shape, which impose constraints resulting in certain specific other proper-
ties. That the cross-section of the mug, viewed from above, is approximately
a circle, explains why the length and width of the cross-section are approxi-
mately equal. The causal story told by an abductive explanation might rely
on any of these four types of causation.11
When we conclude that a finding / is explained by hypothesis //, we say
more than just that if is a cause o f / i n the case at hand. We conclude that
among all the vast causal ancestry o f / w e will assign responsibility to H.
Typically, our reasons for focusing on H are pragmatic and connected rather
directly with goals of production or prevention. We blame the heart attack
on the blood clot in the coronary artery or on the high-fat diet, depending on
our interests. Perhaps we should explain the patient's death by pointing out
that the patient was born, so what else can you expect but eventual death?
We can blame the disease on the invading organism, on the weakened im-
mune system that permitted the invasion, or on the wound that provided the
route of entry into the body. We can blame the fire on the presence of the
combustibles, on the presence of the spark, or even on the presence of the
oxygen, depending on which we think is the most remarkable. I suggest that
it comes down to this: The things that will satisfy us as accounting for/will
depend on why we are trying to account for/; but the only things that count
as candidates are parts of what we take to be the causal ancestry of/

Peirce's view was that induction, deduction, and abduction are three distinct
types of inference, although as his views developed, the boundaries shifted
somewhat, and he occasionally introduced hybrid forms such as "abductive
induction" (Peirce, 1903). In this section I hope to clear up the confusion
about the relationship of abduction to induction. First I argue that inductive
generalizations can be insightfully analyzed as special cases of abductions.
I also argue that predictions are a distinctive form of inference, that they are
not abductions, and that they are sometimes deductive, but typically not.
The result is a new classification of basic inference types.
Conceptual analysis of abduction 19
Harman (1965) argued that "inference to the best explanation" (i.e., ab-
duction) is the basic form of nondeductive inference, subsuming "enumera-
tive induction" and all other forms of nondeductive inferences as special
cases. Harman argued quite convincingly that abduction subsumes sample-
to-population inferences (i.e., inductive generalizations [this is my way of
putting the matter]). The weakness of his overall argument was that other
forms of nondeductive inference are not seemingly subsumed by abduction,
most notably population-to-sample inferences, a kind of prediction. The main
problem is that the conclusion of a prediction does not explain anything, so
the inference cannot be an inference to a best explanation.
This last point, and others, were taken up by Ennis (1968). In his reply to
Ennis, instead of treating predictions as deductive, or admitting them as a
distinctive form of inference not reducible to abduction, Harman took the
dubious path of trying to absorb predictions, along with a quite reasonable
idea of abductions, into the larger, vaguer, and less reasonable notion of
"maximizing explanatory coherence" (Harman, 1968). In this I think Harman
made a big mistake, and it will be my job to repair and defend Harman's
original arguments, which were basically sound, although they proved some-
what less than he thought.

Inductive generalization
First, I will argue that it is possible to treat every good (i.e., reasonable,
valid) inductive generalization as an instance of abduction. An inductive
generalization is an inference that goes from the characteristics of some
observed sample of individuals to a conclusion about the distribution of those
characteristics in some larger population. As Harman pointed out, it is use-
ful to describe inductive generalizations as abductions because it helps to
make clear when the inferences are warranted. Consider the following infer-

All observed A's are B's

Therefore All A's are B's

This inference is warranted, Harman (1965) writes, ". . . whenever the hy-
pothesis that all A's are #'s is (in the light of all the evidence) a better,
simpler, more plausible (and so forth) hypothesis than is the hypothesis, say,
that someone is biasing the observed sample in order to make us think that
all A's are B's. On the other hand, as soon as the total evidence makes some
other competing hypothesis plausible, one may not infer from the past cor-
relation in the observed sample to a complete correlation in the total popu-

If this is indeed an abductive inference, then "All A's are B's" should ex-
plain "All observed A's are ZTs." But, "All A's are 2?'s" does not seem to
explain why "This A is a B" or why A and B are regularly associated (as
pointed out by Ennis, 1968). Furthermore, I suggested earlier that explana-
tions give causes, but it is hard to see how a general fact could explain its
instances, because it does not seem in any way to cause them.
The story becomes much clearer if we distinguish between an event of
observing some fact and the fact observed. What the general statement in
the conclusion explains is the events of observing, not the facts observed.
For example, suppose I choose a ball at random (arbitrarily) from a large hat
containing colored balls. The ball I choose is red. Does the fact that all of
the balls in the hat are red explain why this particular ball is red? No. But it
does explain why, when I chose a ball at random, it turned out to be a red
one (because they all are). "All A's are i?'s" cannot explain why "This A is a
Z?" because it does not say anything at all about how its being an A is con-
nected with its being a B. The information that "they all are" does not tell
me anything about why this one is, except it suggests that if I want to know
why this one is, I would do well to figure out why they all are.
A generalization helps to explain the events of observing its instances,
but it does not explain the instances themselves. That the cloudless, daytime
sky is blue helps explain why, when I look up, I see the sky to be blue (but it
doesn't explain why the sky is blue). The truth of "Theodore reads ethics
books a lot" helps to explain why, so often when I have seen him, he has
been reading an ethics book (but it doesn't explain why he was reading eth-
ics books on those occasions). Seen this way, inductive generalization does
have the form of an inference whose conclusion explains its premises.
Generally, we can say that the frequencies in the larger population, to-
gether with the frequency-relevant characteristics of the method for draw-
ing a sample, explain the frequencies in the observed sample. In particular,
"y4's are mostly i?'s" together with "This sample of A's was drawn without
regard to whether or not they were ZTs" explain why the A's that were drawn
were mostly ZTs.
Why were 61% of the chosen balls yellow?
Because the balls were chosen more or less randomly from a population that was
two thirds yellow (the difference from 2/3 in the sample being due to chance).
Alternative explanation for the same observation:
Because the balls were chosen by a selector with a bias for large balls from a popu-
lation that was only one third yellow but where yellow balls tend to be larger than
non yellow ones.
How do these explain? By giving a causal story.
What is explained is (always) some aspect of an event/being/state, not a
whole event/being/state itself. In this example just the frequency of charac-
Conceptual analysis of abduction 21
teristics in the sample is explained, not why these particular balls are yellow
or why the experiment was conducted on Tuesday. The explanation explains
why the sample frequency was the way it was, rather than having some mark-
edly different value. In general, if there is a deviation in the sample from
what you would expect, given the population and the sampling method, then
you have to throw some Chance into the explanation (which is more or less
plausible depending on how much chance you have to suppose).12
The objects of explanation - what explanations explain - are facts about
the world (more precisely, always an aspect of a fact, under a description).
Observations are facts; that is, an observation having the characteristics that
it does is a fact. When you explain observed samples, an interesting thing is
to explain the frequencies. A proper explanation will give a causal story of
how the frequencies came to be the way they were and will typically refer
both to the population frequency and the method of drawing the samples.
Unbiased sampling processes tend to produce representative outcomes;
biased sampling processes tend to produce unrepresentative outcomes. This
"tending to produce" is causal and supports explanation and prediction. A
peculiarity is that characterizing a sample as "representative" is character-
izing the effect (sample frequency) by reference to part of its cause (popula-
tion frequency). Straight inductive generalization is equivalent to conclud-
ing that a sample is representative, which is a conclusion about its cause.
This inference depends partly on evidence or presumption that the sampling
process is (close enough to) unbiased. The unbiased sampling process is part
of the explanation of the sample frequency, and any independent evidence
for or against unbiased sampling bears on its plausibility as part of the ex-
If we do not think of inductive generalization as abduction, we are at a
loss to explain why such an inference is made stronger or more warranted, if
in collecting data we make a systematic search for counter-instances and
cannot find any, than it would be if we just take the observations passively.
Why is the generalization made stronger by making an effort to examine a
wide variety of types of ^4's? The inference is made stronger because the
failure of the active search for counter-instances tends to rule out various
hypotheses about ways in which the sample might be biased.
In fact the whole notion of a "controlled experiment" is covertly based on
abduction. What is being "controlled for" is always an alternative way of
explaining the outcome. For example a placebo-controlled test of the effi-
ciency of a drug is designed to make it possible to rule out purely psycho-
logical explanations for any favorable outcome.
Even the question of sample size for inductive generalization can be seen
clearly from an abductive perspective. Suppose that on each of the only two
occasions when Konrad ate pizza at Mario's Pizza Shop, he had a stomach-
ache the next morning. In general, Konrad has a stomachache occasionally

but not frequently. What may we conclude about the relationship between the
pizza and the stomachache? What may we reasonably predict about the out-
come of Konrad's next visit to Mario's? Nothing. The sample is not a large
enough. Now suppose that Konrad continues patronizing Mario's and that after
every one of 79 subsequent trips he has a stomach ache within 12 hours. What
may we conclude about the relationship between Mario's pizza and Konrad's
stomachache? That Mario's pizza makes Konrad have stomachaches. We may
predict that Konrad will have a stomachache after his next visit, too.
A good way to understand what is occurring in this example is by way of
abduction. After Konrad's first two visits we could not conclude anything
because we did not have enough evidence to distinguish between the two
competing general hypotheses:

1. The eating pizza - stomachache correlation was accidental (i.e., merely coin-
cidental or spurious [say, for example, that on the first visit the stomach ache
was caused by a virus contracted elsewhere and that on the second visit it was
caused by an argument with his mother]).
2. There is some connection between eating pizza and the subsequent stomach
ache (i.e., there is some causal explanation of why he gets a stomach ache
after eating the pizza [e.g., Konrad is allergic to the snake oil in Mario's
Special Sauce]).

By the time we note the outcome of Konrad's 79th visit, we are able to
decide in favor of the second hypothesis. The best explanation of the corre-
lation has become the hypothesis of a causal connection because explaining
the correlation as accidental becomes rapidly less and less plausible the longer
the association continues.

Another inference form that has often been called "induction" is given by
the following:

All observed A's are B's.

Therefore, the next A will be a B.

Let us call this inference form an inductive projection. Such an inference

can be analyzed as an inductive generalization followed by a prediction, as

Observations -» All A 9s are ZTs -> The next A will be a B.

Predictions have traditionally been thought of as deductive inferences. How-

ever, something is wrong with this analysis. To see this, consider the alter-
native analysis of inductive projections, as follows:
Conceptual analysis of abduction 23
Observations -» At least generally A's are ZTs -> The next A will be a 5.
This inference is stronger in that it establishes its conclusion with more cer-
tainty, which it does by hedging the generalization and thus making it more
plausible, more likely to be true. It could be made stronger yet by hedging
the temporal extent of the generalization:
Observations -> At least generally A's are ZTs, at least for the recent past
and the immediate future —> The next A will be a B.
The analyses of inductive projection with the hedged generalizations are
better than the first analysis because they are better at making sense of the
inference, which they do by being better at showing the sense in it (i.e., they
are better at showing how, and when, and why the inference is justified - or
"rational" or "intelligent"). Reasonable generalizations are hedged. Gener-
ally the best way to analyze "A's are ZTs" is not "All A's are 2?'s," as we are
taught in logic class, but as "Generally^'s area's," using the neutral, hedged,
universal quantifier of ordinary life.13
We have analyzed inductive projections as inductive generalizations followed
by predictions. The inductive generalizations are really abductions, as was ar-
gued before. But, what kind of inferences are predictions? One thing seems
clear: Predictions from hedged generalizations are not deductions.
Predictions from hedged generalizations belong to the same family as sta-
tistical syllogisms which have forms like these: 14

m/n of the A's are B's (where m/n > 1/2).

Therefore, the next A will be a B.


m/n of the ^ ' s are B's.

Therefore, approximately m/n of the A's in the next sample will be B's.

These are also related to the following forms:

Generally A's are B's.

S is an A.

Therefore, S is a B.


A typical, normal X does Y.

Therefore, this A" will do Y.

None of these inferences appear to be deductions. One can, of course, turn
them into deductions by including a missing premise like "this X is normal,"
but unless there is independent evidence for the assumption, this adds noth-
ing to the analysis.
Furthermore, consider an inference of this form:

P has high probability.

Therefore, P.

Such an inference (whatever the probability is taken to mean) will have to

allow for the possibility of the conclusion being false while the premise is
true. This being so, such an inference cannot possibly be deductive.
Thus it seems that some of our most warranted inductive projections, those
mediated by various kinds of hedged generalizations, do not rely on deduc-
tion for the final predictive step. These predictions, including statistical syl-
logisms, are not deductions, and they do not seem to be abductions. That is,
sometimes the thing predicted is also explained, but note that the conclu-
sions in abductions do the explaining, whereas for predictions, if anything,
the conclusions are what is explained. Thus the predictive forms related to
statistical syllogism are in general nondeductive and nonabductive as well.
If predictions are not abductions, what then is the relationship between
prediction and explanation? The idea that they are closely related has a fairly
elaborate history in the philosophy of science. Some authors have proposed
that explanations and predictions have the same logical form. Typically this
is given as the form of a proof whereby the thing to be explained or pre-
dicted is the conclusion, and causation enters in to the premises somehow,
either as a causal law or in some other way.
The idea seems to be that to explain something is to be in a position to
have predicted it, and to predict something puts one in a position to explain
it, if it actually occurs. This bridges the apparent basic asymmetry that arises
because what you explain is more or less a given (i.e., has happened or does
happen), whereas what you predict is an expectation and (usually) has not
already happened.
Despite its apparent plausibility, this thesis is fundamentally flawed. There
is no necessary connection between explanation and prediction of this sort.
Consider the following two counterexamples.

Example 1. George-did-it explanations. Why is there mud on the carpet?

Explanation: George did it (presumably, but not explicitly, by tracking it
into the house stuck to his shoes, or something similar). Knowing that George
came into the room puts me in a position to predict mud on the carpet only if
I assume many questionable auxiliary assumptions about George's path and
Conceptual analysis of abduction 25
the adhesive properties of mud, and so forth. If I had an ideally complete
explanation of the mud on the carpet, some sort of complete causal story,
then, perhaps, I would be in a position to predict the last line of the story,
given all the rest; but this is an unrealistic representation of what normal
explanation is like. George-did-it explanations can be perfectly explanatory
without any pretensions of completeness. This shows that one can explain
without being in a position to predict. Many other examples can be given
where explanation is ex post facto, but where knowledge of a system is not
complete enough to license prediction. Why did the dice come up double
6s? Because of throwing the dice, and chance. We are often in a position to
explain a fact without being in a position to have predicted it - specifically,
when our explanation is not complete, which is typical, or when the expla-
nation does not posit a deterministic mechanism, which is also typical.
Example 2. Predictions based on trust. Suppose that a mechanic, whom I
have good reason to trust, says that my car will soon lose its generator belt.
On this basis I predict that the car will lose its generator belt (on a long
drive home, say). Here I have made a prediction, and on perfectly good
grounds, too, but I am not in a position to give an explanation (I have no
idea what has weakened the belt). This example, weather predictions, and
similar examples of predictions based on authority show that one can be in a
position to predict without being in a position to explain.
I believe that explanations are causal, and that predictions are commonly
founded on projecting consequences based on our causal understanding of
things. Thus, commonly, an explanation of some event E refers to its causes,
and a prediction of E is based on its causes, and both the explanation and the
prediction suppose the causal connections. However, I believe that the sym-
metry between explanation and prediction goes no further.
When a prediction fails, it casts doubt on the general premises on which it
is based. This is part of the logical underpinnings of scientific reasoning.
The view presented here is similar to what has been called the "hypothetico-
deductive" model of scientific reasoning, except in insisting that hypotheses
must be explanatory, and in denying that predictions are always deductive.
Predictions, then, are neither abductions nor (typically) deductions. This
is contrary, both to the view that predictions are deductions and to Harman's
view that all nondeductive inferences are abductions. Rather, predictions
and abductions are two distinct kinds of plausible inference. Abductions go
from data to explanatory hypothesis; predictions go from hypothesis to ex-
pected data. (See Figure 1.1.)
Jerry Hobbs has suggested (verbally) that, "The mind is a big abduction
machine." In contrast Eugene Charniak has suggested (verbally) that there
are two fundamental operations of mind: abduction and planning. The view
presented in this chapter, while close to that of Hobbs in its enthusiasm for

explanatory hypothesis space

data space

Figure 1.1. Abduction and prediction.

abduction, is actually closer to Charniak's. It elaborates that view, however,

by adding that planning depends on prediction (to anticipate consequences
of actions), and it is prediction that is inferentially fundamental. Planning is
choosing actions based on expected outcomes. So planning is "reasoning"
all right, but it is not "inference," since planning decides action rather than
While asserting that abduction and prediction are inferentially distinct,
we note that they are often entangled as processes. Sometimes an abduction
will use prediction as a subtask (e.g., for testing a hypothesis), and some-
times a prediction will use abduction as a subtask (e.g., for assessing the

Probabilities and abductions

It has been suggested that we should use mathematical probabilities to help
us choose among explanatory hypotheses. (Bayes's Theorem itself can be
viewed as a way of describing how simple alternative causal hypotheses can
be weighed.) If suitable knowledge of probabilities is available, the math-
ematical theory of probabilities can, in principle, guide our abductive evalu-
ation of explanatory hypotheses to determine which is best. However, in
practice it seems that rough qualitative confidence levels on the hypotheses
are enough to support abductions, which then produce rough qualitative con-
fidence levels for their conclusions. It is certainly possible to model these
confidences as numbers from a continuum, and on rare occasions one can
actually get knowledge of numerical confidences (e.g., for playing black-
jack). However, for the most part numerical confidence estimates are un-
Conceptual analysis of abduction 27
available and unnecessary for reasoning. People are good abductive reasoners
without close estimates of confidence. In fact it can be argued that, if confi-
dences need to be estimated closely, then it must be that the best hypothesis
is not much better than the next best, in which case no conclusion can be
confidently drawn because the confidence of an abductive conclusion de-
pends on how decisively the best explanation surpasses the alternatives. Thus
it seems that confident abductions are possible only if confidences for hy-
potheses do not need to be estimated closely.
Moreover, it appears that accurate knowledge of probabilities is not com-
monly available because the probability associated with a possible event is
not very well defined. There is almost always a certain arbitrariness about
which reference class is chosen as a base for the probabilities; the larger the
reference class, the more reliable the statistics, but the less relevant they
are; whereas the more specific the reference class, the more relevant, but the
less reliable. (See Salmon, 1967, p. 92.) Is the likelihood that the next pa-
tient has the flu best estimated based on the frequency in all the people in
the world over the entire history of medicine? It seems better at least to
control for the season and to narrow the class to include people at just this
particular time of the year. (Notice that causal understanding is starting to
creep into the considerations.) Furthermore, each flu season is somewhat
different, so we would do better to narrow to considering people just this
year. Then, of course, the average patient is not the same as the average
person, and so forth, so the class should probably be narrowed further to
something such as this: people of this particular age, race, gender, and so-
cial status who have come lately to doctors of this sort. Now the only way
the doctor can have statistics this specific is to rely on his or her own most
recent experience, which allows for only rough estimates of likelihood be-
cause the sample is so small. There is a Heisenberg-like uncertainty about
the whole thing; the closer you try to measure the likelihoods, the more
approximate the numbers become. In the complex natural world the long-
run statistics are often overwhelmed by the short-term trends, which render
the notion of a precise prior probability of an event inapplicable to most
common affairs.

Taxonomy of basic inference types

Considering its apparent ubiquity, it is remarkable how overlooked and
underanalyzed abduction is by almost 2,400 years of logic and philosophy.
According to the analysis given here, the distinction between abduction and
deduction is a distinction between different dimensions, so to speak, of in-
ference. Along one dimension inference can be distinguished into deductive
and nondeductive inference; along another dimension inferences can be dis-
tinguished as abductive and predictive (and mixed) sorts of inferences. Ab-

duction absorbs inductive generalization as a subclass and leaves the pre-

dictive aspect of induction as a separate kind of inference. Statistical syllo-
gism is a kind of prediction. This categorization of inferences is summa-
rized in Figure 1.2.

From wonder to understanding

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge. One main form of learning starts
with wonder and ends in understanding. To understand something is to grasp

P e i r c e ' s taxonomy


deduction induction abduction

new t a x o n o m y : one d i m e n s i o n


deduction other

new t a x o n o m y : a n o t h e r d i m e n s i o n

infe r e n c e

abduction pr ^ d i c t i o n mixed
/ / \ \
/ / \
inductive statistical deductive inductive
generalization syllogism prediction projection

Figure 1.2. Taxonomy of basic inference types.

Conceptual analysis of abduction 29
an explanation of it. (To explain something to somebody is to package up an
understanding and communicate it.) Thus knowledge is built up of explana-
tory hypotheses, which are put in place in memory as a result of processes
set in motion by wondering "Why?" That is, one main form of knowledge
consists of answers to explanation-seeking why questions.
An explanation-seeking why question rests on a Given, a presupposition
upon which the question is based. For example, "Why is the child sneez-
ing?" presupposes that the child is indeed sneezing. This Given is not abso-
lutely firm, even though it is accepted at the outset, for in the end we may be
happy to throw it away, as in, "Oh, those weren't sneezes at all. She was
trying to keep a feather in the air by blowing." Usually, perhaps always,
along with the Given some contrasting possibility is held in mind, some
imagined way that the Given could have been different (Bromberger, 1966).
Thus, behind the G in a "Why G ?" usually there appears an ". . . as opposed
to H " discernible in the background.
Abduction is a process of going from some Given to a best explanation for
that (or related) given. Describing a computational process as abduction says
what it accomplishes - namely, generation, criticism, and acceptance of an
explanation - but superficially it says nothing about how it is accomplished
(for example, how hypotheses are generated or how generation interacts with
An explanation is an assignment of causal responsibility; it tells a causal
story (at least this is the sense of "explanation" relevant to abduction). Thus,
finding possible explanations is finding possible causes of the thing to be
explained, and so abduction is essentially a process of reasoning from effect
to cause.
A large part of knowledge consists of causal understanding. Abductions
produce knowledge, both in science and in ordinary life.

1 This formulation is largely due to William Lycan.
2 Thagard (1988) recognizes abduction in his analysis of scientific theory formation.
3 For example, Darden (1991) describes the modularity of genetic theory.
4 The remainder of this chapter is more philosophical. It is not necessary to accept everything in
order to find value in the rest of the book. The next chapter includes an orientation to our ap-
proach to AI and a discussion of representational issues. The main computational treatment of
abduction begins in chapter 3. The philosophy increases again at the end of the book.
5 Thus abductions have a way of turning negative evidence against some hypotheses into positive
evidence for alternative explanations.
6 This condition shows most clearly why the process of discovery is a logical matter, and why logic
cannot simply be confined to matters of justification. The "logic of justification" cannot be neatly
separated from the "logic of discovery" because justification depends, in part, on evaluating the
quality of the discovery process.
7 Suggested by William Lycan.
8 I am ignoring here the so called "Gettier problem" with these conditions, but see Harman (1965)
for an argument that successful abductions resolve the Gettier problem anyway.
9 For a brief summary of deductive and other models of explanation see Bhaskar (1981), and for a
history of recent philosophical accounts of explanation, see Salmon (1990).
10 For a well-developed historical account of the connections between ideas of causality and expla-
nation see Wallace (1972, 1974). Ideas of causality and explanation have been intimately linked
for a very long time.
11 What the types of causation and causal explanation are remains unsettled, despite Aristotle's best
efforts and those of many other thinkers. The point here is that a narrow view of causation makes
progress harder by obscuring the degree to which all forms of causal thinking are fundamentally
12 "It is embarrassing to invoke such a wildly unlikely event as a chance encounter between the
entry probe and a rare and geographically confined methane plume, but so far we have elimi-
nated all other plausible explanations" (Planetary scientist Thomas M. Donahue of the Univer-
sity of Michigan on the analysis of chemical data from a Pioneer probe parachuted onto the
planet Venus, reported in Science News for Sept. 12, 1992).
13 Note that this analysis suggests an explanation for why traditional mathematical logic has been
so remarkably unsuccessful in accounting for reasoning outside mathematics and the highly
mathematical sciences. The universal quantifier of logic is not the universal quantifier of ordi-
nary life, or even of ordinary scientific thought.
14 I have not put likelihood qualifiers in the conclusions of any these forms because doing so would
at best postpone the deductive gap.
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI

The science of AI
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) seems scattered and disunited with
several competing paradigms. One major controversy is between proponents
of symbolic AI (which represents information as discrete codes) and propo-
nents of connectionism (which represents information as weighted connec-
tions between simple processing units in a network). Even within each of
these approaches there is no clear orthodoxy. Another concern is whether AI
is an engineering discipline or a science. This expresses an uncertainty about
the basic nature of AI as well as an uncertainty about methodology. If AI is
a science like physics, then an AI program is an experiment. As experiments,
perhaps AI programs should be judged by the standards of experiments. They
should be clearly helpful in confirming and falsifying theories, in determin-
ing specific constants, or in uncovering new facts. However, if AI is funda-
mentally engineering, AI programs are artifacts, technologies to be used. In
this case, there is no such reason for programs to have clear confirming or
falsifying relationships to theories. A result in AI would then be something
practical, a technique that could be exported to a real-world domain and
used. Thus, there is confusion about how results in AI should be judged,
what the role of a program is, and what counts as progress in AI.
It has often been said that the plurality of approaches and standards in
AI is the result of the extreme youth of AI as an intellectual discipline. This
theory implies that with time the pluralism of AI will sort itself out into a
normal science under a single paradigm. I suggest, instead, that as it ages
AI will continue to include diverse and opposing theories and methods.
This is because the reason for the pluralism is that programs are at the heart
of AI, and programs can be approached in four fundamentally different
ways: (1) An AI program can be treated as a technology to be used to solve
practical problems (AI as engineering); (2) it can be treated as an experi-
ment or model (AI as traditional science); (3) an AI program can also be
treated as a real intelligence, either imitative of human intelligence (AI as
art) or (4) non-imitative (AI as design science). Because these four ways
The first section of this chapter on the science of AI is by Susan G. Josephson; the re-
maining sections are by B. Chandrasekaran.

to treat an AI program exist, the field of AI is, and will remain, diverse.

AI as engineering
When an AI program is treated as a technology to be used to solve practical
problems, this is AI as engineering (of course, some programs are proof-of-
principle prototypes with no immediate practicality, even though ultimate
practicality is the goal). In AI as engineering, technology is used to solve
real-world problems. The difference between AI programs that are only en-
gineering and those that can be thought of as doing traditional science is
whether there are any clearly distinguishable phenomena being investigated.
That is, if AI is like traditional science, we expect to find theories about the
nature of some phenomena being tested and confirmed; whereas, when pro-
grams are treated as engineering, the emphasis is on the accomplishment of
practical tasks.
The engineering approach is important for the discipline as a whole, be-
cause it spreads AI through the culture. It applies AI technology to problems
in medicine, commerce, and industry; as a result, it creates more uses for AI
technology and stimulates the development of AI. When programs are treated
as engineering, the emphasis is on practical technology, but it also creates a
demand that supports other conceptions of AI.

AI as traditional science
When AI programs are thought of as experiments or models, this is AI as
traditional science. In traditional-science AI, the theories being tested are
about the phenomena of natural intelligence. Such a theory is tested by
building it into a program that is run on a computer. If AI is like tradi-
tional science, running such a program is equivalent to performing an ex-
periment and helps prove one theory to be right and inconsistent theories
to be wrong. For example, Newell and Simon (1976) conceive of AI as de-
riving and empirically testing universal laws about intelligence. Each new
machine and each new program, they explain, is an experiment. They state
the physical symbol system hypothesis: "A physical symbol system has the
necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent action" (Newell and
Simon 1976, p. 41). This hypothesis is proven right when programs based
on it work well - that is, perform "intelligently" for a range of cases in a
computationally efficient manner. This hypothesis is proven wrong if gen-
eral intelligent actions can be produced by a mechanism that is not a physi-
cal symbol system.
However, the standards normally used to judge AI programs (such as com-
putational efficiency, requiring knowledge that is actually available, scaling
up, working on a wide range of cases, and so on) judge programs indepen-
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 33
dently of whether they provide good theories of natural intelligence. Two
working programs that have radically different underlying theories might
both be judged to have the same degree of adequacy by these standards.
Thus, having a well-designed working program is not sufficient to confirm
its underlying theory as anything but a candidate theory of some cognitive
phenomena, nor is it sufficient to differentiate between competing theories.
To confirm or falsify a theory in AI as a correct theory of intelligence, we
need to judge programs embodying that theory by how well they match up
against the phenomena of intelligence being investigated. Given that our
only sure source of data about intelligence comes from human intelligent
behavior, such a program would be judged by how well it simulates human
behavior. However, it is not sufficient for a program merely to simulate the
input-output behavior of humans; it is quite possible for a program to simu-
late human behavior by using mechanisms that are nothing like those used
by humans (Pylyshyn, 1979). So for a program to be judged a good model of
intelligence, the underlying mechanism must have plausibility as a model of
the causal mechanisms that actually produce the intelligent behavior in hu-
mans. These concerns about how humans do things lead us away from AI
and toward cognitive psychology.
Cognitive psychology directly studies human cognitive behavior. From
the perspective of AI as traditional science, AI and cognitive psychology
study the same thing: human cognitive behavior. However, AI and cognitive
psychology approach the problem of cognition in different ways. Psychol-
ogy supplies the evidence that confirms or falsifies models in AI, and psy-
chology supplies the domain that AI models are about. Cognitive psychol-
ogy seeks the causal mechanisms that give rise to human cognitive behav-
ior. Cognitive psychology can regard AI theories as possible models to be
tested and refined by comparing them with observations of human behavior.
Indeed, AI contributes best to cognitive psychology when a multiplicity of
competing AI theories acts as a pool of hypotheses from which to choose.
AI theorists make hypotheses about the phenomena of intelligence and
then work them out in computational models refined by being run on com-
puters. Within that context, AI theorists can study these computational mod-
els as mathematics or as computer systems. The approach of AI is to under-
stand the artifactual models themselves, whereas the approach of cognitive
psychology is to see them as models of human behavior and to use them to
study human behavior. Criteria such as feasibility of computation still show
one AI program as better than another, but it is evidence about human be-
ings that rules out some models as candidates for psychological theories.
Practicing AI in this way means that AI models are unlike theories in phys-
ics, say, where science is conducted within a single theoretical framework.
Within cognitive psychology there might be this sort of science, but not
within AI. Within traditional-science AI there will continue to be a plurality
of theoretical frameworks.

AI as art
When AI programs are thought of, not as models or simulations but as real
intelligences that actually understand and have other humanlike cognitive
states, then the standard is verisimilitude, and AI becomes art. This AI as art
is often called strong AI (Searle, 1980).
The comparison between AI and art is not arbitrary. Both concern crafting
artifacts designed to have some imitative appearance. Realistic statues, such
as those of Duane Hanson, are imitations of the physical appearance of hu-
mans, whereas an AI program, such as ELIZA or PARRY, is an imitation of
the appearance human thinking. Art helps us see ourselves. Machines with
humanlike mentalities help us see our mental selves. Further, just as realis-
tic sculptures give the appearance of humanness - not by using the true causal
mechanism, human flesh - the Al-as-art systems give the appearance of hu-
man mentality, not by using the same causal mechanisms that humans use,
but by using whatever gives the appearance of mentality.
The standards for success of Al-as-art systems, such as passing the Turing
test, require that the programs imitate interesting characteristics of humans,
not that they present plausible models of human mental mechanisms. An AI
program passes the Turing test if it deceives someone into believing that it
is a human being, not by solving difficult problems or by being useful tech-
nology. This imitation involves deception and illusion: the machines are
designed to appear to have human mentalities, often even seeming to have
emotions and personal lives. The goal of AI as art is to make machines that
have, or appear to have, a humanlike independent intelligence. This imita-
tive AI looks unsystematic and ad hoc from a scientific perspective.
Some theorists believe that the objective of trying to give machines hu-
manlike intelligence is inherently misguided. They object to the claim that a
machine that imitates perfectly the appearance of a humanlike mentality
can be said to actually have a humanlike mentality. They say that a purely
syntactic machine cannot think in the sense that humans do, cannot be given
the sort of commonsense knowledge that humans have, and cannot learn in
the way that humans do. Consequently, a machine can never really be intel-
ligent in the way that humans are.
The AI that these theorists find so misguided is AI as art. Like other good
art, this sort of AI is a stimulus for discussions of human nature and the
human condition. AI as art serves as a focal point for criticisms of the very
project of making thinking machines. That there are such criticisms shows
the vitality of this sort of AI. However, these criticisms are completely inap-
plicable to AI as science and engineering. Whether machines can have ac-
Knowledge-based systems and the science ofAI 35
tual humanlike cognitive states is irrelevant to modeling human intelligence
in cooperation with cognitive psychology, to building information-process-
ing systems, and to using AI technology in business and industry.

AI as design science
When an AI program is viewed as a real intelligence - not as an imitation of
human intelligence but as a cognitive artifact in its own right - this is AI as
design science. The information-processing-task approach of David Marr
and the generic-task approach described later in this chapter view programs
in this way. Design-science AI is similar to engineering in that it makes
working systems that are important for what they can do, but, unlike AI as
engineering, design-science AI is practiced with the intent of discovering
the principles behind cognition. Although humans are our primary examples
of cognitive agents, the principles sought by design-science AI are those
that hold for cognition in the abstract, where humans are just one set of
examples of cognitive agents and silicon-based machines are another.
Design-science AI is a synthesis of AI as art and AI as science. It is simi-
lar to AI as art in that it involves designing programs that have functions
independent of modeling humans. The systems it produces are like strong AI
systems in being cognitive systems in their own right rather than mere mod-
els. However, unlike AI as art, design-science AI is not interested in the
mere appearance of intelligence but in the causal mechanisms that produce
intelligent behavior. Design-science AI is similar to traditional science in its
concern for making systems that show us new things about the phenomena
of intelligence, such as reasoning and problem solving.

What is design science? Design science is a new paradigm of science. There

is a Kuhnian paradigm shift (Kuhn, 1970) inherent in design-science AI.
Design-science AI is a science of the artifactual or the artificial. This ap-
proach to AI was first put forth clearly by Herbert Simon in his book The
Sciences of the Artificial (1981). Simon suggested that sciences of the artifi-
cial are close to engineering in that they are concerned with making syn-
thetic or artificial objects with desired properties. For example, Marr (1982)
analyzed the external constraints on natural vision so that he could design
robot vision. Science of this sort is concerned with the organization of natu-
ral and artificial things, and characterizes such things by the functions that
they perform and the goals that they achieve.
It is in this way that design science is a new paradigm. It looks at nature
from the perspective of function and goal achievement in order to under-
stand the principles that govern design. For traditional science, nature is
described without teleology or design, in terms of efficient causes; for de-
sign science, nature is described in terms of final causes. From a physical-
science perspective, when design science ascribes goals or purposes to
nonconscious things, these are merely ascribed from the outside to tell a
story about the behavior; and such talk is totally unscientific, even
prescientific. Yet from a design-science perspective, there are realistic ways
of looking at nature in terms of design and teleology. For example, from the
perspective of design science, the heart has valves for the purpose of facili-
tating its task of pumping the blood. Focusing on this kind of description is
essential to understanding nature from the perspective of the artifactual. If
someone wants to understand why the parts are present, or why they have
the forms that they have, or wants to make a heart, then that person needs to
know what the parts are for. Yet if that person thinks only in terms of physi-
cal science, this sort of talk about goals and purposes appears anthropomor-
phic, and even false, because it talks about the heart as though it were de-
signed for a purpose when, in fact, it was not. From the perspective of tradi-
tional science such talk seems to imply that there exists some sort of anthro-
pomorphically conceived grand designer.
However, to design artifacts, one must look at the world in a functional
way. For example, from a design perspective, artificial coffee creamer and
milk are identical with respect to performing the task of whitening coffee,
although they have no chemical ingredients in common. If we describe them
from a traditional-science perspective, their functional similarity is invis-
ible. The study of artifacts attends to how purposes are attained. Further-
more, one can still be talking realistically and nonanthropomorphically even
though one is ascribing purposes to non-conscious things. Such purposive
talk can be tested by trying it in a design and evaluating performance, or by
trying to do without some component and observing the consequences. That
is, functional role descriptions are empirically testable.
Another way in which design science is different from traditional physi-
cal science is that it is pluralistic. From the perspective of traditional sci-
ence there ought to be one true theory, one way of modeling intelligence, or
one true scheme for passing the Turing test. Thinking of AI on the model of
a traditional science such as physics, all AI should use either deductive logic
or connectionist networks, since only one of these orientations can be the
right one. However, from the perspective of design science, such choices are
matters of local pragmatic concerns for efficient computation, not abstract
theoretical concerns about which is the one true theory about intelligence.
Since there can be more than one good way of designing an artifact, there
can be more than one "correct" theory. Design science is inherently pluralis-
Design-science AI is concerned with discovering principles of design,
computation, and information processing that generalize over more than just
the human case. From this perspective intelligence can be studied directly,
without the help of psychology, by studying what works and what does not
Knowledge-based systems and the science ofAI 37
work, and by designing, building, and experimenting with intelligent arti-
facts. Work in cognitive psychology can add to our stock of examples of
intelligent information processing, just as other examples from biology can,
but so too can our experience with human-made systems.
The AI described in this book is predominantly design-science AI. Al-
though human experts are interviewed in order to discover how they think
through a problem, the goal is not modeling human thinking as such, but
rather understanding how cognitive capacities can arise. The systems de-
scribed here should be thought of as examples of complex information-pro-
cessing entities about which theories can be made concerning how intelli-
gence may be achieved. The core information-processing task being explored
in this book is abduction. This is viewed as a task of intelligence that can be
performed by both humans and machines. To learn about abduction, empiri-
cal research is conducted by designing and building knowledge-based ex-
pert systems that employ abductive reasoning. The resulting theory is not
merely a logical theory, or a mathematical explanation of abductive infer-
ence; it is a practical theory about designs and possible mechanisms of rea-
soning. An abductive strategy is built into a program, and, then, when the
program is run, we can see whether and how well that strategy performs.
Thus the theory of abduction, which is a theory about reasoning processes
discovered in humans, is generalized beyond simply a theory about humans
to a design theory of abduction itself.
Unlike the thinking of people, which tends to occur in a "black box," and
which we cannot directly see or control, with an artifact of our own con-
struction we can see and control exactly how the reasoning process works.
Potentially, an expert system might be able to reason even better than people,
since the reasoning pattern, once put into a machine, can be refined, and
experiments can be run to see which strategies work best. Thus, for example,
since many abductive systems do diagnosis, people can study how these
machines do it and then potentially learn to do diagnosis better.

AI as engineering uses discovered techniques for solving real-world prob-
lems. AI as art explores the imitative possibilities of machines and the depths
of the analogy between humans and machines. By doing this, AI as art acts
as a focus for attacks against the very project of making artifactual intelli-
gences. There are two ways to practice AI as science: One can practice tra-
ditional-science AI by making models on a computer of the causal mecha-
nisms that underlie human intelligent behavior, or one can practice design-
science AI by making computational theories and information-processing
systems that can be studied as instances of cognitive agents, thus pursuing
the study of cognition and intelligence in the abstract.
To the questions of whether AI is science or engineering, what the role of
a program is, and what counts as progress in AI, we have answered that there
are four different orientations to AI. AI is engineering, traditional science,
art, and design science. Programs play different roles for these different ori-
entations, and progress is different for each orientation. The goal of AI as
engineering is to develop technology so that we can be served by intelligent
machines in the workplace and in our homes. The goal of AI as traditional
science is to supply accurate models of human cognitive behavior, and thus
to understand the human by way of computer-based simulations. The goal of
AI as art is to make machines that are interesting imitations or caricatures of
human mentality so that we can learn and benefit from encountering them.
The goal of AI as design science is to discover the design principles that
govern the achievement of intellectual functioning, in part by making work-
ing systems that can be studied empirically.
The reason that AI seems scattered and* disunited with competing para-
digms is that there are at least these four fundamentally different orienta-
tions to the discipline. Within each of these orientations many legitimate
suborientations and specialties can coexist. As long as workers in AI follow
the standards that are appropriate for each orientation, this plurality is not
something that should be resisted or bemoaned because each approach serves
a clear and important function for the whole.

Knowledge-based systems and knowledge representations

The work in our laboratory has concentrated on information-processing strat-
egies useful for building systems for knowledge-rich problem solving, or
so-called "expert systems." These systems emphasize the role of large
amounts of domain knowledge compiled for specific problem-solving tasks,
hence they are also called "knowledge-based systems." The word "knowl-
edge" in "knowledge-based systems" refers to the special domain knowl-
edge that an expert problem solver is postulated to have. The phrase "knowl-
edge-based" in the context of AI systems arose in response to a recognition,
mainly in the pioneering work of Edward Feigenbaum and his associates at
Stanford in the early to mid-1970s, that much of the power of experts can be
viewed as arising from a large number of rule-like pieces of knowledge.
These pieces help constrain the problem-solving effort and direct it toward
potentially useful intermediate states. These pieces of knowledge are do-
main specific in the sense that they are not general principles or heuristics
that apply in many problem domains, but rather they are stated directly in
the form of appropriate actions to try in various situations. An alternative to
this position is that the complex problem-solving processes operate on a
combination of the basic knowledge that defines the domain together with
various forms of general and commonsense knowledge. In fact the underly-
Knowledge-based systems and the science ofAI 39
ing premise behind most work on expert systems is that once a body of
expertise is built up, expert reasoning can proceed without any need to in-
voke general world and commonsense knowledge structures. If such a de-
composition were not in principle possible, then the development of expert
systems would have to wait for solutions to the more difficult problems of
how to provide the machine with commonsense reasoning and general world
knowledge. While the early appeal of the expert-system concept had some-
thing to do with this promise of expert-level performance without a com-
plete, general-purpose knowledge base, later research has indicated that ex-
pert systems often behave in a "brittle" manner at the boundaries of their
expertise, presumably because they lack the large body of knowledge that
human experts possess, and which prevents humans from behaving in ways
that go against common sense. What portion of expert problem solving in a
given domain can be captured in isolation is an empirical question, but ex-
perience shows that a nontrivial portion of expert problem solving in impor-
tant domains can be captured in this manner. This decoupling of commonsense
and general-purpose reasoning from domain expertise is also the explana-
tion for the seemingly paradoxical situation in AI where we have programs
that display, for example, expert-like medical diagnostic capabilities, even
though we are far from capturing most of the intellectual abilities of small
Knowledge representation has been a major concern of AI and of work on
knowledge-based systems. The general assumption, and consequently the
methodology, has been that there is something called domain knowledge
that needs to be acquired - quite independent of the problems one might
wish to solve - and that the role of a knowledge representation formalism is
to help encode it. Connectionist networks, logics of various kinds, frame
representations, and rule-based languages (all of which are discussed later
in this chapter) have been popular proposals for families of knowledge rep-
resentation formalisms. Each formalism has a natural family of inference
mechanisms that can operate on it. Each knowledge representation formal-
ism, together with the inference mechanisms that use it, defines an architec-
ture. When an architecture is fixed, a "shell" has been specified for inserting
knowledge. When, for example, the knowledge representation formalism has
been realized in software as abstract data types, and the inference mecha-
nisms as executable code, then the shell is realized as a tool that can be used
for building knowledge-based systems.
Most of the architectures proposed in AI are computationally universal,
and equivalent to Turing machines, and so they are equal with regard to
what they can, in principle, compute. Thus, the important point about using
them for building knowledge systems is not whether a task can be performed
but whether they offer knowledge and control constructs that are natural and
convenient for the task.

One of the major disputes in AI at the present time is between advocates of
"connectionism" and advocates of traditional or "symbolic" AI. Given this
controversy, it is worth spending a little time examining the differences be-
tween these two approaches.
Although connectionism as an AI theory comes in many different forms,
most models represent information in the form of weights of connections
between simple processing units in a network, and take information-pro-
cessing activity to consist in the changing of activation levels in the pro-
cessing units as a result of the activation levels of units to which they are
immediately connected. The spreading of activations is modulated by the
weights of connections between units. Connectionist theories especially
emphasize forms of learning that use continuous functions for adjusting the
weights in the network. In some connectionist theories this "pure" form is
mixed with symbol manipulation processes (see Smolensky, 1988). The es-
sential characteristic of a connectionist architecture, in contrast with a "sym-
bolic" architecture, is that the connectionist medium has no internal labels
that are interpreted, and no abstract forms that are instantiated, during pro-
cessing. Furthermore, the totality of weighted connections defines the infor-
mation content, rather than information being represented as a discrete code,
as it is in a "symbolic" information processor.
For some information-processing tasks the symbol and non-symbol ac-
counts differ fundamentally in their representational commitments. Consider
the problem of multiplying two integers. We are all familiar with algorithms to
perform this task. Some of us also still remember how to use the traditional
slide rule to do this multiplication: The multiplicands are represented by their
logarithms on a linear scale on a sliding bar, they are "added" by being aligned
end to end, and the product is obtained by reading the antilogarithm of the sum.
Although both the algorithmic and slide rule solutions are representational, in
no sense can either of them be thought of as an "implementation" of the other.
(Of course the slide rule solution could itself be simulated on a digital com-
puter, but this would not change the fundamental difference in representational
commitment in the two solutions.) Logarithms are represented in one case but
not in the other, so the two solutions make very different commitments about
what is represented. There are also striking differences between the two solu-
tions in practical terms. As the size of the multiplicands increases, the algorith-
mic solution suffers in the amount of time needed to complete the solution,
whereas the slide rule solution suffers in the amount of precision it can deliver.
Given a blackbox multiplier, as two theories of what actually occurs in the box,
the algorithmic solution and the slide rule solution make different ontological
commitments. The algorithmic solution to the multiplication problem is "sym-
bolic," whereas the slide rule solution is similar to connectionist models in be-
ing "analog" computations.
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 41
There is not enough space here for an adequate discussion of what makes
a symbol in the sense used when we speak of "symbolic" theories (see
Pylyshyn [1984] for a thorough and illuminating discussion of this topic).
However, the following points seem useful. There is a type-token distinc-
tion: Symbols are types about which abstract rules of behavior are known
and to which these rules can be applied. This leads to symbols being tokens
that are "interpreted" during information processing; there are no such in-
terpretations in the process of slide rule multiplication (except for input and
output). The symbol system can thus represent abstract forms, whereas the
slide rule solution performs its addition or multiplication, not by instantiat-
ing an abstract form, but by having, in some sense, all the additions and
multiplications directly in its architecture. As we can see from this, the rep-
resentational commitments of the symbolic and nonsymbolic paradigms are
different. Thus the connectionists are correct in claiming that connectionism
is not simply an implementation of symbolic theories.
However, connectionist and symbolic approaches are actually both real-
izations of a more abstract level of description, namely, the information-
processing level. Marr (1982) originated the method of information-process-
ing analysis as a way of conceptually separating the essential elements of a
theory from its implementational commitments. He proposed that the fol-
lowing methodology be adopted for this purpose. First, identify an informa-
tion-processing task with a clear specification about what kind of informa-
tion is available as input and what kind of information needs to be made
available as output. Then, specify a particular information-processing theory
for achieving this task by specifying what kinds of information need to be
represented at various stages in the processing. Actual algorithms and data
structures can then be proposed to implement the information-processing
theory on some underlying machine. These algorithms and data structures
will make additional representational commitments. For example, Marr speci-
fied that one task of vision is to take, as input, image intensities in a retinal
image, and to produce, as output, a three-dimensional shape description of
the objects in the scene. His theory of how this task is accomplished in the
visual system is that three distinct kinds of information need to be gener-
ated: (1) from the image intensities a "primal sketch" of significant inten-
sity changes - a kind of edge description of the scene - is generated; (2)
then a description of surfaces and their orientation, what he called a "21/2-
d sketch," is produced from the primal sketch, and (3) finally a 3-d shape
description is generated.
Information-processing (IP) level abstractions (input, output, and the kinds
of information represented along the way) constitute the top-level content
of much AI theory making. The difference between IP theories in the sym-
bolic and connectionist paradigms is that the representations are treated as
symbols in the former, which permit abstract rules of compositions to be
invoked and instantiated, whereas in the latter, information is represented
more directly and affects the processing without undergoing any symbol
interpretation process. The decisions about which of the information trans-
formations are best done by means of connectionist networks, and which are
best done by using symbolic algorithms, can properly follow after the IP
level specification of the theory has been given. The hardest work of theory
making in AI will always remain at the level of proposing the right IP level
abstractions, because they provide the content of the representations by speci-
fying the kinds of information to be represented.
For complex tasks, the approaches of the symbolic and nonsymbolic para-
digms actually converge in their representational commitments. Simple func-
tions such as multiplication are so close to the architecture of the underlying
machine that we saw differences between the representational commitments
of the algorithmic and the slide rule solutions. In areas such as word recog-
nition the problem is sufficiently removed from the architectural level that
we can see macrosimilarities between symbolic and connectionist solutions;
for example, both solutions may make word recognition dependent on letter
recognition. The final performance will have micro-features that are charac-
teristic of the architecture (such as "smoothness of response" for connectionist
architectures). However, the more complex the task, the more common the
representational issues between connectionism and the symbolic paradigm.
There is no clear line of demarcation between the architecture-independent
theory and the architecture-dependent theory. It is partly an empirical issue
and partly depends on what primitive functions can be computed in a par-
ticular architecture. The farther away a problem is from the architecture's
primitive functions, the more architecture-independent analysis needs to be
Certain kinds of retrieval and matching operations, and parameter learn-
ing by searching in local regions of a search space, are especially appropri-
ate primitive operations for connectionist architectures. (However, although
memory retrieval may have interesting connectionist components, the basic
problem will still remain the principles by which episodes are indexed and
stored.) On the other hand, much high-level thought has symbolic content
(see Pylyshyn [1984] for arguments that make this conclusion inescapable).
So one can imagine a division of responsibility between connectionist and
symbolic architectures along these lines in accounting for the phenomena of

Numerical vs. qualitative symbolic representations

When reasoning about complex systems, both human experts and expert sys-
tems are necessarily compelled to use high-level, qualitative symbols, whether
or not complete numerical models are available. This is because even a com-
Knowledge-based systems and the science ofAI 43
plete numerical model of a system will, by itself, typically not be sufficient.
All of the numerical values of the various states' variables will still need to
be interpreted. Identifying interesting and potentially significant states of a
system requires abstraction from the low-level descriptions of variable val-
ues to higher-level, qualitative representations. To take a pedagogically ef-
fective but fanciful example, consider a household robot watching its mas-
ter carelessly move his arm toward the edge of a table where a full glass of
wine sits. In theory a complete numerical description of the arm and of all
the objects in the room, including the volume of wine, is possible. Yet the
most detailed numerical simulation will still give values only for a number
of state variables. Further reasoning is necessary to interpret this series of
values and to arrive at a simple commonsense statement, viz., "The arm will
hit the wine glass, and wine will spill on the carpet." The reason why a
complete numerical solution is not enough, i.e., why the qualitative conclu-
sion ought to be reached by the robot, is that its own knowledge of available
actions is more appropriately indexed by high-level abstractions such as
"spilled wine" than by numerical values of state variables describing its
Human experts (as well as expert systems) may, at specific points during
their qualitative reasoning, switch to numerical methods. For example, a
medical specialist may use formulas or equations to estimate the acid-base
balance of a patient, or an engineer may reach for a calculator to check a
design constraint, but the numerical analysis is under the overall control of
a qualitative, symbolic reasoning system. It is the qualitative knowledge
and problem-solving structures that are of central interest to the science and
technology of AI.

In many circles some version of logic is thought to be the proper language
for characterizing all computation and, by extension, intelligence. By logic
is meant a variant of first-order predicate calculus, or at least a system where
the notion of truth-based semantics is central and inference making is char-
acterized by truth-preserving transformations. (Within AI, nonmonotonic
logic and default logics relax the truth-preserving requirement. The thrust
of the arguments here nevertheless remain valid.) The architecture of sys-
tems using logical formalism for knowledge representation generally con-
sists of a knowledge base of logical formulas and an inference mechanism
that uses the formulas to derive conclusions.
A number of theoretical advantages have been claimed for logic in AI,
including precision and the existence of a well-defined semantics. In tasks
where the inference chains are relatively shallow - where the discovery of
the solution does not involve search in a large search space - the logic rep-
resentation may be useful. Also, in logic-based systems it is possible to cre-
ate a subtasking structure (when the structure of a task allows it) that can
help to keep the complexity of inference low. In practical terms, however,
the existence of a rigorous semantics is not typically helpful since precision
is rarely the point. If one were to model, say, reasoning in arithmetic, one
could represent domain knowledge in the form of axioms and use a variety
of inference processes to derive new theorems. However, the computational
complexity of such systems would tend to be impractical - even for rela-
tively simple axiomatic systems - without the use of some clever (and ex-
tra-logical) "steerer" to guide the path of inference. Thus, even in domains
where powerful axiom systems exist, the problem of capturing the effective-
ness of human reasoning remains.
Logic as knowledge representation makes a serious commitment to knowl-
edge as propositions and to True/False judgments as the basic use of knowl-
edge. It is also closely connected to the belief that the aim of intelligence is
to draw correct conclusions. In this view, what human beings often do (e.g.,
draw plausible, useful, but strictly speaking logically incorrect conclusions)
is interesting as psychology, but shows humans only as approximations to
the ideal intelligent agent, whose aim is to be correct. Since at least the late
19th century, logical reasoning has been viewed as the real test of thought.
Witness the title of Boole's book, An Investigation of the Laws of Thought
on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theory of Logic and Probabilities
(1854). This has led to the almost unconscious equating of thought, with
logical thought, and the attempt to seek in logic the language for represent-
ing and constructing the idealized agent. From this perspective the content
of consciousness includes a series of propositions, some of them beliefs. For
a certain kind of theorist, it seems entirely natural to model thought itself as
basically the manipulation of propositions and the generation of new ones.
From this view of thought, stream-of-consciousness imaginings, half-formed
ideas, remindings, vague sensations, ideas suddenly coming to occupy con-
sciousness from the depths of the mind, and so forth do not count as serious
subjects for the study of intelligence as such.
Is "strict truth" the right kind of interpretive framework for knowledge?
Or are notions of functional adequacy (i.e., knowledge that helps to get cer-
tain kinds of tasks done) or the related notions of plausibility, relevance,
likelihood, close-enough, and so forth, more relevant to capturing the way
agents actually use knowledge intelligently? My (Chandra's) 16-month-old
daughter, when shown a pear, said, "Apple!" Surely more than parental pride
makes me attribute a certain measure of intelligence to that remark, which,
when viewed strictly in terms of propositions, was untrue. After all, her
conclusion was more than adequate for the occasion - she could eat the pear
and get nourishment - whereas an equally false proposition, "It's a chair,"
would not give her similar advantages. Thus, viewing propositions in terms
Knowledge-based systems and the science ofAI 45
of context-independent truth and falsity does not make all the distinctions
we need, as in this case between a false useful categorization and a false
useless one.
Some in the logic tradition say that before building, say, commonsense
reasoners, we should get all the ontology of commonsense reasoning right.
We should first analyze what words such as: "know," "cause," and so forth
really mean before building a system. We should axiomatize commonsense
reality. But a use-independent analysis of knowledge is likely to make dis-
tinctions that are not needed for processing and is likely to miss many that
are. The logic tradition separates knowledge from its functions, and this leads
to missing important aspects of the form and content of the knowledge that
needs to be represented.
Furthermore, laws of justification are not identical to laws of thought,
Boole notwithstanding. Logic gives us laws for justifying the truth of con-
clusions rather than laws for arriving at conclusions. For example, although
we might justify our answer to a multiplication problem by using modus
ponens on Peano's axioms, how many of us actually multiply numbers by
using modus ponens on Peano's axioms, and how efficient would that be?
While it might be useful for an intelligent agent to have the laws of logic,
and to apply them appropriately, those laws alone cannot account for the
power of intelligence as a process.
This is not to say that logic as a set of ideas about justification is not
important for understanding intelligence. How intelligent agents generate
justifications, how they integrate them with discovery processes for a final
answer that is plausibly correct, and how the total computational process is
controlled in complexity are indeed questions for AI as an information-pro-
cessing theory of intelligence. It seems highly plausible that much of the
power of intelligence arises, not from its ability to lead to correct conclu-
sions, but from its ability to direct explorations, retrieve plausible ideas,
and focus the more computationally expensive justification processes to where
they are actually required.
To see biological intelligence as merely an approximate attempt to achieve
logical correctness is to miss the functioning of intelligence completely. Of
course there are processes that over long periods of time, and collectively
over humankind, help to produce internal representations with increasingly
higher fidelity; but that is just one part of being intelligent, and in any case
such processes are themselves bounded by constraints of computational fea-
sibility. Once highly plausible candidates for hypotheses about the world
are put together by such processes (as abductive processes might be used in
producing an explanation in science), then explicit justification processes
can be used to anchor them in place.
To the extent that one believes that intelligence is at base a computational
process, and to the extent that logic is a preferred language for the semantics
of computer programs, logic will play a role in describing the meaning of
computer programs that embody theories of intelligence. This brings logic
into computational AI in a fairly basic way. Yet it is possible to be misled by
this role for logic. To make an analogy, architectural ideas are realized using
bricks, steel, wood, and other building materials, while classical statics and
mechanics describe the behavior of these materials under forces of various
kinds. Even though statics and mechanics belong to the language of civil
engineering analysis, they are not the language of architecture as an intel-
lectual discipline. Architecture uses a language of habitable spaces.
While resisting the idea of intelligence as a logic machine, I have often
been impressed by the clarity that the use of logic has sometimes brought to
issues in AI. Quite independently of one's theory of mind, one needs a lan-
guage in which to describe the objects of thought, i.e., parts of the world.
Logic has been a pretty strong contender for this job, though not without
controversy. Wittgenstein is said to have changed his views radically about
the use of logic for this purpose. Nevertheless, logic has played this role for
many researchers in AI who are looking for a formalism in which to be
precise about the knowledge of the world being attributed to an agent. For
example Newell (1982) proposes a "knowledge level" where logic is used to
describe what an agent knows, without any implied commitment to the use
of logical representations for internal manipulation by the agent.1

Organizing knowledge: Frames

The knowledge representation approach in AI that first emphasized organi-
zation in the form of structured units was that of frames. Minsky's paper on
frames (Minsky, 1975) argued against the "atomic" stance about knowledge
taken by logic-based AI theories, and claimed that chunking of knowledge
into larger scale frames had a number of useful properties. Three of these
are described next. First, frames are especially useful in organizing a prob-
lem solver's "what" knowledge (e.g., knowledge about classes of objects) in
such a way that efficiency in storage and inference can be maintained. Basi-
cally, because a frame of a concept is a structured stereotype, much of the
knowledge can be stored as defaults, and only specific information corre-
sponding to differences from the default value needs to be explicitly stored.
For example, because the default value of the number of walls for a room is
four, a system's knowledge about a particular room does not have to repre-
sent this explicitly, unless it is an exception.
A second useful property of organizing knowledge of objects in the form
of frame structures is that one can create type-subtype hierarchies and let
much of the knowledge about particular objects be "inherited" from infor-
mation stored at the class and subclass levels. This again makes for great
economy of storage. For instance, the purpose attributes of a bedroom and a
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 47
living room may be different, but the parts that are common to them (e.g.,
typically all rooms have four walls, a ceiling, etc.) can be stored at the level
of the room frame, and inherited as needed at the bedroom or living room
A third property that makes frame structures very useful in knowledge
systems is the possibility of embedding procedures in the frames so that
specialized inferences can be performed as appropriate for the conceptual
context. This is a move away from architectures, like those typically used in
the logic tradition, in which the inference mechanisms are divorced from
the knowledge base.
Because of these three properties - defaults, type-subtype hierarchies, and
attached procedures - frame systems are very useful for capturing one broad
class of problem-solving activity, viz., where the basic task can be formu-
lated as one of making inferences about objects by using knowledge about
more general classes to which the objects belong and by using knowledge of
related objects represented elsewhere in the structure. A whole style of pro-
gramming, called "object-oriented" programming, has arisen which has a
close conceptual kinship with the notion of frames.

Organizing knowledge: Scripts and plans

Roger Schank has been associated with a view in which the essence of intel-
ligence is seen, not in normative inference (the notion that intelligence is
explained by the possession of rules of correct inference applied to bodies
of knowledge in a goal-directed way) but in how memory (i.e., knowledge)
is organized (Schank, 1986; Schank & Abelson, 1977). The claim is that
intelligence arises largely because memory holds knowledge in the form of
organized chunks corresponding to scripts, goals, plans, and various other
higher level packages. The theory of memory proposed by Schank is a ver-
sion of the frame theory, but it proposes that there are specific types of frames
that hold specific important kinds of information. Thus Schank's theory is a
content theory of frames, making assertions about what kinds of informa-
tion are held and organized by the frames. For example, Schank proposes
that a generic type of frame is the script, a frame that holds a stereotypical
representation of the temporal sequence of events in a generic episode such
as visiting a restaurant. Whenever the agent is in a situation involving visit-
ing restaurants (actually visiting a restaurant or hearing a story about some-
one visiting one), the restaurant script is retrieved and a number of default
expectations that are encoded in the script are set up. These expectations
can short-circuit the need for elaborate inferences that would otherwise be
needed, and they can be used to predict what will happen and help to decide
what actions to take. These expectations may be violated, in which case
memory again helps with other scripts or chunks of knowledge that are in-
dexed by the types of violations. Some of the expectations and knowledge
about how to handle violations are encoded in other specialized types of
chunks, such as plans and themes.
Schank's view makes explicit commitments about important issues in the
study of intelligence. The role of deliberate and complex "rational" problem
solving is minimized; most cognitive behavior is driven by templates such
as scripts and so on. Any rationality in behavior is emergent, the result of
there being knowledge of the right kinds embedded in these structures, rather
than the result of explicit application of normative rules. To account for the
presence and organization of knowledge of these kinds, the theory must be
concerned with learning. A major concern of research in this tradition is
how individual experiences are abstracted into various kinds of knowledge
Our view shares some essential points with Schank's approach, but it also
deviates from Schank's in some ways. We agree that organization of knowl-
edge is important so that almost always appropriate and useful knowledge is
retrieved to suit the situation and the agent's purposes. Much of the power
of intelligence is a result of clever organization of the "filing system of the
mind." However, because of our concern with problem solving, we have a
number of differences in emphasis. First, although we agree that problem
solving depends strongly on retrieval of relevant knowledge, we think that
deliberative processes, and sometimes explicit application of normative con-
cerns, are important. In particular, a certain amount of deliberative search is
needed to explore options, combine them, evaluate them, and select those
that are most satisfactory. Second, we think that much problem-solving knowl-
edge is abstract (i.e., not closely tied to specific episodes) and when this
kind of knowledge is available, it is typically the most efficient kind to use
in solving technical problems, or even everyday problems of nontrivial com-
plexity. Related to the second point is the belief that we need a good theory
of how knowledge is indexed (both knowledge of facts and of strategies) by
the kinds of tasks that we face. Thus, we claim that much of our problem-
solving knowledge is task specific and method specific, and, complemen-
tary to Schank's concern with the organization of memory, we believe that
we need a theory of tasks and their relationships to kinds of knowledge.
(This is the subject of the final section of this chapter on Generic Tasks.)

Rule-based systems
The dominant knowledge-representation formalism in the first generation of
expert systems was rules. The rule-based expert-system approach is that of
collecting from the human experts a large number of rules describing activi-
ties in each domain, and constructing a knowledge base that encodes these
rules. It is usually assumed as part of the rule paradigm that the rule-using
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 49
(i.e., reasoning) machinery is not the main source of problem-solving power
but that the power came from the knowledge.
Like the logic-based architectures, the rule-based architectures separate
the knowledge base from the inference mechanisms that use the knowledge.
Furthermore, logic-based and rule-based architectures are unitary architec-
tures; that is, they have only one level. In standard rule-based systems, be-
cause the problem solver (or "inference engine," as it has come to be called)
is free of knowledge, controlling the problem-solving process typically re-
quires placing rules for control purposes in the knowledge base itself.
Such a rule-based architecture can work well when relatively little com-
plex coupling between rules exists in solving problems, or when the rules
can be implicitly separated into groups with relatively little interaction among
rules in different groups. In general, however, when the global reasoning
requirements of the task cannot be conceptualized as a series of local deci-
sions, rule-based systems with this one-level architecture have significant
"focus of attention" problems. That is, because the problem solver does not
have a notion of reasoning goals at different levels of abstraction, maintain-
ing coherent lines of thought is often difficult to achieve. The need for con-
trol knowledge in addition to domain knowledge is a lesson that can be ap-
plied to any unitary architecture.
Another problem that arises in unitary rule-based architectures is that,
when the knowledge base is large, a large number of rules may match in a
given situation, with conflicting actions proposed by each rule. The proces-
sor must choose one rule and pursue the consequences. This choice among
rules is called "conflict resolution," and a family of essentially syntactic
conflict resolution strategies has been proposed to accomplish it, such as
"choose the rule that has more left-hand side terms matching" or ". . . has
more goals on the right-hand side" or ". . . has a higher certainty factor."
Conflicts of this type, I claim, are artifacts of the architecture. If the archi-
tecture were multileveled, higher organizational levels would impose con-
straints on knowledge-base activation so that there would be no need for
syntactic conflict resolution strategies. In general, for a system to be able to
focus, multiple levels of reasoning contexts, goals, and plans must be main-
These points apply not just to rule architectures, but to unitary architec-
tures in general. Retrieval theories based on semantic networks (where con-
cepts are represented as nodes and relationships between them as links) tend
to explain memory retrieval by proposing that it is based on distances mea-
sured in the number of links, rather than on the types of links and the knowl-
edge embedded in the nodes and links. These unitary architectures encour-
age theory making at the wrong level of abstraction. Because they are uni-
tary architectures, they necessarily omit important higher level information-
processing distinctions that are needed to give an adequate functional de-

scription of intelligence, and that may in turn require architectural support of

their own. A well-known proponent of rule-based architectures once said, "Com-
mon sense is just millions and millions of rules." One might well respond, "Yes,
and War and Peace is just thousands and thousands of sentences."
It is true that unitary architectures have been used to build impressive
systems that perform tasks requiring intelligence. However, because these
architectures are Turing universal (i.e., any algorithm can be implemented
as a program for such an architecture), it is often hard to know if the archi-
tecture per se makes a significant contribution. It may merely provide a
convenient means of implementation. The architecture, per se, does not dis-
tinguish tractable solutions from those that are intractable; it does not iden-
tify good versus bad ways of organizing knowledge.
Next we discuss how alternative architectures can be conceived that bet-
ter focus and control the processes of problem solving. These architectures
will begin to erase the separation of the knowledge base from the inference
machinery. The intuition behind the separation of knowledge and inference
is that knowledge may be used in multiple ways; however, we have con-
tended for many years that separating knowledge from its use obscures the
role of knowledge in problem solving (Gomez and Chandrasekaran, 1981).
Our generic-task approach suggests an alternative point of view: that knowl-
edge representation should closely follow knowledge use, and that different
organizations of knowledge are appropriate for different types of problem-
solving activity.

Generic tasks
In our work on knowledge-based reasoning, we have proposed a number of
information-processing strategies, each characterized by knowledge represented
using strategy-specific primitives and organized in a specific manner. Each strat-
egy employs a characteristic inference procedure that is appropriate to the task.
Let us look at the computationally complex problem of diagnosis to see how
this approach contrasts with the other approaches just discussed.

Diagnostic reasoning
Formally, the diagnostic problem might be defined as a mapping from the
set of all subsets of observations of a system to the set of all subsets of
possible malfunctions, such that each malfunction subset is a best explana-
tion for the corresponding observation subset. A mathematician's interest in
the problem might be satisfied when it is shown that under certain assump-
tions this task is computable (i.e., an algorithm - such as the set-covering
algorithm of Reggia [1983] - exists to perform this mapping). A mathemati-
cian might also want to derive the computational complexity of this task for
various assumptions about the domain and the range of this mapping.
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 51
A logician in AI would consider the solution epistemically complete if he
or she can provide a formalism to list the relevant domain knowledge and
can formulate the decision problem as one of deducing a correct conclusion.
Some diagnostic formalisms view the diagnostic problem as one more ver-
sion of truth-maintenance activity (Reiter, 1987).
Now, each of these methods is computationally complex, and without ex-
tensive addition of heuristic knowledge, a problem cannot ordinarily be solved
in anything resembling real time. It is clear, however, that the abstract prob-
lem of how to go from observable states of the world to their explanations
faces intelligent agents on a regular basis. From the tribesman on a hunt
who needs to construct an explanation for tracks in the mud to a scientist
constructing theories, this basic problem recurs in many forms. Of course,
not all versions of the problem are solved by humans, but many versions,
such as medical diagnosis, are solved routinely. Chapter 1 discusses how
diagnosis is fundamentally an abductive problem.
Because of our concern with the structure of intelligence, let us ask the
following question: What is an intelligence that it can perform this task?
That is, we are interested in the relationships between mental structures and
the performance of the diagnostic task, not simply in the diagnostic task
itself. The distinction can be clarified by considering multiplication. Multi-
plication viewed as a computational task has been sufficiently studied so
that fast and efficient algorithms are available and are routinely used by
today's computers. On the other hand, if we ask, "How does a person actu-
ally perform multiplication in the head?" the answer is different from the
multiplication algorithms just mentioned. Similarly, the answer to how di-
agnosis is done needs to be given in terms of how the particular problem is
solved by using more generic mental structures. Depending upon one's theory
of what those mental structures are, the answer will differ.
We have already indicated the kinds of answers that unitary architectures
would foster about how diagnosis is done. In rule-based architectures the
problem solver simply needs to have enough rules about malfunctions and
observations; in frame-based architectures diagnostic knowledge is repre-
sented as frames for domain concepts such as malfunctions; connectionist
architectures represent diagnostic knowledge by strengths of connections
that make activation pathways from nodes representing observations to nodes
representing malfunctions. The inference methods that are applicable to each
are fixed at the level of the architecture: some form of forward or backward
chaining for rule systems, some form of inheritance mechanisms and em-
bedded procedures for frame systems, and spreading activations for
connectionist networks. The first generation of knowledge-based systems
languages - those based on rules, frames, or logic - did not distinguish be-
tween different types of knowledge-based reasoning.
Intuitively, one thinks that there are types of knowledge and control that
are common to diagnostic reasoning in different domains, and, similarly,
that there are common structures and strategies for design as a cognitive
activity, but that the structures and control strategies for diagnostic reason-
ing and design problem solving are somehow different. However, when one
looks at the formalisms (or equivalently the languages) that are commonly
used for building expert systems, the knowledge representation and control
strategies usually do not capture these intuitive distinctions. For example,
in diagnostic reasoning one might generically want to speak in terms of
malfunction hierarchies, rule-out strategies, setting up a differential, and so
forth, whereas for design problem solving the generic terms might be de-
vice - component hierarchies, design plans, functional requirements, and the
Ideally one would like to represent knowledge by using the vocabulary
that is appropriate for the task, but the languages in which expert systems
have typically been implemented have sought uniformity across tasks and
thus have lost perspicuity of representation at the task level. For example,
one would expect that the task of designing a car would require significantly
different reasoning strategies than the task of diagnosing a malfunction in a
car. However, rule-based systems apply the same reasoning strategy ("fire"
the rules whose conditions match, etc.) to design and diagnosis, as well as to
any other task. Unitary-architecture methodologies suppress what is distinc-
tive about tasks such as diagnosis in favor of task-independent information-
processing strategies. In addition, the control strategies that come with these
methodologies do not explicitly show the real control structure of the task
that a problem solver is performing. Thus these methodologies, although
useful, are rather low-level with respect to modeling the needed task-level
behavior. In essence, their languages resemble low-level assembly languages
for writing knowledge-based systems. Although they are obviously useful,
approaches that more directly address the higher level issues of knowledge-
based reasoning are clearly needed.

Some elementary generic tasks for diagnosis

Intelligent agents commonly face similar computational problems, and the
strategies that they adopt to solve these problems have an essential similar-
ity. They all use plans, indexed by goals, as efficient means of synthesizing
actions; they all use classification to match actions to classes of world states;
and so on. The task of AI as the science of intelligence is to identify these
various information-processing strategies concretely and to understand how
they integrate into coherent wholes. In a sense this approach can be called
"abstract psychology" because it does not discuss a particular human being
or even the class of human beings. What it says is that the description of
cognitive strategies provides a language in which to describe intelligent
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 53
agents. Also, I think, this approach is consistent with the view of intelli-
gence as a biological, evolvable collection of coherent kludges that work
together. Intelligence is not defined as one thing—architecture or function—
it is a collection of strategies. The fact that the strategies all contribute to
computational feasibility is one thing that distinguishes them as a character-
izable class of information processes.
The motivation in our work on diagnosis is to make a connection between
diagnostic problem solving and the general properties of intelligence as a
repertoire of information-processing strategies. Let us view diagnostic prob-
lem solving as a task in which the goal is to explain a set of observations of
a system. The explanation is to be in terms of malfunctions that may have
caused the observations. Because the malfunctions can interact in a number
of ways, the problem solver has to produce a set of malfunction hypotheses
that explain all the data without including unnecessary hypotheses, and it
must take into account possible interactions between hypotheses.
These goals can be accomplished by decomposing the problem solving
into several distinct, smaller problem-solving units, which we call generic
tasks. At each stage in reasoning, a problem solver engages in one of these
tasks, depending on the knowledge available and the state of the problem-
solving activity. Each generic task is characterized by the following:
1. The kinds of information used as input for the task and the information pro-
duced as a result of performing the task. This defines the functionality of the
task in terms of input and output.
2. A way to represent and organize the knowledge that is needed to perform the
task. This includes a vocabulary of knowledge types, knowledge constructs
that a representation language should have.
3. The process control (inference control, control of problem solving) that the
task uses.
Many tasks that we intuitively think of as generic tasks are actually com-
plex generic tasks. That is, they are further decomposable into components
that are more elementary in the sense that each such component has a more
homogeneous control regime and knowledge structure. The diagnostic task
is a task of this sort. Although it may be generic in being similar across
domains, diagnosis does not have a unitary task structure. Instead, it may
involve classificatory reasoning at a certain point, data-abstraction reason-
ing at another point, and abductive assembly of multiple hypotheses at yet
another point. Classificatory reasoning has a different form of knowledge
and a different control behavior from those for data-abstraction reasoning,
which in turn is dissimilar in these dimensions to hypothesis assembly. Similar
arguments apply with even greater force to generic problem areas such as
process control. Thus diagnosis, design, process control, and so forth, are
compound processes, whereas the tasks that compose them are more atomic.
We call these more atomic tasks, which are the building blocks of the more
complex tasks, elementary generic tasks.
Through the years we have identified several elementary generic tasks for
decomposing complex problems. By decomposing problems into collections
of elementary generic tasks, the original intractable problem is converted,
by the use of a series of information-processing strategies and by appropri-
ate types of knowledge and control into a tractable problem. In the follow-
ing chapters we discuss in detail the architectures of several abductive diag-
nostic systems that use combinations of elementary generic tasks. Note that
besides the generic tasks described next for diagnosis, we have also discov-
ered generic tasks for routine design and planning (Brown & Chandrasekaran,
In diagnosis, the elementary generic tasks into which many diagnostic
problems can be decomposed are the following: hierarchical classification,
hypothesis matching, knowledge-directed data retrieval, and abductive as-
sembly of hypotheses. (See Figure 2.1.)

Hierarchical classification. A hierarchical classifier can be used to select a

small set of plausible malfunctions. The task of hierarchical classification is
that of mapping a set of observations into one or more tip nodes of a classi-
fication hierarchy so that each node has some plausibility or likelihood given
the observations.
Each node of the classification hierarchy is identified with a "concept."
The diagnostic knowledge is then distributed through the conceptual nodes
of the hierarchy with more general malfunction concepts higher in the struc-
ture and more specific ones lower. (See Figure 2.2.) The problem-solving
activity for hierarchical classification is performed top down, i.e., the top-
most concept first gets control of the case, then control passes to an appro-
priate lower level successor concept, and so on downward.
Knowledge of type-subtype links and knowledge relating observations to
hypotheses are needed to perform the task. The concepts in the hierarchy
can be represented by active agents, not merely by static collections of knowl-
edge. Because each such agent contains knowledge about establishing or
rejecting only one particular conceptual entity, it may be termed a special-
ist, in particular, a classification specialist. One can view the inference ma-
chinery as being embedded directly in each specialist. That is, each classifi-
cation specialist has how-to knowledge, for example, in the form of two
clusters of rules: confirmatory rules and exclusionary rules. The evidence
for confirmation and exclusion is suitably weighted and combined to arrive
at a conclusion to establish, reject, or suspend judgment of the concept. This
last situation arises if data are not sufficient to make even a tentative decision.
When a concept rules itself out as being unlikely or irrelevant to a case, all its
successors (subtypes) are also ruled out, so large portions of the classification
structure are never exercised. On the other hand, when a concept is invoked, a
small, highly relevant collection of establish-reject knowledge comes into play.
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 55

Supplies small set of plausible Best explanation

hypotheses with information
about what each hypothesis of observations
can explain

Request to refine lower

plausibility hypotheses
Hierarchical if needed for completing
Classification explanation

Supplies confidence level

for a given hypothesis as
requested by classifier

Supplies data at level

of abstraction needed
by matcher

Directed sensor values,
Retrieval etc.

Figure 2.1. Generic-task architecture for diagnosis with compiled knowledge.

The entire collection of specialists engages in distributed problem solv-

ing. The control regime that is implicit in the structure can be characterized
as an establish-refine type. That is, each concept specialist first tries to es-
tablish or reject itself (i.e., its concept). If it establishes itself, the refine-
ment process consists of determining which of its successors can establish
themselves. The way in which each specialist attempts to establish or reject
itself will vary somewhat from domain to domain. In medicine establish-
reject reasoning might be accomplished by using active knowledge, some of
which look for evidence for the hypothesis, some of which look for
counterevidence, and some that carry information about how to combine for
a conclusion. For electrical circuits it may be more appropriate to represent
the establish-reject activity in the form of functional knowledge about spe-

Liver disease

hepatitis cirrhosis cholestasis

alcoholic cirrhosis

Figure 2.2. Liver disease classification hierarchy.

cific modules of a device. (That is, performance of a generic task may re-
quire the solution of some problem of a different type as a subtask.) The
points to note here are that (1) the inference engine and the forms of knowl-
edge are tuned for the classificatory task and (2) the control transfer is not
necessarily centralized.
Hierarchical classification as an information-processing strategy is ubiq-
uitous in human reasoning. How classification hierarchies are created - from
examples, from other types of knowledge structures, and so forth - requires
an additional set of answers. We have discussed elsewhere (Sembugamoorthy
& Chandrasekaran, 1986) how knowledge of the relationships between struc-
ture and the functions of components of a device can be used to derive
malfunction hierarchies.

Hypothesis matching. In the classification process, domain knowledge is

required to establish or reject each of the classification concepts in the hier-
archy. What is needed is a way of deciding how well a concept fits a set of
situation-specific data. This function can be accomplished by using the ge-
neric strategy that we call "hypothesis matching." Each concept in the clas-
sification process is evaluated by appealing to the appropriate concept-match-
ing structures that map from relevant data to a symbolic confidence value
for that particular concept hypothesis. This matching process is independent
of its application for classification and has a generic character of its own. It
could be used just as readily by a planner to select from alternative plans:
The features of the problem are the data, and a measure of the appropriate-
ness of a plan is the result of the matching process.
To set up the knowledge for hypothesis matching, we can build up a hier-
archy of abstractions from data to hypothesis (a hierarchy of evidence ab-
Knowledge-based systems and the science ofAI 57
straction distinct from the classification hierarchy). For example, given the
concept "liver disease," one way to decide the degree of fit with the data is
first to see how the data match certain intermediate abstractions. Some of
these might be "chemical test evidence for liver disease," "physical evi-
dence," and "patient-history evidence." Evaluating each abstraction requires
examining only a subset of the data applicable to liver disease as a whole.
The applicability of each abstraction can be computed by hypothesis match-
ing, and the value passed to the next level for further matching. Thus, over-
all, hypothesis matching works by mapping patterns of situation features to
confidence values (or applicability values), where each situation feature may
itself be computed by hypothesis matching.

Knowledge-directed data retrieval. A hypothesis matcher requires values

for specific data items, and this is the function of knowledge-directed data
retrieval. In the previous example, data relevant to a decision about "pa-
tient-history evidence" may be "evidence of exposure to anesthetics?" or
"fever responds to drugs?" Relevant to the first question, the patient data
base might contain the information that the patient underwent major surgery
a few days earlier. For the latter question the data base might contain com-
plete information about the patient's prescriptions and temperatures. In ei-
ther case the information needed for hypothesis matching can be obtained
by making appropriate inferences using domain knowledge (about the rela-
tionship between anesthetics and surgery for the one case and about the time
course of body temperature after drug administration for the other). Thus,
an inferencing data base containing case-independent domain knowledge is
needed to make the necessary interpretations from raw data.
For a data concept such as anesthetics, the domain knowledge, such as
default values for attributes, strategies for inferring them if they are not
directly available, and so forth, can be stored with the concept, and the con-
cepts can be organized according to their relationships. Briefly, this sets up
a form of reasoning in which accessing a concept also accesses stored infor-
mation about how the value of various attributes can be obtained, either
directly retrieved from raw data or indirectly inferred. For example, to re-
spond to the query "evidence of exposure to anesthetics?" a concept special-
ist for "anesthetics" may examine its portion of the patient data and find
nothing directly recorded in it, so it will then access knowledge in the fol-
lowing way: (1) check if particular types of anesthetics were administered
and if so answer "yes"; (2) check if any major surgery was performed and if
so answer "yes"; (3) if the answer is "no" by both of the first two inferences,
default to the answer "no." In a particular case the "anesthetics" specialist
may find no record of various specific anesthetics and will then call on a
"surgery" specialist, which will have its own knowledge in the form "check
various kinds of surgeries," and eventually it will infer that major surgery
was performed. The anesthetics specialist can then infer that there is evi-
dence that the patient had been exposed to anesthetics. Mittal (1980) has
worked out a partial theory of organization of such data bases and has re-
solved issues of temporal reasoning of certain types.

Abductive assembly. For diagnosis, the classification process generates a

small number of plausible hypotheses each with a confidence value, and
each explaining a specific subset of the case data. That is, certain concepts
from the classification hierarchy have "established" themselves with likeli-
hood values above some preset minimum plausibility, and additional pro-
cessing determines the explanatory coverage for each of these hypotheses.
Although doing a complete abduction is a complex generic task, abductive
assembly may be considered to be elementary. An abductive-assembly strat-
egy, using knowledge about interaction among hypotheses, is used to as-
semble a subset of hypotheses' into a composite hypothesis that best explains
the data. For this to be accomplished, knowledge about the causal or logical
relations among hypotheses is needed that might suggest higher or lower co-
occurrence likelihoods; knowledge of general principles such as Occam's
razor is also necessary. This task might use a goal-seeking control strategy,
where each stage of the processing is driven by the goal of explaining the
most significant unexplained datum. The control strategy specifies how hy-
potheses are assembled; how alternatives are evaluated; and how causal
relations, hypothesis plausibilities, and degrees of explanatory power are
balanced. We discuss strategies for this elementary generic task in much
more detail in later chapters.

Summary. Overall problem solving for diagnosis can thus be traced as fol-
lows: The hierarchical classifier's problem-solving activity proceeds top
down, and for each concept that is considered, a hypothesis matcher for that
concept is invoked to determine the degree of fit with the data. The hypoth-
esis matcher turns to the inferencing data base for information about the
data items in which it is interested. The data base completes its reasoning
and passes on the needed information to the hypothesis matcher. After ac-
quiring all the needed information from the data base, the hypothesis matcher
completes its matching activity for the concept and returns the value for the
match to the classifier, along with the data that the concept hypothesis can
explain. The classifier's activity now proceeds according to its control strat-
egy: It either rules out the concept, or establishes it and pursues the more
detailed successors (or suspends judgment, but we will not discuss that here).
This process, whereby each specialist consults other specialists that can pro-
vide the information needed to perform its own task, is repeated until the
classifier concludes with a number of high-plausibility hypotheses, together
with information about what each can explain. At this point the abductive
Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI 59
assembler takes control and constructs a composite explanatory hypothesis
for the problem. As we shall see in following chapters, the present discus-
sion omits many subtleties in the strategies of each of the problem solvers.
Each of these generic processes is a possible information-processing strat-
egy in the service of a number of different tasks. Classification plays a role
whenever one can make use of the computational advantages inherent in
indexing actions by classes of world states. Hypothesis matching is useful
whenever the appropriateness of a concept to a situation needs to be deter-
mined. Abductive assembly is useful whenever an explanation needs to be
constructed and a small number of possibly competing, possibly co-occur-
ring explanatory hypotheses are available. Each strategy can be used only if
knowledge in the appropriate form is available. These elementary generic
tasks can also be used in complex problem-solving situations other than di-
agnosis, such as designing and planning.
Under the proper conditions of knowledge availability, each of these ge-
neric strategies is computationally tractable. In hierarchical classification,
entire subtrees can be pruned if a node is rejected. The mapping from data to
concept can be achieved if hierarchical abstractions make hypothesis match-
ing computationally efficient. Abductive assembly can be computationally
expensive (as described in later chapters), but if another process can ini-
tially prune the candidates and generate only a few hypotheses, then this
pruning can help to keep the computational demands of hypothesis assem-
bly under control. Hierarchical classification accomplishes this pruning in
the design for diagnosis just described.

The generic-task approach

The functional orientation advocated here makes possible a new approach to
mental architectures that are nonunitary. We have described how intelligence
can be conceived as a cooperative community of specialists, each of which
specializes in a particular task, and where each has the appropriate knowledge
and control strategy to do its job. The specialists occur in types (hierarchical
classification specialists, hypothesis-matching specialists, etc.). Our work on
problem solving has often been implemented using precisely this type of
nonunitary architecture. Note that this approach does not exclude implementing
the whole set of cooperative, heterogeneous problem solvers on a lower level
unitary architecture, such as a rule architecture or an object-oriented program-
ming system. We merely point out the importance of not being driven by the
unitary-architecture notion at the task level, for all the reasons discussed earlier.
That is, one could implement each of the previously described strategies in, say,
a rule-based language or a frame-based language, but this level of implementa-
tion is completely separate from the task description. There is no mention of
metarules or frame hierarchies in the strategy descriptions. To describe the
strategies by using the language of rules, logic, or frames would be to de-
scribe them at the wrong level of abstraction.
Functional modularity is an important consequence of the generic-task
point of view. This functional modularity makes system building and debug-
ging easier, and the task-specific knowledge and control constructs help in
knowledge acquisition and explanation. The generic-task framework pro-
poses that, as each task and its associated forms of knowledge and control
strategies are identified, languages be developed that allow easy specifica-
tion of control and easy specification of knowledge of the appropriate types.
Each language provides primitives to encode the knowledge needed for the
particular generic strategy. In my view these primitives constitute part of
the vocabulary of the language of thought. That is, the generic-task idea has
strong implications for knowledge representation and suggests a view of
what mentalese, the language of thought, might be.
Our group at LAIR has identified a number of generic tasks and has devel-
oped associated software tools (Chandrasekaran, 1986): For the generic task of
hierarchical classification, the tool CSRL (conceptual structures representation
language) was developed (Bylander & Mittal, 1986). For the task of hypothesis
matching, the tool HYPER (hypothesis matcher) was developed. For the task of
knowledge-directed data retrieval, ID ABLE (intelligent data base language and
environment) was developed. For the task of noncreative design using the inte-
gration of simple plans into an overall design, the strategy of plan selection and
refinement was identified, and the tool DSPL (design specialists and plans lan-
guage) was developed (Brown, 1984). For the task of abductive hypothesis as-
sembly, the tool PEIRCE was developed (Punch, Tanner, & Josephson, 1986).
(PEIRCE is described in detail in Chapter 4.)
What ultimately characterizes the generic-task approach is not the pro-
posals for specific generic tasks, which will undoubtedly evolve empirically,
but a commitment to the view that knowledge and its use need to be speci-
fied together in knowledge representation. Because how knowledge is used
depends on the form in which knowledge appears, the enterprise of knowl-
edge representation is one of developing vocabularies simultaneously for
the expression and use of knowledge. The set of languages in which the
generic information-processing units encode their knowledge, and commu-
nicate their information needs and solutions, collectively defines the lan-
guage of thought. These languages, when implemented in a computer, fa-
cilitate knowledge-based system development by giving the knowledge en-
gineer access to tools that work closer to the level of the problem, rather
than a lower level implementation language. Complex problems are decom-
posed into a number of elementary generic tasks. These tasks are supported
by specialized software tools that are used to construct systems that use
multiple types of reasoning to solve a problem.
When we identify task-level architectures as the issue for highest lever-
Knowledge-based systems and the science ofAI 61
age, a number of immediate questions arise: What is the criterion by which
a task is deemed to be not only generic, but also appropriate for
modularization as an architecture? What about an architecture for the ge-
neric task of "investment decision"? Diagnosis? Diagnosis or process con-
trol? Is uncertainty management a task for which it will be useful to have an
architecture? Will we proliferate a chaos of architectures without any hope
of reuse? What are the possible relationships among these architectures?
Which architectures can be built from other architectures?
We do not propose to answer all these questions here, but they seem to be
the appropriate kinds of questions to ask when one moves away from the
false comfort of universal architectures and begins to work with different
architectures for different kinds of problems. We can say that something is
an elementary generic task if the information-processing task has a knowl-
edge-level description (has an input-output description in epistemic, or
knowledge-use, vocabulary) and has one or more feasible strategies for ac-
complishing it (often enough, well enough). Also, for something to be an
elementary generic task, one must be able to describe the forms that the
knowledge takes, and, especially, one needs to describe how processing can
be controlled to make it feasible (e.g., no combinatorial explosion).
At this stage in the development of these ideas the best policy is empirical
investigation of different proposals from the viewpoint of usefulness, com-
putational tractability, and composability. Our driving goal in the develop-
ment of generic-task theory has been to produce a methodology and a tech-
nology that aids in the analysis, design, construction, and debugging of prac-
tical knowledge-based systems. Consequently, we have concentrated on the
generic tasks that we believed would be most useful at this stage in the
development of the technology. From a practical viewpoint, any architec-
ture that has a useful function and for which one can identify knowledge
primitives and an inference method should be considered a valid candidate
for experimentation. The generic tasks that are represented in our set of
tools were chosen specifically to be useful as technology for building diag-
nostic, planning, and design systems with compiled expertise. For capturing
intelligent problem-solving activity in general, we will undoubtedly require
many more such elementary strategies, along with ways of integrating them.
For example, the problem-solving activities in qualitative reasoning and
device understanding - for example, qualitative simulation (Sticklen, 1987;
Keuneke, 1989); consolidation, that is, determining the potential behavior
of a system from a description of its parts (Bylander, 1986; Bylander &
Chandrasekaran, 1985) (see chapter 5); and functional representation
(Sembugamoorthy & Chandrasekaran, 1986)-all have well-defined infor-
mation-processing functions, specific knowledge-representation primitives,
and inference methods. Thus there are many candidates for generic informa-
tion-processing modules in the sense that we described.

As a theory, the generic-task idea requires more work. It needs to provide

a coherent story about how the tasks come together, how they are integrated,
how complex tasks come about from more elementary tasks, and how learn-
ing shapes these functional modules.
The view of generic tasks presented in this chapter is the original, or clas-
sical, generic-task view with which we started our system building. Its pur-
est implementation is in the RED systems presented in the next chapter.
However this theory of generic tasks is not a static, finished thing. Our more
recent view of generic tasks is described in chapters 4 and 5, in which we
discuss PEIRCE and the systems built by using PEIRCE. To gain more run-
time flexibility for our systems, we analyzed tasks into subtasks and meth-
ods, and we analyzed the knowledge requirements for those methods. This
resulted in systems in which the method used for a task was decided at run
time, instead of systems using elementary generic-task specialists with fixed
strategies. In Chapter 9 we describe yet another orientation to generic tasks
that is somewhat intermediate between the classical generic tasks presented
in this chapter and the flexible generic tasks implemented in the PEIRCE
systems. The chapter 9 version of generic tasks also uses the vocabulary of
specialists and the idea that there is typically a best method for achieving a
goal that is supplied to the system builder as the default. Unlike the classical
generic tasks, however, in the Chapter 9 version we also allow for the possi-
bility of more than one method for achieving each generic problem-solving

1 [Some further reasons for not using classical logical formalisms in AI: (1) much of intelligence is
not inference (e.g., planning) and (2) most intelligent inference is not deductive (e.g., abduction,
prediction). - J. J.]
Two RED systems - abduction machines 1 and 2

In chapters 1 and 2, we describe abduction, design science, and the generic-

task approach to building knowledge-based systems. In this chapter we ex-
amine the first two of our abductive systems, which we call here RED-1 and
RED-2.1 RED-2 extended RED-1 in several dimensions, the most important
being a more sophisticated strategy for assembling composite hypotheses.
RED-2 was widely demonstrated and served as a paradigm for our subse-
quent work on abduction. The RED systems show that abduction can be
described precisely enough so that it can be programmed on a digital com-
puter. Moreover, the RED systems do not use methods that are explicitly or
recognizably deductive or probabilistic, and thus the RED systems demon-
strate evidence-combining inference that apparently goes beyond those clas-
sical frameworks.

The red-cell antibody identification task

The RED systems are medical test-interpretation systems that operate in the
knowledge domain of hospital blood banks. Our domain experts for these
two RED systems were Patricia L. Strohm, MT (ASCP) SBB and John
Svirbely, MD. The blood bank is a medical laboratory responsible for pro-
viding safe blood and blood products for transfusion. The major activities
required are A-B-0 and Rh blood typing, red-cell antibody screening, red-
cell antibody identification, and compatibility testing. The RED systems
provide decision support for red-cell antibody identification.
Blood cells have chemical structures on their surfaces called red-cell an-
tigens. When a donor's cells are transfused into a patient, these antigens can
be recognized as foreign by the patient's immune system. The immune sys-
The Red-Cell Antibody Identification Task is by Jack W. Smith and Michael C. Tanner.
The Common Architecture Underlying RED-1 and RED-2 is by John R. Josephson, Jack
W. Smith, B. Chandrasekaran, Michael C. Tanner, Charles Evans, and John Svirbely. The
Red-1 Overview Mechanism is by John R. Josephson, Jack W. Smith, and B.
Chandrasekaran. The RED-2 Overview Mechanism is by John R. Josephson, B.
Chandrasekaran, Jack W. Smith, and Michael C. Tanner, except,that RED-2 performance
is by Jack W. Smith, John Svirbely, Patricia L. Strohm, John R. Josephson and Michael C.
Tanner, and The Order of Considering the Findings is by Susan T. Korda, Michael C.
Tanner, and John R. Josephson. Hypothesis Interactions is by John R. Josephson, B.
Chandrasekaran, Jack W. Smith, and Michael C. Tanner.

tern builds a "memory" of antigens that it encounters, which allows it to
quickly produce antibodies directed specifically against those antigens if it
ever encounters them again. Antibodies directed against red-cell antigens
are red-cell antibodies.
A patient's encounter with foreign red cells can thus produce a transfu-
sion reaction, with possible consequences including fever, anemia, and life-
threatening kidney failure. So tests must be performed to ensure that the
patient does not already possess antibodies to the red cells of a potential
donor, and this gives rise to the red-cell antibody identification task.
The first step in the overall testing process is determining the patient's
A-B-0 blood type. Red blood cells can have A or B structures on their sur-
faces, leading to possible blood types of A (the person's blood cells have
A structures but not B structures), B (the other way round), AB (both), or
O (neither). A person's A-B-0 blood type is determined by testing for the
presence or absence of A and B antigens on the person's cells, and is cross-
checked by testing for the presence of A and B antibodies in the person's
blood serum. (A person should not have antibodies that would react with
his or her own red cells.) When we say "A antibody" or "anti-A" we mean
an antibody "directed against the A antigen" (an example of final-cause
People who do not have the A or B antigens on their red cells almost
always have the corresponding antibody in their serum, and transfusion re-
actions for these antigens can be severe, so A-B-0 testing is always done
prior to transfusion. Rho (also called "D") is another structure sometimes
present in the red-cell membrane. The formation of the corresponding anti-
body can cause major problems in both transfusions and pregnancies, so
donor and patient Rh types (Rh positive or Rh negative) are routinely deter-
mined, and the same type is always used for transfusion.
In addition to A, B, and D, more than 400 red-cell antigens are known.
Once blood has been tested to determine the patient's A-B-0 and Rh blood
types, it is necessary to test for antibodies directed toward other red-cell
antigens. When this test is positive, it is necessary to determine which anti-
bodies are present. The RED systems perform information processing for
this task.
Red-cell antibodies carried by the blood serum are identified by using one
or more panels (see Figure 3.1).2 A panel is a set of tests performed by mix-
ing 10 or so cells (red-cell suspensions, each of which is a sample of red
cells from a single donor) with the patient's serum in each of 5 or so test
conditions. That is, the patient's serum is mixed with red cells from perhaps
10 people, each perhaps 5 times under varying test conditions. Thus ap-
proximately 50 individual tests make up a panel. The test cells have certain
known antigens on their surface and are usually provided to the testing labo-
Two RED systems 65

623A 479 537A 506A 303A 209A 186A 195 164 Scr2 Scr1
AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coombs 3+ 0 3+ 0 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+
EnzymelS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 1+ 0 0 1+ 0 1+ 0 1+ 0

Figure 3.1. Red-cell test panel. This panel is from case OSU 9, which will be used for
illustration throughout this chapter. The various test conditions, or phases, are listed along
the left side (AlbuminIS, etc.) and identifiers for donors of the red cells are given across
the top (623 A, etc.). Entries in the table record reactions graded from 0, for no reaction, to
4+ for the strongest agglutination reaction, or H for hemolysis. Intermediate grades of
agglutination are +/- (a trace of reaction), 1+w (a grade of 1+, but with the modifier
"weak"), 1+, 1+s (the modifier means "strong"), 2+w, 2+, 2+s, 3+w, 3+, 3+s, and 4+w.
Thus, cell 623A has a 3+ agglutination reaction in the Coombs phase.

ratory by a supplier of medical laboratory materials. The presence or ab-

sence of approximately 30 significant antigens is known about each test
cell. These known antigens may be expressed on cell surfaces with varying
strengths, depending on the genetic makeup of the cell. Reliable expecta-
tions about strengths of expression can be inferred from the other antigens
present and absent on the cell by using knowledge of the underlying genetic
Antibody-antigen reactions occurring in a panel are graded by the blood-
bank technologist as to strength and type of reaction. Possible reaction types
are agglutination (clumping of the cells) or hemolysis (splitting of the cell
walls, which allows the cells' hemoglobin to leak into the solution). The
strength of agglutination reactions is expressed in blood-bankers' vocabu-
lary, which is described briefly in Figure 3.1, and consists of thirteen pos-
sible reaction strengths.
Information about the 30 or more significant antigens on donor cells is
recorded in a table called an antigram. Part of an antigram is shown in Fig-
ure 3.2. By reasoning about the pattern of reactions in the panel and by
using the antigen information given in the antigram, the blood-bank tech-
nologist can usually, with a high degree of confidence, determine which
antibodies are present in the patient's serum and are causing the observed
reactions and which are absent, or at least not present in enough strength to
cause reaction. The technologist sometimes takes into account other miscel-
laneous pieces of information (e.g., about the patient's prior transfusion his-
tory, the patient's race, or the results of previous tests). He or she looks for
such things as the relative strength of reactions and whether cells with a
particular antigen consistently react or fail to react. The RED systems at-
tempt to automate this reasoning process.
Our intention in building the RED systems was to derive confident conclu-

C D E c e Cw V K k Kpa Kpb Jsa Jsb Fya Fyb Jka Jkb

164 0 0 0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 + + 0 + +
195 0 0 0 + + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 + + +
188 A 0 0 0 + + 0 0 0 0 + + 0 + 0 +
209 A + 0 0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 + 0
506A 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0 +

537A + + 0 0 + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 +
479 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0
623A 0 + + + 0 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + +

Figure 3.2. Partial antigram showing antigens present on donor cells. The donor cells
are named along the left side (164, etc.) and the antigens along the top (C, D, etc.). In
the body of the table + indicates the presence of an antigen and 0 indicates absence.
For example, cell 209 A is positive for C (the antigen is present on the surface of the
cell) but negative for D (the antigen is absent). D is the Rh antigen, so the donor of
this cell is Rh negative.

sions from test results by using principles, hypotheses, knowledge, and strate-
gies similar to those used by human technologists. We recorded and studied
many sessions of human problem solving (protocols) in this domain, and, al-
though we do not pretend to have captured the full flexible richness of human
problem-solving abilities and behavior, nevertheless the RED systems have cap-
tured enough of those abilities to get the job done quite well, as will be seen.
For any of the versions of RED, the input required to solve a case consists
of at least one panel and an antigram describing the donor cells used in the
panel. The output solution consists of: (1) a set of antibodies that together
make up the best explanation for the reactions described in the input panel,
(2) a critical markup of the antibodies in the best explanation marking which
antibodies are deserving of greatest confidence, and (3) an evaluation of the
presence and absence of the most clinically significant antibodies given in
language such as "likely present" and "ruled out." 3
At the completion of the antibody-identification task the patient's status is
known with respect to certain specific antibodies, and the A-B-O and Rh types
are known as well. Blood can be selected for transfusion on this basis. However,
there may still be undetected antigen-antibody incompatibilities, or some mis-
take, so an additional cross-match step is performed before the blood is actually
released for use. The cross-match is done by testing the patient's serum with the
red cells from the actual unit of blood selected for transfusion. This procedure
verifies that the patient has no antibodies to the donor cells.

The common architecture underlying RED-1 and RED-2

One way to organize a system for the abductive-assembly task exemplified
by the red-cell antibody identification problem, and the organization de-
scribed here for the first two RED systems, is to set up separate problem-
Two RED systems 67
solving modules for the distinct subtasks of hypothesis generation and hy-
pothesis assembly:
1. The hypothesis-generation module has the function of coming up with a rela-
tively small number of "plausible" hypotheses from a larger number of
prestored hypothesis-generating patterns.
2. The hypothesis-assembly module has the function of building a "best" com-
posite hypothesis using these plausible hypotheses as available parts, includ-
ing testing and improving the quality of the composite and stimulating gen-
eration of more hypotheses as needed. (This module is sometimes referred to
as Overview.)
The domain knowledge is primarily embedded in the hypothesis-genera-
tion mechanism, in close connection with the prestored hypothesis "con-
cepts." Overview is a relatively knowledge-free problem solver, although it
needs ready access to knowledge about how hypotheses interact. Overview
and the hypothesis-generation module communicate through a shared lan-
guage of the plausibility of hypotheses and of the findings that are to be
These modules have as their parts generic-task problem solvers. The RED
systems, RED-1, RED-2, and their successors, show the power of decom-
posing complex problem-solving activities into generic problem-solving
tasks. The knowledge that applies to a given task is compiled into a knowl-
edge structure that is tuned for that task. Each task is also associated with a
problem-solving regime, a control strategy that coordinates the problem-
solving process. Using the generic-task approach (described in chapter 2)
representations and languages developed for one domain can be applied to
According to our analysis of the problem, antibody identification can be
accomplished by a system performing four generic tasks:
1. hierarchical classification
2. hypothesis matching
3. knowledge-directed data retrieval
4. abductive assembly (and criticism) of explanatory hypotheses
The hypothesis-generation module performs hierarchical classification, hy-
pothesis matching, and knowledge-directed data retrieval. The hypothesis-
assembly module performs abductive assembly. (These generic tasks are
described in chapter 2 as constituents of diagnostic reasoning.)

Hierarchical classification
In some problem situations, abduction can be accomplished by a relatively
simple matching mechanism, with no particular concern taken for focusing
the control of which explanatory concepts to consider, or for controlling the
assembly of composite explanations. For example, if there are only a small
number of potentially applicable explanatory concepts, and if time and other
computational resources are sufficiently abundant, then each hypothesis can
be considered explicitly. Of course it is a pretty limited intelligence that can
afford to try out each of its ideas explicitly on each situation. The classifica-
tion mechanism we describe here meets the need for organizing the prestored
explanatory concepts and for controlling access to them. It provides a good
mechanism for the job whenever knowledge of the right sort is available to
make it go.
For antibody identification the classification task is that of identifying a
patient's serum antibody as plausibly belonging to one or more specific nodes
in a predetermined antibody classification hierarchy (see Figure 3.3).4 CSRL
(Conceptual Structures Representation Language) is a computer language
that we developed at Ohio State for setting up hypothesis-matching special-
ists that reside in a classification hierarchy and use the establish-refine prob-
lem-solving process. CSRL is a software tool for building hierarchical clas-
sifiers. Each node in the RED antibody-classification tree is implemented as
a CSRL specialist, a little software agent that has embedded in it knowledge
and decision logic for evaluating the applicability of its particular class or
category to the case (the hypothesis-matching task).
As described in chapter 2, the specialists are invoked using the establish-
refine control strategy for classification (Gomez & Chandrasekaran, 1981)
so that when a general hypothesis is ruled out, all more specific subtypes of
it are also ruled out. In principle, establish-refine processing can take place
in parallel, whenever sub-concepts can be matched independently. By effi-
ciently pruning the search for plausible hypotheses, establish-refine is a sig-
nificant contributor to taming the complexity of a problem. Establish-refine
makes it efficient and practical to search a very large space of stored con-
cepts for just those that plausibly apply to the case. The classification struc-
ture in RED is used to generate plausible hypotheses to be used as potential
parts of a compound hypothesis to be constructed by a process of abductive
assembly and criticism.
In the RED systems a separate module is devoted to the hypothesis-gen-
eration subtask, the classification structure just described. In RED-1 and
RED-2 it runs first, as soon as the case is started, and produces a set of
hypotheses, each the result of matching a prestored concept to the case. The
hypotheses produced are all explicitly relevant for explaining features of
the case, and many potential hypotheses do not appear, having been cat-
egorically ruled out. Each hypothesis arrives with a symbolic likelihood,
the result primarily of case-specific quality of match but also of case-inde-
pendent knowledge about frequencies of occurrence. One way in which the
RED engine is distinguished from INTERNIST (Miller, Pople, & Myers,
1982), probably the best-known abductive system, and the set-covering sys-
tems (Peng & Reggia, 1990; Reggia, 1983) is that RED devotes a separate
Two RED systems 69
Red Antibody Specialist Hierarchy
}'/// / / antiFya
antiFyb IgG
.,- antiFyb
anti JkalgG
AlloantibodyPresent?f^ antiJka
-— anti JkaMixed
—-anti Jkb IgG
—- anti JkbMixed
- antiKMixed
fe\\ ^antik^
—- antiKpalgG
"~—- antiKpaMixed
. - - antiKpblgG
- - antiKpbMixed
\ \ \ « i n * i Ico
—- antiJsalgG

Figure 3.3. Part of the antibody-classification hierarchy used in RED-2. More re-
fined (i.e., more specific) hypotheses are toward the right

problem solver explicitly to the hypothesis-generation subtask. The advan-

tage of a separate problem solver is that it can be designed specifically to be
efficient for the task of hypothesis generation.

Hypothesis matching
The individual nodes in the classification hierarchy are represented by hy-
pothesis-matching specialists, which are organized into a hierarchy with
general hypotheses near the "top" and more specific hypotheses toward the
"bottom" (in Figure 3.3, hypotheses are more general to the left and become
more specific as they proceed to the right). Each specialist performs the

c a s t Plausibilities Casei
jiijl anile -3
iijlj; antiCw -3
I/Eantif -3

antlNIgM -3
antiNMixed 0
antiSMiKed 0

, ant is -3
antiFya -3
antiFyb -3
antiJka -3
. antiJkb -3

lAlloantibodyPresent? 2
antiKMiMed 0
antik -3

antiKpaMixed 0
|$\Y\ • antiKpb -3

antiLualgM -3
antiLuaMixed 0

antiLealgM -3

Figure 3.4. RED-2 classification hierarchy after the case data (OSU 9) have been
considered. Inverted nodes are established (plausibility value at least -2). Plausibility
values are shown with each node. Plausibility values should not be confused with
reaction strengths (1+w, 1+, 1+s, etc.).

same abstract task, determining the plausibility of a hypothesis, though each

uses different knowledge. The anti-N specialist, for example, determines
the plausibility of the hypothesis that an antibody to the N antigen is present
in the patient's serum. This match is accomplished in CSRL by knowledge
groups. A knowledge group can be thought of as a cluster of rules that maps
the values of a list of conditions (Boolean and arithmetic operations on data)
to a conclusion on a discrete confidence scale. Typically, the knowledge in a
Two RED systems 71
• fllBII .f.lHWiJWfJII

623A 479 303A 209A 186 A 195

AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0

Coombs + /- 0 2+ + /- + /- 2+
EnzymelS 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 0 + /- 0 + /•

Figure 3.5. Reaction profile for the anti-N-Mixed antibody hypothesis for case OSU
9. The profile represents what this particular hypothesis is offering to explain for this
particular case. The pattern of reactions is the most that can be explained consistently
by the hypothesis. Note by comparing with figure 3.6 that the hypothesis only offers
to partially explain some of the reactions.

specialist is factored into several knowledge groups, the results of which are
combined by additional knowledge groups to generate the plausibility value
for the hypothesis. In RED this value is an integer from -3 to +3, represent-
ing the plausibility on a symbolic scale from "ruled out" to "highly plau-
sible." The plausibility values can be thought of as prima facie estimates of
likelihood for the hypotheses, in contrast to the "all things considered" like-
lihood estimates that are produced later. The plausibilities can also be thought
of as estimates of pursuit value - that is, the degree to which the hypotheses
are worthy of further consideration. The plausibility value assigned to a hy-
pothesis, given a certain pattern of evidence, is determined by the judgment
of the domain experts.
In addition to hypothesis matching, a specialist also triggers production
of a description of the test results that can be explained by its hypothesis.
This description, called a reaction profile in the RED systems, is produced
only by specialists that have not ruled out their hypotheses (plausibility value
-3) (see Figures 3.4 and 3.5). Overview then uses the reaction profile in
assembling the best explanation for all the reactions in the panel.
Thus each plausible hypothesis delivered by the hypothesis generator comes
1. a description, particularized to the case, of the findings that it offers to ex-
2. a symbolic plausibility value
Each plausible hypothesis has its own consistent little story to tell and to
contribute to the larger story represented by the abductive conclusion.
By filtering the primitive hypotheses, letting through only those plausible
for the case, we potentially make a great computational contribution to the
problem of finding the best composite. By making only moderate cuts in the
number, say n, of hypothesis parts to consider, we can make deep cuts in the
2 composites that can potentially be generated from them. For example, if
63 prestored hypothesis patterns are reduced to 8 that are plausible for the
case at hand, we cut the number of composites that can potentially be gener-
ated from 263 (the number of grains of rice on the last square of the chess-
board in the classical story) - more than 9 quintillion - to 28, or 256.

How other systems screen hypotheses. The INTERNIST system for diagno-
sis in internal medicine (Miller, Pople, & Myers, 1982) can be viewed as
doing this sort of hypothesis screening when it considers only the subset of
prestored diseases that are evoked by the present findings. In this way it
screens out those hypotheses that are completely irrelevant for explaining
the findings. It cuts the number even further when it scores the evoked dis-
eases for confidence and continues to consider only those above a certain
threshold. This can be seen as screening out hypotheses for low likelihood
of being correct, where likelihood is measured primarily by quality of match
to the case data.
The DENDRAL system (for elucidating molecular structure from mass
spectrogram and other data) (Buchanan, Sutherland, & Feigenbaum, 1969)
performs such a hypothesis-screening subtask explicitly. During an initial
phase it uses the data provided to generate a BADLIST of molecular sub-
structures that must not appear in the hypothesized composite structures.
This BADLIST is used to constrain the search space during the subsequent
enumeration of all possible molecular structures consistent with the con-
straints. That is (in the present terms) DENDRAL first rules out certain hy-
potheses for matching poorly to the case data, and then generates all pos-
sible composite hypotheses not including those that were ruled out (and re-
specting some other constraints). Note that DENDRAL, like RED, devotes a
separate problem solver with its own knowledge structures to the initial
screening task.
In the Generalized Set Covering model of diagnosis and abduction (Reggia,
1983; Reggia, Perricone, Nau, & Peng, 1985) a disease is associated with a
certain set of findings that it potentially covers (i.e., which it can explain if
they are present). The diagnostic task is then viewed as that of generating all
possible minimum coverings for a given set of findings, by sets associated
with diseases (in order to use this as a basis for further question asking). In
expert systems built using this model, a match score is computed for each
relevant disease each time new findings are entered for consideration, and
match scores are used, when appropriate, as the basis for categorically re-
jecting disease hypotheses from further consideration.

Knowledge-directed data retrieval

An important companion to the CSRL classification hierarchy is an "intelli-
gent" data-base (IDB) assistant, which organizes the data from the cases and
Two RED systems 73
allows derivation of values by simple inferencing, inheritance, and other
attached inference procedures (Mittal, 1980; Mittal & Chandrasekaran,
1980).5 By obtaining needed information about a case through queries to the
IDB assistant, the CSRL-based diagnostic structure is insulated from having
to solve data-retrieval and data-abstraction problems.
The implementation of the data is based on the notion of frames (see the
section in chapter 2 entitled Organizing knowledge: Frames). A frame can be
viewed as a stereotypical representation for an entity, an action, or any concept.
Frames allow an explicit representation of attributes and relations; procedures
can be attached to frames at different places and can be executed automatically.
Because procedures are attached to frames, they allow for the explicit represen-
tation of procedural knowledge in the context of its use. (Such clarity is usually
not possible in more conventional data-base systems.)
The IDB assistant is loaded with three types of factual information about
cases and test samples: the antigenic makeup of particular red cells, detailed
medical information about individual patients, and test results from patient
workups. Additionally, it has case-independent information about the character-
istics of the various antigens found on red cells. This information is heavily
cross-referenced in that, for example, patient information makes reference to
antibody workups that have been done on the tests performed during that workup.
Data about patients, red cells, and test results are organized, and have proce-
dures attached, to answer a variety of questions analogous to those commonly
asked by medical technologists during antibody identification. An important
practical characteristic of this approach is the flexibility and ease of creating
new data entities in an existing data structure.
The function of the IDB assistant is to provide the information needed
to support the main problem-solving activity. It responds to queries by pro-
cessing the information in its repositories of stored facts in accordance with
the kind of question that is being asked. Thus the IDB is itself an active
problem solver, able to perform tasks significantly beyond those of just in-
formation storage and retrieval. For example, antigenic information is typi-
cally entered for a particular test red cell by telling which antigens are
present and which are not, but a hypothesis-matching specialist may need
to know whether the cell shows a homozygous or a heterozygous expres-
sion of a given antigen (in order to infer the strength of expression on the
cell surface and thus the anticipated strength of reactions). The IDB assis-
tant can respond to this need by checking whether antigens corresponding
to the given one's antithetical alleles have been reported as present. To do
this, it consults its stored information about which antigens are antithetical
to which.

In summary, explanatory hypotheses are generated by a process of hierar-

chical classification, which uses hypothesis matching to set plausibility val-

ues. Hypothesis matching relies on knowledge-directed data retrieval to de-

rive characteristics of interest from the raw data of a case.

Abductive assembly
To this point, RED-1 and RED-2 share the same architecture. Both use clas-
sification hierarchies, although the RED-2 classification hierarchy has two
levels and is more elaborate than that of RED-1, which has only one level.
Both use the same hypothesis-matching and knowledge-directed data-retrieval
mechanism. However, the main difference between the two systems is their
abductive-assembly mechanisms.
Synthesizing a best composite can be computationally expensive: If there
are n plausible hypotheses, then there are 2" composites that can potentially
be made from them. If each needs to be generated separately in order to
determine which is best, the process can become impractical. Clearly, it is
usually preferable to adopt strategies that allow us to avoid generating all
Sometimes an abduction problem is completely dominated by the diffi-
culty of generating even one good composite explanation. It can be shown
that the problem of generating just one consistent composite hypothesis that
explains everything, under conditions where many of the hypotheses are
incompatible with one another, is NP complete (see chapter 7) and thus prob-
ably has no efficient general solution.
Each of the RED engines first generates a single, tentative, best compos-
ite and then improves it by criticism followed by suitable adjustment. For
the criticism to be accomplished, certain other composite hypotheses are
generated, but only a relatively small number. Here again, the RED systems
devote a distinct problem solver to a distinct task, in this case that of form-
ing a best composite. The initial composite hypothesis that is formed is (un-
der favorable conditions) one that explains all the data that needs to be ex-
plained; that is maximally plausible, or nearly so; and (in RED-2) is inter-
nally consistent.
Often, more than simply computational feasibility considerations are involved
in a decision to generate the one best composite instead of generating all com-
posites subject to some constraints. For purposes of action, an intelligent agent
will typically need a single best estimate as to the nature of the situation, even if
it is only a guess, and does not need an enumeration of all possible things it
could be. By rapidly coming to a best estimate of the situation, the agent arrives
quickly at a state where it is prepared to take action. If it had to enumerate a
large number of alternatives, it would take longer, not only to generate them,
but also to decide what to do next. It is difficult to figure out what to do if
proposed actions must try to cover for all possibilities.
Alternatively, there may be situations in which careful and intelligent rea-
Two RED systems 75
soning requires the generation of all plausible composites (i.e., those with a
significant chance of being true), so that they can all be examined and com-
pared. This might especially be called for when the cost of making a mis-
take is high, as in medicine, or when there is plenty of time to consider the
alternatives. Of course generating all plausible composites is computationally
infeasible if there are many plausible fragments from which to choose. More-
over, besides being a computationally expensive strategy, generating all the
alternatives will not typically be required because we can compare compos-
ites implicitly by comparing alternative ways of putting them together. For
example, in comparing hypothesis fragments Hx and Hv we implicitly (par-
tially) compare all composites containing Hl with those containing Hr

How other systems generate composites. The authors of DENDRAL saw its
job as that of generating all possible composites that are allowable given the
previously established constraints on submolecules and the known case-in-
dependent chemical constraints on molecular structure. In contrast INTER-
NIST terminates (after cycles of questioning, which we ignore for these pur-
poses) when it comes up with its single best composite. The set-covering
model generates all possible composites of minimal cardinality but avoids
having to enumerate them explicitly by factoring the combinations into dis-
joint sets of generators.

The RED-1 Overview mechanism

The main functions of Overview are to make strategic decisions about the
progress of the problem-solving activity and to combine the judgments of
the individual antibody specialists into a unified judgment about the case.
Some sort of entity with this overview perspective is needed because the
antibody specialists are local in their reasoning (i.e., reason only about the
presence or absence of a single antibody specificity) and consequently are
not capable of deciding global issues such as whether all test results are
accounted for or whether the presence of a particular antibody is a superflu-
ous hypothesis. The capacity for these global judgments is necessary if our
system is to mimic the power of a human blood-bank technologist.
Overview is presented with information of several kinds: (1) the data to
be explained, (2) a set of hypotheses that plausibly apply to the case, (3)
information, particularized to the case, about what each hypothesis can ex-
plain, and (4) a plausibility rating, particularized to the case, for each hy-
Overview's task is to use this information to assemble, if possible, a com-
plete account of the test data. The assembly should proceed in such a way
that it respects the plausibility information (i.e., prefers higher plausibility
hypotheses to those with lower plausibility).

This plausibility estimate for a hypothesis is not an overall estimate of its

probability or certainty of being true in the case. An estimate of this sort would
need to take account of interactions between the subhypotheses and would need
to be based on such considerations as whether alternative ways of explaining
things are available and whether a particular subhypothesis is contrary to one
already established. These considerations are more appropriate for Overview's
global perspective. The plausibility estimate that Overview needs is that a
subhypothesis could be true or that it is worth pursuing based (locally) only on
the quality of the match between the subhypothesis and the part of the data that
is specifically relevant to this plausibility estimate.
The RED-1 Overview simply starts with the most plausible hypotheses,
those with the highest plausibility scores, and makes a judgment as to whether
they will together account for all the test results. Reaction strengths are
added appropriately if more than one antibody hypothesis offers to partially
explain a reaction on a particular panel cell. If the most plausible hypotheses
taken together are not yet sufficient to account for all the test results, less
and less plausible hypotheses are included, as needed, until a set sufficient
to account for all the results is reached. RED-1 cannot proceed beyond this
point if a sufficient set cannot be found.
When a set of antibodies is found that is sufficient to explain all the reac-
tions, the antibodies in this set are examined one by one to determine which
are essential. An antibody is considered to be essential if no other plausible
way is available to account for some reaction for which this antibody can
account. For each antibody in the set, this is determined by combining all of
the other plausible antibodies into one large composite, calculating what
this composite will account for, and calculating whether there is an unex-
plained remainder, an unexplained remainder implies that the antibody in
question is essential (for explaining that remainder).
Antibodies classified as essential are further classified as confirmed if they
pass the domain-specific Rule of Three for breadth of the evidence: that there
should be at least three reacting cells with the antigen and at least three
nonreacting cells without the antigen. The antibodies not ruled out by their
specialists and not classified as confirmed are unresolved. These antibodies may
be further classified into guess categories of likely present or likely absent on
the basis of their plausibility values and their explanatory usefulness in extend-
ing the set of essential antibodies to a complete explanation.

RED-1 performance
Following is an edited transcript of the output of RED-1 for a case in which
the first panel was not conclusive and further testing was required to settle
the remaining ambiguities of the case. 6 This output represents the state at
the end of the first inconclusive panel. The correct answer after further test-
Two RED systems 11
ing turned out to be: ANTI-FY-A, ANTI-K, and ANTI-D (i.e., antibodies to
the antigens FY-A, K, and D). As can be seen, RED anticipated the correct
answer, although it was unable to confirm it.

The set of antibodies with specificities to (FY-A K E D C) appears suffi-

cient to explain all of the test results.
Antibody towards FY-A is not essential for explaining the test results.
Antibody towards K is essential for explaining.
((PANCO-8 ENZYME-37 1)
[Comment: These are test results encoded as (cell, test conditions, reaction
strength) triples.]
Antibody towards E is not essential for explaining the test results.
Antibody towards D is essential for explaining
((PANCO-9 ENZYME-37 1)
Antibody towards C is not essential for explaining the test results.
The following antibodies have been ruled out:
The following antibodies have been confirmed to be present:
[Comment: These were actually present, as was confirmed by later tests.
This is a weak confirmation, as is noted next.]
The presence of the confirmed antibodies is INSUFFICIENT to explain
all of the test results.
The following antibody is unresolved but is likely to be present: (ANTI-
[Comment: This is the third antibody that was actually present.]
The antibodies considered to be unresolved but likely to be present, and

those considered to be confirmed as present, together are SUFFICIENT to

explain all of the test results.
The following antibodies are unresolved and are likely to be absent: (ANTI-
[Comment: They were absent.]
The following antibodies are unresolved: (ANTI-N ANTI-C).
[Comment: Actually absent.]
Type the name of an antibody if you would like an explanation of why it
was classified the way it was.
ANTI-FY-A was classified as Unresolved But Likely Present because it
was rated at high plausibility by its antibody specialist, and its presence is
a particularly useful way to explain some reactions.

RED-1 treated the abductive process as one of classification and hypothesis
assembly, proceeding through these stages:
(i) forming plausible primitive hypotheses by classification
(ii) assembling a tentative best explanation using a strategy of adding primitive
hypotheses to a growing composite in order of likelihood (based on match score)
until all the findings have been accounted for
(iii) removing explanatorily superfluous parts of the hypothesis
(iv) criticizing the composite hypothesis by testing for the existence of plausible
alternative explanations for what various parts of the composite offer to account for
(v) assigning final confidence values to the primitive hypotheses on the bases of
explanatory importance and match scores
Thus we succeeded in automating a form of best-explanation reasoning
for a real-world task using a strategy that has some degree of generality.

The RED-2 Overview mechanism

RED-1 behaved reasonably on test cases, but we wanted a more sophisti-
cated version that would handle more complicated interactions between primi-
tive hypotheses. RED-1 could handle interactions in which the hypotheses
are mutually compatible and represent explanatory alternatives where their
explanatory capacities overlap. However, RED-1 could not handle incom-
patibilities between hypotheses or the knowledge that the truth of one hy-
pothesis suggests the truth of another. Besides, we believed that the prob-
lem-solving process could be made more efficient in search, especially by
using what needs to be explained as a way to focus on a subset of the plau-
Two RED systems 79
sible hypotheses. Consequently, we built RED-2, which incorporated a new
strategy for hypothesis assembly based on a means-end control regime.
Just as with RED-1, the main functions of the Overview procedure in RED-2
are to make strategic decisions about the progress of the problem-solving activ-
ity and to combine the judgments of the individual hypothesis specialists into a
unified judgment about the case. Besides the judgment as to whether its anti-
body is present, each specialist decides how its antibody, if present, is reacting
in the current series of tests. This description of how its antibody is reacting is
encoded in the reaction profile (as in Figure 3.5) and is available for Overview
to use in deciding how to proceed with the case. After the hypothesis generator
produces plausible hypotheses, they are treated as candidate fragments of a larger
composite hypothesis, and the Overview module takes over to construct an overall
best explanation for the findings of the case.
One new consideration introduced in RED-2 is hypothesis-incompatibility
knowledge. This consists of pairwise relationships of exclusion: h. is incompat-
ible with hk means that if /z is true, then hk cannot be, and vice versa. Although
expert knowledge of this sort is available for certain red-cell antibodies, it was
ignored in RED-1, which had no means of taking advantage of this knowledge.

Assembling a tentative composite hypothesis

In its first stage of activity, Overview uses a hypothesis assembler to form a
tentative composite hypothesis. This is accomplished, in effect, by reducing
the problem of explaining all the reactions on the test panel to a series of
subproblems of explaining particular reactions. The hypothesis assembler
focuses on one finding at a time, finds the best way of explaining that par-
ticular finding (the most plausible way, breaking ties by a procedure too
complicated and unimportant to describe here), and includes that hypothesis
fragment in the growing composite hypothesis. Incompatible parts of the
composite hypothesis are removed as necessary to maintain the consistency
of the assembly. After each new hypothesis is included in the assembly, the
total explanatory power of the composite is computed and is compared with
the original data that need to be explained. The unexplained remainder is
then computed, and a new finding is chosen for focus of attention. The cycle
of focusing on an unexplained finding, selecting a hypothesis that explains
that finding for inclusion in the growing assembly, and computing the unex-
plained remainder repeats until all of the findings are explained. This pro-
cess is illustrated in Figure 3.6 a-m.
If a finding is encountered whose only available maximally plausible ex-
plainers are incompatible with something already present in the growing
hypothesis, then one of these newly encountered hypotheses is included in
the growing hypothesis and any parts inconsistent with the new one are re-
moving from the composite. If we remove parts from the growing hypothesis,

623A 479 537A 506 A 303A 209A 186A 195 164

AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coombs 3+ 0 3+ 0 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
EnzymelS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 1+ 0 0 1+ 0 1+ 0

Figure 3.6. (a) RED-2 case OSU 9. The data to be explained. The disparity between
this and Figure 3.1 is that RED-2 does not try to explain the reactions on the screen-
ing cells (Scr2 and Scrl).

623A 479 537A 5O6A 303A 209A 186A 195 164

AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Coombs 3+ 0 3+ 0 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
EnzymelS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 1 + 0 0 1+ 0 1+ 0

Figure 3.6 (b) The focus of attention is on explaining a particular reaction.

Growing Hypothesis
The growing hypothesis:

Figure 3.6 (c) The anti-Lea-Mixed antibody hypothesis is chosen to explain the re-
action and becomes the first part of a growing composite hypothesis.

186A 195 164

AlbuminIS 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0
Coombs 3+ 3+ 3+
EnzymelS 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 + /• 0

Figure 3.6 (d) What the anti-Lea-Mixed hypothesis offers to explain.

Two RED systems 81

Still To Explain
623A 479 537A 506A 303A 209A 186A 195 164
AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 1 + 0 0 1+ 0 + /- 0

Figure 3.6 (e) Unexplained remainder with a new focus of attention.

Still To Explain
623A 479 537A 5O8A 303A 209A 186A 195 164
AlbuminIS 0 0 o ! o 0 | 0 0 0 o :
Albumm37 0 o 0 ' 0 o I o 0 0
Coombs 3+ 0 ^3 " ! 0 ~ 3+ BTS 0 o ij

z° r~°'
EnzymelS 0 0 0 0 o n (D
Enzyme37 0 0 1+ ! o 0 1 + o t / - 0

Growing Hypothesis
The growing hypothesis;

Figure 3.6 (f) The problem state as it appears on the screen of the Xerox 1109 Lisp
machine in the Loops environment.

Growing Hypothesis
The g r o w i n g hypothesis:
antiLeaMixed antiKIgG

Figure 3.6 (g) Anti-K-IgG included in the composite hypothesis (the new two-part
hypothesis is the bottom entry).

Still To Explain
623A 479 537A 506 A 3O3A 209 A 186A 195 164
AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j

Figure 3.6 (h) Unexplained remainder with new focus of attention.

Growing Hypothesis
The growing hypothesis:
antiLeaMixed antiKIgG
antiLeaMixed antiKIgG antiP lMixed

Figure 3.6 (i) Anti-Pi-Mixed included, which makes a three-part hypothesis.

Still To Explain
623A 479 537A 506A 303A 209A 186A 195 164
AlbuminIS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coombs o 0 0 1 + 0 0 0 0
EnzymelS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 3.6 (j) Unexplained remainder, new focus of attention.

Growing Hypothesis
The growing hypothesis:
antiLeaMixed antiKIgG
antiLeaMixed antiKIgG antiP lMixed
antiLeaMixed antiKIgG antiP lMixed antiSlgG

Figure 3.6 (k) Anti-S-IgG included, which makes a four-part hypothesis.

Two RED systems 83

Still To Explain
623A 479 537A 506 A 303A 209A 186A 195 164

AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coombs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EnzymelS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 3.6 (1) All Explained.

Overview progress report window

I nitial h y p o t h e s i s : antiLeaMixed antiKIgC a n t i P 1 Mixed a n t i S l g C

Figure 3.6 (m) The four-part hypothesis is tentatively accepted and will be subjected
to criticism.

we introduce the danger of an infinite loop, but this is dealt with fairly readily.
We suitably raise the standards for reintroducing a hypothesis in precisely the
same situation in which it was first introduced. The second time around we
require that there be no net loss of explanatory power resulting from reintroduc-
ing the hypothesis and removing its contraries from the assembly. (There are a
variety of acceptable measures of explanatory power that will serve here to
guarantee progress.) The basic idea is that the finding must be explained, even
if doing so forces a major revision of the growing hypothesis.
If the initial assembly process concludes successfully, the result is a com-
posite hypothesis that is consistent, explanatorily complete, and nearly maxi-
mally plausible (at each choice point the most plausible alternative was cho-
sen). Note that the hypothesis assembler does a good job of producing a
composite hypothesis that combines the virtues of consistency, complete-
ness, and plausibility. The relative priorities for these virtues is implicit in
the algorithm. The least important virtue is plausibility: If RED can make a
consistent, complete explanation only by using implausible hypotheses, it
does so. Completeness is next in importance, with consistency being the
highest priority. The hypothesis assembler will enforce consistency through-
out the process. If it cannot find a consistent explanation for a finding, it
stops and yields the best consistent explanation it has found to that point,
even if the explanation is incomplete.

The second stage of Overview's processing begins only if the assembly
stage produced a complete, consistent explanation. If so, Overview enters a

Overview progress report window

Initial h y p o t h e s i s : a nti Lea Mixed antiKIgG a n t i P 1 Mixed an tiS I gG

Parsi m on ized h y p o t h e s i s : antiK I gG antiSTgG

Figure 3.7. OSU 9 after criticism for parsimony.

criticism stage to evaluate the quality of the explanation and, if possible, to

improve it.
RED-2 uses two kinds of criticism: for parsimony and for essentialness.
The strategy used in hypothesis assembly makes parsimony criticism neces-
sary; the process of adding explanatory hypotheses one at a time can render
a hypothesis already in the composite explanation explanatorily superflu-
ous. So, if the tentative initial hypothesis is complete, it is examined by a
"parsimonizer" to see if any of its constituent parts no longer have any ex-
planatory function. Any explanatorily superfluous parts are removed (in or-
der from lower to higher plausibility scores) and a parsimonious hypothesis
results (see Figure 3.7). At this stage the composite hypothesis is explanato-
rily complete, maximally plausible (or nearly so), and parsimonious.
Note that this form of parsimony (a version of Occam's razor) has clear
epistemic virtues. Logically, the composite hypothesis is a conjunction of
little hypotheses, so, if we remove one of the conjuncts, the resulting hy-
pothesis is distinctly more likely to be true because it makes fewer commit-
ments. Superfluous hypothesis parts make factual commitments, expose them-
selves to potential falsity, with no compensating gain in explanatory power.
To put it more classically: if hypothesis parts are treated as logical conjuncts,
then an additional part introduces an additional truth condition to satisfy.
Thus the hypothesis that is simpler (in not including an unneeded part) is
more likely to be true. Thus the sense of parsimony we use here is such that
the more parsimonious hypothesis is more likely to be true.
After parsimony criticism, a second process of criticism begins in which
each hypothesis in the composite is examined to see if it is essential, that is,
to see if part of what it explains can be explained in no other way. There are
two ways to find essentials. The first is during the initial assembly process.
If only one hypothesis offers to explain a finding on which attention is fo-
cused, that hypothesis is a discovered essential. The second way to find
essentials is that an attempt is made for each part of the composite hypoth-
esis, not already known to be essential, to assemble a complete alternative
hypothesis not including that part. If the attempt succeeds, it shows that
there are other ways of explaining the same things, even though they may
not be as good as the original. But if the attempt fails, it shows that there is
Two RED systems 85

(Alternative Hypothesis without (antiS)

Alternative hypothesis without
antiKIgG antiLeaMixed
antiKIgG antiLeaMixed antiP lMixed
antiKIgG antiLeaMixed antiP lMixed
Can't explain everything without
using antiS
Figure 3.8. Anti S is essential.

Alternative Hypothesis without (antiK)

Alternative hypothesis without antiK
antiSlgC antiLeaMixed
antiSlgG antiLeaMixed a n t i P l M i x u d
antiSlgCI antiLeaMixed antiPIMixed antiLebMixed
an US IgC antiLeaM ixed antiP j Mixed antiLebMixed antiLuaMixed
Complete explanation found

Figure 3.9. Anti K is not essential. The reactions can all be explained without this

something that has no other plausible explanation other than by using the
hypothesis part in question (see Figures 3.8 and 3.9). Note the distinction
between hypothesis parts that are nonsuperfluous relative to a particular
composite, that is they cannot be removed without explanatory loss, and
essentials without which no complete explanation can be found in the whole
hypothesis space. An essential hypothesis is very probably correct, espe-
cially if it was rated as highly plausible by its specialist.
Essential hypotheses are collected into an essential kernel representing
the part of the tentative composite that is most certain (Figure 3.10). This
essential kernel is passed as a seed to the assembler and is expanded in the
most plausible way to form a complete, consistent explanation. This second
composite hypothesis is also submitted to the parsimonizer for removal of
any explanatorily superfluous parts. At this stage the best explanation has
been inferred, or at least a best explanation has been inferred, there being no
a priori guarantee that a best explanation is unique (Figure 3.11). Under
some circumstances the reasoning process will have virtually proved the
correctness of its conclusion. If each part of the composite is essential (in
the sense just described), then the system has, in effect, proved that it has
found the only complete and parsimonious explanation available to it. This
must be the correct explanation, assuming that the data is correct and the
system's knowledge is complete and correct. When parts of the conclusion

Overview progress report window

1 nitial hypothesis: antiLeaMixed antiKJgG antiF 1 Mixed antiS IgG

Parsimoni/.ed hypothesis; antiKIgG antiSlgG

Essential kernel of the hypothesis: antiSlgG

Figure 3.10. Essential Kernel.

Overview progress report window

Initial h y p o t h e s i s : antiLeaMixed antiKIgG a n t i P l Mixed antiSlgG

P a r s i m o n i z e d h y p o t h e s i s : antiKIgG a n t i S l g G

Essential kernel of the hypothesis: antiSlgG

Rebuilt hypothesis: antiSlgG a n ti K I gG

Parsimoni/.ed rebuilt h y p o t h e s i s : antiKIgG a n t i S l g G

Figure 3.11. Best explanation.

Antibody Classification Report

The b**st available explanation for the reactions in the workup is: antiSlgG antiK IgG

The following antibodies have been ruled out: antiD antiC antic antiK antie antiCw ant if antilVI ant is antiFya
antiFyb antiJka antiJkb antik antiKpb antiJsb antiLub antil

There a re no antibodies that have been classified as CONFIRMED.

The following antibody is classified as WEAKLY CON FIRMED: nntiS

Thefollowingantibody is classified as LIKELY PRESENT: antiK

Thefollo wing a nti bodies are classified as LIKELY ABSENT: antiN arvtiLua antil.ea antiLeb a n i i P l

The folio wing antibodies a re classified as UNRESOLVED: antiKpa antiJsa

Figure 3.12. Final report giving the status of the antibody hypotheses.

are not essential, the system will have discovered that alternative explana-
tions are possible, so appropriate caution may be taken in using the abductive
conclusion. A final report draws conclusions about what is known about the
presence or absence of important antibodies (Figure 3.12). An explanation
facility is also provided whereby the system may be asked for the reasons
for its answers (Figure 3.13 a-d).
In general it is not sufficient just to produce a composite best explanation;
it is also important to have more information about how good the explana-
tion is, so that an agent can decide whether to act boldly or to be cautious,
Two RED systems 87

Any Questions?
Typethe name of an antibody if you would like an explanation of why it was classified the way it was.

Type A if you would I ike to see the a nii body classification report again.

Type E to end consideration of the case.

r > > >antiN

antiN w as class if ied as LI K ELY ABSENT because it is not part of the best exp la nation, and it was not rated a<
highly plausible by the a ntibody specia lists.

a nt i S was class it led as WEAK LY CON FI RVI ED because if is the only plausible way to explain the indicated
reactions, a II of the reactions in the work up can be explained, but the Rule of Three for sufficiency of the
evidence was notpassed.

623A 479 537A 506A 303A 209A 186A 195 164

AlbuminIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Albumin37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Coombs 2s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EnzymelS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enzyme37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Figure 3.13. (a-d) Obtaining an explanation of the system's conclusions.

for example deciding to gather more evidence before taking action. Some
critical assessment is necessary because, as we said, the appropriate confi-
dence for an abductive conclusion depends in part on how well it compares
with the competition. This applies to the evaluation of composite hypoth-
eses no less than it applies to simple ones.

How other systems criticize. For each composite hypothesis it constructs,

DENDRAL generates a prediction of how the mass spectrogram should ap-
pear. Hypotheses whose predictions mismatch sufficiently are excluded, and
the rest are ranked on the basis of the quality of this match. Again, DENDRAL
devotes a special knowledge-based problem solver to the task, although it is
tuned to predictions based on molecular fragmentation, and is not domain-
independent in character. INTERNIST and the set-covering model appear
not to do anything corresponding to the RED-2 sort of criticism. Indeed,
INTERNIST commits itself irrevocably to each hypothesis in the growing
composite before it goes on to decide on the next, and it has nothing corre-
sponding to the RED-2 engine's tentative initial assembly. The set-covering
model builds in the simplicity criterion in the form of a guarantee that the
problem solver will produce composites with the minimum cardinality suf-
ficient to account for all the findings.

RED-2 performance
RED-2 was implemented in InterLisp™ and the LOOPS™ language for ob-
ject-oriented programming (from Xerox Corporation), and it was run on a
Xerox Lisp machine.7 RED-2's performance was initially evaluated by us-
ing 20 selected test cases chosen, not as a representative sample of blood-
bank problems, but rather, to fully exercise the capabilities of the system.
These cases are used in training blood-bank technologists, some from text-
books and some from course materials. Each case has an associated correct
answer that was used as the standard of comparison. Twenty cases were cho-
sen, 6 in which the accepted answer involved a single antibody; 6 had two
antibody answers; and the remaining 8 required three or more antibodies in
the conclusion. This is actually a much more trying distribution than is typi-
cal of the blood bank, where most cases involve only a single antibody. The
answers generated in the blood bank are not "scientifically pure" in that the
goal is to detect medically important antibodies, not simply to discover which
are present; thus answer acceptance has a pragmatic component.
Of the 20 cases chosen, 3 of the complex ones had accepted answers that
were very indefinite. RED-2's answers on these cases were not inconsistent
with the textbook, but we were unable to evaluate its performance in detail.
Remaining were 17 cases in which performance could be more closely evalu-
ated, varying in difficulty from simple to very complex. In 12 of the 17
cases, RED-2 's answers were precisely the same as the textbook answer. In
1 other case, RED-2 's answer differed from the textbook answer but was
still quite acceptable, according to our expert.
In 3 cases RED-2 overcommitted by including an extra antibody that was
not in the textbook answer. That is, RED-2 decided that the antibodies in the
textbook answer were not sufficient to explain all the reactions and included
another antibody to make up the difference. According to our expert, RED-
2's answers on these 3 cases were acceptable but more cautious than a typi-
cal blood-bank technologist. This discrepancy was probably a result of two
First our intention in building the system was that RED-2 should simply
interpret panel data and make a statement about which antibodies appear to
be present. This means that certain pragmatic considerations about thera-
peutic significance were left out of RED-2's knowledge. For example, a
technologist may be reluctant to accept an explanation of some reactions in
terms of a common but clinically insignificant antibody, for fear that a too
ready acceptance of such an answer may mask something clinically more
Two RED systems 89
Second, RED-2 is inflexible about how much reaction can be explained
by an antibody. Once it decides how much of the panel data to attribute to a
particular antibody, it never revises its estimate. From our analysis of proto-
cols taken from blood-bank specialists, it seems that humans are willing to
consider stretching the explanatory power of hypotheses. The result is that
where RED-2 might assume an additional antibody to explain a small re-
maining reaction, the human expert might simply assign the small remain-
der to an antibody already assumed to be present.
RED-2's answer was unacceptable (partly) in only one case. In this case
RED-2 built a five-antibody best explanation, whereas the expert answer
was a three-antibody solution. RED-2 detected two of the three "correct"
antibodies but missed the third, actually building a compound three-anti-
body alternative to using the expert's third antibody. Most troublesome was
that RED-2 identified this antibody as LIKELY ABSENT because it was not
part of its best explanation and was not especially plausible (according to its
hypothesis specialist). Each of the three antibodies RED-2 used instead of
the accepted one were rated as more plausible than the accepted one, which
is why they were chosen instead. According to our expert, RED-2's plausi-
bilities were reasonably assigned, but the blood-bank technologist would
prefer the simpler explanation, even though it uses an antibody that was
fairly implausible under the circumstances.
One interpretation for RED-2 's behavior on this case is related to the way it
judges the plausibility of compound hypotheses. RED-2 depends heavily on the
individual plausibility of simple hypotheses and knows little about the plausi-
bility of collections (although it does know about logical incompatibilities). As
a result, it can produce an answer containing many individually plausible anti-
bodies that are collectively implausible. This is most likely to arise when the
case is complex. In these cases neither RED-2 nor the human expert can be very
certain of an answer, so more testing is usually required.
Another measure of performance is a simple count of the number of anti-
bodies correctly identified. In the 20 test cases RED-2 identified 31 of 33
antibodies that were asserted to be part of correct answers. In addition, RED-
2 never ruled out an antibody that was part of the correct answer. This is
especially important clinically because ruling out an antibody that is actu-
ally present in the patient can have disastrous consequences. Of lesser im-
portance, but still interesting, is that RED-2 never confirmed an antibody
that had been ruled out in the textbook answer.
In summary, RED-2 produced clinically acceptable answers in 16 of 17
cases and correctly identified 31 of 33 antibodies. It never ruled out an anti-
body that was part of the correct answer or confirmed an antibody that was
not part of the correct answer. Thus the performance of the system was,
overall, quite good, demonstrating that "abductive logic" had been correctly
captured, at least to some degree.

RED-2 also shows the power of decomposing complex problem solving

into more primitive problem-solving tasks. The performance of RED-2 on
the 20 test cases lends strong credence to the idea that the task decomposi-
tion embodied in the RED-2 system is at least approximately correct.

The order of considering the findings

Sherlock Holmes says:
I have already explained to you that what is out of the common is usually a guide
rather than a hindrance.8
Singularity is almost invariably a clue.9
The more outre and grotesque an incident is the more carefully it deserves to be
examined, and the very point which appears to complicate a case is, when duly
considered and scientifically handled, the one which is most likely to elucidate it.10
We compared the original RED-2 strategy, which attempted to explain the
most important data (strongest reaction) first, with what we called the
"Sherlock Holmes strategy," which focuses attention on the most surprising,
most unusual unexplained finding. First we calculated the frequency of vari-
ous reactions. The master panels of all cases in our case library were cre-
ated, and for each test condition the number of antigen-antibody reactions
were summarized. Also, the number of reactions of each strength were re-
corded separately. Data were compiled from 42 cases overall. Then we pro-
grammed a new strategy, which focused on the most unusual finding first
(i.e., the reaction that belongs to the rarest condition-strength pair). For ex-
ample, if there was a reaction of strength 4+ in EnzymelS it would be cho-
sen first because such a reaction is rare; if not, then the next rarest would be
chosen, and so forth.
The cases were rerun with the new strategy (except for 5 cases that never
ran because of unresolved software problems). All the steps in each assem-
bly phase (forming the initial composite, finding the essentials, and build-
ing the alternatives) were counted and added, and the results obtained with
the two strategies compared. The Sherlock Holmes strategy was more effi-
cient in 16 and less efficient in 17 cases, and the two strategies tied in 4
cases. The Sherlock Holmes strategy evidently did not provide any improve-
ment in computational efficiency; the average number of computational steps
was essentially the same for both strategies. Consequently, we conclude that
the order in which individual findings are considered is probably not impor-
tant to the overall computational efficiency of the RED-2 hypothesis assem-
bly mechanism.
Two RED systems 91
An explanation of this negative result might be that unusual reactions
were just as ambiguous (had just as many plausible explainers) as the more
common ones. Alternatively, our estimate of rarity may have been inaccu-
rate. A suggestion for a revised experiment is to get an estimate from ex-
perts on the frequency of particular antibodies reacting in particular test
conditions, and then to use that estimate, rather than the frequencies in our
limited library of cases, as a measure of rarity. Also, protocols have shown
that experts consider patterns of reaction, so it might be more rewarding to
look for unusual patterns of reactions than for unusual single reactions.

Hypothesis interactions
Hypothesis interactions can be considered to be of two general types, each
with its own kind of significance for the problem solving:
1. explanatory interactions (e.g., overlapping in what the hypotheses can ac-
count for)
2. interactions of mutual support or incompatibility (e.g., resulting from causal
or logical relations)
For example, two disease hypotheses might offer to explain the same find-
ings without being especially compatible or incompatible causally, logically,
or definitionally. On the other hand, hypotheses might be mutually exclu-
sive (e.g., because they represent definitionally distinct subtypes of the same
disease) or mutually supportive (e.g., because they are causally associated).
In general the elements of a diagnostic differential need to be exhaustive of
the possibilities so that at least one must be correct, but they need not be
mutually exclusive. If they are exhaustive, then evidence against one of them
is transformed into evidence in favor of the others.
Following are six specific types of possible hypothesis interactions:
1. A and B are mutually compatible and represent explanatory alternatives where
their explanatory capabilities overlap.
2. Hypothesis A is a subhypothesis of B (i.e., a more detailed refinement).
If hypotheses have type-subtype relationships, which normally occurs if they
are generated by a hierarchical classifier, a hypothesis assembler can preferen-
tially pursue the goal of explanatory completeness and secondarily pursue the
goal of refining the constituent hypotheses down to the level of most detail.
This extension to the RED-2 mechanism was explored later (see chapter 4).
3. A and B are mutually incompatible.
The strategy used in RED-2 is to maintain the consistency of the growing
hypothesis as the assembly proceeds. If a finding is encountered whose only
available maximally plausible explainers are incompatible with something
already present in the growing hypothesis, then one of these newly encoun-

tered hypotheses is included in the growing hypothesis and any parts incon-
sistent with the new one are removed from the composite in the way that we
described earlier. The basic idea is that the finding must be explained, even
if doing so forces a serious revision of the growing hypothesis. This seems
to be a rather weak way of handling incompatibles, however, and better
strategies were devised later, as will be seen.
4. A and B cooperate additively where they overlap in what they can account for.
If such interactions occur, this knowledge needs to be incorporated into
the methods for computing what a composite hypothesis can explain. All of
the RED systems have done this.
5. Using A as part of an explanation suggests also using B.
To handle this type of hypothesis interaction, as for example if there is
available knowledge of a statistical association, we can give extra plausibil-
ity credit to the suggested hypothesis if the hypothesis making the sugges-
tion is already part of the growing composite. This feature was incorporated
into RED-2 as part of the strategy for handling ties in plausibility during
assembly. A path for the hypothesis to grow preferentially along lines of
statistical association provides a rudimentary ability for it to grow along
causal lines as well.
6. A, if it is accepted, raises explanatory questions of its own that can be re-
solved by appeal to B.
An example of this last type occurs when we hypothesize the presence of
a certain pathophysiological state to explain certain symptoms, and then
hypothesize some more remote cause to account for the pathophysiological
state. The stomachache is explained by the presence of the ulcers, and the
ulcers are explained by the anxiety disorder. At the same time that a newly
added hypothesis succeeds in explaining some of the findings, it might in-
troduce a "loose end." To handle this by mildly extending the RED-2 mecha-
nism, the newly added hypothesis can be posted as a kind of higher-level
finding which needs to be explained in its turn by the growing assembly.
This provides a way in which the growing hypothesis can move from hy-
potheses close to the findings of the case, and towards more and more re-
mote causes of those findings. Nothing like this was actually incorporated
into the RED-2 mechanism, but, as we will see, the capability was incorpo-
rated into later "layered abduction" machines.

The RED-1 strategy handles interactions of types 1 and 4. The RED-2

strategy additionally handles interactions of types 3 and 5. The generation-
3 strategy (chapter 4) also handles interactions of types 2, and the layered
abduction machines also handle interactions of types 6 (chapter 10). As we
will see, the generations of abductive machines, starting with the first two
Two RED systems 93
RED systems, developed increasingly sophisticated strategies for exploiting
these relationships between hypotheses.

1 Jack W. Smith, John R. Josephson, and Charles Evans designed RED-1; Jack W. Smith, John R.
Josephson and Michael C. Tanner designed RED-2.
2 Case OSU 9 is used for illustration throughout this chapter. It is documented more fully in (Tan-
ner, Josephson, and Smith, 1991). OSU 9 represents a single workup on one particular patient on
one particular occasion.
3 The information from a panel consists of approximately 50 reactions (counting non-reactions)
with each reaction or nonreaction described by one of 15 symbols encoding type or degree of
reaction. Thus there are approximately 1550 possible panels and the number of possible inputs
for any version of RED is astronomically large.
4 Charles Evans programmed the RED-1 antibody classification structure and Mike Tanner pro-
grammed the RED-2 classification structure using CSRL. CSRL was developed by Tom Bylander
and designed by Tom Bylander and Sanjay Mittal (Bylander, Mittal, & Chandrasekaran, 1983)
(Bylander & Mittal, 1986).
5 Charles Evans designed and programmed the inferencing data base for RED-1. Mike Tanner
designed and programmed the inferencing data base for RED-2.
6 Charles Evans programmed RED-1, except for the Overview mechanism, which John Josephson
programmed. They were programmed using the ELISP dialect of Rutgers/UCI-LISP and run on
a Decsystem-2060 computer under the TOPS-20 operating system.
7 John Josephson programmed the RED-2 Overview mechanism, and Mike Tanner programmed
the rest, in part by using CSRL.
8 From "A Study in Scarlet" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
9 From "The Boscombe Valley Mystery" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
10 From "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Generalizing the control strategy - machine 3

The PEIRCE tool

In the first generation of work on generic tasks the invocation of a generic-
task problem solver was pre-programmed, hard-wired during system pro-
gramming. In RED-2 we wanted to test many variations of the algorithm
empirically, but a significant amount of work was required to reprogram the
system each time a change was desired. Also, the RED-2 hypothesis-assem-
bly module seemed too "algorithmic," too much like a rule follower and not
enough like "fluid intelligence." So we decided to analyze the system in
terms of the goals and subgoals of abductive problem solving and to identify
the different methods that were used to achieve the various goals. This analy-
sis allowed us to reorganize the program in a way that made adding new
methods and modifying the goal structure easy, so that we could better ex-
periment with new strategies for abduction. For multiple methods to be avail-
able to achieve problem-solving goals, method selection would occur at run
time based on the state of the problem and the availability of needed forms
of knowledge. These efforts resulted in a programming tool called "PEIRCE"1
for building systems that perform abductive assembly and criticism in this
more flexible manner.
Systems built with PEIRCE are examples of third generation abduction
machines (where RED-1 is taken as the first generation and RED-2 as the
second). PEIRCE allows for specifying strategies for dynamically integrat-
ing various hypothesis-improvement tactics, or operators, during the course
of problem solving. The idea was to capture domain-independent aspects of
abductive assembly and criticism and embed them in the tool, leaving do-
main-specific aspects to be programmed when building particular knowl-
edge-based systems. Thus PEIRCE was designed to be domain independent
but task specific.
The PEIRCE Tool is by William F. Punch III, Michael C. Tanner, John R. Josephson, Jack
W. Smith, B. Chandrasekaran, and Olivier Fischer. Reimplementing RED in PEIRCE is
by William F. Punch III, Michael C. Tanner, John R. Josephson, JackW. Smith, and Olivier
Fischer. Abduction in SOAR is by Todd R. Johnson and Jack W. Smith. It is adapted from
A Framework for Opportunistic Abductive Strategies which appeared in the Proceedings
of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1991, copyright
Cognitive Science Society Incorporated, used by permission. Generic Tasks Revisited is
by B. Chandrasekaran.

Generalizing the control strategy 95
We reimplemented RED using PEIRCE, both to debug the tool and to
enable experiments with other abductive-assembly strategies for red-cell
antibody identification. PEIRCE was also used to build a liver-disease diag-
nosis system called PATHEX/LIVER and to build TIPS (Task Integrated Prob-
lem Solver), another medical diagnosis system. TIPS, especially, exploits
PEIRCE's ability to dynamically integrate different problem-solving meth-
ods. In this chapter we describe PEIRCE, the reimplementation of RED, and
a reimplementation of PEIRCE in SOAR, which is a software system that
realizes an architecture for general intelligence developed by Laird,
Rosenbloom and Newell (Laird, Rosenbloom, & Newell, 1986). This
reimplementation of PEIRCE is called ABD-SOAR. In chapter 5 we describe

Abductive assembly: Generic goals and subgoals

The goal of generating the best explanatory hypothesis can be accomplished
by achieving three subgoals:
1. generation of a set of plausible hypotheses
2. construction of a compound explanation for all the findings
3. criticism and improvement of the compound explanation
How each subgoal is achieved presumably varies depending on the knowl-
edge and computational resources available and on the desired characteris-
tics of the solution (for example how certain it must be).
As we saw in chapter 3, in RED-2 the subgoal of constructing an explanation
for all the findings was, in effect, achieved by achieving a series of subgoals of
finding explanations for a sufficient number of individual findings. The goal of
criticizing and improving the compound explanation was itself achieved by way
of the subgoals of criticism for parsimony and criticism for essentialness. RED-
2 pursued these goals and subgoals in a fixed and rigid order, but a careful
analysis of the dependencies shows that there is some latitude in the order in
which goals are pursued. For example a cautious strategy might be followed
whereby each time a new hypothesis is introduced into the composite, all those
already in the composite are immediately checked to make sure that they have
not become explanatorily superfluous. This contrasts with the strategy in RED-
2 where the parsimony criticism did not take place until after a complete tenta-
tive composite was formed.
As we said, abductive goals can be achieved by achieving certain subgoals.
A method is a particular way of achieving a goal, and generates specific
subgoals to be pursued. Thus, as we have seen, a method for achieving the
goal of creating an abductive conclusion might be to pursue the subgoals of
generating plausible elementary hypotheses, assembling a complete expla-
nation, and criticizing the explanation. Each of these subgoals will have its
own method or methods. A method for assembling a complete explanation

might repeatedly pursue the subgoal of extending the explanatory coverage

of the working hypothesis. A method for extending explanatory coverage
might pursue the subgoal of trying to explain, all at once, a whole pattern of
findings; another method for the same goal might pursue the alternative
subgoal of attempting to explain a single finding. Thus a problem-solving
goal leads to a method for pursuing it, and that method leads to some set of
subgoals, and so on, and so on, recursively. Eventually the pursuit of goals
by pursuit of subgoals must bottom out in operations that can be performed
directly, that is, with no further subgoal generation.

Knowledge requirements. Several distinct types of knowledge are needed

for abductive-assembly knowledge-based systems, corresponding roughly
to the forms needed to support the subtask decomposition just described.
The PEIRCE tool provides software support for representing each of the
following types of knowledge:

1. Plausibility-assignment knowledge. Domain knowledge is needed to assign a

plausibility rating for each hypothesis. This knowledge is of two kinds:
a. knowledge that is independent of the particular case data (prior probabili-
ties, to use probability language); for example, knowledge of whether an
antibody is rare or common
b. knowledge that is sensitive to the case data (local-match prima facie poste-
rior probabilities); for example, knowledge of various specific patterns of
data and their significance for setting confidence values
2. Accounts-for knowledge. Domain knowledge is needed to determine what
each hypothesis can explain. Under some circumstances this can take the form
of a list of findings that each hypothesis can account for if those findings are
present. For example, we know in advance that a flu can account for body
aches, fever, nasal congestion, and so forth, but a single patient might have
only some of these symptoms. In RED, determining what a hypothesis ac-
counts for is a fairly complicated business. An antibody hypothesis might
only partially account for an observed reaction under the particular test condi-
tions, and an individual hypothesis cannot account for reactions of widely
differing strengths under closely similar test conditions.
3. Finding-importance knowledge. It is useful to have knowledge to draw the
focus of attention either to a single finding or to a particular pattern of find-
ings. Then again, perhaps this is not so useful. In the Sherlock Holmes experi-
ment described in chapter 3, we found no significant improvement in perfor-
mance from what seemed, in advance, to be a more clever way of focusing
4. Hypothesis-hypothesis interaction knowledge. Some types of hypothesis in-
teraction were described in chapter 3. A recurring theme of this book is ways
to bring knowledge of hypothesis interactions to bear to aid the progress of
problem solving.
5. Strategy knowledge. The abductive-assembly strategy can rely on afixedcon-
trol regime, or a more opportunistic one. If opportunistic control is to be used,
knowledge must be available at run time to assist in deciding what to do next.
The set strategy in RED-2 is that of assembly, criticism, and reassembly around
the essential core. In contrast, PEIRCE supports the encoding of systems that
Generalizing the control strategy 97
choose at run time among a number of methods for pursuing problem-solving
goals, including the invocation of hypothesis-improving operations of: (at-
tempting to) extend explanatory coverage, refine the working hypothesis, re-
solve an inconsistency, criticize for parsimony (and improve the hypothesis
appropriately), and criticize for essentialness (and improve). The tool user
(builder of a particular knowledge-based system) is provided with the means
to encode knowledge that controls when these methods and operations are

The control mechanism of PEIRCE

One main consideration in the design of PEIRCE was to provide a program-
mable control mechanism that would enable a knowledge engineer to deter-
mine how and when to invoke a problem-solving method. The control mecha-
nism should provide some way to evaluate at run time, according to
preprogrammed standards, each method's appropriateness for invocation, and
then to select one method to invoke. To accomplish this, PEIRCE was de-
signed to make control decisions by using a sponsor-selector mechanism
borrowed from David C. Brown's DSPL (Design Specialists and Plans Lan-
guage) (Brown, 1984). Figure 4.1 shows a schematic sponsor-selector struc-
ture. It consists of three kinds of parts: & selector, some number of sponsors,
and an invocable method associated with each sponsor. Available methods
are grouped under the selector, where each sponsor provides appropriate-
ness ratings for invoking its associated method. At any choice point, that is,
at any point in the problem-solving flow at which another method can be
invoked, all the sponsors are invoked to rate the appropriateness of their
associated methods. Then the selector chooses the next method to execute
based on the sponsor supplied ratings and possibly other information about
the problem state.
Since the main goal in a PEIRCE system is to generate a best explanation
for the data, control is first given to a software entity called an "abducer."
An abducer is a specialist in explaining a particular class of data; the PEIRCE
tool supports the construction of specialized abducers. The main abducer of
a PEIRCE-built system specializes in explaining all the data (that needs
explaining) for a case in the particular domain for which the system has
been built. To fulfill its responsibility, the main abducer may call on the
services of one or more specialized subabducers, as illustrated schemati-
cally in Figure 4.2. Each abducer is a sponsor-selector structure specifically
set up for its particular class of explanation-finding problems or subprob-
lems. Figure 4.3 shows the structure of a typical abducer. Subabducers may
be called upon while a method is being executed, especially the method for
extending explanatory coverage.

Sponsors. Each sponsor contains knowledge for judging when its associated
method is appropriate. The sponsor uses this knowledge to yield a symbolic

sponsor 1

sponsor 2

sponsor 3

Figure 4.1. The structure of a sponsor-selector system for making control decisions.

main abducer:
explain all the

single-finding subabducer:
abducer: explain a
explain meaningful
one finding part of the

Figure 4.2. PEIRCE: Abducer hierarchy.

Generalizing the control strategy 99

ABDUCER Selector



/ Parsimonize

Figure 4.3. PEIRCE: Abducer control.

value that indicates how appropriate the method is under the circumstances.
The information-processing task of a sponsor can be thought of as hypoth-
esis matching, one of the generic tasks described in chapter 2, although in
PEIRCE a sponsor evaluates the appropriateness of a certain hypothetical
course of action, rather than the plausibility of a classiflcatory or explana-
tory hypothesis as in CSRL.
A sponsor's knowledge, put in by a knowledge engineer as part of build-
ing a knowledge-based system, is represented in a decision table similar to
the knowledge groups of CSRL, the tool used to build hierarchical classifi-
cation systems. (Knowledge groups were described in Chapter 3.) A sponsor's
decision table maps problem-solving states to appropriateness values by rep-
resenting patterns of responses to queries about the problem state and by
associating each pattern with an appropriateness value.
Figure 4.4 illustrates a sponsor's decision table. (The column headings
have been put into English for purposes of exposition.) Each column, except
the last, is headed with a query about the system's problem-solving state.
Each row represents a pattern of responses to the queries, followed by an
appropriateness value that applies if the pattern occurs. The appropriateness
value can come from any fixed, discrete, ordered range of symbolic values;
in this example it comes from a scale that ranges from -3 (for highly inap-

Does the Is the

working working
hypothesis hypothesis
have exactly completely Appropriateness
one part? refined? value

T F 3

F F 1

? T -3

Figure 4.4. Decision table for a refine-hypothesis sponsor.

propriate) to +3 (for highly appropriate). If a row matches, that is, if each

element of the row is true for the query with which its column is headed,
then the last element of the row becomes the symbolic value returned by the
sponsor. The rows are evaluated in order, top to bottom, until one row
matches. This representation allows the knowledge engineer to specify the
order in which patterns are checked. If no patterns match and all were exam-
ined, a default value is returned, usually 0 if a seven-step -3 to +3 scale is
used, as in the example.
In Figure 4.4 there are two queries: Query 1, represented by column 1, is,
"Does the working hypothesis have exactly one part?" and query 2 is, "Is
the working hypothesis completely refined?" Row 1 represents the follow-
ing rule: If the working hypothesis has a single part, represented by the T, or
True, answer to query 1, and if the working hypothesis is not completely
refined, represented by the F, or False, answer to query 2, then return a 3,
meaning that refining the working hypothesis now is highly appropriate.
The middle row, which is tested only if the first pattern does not match,
says, in effect, that if the working hypothesis has more than one part and if
this hypothesis is not completely refined, then it is mildly appropriate to
refine it now. The question mark (?) in the last row is a wild card or "don't
care" symbol, which will always match. Thus, the last row says that, whether
or not the working hypothesis has a single part, if the working hypothesis is
already completely refined, then refining it further is highly inappropriate.

Selectors. Each set of sponsors is grouped under a selector. The selector

does two things:
1. It organizes the set of methods that are available at the particular recurring
decision point.
Generalizing the control strategy 101
2. It selects which method to invoke next based on the appropriateness ratings of
the sponsors and other knowledge.
If a selector is activated, only the methods associated with it are available
for invocation on each selection cycle. Other selectors may be activated as a
result of some method being invoked, but only one selector at a time is
responsible for deciding what to do.
A selector's main criterion is the appropriateness measures returned from
its sponsors, but often this information is not sufficient; for example, there
may be a tie for the best method to invoke. The knowledge engineer should
not have to program each sponsor so that only one is appropriate under each
set of circumstances. Good software modularity requires that each sponsor
should be coded with little consideration of other sponsors and that broader
considerations of proper selection are left to the selector. Thus, PEIRCE
was designed so that method selection can occur in three ways:
a. The selection can occur simply on the basis of appropriateness ratings. If
there is exactly one highly rated method, that method is invoked. If there is no
such clear winner and no other selection knowledge is available, a random
choice will be made among the best candidates.
b. If there is a tie for highest rated method, tie-breaking knowledge in the form
of an ordered priority list, supplied by the knowledge engineer, can be used to
break the tie. If more than one method is rated as maximally appropriate, the
one that occurs first in the priority list is chosen.
c. For special situations it is also possible to override the normal choice mecha-
nism by specifying pattern-match knowledge similar to that found in the spon-
sors. If the pattern matches, the choice indicated in the matching row is used.
Methods can be added to an existing PEIRCE-built system by simply in-
cluding their associated sponsors in the sponsor-selector system and updat-
ing the selection knowledge. Thus a PEIRCE-built system is one in which
control strategies can be easily changed (e.g., by changing the order in a
method-priority list) and in which it is easy to add new methods.

Reimplementing RED in PEIRCE

We implemented three systems in PEIRCE: a new version of RED, which
we can call RED-3; PATHEX/LIVER for liver disease diagnosis, and TIPS.
PATHEX/LIVER and TIPS are described in chapter 5. In this section we
focus on RED-3. In the new implementation we wanted to break the RED-2
hypothesis assembler into its natural parts and allow the system to use these
parts in a mixed order, as appropriate, to solve abductive assembly-prob-
lems. Initially, however, the sponsor-selector knowledge was encoded to re-
semble the RED-2 algorithm.
We hoped that our work would result in an environment in which we could
easily test some of the variations that we envisioned in the RED hypothesis-
assembly strategy. We proposed to examine three specific RED variations:

1. Delaying hard decisions. Postponing for as long as possible choosing which

hypothesis to integrate into the compound explanation when the choice was
not obvious.
2. Explaining special or multiple findings. Providing for abducers that special-
ize in explaining certain known patterns or clusters of domain findings. This
would allow for a more knowledge-controlled divide-and-conquer strategy,
rather than always attempting to explain one finding at a time.
3. Refinement control. Enabling the abductive assembler to provoke the hierar-
chical classifier to refine some hypotheses, based on explanatory needs.
These three variations are described next.

Delaying hard decisions

The process of abductive assembly can reach a choice point we call a hard
decision. Let us suppose that a single finding,/, is the focus of attention and that
the hypotheses available to explain / a r e A, B, and C. The abducer's job is to
choose one of these hypotheses to explain / but the only criterion of choice is
the plausibility ratings of the hypotheses. (Often other grounds for choice are
available, but for simplicity we will assume not in the present example.) Sup-
pose that all three hypotheses have the same plausibility value of 3. Since there
is no real basis for choice, the assembler must make a hard decision.
At this point, the RED-2 system would simply make a random choice,
because in context it did not seem to matter what was chosen, and down-
stream criticism with potential repair was scheduled to occur anyway. How-
ever, in the PEIRCE implementation we added another tactic: delaying a
hard decision. As easy decisions are made, we hoped that the hard decisions
would be resolved serendipitously as their associated findings are covered
by more easily decided upon hypotheses. If any hard decisions remain after
all the easy decisions are made, the system attempts to make the choice on
some grounds, perhaps by choosing the better of nearly equal hypotheses. If
no grounds can be found, the system reverts to random choice to make these
decisions. This strategy is somewhat similar to the strategy of "least com-
mitment" found in some earlier systems (e.g., Mittal & Frayman, 1987; Stefik,
1981). It is even more closely related to the idea of "island driving" (Hayes-
Roth and Lesser, 1977) first described in the HEARSAY-II system, in which
islands of high confidence are found and form a basis for exploring the rest
of the hypothesis space.
This tactic can be generalized to include several levels of decision difficulty,
so that an explanation will be accepted only if it meets the prevailing standards
of certainty (e.g., surpasses all rivals by at least a given interval) and these
standards can be relaxed in stages to gain more explanatory coverage.
The PEIRCE implementation of RED (RED-3) was rerun on a number of
cases for which RED-2 was previously evaluated. One problem that we encoun-
Generalizing the control strategy 103
tered was providing a reasonable measure of performance to show clearly the
difference between RED-3 and RED-2. Their abilities to get the "correct" an-
swer is not a good measure because both systems either get the same answer or,
where their answers differ, our experts deemed the answers to be close enough.
We needed to measure how the two systems arrived at their answers.
We discovered that the major difference between the two assembly strate-
gies was the contents of their initial hypotheses. This difference can be di-
rectly attributed to RED-3's postponement of some hard decisions. More-
over, RED-3 also discovered the essentialness of some hypotheses in the
process of assembly, which resulted in resolving some of the outstanding
hard decisions. The initial explanations were consequently much closer to
the final explanations that both strategies provided. The delaying-hard-de-
cisions feature of PEIRCE made the search process more efficient.2

Explaining special or multiple findings

Another issue to be explored was attempting to explain multiple findings at
the same time, as opposed to always attempting to explain one finding at a
time. We observed our domain experts recognizing findings as related, group-
ing them as a unit, and trying to explain all these findings at once. In one
family of examples that we observed in the RED domain, the expert recog-
nized a set of reactions as indicating a general Rh antibody pattern and ex-
plained it using specialized knowledge of Rh reactions.

Pathognomonic symptoms. The idea of pathognomonic symptoms is known

to all clinicians.

Definition A symptom S is said to be pathognomonic if there ex-

ists at least one disease D whose existence can be automatically
inferred from the presence of S .

In the presence of pathognomonic symptoms, a clinician can quickly fo-

cus attention on the correct disease. An example of such a symptom is Kayser-
Fleischer rings, which are pathognomonic for Wilson's disease. Pathogno-
monic symptoms not only increase the speed of diagnosis, but also direct
attention to an initial high-confidence hypothesis from which to build a com-
plete diagnosis. The problem with the concept of a pathognomonic symp-
tom is that it is too restrictive; pathognomonic symptoms are rare, and, so,
rarely useful for reasoning.

Constrictors. Pathognomonic symptoms being of limited use, the concept of

constrictor was first defined for the Caduceus system (Pople, 1977) as a
useful extension to the idea of pathognomony.
Definition A symptom S is said to be a constrictor if there exists
at least one class of diseases D whose presence can be automati-
cally inferred from the existence of S.

Constrictors can be used to focus the diagnostic process in the same fash-
ion as pathognomonic findings. Though not so powerful as to enable focus-
ing on a particular disease, constrictors are more common than
pathognomonic symptoms and thus are more generally useful. An example
of a constrictor is jaundice, which indicates liver disease. Caduceus begins
its diagnostic process by looking for constrictors. The constrictors it finds
help to focus the diagnostic process on a limited number of hypotheses.
The ability to use knowledge of constrictors, or of special meaningful
patterns of findings, can be achieved in PEIRCE by allowing for special
extra methods to be sponsored for the extend-explanatory-coverage goal,
which arises as a result of selecting the extend-explanatory-coverage tactic.
Each such method is designed to try to explain certain findings, or finding
patterns, on the basis of special knowledge regarding how to recognize and
attempt to explain those findings or patterns. The default would be to pro-
ceed using general methods, one finding at a time, but for each domain a
new set of sponsors can be introduced to explain special cases.

Refinement control
In RED-3 we hoped to provide more control over the hypothesis-refinement
process in the hierarchical classifier by guiding it according to explanatory
need. By this we mean that the decision to refine a classification node (i.e.,
examine its subnodes) considers, not only the ability of the node to estab-
lish (i.e., set high plausibility), but also whether the node represents a hy-
pothesis that is needed to explain any of the findings. Thus the hierarchical
classifier and the abductive assembler interleave their operations. The hi-
erarchical classifier provides a list of candidate hypotheses (and their asso-
ciated plausibility ratings) to the abductive assembler, but these hypoth-
eses have only a certain level of specificity (i.e., they were explored down
to a certain level in the hierarchy). The abductive assembler then creates
an explanation of the findings by using this candidate list. The assembler
can then request a refinement of one of the hypotheses used in its com-
pound explanation. The classifier refines this node and returns a list of can-
didate subnodes (more specific hypotheses) to replace the original node.
The assembler removes the original hypothesis and attempts to reexplain
the findings that it explained, using the refined hypothesis. This interac-
tion continues until the explanation is specific enough, or the hierarchy is
examined to its tip nodes.
Generalizing the control strategy 105
The usefulness ofPEIRCE
We want to emphasize the utility of PEIRCE as a tool for experimenting with
the various methods of abductive assembly. It is fairly simple to change the
conditions under which a method is invoked in the overall assembly process by
modifying the knowledge of when and to what degree the method is appropri-
ate. Such changes are local in that they affect only the invocation of one method
at one recurring decision point. Adding a new method is equally simple, be-
cause it needs only to be included in the sponsor-selector tree with some knowl-
edge of when it is appropriate, and what priority it should have.

Abduction in SOAR

Introduction. Any single algorithm for abduction requires specific kinds of knowl-
edge and ignores other kinds of knowledge. Hence, a knowledge-based system
that uses a single abductive method is restricted to using the knowledge re-
quired by that method. This restriction makes the system brittle because the
single fixed method can respond appropriately only in a limited range of situa-
tions and can make use of only a subset of the potentially relevant knowledge.
To remedy this problem we have endeavored to develop a framework from which
abductive strategies can be opportunistically constructed at run time to reflect
the problem being solved and the knowledge available to solve the problem. In
this section we present this framework and describe ABD-SOAR, an implemen-
tation of the framework. We show how ABD-SOAR can be made to behave like
the abductive strategy used in RED-2, and we describe the differences between
This work on ABD-SOAR contributes to our understanding of both knowl-
edge-based systems and abduction. First, it illustrates how to increase the
problem-solving capabilities of knowledge-based systems by using mecha-
nisms that permit the use of all relevant knowledge. ABD-SOAR requires
little domain knowledge to begin solving a problem but can easily make use
of additional knowledge to solve the problem better or faster. Second, the
framework can be used to provide a flexible abductive problem-solving ca-
pability for knowledge-based systems. Third, ABD-SOAR gives SOAR
(Laird, Rosenbloom, & Newell, 1986; Newell, 1990; Rosenbloom, Laird, &
Newell, 1987) an abductive capability so that many systems written in SOAR
can begin to solve abduction problems. Fourth, the framework provides a
simple and general mechanism for abduction that is capable of generating
the behavior of various fixed methods. Fifth, ABD-SOAR can be used to
experiment with different abductive strategies, including variations of ex-
isting strategies and combinations of different kinds of strategies.
SOAR has been proposed as an architecture for general intelligence. In

SOAR, all problem solving is viewed as searching for a goal state in a prob-
lem space. Viewing all problem-solving activity as search in a problem space
is called the problem-space computational model (PSCM) (Newell, Yost,
Laird, Rosenbloom, & Altmann, 1991). A problem space is defined by an
initial state and a set of operators that apply to states to produce new states.
The behavior of a problem-space system depends on three kinds of knowl-
edge: Operator-proposal knowledge indicates the operators that can be ap-
plied to the current state of problem solving. Operator-selection knowledge
selects from the list of applicable operators a single operator to apply to the
current state. Finally, operator-implementation knowledge applies a selected
operator to the current state to produce a new state. If any of this knowledge
is incomplete, SOAR automatically sets up a subgoal to search for addi-
tional knowledge. The subgoal is treated like any other problem in that it
must be achieved by searching through a problem space. The process of
enumerating and selecting operators at each step of problem solving, to-
gether with automatic creation of subgoals to overcome incomplete knowl-
edge, makes SOAR an especially appropriate framework for exploring op-
portunistic problem solving. Chandrasekaran (1988) says this about SOAR:
My view is that from the perspective of modeling cognitive behavior, a GT [ge-
neric-task]-level analysis provides two closely related ideas which give additional
content to phenomena at the SOAR architecture level. On the one hand, the GT
theory provides a vocabulary of goals that a SOAR-like system may have. On the
other hand, this vocabulary of goals also provides a means of indexing and organiz-
ing knowledge in long-term memory such that, when SOAR is pursuing a problem
solving goal, appropriate chunks of knowledge and control behavior are placed in
short term memory for SOAR to behave like a GT problem solver. In this sense a
SOAR-like architecture, based as it is on goal achievement and universal subgoaling,
provides an attractive substratum on which to implement future GT systems. In
turn, the SOAR-level architecture can give graceful behavior under conditions that
do not match the highly compiled nature of GT type problem solving, (pp. 208-209)

Specifying problem-solving methods

Before we describe the framework for abduction, we must first explain how
we will specify it. We address this in the context of the general problem of
specifying problem-solving methods.
A problem-solving method consists of a set of operators with precondi-
tions and knowledge that indicates the order in which to apply the operators.
The standard way to specify a problem-solving method is by writing an al-
gorithm that lists each operator in the order in which the operators are to be
done, along with conditionals and possibly loops. To implement the method
a procedural programming language can be used to encode the algorithm.
The operators are implemented directly either using built-in commands of
the language or by calling subprocedures. In a procedural description of a
method, the order of the operators must be completely specified. In other
words, the procedure must encode enough knowledge so that the next opera-
Generalizing the control strategy 107
tor can always be determined. Furthermore, a procedural language makes it
difficult to encode operators that generate control knowledge.
Since we desire an opportunistic system, we need to be able to specify a set of
operators without necessarily specifying a complete ordering of those opera-
tors. An opportunistic system works by enumerating possible operators to apply
to the immediate situation and then selecting one of those operators based on
the current goal and situation. Furthermore, a flexible system must be able to
generate or use additional control knowledge. Thus, if a system must decide
among several operators, it must be possible for the system to engage in com-
plex problem solving to determine which operator is best.
In the PSCM, knowledge about when operators are applicable to a state
can be specified independently of knowledge about which operator to se-
lect. Operator-selection knowledge, called search-control knowledge, is ex-
pressed in terms of preferences for or against applicable operators. For ex-
ample, we can encode knowledge of the form "If operators A and B are
applicable and X is true of the state, then B is better than A ." If at any time
during the problem-solving process the search-control knowledge is insuffi-
cient to indicate which operator to select, a subgoal is set up to generate
additional knowledge so that a single operator can be selected. This subgoal
is achieved by searching another problem space. Operators can be imple-
mented either by directly available knowledge or by using an operator-spe-
cific problem space.
Problem spaces cannot be adequately described unless the knowledge con-
tent of their states is specified. In the ABD-SOAR work we use annotated
models (Newell, 1990) to describe and implement problem-space states. A
model consists of objects with properties and relations, along with the as-
sumption that every object in the model must represent an object in the
referent (this is called the correspondence principle ). An annotated model
allows the correspondence principle to be modified by annotating an object.
For instance, if an object is annotated with not, this means the object is not
in the referent. Examples of other annotations are some, many, uncertain,
and so on. Annotations can be task independent, such as not, or task spe-
cific, such as explain (an annotation used in ABD-SOAR).

The framework
The general abductive framework3 can be described by using a single prob-
lem space with seven operators: cover, resolve-redundancy, resolve-incon-
sistency, determine-certainty, determine-accounts-for, mark-redundancies,
and mark-inconsistencies. A problem space is described by specifying its
goal, the knowledge content of its states, the initial state, operators, and
search-control knowledge. First we describe the problem spaces, then we
describe the minimal knowledge required to use the framework.

State description. A problem-space state for this abductive framework con-

tains: knowledge of all the data to be explained, explanations and an indica-
tion of the data that they explain, knowledge about incomplete or redundant
objects, information about whether an explanation is the only possible way
to explain a datum, and knowledge about whether the implications of a newly
added object have been processed. In addition, any other information neces-
sary for solving the problem can be kept in the state.

Initial-state schema. The initial state need contain only the data to be ex-
plained. Additional information can be provided.

Desired-state schema. The desired state must meet six conditions:

1. The composite explanation should be complete. An explanation is complete
when all the data that require an explanation are explained.
2. The hypotheses in the composite explanation should be at the desired level of
detail for the problem being solved. For example, in diagnosis a disease hy-
pothesis must be at an appropriate level of detail so that a therapy can be
3. No part of the model should be redundant (explanatorily superfluous).
4. No part of the model should be inconsistent.
5. All parts of the model should be certain. That is, each part of the model should
be of high plausibility in the context of the model.
6. All parts of the model should be processed. That is, the logical implications
of the object and its effect on the rest of the model should have been consid-

Operators. There are seven operators in the abductive space:

1. Cover is proposed for each datum that is not yet explained by a hypothesis
(the explanation is not yet complete). Its goal is to add to the model one or
more explanations of the datum.
2. Resolve-redundancy is proposed whenever there are redundant objects in the
model. Its goal is to make the model irredundant (parsimonious).
3. Resolve-inconsistency is proposed whenever there are inconsistent objects in
the model. Its goal is to make the model consistent.
4. Determine-certainty is proposed for each uncertain object in the model. The
operator is successfully applied when the object is deemed to be certain or the
object is deemed to be not present in the model. Determine-certainty uses a
three-value confidence scale: an object is either in the model (if it is certain),
not in the model, or uncertain. Confidence ranges with more values can be
attached to objects in the model, but they must eventually be translated into
the three-value range expected by determine-certainty.
Whenever an object is modified or added to the model, the implications
of adding the object must be determined. The amount of processing depends
on the object and the domain. The framework defines three operators for
processing new objects: determine-accounts-for, mark-redundancies, and
Generalizing the control strategy 109
5. Determine-accounts-for is proposed for each new hypothesis. Its goal is to
determine the data for which the hypothesis can account.
6. Mark-redundancies is proposed for each new object. Its goal is to indicate
which objects in the model are redundant with the newly added object. Hy-
potheses that offer to explain an identical set of data are considered redundant
unless other knowledge indicates that they are not.
7. Mark-inconsistencies is proposed for each new object. Its goal is to indicate
which objects are logically inconsistent with (or contradict) the newly added

Search-control knowledge. The following preferences apply to the seven

operators just listed:
1. Determine-accounts-for is better than all other operators.
2. Resolve-redundancy, resolve-inconsistency, and determine-certainty are in-
different to one another. Note that an order can still be imposed on these
operators by preferring one to another.
3. Mark-redundancies and mark-inconsistencies are equal to each other and bet-
ter than all other operators except determine-accounts-for.
This is the minimum search-control knowledge needed to ensure correct
operation of the abductive mechanism. However, this search control speci-
fies only a partial ordering of the operators. Any control decisions that can
be based on domain-dependent knowledge have been left unspecified. This
allows the designer of the system to add appropriate search control for the
task being done. For example, there is no knowledge about what to do when
several cover operators tie because this decision can be based on domain-
dependent knowledge.
A minimum of six additional kinds of knowledge are required to use the

1. knowledge mapping each possible datum to potential explanations (to imple-

ment cover);
2. knowledge mapping an explanation to all the data that it can explain (to imple-
ment determine-accounts-for)
3. knowledge to determine the certainty of the explanations (to implement de-
4. knowledge about the consistency of the model (to implement mark-inconsis-
5. knowledge about redundant objects (to implement mark-redundancies)
6. additional search-control knowledge to sequence the operators

Processing. As a result of the operators and the search-control knowledge, the

basic method is to pick a datum to cover, add one or more explanations for this
datum, determine what each new explanation explains, and then pick another
(unexplained) datum to explain. This continues until all data are explained. If at
any time the model becomes inconsistent, redundant, or uncertain, an operator
is proposed to resolve the problem. Then a decision must be made about whether
to fix the problem or to continue covering all the data.

Implementing the framework: ABD-SOAR

ABD-SOAR is a SOAR-based implementation of the abductive framework.
SOAR is used because it directly supports the PSCM; however, the frame-
work does not absolutely require SOAR - other architectures that support
PSCM-like functionality can also be used. ABD-SOAR supplies all of the
knowledge specified in the framework: knowledge to propose the abductive
operators and detect their successful application and the minimal search-
control knowledge specified in the framework. This knowledge is encoded
as a set of SOAR productions (rules) that can apply to any problem space.
This means that the complete body of abductive knowledge can be brought
to bear during any problem-solving activity. ABD-SOAR also provides de-
fault implementation knowledge for cover, resolve-redundancy, and resolve-
inconsistency and a default method for generating additional search-control
The default knowledge for operator implementation is encoded in three
problem spaces with names identical to the operators that they implement:
cover, resolve-redundancy, and resolve-inconsistency. Cover generates pos-
sible explanations and then applies knowledge to select one of the candi-
dates. The candidates are generated in response to an explain operator that
must be implemented using domain-specific knowledge. To avoid loops,
explanations that were previously removed from the model should not be
added. Resolve-redundancy removes each redundant object until the expla-
nation is "irredundant," that is, has no explanatorily superfluous parts. If
multiple irredundant explanations are possible, all are found and the best
one is used. This makes use of lookahead and the evaluation function we
will describe. Any explanation that is an absolute essential (i.e., the only
possible explanation for some piece of data) will not be removed. Also, it is
possible to resolve a redundancy by explicitly indicating that particular re-
dundant objects are not a problem. For example, two diseases might be present
that cause (and therefore explain) fever - a situation that should not be con-
sidered redundant. Resolve-inconsistency removes each inconsistent object
until the model is consistent. As in the case of resolve-redundancy, if mul-
tiple consistent models are possible, then each is evaluated and the best
model is selected. Any explanation that is an absolute essential will not be
Resolve-redundancy and resolve-inconsistency use lookahead to determine
what to do. These operators work by removing objects from the model until the
inconsistency or redundancy is resolved. However, in many cases, there might
be many possible ways to resolve the problem (by removing different combina-
tions of objects from the model). Consequently, ABD-SOAR must evaluate each
possibility and choose the best one. Lookahead can also be used to generate
knowledge about what to do when the system designer does not or cannot sup-
ply that knowledge. Lookahead can be used to decide what to cover first, what
Generalizing the control strategy 111
to remove from inconsistent composites, and what to add to explain a finding.
The use of lookahead to rate composites is an example of generalized impasse
handling. However, lookahead is quite computationally expensive, so it is de-
sirable to add additional knowledge whenever possible.
The default method for generating additional search-control knowledge is
to use lookahead and an evaluation function to determine which operator to
select when multiple operators are applicable. This is implemented in two
problem spaces: find-best and evaluate-state. Find-best evaluates each op-
erator and selects the operator with the best evaluation. To evaluate an op-
erator, find-best applies the operator to a copy of the original state and then
continues to do problem solving from that state until a state is found that can
be evaluated by using evaluate-state. The default evaluation function for
evaluate-state is a sum of the number of data to be explained, the number of
explanations, the number of inconsistent objects, the number of data ex-
plained by inconsistent explanations, the number of redundant objects, and
the number of uncertain objects. The model with the lowest evaluation is
chosen as the best alternative.
ABD-SOAR uses irredundant covers (no explanatorily superfluous parts) as
the parsimony criterion; however, when the default evaluation function is used,
the system also uses minimal cardinality to choose among competing compos-
ite explanations. The belief criterion (by default) is that the method attempts to
pick the best explanation for a finding being covered. In the absence of plausi-
bility ratings, the evaluation function is used to rate competing explanations for
a finding, and the one with the best evaluation is selected.
To use ABD-SOAR, the system designer must provide knowledge to imple-
ment explain and determine-accounts-for. When necessary, knowledge must
also be provided for mark-inconsistencies', mark-redundancies', and deter-
mine-certainty. Given only this knowledge, and the built-in defaults,
abductive problems can be solved.
Optionally, the designer can choose to add more search-control knowl-
edge and/or knowledge to override any of the default knowledge. Adding
knowledge beyond the minimum requirements can greatly increase the effi-
ciency of the abductive system. ABD-SOAR is completely open to the addi-
tion of new knowledge. Additional operators can be added to any space.
New ways of implementing existing operators can be added. Search-control
knowledge can be added so that lookahead can be avoided. Furthermore, the
additions can be made general so that they work for all tasks, or specific so
that they only work for a single task or problem. Every addition of knowl-
edge will alter the problem-solving behavior. In this framework the avail-
able knowledge shapes the strategy, unlike the traditional approach where
strategies must be designed to use prespecified kinds of knowledge.
The default strategy was used to solve a red-cell antibody case (see Figure
4.5). The correct answer for this case is anti-K and anti-Fya. 1,083 decision

Red Cells

1 2 3 4

(i*l) 1+ (r 2 )3+ (r 4 )l+ (r5) 1+

0 (r3) 1+ 0 0

Anti-K explains r 2 and r3 (i.e., the 3+ and 1+ on red cell 2).

Anti-Fya explains rj, r4, and r$ (i.e., the 1+ on red cells 1,3, and 4).
Anti-C explains rj and r4 (i.e., the 1+ on red cells 1 and 3).
Anti-N explains r 4 (i.e., the 1+ on red cell 3).
0 reactions do not need to be explained.

Figure 4.5. Red-cell antibody identification case.

cycles were required to solve the problem. A decision cycle corresponds to

the selection of a goal, a problem space, a state, or an operator. However,
the addition of some simple search-control knowledge can greatly decrease
the number of decision cycles needed to solve the problem, as shown.

RED-like abduction. RED-2 uses two heuristics to help guide the search: (1)
The system prefers to cover stronger reactions before weaker reactions. If
reactions are equal, then one is selected at random to cover. (2) Whenever
multiple antibodies can explain the same reaction, the antibodies are or-
dered according to plausibility, and the one with the highest plausibility is
used. If multiple antibodies have the same plausibility, then one is selected
at random (this is a somewhat simplified description). This knowledge can
be added to ABD-SOAR by rating antibodies for plausibility and by adding
three search-control rules:

ID1 If rx is stronger than r2 then cover rx is better than cover rr

ID2 If rx is equal to r2 then cover rx is indifferent to cover rr
ID3 If ax has a higher plausibility than a2 for explaining a reaction
then ax is a better explanation than ar

Search-control knowledge to make equally plausible antibodies indiffer-

ent is not added. This illustrates how additional search-control knowledge
can be mixed with default knowledge. In this case, if the best candidates are
equally plausible, then the system will attempt to differentiate among them
by using lookahead. If lookahead does not distinguish among them, then
one will be selected at random.
Generalizing the control strategy 113
As a result of this additional knowledge, the system solves the case in 23
decision cycles (versus 1,038 for the default run on this case). First the sys-
tem decides, because of ID1, to cover the 3+ on red-cell 2. It covers with
anti-K, the only antibody that explains the 3+. Next, because of ID2 the
system randomly selects the 1+ reaction on red-cell 1 to explain. This reac-
tion can be explained by either anti-Fya or anti-C, but anti-Fya is more plau-
sible, so, because of ID3, anti-Fya is selected.
This example illustrates how small changes to search-control knowledge
can radically alter the behavior of the system. The system in this example
exhibits behavior very much like that of RED-2, without having RED-2's
strategy explicitly encoded. Furthermore, whenever the search control is
inappropriate, the system can fall back on the default knowledge to make

Comparison to PEIRCE
ABD-SOAR can be thought of as a reimplementation of PEIRCE in SOAR
to see whether such an implementation would give added flexibility to
PEIRCE. Because of the generality of its goal-subgoal hierarchy and its con-
trol mechanism, PEIRCE can be used to encode many different strategies
for abduction. For example, it was used to recode RED-2's strategy and sev-
eral variations of that strategy. However, problems with the control mecha-
nism and the goal-subgoal decomposition ultimately restrict flexibility by
limiting the knowledge that a PEIRCE-based system can use.
First, there is no way to generate additional search-control knowledge in
PEIRCE at run time. There is also no way to add new goals or methods at
run time. This is not a problem in ABD-SOAR because any subgoal or im-
passe can be resolved using the complete processing power of the PSCM.
Thus, search-control knowledge, evaluation knowledge, or operators for a
problem space can be generated just as any other kind of knowledge in ABD-
SOAR can.
Second, the control mechanism in PEIRCE cannot detect problem-solv-
ing impasses that result from a lack of knowledge. In ABD-SOAR, the ar-
chitecture automatically detects and creates a goal for these kinds of im-
passes. Finally, the goal-subgoal structure in ABD-SOAR is much finer-
grained than the one used in PEIRCE. This means that the abductive strat-
egy can be controlled at a finer level of detail in ABD-SOAR.

Generic tasks revisited

As discussed in chapter 2, generic tasks were originally thought of as spe-
cialists, agents that were the primitive constituents from which more com-
plex tasks were composed. However, as we said when we discussed PEIRCE,
hard-wired modules made the systems lack flexibility. Also, as discussed in

chapter 2, the idea of generic tasks brings several problems to mind: What
constitutes a generic task? and How do we distinguish between generic tasks
and other sorts of methods? These sorts of issues led us to develop the ap-
proach to generic tasks seen in this chapter and in chapter 5.
Instead of thinking of problem solving, such as diagnosis and design, as
complex tasks that can be decomposed into elementary generic-task special-
ists, in these systems we think of them as complex activities involving a
number of subtasks and a number of alternative methods potentially avail-
able for each subtask.

A method can be described in terms of the operators that it uses, the objects
upon which it operates, and any additional knowledge about how to orga-
nize operator application to satisfy the goal.4 At the knowledge level, the
method is characterized by the knowledge that the agent needs in order to
set up and apply the method. Different methods for the same task might call
for different types of knowledge. Let us consider a simple example. To mul-
tiply two multidigit numbers, the logarithmic method consists of the follow-
ing series of operations: Extract the logarithm of each input number, add the
two logarithms, and extract the antilogarithm of the sum. Their arguments,
as well as the results, are the objects of this method. Note that one does not
typically include (at this level of description of the logarithmic method)
specifications about how to extract the logarithm or the antilogarithm or
how to do the addition. If the computational model does not provide these
capabilities as primitives, the performance of these operations can be set up
as subtasks of the method. Thus, given a method, the application of any of
the operators can be set up as a subtask.
Some of the objects that a method needs can be generic to a class of prob-
lems in a domain. As an example, consider hierarchical classification using
a malfunction hierarchy as a method for diagnosis. Establish-hypothesis and
refine-hypothesis operations are applied to the hypotheses in the hierarchy.
These objects are useful for solving many instances of the diagnostic prob-
lem in the domain. If malfunction hypotheses are not directly available, the
generation of such hypotheses can be set up as subtasks. One method for
generating such objects is compilation from so-called deep, or causal, knowl-
edge. There is no finite set of mutually distinct methods for a task because
there can be numerous variants on a method. Nevertheless, the term method
is a useful shorthand to refer to a set of related ways to organize a computa-
A task analysis should provide a framework within which various ap-
proaches to the task at hand can be understood. Each method can be treated
in terms of all the features that an information-processing analysis calls for:
Generalizing the control strategy 115
the types of knowledge and information needed and the inference processes
that use these forms of knowledge.

Choosing methods
How can methods be chosen for the various tasks? Following are some criteria:
1. Properties of the solution. Some methods produce answers that are numeri-
cally precise; others produce only qualitative answers. Some of them produce
optimal solutions; others produce satisficing ones.5
2. Properties of the solution process. Is the computation pragmatically feasible?
How much time does it take? How much memory does it require?
3. Availability of knowledge required for the method to be applied. A method for
design verification might, for example, require that we have available a de-
scription of the behavior of a device as a system of differential equations; if
this information is not directly available, and if it cannot be generated by
additional problem solving, the method cannot be used.
Each method in a task structure can be evaluated for appropriateness in a
given situation by asking questions that reflect these criteria. A delineation
of the methods and their properties helps us move away from abstract argu-
ments about ideal methods for performing a task. Although some of this
evaluation can take place at problem-solving time, much of it can be done
when the knowledge system is designed; this evaluation can be used to guide
a knowledge-system designer in the choice of methods to implement.

Choosing methods at run time

Because of the multiplicity of possible methods and subtasks for a task, a
task-specific architecture for a particular task, such as diagnosis or design,
is not likely to be complete: Although diagnosis and design are generic ac-
tivities, there is no single generic method for either of them. Thus, instead
of building monolithic task-specific architectures for such complex tasks, as
we attempted to do originally, a more useful architectural approach is one
that can invoke different methods for different subtasks in a flexible way.
Following the ideas in the research on task-specific architectures, we can,
however, support specific methods by means of special-purpose shells that
can help encode knowledge and control problem solving for those methods.
This approach is an immediate extension of the generic-task methodology
as described in Chandrasekaran (1986). These methods can then be com-
bined in a domain-specific manner; that is, methods for subtasks can be
selected in advance and included as part of the application system, or meth-
ods can be recursively chosen at run time for the tasks based on the various
criteria we discussed. For the latter approach, a task-independent architec-
ture is needed capable of evaluating different methods, choosing one, ex-
ecuting it, setting up subgoals as they arise from the chosen method, and

repeating the process. SOAR (Newell, 1990); BB1 (Hayes-Roth, 1985); spon-
sor-selector hierarchies, as in DSPL (Brown & Chandrasekaran, 1989) and
PEIRCE, are good candidates for such an architecture. This approach com-
bines the advantages of task-specific architectures and the flexibility of run-
time choice of methods. The DSPL++ work of Herman (1992) aims to dem-
onstrate precisely this combination of advantages.
Using method-specific knowledge and strategy representations within a
general architecture that helps select methods and set up subgoals is a good
first step in adding flexibility to the advantages of task-specific architec-
tures. It can also have limitations, however. For many real-world problems,
switching among methods can result in control that is too coarse-grained. A
method description might call for a specific sequence of how the operators
are to be applied. Numerous variants of the method, with complex sequences
of the various operators, can be appropriate in different domains. It would
be impractical to support all these variants by method-specific architectures
or shells. It is much better in the long run to let the task-method-subtask
analysis guide us in identifying the needed task-specific knowledge and to
let a flexible general architecture determine the actual sequence of operator
application by using additional domain-specific knowledge. The subtasks
can then be flexibly combined in response to problem-solving needs, achiev-
ing a much finer-grained control behavior. This sort of control is evident in
the ABD-SOAR system just discussed.

1 PEIRCE was named after Charles Sanders Peirce, the originator of the term "abduction" for a form
of inference that makes use of explanatory relationships. PEIRCE was designed by John R. Jo-
sephson, Michael C. Tanner and William F. Punch III, and implemented by Punch in LOOPS
(from Xerox Corporation), an object-oriented programming system in InterLisp-D (also a Xerox
2 Investigated in experiments conducted by Olivier Fischer (unpublished).
3 For a detailed description of the framework and several examples, see Johnson (1991).
4 The terms "task" and "goal" are used interchangeably here.
5 The term "satisfying" is due to Herbert Simon. See (Simon, 1969).
More kinds of knowledge: Two diagnostic systems

TIPS (Task Integrated Problem Solver) and PATHEX/LIVER were built us-
ing the PEIRCE tool. Both are examples of third-generation abduction ma-
chines. PEIRCE is not specialized for diagnoses and might be used as a shell
for any abductive-assembly system. TIPS and PATHEX/LIVER, however,
are diagnostic systems. They are complicated systems that are similar in
organization and capabilities. Despite their similarities, in the following de-
scriptions we emphasize TIPS's ability to dynamically integrate multiple
problem-solving methods and PATHEX/LIVER's proposed ability to com-
bine structure-function models - for causal reasoning - with compiled diag-
nostic knowledge. First we describe TIPS, and then PATHEX/LIVER.

TIPS1 is a preliminary framework that implements the idea (described in chap-
ter 4) of making alternative problem-solving methods available for a task. Method
invocation depends on the problem state and the capabilities of the method, not
on a preset sequence of invocations. TIPS presents a general mechanism for the
dynamic integration of multiple methods in diagnosis.
One can describe diagnosis not only in terms of the overall goal (say,
explaining symptoms in terms of malfunctions), but also in terms of the rich
structure of subgoals that arise as part of diagnostic reasoning and in terms
of the methods used to achieve those goals. We call such a description a
task-structure analysis. A diagnostic system explicitly realized in these terms
has a number of advantages:
a.Such a system has multiple approaches available for solving a problem.
Thus the failure of one method does not mean failure for the whole prob-
lem solver.
b. Such a system can potentially use more kinds of knowledge.
c. Such a system can potentially solve a broader range of diagnostic prob-
The TIPS approach to creating dynamically integrated problem solvers is
TIPS is by William F. Punch III and B. Chandrasekaran. PATHEX/LIVER: Structure-
Function Models for Causal Reasoning is by Jack W. Smith, B. Chandrasekaran, and Tom


to provide only enough mechanism to allow for monitoring goal achieve-

ment and for keeping track of methods that can achieve the various goals.
How a method works is left to the designer as long as it conforms to a set of
rules for keeping track of goal achievement. This extensibility allows a knowl-
edge engineer to take advantage of tried-and-true software (such as existing
generic-task problem solvers) without converting it to another format. It
also allows for a diversity of methods and representations for different kinds
of problem solving.

The TIPS architecture

Control is represented in TIPS using the sponsor-selector mechanism first
used in DSPL (Brown & Chandrasekaran, 1986). A knowledge-based sys-
tem in this framework consists of a hierarchy of specialists, in which each
specialist consists of three parts: a selector, some sponsors, and an invocable
method associated with each sponsor. This mechanism is contributed by
PEIRCE, the tool described in chapter 4. At any choice point (i.e., a point in
the flow of problem solving at which another method could be invoked) the
control decision is made by invoking all the sponsors to rate their associated
methods, and then the selector chooses the next method to invoke based on
the sponsor ratings and other information. This architecture of selectors and
sponsors and their associated methods is the same as in PEIRCE.
Control programming in the TIPS architecture, as in PEIRCE, has two
1. Decision knowledge about a method's appropriateness is coded in its spon-
sor so that it is sensitive to the current problem state and the history of
method invocation (e.g., success/failure of recent invocations of the
2. Decision knowledge that directly concerns the choice of method to invoke
(based on sponsor ratings and other information) is coded in the selector.
Several specialists, each consisting of a selector and a family of sponsors
and methods, coexist within a system. One specialist may call on another by
way of a chosen method.
A specialist determines completion by return or fail sponsors. These spon-
sors report when the particular specialist successfully finishes its work (re-
turn) or when it fails to accomplish the task for which it was activated (fail).
The return and fail sponsors are programmed by the knowledge engineer,
just as any sponsor.
The structure of TIPS's top-level specialist for diagnosis is shown in Fig-
ure 5.1. Each method is realized by a software module capable of carrying
out the method. Modules are often specialists themselves, each with its own
selector and family of sponsors and methods.
More kinds of knowledge 119


/ Data-Gathering Data-gathering
/ /Sponsor Method

/ / Redo-Hard- Redo-Hard-Decisions
^^^Decisions Sponsor Method
Diagnosis jfs '
Selector Yv"^^^_ Data-Validation Data-Validation
Sponsor Method

V\A \ Causal-Reasoning
\ \ Compiled-Knowledge Compiled-Knowledge

\ Sponsor Method


Figure 5.1. TIPS for diagnosis, top-level control.

A medical diagnosis system in TIPS

A medical diagnosis system was developed in TIPS to demonstrate its use-

fulness. The system deals with a broad range of liver and blood diseases and
their various interactions. The following briefly summarizes the five main
modules used in the system, their roles, and the knowledge of when they are
appropriate (see Punch [1989] for more details).

1. Compiled-knowledge diagnostician. This module is responsible for

creating diagnostic explanations by using a hierarchical-classification plus
abductive-assembly strategy similar to that of RED-2 (see chapter 3). This
module has two submodules, one for hierarchical classification and one for
abductive assembly. The hierarchical classifier efficiently searches a hierar-
chy of disease and disease-process categories and determines the plausibil-
ity and explanatory coverage of candidates in the given situation. These
candidates are used as raw material by the abductive assembler to form (hope-
fully) a composite explanation that is plausible, consistent, and covers all
the findings.
This module is appropriate to invoke in the following circumstances: as
the first module to invoke in a case (to create an initial diagnosis), if more
data has just been gathered, if a data value was shown to be invalid and has
just been altered by a validation method, or if causal reasoning has sug-
gested a new hypothesis to consider for use in the composite explanation.
2. Data-gathering module. This module gathers further evidence that
can help to establish or rule out pertinent diagnostic hypotheses. The data
needed are determined by hypothesis-matching knowledge that is associ-
ated with nodes in the classification hierarchy.
This module is appropriate when the hierarchical classifier cannot ex-
plore all the way to tip-level hypotheses because of lack of data or when one
of the candidate hypotheses in a hard decision has an unanswered query in
the specialist that generated the hypothesis. Hard decisions (described in
chapter 4) represent conditions in which a finding is ambiguous - that is,
where alternative explanations are of nearly equal value. Gathering further
evidence can help to resolve the ambiguity by helping to discriminate among
the alternative explanations.
3. Data-validation module. This module checks the validity of data that
were brought into question during the running of the compiled-knowledge
diagnostician. This strategy for data validation is described in detail else-
where (see Chandrasekaran & Punch, 1987). The idea is to use expectations
derived from hypotheses already confidently formed by the diagnostic pro-
cess. If these expectations are not met (e.g., Liver Disease expects some
abnormality in liver enzyme values, and the enzyme values were reported as
normal), then there is a potential data problem. Suspected data items are
marked and further investigated by specifically compiled test procedures
that validate their values. Even without validation knowledge, confidence
in these data items can be withdrawn, and hypotheses dependent on them for
their plausibility values can be rescored.
This module is appropriate if, during diagnosis, a high-confidence expla-
nation is accepted whose data expectations are not met.
4. Redo-hard-decisions module. This module revisits hard-decision points
in the compiled-knowledge diagnostician module. If the system is forced to
make a hard decision (in the worst case by making a random choice), it
records the system state at that point so that the system (or the user) can
return later and explore other possible solution paths.
This module is appropriate when a hard decision has arisen during the
abductive-assembly process and a forced choice was made.
5. Causal-reasoning module. The idea behind this module is that a com-
posite explanation is made more plausible if its parts form a causally coher-
ent whole - that is, if causal connections can be found among its parts. This
module attempts to determine the expected consequences of suggested con-
nections among the parts of an explanation generated by the compiled-knowl-
More kinds of knowledge 121

edge diagnostician. Associated with each diagnostic hypothesis is knowl-

edge about how the malfunction that it represents modifies normal condi-
tions. These changes are broadly categorized as functional changes (anemia
causes loss of oxygenation function), connectivity changes (blocked com-
mon bile duct causes backing up of bile), and structural changes (swelling
of pancreas can push on the liver). 2 The module has methods for exploring
the causal consequences of each type of change.
The causal-reasoning module is appropriate when a possible causal con-
nection has been noted among hypotheses of the current explanation.

An example case. Consider the following case as a concrete example of the

kinds of decisions that arise during medical diagnosis (Harvey & Bordley,
1972, pp. 294-298). A 52-year-old Italian laborer presented with the follow-
ing symptoms:
1. A series of "palpitations" and associated chest pains and sweating. No
overt signs of heart trouble.
2. Blood test indications of anemia (low hematocrit, low red blood count,
and low hemoglobin).
3. Increased liver size, increased bilirubin of the indirect (nonconjugated)
type, and slight jaundice, which indicates a possible liver disease.
The diagnostician has a number of choices in reasoning at this stage:
1. Make the best diagnosis based on the available data, to wit, an unclassi-
fied type of liver disease and an anemia, probably thalassemia minor, based
on the serological data and the patient's heritage. (Thalassemia minor is a
common anemia of people with a Mediterranean heritage.)
2. Ask for more data that can help further the diagnosis. Given the present state
of the diagnostic reasoning process, what data will give the most leverage in
getting a more complete, more detailed, or more confident diagnosis? In this
case, one could ask for more data about the liver disease, such as a biopsy of
the organ or further blood studies to elucidate the kind of anemia.
3. Question data that do not fit with the present best diagnosis and validate
them if necessary. In the subsequent work on this case, the physician or-
dered X rays to confirm the existence of bleeding esophageal varices (bleed-
ing from enlarged veins in the throat). Although the X rays were negative,
other evidence was sufficient for confirmation (vomiting of blood, stop-
page of bleeding with a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube).
4. Use the present diagnosis as a starting point for considering possible causal
interactions among the affected organs that would explain the signs and
symptoms of the case. In so doing, one may discover a relationship that
indicates a specific disease and data that confirm or refute this disease.
This creation of a causal story can be a powerful tool in reducing the set of
diagnostic hypotheses that need to be examined in more detail. In this
case a possible relationship exists between the specific type of anemia,
which causes an excess of iron in the blood, and the liver, which is respon-
sible for maintaining iron equilibrium. This relationship suggests consid-
ering diseases of the liver that result from overexposure to iron.
What follows is a brief example of the run of the diagnostic system on this
case. Many details have been omitted, but the trace is presented to provide
an idea of the types of problem solving that occur in the system. Note that,
depending on the initial data, the system may solve the problem in a com-
pletely different way.
Step L Given the data-base values and the findings to explain, the com-
piled-knowledge diagnostician, which always runs first, formed an ini-
tial diagnosis of {Thalassemia Minor, Hepatomegaly}.
Step 2. The generated explanation was rated using two criteria to deter-
mine if it was good enough. The criteria in this case were that the ex-
planation should explain all the findings and that it should consist of
hypotheses that are most detailed (i.e., come from the tip level of the
classification hierarchy). The explanation was considered to be not good
enough (the hypothesis elements explained all the findings but were
not all at the tip level of the hierarchy), so the top-level sponsor-selec-
tor system was invoked.
Step 3. The methods deemed appropriate this time were data gathering and
causal reasoning, both of which were rated +3 on a scale from +3 (com-
pletely appropriate) to -3 (completely inappropriate). Data gathering
was appropriate because the hierarchy was not explored to tip level.
Causal reasoning was appropriate because a possible functional rela-
tionship was noted between Thalassemia Minor and Hepatomegaly.
Thalassemia Minor produces iron and the normal liver consumes iron.
(Hepatomegaly is an enlarged liver.) The causal-reasoning module was
selected according to the tie-breaking knowledge of the sponsor's
method-priority list, since causal reasoning was set to have a higher
priority than gathering data
Step 4. The causal-reasoning module focused on the possible functional
relationships of iron, based on the Excess-Produce-Iron function of
Thalassemia Minor and the Consume-Iron function of Liver. Note that
consuming iron is a normal function of the liver and that there was no
evidence of liver impairment.
Step 5. Given the proposed iron interaction, a search was made for a causal
model of the iron metabolism of the liver. It was found in the Liver
specialist associated with Iron-Metabolism. The liver's iron metabo-
lism function was simulated using the initial conditions of excess iron,
derived from Excess-Produce-Iron of Thalassemia Minor. It also
searched for a Consume-Iron effect on Thalassemia Minor but found
Step 6. The simulation led to the state Iron-Deposits-In-Liver-Cells, which
the inferencing database noted as abnormal (the data base stores nor-
mal ranges for all data). The causal-reasoning module searched to see
if Iron-Deposits-In-Liver-Cells is associated with any known disease.
It did this by searching an association list of states-to-malfunctions
stored in the Liver specialist. An association was discovered between
Iron-Deposits-In-Liver-Cells and the disease Hemochromatosis.
Step 7. The causal-reasoning module invoked the node of the hierarchical
classifier associated with the disease Hemochromatosis to determine if
there was enough evidence to establish it. The node established and so
was proposed by Hemochromatosis to replace Hepatomegaly as a hy-
pothesis for the abductive assembler, because the latter is a subtype of
the former and the abductive assembler was trying to create the most
More kinds of knowledge 123
detailed explanation possible. The causal-reasoning module then re-
turned control to the top-level specialist.
Step 8. The compound explanation had not yet been changed, so the diag-
nostic explanation was still not good enough. The compiled-knowledge
diagnostician and data-gathering modules were the only ones judged to
be appropriate and both were rated at +3. The compiled-knowledge di-
agnostician was appropriate because the causal-reasoning module had
suggested Hemochromatosis as a hypothesis for use in the composite
explanation. Data gathering was appropriate because the hierarchy was
still not explored to tip level. Because the compiled-knowledge diag-
nostician was set to have higher priority, it was invoked next.
Step 9. The compiled-knowledge diagnostician created a new explanation
with the elements {Thalassemia Minor, Hemochromatosis}. This ex-
planation was complete and detailed enough, so diagnosis was finished.

PATHEX/LIVER: Structure-function models for causal reasoning

The tools and techniques we are developing in the PATHEX project apply to
the generic problem solving underlying diagnostic reasoning. As such they
should have significance for knowledge-based systems in other medical do-
mains. Of primary significance is the exploration of concepts and techniques
for integrating compiled-knowledge reasoning based on symptom-disease
associations with "deep reasoning," based on structure-function models within
the framework of an abductive-reasoning architecture for the diagnostic pro-
In large medical domains such as liver disease it is not practical to en-
code, in compiled-knowledge form, considerations regarding every factor
bearing on a decision. A traditional problem in this regard is the difficulty of
encoding considerations of co-occurring, possibly interacting disorders and
the variations of presentation of a given disorder. Not only is it very labor
intensive to encode this, but it is usually impossible to avoid encoding im-
plicit unwarranted assumptions and inconsistencies into the compiled knowl-
edge. This is true because of the complexities of programming such a sys-
tem and because there is a strong tendency during the knowledge-engineer-
ing process to extract from experts oversimplified versions of the knowl-
edge that they use in making decisions.
Systems that incorporate structure-function models have the potential for
overcoming some of these difficulties because such models provide a means
to explicitly represent relations and assumptions underlying compiled knowl-
edge. Structure-function models can prove useful in this regard even if they
capture only some of the justification underlying a piece of compiled knowl-
However, a common problem with structure-function models is that they
are inefficient in searching for plausible hypotheses and in determining the
explanatory relationships between data items and the hypotheses that might
account for the data items. If one uses structure-function models as the sole
basis for diagnostic reasoning, one gains perspicuity of representation and a
potential for increasing the accuracy of the knowledge base, at the cost of
significantly greater computational complexity. Compiled knowledge, on
the other hand, can be used efficiently in diagnostic reasoning to search for
potential hypotheses, to generate diagnostic suggestions, and to determine
explanatory relationships.
We contend that it is possible to build a hybrid system, a middle ground,
where one can preserve the problem-solving efficiencies of compiled knowl-
edge, when compiled knowledge is adequate to solve the case at hand, and,
when compiled knowledge alone is not adequate, selectively supplement it
with deeper reasoning. The proposed hybrid system PATHEX/LIVER-2 will
still use compiled diagnostic knowledge in simple cases as the major means
for generating plausible hypotheses, for excluding unlikely hypotheses, and
for determining explanatory relationships. However, structure-function mod-
els will supplement the compiled knowledge in the system for unusual or
complex situations that the compiled knowledge cannot handle.
In the following sections we present progress we have made in our inves-
tigations concerning an abductive architecture for diagnosis based on com-
piled knowledge, and the progress we have made in understanding struc-
ture-function models in medicine and of how to integrate such models into
our abductive architecture.

Diagnosis as abduction - compiled knowledge

The idea that diagnostic reasoning is a special case of abductive problem
solving is by now well accepted. The PATHEX/LIVER project takes the view
that liver diagnosis based on laboratory and morphological information in-
volves assembly of explanatory hypotheses. The overall complexity of
abductive reasoning can be minimized if the overall process can be decom-
posed into a process that first generates plausible hypotheses, and another
process that critiques and assembles these plausible hypotheses into a com-
posite explanatory hypothesis.
Our architecture that uses compiled knowledge for performing abduction
has consisted of three main cooperating modules (see Figure 5.2). These
modules perform the same generic tasks that were described in detail in
previous chapters (especially chapter 2). The first module is an inferencing
data base that uses the ID ABLE language, which has primitives for express-
ing data attributes, relationships, and inference procedures. (IDABLE is de-
scribed in chapter 2.) The second module is a subhypothesis-selection mod-
ule, which uses the generic tasks of hierarchical classification and hypoth-
esis matching. Hierarchical classification uses the CSRL language (described
in chapter 2) for representing the hierarchies of knowledge and uses the
establish-refine control regime for hypothesis refinement. Hypothesis match-
More kinds of knowledge 125


Abductive Assembly


Subhypothesis Selection |lnferencing Database |

Hierarchical Hypothesi s Knowledge-Directed

Classification Matching Data Retrieval

Figure 5.2. Architecture for abduction using compiled knowledge.

ing uses the HYPER language (chapter 2) to represent the knowledge for
mapping patterns of data to confidence values.
The third module is an Overview module based on the PEIRCE language
(see chapter 4) which performs hypothesis assembly and criticism. In the
mechanism used in the Overview module for PATHEX/LIVER-1 abductive
assembly alternates between assembly and criticism.3 Assembly is performed
by a means-ends problem solver that is driven by the goal of explaining all
the significant findings using hypotheses that are maximally specific. At
each step of assembly, the most significant datum yet to be explained is used
to select the most plausible subhypothesis that offers to explain it. After the
initial assembly the critic removes superfluous parts and determines which
parts are essential (i.e., explains some datum that no other plausible hypoth-
esis can explain). Assembly is repeated, starting with the essential
subhypotheses. Finally, the critic again removes any superfluous parts. This
is essentially the RED-2 strategy for abductive assembly (see chapter 3),
although it is augmented by PEIRCE's tactic of delaying hard decisions and
PEIRCE's ability to influence hypothesis refinement (see chapter 4).
Abductive assembly depends heavily on knowing which data a composite
hypothesis can explain in the particular case. In RED-2, this was relatively
easy because it was possible to determine what a composite hypothesis ex-
plained by "adding up" what each subhypothesis explained (see chapter 3).
In PATHEX/LIVER-1, as an interim solution to the problem, we directly
attached a description of the data that each subhypothesis offers to explain.
This description is provided by compiled knowledge associated with each
potential subhypothesis. However, for better diagnostic performance in the
liver disease domain more flexibility is needed to determine how disorders
interact causally. We intend to use a type of structure-function model to
provide this ability in the proposed PATHEX/LIVER-2 system.

Use of functional knowledge for diagnosis

In this section we summarize what we call "functional knowledge struc-
tures" and some ways in which diagnostic reasoning can use them. The func-
tional knowledge represented corresponds to a person's understanding of
certain aspects of how something works. The representation for this knowl-
edge organizes the knowledge of how the device's functions result from causal
processes that arise from the structure of the device and the functions of its
components. The representation contains specific pointers to chunks of ge-
neric domain knowledge and assumptions about alternative processes that
the device uses to achieve its functions. This knowledge can be used in sev-
eral ways in diagnostic systems. A functional model of the normally operat-
More kinds of knowledge 127
Representation of structure. We need to be able to list components and the
structural relations that hold among the components. We also need to be
able to express something about abstractions of components, namely, what
the functions of the components are. For medical diagnosis, at the top level
of this kind of representation is the overall decomposition of the human
body into its constituent systems, beginning with the overall functions of
the body - metabolism, mobility, perception, and so forth - and associated
with them, some of the major subsystems -vascular, nervous, and so on.

Representation offunction. A typical function of the vascular system is to

lower the blood pressure of the body when the blood pressure is abnormally
high. This information is represented in FR in a function description such as
that in the upper part of Figure 5.3, with the statement Function: lower-
blood-pressure-of-body. ToMake is a primitive of the FR language that takes
as an argument the state of the system that will be achieved if the function is
successfully accomplished. In this case it says,
ToMake: decreased-blood-pressure
If: blood-pressure-abnormally-high,
By: lower-blood-pressure-process.
Thus, at the highest level of functional description all that is encoded is that
this system has a function, that the goal of this function is to reach a certain
end state given certain beginning states, and that the process (i.e., the way it
is done) has a name by which its detailed description can be retrieved.

Representation of causal processes. A causal process description is shown in

the lower part of Figure 5.3. In the //'statement, blood-pressure-abnormally-
high names a (partially described) state of the system. If this state occurs,
using the function generate-high-BP-signal of the component sympathetic-
nervous-system, the state called high-blood-pressure-signal-generated is
reached. From this state, the final state - blood-pressure-reduced - is reached
by using the function lower-blood-pressure of the component vascular-sys-
tem. Notice that the state transitions are explained by referring to compo-
nents upon whose functions these transitions depend. For example, in this
case the state changed from blood-pressure-abnormally-high to high-blood-
pressure-signal-generated because of the function generate-high-BP-signal
of the component sympathetic-nervous-system. So, at an abstract level, only
this has been represented: the statement that a certain function exists, the
function's defining properties, and the fact that this function is made pos-
sible by certain causal processes (described as annotated state sequences).
Notice that if there is sufficient understanding for one's purposes at this
level of detail, the representation is adequate and uncluttered by further causal
detail. However, if it is desirable to know in more detail how a process or a
transition takes place, this can be pursued by examining the representations

Typical Function

Function: lower-blood-pressure-of-body
ToMake: decreased-blood-pressure
If: blood-pressure-abnormally-high
By: lower-blood-pressure-process

Typical Causal-Process Description

-abnormally-high ^Using Function
Using Function
v vascular-system

Figure 5.3. Functional representation.

of the functions of subsystems that participate in the causal process (e.g., in

this case, generate-high-BP-signal).
Our representation currently provides for three ways to explain state tran-
sitions. One way, illustrated in the lower half of Figure 5.3, is by referring to
a particular function of a particular component or subsystem that is taken to
be responsible for the state transition. This way is represented by annotating
the state transition in the causal-process description using the Using Func-
tion primitive of the FR language. Using Function attaches the function de-
scription to the state transition. The function description for the component
may itself use the By primitive to attach a causal-process description, which
may again use the Using Function primitive to attach a description of a
lower level function, and so on. Thus, the FR language provides a kind of
dual representation whereby functions are explained by the causal processes
by which they are achieved, and causal processes are explained by the func-
tions of components that are responsible for the state transitions that make
up a causal process. In this way the FR represents the roles of the various
More kinds of knowledge 129
components and subsystems by representing the functions that they perform
as participants in significant causal processes.
A second way to explain a state transition is to give details by describing
a sequence of intermediate states. This explanation is represented by anno-
tating the state transition with the By primitive of the FR language. The By
primitive attaches a causal-process description to the state transition. In this
way a step in a causal process is explained by describing a subprocess that is
responsible for the step.
A third way to explain a state transition is by reference to a general principle
or a scientific law that accounts for the change. For example, a reduction in
blood pressure may result from a reduction in blood volume (from rapid loss of
blood, say), but a full understanding of this state transition requires understand-
ing that a reduction of liquid volume generally results in loss of pressure in an
elastic container. The As Per primitive attaches general-knowledge principles
to state transitions. One way to represent general knowledge, especially scien-
tific laws, is in the form of equations that relate parameters of antecedent states
to parameters of subsequent states. This form of representation in FR was used
in the Transgene project at Ohio State (Darden, Moberg, Thadani, & Josephson,
1992) and extensively by Jon Sticklen and his group at Michigan State Univer-
sity (Sticklen, Kamel, & Bond, 1991a, b).
Sometimes the states in a causal process do not form a neat linear se-
quence, and some work has been done using more general directed-graph
representations in FR, but for simplicity we have stayed with linear repre-
sentations in this exposition. In general, understanding a causal process may
involve more than knowing the states and steps in the process; it may also
require the ability to make certain inferences, for example, in abstracting a
process of cyclic state transitions to attach the concept of oscillation. Again,
some work has been done in this regard, but it is preliminary, and for sim-
plicity we have not described it here.

Use of functional representation in diagnosis. How can functional repre-

sentations be used within an abductive architecture for diagnosis? Our basic
idea is that forms of compiled knowledge can be generated, or augmented,
or explained, or justified, by invoking structure-function models of the sub-
systems or the pathophysiological states with which the compiled knowl-
edge is associated.
Our research demonstrates several ways in which functional models can
be used to produce pieces of compiled knowledge for use in diagnosis.
Sembugamoorthy and Chandrasekaran (1986) showed how a hierarchical-
classification structure of malfunctions useful for diagnosing a device can
be built by using compilation processes on a functional representation of the
device. Sticklen (1987), in the MDX2 system, used a functional representa-
tion of the complement system (part of the immune system), in conjunction

with a type of qualitative simulation, to predict the states and their values
that would result from particular initial states of the system (see chapter 8).
Sticklen (1987) used the output of this simulation to compile potentially
useful pieces of hypothesis-matching knowledge for disorders that affect
the complement system. Although compiled knowledge generated in this
manner is not equivalent to clinical heuristic knowledge derived from expe-
rience, it can nevertheless be used to supplement such experiential knowl-
edge, to causally explain it, to justify it, or to check its consistency under
appropriate circumstances.
Matt DeJongh explored the use of FR in the RED domain for representing
the causal processes that relate data to potential explanations (DeJongh,
1991). He was able to use FR representations of the processes involved in
antibody-antigen reactions to formulate explanatory hypotheses (at run time)
by deriving them from the causal-process representations.

Use of structural knowledge for diagnosis: Consolidation

In this section, we briefly describe a second deep-reasoning method that we
are developing and applying to medical situations. It is important to distin-
guish between two senses of the word behavior. (See Bylander &
Chandrasekaran, 1985.) One sense is to describe the order of events that
occur in a causal process (e.g., to describe the actual sequence of events
leading to increased bile in the bile duct due to biliary obstruction). We call
this sense actual behavior. The other sense is to describe the general charac-
teristics of a component or a subsystem, independent of its interactions with
other components or subsystems (e.g., the hepatocyte conjugates bilirubin
with glucuronide to form direct bilirubin). We call the second sense poten-
tial behavior. The problem of simulation is to determine actual behavior
from potential behavior - to determine the actual sequence of events. The
problem of consolidation is to determine the potential behavior of a system
or a subsystem from a description of its parts.
Both structure and behavior are represented for consolidation. The struc-
tural description is composed of:
1. Components. These form the topology of the device. Veins, arteries, heart
chambers, and valves are examples of components.
2. Substances. The term "substance" refers to any kind of "stuff that can be
thought of as moving from one place to another. Besides physical stuff, such
as liquids, the term is also intended to refer to nonmaterial stuffs that are
commonsensically thought of as substances, such as heat, light, and informa-
tion. Blood and nerve signals are biological examples of such substances.
3. Connections between components. A connection implies that certain kinds of
substances can pass between the components. The left ventricle, for example,
is connected to the aortic valve, and blood can pass between them.
4. Containment of substances. Both components and substances can contain sub-
stances. For example, arteries contain blood, and blood contains oxygen.
More kinds of knowledge 131
Behavior is represented according to the basic types of behavior that the
consolidation research has identified. Some of these are:
1. Allow. A substance is permitted to move from one place to another. A vein
has an allow-bXood behavior. A nerve has antf/Zow-nerve-signalbehavior.
2. Expel. This is an attempt to move a substance from/to one place to/from
anywhere. The chambers of the heart have expel-bXood behaviors.
3. Pump. This is an attempt to move a substance through some path or in
some direction. The difference between expel and pump behaviors is that
pump behaviors have direction. The heart has a pump-bXood behavior.
4. Move. A substance moves from one place to another. The cardiovascular
system has a move-bXood behavior. Move behaviors are implicitly con-
strained by the amount and the capacity of the source and sink containers.
The attributes of a behavior may depend on the occurrence of other behav-
iors. For example, the amount of the heart's pump-bXood behavior depends on
signals from the nervous system (i.e., on /wove-nerve-signal behaviors).

Behavioral relationships between a system and its elements. By consolida-

tion, the behavioral description of a system is inferred from the behavior
and the structure of its components and substances. This description is in-
ferred primarily by using causal patterns. Causal patterns can be used to
hypothesize behaviors based on structural combinations of other behaviors.
Some of these causal patterns are:
1. Serial/parallel allow. An allow behavior can be caused by two serial or
two parallel allow behaviors. For example, if one blood vessel (which has
an allow-blood behavior) is connected to another blood vessel, the combi-
nation of the blood vessels also has an allow-blood behavior.
2. Propagate expel. A pump behavior can be caused by an allow behavior
and an expel behavior that is located at an endpoint of the allow. For ex-
ample, the expel-blood behavior of the left ventricle combines with the
allow-blood behavior of the aortic valve to give rise to a pump-blood be-
havior over the combination of chamber and valve.
Consolidation can be used to generate predictions from structural descrip-
tions of either normal or pathological systems. These predictions can be
used to support diagnostic reasoning by helping to determine the data that a
simple or a composite hypothesis can explain and by generating data expec-
tations for hypotheses that can be used for hypothesis scoring and for detect-
ing mistaken data values.

Integrating functional representation and consolidation

within an abductive architecture
To integrate structure-function reasoning methods within an abductive ar-
chitecture one must entertain a broad picture of the types of knowledge in-
volved. Figure 5.4 summarizes this view of diagnostic knowledge. Both pro-
cesses and knowledge structures are shown, with pieces of diagnostic and


Functional j

(Predictive j
I Knowledge I

I Behavioral I Structural
I Knowledge I Knowledge

Access Output Compilation

Figure 5.4. Some types of knowledge useful for diagnosis and compilation processes
that derive one type from another.

predictive knowledge shown as being generated from structure-function

models. The component of Figure 5.4 labeled Compiled Diagnostic Knowl-
edge refers to the knowledge required to support the abductive architecture
shown in Figure 5.2.
Figure 5.4 represents the claim that a form of functional knowledge exists
that explicitly encodes how various functions of a device arise from causal
processes occurring within the structure of the device. Furthermore, we sug-
gest that there are compilation processes that can use this representation to
produce forms of knowledge directly useful in diagnosis. This kind of com-
pilation is not the only way to obtain diagnostic knowledge, but it is one
way to produce some of this knowledge.
We hypothesize that the links between deep and surface types of knowl-
edge allow physicians to understand how alterations in a body system's struc-
More kinds of knowledge 133
ture and the functions of its components lead to malfunctions and their mani-
festations. These links can also be used to justify their more heuristic knowl-
edge. Given an unfamiliar diagnostic situation for which they do not have
explicitly compiled experiential knowledge, physicians are still often able
to use this type of deep understanding to produce plausible diagnostic hy-
Figure 5.4 also represents the claim that there are compilation processes
that transform knowledge describing structure, to knowledge describing be-
havior. So far in the artificial intelligence literature these processes have
mainly been based on qualitative simulation. We have described consolida-
tion another deep-reasoning method to accomplish this task (Bylander, 1986;
Bylander & Chandrasekaran, 1985). Consolidation was inspired in part by
our analysis of protocols of expert diagnosticians.

Using functional and causal knowledge for hypothesis interactions. During

assembly of composite diagnostic hypotheses there is a need to take into
account the various interactions among the hypotheses, both to choose cor-
rectly what subhypotheses to add to a growing composite, and to compute
what the composite can account for. The need to represent these interactions
and appropriately effect hypothesis assembly is discussed in this section.
Subhypotheses may interact in such a way that the presence of one may
add or detract from the plausibility or accounts-for attributes of another in a
number of ways. These interactions include the following:
1. Subhypotheses may simply be mutually exclusive.
2. Statistical correlations may exist between subhypotheses.
3. One subhypothesis may need another as part of its explanatory structure.
4. There may be functional, causal, and/or structural relationships among
In PATHEX/LIVER-2 we hypothesize that structure-function models will be
of great help in the last two cases.
RED-2 and PATHEX/LIVER-1 use a similar assembly strategy. Both can
use the first two types of interactions (e.g., knowing that chronic hepatitis
and acute hepatitis are mutually exclusive) to promote or demote certain
subhypotheses during assembly. However, their accounts-for determinations
and the assembly mechanisms must be enriched to take into account the
additional types of interactions.
In RED-2 and PATHEX/LIVER-1, each subhypothesis presents what it
can account for without consideration of other subhypotheses that are present.
In both systems this information is generated by extracting from the known
data for a case the portion that can be accounted for by a particular hypoth-
esis; we call this process filtering. Currently, in PATHEX/LIVER-1 filtering
relies on an explicit listing of the data in the database that can be accounted
for by each hypothesis. Explicit domain knowledge of the effect of interac-
tions of hypotheses (causally based or otherwise) needs to be incorporated
so that the explanatory coverage of composite hypotheses can be determined.
RED-2 and PATHEX/LIVER-1 can handle interactions of this type that
are limited to additivity of manifestations. These interactions are easily ac-
commodated in the assembly procedure that computes the data that compos-
ites can explain. However, neither of these systems can accommodate fea-
tures that, instead of being additive, have opposite effects on some observ-
able parameter. Nor is anything handled regarding functional relations among
hypotheses, or hypotheses that have more complex causal structures relat-
ing the parts. PATHEX/LI VER-1 did not capture the way in which deeper
causal knowledge of the domain can be mobilized to find new subhypotheses,
or can be used to derive what can be explained by a composite hypothesis,
or can be used to connect the parts of a composite. For liver diagnosis and
other medical domains the abductive process needs to be enriched to take
advantage of all these possibilities.
Furthermore, in RED-2 and PATHEX/LI VER-1, we did not provide for
adjusting what a hypothesis can account for during hypothesis assembly.
Each hypothesis matcher runs at most once, generating a hypothesis with a
confidence value and a description of what the hypothesis can account for.
Certain errors occurred because this accounts-for description was never re-
adjusted (see the section of chapter 3 on RED-2 performance). In these cases,
to explain a small residual of data left after subtracting what the leading
contenders could collectively account for, the system included additional
hypotheses of lower plausibility. The system had selected correct hypoth-
eses but had incorrectly determined what they accounted for. The assembler
could have avoided such errors by incorporating additional knowledge, which
would have encouraged leading hypotheses to account for additional residual
data. Sticklen, Chandrasekaran, & Josephson (1985) describe a method for
adjusting these accounts-for descriptions.

Further extension to assembly and criticism. In addition to the extensions

for improving the accounts-for behavior of hypotheses, several other exten-
sions to assembly can be envisioned. In future PATHEX/LIVER hypothesis
assemblers, a form of recursive assembly is needed, with multiple levels of
organization represented in the assembled hypotheses. Hypotheses will be
assembled from parts that are themselves assemblies. (PEIRCE provides for
this. See chapter 4.)
Finally, the PATHEX/LIVER-1 assembly module does not encode enough
domain pragmatics related to the importance or utility of alternative deci-
sions, or the perceived significance of findings. Should we downgrade the
subhypothesis cancer-of-the-stomach in a medical system because it did not
account for one finding that common-cold did? Should we detract from
subhypotheses not accounting for the patient's slightly red left cheek? The
More kinds of knowledge 135
knowledge underlying such considerations needs to be taken into account
more fully during the assembly process.
We anticipate that PATHEX/LIVER-2 will demonstrate the usefulness of
a new set of concepts and techniques in improving the ability of medical
knowledge-based systems to perform diagnostic reasoning by integrating
structure-function models with compiled diagnostic knowledge. This will
be a powerful adjunct to current knowledge-engineering techniques. In ad-
dition, we anticipate that the enhancements and additions to existing high-
level knowledge-engineering tools will offer a more flexible, extensible,
and modularized knowledge-engineering environment that will prove useful
in many other diagnostic domains.

1 William F. Punch III designed and built TIPS as part of his doctoral dissertation work under B.
Chandrasekaran and Jack Smith (Punch, 1989). John Svirbely, MD, and Jack Smith, MD, pro-
vided domain expertise.
2 [Note that {function | connection-topology | spatial-arrangements} is a domain-independent tri-
chotomy of diagnostically useful types of knowledge for almost any device. It applies in electri-
cal and mechanical as well as biological domains. Malfunction in a power supply may reduce
voltage available to other components and cause secondary loss of function. A break in electrical
connection can occur in any electrical device and has consequences that can be predicted if con-
nectivity is known. Overheating of an electrical component may damage spatially proximate com-
ponents. - J. J.]
3 Jack Smith, William Punch, Todd Johnson and Kathy Johnson designed PATHEX/LIVER-1. It
was implemented by William Punch (abductive assemblers), Kathy Johnson (inferencing data-
base, using ID ABLE software written by Jon Sticklen), and Todd Johnson (CSRL re-implementa-
tion and HYPER tool for hypothesis matching). John Svirbely, MD, Jack Smith, MD, Carl Speicher,
MD, Joel Lucas, MD, and John Fromkes, MD provided domain expertise.
4 For clarity we use the phrase causal-process description to replace what was called a behavior in
the original representations.
Better task analysis, better strategy - machine 4

Abduction machines - summary of progress

All six generations of abduction machines described in this book are at-
tempts to answer the question of how to organize knowledge and control
processing to make abductive problem solving computationally feasible. How
can an intelligent agent form good composite explanatory hypotheses with-
out getting lost in the large number of potentially applicable concepts and
the numerical vastness of their combinations? What general strategies can
be used? Furthermore, it is not enough simply to form the best explanation,
which already appears to be difficult, but an agent needs to be reasonably
sure that the explanation chosen is significantly better than alternative ex-
planations, even though generating all possible explanations so that they
can be compared is usually not feasible.
Thus it seems that we are in deep trouble. Logic demands that an explana-
tion be compared with alternatives before it can be confidently accepted,
but bounded computational resources make it impossible to generate all of
the alternatives. So it seems, tragically, that knowledge is impossible! Yet
we are saved after all by a clever trick; and that trick is implicit comparison.
A hypothesis is compared with alternatives without explicitly generating
them all. One way to do this, as we have seen, is by comparing parts of
hypotheses. By comparing hypothesis-part hj with hypothesis-part h2, all
composite hypotheses containing h] are implicitly compared with all com-
posites containing h2. Another way to implicitly compare hypotheses is to
rely on a hypothesis generator that generates hypotheses in approximate or-
der of most plausible first. If the plausibility ordering can be more or less
trusted, then the agent simply has to explore a few more hypotheses beyond
the first generated to find the best alternatives. Perhaps human memory pro-
cesses work in this way and remind us of more plausible hypothesis-gener-
ating ideas before less plausible ones - at least approximately and most of
the time.

Summary of Progress and Task Analysis of Abductive Hypothesis Formation are by John
R. Josephson. Concurrent Assembly is by Ashok K. Goel, John R. Josephson, and P.
Sadayappan. Efficiency of the Essentials-first Strategy is by Olivier Fischer, Ashok K.
Goel, John Svirbely, and Jack W. Smith.

Better task analysis, better strategy 137
Machine 1
First-generation machines, such as RED-1, use the hypothesis-assembly strat-
egy of beginning with the most plausible hypothesis and continuing to con-
join less and less plausible hypotheses until all the data are explained. Then,
to ensure parsimony, the first-generation strategy is to work from least to
most plausible part of the working hypothesis, removing any parts that are
explanatorily superfluous. Then a form of criticism occurs that determines,
for each part in the working hypothesis, whether it is essential - that is,
whether it explains some datum that can be explained in no other way
(known to the system). If hj is essential, then any composite hypothesis with-
out h1 will necessarily leave something unexplained. The strategy for de-
termining essentialness is to construct the largest composite hypothesis, not
including the part in question, and to check for an unexplained remainder.
Essential parts of the final composite hypothesis are marked as especially
This is the overall strategy of RED-1. It is domain-independent, not in
being applicable in every domain, but in having a specification that makes
no use of domain-specific terms. Instead the specification is confined to the
domain-independent (but abduction-specific) vocabulary of hypotheses, their
plausibilities, what they explain, and so forth. Systems such as RED-1 that
use this strategy can be considered to be instances of the Machine 1 abstract
abduction machine.

Machine 2
Second-generation abduction machines, such as RED-2, use the hypothesis-
assembly strategy of focusing attention on an unexplained datum and con-
joining to the working hypothesis a hypothesis that best explains that datum
(typically the most plausible explainer). Then the unexplained remainder is
computed, and a new focus of attention is chosen. This process continues
until all the data are explained, or until no further progress can be made. In
effect, the assembly strategy is to decompose the larger abduction problem,
that of explaining all the data, into a series of smaller and easier abduction
subproblems of explaining a series of particular data items. The smaller prob-
lems are easier to solve primarily because they usually have smaller differ-
entials than the larger problem does, that is, there are fewer relevant alterna-
tive explainers. Second generation machines also have a way to handle in-
compatible hypotheses: The consistency of the growing hypothesis is main-
tained, even if doing so requires removing parts of the hypothesis to accom-
modate a new one.
Second-generation machines use the same strategy for ensuring parsimony
as first-generation machines do, but they have a more elaborate strategy for
determining essentialness. Some hypotheses are discovered to be essential
during assembly of an initial composite (if it is noticed that a finding has
only one plausible explainer), but for each part of the initial composite whose
essentialness has not been determined, an attempt is made to construct a
complete, consistent alternative hypothesis that does not use the part in ques-
tion. If this cannot be done, the hypothesis is essential. If essential hypoth-
eses are found, the set of essentials is used as a starting point to assemble a
new composite hypothesis. Parsimony is checked again if necessary.
Overall this is the second-generation strategy. This one too is domain in-
dependent. Machines that use this strategy can be considered to be instances
of abstract Machine 2. Machines of generations one and two were described
in detail in chapter 3 as descriptions of RED-1 and RED-2.

Machine 3
Machine 3 (e.g., PEIRCE) has a more advanced strategy that combines im-
proved overall flexibility and opportunism in problem solving with some
new abilities. The flexibility and opportunism come from choosing at run
time from among several ways of improving the working hypothesis. Most
of these hypothesis-improvement tactics are already parts of the second-
generation strategy, but in Machine 3 they are separated out and available in
mixed order rather than always in the same fixed sequence.
Machine 3 has three main new abilities: control of hypothesis refinement,
special response to special data or patterns of data, and delaying hard deci-
sions. These three abilities, and the opportunism, are described in Chapter
4. Machine 3 also accepts "plug-in modules" that give it additional abilities
to reason with explicit causal, functional, and/or structural knowledge. These
extensions are described in chapter 5.
Control of hypothesis refinement enables a strategy of first assembling a
general hypothesis and then pursuing greater specificity. A diagnostician
might decide that the patient has some form of liver disease and also some
form of anemia, and decide to pursue a more detailed explanation by con-
sidering possible subtypes. Special response to special data or patterns of
data enables a reasoner to take advantage of evoking knowledge that associ-
ates specific findings or finding patterns with hypotheses or families of hy-
potheses especially worth considering. Delaying hard decisions - postpon-
ing choosing an explainer for an ambiguous finding - has advantages for
computational efficiency and for correctness. The efficiency advantages come
from not making decisions during hypothesis assembly that are arbitrary or
risky, and thus avoiding the need for subsequent retraction during the pro-
cess of criticism. The correctness advantage arises because a mistaken ear-
lier decision may adversely affect later decisions during assembly, and criti-
cism may not be able to detect and correct a mistaken choice. (The correct-
ness advantage has not been directly tested empirically.)
Better task analysis, better strategy 139
Table 6.1. Six generations of abduction machines

Abduction Main Main Described

machine No. innovations Implementations in chapter
1 Plausibility guided greedy RED-1 3
assembly. Criticism for
parsimony and essentialness.
2 Decompose big abduction RED-2 3
problems into little
abduction problems. Handle
incompatible hypotheses.
3 Opportunistic control. Delaying PEIRCE,RED-3, 4,5
hard decisions. Control of hypo- TIPS,
thesis refinement. Special PATHEX/LIVER
responses to special data or patterns.
4 Essentials-first strategy. RED-domain 6
Partial explanations; nonspeculation. experiments.
Concurrent assembly. Concurrent none.
5 Incompatibility interactions PEIRCE-IGTT, 9
used for disambiguation. CV, Peyer Case,
6 Layered abduction. Management 3-Level, 10
of top-down information flow. ArtRec.

Machines 4, 5, and 6
Although some subtasks of forming a composite explanation are inherently
sequential, others are not. Our work on Machine 4 was stimulated by the
idea of trying to design for concurrent processing, and thereby force an analy-
sis of the subtask dependencies. The result, however, was a new task analy-
sis and a new abductive-assembly strategy, both of which make sense inde-
pendently of concurrent processing. In Machine 4, subtasks that do not de-
pend on one another are performed concurrently, and composite explana-
tions are formed by starting with a kernel of essential hypotheses and work-
ing outward to less and less confident ones. Fourth-generation machines are
described in this chapter, whereas fifth-generation machines are described
in chapter 9 and sixth-generation machines are described in chapter 10.
Table 6.1 shows the main innovations associated with each of the six ma-
chines. The capabilities of the machines are summarized in the appendix
entitled Truth Seekers in the section entitled Abduction Machines.

Task analysis of explanatory hypothesis formation

The task (goal) of forming a composite explanation for a given body of data
can be achieved by way of two main subtasks (subgoals): generating el-

ementary hypotheses, and forming a composite hypothesis using the elemen-

tary ones. One method for the larger task is to generate some initially prom-
ising elementary hypotheses, then to compose, returning for more elemen-
tary hypotheses as needed (perhaps generating more refined hypotheses, as
is possible in Machine 3). In this method the two subtasks are pursued in a
back-and-forth manner. A somewhat simpler method, and the only one avail-
able in Machines 1 and 2, is first to generate all plausible elementary hy-
potheses (those that cannot be ruled out) and then to compose. The two
subtasks are pursued serially. For simplicity in this section we suppose the
simpler serial method, although with suitable elaborations almost everything
said here also applies to the back-and-forth method.
Figure 6.1 shows a task analysis of abductive hypothesis formation. It is
intentionally left somewhat vague by leaving out criticism, and by ignoring
the somewhat different character of the subtasks depending on which meth-
ods are used. Note that this describes only one family of ways to accomplish the
task; it may be especially apt, but it is not necessarily unique. Generating an
elementary hypothesis can usefully be considered to consist of two subtasks:
evocation (stimulating consideration of a particular hypothesis-forming con-
cept ) and instantiation (particularizing the concept to the case at hand).

One method for evocation is to search systematically for applicable con-

Explain the data

Generate elementary Form composite

hypotheses explanation

Evoke Instantiate

Determine Determine
explanatory initial confidence
coverage value

Figure 6.1. Task analysis of abductive hypothesis formation.

Better task analysis, better strategy 141
cepts in a top-down fashion through a concept hierarchy organized by gen-
erality. Refinements of inapplicable general concepts are not considered.
This is evocation by hierarchical classification, as is done in RED-1, RED-
2, and in most of the diagnostic systems we built. Note that there are usually
no dependencies in judging the applicability of the refinements of a con-
cept, so these judgments can be done in parallel. There is a natural degree of
coarse-grained parallelism in hierarchical-classification problem solving.
A second method for evocation is to stimulate consideration by cueing,
that is, by taking advantage of knowledge stored in the form of associations
between particular data concepts (e.g., high blood pressure) and particular
hypothesis-forming concepts likely to be relevant (e.g., eating too much salt).
One advantage to evocation by cueing is that it is very computationally effi-
cient; one disadvantage is that it is not exhaustive, so applicable concepts
may be missed and it is difficult to be sure that they have not. Note that
cueing can be done in parallel. A similar method for evocation is contextual
priming, where the association with the hypothesis-forming concept comes
from elements of a situation other than the data to be explained. Priming is
described in more detail in chapter 10.
A third method for evocation is to use an explicit causal representation to
work backward from effect to possible causes. Matt DeJongh (1991) ex-
plored this possibility in the RED domain.
Yet another method for evocation is to generate a new explanatory con-
cept by forming an analogy.1 This is a subtle and interesting topic, and we
will be able to explore it only briefly and suggestively here. What happens
is that the present situation reminds the agent of a previous one, and causal
knowledge is then transferred and adapted. (See, for example, Schank, 1986.)
This form of reasoning appears to rest on the quasi-logical principle that:
What happens once, can happen again. The present situation and the previ-
ous episode are members of the same class (perhaps an ad hoc category set
up by their similarity). The occurrence of the previous episode is an exist-
ence proof that things of that kind actually do happen. So they may be hap-
pening again in the present situation. The causal hypothesis adapted from
the previous episode is then prima facie plausible because it is already known
that such things do happen. It seems that this pattern of reasoning requires
making a distinction between a mere logical possibility and the "real possi-
bility" that something known to have occurred is occurring again. Indeed
we can see analogy used everywhere to argue for plausibility, once we have
eyes to see it.2 The existence of hypothesization by analogy raises the in-
triguing possibility that we have been misled by the limitations of tradi-
tional logic into thinking that most general knowledge consists of univer-
sally quantified general propositions, where instead, most general knowl-
edge is knowledge of possibilities.

Once evoked, a concept needs to be instantiated, or attached to the data for
the current case. It is not enough, to use a perceptual example, for the frog
concept to be activated in my brain; it also needs to be attached as a hypoth-
esis to account for the croaking sound that I just heard. Besides determining
what a hypothesis can account for it is also useful to have a prima facie
estimate of its likelihood - an initial plausibility, a confidence estimate that
can be used as a guide in comparing the hypothesis with rivals. Typically we
set up our systems first to try ruling out a hypothesis based on its failure to
meet certain prestored necessary conditions. If rule-out fails, explanatory
coverage is determined; then a confidence estimate is made, sometimes based
in part on whether the explanatory coverage is extensive, or whether the
hypothesis will help explain anything at all. Clearly, the processes of deter-
mining explanatory coverage and of determining initial confidences are, in
general, entangled, and we have not gone far in systematically sorting them
out. Note that in general the instantiation of separate concepts can proceed
in parallel, but that the set-confidence and determine-coverage subtasks of
instantiating a concept are codependent and cannot be pursued separately .

Concurrent assembly
This section describes Machine 4.

The essentials-first strategy

We first describe a strategy for the abductive-assembly task (forming a com-
posite explanation from elementary ones), assuming that there are no inter-
actions among the elementary hypotheses except that of being explanatory
alternatives whose coverages overlap. Then we briefly describe how this
strategy can be extended to accommodate some types of interactions. Fi-
nally, we describe a concurrent mechanism for realizing the strategy in its
unextended form.
The abductive-assembly task takes as input a set of data D, the findings, and
a set of elementary hypotheses H, where each hypothesis h e H can explain
some portion of D, and each h e H has an associated prima facie confidence
value. The abductive-assembly task gives as output a composite explanation C
c; H that "best" explains D. In the new strategy the formation of a composite
explanation starts from islands of high confidence and grows by including hy-
potheses of lesser and lesser confidence, where this confidence is measured, not
by the prima facie confidence values as in Machine 1, but by local abductive
criteria of how well a hypothesis compares with explanatory rivals.
Machine 4 sets up three subtasks of the abductive-assembly task accord-
ing to the relative certainty with which the available elementary hypotheses
can be included in the composite explanation: (1) identifying and including
Better task analysis, better strategy 143
Essential hypotheses, (2) identifying and including Clear-Best hypotheses,
and (3) identifying and including Weak-Best hypotheses. These subtasks are
performed sequentially.
In the first subtask, the Essential hypotheses are identified for inclusion
in the composite explanation, where an elementary hypothesis is Essential if
it is the only available explanation for some finding in D. The collective
explanatory coverage of the set of Essential hypotheses is then determined.
If a portion of D remains unexplained, the second subtask is executed.
In the second subtask, the Clear-Best hypotheses are identified for inclu-
sion, where an elementary hypothesis is a Clear-Best if it is not an Essential
and if its prima facie confidence value is high both on some absolute scale
and relative to its explanatory alternatives for some unexplained finding.
That is, a Clear-Best must exceed some high threshold Tx of confidence and
must be at least T2 better than alternative explanations for some finding that
is not explained by an Essential. The expanded explanatory coverage of the
set of Essential and Clear-Best hypotheses is then determined. If some of
the data are still unexplained, the third subtask is executed.
In the third subtask, Weak-Best hypotheses are identified, where a Weak-
Best is neither an Essential nor a Clear-Best but is the best explanation for
some unexplained finding. The expanded explanatory coverage of the set of
Essential, Clear-Best, and Weak-Best hypotheses is then determined.
The explanatory coverage of this composite explanation may not explain
all the findings; some findings may be ambiguous, having no best explana-
tions, and some may be unexplainable, having no elementary hypotheses
offering to explain them. If there are ambiguous findings, but no unexplain-
able findings, and if complete explanatory coverage is important, then arbi-
trary choices can be made among the top-rated hypotheses for the remaining
unexplained findings. Usually, however, gathering more data is preferable
to making arbitrary choices. The Essential and Clear-Best hypotheses col-
lectively represent the most confident portion of the best explanation, whereas
the Weak-Best hypotheses are informed guesses, and arbitrarily chosen hy-
potheses are more risky informed guesses ("informed" because they are cho-
sen only from the top-rated hypotheses for explaining some finding).

Discussion of the strategy. Like the earlier generations of abduction ma-

chines described in this book, Machine 4 forms a single explanation instead
of enumerating all possible consistent explanations as is done in some mod-
els for abduction (e.g., de Kleer & Williams, 1987; Levesque, 1989; Reiter,
1987). In general, forming a single composite hypothesis is likely to be much
more feasible than finding all possible composite hypotheses.
Earlier generations of our abduction machines first generate an initial
composite explanation and then test for Essential hypotheses included in
this explanation. In contrast, Machine 4 first finds the Essential hypotheses,
then uses them as high-confidence starting places for building a composite.
Machine 1 simply marks the Essentials as high-confidence parts of the com-
posite conclusion. Machine 2 rebuilds the composite hypotheses around the
kernel consisting of the Essentials, in effect using the initial composite merely
as a trap with which to catch all the Essentials. Machine 2 already shows an
awareness that starting from the high-confidence hypotheses might lead to a
more accurate outcome.
Machine 4's essentials-first strategy serves some of the same purposes as
Machine 3's strategy of delaying hard decisions does. It potentially avoids
the need to retract earlier hypothesis selections, and by building the com-
posite hypothesis in order of more confident parts first, it should contribute
to more accurate conclusions. Easy decisions correspond to Clear-Best hy-
potheses, and hard decisions correspond to Weak-Best and arbitrarily cho-
sen hypotheses. Clearly, however, more grades of abductive confidence could
be distinguished besides the two of easy decision and hard-decision, or the
four of Essential, Clear-Best, Weak-Best, and Arbitrary. If we consider an
Essential hypothesis to be one whose best rival is very implausible (rather
than nonexistent), then abductive confidence can be considered an inverse
of the plausibility of the nearest rival, with perhaps a downward adjustment
for a hypothesis whose independent plausibility is already low. As many
abductive confidence grades can be distinguished as there are grades of plau-
sibility for potential rivals. Yet, we can expect that there will be diminishing
returns from making finer and finer confidence distinctions, and increasing
computational expense.
Since the composite explanation grows from islands of relative certainty,
the essentials-first strategy provides a mechanism for controlling the overall
uncertainty of an explanation. Since it is apparent when the confidence in
including further elementary hypotheses in the composite explanation be-
comes low, it is possible to stop increasing the size of the composite hypoth-
esis at that stage, and perhaps to perform tests to gather more data. This
point is discussed at greater length in connection with Machine 5 (chapter
9); suffice it to say that there appears to be a basic trade-off between ex-
planatory coverage and confidence. In general we can cover more of the
data at a greater risk of being wrong. The essentials-first strategy provides
for a smooth increase in coverage along with a smooth increase in the risk of
error, so the process can be stopped at any point dictated by the pragmatics
of the particular task and situation.
In retrospect it appears that the delaying-hard-decisions strategy repre-
sents a conceptual entanglement of the confidence with which problem-solv-
ing decisions can be made, and the sequential-processing need to examine
the findings one at a time. Making the conceptual leap to parallel processing
led to a better understanding of which pieces of strategy are responsive to
the information-processing demands (and opportunities) that arise from the
Better task analysis, better strategy 145
abductive-assembly task, and which are responses to assumptions about the
underlying computational architecture, in this case, the assumption that there
is a single sequential processor.
The essentials-first strategy, by building up hypotheses in a surer, more
methodical way than predecessor strategies, should typically result in fewer
explanatorily superfluous parts being present in a final hypothesis. Essen-
tials are never explanatorily superfluous, and a parsimony check can safely
ignore them. A Clear-Best hypothesis can turn out to be superfluous if the
finding on the basis of which it is judged a Clear-Best is explained by some
lesser value hypothesis, which might be a Clear-Best or a Weak-Best in its
own right for some other finding. Nevertheless, it is possible to set the Clear-
Best acceptance thresholds described earlier as Tx and T2 in such a way that
parsimony between Clear-Bests is automatically ensured.

Hypothesis interactions. The essentials-first strategy can be easily extended

to accommodate several types of interactions between the elementary hy-
potheses. We describe briefly here how this can be done, giving only the
main points.
The section in chapter 3 entitled Hypothesis Interactions describes five
types of interactions besides the basic one of being explanatory alternatives:
additive explanatory overlap (as occurs in all the RED systems), subtype
(one hypothesis is a more detailed refinement of the other), suggestiveness
(where a known statistical association suggests including one hypothesis if
the other is included), where a hypothesis itself needs to be explained, and
mutual incompatibility. In chapter 5 several types of causal interactions were
described. Chapter 7 describes cancellation interactions, where one element
of a composite hypothesis blocks the explanatory coverage that another ele-
ment of the composite would otherwise have. Cancellation interactions are
particularly problematic, quite probably for any abductive strategy. We post-
pone discussion of how to handle them, at least until after the difficulties
become clearer in the next chapter.

Additive explanatory overlap. The only special difficulty with additive

interactions is that it may be worth some extra computational work to
detect more Essentials, Clear-Bests and Weak-Bests. For example, if hj
and h2 both offer to help explain some finding f, but h{ can completely
explain it while h2 cannot, and if nothing else offers to help explain f, then
hj is Essential but h2 is not. Thus, there is extra inferential leverage in
reasoning about local explanatory power in evaluating alternative expla-
nations for a particular finding, instead of comparing according to confi-
dence scores alone. The single-finding abducers of PIERCE (chapter 4)
were designed especially for the sort of local abductive reasoning required.
Subtype. Machine 3 (as represented by PEIRCE) can choose to consider
refinements of parts of the working hypothesis as one option during prob-
lem solving. This ability can be imparted quite easily to the essentials-
first strategy by giving priority to refining the surest unrefined parts of
the working hypothesis.
Suggestiveness. As hypotheses are included in the working hypothesis,
known links of statistical association are used to update the confidence
scores of hypotheses outside the working hypotheses. This amounts to
revising the prima facie confidence estimates for these hypotheses for the
new reasoning context set up by assuming (on good evidence) that certain
other hypotheses are true. Downward as well as upward confidence revis-
ing is done, which may change the status of the local differentials associ-
ated with the remaining unexplained findings (e.g., by changing which
hypothesis is the best explainer or by bringing out a new Clear-Best).
Where a hypothesis itself needs to be explained. As long as such a hypoth-
esis is part of the working composite, it must also appear as data to be
explained, and so it sets up its own differential and small abduction prob-
lem. This type of interaction is examined in much more detail in the chap-
ter on layered abduction (chapter 10).
Causal interactions. The general principle of how to handle causal inter-
actions is to base reasoning progress on the most confident conclusions
arrived at by the reasoning process so far. Beyond that, almost everything
about reasoning strategies remains to be worked out.
Mutual incompatibility. If mutually incompatible Essentials appear dur-
ing hypothesis assembly, this is a signal that something is very wrong,
and normal processing should be suspended in favor of special handling.
The occurrence of mutually incompatible Essentials represents a kind of
maximum-strength cognitive dissonance. Similarly, mutually incompat-
ible Clear-Best or Weak-Best hypotheses represent cognitive dissonance,
although of weaker sorts, and also call for special handling, primarily
that of downgrading confidence in those hypotheses. Besides this kind
of critical cross-checking, knowledge of hypothesis incompatibilities can
also play a very constructive role in the main course of hypothesis as-
sembly. A brief illustrative example is given at the end of this chapter;
however, we postpone a detailed discussion of incompatibility handling
until chapter 9 (Machine 5) so that we do not deviate too far from the
chronological order of discovery.

Actually, the division between the strategies of Machines 4 and 5 is a

somewhat arbitrary mark along the path of progress. The problem with tell-
ing the whole story of this book in a completely linear fashion is that several
loosely communicating processors were doing the research, so progress had
multiple paths.
Better task analysis, better strategy 147
Concurrent realization of the essentials-first strategy: Framework
To take advantage of concurrency, we can associate a computational process
with each elementary hypothesis that offers to explain a portion of the data
set, and also associate a process with each datum to be explained. The hy-
pothesis and data processes work cooperatively to form a composite expla-
nation. These processes may communicate with each other either through a
shared data structure (Goel, Josephson, & Sadayappan, 1987) or by passing
messages. We describe here a message-passing mechanism.
The earlier generations of abduction machines described in this book were
completely sequential. The essentials-first strategy also contains significant
elements of sequentiality, mainly the sequence of the subtasks that find Es-
sentials, Clear-Bests, and Weak-Bests. However there are also significant
opportunities for concurrent processing.
Two important perspectives are relevant during the formation of a composite
explanation. From the perspective of each datum to be explained, a typical ques-
tion might be, "Which available hypothesis can best explain me?" This ques-
tion can be asked for each datum in parallel with the others. The second per-
spective is that of each available hypothesis, and a typical question might be,
"Which portions of the data can I be used to explain?" This question can also be
asked for each hypothesis in parallel with the others.
It is useful to assign a process to each datum and to each hypothesis. Each
data process represents the perspective of its corresponding datum, and each
hypothesis process represents the perspective of its corresponding hypoth-
esis. The data processes use identical algorithms and can execute in paral-
lel, and similarly the hypothesis processes.
The data and hypothesis processes cooperatively synthesize a best com-
posite explanation for the given data set D by using hypotheses from the set
of available hypotheses H. Each process has access only to its own local
memory. Communication between the processes occurs by message passing.
To synchronize the data and the hypothesis processes, we adopt the frame-
work of Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) (Hoare, 1978).
In CSP, communication between processes occurs when one process names
another as the destination, and the second process names the first as the
source. Synchronization is achieved by delaying the execution of an input
or output command until the other process is ready with the corresponding
output or input.
The response of a process to a message depends on which message it re-
ceives. For example, if a process corresponding to datum (1,6 D determines
that some h{ e H is essential for explaining d1? then it sends an Essential !
message to the hypothesis process representing h r On receiving this mes-
sage, the hypothesis process sends an Explained ! message to all the pro-
cesses corresponding to the d. e D that h} can explain. Besides these mean-
ingful messages, the processes may also send and receive Null messages to
help in coordinating activities.
Control of processing alternates between the data processes and the hy-
pothesis processes. In each cycle of processing, when the data processes are
executing, the hypothesis processes are idle; when the data processes finish
executing, they communicate their results to the hypothesis processes, then
the hypothesis processes can begin executing. Similarly, when the hypoth-
esis processes are executing, the data processes are idle, and when they fin-
ish, they communicate their results to the data processes, which can then
begin executing. A composite explanation is generated in three such cycles,
corresponding to accumulating Essential, Clear-Best, and Weak-Best hypoth-
eses. Then the composite is tested for parsimony, also in a multiple-process
cooperative manner.
We describe the concurrent mechanism here only for the generation of
composite explanations. Parsimony testing can also be done in a similar
manner; see Goel et al. (1987) for details.

Concurrent realization of the essentials-first strategy: Details

A hypothesis process initially has information about the hypothesis h that it
represents: the initial confidence value c(h), and the explanatory coverage
e(h) of the hypothesis.
In the first cycle of processing, the Essential hypotheses are identified.
Processing begins when the hypothesis process corresponding to each hy-
pothesis h sends an Essential ? message to processes corresponding to data
in e(h) and sends Null messages to the other data processes. Then, from the
perspective of each data process, one of three things can have happened:
1. The data process received no Essential ? messages. In this case its corre-
sponding datum is Unexplainable, and the process does nothing further.
2. The data process received exactly one Essential ? message. In this case the
hypothesis corresponding to the hypothesis process from which the data pro-
cess received the message is the only available explanation of its datum, and
so it sends an Essential ! message to that process.
3. The data process received more than one Essential ? message. In this case it
sends a Null message to the processes from which it had received the Essen-
tial ? messages.
In the second cycle of processing, the Clear-Best hypotheses are identi-
fied. At the end of the first cycle, from the perspective of each hypothesis h,
one of two things can have happened:
1. Its hypothesis process received at least one Essential ! message. Then the
hypothesis process sends an Explained ! message to processes representing
the data in e(h).
2. The hypothesis process received only Null messages. Then it sends Clear-
Best ? messages, along with the confidence value c(h), to processes corre-
sponding to the data items in e(h).
Better task analysis, better strategy 149
At this point a data process d has received messages from the processes
corresponding to the hypotheses that can explain d. From the perspective of
d, one of three things can have happened:
1. d's process received at least one Explained ! message. In this case it does
2. d's process received only Clear-Best ? messages, and there is some h among
the hypotheses that can explain d such that c(h) is above the threshold T p and
c(h) is better than any other hypothesis offering to explain d by an amount of
at least T2. In this case d's process sends a Clear-Best! message to the process
representing hypothesis h, and sends Null messages to processes correspond-
ing to the other hypotheses that can explain d.
3. d's process received only Clear-Best? messages, and no hypothesis satisfies
the standards for being a Clear-Best explanation for d. In this case d's process
sends Null messages to processes corresponding to hypotheses that can ex-
plain d.
At this point hypothesis processes have received messages from data pro-
cesses corresponding to data that their hypotheses are offering to explain. In
the third cycle of processing, the Weak-Best hypotheses are identified. At
the end of the second cycle, from the perspective of hypothesis h, one of two
things can have happened:
1. h's process received at least one Clear-Best! message. Then h's process sends
an Explained ! message to processes corresponding to data in e(h).
2. h's process received only Null messages. Then h's process sends Weak-Best ?
messages to processes corresponding to data in e(h).
At this point, from the perspective of a datum d, one of two things can
have happened:
1. d's process received at least one Explained ! message. Then the process does
2. d's process received only Weak-Best ? messages. Then d's process selects the
h with the highest confidence value among the hypotheses that can explain d.
(If two or more hypotheses tie with highest confidence, then an attempt can
be made to break the tie according to some measure of total explanatory power
for the hypotheses; the hypothesis with the greatest total explanatory power
will be chosen. If the tie cannot be broken, then either a hypothesis is not
chosen, or, if the pragmatics of the problem dictate setting things up in this
way, an arbitrary choice can be made among the highest ranking hypotheses.
Because lower ranking hypotheses are not candidates for such choices, these
are informed choices, though very risky.) If a Weak-Best hypothesis can be
chosen, d's process sends a Weak-Best! message to the process corresponding
to the selected hypothesis and Null messages to processes corresponding to
the other hypotheses offering to explain d.

At the end of the third cycle a composite hypothesis consisting of the

Essential, Clear-Best, and Weak-Best hypotheses has been generated. Unex-
plainable data have been identified, and also ambiguous data that can be
explained only by making high-risk guesses.
Extensions to the essentials-first strategy to handle hypothesis interac-

tions are discussed in the previous section, Hypothesis Interactions. No spe-

cial difficulties appear to arise from trying to take advantage of concurrency,
although this should be tested in a working concurrent implementation for a
real domain (which at this point has not been done).

Architectural implications. There are five interesting aspects to this design for
concurrent hypothesis formation, viewed from the prospect of realizing it on a
distributed-memory, message-passing, parallel computer architecture. First, the
parallelism among the data processes is fine-grained, as is the parallelism among
the hypothesis processes. However there is no concurrency between the data
processes and the hypothesis processes; they never execute at the same time.
Alternative designs that break down this strict sequentiality can be devised. For
example, as soon as a hypothesis finds out from some finding that it is a Clear-
Best, it could immediately start informing the findings in its explanatory cover-
age that they are explained, without waiting to hear from the remaining find-
ings. Nevertheless, in the main, the nonconcurrency between the data-centered
processes and those that are hypothesis-centered appears to be determined by
dependencies in the hypothesis-formation task rather than by failure to design
cleverly enough. Second, at any given time during the processing, the data and
hypothesis processes are either idle or executing the same instruction on differ-
ent data. Third, the processing is communication intensive. For instance, in the
first cycle during the generation of a composite explanation, each hypothesis
process communicates with every data process. Fourth, for real-world prob-
lems, the number of data and hypothesis processes is likely to be very large.
Even for relatively small abduction systems, the number of data and hypothesis
processes can be in the hundreds. Finally, the fine-grained characteristics of the
concurrent design suggest that neural networks might be efficient for abductive-
assembly problems (see Goel, 1989; Goel, Ramanujan, & Sadayappan, 1988;
Peng & Reggia, 1990; Thagard, 1989).
It appears that among existing computers, the Connection Machine (Hillis,
1986) may be the most suitable for realizing the design that we just pre-
sented. The Connection Machine is a distributed-memory, message-passing,
parallel computer, thus it is a good match to the processing demands of the
design. It enables the same instruction to be executed over different data, which
suits the control of processing called for by the design. Its architecture helps
keep the communication costs within acceptable limits, which is a major con-
cern. It supports massive, fine-grained parallelism among a large number of
small, semi-autonomous processes such as is called for by the design.

Summary of Machine 4
We have described Machine 4 for forming composite explanations. This
machine uses an essentials-first strategy, which sets up three subtasks ac-
Better task analysis, better strategy 151
cording to the confidence (judged by local abductive criteria) with which
elementary hypotheses are included in the composite explanation. In the
first subtask, the Essential hypotheses are identified. In the second subtask,
the Clear-Best hypotheses are identified, where a hypothesis is Clear-Best
if its prima facie confidence value is high both on some absolute scale and
relative to its explanatory alternatives for some finding. In the third
subtask, Weak-Best hypotheses are identified, where a Weak-Best is sim-
ply the best explanation for some finding. First the Essentials, then the
Clear-Bests, then the Weak-Best hypotheses are included in the growing
composite hypothesis. This way the formation of a composite explanation
grows from islands of relative certainty, the composite becoming overall
less and less certain as its explanatory coverage increases. These three
subtasks represent a coarse discretization of a process that could be more
After an initial composite hypothesis is built in this way, it may be tested
for parsimony, and improved accordingly, before the processing is concluded.
Machine 4 uses a concurrent mechanism for the abductive-assembly task.
It associates a computational process with each elementary hypothesis and
with each datum to be explained. The processes communicate with each
other by sending messages. The response of a process to a message depends
on which message it receives. The control of processing alternates between
the hypothesis and the data processes. Process synchronization results from
processes waiting for responses to messages that they send.
Machine 4 offers several advantages over earlier generations of abduction
machines. The main advantage lies in the computational efficiency of the
essentials-first strategy, which should also improve accuracy. Additionally,
concurrent processing provides for faster processing, if processors are plen-
tiful. Machine 4 also offers advantages for management of overall uncer-
tainty, as has been described.
No working concurrent implementation of Machine 4 has been done, al-
though the usefulness of the essentials-first strategy has been experimen-
tally tested. This is described in the next section.

Efficiency of the essentials-first strategy

The previous section presented a computational mechanism for concurrent
formation of composite explanatory hypotheses. A central idea in this mecha-
nism is first to identify the Essential hypotheses and include them in the
composite explanation and then to identify other, nonEssential hypotheses
for inclusion. In this section, we investigate some computational advantages
of the essentials-first strategy for abductive assembly. We do this by com-
paring two assembly methods, one that does not use the essentials-first strat-
egy and one that uses it.

Method 1 - without the essentials-first strategy - has the following steps:

1. The most plausible elementary hypothesis that can explain the most salient
datum is selected for inclusion in the composite hypothesis. (An ordering of
the saliency of data elements is assumed to be available as part of the domain
knowledge.) In case of a plausibility tie, the hypothesis can be selected arbi-
2. The data items that the current composite explanation can explain are re-
moved from the set of data to be explained.
3. This cycle is repeated, starting with the next most salient datum to be ex-
plained until as much of the data set is explained as possible.
This method is a simplified version of the one used by the RED-2 system
for forming initial composite explanations. (It ignores incompatibility han-
dling and the subtleties of selecting among hypotheses that are tied for plau-

Method 2 - u s i n g the essentials-first strategy - has the following steps:

1. The Essential hypotheses are selected for inclusion in the composite explana-
2. The data items that the current composite explanation can explain are re-
moved from the set of data to be explained.
3. The most salient datum is selected from the remaining data items.
4. The most plausible elementary hypothesis that explains this datum is selected
for integration with the current composite hypothesis.
5. The data items that the current composite explanation can explain are re-
moved from the set of data to be explained.
6. Steps 3 to 5 are repeated until as much of the data set is explained as possible.

Advantages for parsimony and efficiency

We give two examples illustrating the essentials-first strategy and its impact
on the efficiency of synthesizing parsimonious composite explanations.
We characterize the parsimony of a composite explanation as the absence
of explanatory redundancy. Thus a composite hypothesis H is parsimonious
if no proper subset of H can explain as much of D as H itself does. This
notion of parsimony is illustrated by the following hypothetical example
(see Figure 6.2). Let us suppose that D consists of two elements, d} and d2,
where the saliency of &x is higher than that of d2. Let us also suppose that the
classification task results in the retrieval of two elementary hypotheses, h }
and h2, from memory, where h{ can account for d p and h2 can account for dx
and d2. Then, by Method 1, hypothesis hj is first included in the composite
explanation to account for d p and later h2 is added to account for d2. Thus,
the final composite explanation consists of h, and h2. Clearly, h{ is explana-
torily redundant; a parsimonious explanation would not include it.
Determining the Essential hypotheses at the onset of explanation synthe-
sis can aid in forming more parsimonious explanations. In the present ex-
Better task analysis, better strategy 153


h2 " 2

Hypotheses Data

Figure 6.2. Parsimony.

ample, h2 is an Essential hypothesis because only it explains d2. By Method

2, h2, and only h2, is selected for inclusion in the composite explanation since
h2 explains both d{ and d2. This explanation is parsimonious.
Determining the Essential hypotheses at the onset of explanation synthe-
sis can also increase computational efficiency. This is illustrated by the hy-
pothetical example shown in Figure 6.3. In this example, D contains three
elements, d}, d2, and d3, in decreasing order of saliency. The set of available
elementary hypotheses contains three elements, h p h2, and h3, in decreasing
order of plausibility. The explanatory relationships are that hj can account
for dp h2 for d} and d2, and h3 for d2 and d3.
In this example, Method 1 requires three cycles, which result in the selec-
tion of h p h2, and h3 in that order. In contrast, Method 2 requires only two
cycles for this example. Since h3 is the only hypothesis that can account for
d3, it is an Essential hypothesis. Consequently, in the first cycle h3 is se-
lected for inclusion in the composite explanation. Because h3 can explain d3
and d2, only d{ is unexplained. In the second cycle, hj is added to the com-
posite explanation to account for d r

In this section, we report on two sets of experiments that investigated the
essentials-first strategy for its computational and psychological validity. The
first set of experiments evaluated the strategy on a library of 42 test cases in
the RED domain. The second set of experiments involved the collection and
analysis of verbal protocols of a human expert synthesizing explanations in
the RED domain.

We constructed a modified version of RED-2 that uses the essentials-first

strategy as described in Method 2. We ran the original and the modified
RED-2 systems on all 42 cases in the test library. These cases were taken
from textbooks and other course material used to train blood-bank techni-



', J

»3 3

Hypotheses Data

Figure 6.3. Efficiency.

cians (Smith, Josephson, Tanner, Svirbely, and Strohm [1986] describe some
of these cases).
Of the 42 cases, 17 included at least one Essential hypothesis. Of these 17
cases, in 9 cases Method 2 resulted in more parsimonious explanations than
Method 1 did. Also, the explanations reached in these nine cases were iden-
tical to the answers provided in the teaching material. The remaining 8 cases
fell into two categories: Three cases had solutions containing only one anti-
body, hence there was no need to synthesize a composite explanation. In
each of the remaining 5 cases the hypothesis selected to explain the most
significant reaction by Method 1 was an Essential hypothesis. Thus, for these
cases Method 1 found the same answers as Method 2 did, with equal effi-
ciency. In summary, about two fifths of all cases contained Essential hy-
potheses, and, in approximately half these cases, using the essentials-first
strategy increased the parsimony of the answer.

A second set of experiments used oral protocols that were collected at

multiple sessions with an expert in the RED domain. Twenty-three cases for
which the RED system had located one or more Essential hypotheses were
submitted to the domain expert. The expert analyzed the 23 cases and as-
sembled a complete explanation for each. His verbal reports were recorded.
The reports were then analyzed carefully. First, we determined the order
in which the expert selected hypotheses for inclusion in the composite ex-
planation. Next, we compared the order in which the expert selected el-
ementary hypotheses with the order in which the RED system, using the
essentials-first strategy, selected them. We expected that if the domain ex-
pert also used this kind of strategy, there would be a strong similarity be-
tween the selection orders that the domain expert and the RED system used.
Whereas, if the domain expert used another method that did not make the
Better task analysis, better strategy 155

Figure 6.4. Incompatibility interaction.

Essential/nonEssential distinction, there would be a considerable divergence

between the two selection orders.
In 14 of the 23 cases the domain expert selected the Essential hypotheses
before selecting other hypotheses. In the remaining 9 cases, the domain ex-
pert did not select the Essential hypotheses before other hypotheses. The
selection of Essential hypotheses before other hypotheses in 14 out of 23, or
61% of the cases, was much higher than what we expect from chance. This
suggests that the Essential/nonEssential distinction plays a role in human
abductive problem solving.

Incompatibility handling
We suggest that, besides enabling more efficient synthesis of more parsimoni-
ous explanations, the essentials-first strategy is useful for reducing uncertainty
in explanation synthesis and for handling certain types of interactions, such as
incompatibility interactions, more efficiently and effectively (see chapter 9).
The usefulness of the essentials-first strategy for handling incompatibility inter-
actions can be illustrated by the following example. Let D contain three ele-
ments, dp d2, and d3. Let the set of elementary hypotheses contain three ele-
ments, hp h2, and h3, where h{ can account for d p h2 can account for d2 and d3,
and h3 can account for d3, as shown in Figure 6.4. Also, let and h3 be incom-
patible, which implies that and h3 cannot both be included in the same com-
posite explanation.
In this example Method 1, which does not use the essentials-first strategy,
may include h3 in the first cycle to account for d3. In the next cycle, when
trying to explain d p Method 1 may select hp because it is the only explana-
tion for dp However, h{ and h3 are incompatible. Therefore, Method 1 must
backtrack, retract the choice of h3, replace it with h2, and then add hp yield-
ing {hp h2} as the composite explanation.
In contrast, Method 2, using the essentials-first strategy, first selects hj
because it is an Essential hypothesis. In the next cycle, it selects h2 because
hj and h3 are incompatible. Thus, the essentials-first strategy can help re-
duce backtracking by taking advantage of incompatibility interactions.

1 Since making a copy is such a basic operation on information, we can reasonably conjecture that
it is computationally inexpensive for humans to make copies of fragments of episodic and seman-
tic memory. (Certainly it is inexpensive for a digital computer to make copies of representations.)
If so, an analogy can be formed by a process of copy-and-modify.
2 A classical example is Descartes' plausibility argument for a evil deceiver based on an analogy
with God (Descartes, 1641). We also note that the traditional Argument from Design for the exist-
ence of God is clearly an abduction. Moreover, it relies on an analogy with human designers for
its initial plausibility.
The computational complexity of abduction

The problem of abduction can be characterized as finding the best explana-

tion of a set of data. In this chapter we focus on one type of abduction in
which the best explanation is the most plausible combination of hypotheses
that explains all the data. We then present several computational complexity
results demonstrating that this type of abduction is intractable (NP-hard) in
general. In particular, choosing betwreen incompatible hypotheses, reason-
ing about cancellation effects among hypotheses, and satisfying the maxi-
mum plausibility requirement are major factors leading to intractability. We
also identify a tractable, but restricted, class of abduction problems.

What kinds of abduction problems can be solved efficiently? To answer this
question, we must formalize the problem and then consider its computa-
tional complexity. However, it is not possible to prescribe a specific com-
plexity threshold for all abduction problems. If the problem is "small," then
exponential time might be fast enough. If the problem is sufficiently large,
then even O(n2) might be too slow. However, for the purposes of analysis,
the traditional threshold of intractability, NP-hard, provides a rough mea-
sure of what problems are impractical (Garey & Johnson, 1979). Clearly,
NP-hard problems will not scale up to larger, more complex domains.
Our approach is the following. First, we formally characterize abduction
as a problem of finding the most plausible composite hypothesis that ex-
plains all the data. Then we consider several classes of problems of this
type, the classes being differentiated by additional constraints on how hy-
This chapter is by Tom Bylander, Dean Allemang, Michael C. Tanner, and John R. Jo-
sephson. Tom Bylander is responsible for most of the mathematical results. The chapter
is substantially the same as a paper by the same name that appeared originally in Artifi-
cial Intelligence vol. 49, 1991, except that here we omit the proofs. It appears with per-
mission of Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. The full paper also appears in Knowledge
Representation edited by R. J. Brachman, H. J. Lavesque, and R. Reiter published by
MIT Press in 1992.

potheses interact. We demonstrate that the time complexity of each class is
polynomial (tractable) or NP-hard (intractable), relative to the complexity of
computing the plausibility of hypotheses and the data explained by hypotheses.
Our results show that this type of abduction faces several obstacles. Choos-
ing between incompatible hypotheses, reasoning about cancellation effects
among hypotheses, and satisfying the maximum plausibility requirement are
major factors making abduction intractable in general.
Some restricted classes of abduction problems are tractable. One kind of
class is when some constraint guarantees a polynomial search space, e.g.,
the single-fault assumption (more generally, a limit on the size of composite
hypotheses), or if all but a small number of hypotheses can be ruled out.1
This kind of class trivializes complexity analysis because exhaustive search
over the possible composite hypotheses becomes a tractable strategy.
However, we have discovered one class of abduction problems in which
hypothesis assembly can find the best explanation without exhaustive search.
Informally, the constraints that define this class are: no incompatibility rela-
tionships, no cancellation interactions, the plausibilities of the individual
hypotheses are all different from each other, and one explanation is qualita-
tively better than any other explanation. Unfortunately, it is intractable to
determine whether the last condition holds. We consider one abduction sys-
tem (RED-2) in which hypothesis assembly was applied, so as to examine
the ramifications of these constraints in a real world situation.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. First, we provide a
brief historical background to abduction. Then, we define our model of ab-
duction problems and show how it applies to other theories of abduction.
Next, we describe our complexity results (proofs of which are given in
Bylander, Allemang, Tanner, and Josephson, 1991). Finally, we consider the
relationship of these results to RED-2.

C. S. Peirce, who first described abductive inference, provided two intuitive
characterizations: given an observation d and the knowledge that h causes d9
it is an abduction to hypothesize that h occurred; and given a proposition q
and the knowledge p ->• q, it is an abduction to conclude p (Fann, 1970). In
either case, an abduction is uncertain because something else might be the
actual cause of d, or because the reasoning pattern is the classical fallacy of
"affirming the consequent" and is formally invalid. Additional difficulties
can exist because h might not always cause d, or because p might imply q
only by default. In any case, we shall say that h "explains" d and p "ex-
plains" q, and we shall refer to h and p as "hypotheses" and d and q as
Pople (1973) pointed out the importance of abduction to AI, and he with
Computational complexity of abduction 159
Miller and Myers implemented one of the earliest abduction systems, IN-
TERNIST-I, which performed medical diagnosis in the domain of internal
medicine (Miller, Pople, & Myers, 1982; Pople, 1977). This program con-
tained an explicit list of diseases and symptoms, explicit causal links be-
tween the diseases and the symptoms, and probabilistic information associ-
ated with the links. INTERNIST-I used a form of hill climbing - once a dis-
ease outscored its competitors by a certain threshold, it was permanently
selected as part of the final diagnosis. Hypothesis assembly (e.g., Machine 2
in chapter 3) is a generalization of this technique. Below, we describe a
restricted class of problems for which hypothesis assembly can efficiently
find the best explanation.
Based on similar explicit representations, Pearl (1987) and Peng & Reggia
(1990) find the most probable composite hypothesis that explains all the
data, a task that is known to be intractable in general (Cooper, 1990). Later
we describe additional constraints under which this task remains intractable.
In contrast to maintaining explicit links between hypotheses and data,
Davis & Hamscher's (1988) model-based diagnosis, determines at run time
what data need to be explained and what hypotheses can explain the data.
Much of this work, such as de Kleer & Williams (1987) and Reiter (1987),
place an emphasis on generating all "minimal" composite hypotheses that
explain all the data. However, there can be an exponential number of such
hypotheses. Recent research has investigated how to focus the reasoning on
the most relevant composite hypotheses (de Kleer & Williams, 1989; Dvorak
& Kuipers, 1989; Struss & Dressier, 1989). However, we have shown that it
is intractable in general to find a composite hypothesis that explains all the
data, and that even if it is easy to find explanations, generating all the rel-
evant composite hypotheses is still intractable.
Whatever the technique or formulation, certain fundamentals of the ab-
duction task do not change. In particular, our analysis shows how computa-
tional complexity arises from constraints on the explanatory relationship
from hypotheses to data and on plausibility ordering among hypotheses. These
constraints do not depend on the style of the representation or reasoning
method (causal vs. logical, probabilistic vs. default, explicit vs. model-based,
ATMS or not, etc.). In other words, certain kinds of abduction problems are
hard no matter what representation or reasoning method is chosen.

Notation, definitions, and assumptions

We use the following notational conventions and definitions, d stands for a da-
tum, e.g., a symptom. D stands for a set of data, h stands for an individual
hypothesis, e.g., a hypothesized disease, //stands for a set of individual hypoth-
eses. H can be treated as a composite hypothesis, i.e., each h G H is hypoth-
esized to be present, and each h <£ H is hypothesized to be absent or irrelevant.

Model of abduction
An abduction problem is a tuple (Da[r Haip e, pi), where:
Dall is a finite set of all the data to be explained,
Hall is a finite set of all the individual hypotheses,
e is a map from subsets of Hall to subsets of Dall
(H explains e(//)), and
pi is a map from subsets of Hall to a partially ordered set
(H has plausibility pl{H)).
For the purpose of this definition and the results that follow, it does not
matter whether pl(H) is a probability, a measure of belief, a fuzzy value, a
degree of fit, or a symbolic likelihood. The only requirement is that the
range of pi is partially ordered.
H is complete if e(H) = DaW That is, H explains all the data.
H is parsimonious if 3/f a H (e(H) cz e(H)). That is, no proper subset of
H explains all the data that H does.
H is an explanation if it is complete and parsimonious. That is, //explains
all the data and has no explanatorily superfluous elements. Note that an
explanation exists if and only if a complete composite hypothesis exists. 2
H is a best explanation if it is an explanation, and if there is no explanation H
such that/?/(//) > pl{H). That is, no other explanation is more plausible than //.
It is just "a best" because pi might not impose a total ordering over composite
hypotheses (e.g., because of probability intervals or qualitative likelihoods).
Consequently, several composite hypotheses might satisfy this definition.

Relation to Other Work

These definitions are intended to formalize the notion of best explanation
described in Josephson, Chandrasekaran, Smith, & Tanner (1987). However,
our definitions are not limited to that paper. We consider in detail here how
Reiter's theory of diagnosis (Reiter, 1987) and Pearl's theory of belief revi-
sion (Pearl, 1987) can be mapped to our model of abduction.

Reiter's theory of diagnosis. Reiter defines a diagnosis problem as a tuple

(SD, COMPONENTS, OBS), in which SD and OBS are finite sets of first-order sen-
tences comprising the system description and observations, respectively;
COMPONENTS is a finite set of constants; and AB is a distinguished unary predi-
cate, interpreted as abnormal. A diagnosis is defined to be a minimal set A ci
COMPONENTS such that:

SD U OBS U {AB(c) I C e A} U {—. AB(c) I C E COMPONENTS\A}3

is consistent. "Minimal set" means that no subset of D satisfies the same

Computational complexity of abduction 161
Each subset of COMPONENTS can be treated as a composite hypothesis, i.e.,
a conjecture that certain components are abnormal, and that all other com-
ponents are normal. A diagnosis problem can then be mapped into an abduc-
tion problem as follows:
D = 0 B S
e(H) = a maximal set D cz Dall such that4
S D U D U {AB(A; I h e H) u {-.AB(A) | h e HM \H}
is consistent.
A solution for the diagnosis problem then corresponds to an explanation
for the abduction problem, and vice versa. Reiter does not define any crite-
ria for ranking diagnoses, so there is nothing to map to pi.

Pearl's theory of belief revision. A Bayesian belief network (Pearl, 1986) is

a directed acyclic graph whose nodes W are propositional variables. The
probabilistic dependencies between the variables are described by specify-
ing P (x \s) for each value assignment x to a variable X e W and each value
assignment s to X's parents S.5 The intention is that "the arcs signify the
existence of direct causal influences between the linked propositions, and
the strengths of these influences are quantified by the conditional probabili-
ties of each variable given the state of its parents" (Pearl, 1987, p. 175).
For a particular belief revision problem (Pearl, 1987), some subset V of
the variables W are initialized with specific values. Let v be the value as-
signment to V. The solution to the problem is the most probable value as-
signment w* to all the variables W, i.e., P (n>* \v) is greater than or equal to
P (w \v) for any other value assignment w to the variables W. w* is called the
most probable explanation (MPE).
v can be mapped to the set of data to be explained, i.e., a value assignment
JC to a variable I e V is a datum, v can be explained by appropriate value
assignments to the other variables W\V. Treating value assignments of true
as individual hypotheses, a belief revision problem can be mapped to an
abduction problem as follows:
DM =v
Hall =W\V
e (H) = a maximal set D ciDa// such that
P(H= true A Hall XH = false \D)>Q
pl(H) = P(H= true A H°all \H = false | e (//))
The MPE corresponds to a complete composite hypothesis. If the MPE is
also parsimonious, then it corresponds to the best explanation.6 However,
the MPE might assign true to more variables than necessary for explanatory
purposes. In the context of other value assignments, X= true might be more
likely than X = false even if X = true is superfluous under the above map-
ping (Peng & Reggia, 1987).
This lack of correspondence between the MPE and the best explanation
can be rectified by creating, for each Xe W\V, a dummy variable X and a
dummy value assignment that can be "caused" only if X*X. With this modi-
fication, the MPE corresponds to the best explanation.
Another way of rectifying the situation is to simply ignore the parsimony
constraint. With this in mind, we use the mapping just given.

Other theories of abduction. These reductions from problems in Reiter's

and Pearl's theories to abduction problems provide strong evidence that our
model of abduction is general enough to accommodate any theory of abduc-
tion (e.g., de Kleer& Williams, 1987; Levesque, 1989; Peng & Reggia, 1987;
Poole, 1989). This is because our model leaves e and pi virtually uncon-
strained. We exploit this freedom in this chapter by defining and analyzing
natural constraints on e and/?/ without considering the representations - logi-
cal, causal, or probabilistic - underlying the computation of e and pi. To
make the analysis complete, we also show how some of these constraints
can be reduced to problems in Reiter's and Pearl's theories.

Tractability assumptions
In our complexity analysis, we assume that e and pi are tractable. We also
assume that e and pi can be represented reasonably, in particular, that the
size of their internal representations is polynomial in \Dall | + \Hall |.
Clearly, the tractability of these functions is central to abduction, since it
is difficult to find plausible hypotheses explaining the data if it is difficult
to compute e and pi. This should not be taken to imply that the tractability
of these functions can be taken for granted. For example, it can be intrac-
table to determine explanatory coverage of a composite hypothesis (Reiter,
1987) and to calculate the probability that an individual hypothesis is present,
ignoring other hypotheses (Cooper, 1990). We make these assumptions to
simplify our analysis of abduction problems. To reflect the complexity of
these functions in our tractability results, we denote the time complexity of
e and pi with respect to the size of an abduction problem as Ce and CpP re-
spectively, e.g., nCe indicates n calls to e.
For convenience, we assume the existence and the tractability of a func-
tion that determines which individual hypotheses can contribute to explain-
ing a datum. Although it is not a true inverse, we refer to this function as e'1,
formally defined as:

e\d)= {h\3HczHall(d£ e(H)Ade e (H u {A}))}

Note that h G e~\d) does not imply that d G e(h).
Computational complexity of abduction 163
The key factors, then, that we consider in the complexity of finding a best
explanation are properties of e and pi that allow or prevent tractable compu-
tation given that e, e ";, and pi can be computed "easily." That is, given a
particular class of abduction problems, how much of the space of composite
hypotheses must be explicitly searched to find a best explanation? As dem-
onstrated in what follows, intractability is the usual result in classes of prob-
lems that involve significant interaction among the elements of composite

We should note that these definitions and assumptions simplify several as-
pects of abduction. For example, we define composite hypotheses as simple
combinations of individual hypotheses. In reality, the relationships among
the parts of an abductive answer and the data being explained can be much
more complex, both logically and causally.
Another simplification is that domains are not defined. One way to do this
would be to specify what data are possible (D ) and general functions for
computing explanatory coverage and plausibilities based on the data {e en
and pi en). Then for a specific abduction problem, the following constraints
woul/hold: DM <= Dposs, e{H) = egm (H, DJ, and pl{H) = plgen (H, DJ (cf.
Allemang, Tanner, Bylander, & Josephson, 1987).
The definitions of abduction problems or domains do not mention the data
that do not have to be explained, even though they could be important for
determining e and pi. For example, the age of a patient does not have to be
explained, but can influence the plausibility of a disease. We assume here
that e and pi implicitly take into account data that do not have to be ex-
plained, e.g., in the definition of domains just mentioned, these data can be
an additional argument to e and pi .
° gen r gen

Despite these simplifications, our analysis provides powerful insights con-

cerning the computational complexity of abduction.

An example
Let us use the following example to facilitate our discussion:

- {hr h2, hy
DM — {d., d2, d,d4)
e(h,) = {dt} pl(hj) = superior
e(h2) = {dr d2} pl(h 2) = excellent
e(h}) pl(h3) = good
e{h4) = idr d4) pl(h4) = fair
e{h5) = {d3, d4) pl(h5) = poor

-* superior
-> excellent
-» good
-» poor

Figure 7.1. Example of an abduction problem.

Figure 7.1 is a pictorial representation of the example. The values of/?/

should simply be interpreted as indicating relative order of plausibility. If
e{H) is the union of e(h) for h e H, then {/z2, /J3, /z5} is complete, but not
parsimonious since h3 is superfluous. {h2, h3} is parsimonious, but not com-
plete since it does not explain d4. Based on the plausibility ordering crite-
rion defined in the later section on the complexity of plausibility, {h r h3> h4)
and {h2, h5} would be considered the best explanations.
Using these definitions, assumptions, and example, we first discuss how
properties of e affect the tractability of finding best explanations, and then
consider properties of pi.

Complexity of finding explanations

Independent abduction problems
In the simplest problems, an individual hypothesis explains a specific set of
data regardless of what other individual hypotheses are being considered.
This constraint is assumed by INTERNIST-I (Miller et al., 1982); Reggia's
set covering algorithm (Reggia, Nau, & Wang, 1983); Peng & Reggia's par-
simonious covering theory (Peng & Reggia, 1987), Pearl's belief revision
theory if interactions are restricted to noisy-OR (an effect can occur only if
one or more of its causes are present) (Pearl, 1987); and Eshelman's cover-
and-differentiate method (Eshelman, 1988). The use of conflict sets (de Kleer
& Williams, 1987; Reiter, 1987) also appears to make this assumption-
each conflict set corresponds to a datum to be explained, and the elements
of the conflict set correspond to the hypotheses that can independently ex-
plain the datum.
Formally, an abduction problem is independent if:

That is, a composite hypothesis explains a datum if and only if one of its
Computational complexity of abduction 165
elements explains the datum. This constraint makes explanatory coverage
equivalent to set covering (Reggia, 1983). Assuming independence, the ex-
planations in our example (refer to Figure 7.1) are: {hr hy h4}, {h]f h3, h5},
{hr h4, h5}, {h2, hy h4), and {h2, h5}. One way to find a best explanation
would be to generate all explanations and then sort them by plausibility.
However, it is well known that there can be an exponential number of expla-
nations. It is not surprising then that determining the number of explana-
tions is hard.

Theorem 7.1. For the class of independent abduction problems, it

is #P-complete to determine the number of explanations.

That is, determining the number of explanations for an independent ab-

duction problem is just as hard as determining the number of solutions to an
NP-complete problem.7
The definition of best explanation, however, does not require that all ex-
planations be explicitly enumerated. For example, if h is the most plausible
individual hypothesis, h explains Dall, and H a H implies pl(H) >pl{H),
then h can be declared to be the best explanation without further search. In
general, the task of finding a best explanation can be divided into two
subtasks: (1) find one explanation, and (2) repeatedly find better explana-
tions until a best one is found. In the remainder of this section, then, we
consider the complexity of generating one or more explanations. The fol-
lowing section discusses the complexity of finding other explanations.
For independent abduction problems, it is tractable to find an explana-
tion. Let n = \Dall | + \HM |.

Theorem 7.2 For the class of independent abduction problems, there

is an O (nCe + n2) algorithm for finding an explanation, if one ex-

Algorithm 7.1 performs this task within this order of complexity. A de-
tailed explanation of this algorithm is given in (Bylander, Allemang, Tan-
ner, & Josephson, 1991), but we note several aspects of its operation here.

It is easy to check whether an explanation exists. If u Ae// e(h) ^ Dain then

a union over any subset of HM will not equal DM either.
The loop makes one pass through the individual hypotheses. It examines
each individual hypothesis in turn and removes it if no explanatory cover-
age is lost. Only one pass is necessary because if the result fFhad a superflu-
ous element h, then h would have been superfluous for any superset of W,
and thus, would have been removed by the body of the loop.
If the e1 function is available (see the previous section on tractability as-

ALGORITHM 7.1. Finding an explanation in independent and monotonic ab-

duction problems
W stands for the working composite hypothesis.
Nil is returned if no explanation exists.
Determine whether an explanation exists.
If e(H ..) * D .. then
all7 all

Return nil
Find an explanation.
For each h e Hall
If e(W\{h)) = Da
W<r- W\{h)
Return W

sumptions for the definition of e'1), then the working hypothesis W, instead
of being initialized to Hall, can be initialized to include only one element
from e\d) for each de Dair This modification has an advantage if e1 is easy
to compute and the working hypothesis remains "small."

Monotonic abduction problems

We now consider a more general kind of problem, in which a composite
hypothesis can explain additional data that are not explained by any of its
elements. For example, suppose the two inputs to an AND-gate are supposed
to be 0, and so the output is supposed to be 0, but the observed output of the
AND-gate is 1. If the inputs are produced by components A and B, then
hypothesizing a single fault in A or B is insufficient to account for the da-
tum, but faults in both A and B are sufficient.
This sort of interaction can also occur if two individual hypotheses have
an additive interaction. For example, each of the two hypotheses can ex-
plain a small value of some measurement, but together can explain a larger
measurement. In this latter case, ifh only partially explains d, then d <£ e(h).
Note though that if adding h to a composite hypothesis can result in com-
pletely explaining d, then h e e\d).
Formally, an abduction problem is monotonic (Allemang et al., 1987) if:

VH, H c Hall (H^H -+ e(H) c e(H))

That is, a composite hypothesis does not "lose" any data explained by any of
its subsets and might explain additional data. All independent abduction prob-
Computational complexity of abduction 167
lems are monotonic, but a monotonic abduction problem is not necessarily
independent. If, in Figure 7.1, {h2, h3} also explained d4, then {h2, h3} would
also be an explanation and {h2, hy h4) would not be. Monotonic abduction
problems from the literature include our hypothesis-assembly strategies de-
scribed so far (see Allemang et al., 1987) and Pearl's belief revision theory
if interactions are restricted to noisy-OR and noisy-AND (Pearl, 1987).
Because the class of monotonic abduction problems includes the indepen-
dent class, it is also hard to determine the number of explanations. In addi-
tion, we have shown that it is hard to enumerate a polynomial number of

Theorem 7.3. For the class of monotonic abduction problems, given

a set of explanations, it is NP-complete to determine whether an
additional explanation exists.

We have proved this result by a reduction from the class of independent

incompatibility abduction problems, which is described in the next section.
The idea of the reduction is that the addition of an individual hypothesis to
a composite hypothesis can explain the rest of the data, make nearly all the
elements of the composite hypothesis superfluous, and result in a previously
generated explanation. It turns out to be difficult to generate an additional
explanation while avoiding this kind of interaction. Whether a similar result
holds for independent abduction problems is an open question.
Although the class of monotonic problems is a superset of the class of
independent problems, it is just as efficient to find an explanation. Again,
let n = \Dall\ + \HJ.

Theorem 7.4. For the class of monotonic abduction problems, there

is an O(nCe + n 2) algorithm for finding an explanation, if one ex-

Algorithm 7.1 performs this task within this order of complexity. Because
of the monotonicity constraint, Hall must explain as much or more data than
any other composite hypothesis. The loop in Algorithm 7.1 works for the
same reasons as for independent abduction problems. Also, it is possible to
use e1 to initialize W, though one must be careful because more than one
element from e~\d) might be needed to explain d.

Incompatibility abduction problems

Implicit in the formal model so far is the assumption that any collection of
individual hypotheses is possible. However, most domains have restrictions
that invalidate this assumption. For example, a faulty digital switch cannot
simultaneously be stuck-at-1 and stuck-at-0. More generally, the negation
of a hypothesis can also be considered a hypothesis.
This kind of problem is neither independent nor monotonic because any
composite hypothesis that contains a pair of mutually exclusive hypotheses
cannot be an acceptable hypothesis, while a subset that excludes at least one
hypothesis from each pair is acceptable. We call this kind of problem an
incompatibility abduction problem.
Formally, an incompatibility abduction problem is a tuple (Daip HaU, e, pi,
I), where Dall, HM, e, and pi are the same as before and / is a set of two-
element subsets of Hall indicating pairs of hypotheses that are incompatible
with each other.8 For an incompatibility problem:

VH c Hall ((31 e / (/ c H)) -> e(H) = 0 ) .

By this formal trick, a composite hypothesis containing incompatible hy-

potheses explains nothing, preventing such a composite from being com-
plete (except for trivial cases) or a best explanation.
An independent incompatibility abduction problem satisfies the formula:

VHc Hall ( 0 i e / (i c H)) -> e(H) = KJh€H e(h)).

That is, except for incompatibilities, the problem is independent. In Figure

7.1, i f / = {{h]f h2}, {h2, h3}9 {h3, h4}, {h4, h5}}, then only {h]f hy h5) and {h2,
h5) would be explanations.
Incompatibility abduction problems are more complex than monotonic or
independent abduction problems:

Theorem 7.5. For the class of independent incompatibility abduc-

tion problems, it is NP-complete to determine whether an explana-
tion exists.

We have proven this result by reduction from 3 SAT (Garey & Johnson,
1979), which is satisfiability of Boolean expressions in conjunctive normal
form, with no more than three literals in any conjunct. Informally, the re-
duction works as follows. Each 3SAT literal and its negation corresponds to
an incompatible pair of hypotheses. Each conjunct of the Boolean expres-
sion corresponds to a datum to be explained. Satisfying a conjunct corre-
sponds to a hypothesis explaining a datum. Clearly then, a complete com-
posite hypothesis exists if and only if the Boolean expression is satisfiable.
Furthermore, a complete composite hypothesis exists if and only if an ex-
planation exists. Our proof shows that only O (|#J) incompatible pairs are
needed to give rise to intractability.
The underlying difficulty is that the choice between a pair of incompat-
ible hypotheses cannot be made locally, but is dependent on the choices
Computational complexity of abduction 169
from all other incompatible pairs. It is interesting to note that the parsimony
constraint plays no role in this result. Just finding a complete composite
hypothesis is hard in incompatibility abduction problems.
It follows that:

Corollary 7.6. For the class of independent incompatibility abduc-

tion problems, it is NP-hard to find a best explanation.

The class of incompatibility abduction problems can be reduced to both

Reiter's theory of diagnosis (Reiter, 1987) and Pearl's theory of belief revi-
sion (Pearl, 1987).

Theorem 7.7. For the class of diagnosis problems, relative to the

complexity of determining whether a composite hypothesis is con-
sistent with SD u OBS, it is NP-complete to determine whether a
diagnosis exists.

For this theorem, a composite hypothesis is a conjecture that certain com-

ponents are abnormal, and that all other components are normal.
It is easy to translate the explanatory interactions of an independent in-
compatibility abduction problem into first-order sentences. For example,
e~\d) = Hcan be translated to MANIFEST^ —> V h e H AB(/Z). {h, h'} e I can be
translated to AB(/J) —> —i AB(/Z'). It is interesting that this problem is hard even
if it is easy to determine the consistency of a composite hypothesis.

Theorem 7.8. For the class of belief revision problems, it is NP-

complete to determine whether there is a value assignment w to the
variables W such that P (w |v) > 0.

This theorem directly follows from Cooper's result that it is NP-complete to

determine whether P (X = true) > 0 for a given variable X within a belief net-
work (Cooper, 1990). Also, a reduction from incompatibility abduction prob-
lems can be done as follows. Map each h e HaU to a "hypothesis" variable. Map
each d e Dall to a "data" variable that can be true only if one or more of the
hypothesis variables corresponding to e~\d) are true (e.g., noisy-OR interac-
tion). Map each incompatible pair into a data variable that can be true only if at
most one, but not both, of the two corresponding hypothesis variables is true
(e.g., NAND). Initializing all the data variables to true sets up the problem.

Cancellation abduction problems

Another interaction not allowed in independent or monotonic abduction
problems is cancellation, i.e., when one element of a composite hypothesis
"cancels" a datum that another element would otherwise explain. Cancella-
tion can occur when one hypothesis can have a subtractive effect on the
explanatory coverage of another. This is common in medicine, e.g., in the
domain of acid-base disorders, one disease might explain an increased blood
pH, and another might explain a decreased pH, but together the result might
be a normal pH (Patil, Szolovits, & Schwartz, 1982). Different faults in
different components can result in cancellation, e.g., a stuck-at-1 input into
an AND-gate might account for an output of 1, but not if the other input is
stuck-at-0. Cancellation commonly occurs in the physical world. Newton's
second law implies that forces can cancel each other. Cancellation in the
form of feedback control is intentionally designed into devices.
Formally, we define a cancellation abduction problem as a tuple (Dall,
HaU, e, pi, e+, e_). e+ is a map from Hall to subsets ofDall indicating what data
each hypothesis "produces." e_ is another map from Hall to subsets of Dall
indicating what data each hypothesis "consumes." d e e(H) if and only if
the hypotheses in H that produce d outnumber the hypotheses that consume
d. That is:

de e(H)<->\{h\h£H/\d<E e+(h)}\ > \{h | h e / / A d e e_{h)}\

In Figure 7.1, if we let e+ = e for individual hypotheses and if e_{h = {d3},

e_(h2) = {d4}, and e_(h3) = eXh4) = e-(h5) = 0, then the only explanations
would be {hr hy h5) and {h2, h4, h5}.
Admittedly, this is a simplified model of cancellation effects, in the sense
that it captures only one kind of cancellation interaction. Nevertheless, it is
sufficient to derive intractability:

Theorem 7.9. For the class of cancellation abduction problems, it

is NP-complete to determine whether an explanation exists.

We have proved this by reduction from finding explanations in incompat-

ibility abduction problems. Informally, the idea of the reduction is based on
the following. Suppose that a datum has two potential "producers" and two
potential "consumers." Now any composite hypothesis that contains both
consumers cannot explain the datum. In effect, the two consumers are in-
compatible. Our reduction ensures that each incompatible pair in the incom-
patibility abduction problem is appropriately mapped to such a situation in
the corresponding cancellation abduction problem. Only O (| HaU |) "cancel-
lations" are needed for this result, where Y,hsHall \e.{h) I gives the number of
It follows that:

Corollary 7.10. For the class of cancellation abduction problems, it

is NP-hard to find a best explanation.
Computational complexity of abduction 171
Table 7.1. Computational complexity of finding explanations
Condition to achieve

Finding all Finding an Finding a best

Class of problems explanations explanation explanation
independent NP P ?
monotonic NP P ?
incompatibility NP NP NP
cancellation NP NP NP
P = known polynomial algorithm, NP = NP-hard

One aspect of cancellation abduction problems is more complex than in-

compatibility abduction problems. In an independent incompatibility abduc-
tion problem, if a complete composite hypothesis is found, then it is easy to
find a parsimonious subset. However, this is not true for cancellation abduc-
tion problems.

Theorem 7.11. For the class of cancellation abduction problems, it

is coNP-complete to determine whether a complete composite hy-
pothesis is parsimonious.

That is, it is NP-complete to determine whether a complete composite

hypothesis is not parsimonious. The idea of our reduction is the following.
If a datum has three "producers" and two "consumers," we can ensure that
the datum is explained by including all three producers in the composite
hypothesis. However, there might be a more parsimonious composite hy-
pothesis in which some of the producers are omitted, but finding such a
composite hypothesis means that one or both consumers must be omitted as
well, making them effectively incompatible.
Table 7.1 summarizes the results of this section. The question mark (?)
indicates that we not have yet described the complexity of finding a best
explanation in independent and monotonic abduction problems.

Complexity of plausibility

To analyze the complexity of finding a best explanation, we need to define

how to compare the plausibilities of explanations. We consider one plausi-
bility criterion based on comparing the plausibilities of the elements of the
explanations. Other plausibility criteria are considered in Bylander, Allemang,
Tanner, & Josephson (1989a), but they are less relevant to other theories of
The best-small plausibility criterion
Everything else being equal, smaller explanations are preferable to larger
ones, and more plausible individual hypotheses are preferable to less plau-
sible ones. Thus, in the absence of other information, it is reasonable to
compare the plausibility of explanations based on their sizes and the rela-
tive plausibilities of their elements. When a conflict occurs, e.g., one expla-
nation is smaller, but has less plausible elements, no ordering can be im-
posed without additional information.
The best-small plausibility criterion formally characterizes these consid-
erations as follows:
3m : H^H (m is 1-1 A
VAe H (pi (ft) > pi (m(h))) A
(\H\ = \ff\^3heH(pl (h) > pi (m (h))))).

That is, to be more plausible according to best-small, the elements of H

need to be matched to the elements of H so that the elements of H are at
least as plausible as their matches in H. If H and H are the same size, then
in addition some element in H must be more plausible than its match in H\
Note that if// is larger than H, then pi (H) > pi (H). In Figure 7.1, {hr h3,
h4} and {h2, h5} would be the best explanations.
We have demonstrated that it is intractable to find best explanations using

Theorem 7.12. For the class of independent abduction problems

using the best-small plausibility criterion, it is NP-hard to find a
best explanation.

The simplest proof of this theorem involves a reduction from minimum

cover (Garey & Johnson, 1979). If each individual hypothesis is given the
same plausibility, then the smallest explanations (the covers with the small-
est sizes) are the best explanations. A more general proof is a reduction from
a special class of independent incompatibility abduction problems in which
each individual hypothesis is in exactly one incompatible pair. In this reduc-
tion, each incompatible pair is mapped into two equally plausible hypoth-
eses, at least one of which must be chosen. If the incompatibility abduction
problem has any explanations, they turn out to be best explanations in the
best-small problem.
We conjecture that it is possible to reduce from finding a best explanation
using best-small to finding a best explanation using any "theory of belief' in
which composite hypotheses that are smaller or have more plausible ele-
ments can have higher belief values. Of course, standard probability theory
Computational complexity of abduction 173
is an example of such a theory, as are all its main competitors. This conjec-
ture is supported by the following theorem.

Theorem 7.13. For the class of belief revision problems restricted

to OR interactions, it is NP-hard to find the MPE.

The restriction to OR interactions means that each effect can be true only
if one or more of its parents are true. This restriction makes it easy to find a
value assignment w such that P (w \v) > 0. Although this theorem could be
demonstrated by adapting the proof for Theorem 7.12, it is useful to show
that the best-small plausibility criterion has a correlate in probabilistic rea-
The reduction from independent abduction problems using best-small works
as follows. Each h e Hall is mapped to a "hypothesis" variable. Each d E Dall
is mapped to a "data" variable that is true if and only if one or more of the
hypothesis variables corresponding to e\d) are true, i.e., an OR interaction.
The a priori probabilities of the hypothesis variables being true must be
between 0 and 0.5, and are ordered according to the plausibilities in the
abduction problem. Initializing all the data variables to true sets up the prob-
lem. The MPE for this belief revision problem corresponds to a best expla-
nation for the best-small problem. Because finding a best explanation is NP-
hard, finding the MPE must be NP-hard even for belief networks that only
contain OR interactions.

Ordered abduction problems

Our proofs of Theorem 7.12 depend on the fact that some individual hypoth-
eses have similar plausibilities to other hypotheses. It turns out that finding
a best explanation using best-small is tractable if the plausibilities of indi-
vidual hypotheses are all different from each other and if their plausibilities
are totally ordered.
Formally, an abduction problem is ordered if:

VA, h' E Hall (h*h* -> (pi (h) < pi (/*') v pi (h) > pi (/*')))

Again, let/i = | D J + | / J J .

Theorem 7.14. For the class of ordered monotonic abduction prob-

lems using the best-small plausibility criterion, there is an
O(nCe + nC {+ n2) algorithm for finding a best explanation.

Algorithm 7.2 performs this task within this order of complexity. It is the
same as Algorithm 7.1 except that the loop considers the individual hypoth-
eses from least to most plausible. The explanation that Algorithm 7.2 finds

ALGORITHM 7.2. Finding a best explanation in ordered independent and

monotonic abduction problems using the best-small plausibility criterion
W stands for the working composite hypothesis.
Nil is returned if no explanation exists.
Determine whether an explanation exists.
If e(HJ*Dall then
Return nil
Find a best explanation.
For each h e HM from least to most plausible

Return W

is a best explanation because no other explanation can have more plausible

individual hypotheses; the algorithm always chooses the least plausible in-
dividual hypotheses to remove. Of course, Algorithm 7.2 also finds a best
explanation for ordered independent abduction problems.
As with Algorithm 7.1, it is possible to use e1 advantageously. The work-
ing hypothesis W can be initialized to include the most plausible individual
hypotheses from each e'\d), i.e., because of monotonic interactions, suffi-
cient hypotheses from e \d) must be chosen so that d is explained.
Algorithm 7.2 is an adaptation of the RED-2 hypothesis assembly algo-
rithm, and is a serial version of the parallel parsimony algorithm described
in Goel, Sadayappan, & Josephson, (1988). In Figure 7.1, assuming the in-
dependence constraint, this algorithm would find {h}, hy h4}, which is one
of the two best explanations.
As in our example, there might be more than one explanation because
best-small in general imposes a partial ordering on the plausibilities of com-
posite hypotheses. Suppose that an ordered monotonic abduction problem
has only one best explanation according to best-small. Because Algorithm
7.2 is guaranteed to find a best explanation, then it will find the one best

Corollary 7.15. For the class of ordered monotonic abduction prob-

lems using the best-small plausibility criterion, if there is exactly
one best explanation, then there is an O (nCe + nC 7 + n2) algorithm
for finding the best explanation.

This can be informally restated as: In a well-behaved abduction problem,

Computational complexity of abduction 175
Table 7.2. Computational complexity of finding best explanations

Class of problems Condition to achieve

Finding a best Finding more than
explanation one explanation
Ordered P NP
Unordered NP NP
Incompatibility NP NP
Cancellation NP NP

P = known polynomial algorithm, NP = NP-hard

if it is known that some explanation is clearly the best explanation, then it is

tractable to find it. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine if some expla-
nation is clearly the best explanation.

Theorem 7.16. For the class of ordered independent abduction prob-

lems using the best-small plausibility criterion, given a best expla-
nation, it is NP-complete to determine whether there is another best

We have proved this by a reduction from the special class of independent

incompatibility abduction problems in which each individual hypothesis is
in exactly one incompatible pair. Assuming n incompatible pairs, the best-
small problem is set up so that one hypothesis out of each pair must be
chosen, and so that extra hypotheses plus the most plausible element of each
pair is a best explanation of size n+2. In our reduction, any other best-small
best explanation in this reduction must be of size n+1 and include an expla-
nation for the incompatibility problem. Thus, even for ordered independent
abduction problems, it is intractable to find all the best explanations, or
even enumerate some number of them.
As a consequence, it does not become tractable to find the MPE for or-
dered abduction problems. The proof for the previous theorem can be easily
adapted so that any explanation of size n+1 will be more probable than any
explanation of size n+2.
From these theorems, we can describe what kinds of mistakes will be made
by Algorithm 7.2. While the explanation this algorithm finds will match up
qualitatively to any other explanation, there might be other "qualitatively
best" explanations, which might be judged better based on more precise
plausibility information.
Table 7.2 summarizes some of these results.
Application to red-cell antibody identification

Description of the domain

The RED expert systems perform in the domain of blood bank antibody
analysis (see chapter 3). One of the jobs done by a blood-bank technologist
is to identify antibodies in a patient's serum that can react to antigens that
might appear on red blood cells. This is typically done by combining, under
different test conditions, samples of patient serum with samples of red blood
cells known to express certain antigens. Some of these combinations might
show reactions. The presence of certain antibodies in the patient serum ac-
counts for certain reactions. The reactions are additive in the sense that if
the presence of one antibody explains one reaction, and presence of another
antibody explains another, then the presence of both antibodies explains both
reactions. Moreover, if each antibody can account for a weak result in some
reaction, then the presence of both can account for a stronger result in that
reaction. Also, some pairs of antibodies cannot occur together. RED's task is
to decide which antibodies are present, given a certain reaction pattern. RED-
2 takes into account 27 of the most clinically significant antibodies.

Relationship to classes of abduction problems

We now examine how this task can be categorized within the classes of
abduction problems discussed in this chapter.

Independent. The additive nature of the reactions means that for separate
reactions and compatible hypotheses, the independence constraint is met.
However, since independent abduction problems do not allow for parts of
data to be explained, they cannot describe additivity of reaction strengths.

Monotonic. If we view a weak result for some reaction as a separate result from
a strong result for the same reaction, then we can say that the phenomenon of
additive reaction strengths falls into the class of monotonic abduction prob-
lems. That is, each of two antibodies alone might explain a weak reaction. To-
gether, they would explain either a weak reaction or a strong reaction.

Incompatibility. In this domain, some antibodies are incompatible with oth-

ers. Also, for each antibody, RED-2 distinguishes between two different,
incompatible ways that it can react. Thus, red-cell antibody identification is
clearly outside of monotonic abduction problems and within the intractable
class of incompatibility abduction problems. We will discuss why this is not
usually a difficulty in this domain.

Cancellation. No cancellation interactions take place in this domain.

Computational complexity of abduction 111
Ordered. RED-2 rates the plausibility of the presence of an antibody on a
seven-point qualitative scale. Because there are approximately 60 antibody
subtypes, the same plausibility rating is given to several antibodies. Strictly
speaking, this takes the problem out of ordered abduction problems, but we
describe below why this is not usually a problem.
Incompatibility relationships and lack of plausibility ordering do not usu-
ally create difficulties in this domain for the following reasons. One is that
most antibodies are usually ruled out before any composite hypotheses are
considered, i.e., the evidence indicates that the antibodies cannot reason-
ably be part of any composite hypotheses. The more antibodies that are ruled
out, the more likely that the remaining antibodies contain no or few incom-
patibilities, and resemble an ordered abduction problem.
Another reason is that the reaction testing is designed to discriminate be-
tween the antibodies. Thus, an antibody that is present usually explains some
reaction more plausibly than any other antibody. An antibody that is not
present is unlikely to have clear evidence in its favor and is usually super-
fluous in the context of equally or higher rated antibodies.
A final reason is that it is rare to have more than a few antibodies. Other
antibodies that are rated lower than these antibodies are easily eliminated.
In rare cases, though, these reasons do not apply, with the result that RED-
2 has difficulties with incompatible pairs or unordered hypotheses, or it se-
lects an explanation with many antibodies where the preferred answer con-
tains a smaller number of individually less plausible antibodies (chapter 3).

We have discovered one restricted class of abduction problems in which it is
tractable to find the best explanation. In this class, there can be no incom-
patibility relationships or cancellation interactions, the plausibilities of the
individual hypotheses are all different from each other, and there must be
exactly one best explanation according to the best-small plausibility crite-
Unfortunately, it is intractable to determine whether there is more than
one best explanation in ordered abduction problems. However, it is still trac-
table to find one of the best-small best explanations in ordered monotonic
abduction problems. Incompatibility relationships, cancellation interactions,
and similar plausibilities among individual hypotheses are factors leading
to intractability.
For abduction in general, however, our results are not encouraging. We
believe that few domains satisfy the independent or monotonic property,
i.e., they usually have incompatibility relationships and cancellation inter-
actions. Requiring the most plausible explanation appears to guarantee in-
tractability for abduction. It is important to note that these difficulties result
from the nature of abduction problems, and not the representations or algo-
rithms being used to solve the problem. These problems are hard no matter
what representation or algorithm is used.
Fortunately, there are several mitigating factors that might hold for spe-
cific domains. One factor is that incompatibility relationships and cancella-
tion interactions might be sufficiently sparse so that it is not expensive to
search for explanations. However, only O (n) incompatibilities or cancella-
tions are sufficient to lead to intractability, and the maximum plausibility
requirement still remains a difficulty.
Another factor, as discussed in the introductory section of this chapter, is
that some constraint might guarantee a polynomial search space, e.g., a limit
on the size of hypotheses or sufficient knowledge to rule out most individual
hypotheses. For example, if rule-out knowledge can reduce the number of
individual hypotheses from h to log h, then the problem is tractable. It is
important to note that such factors do not simply call for "more knowledge,"
but knowledge of the right type, e.g., rule-out knowledge. Additional knowl-
edge per se does not reduce complexity. For example, more knowledge about
incompatibilities or cancellations makes abduction harder.
The abductive reasoning of the RED-2 system works because of these
factors. The size of the right answer is usually small, and rule-out knowl-
edge is able to eliminate many hypotheses. RED-2 is able to avoid exhaus-
tive search because the non-ruled-out hypotheses are close to an ordered
monotonic abduction problem.
If there are no tractable algorithms for a class of abduction problems, then
there is no choice but to do abduction heuristically (unless one is willing to
wait for a very long time). This poses a challenge to researchers who at-
tempt to deal with abductive inference: Provide a characterization that re-
spects the classic criteria of good explanations (parsimony, coverage, con-
sistency, and plausibility), but avoids the computational pitfalls that beset
solutions attempting to optimize these criteria. We believe that this will lead
to the adoption of a more naturalistic or satisficing conceptualization of
abduction in which the final explanation is not guaranteed to be optimal,
e.g., it might not explain some data. (This idea is developed in chapter 9.)
Perhaps one mark of intelligence is being able to act despite the lack of
optimal solutions.
Our results show that abduction, characterized as finding the most plausible
composite hypothesis that explains all the data, is generally an intractable prob-
lem. Thus, it is futile to hope for a tractable algorithm that produces optimal
answers for all kinds of abduction problems. To be solved efficiently, an abduc-
tion problem must have certain features that make it tractable, and there must
be a reasoning method that takes advantage of those features. Understanding
abduction, as for any portion of intelligence, requires a theory of reasoning that
takes care for the practicality of computations.
Computational complexity of abduction 179
1 The latter constraint is not the same as "eliminating candidates" in de Kleer & Williams (1987) or
"inconsistency" in Reiter (1987). If a hypothesis is insufficient to explain all the observations, the
hypothesis is not ruled out because it can still be in composite hypotheses.
2 Composite hypotheses that do not explain all the data can still be considered explanations, albeit
partial. Nevertheless, because explaining all the data is a goal of the abduction problems that we
are considering, for convenience, this goal is incorporated into the definition of "explanation."
3 The symbol "\" stands for set difference, i.e. A\B consists of the set of all members of A that are
not members of B.
4 There might be more than one maximal subset of observations that satisfies these conditions. If
so, then e(H) selects some preferred subset.
5 For belief networks, we use a boldface italic lower case letter to stand for a (set of) value
assignment(s) to a (set of) variable(s), which is denoted by a BOLDFACE ITALIC uppercase
6 One difficulty with the more "natural" mapping/?/ (H) = P (H=true |v) is that even if the MPE is
parsimonious, it might not be the best explanation.
7 Also, it is #P-complete to determine the number of complete composite hypotheses. The defini-
tion of #P-complete comes from Valiant (1979).
8 Incompatible pairs are the most natural case, e.g., one hypothesis of the pair is the negation of the
other, n mutually exclusive hypotheses can be represented as n(n-l)ll incompatible pairs. Incom-
patible triplets (any two of the three, but not all three) and so on are conceivable, but allowing
these possibilities in the formal definition does not affect the complexity results.
8 Two more diagnostic systems

In chapter 7 abduction stumbled. Our powerful all-purpose inference pat-

tern, maybe the basis for all knowledge from experience, was mathemati-
cally proved to be impossible (or anyway deeply impractical under ordinary
circumstances). How can this be? Apparently we do make abductions all the
time in ordinary life and science. Successfully. Explanation-seeking pro-
cesses not only finish in reasonable time, they get right answers. Correct
diagnosis is possible, even practical. (Or maybe skepticism is right after all,
knowledge is impossible, correct diagnosis is an illusion.)
Maybe there is no deep question raised by those mathematical results.
Perhaps all they are telling us is that we do not always get the right answer.
Sometimes our best explanation is not the "true cause" (ways this can occur
are systematically described in chapter 1). Sometimes we cannot find a best
explanation in reasonable time, or we find one but do not have enough time
to determine whether it is unique. Maybe knowledge is possible after all, but
it is a kind of hit or miss affair. Yet if knowledge is possible, how can we
succeed in making abductions without being defeated by incompatible hy-
potheses, cancellation effects, and too-close confidence values?
Whether or not knowledge is possible, we can build diagnostic systems
able to achieve good performance in complex domains. This chapter pre-
sents two such systems and also includes a special section on how a kind of
learning can be fruitfully treated as abduction. A fuller response to the com-
plexity results is given in chapter 9. Here we get our hands dirty again with
The opening paragraphs of this chapter are by John R. Josephson. Distributed Abduction
in MDX2 is by Jon Sticklen and is taken from the paper of the same name that appears in
Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Computation: Towards Second Generation Systems
edited by R. Huber, C. Kulikowski, J. M Krivine, and J. M. David. It appears with per-
mission of J. C. Baltzer AG Science Publishers. QUAWDS: Diagnostic System for Gait
Analysis is by Michael Weintraub, Tom Bylander, and Sheldon Simon. It is taken from
QUAWDS: A Composite Diagnostic System for Gait Analysis by Weintraub and Bylander
that appeared in the proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Computer
Applications in Medical Care, 1989. It appears here with permission of SCAMC, Inc. A
similar paper authored by Weintraub, Bylander, and Simon appeared in Computer Meth-
ods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 32, no. 1, 1990. The present version appears with
permission of Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. An Abductive Approach to Knowledge-
Base Refinement is by Michael Weintraub and Tom Bylander.

Two more diagnostic systems 181
actual knowledge-based systems. One reason for this chapter's presence is
to show some variety in abductive-assembly strategies so that the reader
will gain a broader view of the possibilities. Another is to show that interest-
ing diagnostic systems have been built for complex real-world domains. Fi-
nally, we want to show that abduction gives some handle on learning.
Jon Sticklen's MDX2 is a medical diagnosis system in a subdomain of
mixed clinical diseases. The system integrates generic-task problem solvers
(described in chapter 2) for hierarchical classification, hypothesis match-
ing, knowledge-directed data retrieval, and abductive assembly. It uses knowl-
edge of function and structure to help make some decisions, and it can ask
for further medical tests to help resolve difficult cases. It uses "concept clus-
ters" to organize knowledge and to help control the abductive processing.
QUAWDS by Michael Weintraub, Tom Bylander, and Sheldon Simon is a
system for diagnosing human-gait disorders that result from diseases affect-
ing motor control such as cerebral palsy or stroke. The potential for compu-
tational complexity problems is great in this domain due to an especially
high density of interacting hypotheses. In the third section of this chapter,
an abductive approach to learning (as knowledge-base refinement) is de-
scribed. Mistakes made by a system can be explained by assigning blame to
incorrect knowledge in the knowledge base. This was implemented for the
QUAWDS system by Michael Weintraub.

Distributed abduction in MDX2

We believe that the goal of abduction is not to produce optimal answers, but
rather to produce answers that satisflce (in Herbert Simon's sense, see Simon,
1969). We also believe that an adequate theory of abductive problem solv-
ing begins with a good theory of how knowledge used in the problem solv-
ing is organized.
MDX2 is an integrated medical diagnosis system whose domain is a
subdomain of mixed clinical diseases. MDX2 begins with the overall ge-
neric-task approach to knowledge-based systems (see chapter 2). MDX2 uses
a two-tiered organization of disease categories. At the top level, diseases are
organized in clusters of related diseases (e.g., blood disease, cancer). At the
second level (within one cluster), MDX2 follows the lead of MDX (Mittal,
1980): Each disease area is organized into a specialization hierarchy, with
the most general diseases high in the hierarchy, and the most specific dis-
eases low in the hierarchy. Each disease-cluster problem solver is a classifi-
cation-based system. A high-level abductive assembler enfolds all the dis-
ease-cluster problem solvers. The abductive assembler is responsible for the
final construction of an abductive answer and for directing the problem-
solving focus among the various disease-area units.

The diagnosis,
with accounting

Is ,,, high/low.
Which hypotheses are Has ... been given':
plausible ? What can they
account for?
How many S &S
can you account

Am I a plausible
hypothesis for the
current case?

Figure 8.1. Problem-solving modules of MDX2.

Figure 8.1 shows the major types of problem-solving units in MDX2 and
the major information-processing requests that the various units can make
of one another. Conceptually, MDX2 consists of a compiled-level, abduc-
tion-based problem solver (the topic of this section), an intelligent database
(Mittal, Chandrasekaran, & Sticklen, 1984), and a deep-level problem solver
(described in Sticklen & Chandrasekaran, 1989).
The fundamental abductive-control cycle in MDX2 is as follows:
Step 1. The top-level abductive assembler calls one of the disease-cluster prob-
lem solvers. The cluster selected is chosen by counting the number of pa-
tient signs and symptoms for which the cluster can account.1 Note that the
entire disease cluster is thus treated by the abductive assembler as an
epistemically important object. In particular, the information required by
the abductive assembler (a potential importance measure of each classifier
for the current case) can be provided by the cluster based on a compiled
listing of the patient observations that the categories of the cluster might
explain. The cluster compares this compiled list with the observations of
the current patient, then reports the number of observations that categories
of the cluster may explain. The "may" is because, for any particular case,
not all the categories within one cluster will be plausible.
Step 2. The selected cluster - which in MDX2 is a type of classifier- au-
Two more diagnostic systems 183
tonomously accounts for as much as possible given the constraint that
it can use only the plausible diagnostic categories that it contains (i.e.,
the classifier produces a local abductive answer). To carry out its clas-
sification problem solving, the classifier uses other problem solvers of
the system to determine how plausible a given diagnostic classification
category is. When a particular classifier completes its task, it reports to
the abductive assembler a listing of plausible diseases (as a simple clas-
sifier would) and an accounting of what each plausible disease can ac-
count for in the current case. The local nature of the construction of
this partial accounting scheme also allows a disciplined examination
of interacting diseases. Discussion of how disease interaction is handled
is beyond the scope of this section but is described in Sticklen,
Chandrasekaran, & Josephson (1985).
Step 3. The abductive assembler checks whether all patient signs and symp-
toms are accounted for. If they are, the abductive assembler first con-
structs a nonredundant accounting scheme for patient manifestations,
returns the accounting scheme to the user, then halts. If not all patient
manifestations are accounted for, the abductive assembler repeats the
procedure. The final accounting algorithm that is used is similar to a
portion of the RED algorithm (the portion that removes superfluous
hypotheses) and is not computationally complex.

The prevalent abductive models partition the abduction problem into two
subtasks, either explicitly or implicitly: Generate candidate hypotheses and
construct an abductive answer from the generated hypotheses. In MDX2,
the abductive problem is partitioned into three tasks: (1) Focus on appropri-
ate clusters of hypotheses (step 1, carried out by the abductive assembler),
(2) determine locally (within the individual hypothesis cluster) a partial ac-
counting scheme of the plausible hypotheses and the observations for which
they account (step 2, carried out by the hypothesis area focused on in step
1), and (3) carry out bookkeeping to determine whether all observations are
accounted for and, if so, remove any superfluous hypotheses (step 3, carried
out by the top-level abductive assembler).
The basic mechanism of the focusing step is for the assembler to poll
the hypothesis clusters, asking for a measure of relevance for the current
case. In MDX2, this measure of importance is computed in a rudimentary
way: Each hypothesis area compares the current patient observations with
a compiled list of the observations that its hypotheses may account for. The
computed importance of a particular cluster is assigned according to the
number of observations for which a cluster may account. Clearly, more so-
phisticated methods of determining hypothesis-cluster importance are de-

An abductive answer produced by MDX2 is not ensured to be an optimal
solution. MDX2 halts once all observations are accounted for. This can hap-
pen after only a few of the classification units of the system are invoked.
Complete coverage of observations is a characteristic of MDX2 abduction;
minimal cardinality of the final composite answer is not.
Thus, MDX2 can make mistakes. For example, suppose that the indexing
to the classification units leads to invocation of classifiers in order C p C2,
C3. Further, suppose that three diseases are found likely by these three clas-
sifiers; these diseases taken together account for the known patient observa-
tions. As soon as MDX2 encounters this situation, it halts and yields an
answer that includes the three diseases along with the associated accounting
scheme that covers all the current observations. Finally, suppose that there
is a classifier Cn such that it contains a single disease that accounts for all
patient observations by itself. MDX2 will miss this lower cardinality solu-
There are two responses to the awareness of this difficulty in MDX2. We
could suggest that MDX2 procedures are faulty, that, in fact, all disease
areas should be examined to make sure that the best abductive answer is
found. However, this strategy would be computationally expensive. Alter-
natively, we could suggest that the indexing to the disease areas was not
adequate, that the index should have led us to examine Cn first. The index-
ing in the MDX2 system is extremely primitive. This indexing technique
has the advantage of being simple but the disadvantage of almost surely
being inadequate. The point illustrated by MDX2 is not to propose a defini-
tive indexing technique but to shift the emphasis from a search for a clever
algorithm for solving a demonstrably intractable problem, to a search for
the principles of memory organization and indexing that will allow us to
effectively avoid the intractable problem.

QUAWDS: Diagnostic system for gait analysis

In this section we describe QUAWDS (Qualitative Analysis of Walking
Disorders), a system for interpreting human gait. The QUAWDS system is
presently restricted to pathologies resulting from diseases that affect motor
control, such as cerebral palsy (CP) or stroke. CP affects the brain and mani-
fests itself by interfering with the coordination of muscle activity. These
effects - muscle tightness, spasticity, and weakness - rather than CP are the
focus in pathologic gait analysis (that the patient has CP is known before the
gait analysis is performed). We begin by describing the domain of human
gait analysis. We then discuss the advantages and limitations of some tradi-
tional diagnostic models and describe how they have been applied to gait
analysis. Next, we present a diagnostic architecture that combines "associa-
Two more diagnostic systems 185
tional" and "qualitative causal" knowledge, and that takes advantage of the
subtasks that each kind of knowledge can help accomplish efficiently and
effectively. An abductive hypothesis assembler is used to coordinate the dif-
ferent modules. It produces a diagnostic solution that is locally best (i.e., no
single change to the answer will produce a better solution). Finally, we pro-
vide an example of gait analysis.

The domain of human pathologic gait

In a normal person, the neurological system controls the muscles through coor-
dinated commands to rotate limbs at several joints, providing body propulsion
and stability for walking. A gait cycle consists of the time between a heel strike
and the next heel strike of the same foot. The most significant events of the gait
cycle are right heel strike (RHS), left toe-off (LTO), left heel strike (LHS), and
right toe-off (RTO). These events delimit the four major phases of gait: weight
acceptance (WA), single-limb stance (SLS), weight release (WR), and swing.
For example, right WA is from RHS to LTO; right SLS is from LTO to LHS;
right WR is from LHS to RTO; and right swing is from RTO to the next RHS.
These events are illustrated in Figure 8.2.
The goal of diagnosis in this domain is to identify the improper muscle
activity and the joint limitations that cause the deviations from normal that
are observed in a patient's gait. The input is the information gathered at the
Gait Analysis Laboratory at The Ohio State University and includes three
types of data: clinical, historical, and motion. Clinical data come from the
physical examination of the patient, and measure both the range of motion
of the different joints and the qualitative strength of different muscle groups.
Historical data include information about any past medical procedures or
diagnoses. Motion data specify the time/distance parameters of walking (ve-
locity, stride length, stance and swing times, etc.) and the angular position
of the patient's leg joints (hips, knees, and ankles) in all three planes during
a gait cycle. Motion data also include electromyograph (EMG) data of se-
lected muscle groups; EMG data indicate when nervous stimulation of a
muscle occurs during the gait cycle.
Gait analysis is very difficult. Many gait parameters cannot be measured
directly using current technology. For example, EMG data are at best a rela-
tive measure of muscle forces (Simon, 1982). Multiple faults often occur
and interact with one another. In our experience it is not unusual for a pa-
tient to have 10 or more faults. Moreover, human gait involves a number of
highly interacting components and processes including mechanisms that at-
tempt to compensate for a fault. As a result, an apparently abnormal behav-
ior might actually serve to improve overall functioning.

Right Left Left Right

Heel Toe Heel Toe Heel
Strike Off Strike Off Stnke

WA O—Single Limb) Qtance—1> WR

-Gait Cycle-

Figure 8.2. Human gait cycle.

Previous gait analysis programs

Our work on QUAWDS is motivated in part by an earlier series of gait analysis
systems, Dr. Gait-1 and Dr. Gait-2 (Hirsch, Simon, Bylander, Weintraub, &
Szolovits, 1989). The first system, Dr. Gait-1, was intended to diagnose gait
disorders resulting from CP and operated strictly by using associational
knowledge, which explicitly related patterns of observations with faults (we
call this an "associational model"). Dr. Gait-1 is limited to analyzing the
motions of one leg in the sagittal plane (from the side). This program matches
the observed leg motions to a set of precompiled motion patterns, then
matches these patterns and EMG information to hypothesize faults. Basing
the diagnostic problem solving solely on associational models was also the
approach taken by two other gait analysis systems, one developed by Tracy,
Montague, Gabriel, and Kent (1979) and the other by Dzierzanowski (1984).
These systems differ from Dr. Gait-1 primarily by their application to differ-
ent, albeit simpler, subdomains of gait analysis (Hirsch, 1987).
The advantage of an associational model is that diagnostic conclusions
can be derived from the case data with few or no intermediate steps. The
problem with this approach is that a combinatorial number of associational
rules is needed to cover all possible situations in a complex domain. For
example, in Dr. Gait-1 every new situation required the addition of a new
rule. The result was a large and unwieldy rule base. Because of this prob-
lem, associational models are often incomplete and make simplifying as-
sumptions (e.g., that faults can be diagnosed independently of one another).
Two more diagnostic systems 187
Furthermore, the only type of explanation that an associational model can
produce is a run-time trace of the system's execution. Physiological expla-
nations of conclusions cannot be generated because associational models do
not explicitly represent relationships among components. Even though as-
sociational models are inadequate for complex domains such as gait analy-
sis, they are still useful for certain diagnostic subtasks (e.g., determining the
plausibility of faults and discriminating between them).
One way to overcome the problems of associational models is to use a
device model that can determine interactions in the device and formulate
physiological explanations (Davis & Hamscher, 1988). The key to doing
this in gait analysis is to use some understanding about how gait is caused,
namely, that the joints' motions are caused by a combination of torques re-
sulting from muscles, body weight, and momentum. This idea is implemented
in Dr. Gait-2 by qualitatively representing a device model of gait (we call
this a "qualitative model"). Like Dr. Gait-1, this system is limited to consid-
ering faults resulting from CP and to analyzing the motions of one leg in the
sagittal plane. Like Dr. Gait-1, this system begins by identifying the mo-
tions that need to be explained, but then uses its qualitative model of gait to
generate and select hypotheses. The qualitative model represents a joint's
motion during a phase as a qualitative sum of all the torques acting on it. For
each abnormal motion deviation, Dr. Gait-2 hypothesizes all faults that are
physically reasonable and uses heuristic knowledge about CP to choose the
best hypothesis (or hypotheses) that explain the data.
Unfortunately, there are several difficulties in doing diagnosis on the ba-
sis of qualitative models. First, quantitative models with sufficient predic-
tive and explanatory power must be available before an accurate qualitative
model can be constructed. In gait analysis, developing quantitative models
of gait is an open research problem (Hemami, 1985). Second, qualitative
models introduce several sources of ambiguity (Kuipers, 1986, Struss, 1987).
As a rule, qualitative simulation does not predict a single sequence of states
but produces several alternative state sequences. Additional information is
required to distinguish among them (de Kleer & Brown, 1983). Last, the
computational complexity of such a model is a concern. That is, even if a
powerful qualitative model can be constructed, the problem of searching a
large hypothesis space remains. If n different malfunctions can occur, there
are 2" possible sets of malfunctions. A large hypothesis space is not just an
abstract possibility; in pathologic gait, multiple faults are typical.

The composite architecture of QUAWDS

In gait analysis there is no direct path from a qualitative model to an effi-
cient associational model; instead, such a model must be knowledge engi-
neered and restricted to specific subtasks. Diagnostic associations acquired


Fault Hypothesis Associational

Generator Knowledge

Fault Hypothesis

Explanatory Coverage

Figure 8.3. The architecture of QUAWDS.

from human experts (or other sources) are still needed to help guide the
search through the hypothesis space. The diagnostic architecture of QUAWDS
takes advantage of the information available from both types of models to
perform diagnosis efficiently, while avoiding the potential combinatorics.
Figure 8.3 shows the high-level functions and components of the architec-
ture. The associational component identifies which observations need to be
explained and determines the relative plausibilities of potential fault hy-
potheses; the qualitative component generates the set of fault hypotheses
offering to account for an observation and determines the explanatory cov-
erage of single- or multiple-fault hypotheses, taking hypothesis interactions
into account. A third component, a hypothesis assembler, coordinates these
subtasks and constructs a composite diagnosis.

Hypothesis assembly. Diagnosis by hypothesis assembly uses the observa-

tions that need to be explained (the findings) to drive the processing. An
assembly strategy should consider several criteria (discussed in previous
chapters) in building a composite hypothesis: (1) The assembler should work
towards explanatory completeness (explaining all the findings) but (2) should
also maintain parsimony by avoiding hypotheses that add little to the ex-
planatory power, and (3) the assembler should prefer more plausible hy-
potheses to less plausible ones and avoid selecting hypotheses that have low
The two basic phases of assembly are constructing a composite hypoth-
esis and making it parsimonious. The goal of the construction phase is to
include the most desirable fault hypotheses that add significant explanatory
coverage. The desirability of a hypothesis is determined by three factors:
Two more diagnostic systems 189
essentialness, confidence, and coverage. The importance associated with each
factor is domain dependent, as is what constitutes an important finding. The
goal of the parsimony phase is to remove superfluous hypotheses from the
working composite hypothesis. The least plausible hypotheses in the work-
ing composite are considered first for removal.
This approach requires other problem-solving methods that perform the
following functions: identifying a finding to be explained, generating the
set of faults that can potentially account for a finding, determining the rat-
ing of a fault, and determining the set of findings for which a (multiple)
fault hypothesis accounts. In our architecture these functions are performed
by the qualitative and the associational modules, as illustrated in Figure 8.3.

Subtasks of hypothesis assembly. Given the set of observations about a case,

the first subtask is to identify which observations need to be explained and
the relative importance of explaining each one. Associational knowledge is
used in this task. For example, rotational motions differing by more than 10
degrees from normal need to be accounted for. The importance of a motion's
deviation depends on the size and duration of the deviation.
The second subtask is to find the set of faults that potentially account for
an observation or observations. In QUAWDS this set is determined by quali-
tative knowledge. In the diagnosis of complex, interacting systems many
faults can contribute, either directly or indirectly, to an observation. In the
interest of efficiency, only a few fault hypotheses that potentially account
for a finding should be considered. In QUAWDS we assume that each fault
directly results in some observations. Thus, for each observation, only the
faults that can directly contribute to the observation are generated. The quali-
tative model, simply by its structure, can determine which components or
processes are involved in an observation. For example, the qualitative model
identifies the anterior tibialis (the muscle along the shin), gastroc/soleus
(the calf muscles considered as a unit), and other factors (e.g., knee flexion/
extension) as possible causes of excessive plantar'flexion of the ankle (pointing
the foot down). Both the anterior tibialis and the gastroc/soleus are consid-
ered direct causes of ankle motion, whereas other muscles affecting knee
motions are considered indirect.
The third subtask involves evaluating the plausibility of a fault. In
QUAWDS, a classification hierarchy and hypothesis matchers rate faults (as
in RED, see Chapter 3). The different categories in the hierarchy are the
faults, and for each fault hypothesis there is knowledge to evaluate its pres-
ence or absence in particular cases. Figure 8.4 shows a fragment of the clas-
sification hierarchy in QUAWDS. The plausibility rating of each fault re-
sults from matching a set of data-abstraction hypotheses against the set of
observations. Figure 8.5 gives an example of the knowledge groups (for en-
coding hypothesis-matching knowledge) used for the fault overactive ham-

Tight Hamstrings

Hip Overactive Hamstrings

Hip Extensors Weak Hamstrings
Underactive Hamstrings

Figure 8.4. Part of the QUAWDS classification hierarchy.

Summary KG
if (Motion Evidence=+2) and (NonmotionEvidence=+1)
then +3

Motion Evidence Nonmotion Evidence

if (Rotation Evidence = +1) If (Hip ROM is reduced)
and (EMG Evidence = +2) and (Disease is CP)
then 2 else... then +1 else...

Rotation Evidence EMG Evidence

if (Increased Hip Extension) if (EMG was Taken?) and
then +1 (Hamstrings are disphasic?)
else... then +2

Figure 8.5. Hypothesis-matching knowledge for overactive hamstrings.

strings. As is typical in systems using associations, domain experts can pro-

vide rules associating abnormal observations with faults typically causing
them. Thus, associational knowledge can give valuable insights into which
faults should be considered. For instance, the fault underactive anterior
tibialis is considered to be plausible if excessive plantarflexion is observed
during swing.
The fourth subtask is determining which observations a single- or mul-
tiple-fault can explain. This is determined by the qualitative model; each
rotation results from a combination of the torque-producing forces - muscles,
joints, and other forces - acting on it. For example, the fault hypothesis over-
Two more diagnostic systems 191
active gastroc/soleus accounts for excessive plantarflexion during SLS pro-
vided the muscle is not weak.
QUAWDS uses an abductive-assembly strategy based on the work described
by Bylander (1991). The goal is to find the most plausible set of fault hypoth-
eses for explaining the data. The strategy works by first adding to the working
hypothesis fault hypotheses that explain part of the observations until all the
observations are explained. The next phase is to remove the fault hypotheses
that do not add significantly to the explanatory coverage. These two phases are
repeated until no new progress is made because the same fault hypotheses are
being added to, then removed from, the working hypothesis. More specifically,
the abductive-assembly strategy is as follows:
For each observation, QUAWDS determines which fault hypotheses can
explain the observation. From these hypotheses, QUAWDS tentatively se-
lects the most plausible one. If this hypothesis is insufficient to explain the
observation completely, the next most plausible hypothesis is also selected,
and so on, until enough hypotheses are selected to explain the observation
(or until there are no more candidates). If two hypotheses for explaining the
observation are equally rated, and if one is selected, the other is also se-
After repeating this process for all the observations to be explained,
QUAWDS has selected a set of fault hypotheses. The removal phase then
considers each of these hypotheses and removes it if it is individually super-
fluous with respect to the set as a whole. For example, suppose QUAWDS
selects the set of hypotheses {hp h2, h3}. h{ is removed if {h2 , h3} explains
all the observations. Similarly, h2 is removed if {h1? h3} explains all the
observations, even if hl is also removed. Finally, h3 is removed if {hp h2}
explains all the observations, even if both h} and h2 are removed. Thus, all
individually superfluous hypotheses are removed, even if they are not jointly
The remainder after the removal phase is typically a reduced set of fault
hypotheses; these hypotheses are then permanently selected. The next addi-
tion phase proceeds by considering only the observations that are not ex-
plained by this set. The addition and removal phases are repeated until the
loop repeats itself-when an addition phase produces the same set of hy-
potheses as the previous addition phase. The result is a set of hypotheses
that are definitively concluded (the permanent selections) and a set repre-
senting unresolved choices (the ones repeatedly being added and removed).
The composite hypothesis consisting of the definitively concluded set is
"locally best" in the sense that each hypothesis in it is the most plausible
way to explain some finding, no hypothesis is explanatorily superfluous,
and adding any other most-plausible explainer will add an explanatorily su-
perfluous hypothesis. Thus, no single change to the composite hypothesis
will yield a better answer.

An example from gait analysis

To illustrate how QUAWDS works, consider the following example taken
from a gait study of a 5-year-old diplegic (both legs affected) patient with
CP. This patient had surgical lengthenings of the hamstring muscles on both
legs because of a severely crouched gait.
The first step is to identify the set of observations that need to be ex-
plained. Each observation in this set is called a "finding." In pathologic gait
analysis, findings are segments of the gait cycle in which the motion of a
particular joint deviates from normal. In our example, the following set of
findings need to be explained:
The left hip's motion is decreased in WR and early swing.
The left knee's motion is increased in the second half of SLS and in late
The left ankle's motion is increased in late SLS and WR.
The right hip's motion is decreased in WR, swing, WA, and most of SLS.
The right knee's motion is decreased in the first half of swing and slightly
increased in late swing.
The right ankle's motion is decreased in late swing.

A gait analysis includes data on the patient's range of motions - both those
measured during the physical examination and those measured dynamically
- and EMG data. The clinical examination reveals a limitation in the range
of motion at the hip on both sides and a limitation in the range of ankle
dorsiflexion (pointing the foot up). To keep the example simple we show
only the sagittal plane motions (Figure 8.6). Dynamic range-of-motion mea-
surements indicate a joint's observed range of motion during a gait cycle;
this measurement can be different from the physical exam data because the
forces exerted on a joint during gait are greater than those applied in a physical
exam. EMG data (Figure 8.7) identifies muscle activity by phase over the
tested muscle groups. The symbols in the table represent whether the muscle
group was on, off, or unknown (DK for "Don't Know") for each muscle
group and phase. From this data, disphasic (out of phase) activity is deter-
mined. In this example both knees' range of motion is significantly decreased.
The physical exam also indicates some tightness of the hamstrings.
Given the set of findings, the assembler begins by asking the finding iden-
tifier to select a finding to be explained. To select a finding, the finding
identifier considers the patient's medical history, the amount of deviation
from normal, and the duration of the deviation. In this example the decreased
motion of the right hip during nearly the entire gait cycle is selected. This
choice is made because the hamstrings (which were surgically lengthened)
directly affect hip motions, because of the large amount of deviation from
normal motion, and because of the long duration of the deviation.
The assembler now needs to know the set of fault hypotheses that can
cause this finding. Several types of faults are possible in this domain: Muscles
Two more diagnostic systems 193

Right Ankle FlexExt Right Knee FlexExt Right Hip FlexExt

Left Ankle FlexExt Left Knee FlexExt Left Hip FlexExt

1 R R L L R R L I. R R L
S 0 S 0 S 0 S O.-'~ \ S 0 S 0


Figure 8.6. Sagittal plane motions.

can be weak, underactive, tight, or overactive, and joints can be contracted.

The qualitative model determines the hypothesis set for a given finding is
by tracing the finding to abnormal angular acceleration and then enumerat-
ing the possible muscle and joint faults that can cause it.
In this example, the finding is that hip flexion is abnormally decreased
through most of SLS. QUAWDS first blames this motion on abnormally de-
creased angular accelerations that preceded or occurred during the abnor-
mal motion. In this case QUAWDS identifies decreased angular accelera-
tions during two intervals: from late SLS through mid-WR and during the
second half of swing. The decreased angular acceleration during the second
half of swing could be caused by increased torque from a hip extensor (the
hamstrings or gluteus maximus) or by decreased torque from a hip flexor
(the iliopsoas or rectus femoris). Physical exam data do not indicate that a
tight hip extensor could cause this finding. EMG data reveal that the ham-
strings are active during the second half of swing, but EMG data were not
collected for the gluteus maximus. Thus, overactive right hamstrings and
overactive right gluteus maximus are possible fault hypotheses. The iliopsoas
is not normally on during late swing, so it cannot produce less torque than
normal. However, the rectus femoris is normally active during late swing.
No EMG data are available for this muscle, so the fault hypotheses weak

Right Side WA SLS1 SLS2 WR Swingl Sw

Quadriceps on on off on on on
Hamstrings on on off off off on
Iliopsoas DK DK DK DK DK DK
Gluteus Maximus DK DK DK DK DK DK
Gluteus Medius DK DK DK DK DK DK
Adductors DK DK DK DK DK DK
Ant. Tibialis off off off on on off
Gastrocnemius on on on off off on
Peroneals DK DK DK DK DK DK
Post. Tibialis DK DK DK DK DK DK

Left Side WA SLS1 SLS2 WR Swingl Sw

Quadriceps on on off on on on
Hamstrings on on off off off on
Iliopsoas DK DK DK DK DK DK
Gluteus Maximus DK DK DK DK DK DK
Gluteus Medius DK DK DK DK DK DK
Adductors DK DK DK DK DK DK
Ant. Tibialis off off off on on off
Gastrocnemius on on on off off on
Peroneals DK DK DK DK DK DK
Post. Tibialis DK DK DK DK DK DK

Figure 8.7. EMG data.

right rectus femoris and underactive right rectus femoris are possible. Al-
though the equation used by the model includes the motions of other joints
as forces affecting hip motion (e.g., knee motions), QUAWDS does not gen-
erate these indirect hypotheses because they will be generated when abnor-
mal motions of that joint, if any, are considered.
For the abnormal hip motion and the case data given in this example, any of
the four faults generated can explain the abnormal hip motion. Also, if the knee
is less flexed during swing (or an abnormal acceleration during swing leads to
less knee flexion during swing), and if some fault in the hypothesis explains the
decreased knee flexion, then this fault would, in the right circumstances, also
explain the abnormal hip extension. For example, if overactive quadriceps ex-
plains a lack of knee flexion during swing, it would also explain the hip exten-
sion, provided that the "amount" of hip extension does not exceed the "amount"
of decreased knee flexion during swing.
The next step in the assembly method is to rate the plausibility of fault
hypotheses by using a classification hierarchy and hypothesis matchers imple-
mented in CSRL (Bylander & Mittal, 1986). In our example the hypothesis
overactive right hamstrings is considered the most plausible because of: in-
creased right hip extension during most of the gait cycle, some increased
Two more diagnostic systems 195
flexion of the right knee (the hamstrings also flex the knee), EMG data that
indicated disphasic activity, and physical exam data that showed hip-exten-
sor tightness. The hamstring lengthening tends to weaken the muscle, but
this is contraindicated by the hip tightness indicated in the physical exam.
The other hypotheses are not considered highly plausible because there is
not much supporting data.
The assembler now needs to determine the explanatory coverage of the
hypothesis overactive right hamstrings. This hypothesis is given to the quali-
tative model to determine what motions this hypothesis explains. The model
uses a set of qualitative differential equations (de Kleer & Brown, 1984)
that describe the main torque-producing forces in gait. An equation is speci-
fied for each rotational motion of interest, for each joint, during each seg-
ment of the gait cycle. Each equation specifies the muscles and indirect
forces that produce torques affecting the rotation (Hirsch et al., 1989). For
example, the sagittal plane motion of the hip during swing is described by:
Our domain expert, Sheldon Simon, judges that two additional faults should
be added to the diagnosis: overactive right quadriceps, to explain the de-
creased knee flexion in the first half of swing, and weak left gastroc/soleus,
to explain the ankle dorsiflexion during late SLS and WR. In both cases,
QUAWDS concluded that other hypotheses indirectly caused these findings.
QUAWDS determined that an overactive glutens maximus caused decreased
hip flexion, which in turn caused decreased knee flexion, and that overac-
tive left hamstrings caused increased knee flexion, which caused increased
ankle dorsiflexion.2 We are studying possible changes to QUAWDS to re-
solve this problem.

An abductive approach to knowledge-base refinement

Most knowledge-based systems (KBSs) cannot learn from their mistakes. A
KBS can make many kinds of errors, and these often result from limited or
incorrect knowledge in the KBS. Correcting these limitations is the knowl-
edge-base refinement problem. To correct a knowledge base, a system must
identify what caused the error ("credit assignment" [Minsky, 1963]) and then
suggest repairs to implement the correction ("knowledge reformulation").
In this section, we describe an abductive framework for assigning credit
(blame) for errors in a KBS. We begin by describing credit assignment in
knowledge-base refinement and show how the problem is abductive. We
then describe CREAM (CREdit Assignment Method), a system for assign-
ing credit in a KBS.

Credit assignment as an abductive task

One form of the knowledge-base refinement problem is the corrective learn-
ing task. In this task a KBS produces an answer that does not agree with the
expert's answer, which is assumed to be correct; the goal is to modify the
KBS so that it produces the correct answer in future similar situations.
Credit assignment, determining which parts of a knowledge base are to
blame for a mistake, is a key problem in knowledge base refinement. In the
corrective-learning task, the problem is that of identifying the parts of the
KBS that cause the discrepancy between the KBS's answer and the expert's
answer. In general, there are many possible ways to make an error. It could
result from an incorrect piece or pieces of knowledge, or the knowledge
within the KBS could be incomplete.
Most systems for knowledge-base refinement rely heavily on the domain
expert to identify mistakes and to provide corrections (e.g., Davis, 1979).
The domain expert extends the system's knowledge, and the knowledge-
acquisition task is that of trying to focus the interaction and produce useful
knowledge to be included in the KBS. In some sense the domain expert
Two more diagnostic systems 197
plays the role of the domain theory described in explanation-based learning
(EBL) (DeJong & Mooney, 1986) (Mitchell, Keller, & Kedar-Cebelli, 1986).
Ideally, a system can learn autonomously if such a theory is represented
within the system - provided that this theory is complete, consistent, and
tractable. Unfortunately, a theory that meets these criteria is generally not
possible. Thus the problem requires that some other information be given.
In the corrective-learning task, the human expert provides the correct an-
swer. One approach to solving the corrective-learning task is for the learn-
ing mechanism to generate explanations of why the correct answer is correct
and why the KBS's answer is wrong. Traditional EBL requires the domain
theory to have sufficient knowledge to imply the correct answer. But if the
domain theory is less than ideal (incomplete, intractable, or inconsistent),
the corrective-learning task is to construct plausible explanations of why
the correct answer is correct and the KBS's answer is wrong, and to plausi-
bly determine the best explanation from those generated.
There are often a number of alternative ways for a KBS to produce an
error. Each possibility can be thought of as an alternative way of explaining
the system's deviation from the preferred answer (Tanner, 1989). If more
than one error candidate is applicable, the credit-assignment system must
decide among them and select the best candidate for explaining the devia-
tion. As inference to the best explanation, the credit-assignment problem is
abductive in nature.
The credit-assignment problem can be decomposed into two subproblems.
First, error candidate generation identifies the set of possible errors that
could have caused the observed mistake. Second, error candidate selection
chooses which error candidate or candidates to blame.

CREAM is a system that uses an abductive method to assign credit in a
knowledge base. It begins by reviewing a trace of the KBS's execution of
the case to propose a set of error candidates (hypotheses). (The following
subsection describes how a set of error candidates are defined for a KBS and
how they are generated for a case.) CREAM uses a system called ICE (Iden-
tify Candidate Errors) to identify the error candidates. Next CREAM selects
the best set of error candidates for explaining the mistake by generating and
critiquing domain explanations. Not only is domain knowledge necessary
for this step, but knowledge as to what constitutes an adequate explanation
and criteria for selecting among the explanations must also be defined. A
system called CONE (CONstrained Explainer) is used to generate appropri-
ately detailed domain explanations of both normal and abnormal behaviors
using a model of the domain represented in FR (described in chapter 5)
augmented by qualitative differential equations (described for QUAWDS in

system trace expert's answer
system's answer


a set of possible error candidates


a set of domain explanations

Apply explanation
evaluation criteria


A set of plausible
error candidates

Figure 8.8. The architecture of CREAM.

the previous section). CREAM then compares these explanations using sev-
eral criteria until one explanation is rated better than the others or until it is
determined that one best explanation cannot be identified. The architecture
of CREAM is shown in Figure 8.8. The details of the system are described in
Weintraub (1991).

Identifying candidate errors. A key to generating possible error candidates

for a system's mistake is to consider the tasks and methods that the system
uses. The kind of description of the KBS affects the credit-assignment search
directly. There are many ways to describe a KBS. One way is by specifying
the inputs and outputs of the system. The system is then modeled as a func-
tion that maps the inputs to the outputs.
In general, a KBS can be described as a set of functions and subfunctions
Two more diagnostic systems 199
that map a set of inputs to a set of outputs. Because many tasks are complex,
smart design encourages the decomposition of the task into smaller subtasks.
Thus a function for a complex task should be defined in terms of simpler
functions. Let us illustrate this with hypothesis assembly, a method used in
several abductive diagnostic systems, including RED and QUAWDS. Con-
sider the following functions, where O is the set of observations for a case,
Dall is the data to be explained, d is a datum in DaW Hall is the set of all fault
hypotheses, h is a fault hypothesis in HM, R is a set of ordered confidence
values, and r is a confidence value in R. The finding generator fg can then be
described as a function:

The hypothesis generator can be described as:

hg(d) = H
where d e Dall is a datum to be explained and H c: Hall is a set of fault
hypotheses. The hypothesis rater can be described as:
hr(h) = r
where h e HalJ is a fault hypothesis and re R is a confidence rating. Finally,
the coverage generator can be described as:
cg(H) = D
where H c: Hall is a set of fault hypotheses, and D cz Dall is a subset of the
data to be explained. (The range of function eg is the explanatory coverage
of the hypothesis.)
Hypothesis assembly is a function from the observations to the set of the
most plausible fault hypotheses satisfying the constraints of completeness
(explaining all the data) and parsimony (no hypothesis can be removed with-
out explanatory loss). Hypothesis assembly can be described as a function
mapping observations to fault hypotheses:

ha(O) = H

where H contains the most plausible fault hypotheses satisfying

cg(H) =fg(O) and \/H c H, H * H {eg (H) c eg (H) and eg (H) *


This sort of functional description is useful for describing the decomposi-

tion of tasks because the domain and range of values for each task are clearly

specified. Clearly, the modularity of the task organization is an important

factor in determining how well credit can be assigned.
This approach is especially applicable to generic tasks. Each generic task
is characterized by a method for performing a class of tasks; that is, each
generic task specifies the type of input, the type of output, the method relat-
ing the two, and the subtasks required by the method. One generic task can
be used to achieve a subtask of another generic task.

Using the functional description to generate error candidates. In a perfect

KBS, the output is always correct. Unfortunately, often a perfect method
does not exist. Commonly, the method implementing a task can produce a
result that is different from the correct output. This difference can occur for
many reasons. Some methods are incomplete or inconsistent, or space and
time constraints prohibit a complete computation, resulting in an approxi-
The problem of generating error candidates requires an analysis of each
task and method used within a problem-solving system to define the types of
errors that each task and method can make and the conditions under which
each type can occur. In the corrective-learning task, as in most learning tasks,
an error occurs when the problem-solving system's answer does not match
the correct answer. Consider diagnostic systems such as RED and QUAWDS.
Basically, a diagnostic KBS's answer can differ from the correct answer un-
der three different conditions. Let As denote the KBS's answer and Ae denote
the expert's answer. Because the answers are sets of fault hypotheses, the
possible differences between the two answers are the following:
1. The KBS's answer is a proper subset of the correct answer, i.e., As cz Ae. The
KBS is too generous with what some hypothesis can explain, or it could not
explain some finding.
2. The correct answer is a proper subset of the KBS's answer, i.e., Agcz A$ The
KBS is too cautious with what some hypothesis can explain, or the KBS mis-
takenly identified some finding as needing explanation.
3. The KBS chose a different answer than the expert's to explain a particular
finding: namely, A ^ A but As <Z Aeand A <x As. Some subtask of hypothesis
assembly is in error.

Identifying which of these three differences is applicable in a case is ac-

complished by identifying which situation occurred. The differences that
match generate error candidates.
For example, suppose a diagnostic KBS chose the fault hypothesis hs as
its answer for explaining an observation o; but the expert selected the fault
hypothesis hg. The third error situation matches - identifying that an error
condition exists because the two answers are different. An explanation of
why the two answers differ is needed for credit assignment.
A simple method called ICE is used to determine the reason for the differ-
ence between A and A . ICE uses information about the method used for the
Two more diagnostic systems 201
KBS and the results of the method's execution (the execution trace) in de-
riving its answer for the present case. The basic intuition behind ICE is that
at some point the system preferred its answer to the expert's, and the goal of
the credit-assignment system is to identify this point. ICE searches the ex-
ecution trace to find each step of the method that possibly precludes Ae
Suppose that the KBS used the method of hypothesis assembly. This method
is achieved through the computations of several subtasks. Error candidates
generated by ICE are refined by applying ICE to the methods used for each
of the subtasks. For each task and subtask, ICE applies the error-candidate
generation rules that are defined for the task to identify the set of possible
error candidates.
The next step in the credit-assignment method is to select the best set of
error candidates for this observed mistake. Suppose for this example that the
error candidate selection method chooses the error candidate that hypoth-
esis hs was overrated. Then CREAM calls ICE to examine the hypothesis
rating method that was used for hs and to identify a set of error candidates.
This process recursively considers a set of error candidates until no more
candidates can be generated; that is, until the subtasks bottom-out and there
are no more subtasks to consider. The result of this search is a set of specific
points in the system's architecture where the system's knowledge is hypoth-
esized to be incorrect.
The generality of this error-candidate generation method is independent
of the particular methods used in a system. The methods used in a KBS such
as QUAWDS are based on generic-task theory, but the success of this part of
credit assignment is dependent only on an explicit description of the tasks
and methods used within a system.

1 An initial data gathering step is carried out prior to initial classifier selection. The disease area is
selected based on the observations made available during that step.
2 In Weintraub and Bylander (1989), QUAWDS did include weak left gastrocnemius/soleus in the
final answer of the diagnosis for this case, but for the wrong reasons. At the time, QUAWDS did
not infer that overactive left hamstrings explains knee flexion throughout SLS, which then is
considered to explain the ankle dorsiflexion. Our domain expert agrees that overactive left ham-
strings is a factor affecting the abnormal ankle dorsiflexion but judges that this fault does not
cause all of the abnormality. Similarly, overactive right gluteus maximus is a factor that decreases
knee flexion, but our domain expert judges that the fault does not explain all of the decrease.
Better task definition, better strategy - machine 5

Tractable abduction
Abduction can be described as "inference to the best explanation," which
includes the generation, criticism, and possible acceptance of explanatory
hypotheses. What makes one explanatory hypothesis better than another are
such considerations as explanatory power, plausibility, parsimony, and in-
ternal consistency. In general a hypothesis should be accepted only if it sur-
passes other explanations for the same data by a distinct margin and only if
a thorough search was conducted for other plausible explanations.
Abduction seems to be an especially appropriate and insightful way to
describe the evidence-combining characteristics of a variety of cognitive
and perceptual processes, such as diagnosis, scientific theory formation,
comprehension of written and spoken language, visual object recognition,
and inferring intentions from behavior. Thus abductive inference appears
to be ubiquitous in cognition. Moreover, humans can often interpret im-
ages, understand sentences, form causal theories of everyday events, and
so on, apparently making complex abductive inferences in fractions of a
Yet the abstract task of inferring the best explanation for a given set of
data, as the task was characterized in chapter 7, has been proved to be
computationally intractable under ordinary circumstances. Clearly there is
a basic tension among the intractability of the abduction task, the ubiquity
of abductive processes, and the rapidity with which humans seem to make
abductive inferences. An adequate model of abduction must explain how
cognitive agents can make complex abductive inferences routinely and rapidly.
In this section we describe two related ideas for understanding how ab-
duction can be done efficiently: (1) a better characterization of the infor-
mation-processing task of abductive assembly and (2) a better way to handle
incompatibility relationships between plausible elementary hypotheses. The
new characterization of the abductive-assembly task is "explaining as much
as possible," or, somewhat more precisely, "maximizing explanatory cover-
Tractable Abduction s by John R. Josephson and Ashok K. Goel. Software: PEIRCE-
IGTT is by Richard Fox and John R. Josephson. Experiment: Uncertainty and Correct-
ness is by Michael C. Tanner and John R. Josephson.

Better task definition, better strategy 203
age consistent with maintaining a high standard of confidence." This task is
computationally tractable, in contrast to "finding the best explanation for
all of the data," which is generally computationally intractable (at least as it
was characterized in chapter 7). The tractability of the task under the new
description is demonstrated by giving an efficient strategy for accomplish-
ing it. Using this strategy a confident explanation is synthesized by starting
from islands of relative certainty and then expanding the explanation oppor-
tunistically. This strategy does well at controlling the computational costs
of accommodating interactions among explanatory hypotheses, especially
incompatibility interactions. Until now incompatibility relationships have
seemed to be a main source of intractability by potentially forcing a combi-
natorially explosive search to find a complete and consistent explanation. In
contrast, the new strategy demonstrates how incompatibility relationships
can be used to distinct advantage in expanding partial explanations to more
complete ones.

What makes abduction computationally expensive?

Typically an abductive conclusion is a multipart composite hypothesis, with
the explanatory parts playing different roles in explaining different portions
of the data. For example, the meaning of a sentence must be a composite
hypothesis, formed "on the fly" as the sentence is interpreted, including
components that function to explain the word order, choice of vocabulary,
intonation, and so on. Thus abductive conclusions must typically be com-
posed, rather than simply retrieved, or selected, or recognized. Yet it is not a
computationally efficient general strategy to consider all possible combina-
tions of elementary hypotheses, comparing the composite hypotheses with
one another to determine which is the best explanation. A practical general
strategy cannot require explicitly generating all combinations, since the num-
ber of them is an exponential function of the number of elementary hypoth-
eses available, and it rapidly becomes an impractical computation unless
almost all elementary hypotheses can be ruled out in advance.
If the elementary hypotheses are well separated in confidence scores, then,
in the absence of hypothesis incompatibilities or cancellation effects, these
confidence scores can be a good guide to generating a best composite hy-
pothesis (e.g., see Theorem 7.14). However, finding even one consistent
composite hypothesis that explains all the data is in general computationally
intractable (see Corollary 7.6) and thus appears to be practical only under
restricted circumstances. Moreover, simply finding a consistent and com-
plete explanation for a set of data is usually not enough, since before an
explanation is accepted there should be some assurance that the explanation
is significantly better than alternatives.
In chapter 7 the sources of computational intractability were found to be

incompatibility relationships, cancellation interactions, and similar plausi-

bility values among elementary hypotheses. The mathematical results re-
ported there depend on a definition of "explanation" in which only complete
explanations are considered, explanations that explain all the data. Partial
explanations are not considered, and a "best" explanation is defined in this
framework only in comparison with other complete explanations. In effect
this assumes that a complete explanation is always better than a partial one,
even if the complete explanation includes low-confidence elementary hy-
potheses. If the goal of explanatory completeness is to be pursued as the
highest priority, similar plausibilities for elementary hypotheses will force a
low-confidence choice among nearly equal explanatory alternatives.

Redefining the task

The characterization of abduction as "inference to the best explanation" seems

substantially correct, and able to capture something recognizable about the
evidential force of a very common pattern of inference. It is apparently a
mistake, however, to characterize cognitive agents as performing the ab-
stract information-processing task of "finding the best complete explana-
tion for a given set of data." One reason is that this task is computationally
intractable in general. An alternative is to suppose that the goal of complete
explanation is abandoned, at least temporarily, whenever "a significant
amount of trouble" is encountered. As cognitive agents we settle for partial
explanations. Sometimes we sensibly favor other goals, such as high confi-
dence, over the goal of explaining everything. If high confidence is valued
over completeness, what gets explained in the end may be only a subset of
what was originally to be explained, but a subset for which a distinctly best
explanation can be found.
Viewed this way, the abductive task performed by cognitive agents should
be characterized as something like, "finding an explanation for that portion
of the data that can confidently be explained" or "maximizing explanatory
coverage consistent with maintaining high confidence" or "explaining as
much as can be practically and confidently explained."
To be more precise, let us describe the abductive assembly task for given
data in the following way:

Let H be a set of explanatory hypotheses available in a given domain.

Let D be a set of (potential) data in that domain.
Let e be a mapping from subsets of H into subsets of D. For Hx c H, e (Hx)
specifies the subset of D that is explained by Hx.
Suppose that each element of H has a confidence score, specific to the case;
these scores may be described as probabilities or in some other confidence
Better task definition, better strategy 205
Then the abductive-assembly task is to find an He e H and a De c: Z>o such
(i)De^e(He)(He explains D,).
(ii) //, is consistent.
(iii) i/ e is a parsimonious explanation for De (i.e., no proper subset of H can
explain all of De).
(iv) He is "acceptable," i.e., the confidence score of every element of He is
above some preset threshold of acceptability.
(v) He is significantly better than alternative explanations for De. A sufficient
condition for He to be significantly better than H (both consistent explana-
tions for De) is that every element of He is significantly better than any ele-
ment of Hf for explaining some finding; more precisely, He is significantly
better than Hf* He if for every h e He there exists d e e(h) n De such that, if
h' G Hf, hr * h, d e e(h'), then the confidence score of h is significantly
greater than the confidence score of h'. We say that the confidence score of
one element of H is significantly greater than the confidence score of another
if it is greater by at least the amount of some preset threshold.
So far this characterization captures the idea that the abductive task is
that of producing a confident explanation for some portion of the data (De).
In addition it is desirable that De be maximal, i.e., that as much as possible
be explained; ideally, De would be equal to Do. Yet it may not be practical or
possible to explain all the data confidently; explaining everything might
require the use of more computational resources than are available, or might
require accepting a hypothesis that is not significantly better than alterna-
tive explanations and thus not entitled to a sufficiently high degree of confi-
dence. Thus we add one more condition:
(vi) Consistent with (i)-(v), De should be maximal; that is, the composite
hypothesis should explain as much as possible.
(In general the meaning of "possible" depends on the constraints that must
be obeyed, and that define the boundaries of "impossible" and "possible."
Here we require only that the explanation meet the preset standards of con-
fidence occurring in conditions (iv) and (v). Other constraints could be im-
posed [e.g., that processing must take place within available computational
resources]. For simplicity and ease of analysis, however, we assume here
only the confidence constraints.)
Characterized in this way, the abductive-assembly task is computationally
tractable. This is shown by the efficient algorithm for it we will describe
after a brief digression.

Digression on abduction as optimization. Abductive processing can be thought

of in several ways as a problem of optimization. Most obviously, the "best"
explanation is presumably the optimal one according to whatever standards
are used to judge the quality of explanations. So one sort of abductive opti-
mization problem is that of finding the best explanation.


\ cutoff
certaint v

explanatory coverage

Figure 9.1 More coverage, less confidence.

Another optimization problem, just described in detail, is that of maxi-

mizing explanatory coverage consistent with maintaining confidence above
some preset threshold. This is illustrated in Figure 9.1.
A third problem, illustrated by the RED systems, is that of maximizing
the quality of the estimate of confidence for each of the elementary hypoth-
eses. For the antibody-identification task of the RED systems, judgments
are needed of the presence and absence of the clinically important red-cell
antibodies. These judgments are made by explaining test reactions, but the
main goal is not so much explaining reactions as confirming and ruling out
antibody hypotheses. Since often a single suite of tests is insufficient to
completely determine the confirmation/rule-out status for all the important
antibodies, the next best thing is to determine confidence values as reason-
ably as can be done on the available evidence (and to decide which further
tests to order).
Yet another optimization problem is that of minimizing error. Of course if
error minimization were the only consideration in accepting explanations,
the safest strategy would be not to accept any abductive conclusion, and to
leave everything unexplained. A complete skeptic, for fear of making mis-
takes, would not accept any explanations, and thus would not understand
anything (to the extent that understanding something requires accepting an
explanation of it).
A related problem is that of minimizing the cost of error. Generally we
care about explaining some things more than others, both for purely epistemic
reasons (such as the difference it makes to the larger explanatory context;
whether, for example, understanding this word is really critical for under-
standing the sentence) and also for pragmatic reasons (e.g., whether what
Better task definition, better strategy 207

time practical

Figure 9.2. More time, more coverage.

we are trying to explain is why the nuclear reactor is rapidly getting hotter
and hotter). Thus we typically want to maximize explanatory coverage while
minimizing specific kinds of error costs.
Along with maximizing explanatory coverage and minimizing the cost of
error, we often want to minimize the amount of time spent trying to explain.
In real life the practical need to act often imposes cutoffs on our processing
time. Thus we can pose the problem of maximizing explanatory coverage in
a given amount of processing time. Evolution's job is to design abductive
mechanisms that not only arrive at time-critical conclusions quickly, but
also make good use of more processing time if it is available. Better yet are
mechanisms that combine abilities to rapidly come to time-critical conclu-
sions, to fruitfully spend more available time, and to learn from experience
to perform better. Spending processing time to gain explanatory coverage is
illustrated in Figure 9.2.
Finally, we would like to design or discover the optimal computational
strategy for doing abductive processing. We do not claim to have done this.

We now propose to treat the generic abduction problem as that of explain-

ing as much as possible while maintaining (fixed) standards of confidence
that are given pragmatically. This is an idealization, of course, and leaves
out many considerations such as processing time and cost of error. However,
some simplification is necessary to facilitate analysis, and this idealization
seems to improve on the previous one given in Chapter 7, at least in avoid-
ing the paradox of abduction being simultaneously ubiquitous and
computationally intractable. The previous and new characterizations of the
abductive task are summarized in Figure 9.3.

• Old Definition -

Input: data to be explained

Output: the "best explanation" for the data
(most plausible, consistent, parsimonious,
composite hypothesis that explains all the

Summary: maximize plausibility.

• New Definition •

Input: data to be explained

Output: the "best explanation" for the data

(the consistent, parsimonious, confident
composite hypothesis that explains the most

Summary: maximize explanatory coverage.

Figure 9.3. Recharacterizing the abductive task.

Processing strategy
Suppose that we are given a set of data to be explained and a set of elemen-
tary hypotheses able to explain various portions of the data. Suppose that
associated with each elementary hypothesis is a description of its explana-
tory coverage and an initial confidence score. This confidence score might
arise as a result of matching the stored hypotheses with pre-established pat-
terns of evidence features, or in some other way. Suppose, too, that we are
given information about the interactions of elementary hypotheses; for this
discussion we limit the interaction types to hypothesis-pair incompatibili-
ties and "independent" explanatory interactions (in the sense of Chapter 7),
although several other types of interactions can be handled by relatively
simple extensions to the strategy described here.
We describe an abductive process that climbs a hill of increasing explana-
tory power, while preserving confidence, and quitting as soon as "signifi-
Better task definition, better strategy 209
cant difficulty" is encountered. We explicitly treat the kind of difficulty where
explaining any more would require decreasing confidence below a given
threshold, but the basic strategy we describe can be readily extended to other
kinds of difficulty, such as exhaustion of computational resources. Similar
to Machine 4's essentials-first strategy, described in chapter 6, we describe
a strategy that pursues the abduction task as a sequence of subtasks, as fol-

1. Find Essential hypotheses. First, the Essential elementary hypotheses

are identified, where, as before, a hypothesis is considered Essential if it is
indispensable for explaining some datum.1 Once all the (immediately de-
tectable) Essential hypotheses have been identified, they are incorporated
into the set of Believed hypotheses, and the elementary hypotheses that are
incompatible with any of them are removed from the set of available hy-
potheses. Note that new Essential hypotheses may then be discovered as
their explanatory competitors are eliminated for being inconsistent with the
Believed hypotheses. Any new Essential hypotheses are also included into
the set of Believed hypotheses, and again, hypotheses incompatible with
any of them are removed from the set of available hypotheses. This cycle is
repeated until no new Essential hypotheses can be discovered. The collec-
tive explanatory coverage of the Believed hypotheses is then determined.
2. Find Clear-Best hypotheses. If some portion of the data remains unex-
plained, then Clear-Best hypotheses are identified, where a hypothesis is a
Clear-Best if its confidence score is above some given threshold, and if this
confidence is significantly higher (more than a given pre-established amount)
than that of alternative hypotheses available for explaining some unexplained
datum.2 Once the (immediately detectable) Clear-Best hypotheses have all
been identified, they are incorporated into the set of Believed hypotheses,
and elementary hypotheses incompatible with any of them are lowered sig-
nificantly in confidence value (or, in a variant of this strategy, eliminated
completely). As before, new Clear-Best hypotheses may appear as their ex-
planatory competitors are down-rated for being inconsistent with Believed
hypotheses. These new Clear-Best hypotheses are also included in the Be-
lieved hypotheses, and elementary hypotheses that are incompatible with
any of them have their confidence values significantly lowered. This cycle
is repeated until no new Clear-Best hypotheses can be discovered. The ex-
panded explanatory coverage of the Believed hypotheses is then determined.
3. Find Weak-Best hypotheses. If some portion of the data is still unex-
plained, then, optionally, Weak-Best hypotheses are identified, where a Weak-
Best hypothesis is the best explanation for some unexplained datum based
on its confidence score, but either because its score is low, or because its
score does not significantly exceed that of alternative explainers, it was not
identified as a Clear-Best hypothesis. If two Weak-Best hypotheses are in-

plausible hypotheses potential explainers
explanatorily useless

puzzling data tentatively explained

Figure 9.4. Machine 5 hypothesis assembly: Input - Output.

compatible, then neither is incorporated into the set of Believed hypotheses.

This optional subtask is a kind of intelligent guessing, which is available
following the processing which derives high-confidence conclusions. This
subtask goes beyond what is needed to satisfy the requirements of the ab-
duction task, as described previously in this chapter; those requirements are
already satisfied after the Believed set is expanded to include the Clear-Best

The Essential and Clear-Best hypotheses collectively represent the confi-

dent portion of the best explanation, whereas the Weak-Best hypotheses
should be viewed as tentative guesses or intelligent speculation. The normal
output of the process is a confident explanation for a portion of the data, and
(optionally) a tentative explanation for another portion of the data (the Weak-
Bests), and an unexplained portion of the data with an unresolved set of
potential explainers. The initially plausible hypotheses have been rescored,
and the set of hypotheses has been partitioned into disjoint subsets of: Be-
lieved, Disbelieved (incompatible with Believed), Guessed (the Weak-Bests),
Potentially Explanatorily Useful (offering to explain part of the unexplained
remainder), and Explanatorily Useless. Meanwhile the initial set of data to
be explained has been partitioned into disjoint subsets of: Explained, Ten-
tatively Explained, and Unexplained. This partitioning is illustrated in Fig-
ure 9.4.
After inclusion of the Clear-Best hypotheses, the set of Believed hypoth-
eses meets the conditions specified in the characterization of the abductive-
assembly task given earlier. The set of Believed hypotheses is consistent at
each stage in processing (or at least is consistent as far as available knowl-
edge can determine).
The Believed set is guaranteed to be parsimonious if the thresholds for
Better task definition, better strategy 211
acceptability and for Clear-Best hypotheses are set so that all the explana-
tory alternatives to a Clear-Best explanation for a particular datum are be-
low the threshold of acceptability. (If thresholds are not set in this way,
further processing will be required to ensure parsimony.)
By requiring that Essential and Clear-Best hypotheses must be above the
threshold for acceptability to be included in the Believed set (or by relaxing
the condition and permitting Essentials to be below the threshold), the set of
Believed hypotheses will be acceptable as required.
The set of Believed hypotheses will also satisfy the condition that the
explanation is significantly better than alternative explanations for the same
data, since it will meet the sufficient condition that every element of the
Believed set will be significantly better than any element of the proposed
alternative for explaining some finding. (Any element of the Believed set
will be an Essential or a Clear-Best hypothesis.)
Finally, the Believed hypotheses constitute a composite hypothesis that
explains as much of the data as is possible to explain with consistency and
high confidence. To explain more, a hypothesis would have to be included
that lacks the strong abductive justification required of an Essential hypoth-
esis (being the only plausible way to explain something) or a Clear-Best
hypothesis (being a significantly better explanation for something). Thus
explanatory coverage of the composite hypothesis can be extended only by
accepting reduced overall confidence levels. Coverage can be extended
smoothly, if needed, by including some of the Weak-Best hypotheses.

Discussion of the strategy. As we have just described the process, the syn-
thesis of the explanation starts from islands of relative certainty, then grows
opportunistically. It uses Machine 4's essentials-first strategy, but now ex-
tends the strategy to make good use of incompatibility interactions. This
new strategy for handling incompatibility interactions is Machine 5's con-
tribution. We sometimes call this the essentials-first leveraging-incompat-
ibilities strategy.
In depending on distinguishing Clear-Best hypotheses, Machine 5 is quite
different from the hypothesis-assembly strategy of QUAWDS, described in
chapter 8, even though, like QUAWDS, it is willing to settle for partial ex-
planations. To clarify the difference let us consider a case with one finding
to be explained, and two hypotheses offering to explain it. If these hypoth-
eses are close in confidence values, then QUAWDS would choose the one
with the larger confidence value, whereas Machine 5 would decline to choose,
since a confident choice cannot be made. Machine 5 would make the choice
if guessing were enabled, but then it would be marked as a low-confidence
In many domains, such as medicine, Essential hypotheses are probably
rare. The basic Machine 5 strategy is to find the highest mountains of confi-
dence that can be found, and to leverage the hypothesis formation from that
point, until there is trouble (e.g., no further progress can be made at that
level of confidence). The highest mountains are the Essentials. If there are
no Essentials, then the strategy calls for moving to the next highest moun-
tains, the Clear-Best hypotheses. A hypothesis is really only "Essential" rela-
tive to a limit of implausibility for the best alternative explanation. If such
hypotheses as Unknown-Disease, Data-is-Noise, Complete-Deception, or In-
tervention-by-Space-Aliens are considered to be plausible, then no hypoth-
esis will be Essential, although there may still be Clear-Bests. The introduc-
tion of low-likelihood alternative hypotheses turns Essentials into high-con-
fidence Clear-Bests without fundamentally altering anything.
The strategy as we have described it represents a discretization of a more
basic strategy into the three distinct stages of accepting Essentials (and work-
ing out the consequences), Clear-Bests (working out the consequences), and
Weak-Best hypotheses. The stages can be separated more finely by provid-
ing several levels of thresholds by which one elementary hypothesis can
surpass rivals for explaining some finding. An Essential becomes one that
far surpasses any rival, a Very Clear-Best might surpass rivals by a large
margin (but less than an Essential), a Clear-Best hypothesis might surpass
rivals by a somewhat lesser margin, and so on. Thus a smoother descent to
lower and lower confidence levels occurs as the growing composite hypoth-
esis gains more and more explanatory coverage. (See Figure 9.1 again.) A
virtue of this approach is that it shows the way to a descent from what might
be called "strongly justified explanatory conclusions," through less strongly
justified conclusions, through "intelligent speculation," all the way to "pure
guessing," and it provides meanings for all these terms.
Performing tests for data gathering is a natural extension of this strategy.
Tests are performed to resolve ambiguities (a datum is ambiguous if mul-
tiple hypotheses offer to explain it but none stands out as Essential or Clear-
Best). Such a test should be designed to discriminate among the best poten-
tial explainers.
In the idealized strategy we describe it is assumed that all plausible el-
ementary hypotheses are generated before assembly processing. More real-
istically, we might suppose a hypothesis generator with a dependable ten-
dency to supply hypotheses in rough order of plausibility, higher plausibil-
ity hypotheses first. Under these circumstances a good strategy for the hy-
pothesis assembler, especially if time is critical, is to assemble on the basis
of an initially generated set of hypotheses, provoking the generator for more
hypotheses if some deficiency in the initial set is encountered (e.g., there is
an unexplainable finding or the best explanation for something appears to
be poor for some reason). If elementary hypotheses are generated in ap-
proximate order of plausibility, then hypotheses accepted on the basis of
essentialness or clear-best-ness are probably correct and can tentatively be
Better task definition, better strategy 213
trusted. If the cost of error is high, and more processing time is available,
then further hypotheses can be generated.
The strategy can also be easily and naturally extended to accommodate
interactions of additive explanatory coverage, statistical or causal associa-
tion, and logical implication (see the discussion in chapter 6 about exten-
sions to the essentials-first strategy). It can also be extended to a layered-
interpretation model of abductive processing where Believed hypotheses at
one level of interpretation become data to be explained at the next level.
(This model is described in chapter 10.) As described in chapter 6, the strat-
egy can make use of concurrent processing, and this concurrency can be
realized on a neural architecture (Goel, 1989; Goel, Ramanujan, &
Sadayappan, 1988).

A weakness of all the abduction machines

A problem endemic to all six of our abduction machines is that they do not
value parsimony quite enough. One type of parsimony is achieved when a com-
posite hypothesis has no explanatorily superfluous parts; our machines all prop-
erly respect this type. However, another type of parsimony is that of favoring
smaller composites over larger ones, which should be done sometimes, even at
the expense of accepting hypothesis parts with somewhat lower plausibility val-
ues. Presented with the alternatives, all of our machines would accept a 79-part
hypothesis to explain a body of data rather than a 1 -part hypothesis with a slightly
lower plausibility value than any of the 79. Machines 1 and 2 would always
behave this way, whereas later machines would do so only if the decision were
made at the hard-decisions or weak-best stage. It is reasonable that larger and
larger hypotheses, insofar as they represent the addition of statistically indepen-
dent suppositions, rapidly become less and less plausible (the probabilities mul-
tiply, and the probability of a composite rapidly approaches 0).
Fortunately, the parsimony problem is easily fixed. Unfortunately, there
are several ways to fix it, and we do not know a principled way to decide
among them. Fortunately, it should rarely occur. Unfortunately, the situa-
tions in which it does occur are a subset of those where there is not enough
evidence for much confidence, but where there is a need to come to a con-
clusion anyway without gathering further evidence, presumably because of
a need to act without delay. To be practical, abduction machines should be
designed to perform reasonably well in these situations.
These are some of the alternatives that would fix the counterintuitive be-
1. Give extra credit in the local confidence value for explanatory power. (But
how much and why?)
2. Have findings vote for all the plausible hypotheses that can account for them,
then increase the scores of all the hypotheses that receive many votes (and
then decrease the scores of those that are incompatible with them).
3. Note the existence of hypotheses with broad explanatory power, and consider
them during a criticism stage if they were not used.
4. Give extra credit during assembly time to hypotheses that can explain a sig-
nificant portion of the unexplained remainder.
A common theme in these proposed repairs is the diagnosis that the basic
fault is that of undervaluing explanatory power. But it is also possible that
underpenalizing big hypotheses is somehow directly the problem. Overall,
what now seems best is to give extra confidence to hypotheses that can ex-
plain a high proportion of the unexplained remainder after the confident
decision stage is passed. But what is the right measure?

Tractable abduction: Summary

The apparent ubiquity of abductive inferences, and the rapidity with which
humans seem to make them, together with the computational intractability
of the general task of finding best explanations as they were characterized
in chapter 7, presents a conundrum. Yet perhaps humans do not "solve" the
general task, but instead only find best explanations under favorable condi-
tions, or only find good-enough explanations often enough to survive and
reproduce. Perhaps there is a true abductive-assembly function, but people
are not able to reliably compute it; instead, they solve many abductive-as-
sembly cases by computing the abductive-assembly function when the com-
putation is not too difficult.
Nevertheless, the mathematical results described in chapter 7 point to certain
computational difficulties in forming composite best explanations. Abductive
assembly is difficult when there are incompatible elementary hypotheses with
close confidence values. We pointed out that the difficulty can be overcome if
one of an incompatible pair is essential or if one is distinctly better than the
alternatives for explaining some finding. If this happens, it amounts to an
abductive confidence boost for the one hypothesis, or at least a way to choose
among hypotheses on explanatory grounds. If there is no such way to choose,
then the data are genuinely ambiguous, and it is genuinely difficult to determine
with any confidence how to explain the data. Under these circumstances it is
generally best not to try, but instead to set aside incompatible pairs, and settle
for an incomplete explanation. The alternative is to make forced choices be-
tween incompatibles, with the potentially explosive computational costs of back-
tracking, and with a best composite, even if it can be found, that is not much
better than other explanations.
If there are no incompatible pairs with closely similar confidences and
explanatory powers, then abductive assembly will generally be easy (unless
confidences and explanatory powers pull in opposite directions). Thus, in-
compatible hypotheses that are difficult to distinguish are a major cause of
the complexity of abductive assembly. Not trying to distinguish them is the
cure; incomplete explanation is the cost.
Better task definition, better strategy 215
This leads to recharacterizing the abductive task as that of explaining as
much as possible (with high-enough confidence). We pointed out that this
new characterization better reflects the typical situation of real cognitive
agents, and that it is more tractable computationally. We also described in
some detail a strategy for abductive assembly under the new description, a
strategy that shows how knowledge of incompatibilities between elemen-
tary hypotheses can be used to help expand partial explanations to more
complete ones.
In the next section we describe PEIRCE-IGTT, a software tool for build-
ing abductive problem-solving agents that use a version of this Machine 5
strategy. In the final section of this chapter we describe experiments that
test the power of the strategy, and that show, not only that the strategy works
well, but also, more generally, that there is indeed a significant amount of
inferential leverage in the explanatory relationships.

In this section, we describe a shell for building abductive problem-solving
agents that use the Machine-5 strategy. This shell is called PEIRCE-IGTT to
distinguish it from a similar tool named PEIRCE constructed by Bill Punch
(chapter 4).3 The "IGTT" extension marks that this PEIRCE is a piece of the
Integrated Generic-Task Toolset.4 The IGT Toolset recognizes all the ge-
neric goals: "to recognize" (hypothesis matching), to classify, to explain,
and so on (see chapter 2). Each generic goal is realized as a type of special-
ist with a built-in ability to pursue a goal of that type. The toolset provides
for the construction of classification specialists, recognition specialists, and
so on. The toolset also includes a full-featured CSRL, a hierarchical classi-
fication tool. Classification specialists built using CSRL-IGTT can call upon
hypothesis matchers (in this system called "recognition agents") to set con-
fidence values. The toolset also includes a rudimentary database tool to sup-
port the knowledge-directed information-retrieval task. If a system needs
some case-specific information, then it accesses that information by way of
a database specialist. For synthesizing explanatory hypotheses, PEIRCE-
IGTT provides a kind of specialist, called an "abducer," which is an agent
into which a version of the Machine-5 strategy is embedded by default.
PEIRCE-IGTT can link these abducers into communities of abducers that
pass off explanatory subproblems to subabducers, similar to the PEIRCE
tool described in chapter 4.
One or more of the classical generic-task (GT) methods are associated
with each generic goal, and these are provided as default methods. However
if supplied methods are somehow inappropriate because of unavailable knowl-
edge, or because of particular unusual demands of the domain, the toolset
user can access Common Lisp or the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)
to program an alternative method. Thus the IGTT tools are designed to al-
low easy escape to Lisp so that the built-in strategies can be used, but their
use is not mandatory. The toolset was designed to be programmer-friendly,
more so than the original GT tools and the original PEIRCE.
Unlike the GT theory described in chapter 4, where the development was
towards increased flexibility at run time, PEIRCE-IGTT is not optimized
for flexibility. Yet, unlike the classical GT's described in chapter 2, the new
toolset supports the idea that there is more than one way of achieving a
generic goal, though there is often a best method, which is supplied as the
default. So the new PEIRCE tool is positioned as conceptually intermediate
between the opportunistic run-time control of the original PEIRCE and the
fixed strategies of the classical GTs. It recognizes the need, in principle, for
flexibility, but it takes the stance that, for each generic goal, there is a ca-
nonical method which is preferable, if it applies, because it is generally the
most efficient.

How it works
The PEIRCE-IGTT default algorithm presupposes that there is a means of
generating or obtaining the findings for the case and a means of generating
hypotheses to explain the findings. The generated hypotheses must have ini-
tial confidence values, and they must have associations with the findings
that each can explain.
The steps of the algorithm are:
1. Generate or obtain findings to be explained and generate hypotheses (with
their confidence values and coverages).
2. Initialize the composite with any hypotheses predetermined to be in the com-
posite (set up by the tool user who has decided to always include certain
hypotheses or by the system user interactively while he or she explores alter-
native hypotheses).
3. When this algorithm is used in a layered-abduction machine, expand expecta-
tions from higher levels (if a higher level abductive conclusion has implica-
tions5 either positively or negatively for hypotheses at the current level). The
expectations will cause the confidence values of the hypotheses in question to
be adjusted. (Layered abduction machines are described in chapter 10.)
4. Propagate the effects of hypotheses initially accepted into the composite. This
may rule out other hypotheses that are incompatible with those in the com-
posite, or it may alter confidence values of other hypotheses that are implied
by hypotheses in the composite.
5. Loop on the following, either until all findings are accounted for or until no
more progress is made in extending the explanatory coverage.
a. Find all Confirmed hypotheses and include them in the composite. A Con-
firmed hypothesis is (here) one that receives the highest possible confi-
dence score (this is an optional feature that can be turned off by the system
builder if top-scoring hypotheses should not be automatically included in
the composite).
If Confirmed hypotheses are found, then propagate the effects of the lat-
est inclusions and go back to the loop beginning, else continue.
Better task definition, better strategy 217
b. Find all Essential hypotheses and include them in the composite.
If Essential hypotheses are found, then propagate the effects of including
them in the composite, and go back to the loop beginning, else continue.
c. Find all Clear-Best hypotheses. To be a Clear-Best, a hypothesis must have
a score higher than a given threshold and must surpass all other explana-
tions for some finding by another given threshold. (Thresholds are estab-
lished by the tool user at the time the system is built; they can be easily
modified during or between cases; the tool provides defaults if no thresh-
olds are specified.)
If Clear-Best hypotheses are found, then propagate the effects of includ-
ing them in the composite, and go back to the loop beginning, else con-
d. Find and include all the Weak-Bests. Here we may relax the criteria set for
the Clear-Bests. This step is optional.
If Weak-Best hypotheses are included in the composite, then propagate
the effects and go back to the loop beginning, else continue.
End loop.
6. (Optional extended-guessing step) If there are still some unaccounted find-
ings, attempt to guess among the remaining hypotheses that have not been
ruled out. Guessing is accomplished by letting each unexplained finding vote
for the highest rated hypotheses offering to explain it. This voting allows
hypotheses to stand out from alternatives according to their power to help
explain the unexplained remainder, if in no other way.
If any guessed hypotheses are included, then propagate the effects and go
back to the loop beginning, else end.
At this point, either all findings have been accounted for, or there are no
more hypotheses available to explain findings, or the only remaining hy-
potheses are too close in plausibility and explanatory power to decide be-
tween them.
The default algorithm given to PEIRCE-IGTT abducers propagates the
effects of including a hypothesis into the working composite, in part, by
removing hypotheses that are incompatible with it from the set of available
hypotheses. This is a variant of the strategy (described in the section of this
chapter entitled Tractable Abduction) that adjusted the confidence scores of
incompatible hypotheses depending on the confidence status of an included
hypothesis, and that completely eliminated the incompatible hypotheses only
if the included hypothesis was an essential. This difference has implications
for the proper treatment of hypotheses included at each stage. In PEIRCE-
IGTT, each pass through the loop leads to conclusions whose proper confi-
dence is relative to the previous passes. A hypothesis judged to be Essential
because a competing hypothesis was ruled out as a result of its being incom-
patible with a Clear-Best, is only an Essential hypothesis relative to Clear-
Bests. An Essential from the first pass through the loop is more confidently
an Essential than an Essential that is relative to Clear-Bests is. Similarly,
any newly included hypothesis that is relative to guessing (that is, a hypoth-
esis is included as a result of the effects of the inclusion of a guessed hy-
pothesis) must be regarded as less confident than any hypotheses included
before guessing began. Thus, each pass through the loop portion of the algo-
rithm further limits the confidence in any hypothesis newly included into
the composite. Hypotheses may be Confirmed, Essential, Clear-Best, Weak-
Best, Guessed, Disbelieved (because of incompatibility), or Ruled-Out (be-
cause of a low confidence rating), and these judgments may be relative to
Confirmeds, Essentials, Clear-Best, Weak-Best, or Guessed hypotheses.
PEIRCE-IGTT can handle hypothesis-coverage interactions of the sort
where hypotheses contribute to the answer either independently (where each
hypothesis explains some of the findings but does not interact with how
other hypotheses explain other findings, except in being alternatives) or in
an additive fashion (where hypotheses may combine their explanatory power
towards individual findings), but it cannot handle cancellation interactions
(where hypotheses may counteract what other hypotheses can explain).
PEIRCE-IGTT's default method for handling incompatibility interactions is
to eliminate from further consideration hypotheses incompatible with those
included in the composite. It also handles interactions whereby hypotheses
have varying degrees of "sympathy" or "antipathy" for each other, either
symmetrically or asymmetrically. This is done while propagating the effects
of including a hypothesis in the composite, by appropriately readjusting the
confidence values of related hypotheses.
A series of small and medium-sized knowledge-based systems have been
constructed using PEIRCE-IGTT in domains including acoustic speech rec-
ognition, speech recognition from articulation, legal reasoning, and scien-
tific theory evaluation. The diversity of domains demonstrates the domain
independence of the abductive-assembly strategy.

An example of PEIRCE-IGTT in action

We illustrate PEIRCE-IGTT with an example based on a legal case involv-
ing California Highway police officer Craig Peyer, who was tried for the
murder of Cara Knott on December 27, 1986. Peyer had pulled Knott over
on the night of her death. During the trial, 22 women, all young and attrac-
tive like the victim, testified that Peyer had pulled them over. Furthermore,
they testified that Peyer talked with them longer than was necessary for just
a ticket and that they were all pulled over near the stretch of road where
Knott's body was found. The trial in San Diego ended on February 27, 1988,
in a hung jury.
Our description of the evidence presented to the jury comes from Paul
Thagard's characterization of the case (Thagard, 1989), which was based on
newspaper accounts. To begin with, we simply encoded Thagard's charac-
terization into a PEIRCE-IGTT abducer.
Thagard encoded the problem into his ECHO system by treating each hy-
pothesis and finding as a node in a neural network, with links connecting
each hypothesis node to nodes corresponding to explained findings. Incom-
Better task definition, better strategy 219
patible hypotheses were connected by inhibitory links. Thagard assigned
each hypothesis the same initial confidence value, so we treated them simi-
larly, giving each an initial confidence value of LIKELY. LIKELY is a sym-
bolic confidence value in the 9-valued confidence set, one of several confi-
dence vocabularies available to users of the Integrated Generic Task Toolset.
From highest to lowest, these nine values are: CONFIRMED, VERY-LIKELY,
UNLIKELY, VERY-UNLIKELY, RULED-OUT. This nine-valued vocabulary
was used throughout the example. (For problems in which confidence val-
ues can be treated formally as probabilities, and where numerical values are
available, the tool user can specify a built-in confidence set that uses nu-
merical values on the [0,1] interval. Other special confidence sets are avail-
able too.)
Thagard also provided information about hypothesis incompatibilities, which
we encoded. The hypotheses can be considered as belonging to two
categories: those reflecting innocence, and those reflecting guilt. Guilt and in-
nocence hypotheses offer to explain various findings. Certain guilt and inno-
cence hypotheses were given as incompatible. For instance, the hypothesis "Peyer
killed Knott" was given as incompatible with "Someone other than Peyer killed
Knott," but either hypothesis can explain the finding that Knott was killed. The
explanatory and incompatibility relationships helped our system to sort out the
initially equally plausible alternatives, as we will describe.
What follows is Thagard's detailed description of the case. Findings are
listed as El, E2, ... ; guilt-related hypotheses as Gl, G2, ... ; and innocence-
related hypotheses as II, 12, ....
El: Knott's body and car were found on a frontage road near Interstate-15. This
can be explained by II or Gl.
E2: 22 young women reported being talked to at length by Peyer after being stopped
near where Knott's body was found. This can be explained by G6.
E3: Calderwood said that he saw a patrol car pull over a Volkswagen like Knott's
near Interstate-15. This can be explained by G4.
E4: Calderwood came forward only at the trial. This can be explained by G5 or 12.
E5: Calderwood changed his story several times. This can be explained by 12.
E6: 6 fibers found on Knott's body matched Peyer's uniform. This can be explained
by G3 or 13.
E7: Ogilvie said Peyer quizzed her about the case and acted strangely. Gl or 14 can
account for this.
E8: Dotson said Ogilvie is a liar. This can be explained by I4a.
E9: Anderson and Schwartz saw scratches on Peyer's face the night of the killing.
This can be explained by G2 or 15.
E10: Martin said she saw Peyer pull Knott's Volkswagen over. This can be ex-
plained by Gl or 16.
Ell: Martin came forward only just before the trial. 16 can explain this.
El2: Anderson said that she saw Peyer wipe off his nightstick in his trunk. This can
be explained by G7 or 17.
El3: Anderson did not say anything about the nightstick when she was first inter-
rogated. This can be explained by G8 or 17.
E14: Bloodstains found on Knott's clothes matched Peyer's blood. This can be ex-
plained by Gl or (II and El5).
El5: 12,800 other San Diegans had blood matching that on Knott's clothes. This is
treated as a fact needing no explanation.
E16: A shabby hitchhiker was lunging at cars near the Interstate-15 entrance. This
can be explained by II. 6
El7: Peyer had a spotless record with the California Highway Patrol. This can be
explained by 18.
The hypotheses pertaining to Peyer's guilt:
Gl: Peyer killed Knott.
G2: Knott scratched Peyer's face.
G3: Fibers from Peyer's uniform were transferred to Knott.
G4: Peyer pulled Knott over.
G5: Calderwood was reluctant to come forward because he wanted to protect his
family from publicity.
G6: Peyer liked to pull over young women.
G7: Peyer had a bloody nightstick.
G8: Anderson was having personal problems when she was first interrogated.
The hypotheses pertaining to Peyer's innocence:
II: Someone other than Peyer killed Knott.
12: Calderwood made his story up.
13: The 6 fibers floated around in the police evidence room.
14: Ogilvie lied. This can be explained by I4a.
I4a: Ogilvie is a liar.
15: Peyer's scratches came from a fence.
16: Martin lied.
17: Anderson was mistaken about the nightstick.
18: Peyer is a good man.
Gl is incompatible with II, and also with 18.
G2 is incompatible with 15
G3 is incompatible with 13
G5 is incompatible with 12
G7 is incompatible with 17
The PEIRCE-IGTT abducer began by looking for essentials since there
were no mandatory or CONFIRMED hypotheses in this case. It found that
E2, E3, E5, E8, E l l , E16, and E17 each had only one potential explainer,
and so G6, G4, 12, I4a, 16, II and 18 were included in the working compos-
ite. Thus, the first round of processing resulted in judgments that:
Peyer liked to pull over young women (G6). This explains why 22 young
women reported being talked to at length by Peyer after being stopped
Better task definition, better strategy 221
near where Knott's body was found (E2).
Peyer pulled Knott over (G4), which explains why Calderwood said that he
saw a patrol car pull over a Volkswagen like Knott's near Interstate-15
Calderwood made his story up (12), which explains why Calderwood came
forward only at the trial (E4), and why Calderwood changed his story sev-
eral times (E5).
Ogilvie is a liar (I4a), which explains why Dotson said that Ogilvie lied (E8).
Martin lied (16), which explains why Martin said that she saw Peyer pull
Knott's Volkswagen over (E10), and why Martin came forward only just
before the trial (Ell).
Someone other than Peyer killed Knott (II), which explains why Knott's body
and car were found on a frontage road near Interstate-15 (El). It also ex-
plains why a shabby hitchhiker was lunging at cars near the Interstate-15
entrance (El6), and (with the assumed fact that 12,800 other San Diegans
had blood matching that on Knott's clothes) (El5), it explains why
bloodstains found on Knott's clothes matched Peyer's blood (El4).
Peyer is a good man (18), which explains why Peyer had a spotless record
with the California Highway Patrol (El7).
The abducer then propagated the effects of including the essential hy-
potheses into the composite. G5 was rejected for being incompatible with
12, and Gl was rejected for being incompatible with II and 18. That is, the
abducer rejected the proposition that:
Calderwood was reluctant to come forward because he wanted to protect his
family from publicity (G5).
The abducer did so because G5 is incompatible with the proposition that
Calderwood made his story up (12), which had already been accepted. The
abducer also rejected the proposition that:
Peyer killed Knott (Gl).
It did so because Gl is incompatible with the proposition that someone other
than Peyer killed Knott (II).
By rejecting the proposition that Peyer killed Knott, the abducer found
the defendant innocent. (In principle this is a tentative judgment, since it
might be retracted if the abducer subsequently ran into trouble, e.g., a con-
tradiction). What happened was that II was accepted because it is the only
way (given to the system) to explain El6, and Gl was then rejected for
being incompatible with II.
Gl having been eliminated, 14 became essential as the only remaining
way to explain E7. So next the abducer accepted:
Ogilvie lied (14), which explains why Ogilvie said that Peyer quizzed her
about the case and acted strangely (E7).
At that point the only unexplained findings were E6, E9, El2, E l 3 , and
El5. No hypotheses offered to explain El5, but it had been encoded as a fact
not needing explanation. Each of the others had two equally confident po-
tential explainers. Because guessing was turned off, the abducer stopped. If
guessing had been turned on, 17 would have been accepted because it of-
fered to explain both E12 and El3, while nothing else offered to explain
more than one of the unexplained findings. If 17 had been accepted, G7
would have been rejected for being incompatible with it.
The real trial ended in a hung jury. If the jurors had analyzed the case in
this way, it should have been relatively straightforward to determine Peyer's
innocence. On this analysis the case hinges on the actions of the shabby
hitchhiker, which can be explained only by supposing that someone other
than Peyer killed Knott. This seems to point to a mistake in analyzing the
case. The conclusion crucially depends on the awkward piece of analysis
that holds that II explains El6; that is, that 'Someone other than Peyer killed
Knott' explains 'A shabby hitchhiker was lunging at cars near the Interstate-
15 entrance.' It seems better to describe the behavior of the shabby hitch-
hiker as adding plausibility to the hypothesis that someone other than Peyer
killed Knott, rather than as being explained by it.
So we reencoded the case with the relationship between the hitchhiker's
behavior (El6) and the hypothesis that someone else was guilty (II) as a soft
implication (i.e., as an evidence-giving of unspecified type) rather than as
an explanatory relationship. We similarly replaced a few other awkward-
seeming explanatory relationships with soft implications. Altogether we en-
coded soft implications from El5, El6, and E17 to II, and from I4a to 14.
With this new encoding, the system propagated the soft implications from
El5, El6, and El7 to II, raising the confidence of II, and thus making it a
better explanation for El than the guilt hypothesis Gl. Thus the system found
Peyer to be innocent anyway, but not so confidently. (It was no longer an
ESSENTIAL, but instead just a BEST or a CLEAR-BEST, depending on the
strengths associated with the soft implications.)
We first picked this case because Thagard had already described it pre-
cisely and it was easy to implement. We needed something to help debug the
PEIRCE-IGTT tool, and this case also provided an opportunity for compari-
son with ECHO. One point of comparison is that PEIRCE-IGTT can trace
its reasoning process, and this reasoning process makes sense at every step.
In contrast ECHO works by repeated cycles of propagating activations, and
even if each spread of activation can be explained as a reasoning step that
makes sense, ECHO took 78 cycles to settle, so its reasoning was much less
direct. PEIRCE formed its conclusions quickly, and, in effect, produced an
argument for innocence given the evidence. (In contrast ECHO leaned to-
ward guilt, although it resisted complete rejection of the innocence hypoth-
It might be suggested that ECHO engages in a complex weighing of evi-
dence in its attempt to maximize explanatory coherence, whereas PEIRCE
makes too much of a small number of findings.7 We submit that PEIRCE's
behavior for the case was entirely reasonable. It considered all the evidence.
Better task definition, better strategy 223
It could have found the case to be ambiguous and, like the jury, refused to
come to a conclusion; but it did not. Instead it produced a conclusion, with
a clear chain of reasoning leading to it.
This example demonstrates that the fifth-generation abductive-assembly
strategy can generate chains of reasoning, and arrive at conclusions, even if
all the hypotheses are given identical initial confidence values. The strategy
makes good use of confidence differences if they are available, but it does
not absolutely require them. It is able to solve a problem categorically, based
on explanatory relationships and incompatibilities alone, or with the assis-
tance of additional hypothesis interactions such as soft implications.
The Peyer example also illustrates how explanatory relationships can work
synergistically with incompatibility relationships to reduce residual ambi-
guity. This is the phenomenon of uncovered essentials. What happens is that
eliminating a hypothesis, based on incompatibility with some proposition
already accepted, eliminates a potential explainer for some finding, thereby
allowing a rival explainer to stand out as superior. (This happens similarly
for uncovered clear-bests and bests, where confidence is reduced, instead of
the hypothesis being eliminated.) Thus, at a point in the processing where a
finding is ambiguous (it has alternative explainers with no confident way to
decide between them), the ambiguity may be broken or reduced by eliminat-
ing or downgrading of one of the rival explainers. Here II was accepted
because it was the only possible explanation for El6, which led to the elimi-
nation of Gl, after which 14 became the only remaining way to explain E7.
Moreover, the process of acceptance, leading to ambiguity reduction, fol-
lowed by further acceptance and further ambiguity reduction, can poten-
tially continue for many cycles, leading to a kind of spreading wave of am-
biguity reduction as islands of high confidence are extended to cover data
newly made unambiguous. We call this process spreading disambiguation.
Note that the Machine-5 abductive-assembly strategy described in this
chapter goes beyond merely being efficient, beyond just reasonable-sound-
ing ways of weighing evidence, beyond the ability to use multiple kinds of
hypothesis interactions, even beyond opportunism and flexibility in taking
advantage of the kinds of evidence that happen to be available. Its run-time
behavior is downright clever. Next, we describe experiments that show that
it works well too.

Experiment: Uncertainty and correctness

In the first section of this chapter we characterized the abductive task as that
of forming an explanation that is internally consistent, parsimonious, sig-
nificantly better than alternative explanations, and that explains as much of
the data as possible. This was contrasted with the view of abduction as find-
ing the best complete explanation for given data. Second, we described a
computational strategy for forming confident explanations. The formation
process is organized so that the explanation starts from islands of relative
certainty, then grows opportunistically. This strategy helps control the com-
putational cost of accommodating interactions among explanatory hypoth-
eses, especially incompatibility interactions. In the past, incompatibility re-
lationships seemed a main source of intractability by potentially forcing a
combinatorially explosive search to synthesize a complete, consistent ex-
planation. In contrast, the Machine-5 strategy shows how incompatibility
relationships can be used to distinct advantage in expanding partial expla-
nations to more complete ones. We also described a software tool, PEIRCE-
IGTT, for building abductive-assembly systems that use a variant of the Ma-
chine-5 strategy.
Next, we describe an experiment designed to test the hypothesis that ex-
plicitly represented explanatory relationships can be used to significantly
reduce uncertainty and to increase correctness of judgment for abductive
processing. The experiment used a specific knowledge base, which existed
prior to this particular use. Three types of knowledge were represented: rou-
tine-recognition knowledge (i.e., precompiled knowledge for pattern-based
hypothesis scoring), hypothesis-incompatibility knowledge (that two hypoth-
eses cannot both be true at the same time), and knowledge of explanatory
relationships between hypotheses and data items. The performance of four
distinct abduction machines was compared; each machine used a different
combination of knowledge types and a different reasoning strategy.

Experimental design
The experiment was based on the RED-2 system described in chapter 3.
RED-2 has two main components: a hierarchical classifier and an abductive
assembler. The classifier rates the plausibility of each antibody hypothesis.
In the modified versions of the program used for the experiment, the hy-
potheses are not hierarchically organized, and the classifier simply matches
the prototypical pattern of data for each hypothesis to the data given in a
case in order to determine a confidence score. This component will be called
the "Matcher." The explanatory hypotheses will be called "antibodies" be-
cause each hypothesizes the presence of a particular antibody in the patient's
serum, and each offers to explain certain test reactions (sometimes only par-
tially explaining a reaction). The role of the abductive assembler, or "As-
sembler," is to form a composite hypothesis that is consistent, explains as
much of the data as possible, and meets some other conditions (such as par-
simony and high plausibility).
We ran 42 antibody-identification problems, here called "cases," using
four distinct machines, and measured their performance. The four machines
are: (1) a matcher-only machine, (2) a matcher machine with extra process-
Better task definition, better strategy 225
Table 9.1. Certainty vocabulary

c (Confirmed)
VP (Very Plausible)
p (Plausible)
u (Unknown)
I (Implausible)
VI (Very Implausible)
RO (Ruled Out)

ing to handle incompatible hypotheses, (3) a matcher machine with a (Ma-

chine 4) abductive hypothesis assembler, and (4) a matcher with a (Machine
4) abductive assembler with a special strategy for handling incompatible
hypotheses (i.e., a Machine 5). The overall reasoning strategies embodied in
these machines can be viewed as four distinct domain-independent strate-
gies for abduction. For each machine we measured uncertainty and correct-
ness over the same library of cases.
For each case, each machine decided on a degree of certainty regarding
the truth or falsity of each antibody hypothesis. Table 9.1 shows the vocabu-
lary for the degrees of certainty.
The four machines that were tested were variations of the same basic
machine with certain features enabled or disabled. In this section we de-
scribe each machine in detail.

The Matcher produced a confidence rating for each antibody on an ascend-
ing integer scale from - 3 to +3. For each antibody, the Matcher did the
1. It checked for critical data that should be observed if the antibody is present.
If it failed to find any of this data, it ruled out the antibody (assigned it -3).
2. If it failed to rule out the antibody, the Matcher then checked the patient's
history. Once a person develops an antibody, they always have it. So, if the
patient's history contained a record of the antibody's previous presence, the
Matcher returned a definitive positive rating for the antibody (+3). Other-
wise, the corresponding antigen was on the patient's own red blood cells, the
Matcher ruled out the antibody (-3) because people do not normally develop
antibodies to their own antigens. (Sometimes they do, but rarely; RED-2 was
designed only to handle cases in which these autoantibodies were already
ruled out.)
3. If no tests were conducted in which the antibody's presence would appear
(i.e., the antibody was untested), the Matcher rated it at a middle value, 0 on
the Matcher's scale. This prevented the matcher from making a commitment
when it had no grounds.
4. If steps 1 through 3 failed to produce a value, the Matcher rated the antibody
according to how closely the observed data matched the pattern of data ex-
pected for when the antibody is present. This produced values from -2 to +2.

Table 9.2. Assignment of certainty

values to matcher scores

Matcher Certainty
+3 C
+2 VP
+1 P
0 U
-1 I
-2 VI
-3 RO

These values were further modified (raised or lowered) according to the

antibody's frequency of occurrence (common antibodies rate higher than rare
ones, other things being equal).
Table 9.2 shows how certainty values were assigned to the Matcher's con-
fidence ratings.

Matcher with incompatible hypotheses handling

As part of its knowledge base RED-2 has a collection of pairs of incompatible
hypotheses (only one member of each pair can be present). Some antibodies
belong to more than one pair; that is, they are incompatible with several other
antibodies. Many belong to none of the pairs, meaning that they are compatible
with all other antibodies. The Matcher-with-Incompatibles used this informa-
tion in a postprocessor, after the Matcher and before the final setting of cer-
tainty values. The postprocessor did the following:
1. If several incompatible antibodies were rated positively, then all their ratings
were changed to 0, i.e., positive confidence in a hypothesis was shaken by
positive confidence in incompatible hypotheses.
2. If an antibody was rated strongly positive (+2 or +3), and all antibodies in-
compatible with it were rated negatively, then the ratings of the incompatible
ones were bumped one level lower. Strong positive confidence in a hypoth-
esis became further evidence against an incompatible hypothesis that already
had low confidence.
Note that there is no inconsistency in having several incompatible hy-
potheses rated negatively. The result of postprocessing was a set of antibod-
ies rated on the Matcher's - 3 to +3 scale, which were then assigned cer-
tainty values as shown in Table 9.2.

Matcher with assembler

The Matcher-with-Assembler used the original Matcher (without the
postprocessor to handle incompatible hypotheses) to initially rate the anti-
body hypotheses. Then it entered the assembly algorithm:
Better task definition, better strategy 227
1. Essentials. Search through the antibodies for those that are Essential (i.e.,
those that are the only way of explaining some finding). Put the essential
antibodies into the working composite hypothesis. Note that an essential
is the best explanation for some finding (because it is the only explanation
for that finding) and thus represents a local abductive conclusion of high
2. Clear-Bests. Search through the remaining antibodies for those that were rated
by the Matcher at least two steps higher (e.g., P vs. I) than their nearest com-
petitors for explaining some finding. Include the Clear- Best antibodies in the
working hypothesis. These antibodies are considered "Clear-Bests" because,
based on the Matcher's ratings, each is clearly the best way to explain some
finding. Note that a Clear-Best represents a local abductive conclusion en-
titled to high confidence, but not as high as that of an essential.
3. Bests. (These are similar to those called "Weak-Bests" in PEIRCE-IGTT.)
Search through the remaining antibodies for those that were rated by the
Matcher one step higher than their nearest competitors for explaining some
finding, and that had some other consideration to recommend them (e.g., that
they explained more in total). Include them in the working hypothesis. These
antibodies are considered merely "best" explainers because each is not much
better than alternative explanations.

Building up a working hypothesis in this way - essentials, then clear-bests,

then bests - constitutes a strategy of starting from the most confident partial
conclusions available, and then advancing through stages of less and less
(but still reasonably high) confidence.
Between steps, the assembler recomputed the set of findings that remained
to be explained and tested to see if the working hypothesis was a complete
explanation. If it had a complete explanation at any point, it stopped. Note
that the working hypothesis was not necessarily a complete explanation at
the end of the process. We will return to this point later. After constructing a
working hypothesis in this manner, the Assembler conducted a parsimony
check to remove from the working hypothesis those antibodies that did not
contribute to its explanatory coverage. This was done by first examining
any Bests in order of least plausible to most plausible (as rated by the
Matcher). For each antibody, the Assembler tested to see if the working hy-
pothesis explained as much without the antibody as it did with it. If so, the
antibody could be removed from the working hypothesis without loss of
explanatory coverage. When the Bests had been checked, the Assembler re-
peated the procedure for Clear-Bests. There was no need to check the Essen-
tials; it follows from the definition of Essential that they must all be in-
cluded. The parsimony check ensured that the working hypothesis contained
no proper subsets explaining as much as the whole working hypothesis. At
the end of this procedure the working hypothesis was considered the best
explanation of the given test data.
The Assembler produced its final ratings of the antibody hypotheses based on
the best explanation and the Matcher's ratings. The Assembler's final rating
categories and the assignment of certainty values is shown in Table 9.3. Essen-

Table 9.3. Assignment of certainty values

to assembler ratings

Assembler Certainty

Confirmed C
Clear Best VP
Best P
Undetected U
Unresolved u
Likely Absent I
Ruled Out -2 VI
Ruled Out -3 RO

tial antibodies were called "Confirmed." "Undetected" means that the anti-
body was not tested. An antibody was considered "Unresolved" if it was in
the best explanation but was rated low by the Matcher, or not in the best
explanation but was rated high by the Matcher, reflecting evidence pulling
in opposite directions. Antibodies classified "Likely Absent" were not in the
best explanation, not ruled out, and not highly rated by the Matcher. "Ruled
Out - 2 " and "Ruled Out - 3 " mean that the antibody was rated - 2 or - 3 by
the matcher, and was not in the best explanation.
In cases where the Assembler did not produce a complete explanation, the
final rating method was modified somewhat to reflect a lowered confidence
in the result. The best explanation might fail to be a complete explanation
for one of two reasons:
1. There was a finding that no antibody could explain.
2. For each unexplained finding there was at least a near tie between possible
explainers; that is, there were insufficient grounds for discriminating between
them with a significant degree of confidence.
In Case 1, something was obviously wrong, a significant anomaly oc-
curred and the system's knowledge must be incomplete or incorrect. Addi-
tional hypotheses, or more generous explaining by existing ones, might have
changed everything. So all non-ruled-out hypotheses should be reclassified
as Unresolved. The ruled-out hypotheses could be left alone because the
additional information that might make a complete explanation possible
would be unlikely to affect them. (This is a domain-specific piece of strat-
egy, reflecting high confidence in the rule-out knowledge in this domain, a
confidence which was later empirically justified [see Table 9.7]. In domains
where rule-out knowledge is not so dependable, an unexplained finding could
be the result of a hypothesis improperly ruled out, so it would be more cor-
rect to change the classification of ruled-out hypotheses to Unresolved if
they could have helped to explain the finding.)
In Case 2, a complete explanation may have existed but it would have
Better task definition, better strategy 229
been hard to find or hard to determine which complete explanation was best.
Under these circumstances there was no reason to change the rating of hy-
potheses already included in the working hypothesis, or of hypotheses clas-
sified as Ruled Out (-2 or -3). Of the rest, any that would have been clas-
sified as Likely Absent (not in the best explanation, not ruled out, not highly
rated by the matcher) and offering to help explain an unexplained finding,
were instead considered Unresolved. Other ratings were left unchanged.

Matcher with assembler and incompatible hypotheses handling

The Assembler-with-Incompatibles was a full-featured abduction program.
It was substantially the same as the Machine 5 strategy already described
and was identical to the Matcher-with-Assembler with the addition of a spe-
cial procedure for handling incompatible hypotheses. This procedure did
the following: Each time an antibody was added to the working hypothesis,
all antibodies incompatible with it were removed from the pool of available
antibodies. That is, once an antibody was thought to be present, everything
incompatible with it was removed from further consideration. Antibodies
could be put into the working hypothesis in any of three stages: Essentials,
Clear-Bests, and Bests. If incompatible Essentials were found, the assembly
process terminated with everything judged as Unresolved, since this sug-
gested a serious problem in the data or the system's knowledge. If incompat-
ible Clear-Bests were found, they were removed from the working hypoth-
esis (i.e., placed back in the pool of available hypotheses) and their ratings
from the Matcher were reduced by one step (e.g., from VP to P). If incom-
patible Bests were found, the Assembler-with-Incompatibles attempted to
decide between among as follows:
1. If one antibody was clearly superior to all the others (i.e., it was rated higher
by the Matcher than the others, it explained more than any of the others, etc.),
then it was kept in the working hypothesis and all the others were removed.
2. If no antibody was clearly superior, all the incompatibles were removed from
the working hypothesis.
After the composite best explanation was assembled, the ratings of the anti-
body hypotheses were further modified so that any antibody incompatible with
a Confirmed antibody was moved to Ruled Out - 3 , incompatible with a Clear-
Best went to Ruled Out - 2 , incompatible with a Best went to Likely Absent. In
other words, positive belief in a hypothesis was converted to negative belief in
all hypotheses incompatible with it in proportion to the strength of the belief.
The results were assigned certainty values as shown in Table 9.3.

The library of cases included correct answers for each case based on expert
judgment about which antibodies were present (we will refer to these as

Table 9.4. Number of antibodies classified in each category

Matcher with Assembler with

Matcher Incompatibles Assembler Incompatibles

c 0 0 23 23
VP 70 70 16 16
p 188 149 53 52
I 85 92 375 355
VI 250 250 250 242
RO 282 282 282 290

Total 875 843 999 978

"in") and which were not tested for (called "untested"). The other antibod-
ies (i.e., the common ones that were tested for but were not in), were consid-
ered not present ("out"). We should note that we do not know the real truth
about any case. Many of these cases actually occurred in a hospital blood
bank. The "correct answers" were the human experts' best judgments about
which antibodies were present, but they are not guaranteed to be correct.
However, the experts' judgments are the best measure we have of the pro-
grams' performance.

Uncertainty. For each case, each machine produced a certainty value (C, VP,
etc.) for each of the 27 common antibodies. Because identifying which anti-
bodies were untested is a trivial task, and all machines were easily able to
do it, these antibodies are ignored in our analysis. The 42 cases represent
1,012 tested antibodies, of which 83 were present and 929 were absent. Tables
9.4 through 9.10 show the results of running the four machines on the 42
Table 9.4 shows the number of antibodies that each machine classified in
each category (C, VP, etc.). The Unknown (U) category is omitted from this
table, which shows only where the machines were able to make some com-
mitment (i.e., judge an antibody to be present or absent with some degree of
confidence). Thus, of the 1,012 antibodies that were tested in the 42 cases,
the Matcher committed itself on 875; it considered none of them to be Con-
firmed, 70 to be Very Plausible, and so forth. Similarly for the other ma-
chines. Some interesting points to note from this table are:
1. The matcher never confirmed anything. This was not very surprising. This is
at least partly a feature of the particular domain, in which pathognomonic
(directly confirming) evidence is unusual (see point 2).
2. The Assembler rated far fewer antibodies positively (Confirmed, Very Plau-
sible, or Plausible) than the Matcher did. This may simply be a feature of the
domain, which has easily available rule-out information, but supporting in-
formation is more difficult to obtain. So the Matcher can confidently rule out,
Better task definition, better strategy 231
but in the absence of evidence against an antibody, the Matcher may err by
rating it positively. Because missing an antibody that is actually present can
have more severe consequences for the patient than asserting an antibody that
is actually absent, pragmatic concerns encourage error in the direction of posi-
tive rating. The assembler, on the other hand, by taking into account explana-
tory relations between antibodies and data, is better able to sort things out,
and moves many of the antibodies rated positively by the Matcher into the
Unknown or negative categories.
3. Adding incompatibility knowledge made both the Matcher and the Assembler
more cautious in general. That is, the machines tended to commit on fewer
Antibodies. Incompatibility knowledge tended to increase uncertainty. This is
even more obvious in Table 9.5 where the number of antibodies classified as
Unknown is summarized. This increase in uncertainty might have been ex-
pected since most of the changes to the machines for handling incompatible
antibodies tend to move antibodies toward uncertainty. In the Matcher the
main effect was to move hypotheses from Plausible to Unknown. In the As-
sembler, the main effect was to move from Implausible to Unknown. Both of
these turned out to be correct changes (see the discussion of Table 9.7).
4. Adding incompatibility knowledge allowed the assembler to rule out 8 more
antibodies (for being incompatible with essentials). This amounted to a de-
crease in uncertainty for these hypotheses, contrary to the overall tendency of
incompatibility knowledge to increase uncertainty.

Conclusion: Uncertainty. Knowledge of explanatory relationships (that

is, using the Assembler in addition to the Matcher) had a large effect on
reducing uncertainty. The Assembler made commitments on many more an-
tibodies than the Matcher alone did (approximately 15% more). As is appar-
ent from reading down the columns in Table 9.5, the Assembler was unable
to commit on far fewer antibodies, with a reduction in the Unknown cat-
egory of approximately 9 1 % without the use of incompatibles and of ap-
proximately 80% using them. Additionally, as can be seen in Table 9.4, the
Assembler made more commitments at the extremes of confidence (Con-
firmed and Ruled Out), doing so on approximately 8% more antibodies when
not using knowledge of incompatibles, and approximately 10% more anti-
bodies when using such knowledge. Thus the knowledge of explanatory re-
lationships had a dramatic effect on reducing uncertainty.

Correctness. Table 9.6 shows the number of antibodies that each machine
classified correctly in each category. An antibody was correctly classified if
(1) it was considered "in" by the experts and the machine classified it as
Confirmed, Very Plausible, or Plausible or (2) it was considered "out" by the
experts and the machine classified it as Implausible, Very Implausible, or
Ruled Out. Antibodies classified as Unknown were considered to be neither
correct nor incorrect.

The Matchers got more positively-rated antibodies correct (those rated C,

VP, or P) and fewer antibodies correct overall than the Assemblers did. These

Table 9.5. Number Classified Unknown

Without With
Incompatibles Incompatibles

Matcher 137 169

Assembler 13 34

Table 9.6. Number of antibodies correctly classified in each category

Matcher with Assembler with

Matcher Incompatibles Assembler Incompatibles

c 0 0 23 23
VP 24 24 11 11
p 40 35 20 20
I 84 90 354 338
VI 248 248 248 240
RO 282 282 282 290

Total 678 679 938 922

Table 9.7. Percentage correctly classified in each category

Matcher with Assembler with

Matcher Incompatibles Assembler Incompatibles

c 100.0 100.0
VP 34.3 34.3 68.8 68.8
p 21.3 23.5 37.7 38.5
I 98.8 97.8 94.4 95.2
VI 99.2 99.2 99.2 99.2
RO 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Total 77.5 80.5 93.9 94.3

results might be expected because the Matchers assign positive ratings to

more antibodies and commit on fewer antibodies than the Assemblers do.
Table 9.7 summarizes the results shown in Tables 9.4 and 9.6. Since nei-
ther Matcher machine rated any antibodies as Confirmed, the percentage
correct in that category is meaningless for them. Some important points to
note are:
1. The machines were never wrong at the extremes of confidence (Confirmed
and Ruled Out).
Better task definition, better strategy 233
2. It is striking that all four machines were more often correct when they were
more certain. Confidence correlated very well with correctness. This relation-
ship was not designed into any of the machines, except in using the human
experts' judgments about the kinds of data that yield more or less certain
conclusions and in designing the confidence-setting rules according to what
seemed to be reasonable ways of evaluating evidence. The results seem to
validate both the experts' judgments and our judgments about how to evalu-
ate evidence.
3. All machines performed better than chance. Given that 83 antibodies were
present of the 1,012 antibodies that were tested, we would expect a random
guess that an antibody is present to be correct only approximately 8.2% of the
time. All the machines did better than that. The Matcher was correct regard-
ing 24.8% of its positively rated antibodies; with incompatibility knowledge
the Matcher improved slightly to 26.9% correct; the Assembler was correct
regarding 58.7% of its positively rated antibodies; and with incompatibility
knowledge it improved slightly to 59.3% correct. Thus the Assemblers were
approximately twice as good by this measure as the Matchers were, but even
the Matchers had three times the success rate of a random guesser. This is
particularly important because generally few of the antibodies are present, so
committing to a positive rating for an antibody puts any machine out on a
limb. (We suspect that this is a general truth. That is, in any situation, most of
the things that could be true are not. A reasoner could be pretty accurate by
just saying "no" all the time. Saying "yes" is going against the odds.) Since
the machines all performed significantly better than guessing, the use of knowl-
edge apparently contributed to correct behavior in positively rating the anti-
bodies. A similar effect occurred with the negatively rated antibodies, but it is
not as striking.
4. The Very Implausible and Ruled Out categories for the Assembler were domi-
nated by the Matcher's ratings. This might be expected from the design of the
Assembler, which considers only non-ruled-out antibodies for explaining the
reactions, and from the rules for assigning confidence values, which change
the values assigned by the Matcher only under special circumstances. This
might also be expected because the Matcher rated very many antibodies in
these categories (Table 9.4) and was almost always correct in doing so (Table
9.7), so there should rarely be any reason to change the Matcher's values and
rarely any opportunity to add further antibodies to these confidence catego-
5. The machines with incompatibility knowledge were slightly more accurate
than those without. In particular, the Matcher improved from 21.3% to 23.5%
in the Plausible category, where the main effect of incompatibility knowledge
was to move antibodies to Unknown. The Assembler improved from 94.4% to
95.2% in the Implausible category, where incompatibility knowledge appar-
ently had a similar effect.
6. The Assemblers were much more often correct on the positive side than the
Matchers were.
7. The Assemblers were slightly less accurate than the Matchers were in the
Implausible category. However, the Assemblers rated approximately four times
as many antibodies in this category, mostly moving them from Unknown.
Conclusion: Correctness. Explanatory knowledge increased correctness. That
is, using the Assembler in addition to the Matcher made a distinct differ-
ence, increasing both the number and percentage of antibodies correctly
judged to be present or absent. This is summarized in Tables 9.8 and 9.9,

Table 9.8. Summary: Number correctly classified

Without With
Incompatibles Incompatibles

Matcher 678 679

Assembler 938 922

Table 9.9 Summary: Percentage correctly classified

Without With
Incompatibles Incompatibles

Matcher 77.5 80.5

Assembler 93.9 94.3

where the effect can readily be seen by reading down the columns. Thus, in
concert with a like effect for reducing uncertainty, knowledge of explana-
tory relationships had a dramatic effect for increasing correctness.
Incompatibility knowledge contributed surprisingly little to correctness, as
can be seen by reading across the rows in Tables 9.8 and 9.9. In retrospect it
seems likely that this was a domain-specific effect, and perhaps should not have
been so surprising. We have seen that the introduction of incompatibility knowl-
edge can give rise to complications resulting in an overall increase in uncer-
tainty (see Table 9.5). In addition Bylander has shown that finding a complete
explanation in the presence of incompatible hypotheses is an NP-Complete prob-
lem (see chapter 7). One way to make it tractable is to rule out enough hypoth-
eses so that there are no incompatible pairs among the non-ruled-out hypotheses
(i.e., reduce it to the problem of finding a complete explanation when there are
no incompatible hypotheses). It appears that the antibody-identification knowl-
edge has been optimized to do this; that is, tests have been designed and knowl-
edge has been compiled to discriminate between incompatible hypotheses, thus
reducing the processing load for test interpretation and increasing the chances
of arriving at a complete explanation. Since the Matchers are good at ruling out
(better than 99% accuracy), and since subsequent processing only uses the hy-
potheses not ruled out by the Matchers, there should be few incompatible pairs
among these hypotheses most of the time, so incompatibility knowledge should
usually be of little further use.

Problem difficulty. Let us see how the various machines fared on difficult
versus easy problems. There are several possible measures of
difficulty: number of reactions to explain, commonness of the antibodies
Better task definition, better strategy 235
Table 9.10. Percentage correctly classified by difficulty

No. of
antibodies Matcher with Assembler with
present Matcher Incompatibles Assembler Incompatibles

1 77.6 81.9 95.3 95.3

2 85.8 86.5 96.3 96.3
3 66.3 70.5 89.4 90.4
Overall 77.5 80.5 93.9 94.3

present or absent, commonness of the reactions, and so forth. But the sim-
plest measure available is the number of antibodies present. Normally, the
more antibodies present, the more difficult the problem, because the reac-
tion patterns overlap and tend to hide one another, because more interac-
tions must be considered, and because more steps might be needed to solve
the problem. This is not universally true since it might be harder to become
convinced that a single rare antibody is present than that two or three com-
mon ones are. Although it is not a perfect measure, it is a good crude mea-
sure of difficulty. Our library of test cases contained 14 one-antibody prob-
lems (i.e., cases in which exactly one antibody was present), 15 two-anti-
body problems, and 13 three-antibody problems.
Table 9.10 summarizes the results according to the number of antibod-
ies - each row shows how each machine performed on cases of a certain
difficulty (one-, two-, or three-antibody cases). Following are some points
to note about the results:
1. The Assemblers were more accurate than the Matchers were at all levels of
difficulty. Thus the increased correctness attributable to explanatory knowl-
edge was a persistent and broadly occurring phenomenon.
2. As expected, all the machines were at their worst on the most difficult cases.
3. The effect of incompatibility knowledge for the Matcher was also persistent,
serving to improve its performance at all difficulty levels, but primarily on
the easiest and hardest cases. This effect probably occurred because the Matcher
rated far too many antibodies positively, and incompatibility knowledge pushed
antibodies from low positive ratings to Unknown. For the Assembler, incom-
patibility knowledge made only a slight difference in accuracy, and that just
on the hardest cases. The way the Assembler's algorithm works, incompat-
ibility knowledge is likely to have more of an effect when the answer has
more parts.
4. Surprisingly, all the machines performed better on the two-antibody cases
than on the one-antibody cases (i.e., they did not perform as well on the easi-
est cases as they did on somewhat more difficult cases). Each case tests for
approximately the same number of antibodies, so a random guess on a two-
antibody problem is twice as likely to produce a correct answer as a random
guess on a one-antibody problem is. So machines such as the Matchers, which
assign positive ratings when there is no reason not to, will be correct more

often when more antibodies are present. Indeed, the phenomenon was largest
with the Matchers. However, the phenomenon also occurred with the Assem-
blers, although it was smaller. Furthermore, the Matchers' performance de-
creased on the three-antibody cases, so the random-hit hypothesis cannot ex-
plain the phenomenon completely. Perhaps it is a result of some bias in the
test cases.
Because the number of antibodies in the correct answer is only a crude
measure of case difficulty, and because the proportion of antibodies present
to antibodies tested is higher in the multiple-antibody cases, we cannot rely
strongly on the numbers in Table 9.10 to reveal the true change in accuracy
of each machine with increasing case difficulty. Nevertheless, the compara-
tive performance of the four machines clearly holds for each level of diffi-

Implications for RED. Some facts stand out from the data presented here,
and suggest possible improvements to future versions of RED.
1. The Matcher is well suited to ruling out hypotheses. In this experiment it was
correct in its negative ratings more than 99% of the time. Therefore, RED
should be cautious about assigning an antibody a positive rating after the
Matcher assigns it a negative rating. In particular, the Assembler can ignore
antibodies rated Implausible or lower by the Matcher (currently it ignores
only those that are ruled out) and use them only if it cannot find a complete
explanation otherwise.
2. When an antibody is not useful in forming a complete explanation, this is not
good evidence against it. So it should not be lowered in confidence more than
about one step.
Further study is needed to determine the effects of these proposed changes.

We conducted an experiment to measure the degree to which explicitly rep-
resented knowledge of explanatory relationships can contribute to reducing
uncertainty and increasing correctness for abductive reasoning. Explanatory
relationships were found to make a significant contribution to reducing un-
certainty and to increasing correctness. In both cases the effect was dra-
Explicitly represented knowledge of hypothesis incompatibility was also
tested. The apparent effect of using this knowledge was increased overall
uncertainty, but a slightly increased rate of correct judgments. The increase
was so slight, however, that it should not be considered significant.
Confidence values correlated well with correctness. All four machines
were more often correct when they were more certain, and they were never
wrong at the extremes of confidence. This fact provides a form of validation
for the qualitative confidence vocabulary used in the experiment, and for
the confidence-setting rules used in the machines. In particular, the strategy
Better task definition, better strategy 237
for weighing explanatory evidence should be considered to be validated in
the large, although not in every detail. The confidence-setting behavior of
the machines was not only reasonable (according to internal considerations),
but also realistic (based on correspondence with the facts).
This experiment is in the spirit of others done on knowledge-based sys-
tems, though testing the contribution of a particular type of knowledge may
be unique. It is a reasonable sort of validation to ask for any advisory system
that makes judgments qualified by confidence estimates, that its confidence
should correlate with its correctness, though to our knowledge this is rarely

1 If two Essential hypotheses are incompatible, then a serious anomaly has occurred, and normal
processing is suspended. It is possible that the conflict can be resolved by generating more hy-
potheses or by performing tests to reconfirm the existing data, but both of these solutions are
outside the scope of the present discussion.
2 Again, if two Clear-Best hypotheses are incompatible, then special handling takes over.
3 PEIRCE-IGTT was designed by John R. Josephson, Hari Narayanan, and Diana Smetters, and
implemented in Common Lisp and CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) by Diana Smetters and
Richard Fox.
4 The Integrated Generic-Task Toolset (IGTT) used in many of our systems benefited greatly from
the sponsorship of The Defense Research Projects Agency under the Strategic Computing Pro-
gram. Other significant support for its development came at various times from Xerox, IBM,
DEC, and Texas Instruments corporations.
5 Implications can be hard or soft. A soft implication has a degree of strength.
6 Thagard gave a somewhat counterintuitive analysis of the explanatory relationships here and in a
few other places. We first encoded the case using his analysis, ran it, and then reencoded it in a
form that seemed more natural. The changes were few, and the performance was not greatly al-
tered. This alteration is described later in this section.
7 Compare this with the popular TV detective Columbo, who often solves a difficult case by dog-
gedly trying to find a satisfactory explanation for some seemingly insignificant fact.
10 Perception and language understanding

This chapter develops the hypothesis that perception is abduction in layers

and that understanding spoken language is a special case. These rather grand
hypotheses are rich with implications: philosophical, technological, and
We present here a layered-abduction computational model of perception
that unifies bottom-up and top-down processing in a single logical and in-
formation-processing framework. In this model the processes of interpreta-
tion are broken down into discrete layers where at each layer a best-expla-
nation composite hypothesis is formed of the data presented by the layer or
layers below, with the help of information from above. The formation of
such a hypothesis is an abductive inference process, similar to diagnosis and
scientific theory formation. The model treats perception as a kind of frozen
or "compiled" deliberation. It applies in particular to speech recognition
and understanding, and is a model both of how people process spoken lan-
guage input, and of how a machine can be organized to do it.

Perception is abduction in layers

There is a long tradition of belief in philosophy and psychology that perception
relies on some form of inference (Kant, 1787; Helmholtz; Bruner, 1957; Rock,
1983; Gregory, 1987; Fodor, 1983). But this form of inference has been typi-
cally thought of as some form of deduction, or simple recognition, or feature-
based classification, not as abduction. In recent times researchers have occa-
sionally proposed that perception, or at least language understanding, involves
some form of abduction or explanation-based inference (Charniak & McDermott,
1985, p. 557; Charniak, 1986; Dasigi, 1988; Josephson, 1982, pp. 87-94; Fodor,
1983, pp. 88, 104; Hobbs, Stickel, Appelt and Martin, 1993). Peirce actually
says in one place, "Abductive inference shades into perceptual judgment with-
out any sharp line of demarcation between them" (Peirce, 1902, p. 304).
Perception is Abduction in Layers, Computational Model of Abduction in Layers, Multi-
sense Perception, and Knowledge from Perception are by John R. Josephson. Speech
Understanding as Layered Abduction is by John R. Josephson and Terry Patten. Three
Pilot Speech Recognition Systems has contributions from John R. Josephson, Richard
Fox, Osamu Fujimura, Donna Erickson, and Kevin Lenzo.

Perception and language understanding 239
Also, computational models of information processing for both vision and
spoken language understanding have commonly supposed an orderly pro-
gression of layers, beginning near the retina or auditory periphery, where
hypotheses are formed about "low-level" features, e.g., edges (in vision) or
bursts (in speech perception), and proceeding by stages to higher level hy-
potheses. Models intended to be comprehensive often suppose three or more
major layers, often with sublayers, and sometimes with parallel channels
that separate and combine to support higher level hypotheses. For example,
shading discontinuities and color contrasts may separately support hypoth-
eses about object boundary (Marr, 1982). Recent work on primate vision
appears to show the existence of separate channels for information about
shading, texture, and color, not all supplying information to the same layers
of interpretation (Livingstone & Hubel, 1988). Audition, phonetics, gram-
mar, and semantics have sometimes been proposed as distinct layers of in-
terpretation for speech understanding.
In both vision and speech understanding most of the processing of infor-
mation is presumably bottom up, from information produced by the sensory
organ, through intermediate representations, to the abstract cognitive cat-
egories that are used for reasoning. Yet top-down processing is presumably
also significant, as higher level information imposes biases and helps with
identification and disambiguation. Both vision and speech understanding
can thus be thought of as layered-interpretation tasks wherein the output
from one layer becomes data to be interpreted at the next. Layered-interpre-
tation models for nonperceptual interpretive processes make sense too. For
example, medical diagnosis can be thought of as an inference that typically
proceeds from symptoms to pathological states to diseases to etiologies. Simi-
lar to perception, medical diagnosis is presumably mostly bottom up, but
with a significant amount of top-down processing serving similar functions.
It is reasonable to expect that perceptual processes have been optimized
over evolutionary time (become efficient, not necessarily optimal) and that
the specific layers and their hypotheses, especially at lower levels, have
been compiled into special-purpose mechanisms. Within the life span of a
single organism, language learning and perceptual learning provide addi-
tional opportunities for compilation and optimization. Nevertheless, it seems
that at each layer of interpretation the abstract information-processing task
is the same: that of forming a coherent, composite best explanation of the
data from the previous layer or layers. That is, the task is abduction, and, in
particular, abduction requiring the formation of composite hypotheses.
If the information processing that occurs in the various layers and senses
is functionally similar, then perhaps their mechanisms are similar too at a
certain level of description. Thus we are led to hypothesize that the informa-
tion-processing mechanisms that occur in vision, in hearing, in understand-
ing spoken language, and in interpreting information from other senses (natu-
ral and robotic) are all variations, incomplete realizations, or compilations
(domain-specific optimizations) of one basic computational mechanism. Thus
we propose what we may call the layered-abduction model of perception.
What is new in this model is the specific hypothesis that perception uses
abductive inferences, occurring in layers, together with a specific computa-
tional model of abductive processing.

Perception as compiled deliberation

Thinking of perception as inferential is not to suppose that perception uses
deliberative reasoning. The abductive inferences that we hypothesize to oc-
cur in perception are presumably very efficient, with little explicit search at
run time (perception time). Moreover, some of the parts of abductive pro-
cessing might not be fully realized by actual processing at run time, or they
may be done very efficiently with no extraneous support processing. For
example, alternative hypotheses may be prestored, and simply activated
during perception, rather than generated fresh. Similarly, hypothesis inter-
actions, such as degrees of compatibility and incompatibility, may be
prestored. This kind of storing of knowledge in just the right form for effi-
cient task-specific processing is what we mean by "compiled" cognition. It
is a kind of thinking well without thinking much.
Cognition might be compiled either as "software" or as "hardware" (or in
some intermediate "firmware" form). Moreover, compilation might be done
by evolution, or through some sort of learning, or incrementally as needed
for perception-time processing. Hardware-compiled structures are presum-
ably not plastic, whereas learned structures can be subsequently revised (in
principle anyway). Thus particular abductive mechanisms might be formed
either by evolution, or by learning, or at run time.
The point of compilation for perception is to avoid computationally ex-
pensive run-time search. This can be done by compiling hypothesis frag-
ments and evidential links, as we said. These evidential links may be imple-
mented by currents that run along wires, by firing rates of connections be-
tween neurons, by weighted symbol associations, or in some other way; but
however they are implemented, they will still really be evidential links (that
is, this level of description is not dispensable).
Thus, one way in which perception may plausibly be hypothesized to be
very much like deliberation is that the steps and dependencies should make
sense logically (abductively). Each piece of processing should be justifiable
in ways such as " . . . is apparently the only plausible interpretation for this
datum," ". . . combine to make this hypothesis better than that one," ". . .
was ruled out because . . .," and so on.
Another bridge to deliberative reasoning is that functionally similar kinds
of impasses can occur during processing. Each such impasse creates a need
Perception and language understanding 241
to fall back on some other form of processing, and provides an opportunity
to learn. One type of impasse occurs when there are no good hypotheses to
account for a firmly established data item. In this case (if there is time) a
deliberative strategy might be to derive a new hypothesis with the needed
properties from background causal knowledge. Apparently this goes on in
diagnosis in domains where there are good causal models of the system be-
ing diagnosed. Another way to handle this type of impasse is first to capture
a description of the data to be accounted for, to assume that it can be ac-
counted for by a new hypothesis-forming concept C, and to begin to build
up more description of C based upon what can be inferred or reasonably
conjectured from the context. This additional analysis presumably occurs
not so much immediately at run time in the heat of the original problem
solving, but shortly thereafter at learn time, when run-time information is
still available but urgency has subsided and resources are available for more
expensive processing. This learning strategy is neutral between deliberative
and perceptual abduction. In a speech-recognition system we would like to
build someday, we propose to capture new words in this way. First the sys-
tem will detect that it has no word in the lexicon that accounts for a particu-
lar word-sized phonetic hunk, then it will capture the phonetic description,
hypothesizing that it represents a new word, and it will begin to derive in-
formation about the grammatical role of the new word from the linguistic
context (e.g., is it a name? a person's name?).
Even in "high cognition," abductive processing is presumably very per-
ception-like in the main. An experienced diagnostician should rarely need
to reason "from first principles," but instead will have compiled useful in-
formation and organized it for efficient access so that run-time processing is
"automated," and recognition-like. On this view (from this perspective, see-
ing things this way) the visual metaphors that we use for intellectual insight
are more than simply apt metaphors. We hypothesize literal isomorphisms
of computational architecture and information processing between percep-
tion and deliberative abduction.1
Besides the reliance on some nearly serial computational resource (atten-
tion perhaps), deliberative abduction is presumably so much slower than
perception because it tends to generate certain subtasks for which efficient
knowledge has not been precompiled. "Who could have done this awful
crime? Well, let's see ..." (need to generate hypotheses); "Could this patient's
symptoms be due to overconsumption of vitamin B6?" (need to generate
recognition patterns, i.e., hypothesis-scoring knowledge); "What is the main
function of sleep?" (need to generate at least one plausible hypothesis); "Is
it a genuine need for help? Or just complaining?" (need to generate a way to
discriminate between alternative explanations).
A good example of compiled abduction in perception is three-dimensional
vision. The data to be explained are the disparities between the images pre-
sented by the two eyes; the explanatory hypotheses are something like over-
lapping planes (i.e., front-back relationships across edge boundaries).

Computational model of abduction in layers

Machine 6: Layers of Machine 5s
The layered-abduction computational model is our sixth-generation abstract
abduction machine. Machine 6 is similar to Machine 5 (chapter 9) except
that composite hypotheses are formed in several places at once in a coordi-
nated manner. We call each locus of hypothesis formation an agora after the
marketplace where the ancient Greeks gathered for dialog and debate. The
idea is that an agora is a place where hypotheses of a certain type gather and
contend and where, under good conditions, a consensus hypothesis emerges.
In typical cases the emerging hypothesis will be a composite, coherent in
itself, and with different subhypotheses accounting for different portions of
the data. For example in vision the edge agora is the presumed location
where edge hypotheses are formed and accepted; each specific edge hypoth-
esis accounting for certain specific data from lower level agoras.
The agoras are organized in an information-flow network with a clear
sense of direction defining the difference between bottom-up and top-down
flow. Bottom up is from data to interpretation. The main output from an
agora is "upward," the data to be interpreted by "higher" agoras. Another
possible output is "downward," for example expectation might influence
the consideration and evaluation of hypotheses at lower agoras. Thus the
relationship between "data" and "explanation" is a relative one, and an ex-
planation accepted at one agora becomes data to be explained at the next.
Although we sometimes use the word "layer" to describe an agora or a con-
tiguous cluster of agoras, we do not suppose that the agoras are all neatly
lined up. The paths may branch and join (but no cycles are permitted).
We suppose that the information processing at each agora is decomposed
into three functionally distinct types of activity: evocation of hypotheses,
instantiation of hypotheses, and composition of hypotheses.
Evocation can occur bottom up, a hypothesis being stimulated for consid-
eration - cued - by the data presented at a layer below. In diagnosis we would
say that the presence of a certain finding suggests that certain hypotheses
are appropriate to consider. More than one hypothesis may be suggested by
a given datum. Evocation can also occur top down, either as the result of
priming (an expectation from a level above) or as a consequence of data-
seeking activity from above, which can arise from the need for evaluation
(e.g., in diagnosis a need to evaluate a disease hypothesis might cause the
hypothesis elevated-white-blood-count to be considered). Evocations can
generally be performed in parallel and need not be synchronized. Besides
these pointed evocations of hypotheses from below or above, if potential
Perception and language understanding 243
hypotheses are organized hierarchically according to specificity, exhaustive
search can be performed efficiently for all applicable hypotheses. (See chapter
2 regarding the establish-refine strategy for hierarchical classification.)
Instantiation occurs when each stimulated hypothesis is independently
scored for confidence {evaluation) and a determination is made of what part
or aspect of the data the hypothesis can account for {determination of ex-
planatory scope). Instantiation is in general top down.2 During instantiation,
data may be sought that were not part of the original stimulus for evoking a
hypothesis. Each hypothesis is given a confidence value on some scale, which
can be taken to be a "local-match" or prima facie likelihood, a likelihood of
being true based only on consideration of the match between the hypothesis
and the data, with no consideration of interactions between potentially rival
or otherwise related hypotheses. Typically, many evoked hypotheses receive
low scores and can be tentatively eliminated from further consideration. The
data that a hypothesis accounts for may or may not be identical to the data
used to score the hypothesis or the data that evoked it.
During instantiation, the hypothesis set may be expanded by including
subtypes and supertypes of high-confidence hypotheses, if the space of po-
tential hypotheses is organized hierarchically by level of specificity.
Instantiation is most efficient when it is done by matching against prestored
patterns of features, but slower processes of instantiation are also possible
whereby the features to match are generated at run time.
The result of a wave of instantiation activity is a set of hypotheses, each
with a measure of confidence, and each offering to account for a portion of
the data. Within a particular wave of instantiation, hypotheses are consid-
ered independently of one another, so this can go on in parallel.
Composition occurs when the instantiated hypotheses interact with one
another and (under good conditions) a coherent best interpretation emerges.
At first, many hypotheses will probably have intermediate scores, repre-
senting hypotheses that can be taken neither as practically certain nor as of
such low confidence as to be ignorable. So knowledge of interactions be-
tween the hypotheses is brought to bear to reduce the degree of uncertainty,
increasing confidence in some of them, and decreasing confidence in others.
The basic strategy is to try to solve the overall abduction problem at a given
agora by solving a sufficient number of smaller and easier abductive sub-
problems at that agora. The strategy used is basically that of Machine 5,
described in chapter 9.
The Machine 5 strategy begins the composition process by tentatively
accepting the highest confidence, small abductive conclusions that can be
identified and then propagating the logical consequences of that acceptance
along known lines of hypothesis interaction. If the hypothesis composition
process stalls after accepting the highest confidence conclusions and propa-
gating the consequences, and some data remain ambiguous, then the process

can be continued by accepting somewhat less confident conclusions, and

again propagating the consequences. The process halts when all data are
interpreted or when the remaining unexplained data are too ambiguous to be
discriminated with sufficient confidence (see chapter 9 for a fuller descrip-
tion). In the layered-abduction, Machine 6 model, it is also possible that
remaining ambiguities will be resolved later, either as a result of additional
processing stimulated by downward-flowing expectations from layers above
or by reverberations of downward processing appearing later as revisions
flowing upward from below.
Regions of data are ambiguous if, for each datum, more than one viable
hypothesis exists, and no distinctly best interpretation can be chosen given
the current evidence. Regions of ambiguous data (or equivalently, the corre-
sponding sets of alternative hypotheses with no distinctly best combination)
can be the targets of further data gathering, guided by the need to discrimi-
nate between the leading hypotheses. In medical diagnosis we might order
more tests to try to resolve the differential diagnosis problem; in active vi-
sion we might take another look in the region of the ambiguous perception;
in empirical science we might design and perform a crucial experiment.
Further data gathering is governed by pragmatics - whether resolving the
ambiguity is important for currently active goals.

Top-down information flow

Downward-flowing information processing between layers can occur in at
least four ways. One is that the data-seeking needs of hypothesis evaluation
or discrimination can provoke instantiation (top-down evocation and evalua-
tion of a hypothesis). Another is that expectations based on firmly established
hypotheses at one layer can prime certain data items (i.e., evoke consideration
of them and bias their scores upwards). A third way is that hypotheses that are
uninterpretable as data at the higher level (no explanation can be found) can be
"doubted," and reconsideration of them provoked (also reconsideration of any
higher level hypotheses whose confidence depended on the questionable datum
can be provoked). Finally, data pairs that are jointly uninterpretable (e.g., two
words, the co-occurrence of which cannot be reconciled syntactically or seman-
tically) can be considered to be incompatible (to some degree of strength), and
reconsideration can be provoked from above. In these ways higher level inter-
pretations can exert a strong influence on the formation of hypotheses at lower
levels, and layer-layer harmony is a two-sided negotiation.

Recovering from mistakes

Abductive inferences are fallible. The mechanism described here can minimize
the occurrence of certain mistakes and can recover from certain errors that do
Perception and language understanding 245
occur. We discuss two types of errors: mistakes in initial hypothesization and
scoring, and mistakes in choice of initial islands of confidence.

Mistakes in initial hypothesization and scoring.

1. Hypothesis suggestions come from above as well as below, thus hypotheses

that would be missed on bottom-up processing can still be considered.
2. If initially cued hypotheses are inadequate, either because some portion of the
data has no proposed interpretation or because all hypotheses score poorly,
exhaustive search, hierarchically organized for efficiency, can be undertaken
to broaden the set of hypotheses being considered (supposing that the hypoth-
esis space is organized hierarchically).
3. Hypothesis evaluation is augmented by encouragement and discouragement
from positive and negative associations with other hypotheses in the same
agora. This occurs as part of the hypothesis-composition processing common
to Machine 5 and Machine 6. Thus the initial local-match confidence score is
improved by contextual information.
4. Hypothesis evaluation is also augmented by encouragement and discourage-
ment based on expectations from confident higher level hypotheses. This con-
stitutes another kind of context-based improvement and check on the confi-
dence score.
5. A hypothesis is accepted according to how well it surpasses explanatory alter-
natives. Thus, after recognition-based scoring, a significant additional uncer-
tainty-reducing operation (based on explanatory relationships) is performed
before acceptance.
6. Strength of confidence is supported by "the consilience of inductions," 3
whereby converging lines of inference all support the same hypothesis. Thus
hypothesis scoring should not be excessively sensitive to single factors, and
overall system performance should be robust.
7. Acceptance, when it finally occurs, is still tentative and liable to be over-
thrown by relationships to the mass of other confident hypotheses or because
of an unresolved anomaly.

Mistakes in choice of initial islands of confidence.

1. Actually the islands are strong. They are never based only on a hypothesis
having high initial confidence; a hypothesis must also be a best explanation
for some datum.
2. Inconsistencies lead to detected anomalies, which lead to special strategies
that weigh alternative courses of action. Originally accepted hypotheses can
collide with others and subsequently be called into question.
3. Inconsistency collisions can occur laterally or from above (violation of ex-
pectation) and they can come in degrees of strength. In effect there is broad
cross-checking of accepted hypotheses.
4. An inexplicable datum can be doubted and called into question. If after re-
evaluation the datum remains strong despite the doubt, then the system can
detect that it has encountered the limits of its knowledge, and it is positioned
to learn a new hypothesis category
5. Sometimes two parts of a compound hypothesis are inconsistent in context ,
that is, a consistent hypothesis cannot be formed at the next highest level. (It
seems that this can account for unstable perceptual objects such as the Necker
cube.) Under these circumstances special handling takes over, similar to that
for other kinds of detected inconsistencies.
Notice the level of description that we gave for Machine 6. It might be imple-
mented as an algorithmic computer - an instruction f o l l o w e r - o r as a
connectionist computer, whose primitive processing elements work by propa-
gating activations. We described the functional and semantic significance of
various actions of the machine, and the flow of control, but we did not describe
precisely how these actions are implemented on an underlying machine.

Summary of the control strategy

We may summarize the Machine 6 control strategy for hypothesis composi-
tion by saying that it employs multilevel and multiple intralevel island-driven
processing. Islands of relative certainty are seeded by local abductions and
propagate laterally (incompatibilities, positive associations), downward (ex-
pectations), and upward (accepted hypotheses become data to be accounted
for). Processing occurs concurrently and in a distributed fashion. Higher
levels provide soft constraints through the impact of expectations on hy-
pothesis evocation and scoring, but this does not strictly limit the hypoth-
eses that may be accepted at lower levels.
This control strategy is somewhat similar to that of the HEARSAY-II speech-
understanding system (Erman & Lesser, 1980; Hayes-Roth & Lesser, 1977),
which had a layered blackboard upon which hypotheses were suggested, tested,
and composed, and where they triggered the formation of further hypotheses.
One important difference is that our model replaces the general-purpose black-
board with a control structure designed specifically for layered, interpretive,
inferential tasks. Although our control structure could in principle be imple-
mented on a blackboard machine, doing so would impose an unnecessary and
undesirable centralization of control. A second important difference is that HEAR-
SAY-II's "islands of certainty" were based simply on the highest scoring hy-
potheses rather than on hypotheses whose initial scores were significantly higher
than alternatives for explaining some datum (our Essentials and Clear-Bests).
That is, HEARSAY-II's initial acceptance was "recognition driven," rather than
"abduction seeded," thus producing initial hypotheses that were not very se-
cure. As a result, HEARSAY-II encountered a significant computational expense
from backtracking, and did not scale up well.

Speech understanding as layered abduction

Overall the speech-understanding task is that of inferring what the speaker
is intending to communicate, based on the evidence of the acoustic signal
(and also typically relying on information from other sources, e.g., visual
evidence, information about the situation, etc.). This process of inference
Perception and language understanding 247
uses many sorts of knowledge: knowledge about the speaker, knowledge
about the world, and also, importantly, knowledge of the language that is
being spoken. It is not hard to see this as one big abductive inference. The
speaker's intention to communicate something results, by a sort of rapid
skillful planning, in purposive articulatory behavior of the speech organs,
and from this behavior the intended sounds of speech result. To infer the
speaker's intent, we infer back up the causal chain from effects to causes,
from the raw data of the acoustic signal to its causes in the intentions of the
speaker. Thus we infer from data to causal explanations of the data and make
From this perspective "speech recognition" is somewhat misnamed. Words
are not so much recognized in sounds as they are inferred from them. One
difference this makes is whether, in designing automatic speech recogni-
tion, we should be searching for acoustic invariants by which linguistic units
can be directly recognized. It appears that there are no such simple acoustic
invariants, and that something inferentially more complex than simple rec-
ognition is probably required. The acoustic manifestations of a /p/ are very
different depending on whether it is word-initial or word-final and whether
it follows another consonant such as /s/. However, a /p/ is always accompa-
nied by a closing of the lips; so if there are invariants to be exploited for
recognition, they are more likely to be articulatory invariants than acoustic

Strata for spoken language understanding

The acoustic manifestations of spoken language are highly variable and con-
text dependent, varying according to principles that are poorly understood.
Three important interacting sources of variability are prosodic effects (stress,
intonation, phrasing effects, and related phenomena), articulatory effects,
and variability due to the nonlinear nature of sound production from articu-
lation. These are probably the largest impediments to robust computer-based
recognition of natural speech.
We present here a model of spoken language understanding that is in-
tended to describe human information processing, and that is also a proposal
about how humanlike speech understanding can be done by computer.45
Human language-understanding abilities are rich and complicated, and any
computer-based imitation of them can also be expected to be rich and com-
plicated; also extremely large.
We hypothesize that the major layers, or strata, of interpretation for spo-
ken language understanding are these six: acoustic, auditory, phonetic, pho-
nological-prosodic, grammatical, and pragmatic (see Figure 10.1). Within
each stratum multiple types of information are represented, organized either
as parallel channels or as ranks of a constituent hierarchy. Within each rank

Pragmatic Stratum

discourse structure field

Grammatical Stratum
clause non-finite
group/phrase imperative injOccMiye
declarative interrogative
—constituent hierarchy— —classification hierarchy—
Pho noIogical-Prosodic Stratum
intonation phrases syllable
intermediate phrases accented unaccented
prosodic words
stress feet unstressed stressed
syllables full reduced
—constituent hierarchy— —classification hierarchy—
Phonetic Stratum
lip aperture
tongue tip constriction
tongue body constriction
velic aperture
glottal aperture

Auditory Stratum
I voice
voice fundamental
tundamental frequency
channels formant frequenci
;— burst events

Acoustic Stratum
spectral profile

Figure 10.1. Speech understanding representations.

the units are organized into a classification hierarchy. For example, as shown
in Figure 10.1, the grammatical stratum has these ranks: sentence, clause,
phrase, word, and morpheme; clauses can be classified as finite or nonfinite
and even further subclassified. Composite hypotheses are formed at each
rank and channel by processes that are abductive inferences, both logically
and procedurally (and thus go beyond simply recognition and classifica-
tion). The direction of interpretive inferences is from bottom towards top,
whereas the direction of inference based on expectation is from the top down.
Let us describe each of the six strata in more detail.

Acoustic stratum. At the bottom is the acoustic stratum of time-varying fea-

tures extracted from the acoustic wave by the human auditory system. The
acoustic stratum produces representations primarily of the spectral charac-
teristics of the input signal as a function of time.
Perception and language understanding 249
Auditory stratum. Next is the auditory stratum, which takes its input from
the acoustic stratum and derives information specifically relevant to speech
perception, such as voice fundamental frequency, formant frequencies, and
burst events. It is likely that information processing between the acoustic
and auditory strata has the procedural characteristics of specialized signal
processing rather than abductive inference, but from this stratum up, the
information processing is explicitly abductive.

Phonetic stratum. Next is the phonetic stratum, which represents speech-

production activity as a gestural score of articulatory states and events, such
as lip closure, nasality, and vowel backing (Browman & Goldstein, 1989).
These events are inferred from the outputs of the auditory-processing stra-
tum. Thus our model supposes what is sometimes called the "motor theory
of speech perception," namely, that some sort of representation of the pro-
cesses of speech production participates in the processes of speech percep-

Phonological-prosodic stratum. At the phonological-prosodic stratum a rep-

resentation is produced of constituents at various ranks of a prosodic tree
that groups phonemes6 into syllables, syllables into stress feet, and so on up
to the level of intonation phrases (see Figure 10.1). The detection of larger
phonological constituents such as stress feet allows a human or a computer
to focus on the parts of the utterance in which salient information is likely to
be concentrated. For example, once it is recognized that a given stretch of
the speech signal corresponds to a stressed syllable, hypothesis evaluation
involving the recognition of precise vowel quality and the like can be con-
centrated on this stretch, where the vowel is likely to be fully articulated.

Grammatical stratum. The outputs of the phonological-prosodic stratum are

used to infer information at the grammatical stratum, which represents syn-
tactic and semantic relationships such as word meanings and case. There are
five ranks within the grammatical stratum: morpheme, word, phrase, clause,
and sentence. Using Halliday's systemic grammar (Halliday, 1985; Winograd,
1983) relations can be specified between any of the ranks at the grammati-
cal stratum and any of the ranks at the phonological-prosodic stratum.
Each category at each rank is described by a classification hierarchy. The
model includes a clause hierarchy, a nominal-group hierarchy, a preposi-
tional-phrase hierarchy, a noun hierarchy, and so on. Associated with each
class in each hierarchy are realization rules that describe either interrank
realization (e.g., ordering of constituents) or interstratal realization (e.g.,
constraining how a grammatical constituent is realized prosodically). Note
that the abduction mechanism can use these realization rules in four ways:
to trigger consideration of grammatical hypotheses by the presence of rel-
evant lower level features by which they are realized, for scoring grammati-
cal hypotheses by the presence and absence of the relevant features, for evok-
ing or promoting lower level hypotheses in a top-down manner according to
expectations from above (more on this later), and for higher level hypoth-
eses to account for features found to occur at lower ranks or strata.

Pragmatic stratum. Last is the pragmatic stratum. The grammatical struc-

ture from the stratum below can be used to infer attributes of the pragmatic
context, such as the social relationship between speaker and hearer and the
role of the utterance in the discourse. Our model emphasizes compiled rela-
tionships between pragmatics and the other strata and de-emphasizes ex-
plicit reasoning about beliefs and intentions.
A register (Halliday, 1978) is the restricted language that is used in a
particular social context. Even general clues about the register can greatly
improve the ability of hearers to interpret speech input (Bruce, 1958). Reg-
ister knowledge is organized by field, the setting and propositional content,
tenor, the social relationship between the speaker and hearer, and mode,
whether the language is spontaneously spoken or read aloud, and so forth.

Three pilot speech recognition systems

We have conducted three pilot studies so far to investigate the use of layered
abduction for speech recognition. The Machine 6 model was used as a guide
to the choice of representations, the structure of modularization, and the
strategies for the control of processing. Three experimental systems were
constructed: CV recognized isolated consonant-vowel monosyllables from
acoustic input, 3-Level inferred words from qualitative descriptions of
articulatory gestures, and ArtRec, still under development, infers words from
X-ray traces of articulation. These systems have been limited in scope, able
to handle only a small range of phonetic material. Nevertheless, the results
so far have been encouraging, both for the workability of the layered-abduc-
tion computational model and for its applicability to speech recognition.

CV and 3-Level
CV was a first step in using abduction for speech recognition from acoustic
signals.7 The system had many interesting features, including abductive
formant trackers that worked by assembling consistent hypotheses to ex-
plain spectral peaks at each time slice.8 CV demonstrated that a multicriterial,
feature-based recognizer can produce reasonable accuracy where the acous-
tic correlates of phonetic features are fairly well understood. Yet it appears
to be difficult to determine place of articulation in any direct way from
acoustic evidence, at least not with any reliability. (Place of articulation is
where the vocal tract is constricted to produce a consonant, e.g., it is the
Perception and language understanding 251
basis for the difference between /b/, /d/, and /g/.) However, the system used
a classification hierarchy for its hypotheses. So, for example, even when it
was unable to distinguish between Ibl and /d/, it could nevertheless confi-
dently identify the sound as a voiced stop consonant (which might be good
enough in some contexts). Although CV used separate abducers for formant
tracking and for arriving at its final output, it was not really a layered-ab-
duction machine in the sense of the Machine 6 model.
The 3-Level system was a first attempt to use abduction to infer words
from articulatory input, one of the interlayer inferences called for by the
model of speech processing described earlier in this chapter.9 It was also a
first attempt to stack abducers into a multilevel machine and to try top-
down processing. The system inferred phonemes from articulation and words
from phonemes, thus using two levels of abductive interpretation to bridge
three levels of representation.10 The input was a (hand-coded) gestural score
(Browman & Goldstein, 1989) of articulatory events laid out over time, in-
cluding such events as lip closure, tongue lowering, and onset of voicing.
Taking the articulatory events as data to be explained, the system evoked
phoneme hypotheses and then rated these hypotheses according to prestored
knowledge of associations (positive and negative) of phonemes with
articulatory events. It then assembled a best explanation (using the PEIRCE-
IGTT version of the abductive-assembly strategy described in chapter 9).
(The entire system was built using the IGT toolset.) The best explanation
accepted at the phoneme agora became data to be explained at the word
agora, where a similar process of hypothesis evocation, scoring, and compo-
sition occurred. The output was a word or set of words that explained the
input gestures.11
With accurate inputs, the system had no difficulty finding the correct pho-
nemes and then the correct words. Layered abduction worked. With "dirty"
inputs (perturbations introduced by hand), performance degraded as expected.
When knowledge of incompatibles and implications was added, performance
on dirty inputs improved significantly. Thus the mechanisms for using these
forms of knowledge also functioned as expected.
Finally, a form of top-down discrimination was encoded. Sometimes more
than one equally rated word hypothesis offered to account for approximately
the same stretch of phonemes. In one example, "beet," "boot," and "bat"
were the only alternatives, and they were equally rated. This sort of situa-
tion triggered a reevaluation of the unknown phoneme by which they dif-
fered, in this case the middle vowel. In this example the matter had been left
unresolved at the phoneme agora because the two rivals III and /er/ could
not be distinguished (the tongue was high, but how far back was indefinite).
"Beet" wanted the vowel /I/, "boot" wanted /uw/, and "bat" wanted /ae/.
Intersecting the possibilities from above and below, III was the only remain-
ing possibility, so III was chosen at the phoneme agora, causing the word
"beet" to win. (The processing strategy was actually encoded as top-down
expectation-based encouragement for the remaining possibilities from above,
which made IV the winner.) Thus a definite improvement was demonstrated
for this form of top-down processing.
3-Level was able to find word boundaries by trading off alternative word-
level explanations for the occurrence of phonemes. The choice between word-
boundary locations is a byproduct of the choice between alternative com-
posite word-level hypotheses. This is especially interesting because, with
current technology, computer-based interpretation of continuous speech lags
far behind computer-based recognition of isolated words precisely because
word boundaries are not well marked acoustically (in English at least). Our
abductive machinery even (properly) allows a phoneme to belong to two
different words at the same time; so, for example, the middle /s/ in "six
stones" can be explained as belonging to both words (just as in RED a reac-
tion may be explained by the presence of two different antibodies).

ArtRec: Word recognition from articulation

The initial setup. ArtRec is a more sophisticated multilayered abductive sys-
tem, using actual measurements of articulatory activity as input instead of
the hand-coded gestural scores used by 3-Level.12 The measurements were
acquired from the Wisconsin X-ray Microbeam facility (Fujimura, Ishida, &
Kiritani 1973). Data from the microbeam consists of traces of the positions of
small gold pellets glued to various articulators and tracked as a person speaks.
Typical locations for the pellets are the tongue tip, tongue blade, tongue dor-
sum, lower lip, and mandible incisor; however, the number and exact location
of the pellets vary from speaker to speaker. Pellet-position data were smoothed
by a low-pass filter before input to ArtRec. Note that there was no acoustic
input and that the pellets provide no information about voicing or nasality.
The data used for the initial series of experiments consisted of 14-word
utterances of the form "Is it nine five five Pine Street? No, it's nine five
NINE Pine Street," in which "five" and "nine" occurred in various combina-
tions, and negative and positive answers were given. (A positive answer was
"Yes, it's nine five five Pine Street.") In negative answers, the speaker em-
phasized the corrected word (the final "NINE" in the negative sentence just
described). Each utterance was approximately 5 seconds in length and was
composed entirely of words from a 9-word lexicon consisting of "is," "it,"
"five," "nine," "Pine," "Street," "it's," "no" and "yes."

How ArtRec works. The task of ArtRec is to infer the words, and to deter-
mine which word, if any, is being emphasized. A three-layered abduction
system is used, consisting of three layers of representation with two
abductive transitions between them. Each abductive transition uses the ba-
Perception and language understanding 253
sic strategy of evocation, instantiation, and composition of hypotheses.
The first findings to be explained are the motions of the pellets, repre-
sented by their extremes, and evident as peaks and valleys in the horizontal
and vertical components of the pellet motions (viewed from the side of the
head). The available explanatory hypotheses are qualitative vocal tract ges-
tures, including apical (alveolar) closure, labial closure, labiodental closure,
dorsal closure, tongue-forward, tongue retroflection, tongue lowering, tongue
blade retraction, tongue high and front, mandible low, tongue dorsal for-
ward, and palatal-glide tongue motion. Motion extremes that surpass preset
thresholds cue gestures that might explain them. Gestures are then scored by
comparison with ideal forms of the gestures and based on the presence and
absence of other relevant pellet-motion features. An eventual attempt is made
to explain all peaks and valleys no matter how extreme (whether they pass a
threshold or not), but certain hypotheses are plausible only if the events of
interest have surpassed a threshold. (Apical closure, for example, requires
that the tongue tip is raised far enough to reach the alveolar ridge.) Usually,
many more gesture hypotheses are cued than are needed to explain a par-
ticular peak or valley.
The gesture hypotheses receive initial plausibility scores based on pellet-
motion features chosen by human examination of the pellet data. We identi-
fied necessary, impossible, and other positively and negatively associated
features. A gesture receives a high confidence score if all the necessary fea-
tures and none of the impossible features are present; it receives a lower
score if necessary features are missing or if impossible features occur. Then,
other associated features are checked, and small additional alterations to the
confidence score may be made.
After initial plausibility scoring, the system determines what each gesture
hypothesis can explain. The cueing of a gesture hypothesis is based on the
pellet motions necessarily associated with the gesture, but typically other
motions can be accounted for as well. For example, apical closure requires
that the tongue tip be raised, but apical closure can also explain other mo-
tions such as the tongue blade being raised.
Besides articulatory-gesture hypotheses, noise hypotheses are generated
and can be used to explain portions of the data. The articulatory data are
inherently noisy because of the need to minimize X-ray exposures of the
subjects. In addition, some motions of the articulators are unintentional or
in other ways are not a result of linguistic control. These nonlinguistic phe-
nomena are treated simply as noise (i.e., apparent pellet motions not best
explained as gestures). Noise hypotheses are treated as explanatory hypoth-
eses, much like any others. A noise hypothesis has a modest initial plausibil-
ity (which depends on various factors), and will be accepted if, in context, it
is the best explanation for some datum.
After evocation and scoring of noise and gesture hypotheses, the first
abducer is run. This abducer generates a composite hypothesis consisting of
gesture and noise hypotheses and constituting a best explanation for the pel-
let motions. Typically 75 to 100 gesture hypotheses and 25 to 50 noise hy-
potheses are generated. The abducer prunes this down to only 25 to 50, which
together constitute the best gesture-level explanation for the pellet data in
the 5-second utterance. This hypothesis then becomes data to be explained
at the word level.
A word is hypothesized to be centered at each point where the mouth is
maximally open. This is detected as a point where the mandible (jaw) reaches
a local low point. This simple method works largely because all the words in
our initial lexicon are monosyllables, and it cannot be expected to work for
polysyllabic words (though it may be a good way to cue consonant-vowel-
consonant syllables in a future system).
For each hypothesized word location, all the gestures nearby are clustered
and are used to cue word hypotheses. The word hypotheses are then scored
based on the presence, absence, and temporal ordering of gestures of inter-
est in that cluster. For example, the word "nine" expects two alveolar clo-
sures surrounding a tongue-blade lowering gesture. If these are found, the
"nine" hypothesis is scored as highly plausible, unless unexpected or impos-
sible gestures are found nearby. The word "nine" would not expect labial
closure; in fact it is impossible to pronounce the word "nine" with one's lips
closed. The presence of unexpected gestures lowers the plausibility score to
one degree or another.
The next step is to determine the gestures that each word hypothesis can
explain. As usual, word hypotheses can account for more gestures than just
those that are used to score the hypotheses.
Word hypotheses that overlap too much in time are set to be incompatible
because two words cannot be uttered simultaneously. Incompatibility rela-
tionships are subsequently used to reduce ambiguity, according to the
abductive-assembly strategy that was described in chapter 9.
Besides word hypotheses, this level, too, has noise hypotheses, which
may be used to explain gestures not explained by any word. Even if a ges-
ture is correctly accepted at the lower level as part of the best explanation,
there is no guarantee that the gesture is actually part of a word. Such ges-
tures may be well formed but unintentional, or they may be byproducts of
motions associated with preceding or succeeding gestures, or they may be
manifestations of a speaker who is nervous, who is tired, who is excited,
or who speaks idiosyncratically. ArtRec covers for all these possibilities by
judiciously using explicit noise hypotheses to account for data items that
have, in context, no better alternative explanations. Noise hypotheses are
introduced automatically as possible explanations for gestures that were not
given high plausibility scores. They are also introduced if all the word hy-
potheses score poorly. Noise hypotheses are set to be incompatible with
Perception and language understanding 255
word hypotheses that are attempting to explain the same gestures.
Using the word and noise hypotheses, the second abducer forms a best
explanation of the gestures accepted by the previous abducer. The abductive-
assembly strategy at both levels is the strategy described in chapter 9. In
particular, the abducers accept Confirmed, Essential, Clear-Best, and Weak-
Best hypotheses, but they do not go any further in attempting to resolve ties
between equally plausible hypotheses (e.g., by voting).
After forming a composite word-level hypothesis, mandible motion is used to
determine which word (if any) was emphasized in the utterance. The empha-
sized word is one in which the mandible movement is exaggerated (i.e., signifi-
cantly larger than the mandible movement of other words surrounding it).

Experimental results. Before describing the results we want to point out that
the lexicon is very small, but tricky, because there are many close articulatory
similarities among the words. For example, "five," "nine," and "pine" are
very difficult to distinguish because there are no acoustic inputs to indicate
voicing, nasality, or the acoustic bursts indicative of stop consonants. This
lexicon was chosen because we wanted to explore the phenomenon of cor-
rective emphasis.
Five sets of speaker data were initially acquired from the Wisconsin Mi-
crobeam facility. Each of the five English speakers uttered 80 different ques-
tion-answer pairs, using all the combinations of "five" and "nine," and us-
ing affirmative and negative assertion patterns, as described earlier in the
subsection entitled The Initial Setup.
After creating the initial ArtRec system using the integrated generic task
toolset and PEIRCE-IGTT (described in chapter 9), we tested it on 20 utter-
ances from a single speaker. This testing required examining the pellet data
and tuning the recognition (hypothesis-scoring) knowledge to the specifics
of the individual speaker. Speakers differ not only in the dimensions of their
articulatory apparatuses, but also in the number and exact placements of the
gold pellets. After the system was run on the 20 utterances, the mistakes
were analyzed, and a process of retuning began. After some time the system
achieved approximately 90% accuracy on the 20 utterances. The next step
was to run the system on all the utterances of that speaker (60 more). This
required further tuning and testing, but eventually all 80 cases were run.
Results were again in the 90% range.
The next step was to use the system on the data from a different speaker.
Frustratingly, this required making further modifications to the system. As a
consequence, the system was redesigned so that almost all speaker differ-
ences could be handled by setting a small number of parameters, primarily
threshold values for recognizing gestures from pellet positions. Tuning these
parameters to each new speaker is an iterative process of examining the new
pellet data, setting parameters, testing, and adjusting again until satisfac-

tory results are obtained. This was done for each new speaker. Finally, the
system had been tuned for all five speaker sets, and all the data were run
through the system. Results were encouraging although not entirely satisfy-
ing. Consequently, the system was redesigned to work as described earlier
in the subsection entitled How ArtRec Works. Let us briefly examine the
differences between the initial system (the one just described tuned for all
five speaker sets) and the redesigned system.
First, the initial system had a single abduction layer. The same three levels of
representations were used - pellet motions, articulatory gestures, and words -
but the transition from motions to gestures was simply recognition-based and
did not use abductive assembly. That is, gesture hypotheses were generated and
scored, but all hypotheses that were not ruled out (lowest score) were passed
upward to be explained at the word agora by an explicitly abductive process.
The result was that many more gesture hypotheses were generated than were
needed to explain the data, and many more than were actually true. The single
abducer then attempted to explain all these gestures with word hypotheses. Be-
cause of the lack of explicit explanatory relationships at the motions-to-ges-
tures transition, and because there was no attempt to explain the motions, no
noise hypotheses were generated. The redesigned system added a lower level
abducer for explaining motion events using articulatory-gesture hypotheses, and
noise hypotheses were made available.
Second, the initial system used mandible closings to locate word bound-
aries. This overly constrained where a word hypothesis might find its asso-
ciated gestures, because gestures outside the word boundaries were not con-
sidered part of the word. Because the mandible closings were not closely
synchronized with the beginnings and endings of words, this was a source of
many errors. The redesigned system instead used mandible openings to lo-
cate word centers.
After the system was redesigned, the data for the five speakers were run
again . The accuracy noticeably improved. These newer results are presented
in Table 10.1.
Table 10.1 lists the five speakers. For each speaker it shows the total num-
ber of utterances, the total number of words that ArtRec found in all of the
speaker's utterances, the number of words for which the system committed
to a word identity, the number of these words that were correctly identified,
the percentage of the words located that were correctly identified, and the
percentage of the committed-to words that were correctly identified. An ut-
terance consisted of the entire question-answer pair (e.g., "Is it five five
nine Pine Street? No, it's NINE five nine Pine Street.") and lasted approxi-
mately 5 seconds. We had 80 utterances for each speaker, but some of these
were not usable because they contained pellet-tracking errors or other forms
of significantly bad data. Even for usable utterances, often words at the end
were not captured in the pellet data. Consequently, the average number of
words per usable utterance was approximately 11 of the 14.
Perception and language understanding 257
Table 10.1. ArtRec performance
Words Words Words Located Decided
Speaker Utterances located decided correct % correct % correct

5p 77 708 650 610 86.2 93.8

6pp 80 919 733 695 75.6 94.8
7p 76 820 720 689 84.0 95.7
llpp 80 848 792 762 90.0 96.2
12ppp 71 785 740 703 89.6 95.0
Total 384 4,080 3,635 3,459 84.8 95.2

The use of mandible-opening maximums was a good hypothesizer of word

locations (actually syllable locations). The numbers in the Words Located
column in Table 10.1, with few exceptions, reflect all the complete words
recorded in the data.
ArtRec's overall accuracy was good, even allowing for the small vocabu-
lary, considering that no acoustic information was used, that only 4 or 5
locations within the mouth were tracked, and that no information was used
about nasality, voicing, duration, or context. Surprisingly, ArtRec was no
more accurate at identifying emphasized words than nonemphasized words.
However, it was good at identifying which word in an utterance was the
emphasized one.
The system attempted to find an emphasized word only under two condi-
tions: the word "no" had to have been found somewhere in the utterance,
and the system had to be willing to commit itself to the identities of the final
three numbers. That is, if the best that the system could determine was, "No
it's five ??? ??? Pine Street," no emphasis determination was made. ArtRec's
performance in finding the emphasized words is given in Table 10.2.

Next steps
Speech recognition from articulation is more to us than simply a real-world
domain to use for experimentation with layered abduction. We intend to use
it as a step towards computer-based understanding of naturally spoken lan-
guage. Articulatory effects, and prosodic phenomena such as emphasis, ap-
pear to be at the core of the technical impediments to computer-based rec-
ognition of natural speech.
One of the deep, main disadvantages of the currently popular statistical
approaches to speech recognition is that a prototypical linguistic unit is ex-
aggerated, whereas a typical unit is reduced. Systems trained on the typical
will tend to fail on the prototypical, so statistical systems tend to fail if
something is fully pronounced. Humans, in contrast, seem to learn on the
basis of prototypes and then recognize using (we believe) best-explanation
inference based on redundant information present in scattered evidence. Thus,
Table 10.2. ArtRec emphasis determination

Emphasized Emphasis Emphasis %

Speaker words correct correct

5p 54 39 72
6pp 44 29 66
7p 31 31 100
llpp 38 35 92
12ppp 35 32 91
Total 202 166 82.2

if an utterance is near to the prototype, it is especially easy to recognize

because the one explanation stands out as best. Humans can rely on the
intelligence of the hearer to fill in missing detail, when it matters, which
allows rapid speech and is why it is usually not important to pronounce
close to the prototypes. Emphasis conveys, "let there be no mistake about
Perception and language understanding 259
The different senses are simply different channels to central, higher "senses."
Separate channels within the visual system deliver up the data useful at a
certain level to form hypotheses about the locations of 3-d objects; simi-
larly, both sight and hearing can deliver up the data useful for forming hy-
potheses about object identity. Think of distinctive bird calls, for example,
or a lecturer whose identity is uncertain.
One special problem for multisense integration is the problem of identify-
ing a "that" delivered up by one sense, with a "that" delivered up by an-
other. Is it one entity or two? Is the same object being seen in the infrared as
that being seen in the ultraviolet? Which person is the one that is speaking?
Logically, it should be possible for information derived from one sense to
help with resolving distinct objects within the other sense. There is actually
some evidence that vision can help hearing to separate distinct streams of
tones (Massaro, 1987, p. 83) and to hear the tone stream as two distinct
auditory objects.
One useful representation for multisense object perception is that of a hot
map consisting of overlaid spatial representations (i.e., spatial representa-
tions from the different senses brought into registry or correlated into a single
spatial representation). Thus, for example, a robot might bring together sepa-
rate channels of information from its visual and tactile senses to form a
unified spatial representation of its immediate surroundings. Such a map
should be maintained continually and updated and revised as new informa-
tion arrives and is interpreted. This hot map, with its symbols on it, can be
seen as the resulting composite hypothesis formed at the agora of objects in
the immediate surroundings by a process of abductive interpretation.
We can imagine computational support for multisense robot perception in
the form of pattern-based recognition knowledge, in which the compiled
recognition patterns for a perceptual category rely on features from more
than one sense. This is analogous to medical diagnosis in which a disease is
recognized from evidence from such disparate sources as laboratory tests,
images, and patient history. This sort of recognition knowledge supports an
agora of the patient s disease in much the same manner as the robot might
maintain its map of objects in its surroundings. Somewhat further ahead we
can envision a robot that maintains an agora of causal understanding whereby
it monitors a complex device and continually maintains a representation of
the states and causal processes going on in it. Much further ahead we can
imagine a robot scientist with an agora of theoretical understanding where
its best theories of the world are maintained.

Knowledge from perception

In chapter 1 we argued that abductions are "knowledge producing," meaning
that the conclusion of an abduction is logically justified by the force of the

abductive argument, and that this justification is such that the conclusion, if
true, is "knowledge" in the philosophical sense. Yet abductions are fallible, so
abductive conclusions are always somewhat uncertain. Thus abductions pro-
duce knowledge without absolute certainty. We pointed out that abductions are
ampliative inferences that abductions can transcend the information given in
their premises. We described this by saying that successful abductions are "truth
producing." Beyond these abstract points of logical and conceptual analysis, we
have shown by many experiments and working systems that abductive processes
actually function well to yield true conclusions. Abductive processes are good
at "truth finding." Conceptual analysis also reveals that abductions can produce
conclusions that are more certain than any of their premises. We called this
phenomenon "emergent certainty." Experiments reported in chapter 9 show that
abductions are uncertainty reducing.
If perceptions are abductions, then perceptions come with implicit abductive
justifications. Veridical perceptions are knowledge. The "conclusion" of a per-
ception is a best explanation and is logically justified, though it might be false
anyway. Perceptions have just the same sorts of vulnerabilities as scientific theo-
ries: there may be a better explanation that was not considered, or one that was
mistakenly ruled out, and so forth (see the section of chapter 1 on abductive
justification). Thus, perceptual "theory formation" is logically the same as sci-
entific theory formation, and also the theory formation of diagnosticians, crash
investigators, journalists, and juries. Perceptions go beyond the given informa-
tion in a way similar to scientific theories; they change the vocabulary of de-
scription and make the leap from data language to theory language. Perceptual
processes are explanation-seeking and explanation-accepting processes with the
same characteristics as scientific reasoning of being knowledge producing, truth
producing, fallible, truth finding, and uncertainty reducing. Scientific knowl-
edge is paradigmatic of knowledge; scientific knowledge is real knowledge if
anything is. Since perceptions have the same logic, perceptions are knowledge
Knowledge comes from experience by abduction - in science, ordinary
life, and perception.

1 That is, there is an isomorphism after factoring out the subtask processing described in the text.
2 Under certain circumstances it is good enough just to score on the basis of voting by the stimu-
lating data from below, and then no top-down processing need occur, at least for scoring. Al-
though this strategy is less than logically ideal, it is computationally less expensive, at least in
the short run. This represents a type of compilation in which accuracy is traded for quickness.
3 An idea from William Whewell, British philosopher and historian of science, 1794-1866.
4 Ideas about the lower strata have benefited greatly from discussions with Mary Beckman, Rob-
ert Fox, Lawrence Feth, and Ashok Krishnamurthy.
5 [The best performing current technology for computer speech recognition, based on Hidden
Markov Models, is covertly abductive. I suggest that it can be improved by selecting hypotheses
Perception and language understanding 261
preferentially according to the difference among the scores of the best and its alternatives, rather
than by simply selecting the highest scoring hypothesis. - J. J.]
6 For many reasons we doubt that traditionally construed phonemes are an accurate way to de-
scribe speech. They serve as a placeholder here, but we expect this to be revised.
7 CV was designed by Richard Fox, Mary Beckman, Robert Fox, and John Josephson with addi-
tional contributions of linguistic, perceptual, and signal-processing expertise provided by Ashok
Krishnamurthy, Jane Rauschenberg, and Benjamin Ao. The system was implemented by Rich-
ard Fox using the IGT toolset described in chapter 9. This work benefited from support from the
National Science Foundation and the Defense Advanced Project Agency under grant CBT-
8 Formants are distinctive spectral concentrations characteristic of human speech sounds.
9 3-Level was designed by Richard Fox, John Josephson, and Sunil Thadani, and implemented by
Richard Fox and Sunil Thadani. Linguistic expertise was provided by Mary Beckman, Robert
Fox, and Benjamin Ao.
10 As we said before, we doubt that traditionally construed phonemes are an accurate way to de-
scribe human speech. However, they are good enough for these initial experiments.
11 The outputs should be considered to be prosodic rather than lexical words; that is, they are dis-
tinctive, word-sized speaking events without grammatical associations.
12 ArtRec was designed and built by Richard Fox, with some guidance from John Josephson. Kevin
Lenzo assisted with the experiments and the write-up. Osamu Fujimura and Donna Erickson
provided linguistic expertise and overall encouragement and support. ArtRec was implemented
in Common Lisp and the IGT toolset described in Chapter 9.
Appendix A Truth seekers

Abduction machines
In this book, we described six generations of abduction machines. Each
generation's story was told by describing an abstract machine and experi-
ments with realizations of the machine as actual computer programs. Each
realization was approximate, partial, something less than a full realization
of the abstract machine. Each realization was also more than the abstract
machine: an actual chunk of software, a knowledge-based expert system
constructed to do a job, with an abundance of insights, domain-specific so-
lutions, and engineering shortcuts to get the job done. The abstract machines
are simplified idealizations of actual software.
An abstract abduction machine is a design for a programming language for
building knowledge systems. It is also a design for a tool for constructing these
systems (a partial design, since a tool also has a programming environment).
Each of the six machines has a strategy for finding and accepting best
explanations. Machine 6 inherits all the abilities of the earlier machines.
Suppose that we connect it to abstract machines for the subtasks of hypoth-
esis matching, hierarchical classification, and knowledge-directed data re-
trieval (see chapter 2). Then we conjoin abstract machines able to derive
knowledge for various subtasks from certain forms of causal and structural
knowledge (see chapters 5 and 8). Then we implement the whole abductive
device as a program written for a problem-solving architecture, which is an
abstract device of a different sort that provides control for generalized, flex-
ible, goal-pursuing behavior (see chapter 4). The result is an abduction ma-
chine capable of the following:
• forming hypotheses by instantiation and by composition (Machine 1)
• forming maximally plausible composite hypotheses (Machine 1)
• making composite hypotheses parsimonious by removing explanatorily
superfluous parts (Machine 1)
• critically evaluating hypotheses, determining their most confident parts
(Machine 1)
This appendix was written by John R. Josephson

Truth seekers 263
• making use of elementary hypotheses with varying levels of specificity
organized into a taxonomic hierarchy (Machine 1 with CSRL)
•justifying its conclusions (Machine 1)
• decomposing larger explanation problems into smaller ones (Machine 2)
• handling incompatible hypotheses to ensure a consistent composite ex-
planation (Machine 2)
• flexible, opportunistic control (Machine 3)
• assembling composite hypotheses from parts that are themselves com-
posite hypotheses (Machine 3)
• assembling low-specificity hypotheses, then controlling their refinement
(Machine 3)
• using explicitly represented causal and structural knowledge to derive
hypothesis-matching knowledge, to derive explanatory relationships, and
to assemble causally integrated composite hypotheses (TIPS, PATHEX/
• processing concurrently (Machine 4)
• minimizing backtracking by forming the most confident partial conclu-
sions first (Machine 4)
• descending gradually from higher to lower confidence partial conclu-
sions, all the way to intelligent guessing or even arbitrary choice if nec-
essary (Machine 4)
• forming confident partial explanations with ambiguous data left unex-
plained (Machine 4)
• using incompatibility relationships to reduce ambiguity and to extend
partial explanations to more complete ones (Machine 5)
• handling hard and soft incompatibility and implication relationships
(Machine 5)
• coordinating multiple sites of hypothesis formation while integrating
bottom-up and top-down flow of information (Machine 6)
• handling noise and novelty (described with Machine 6)
• forming a composite hypothesis that follows a causal chain from effects
to causes (Machines 2 and 6)
Machine 3 shows how abduction machines can have parts that are them-
selves abduction machines. Machine 6 shows how abduction machines can
be composed of layers of communicating abduction machines and how these
layered machines can be used for perception.
Machines 1 through 3 are goal-seeking machines with the primary goal
of forming a complete explanation, while maintaining consistency, maxi-
mizing plausibility, and so forth. Machine 4 is transitional, and for Machines
5 and 6 the primary goal is that of explaining as much as possible while
maintaining standards of confidence. All the machines are explanation seek-

In synthetic worlds
Suppose that an explanation-seeking abduction machine is placed in a syn-
thetic world with certain predefined characteristics. Suppose the machine is
equipped with sensors that detect certain elements of the world and deliver
sensory events as findings to be explained. The abduction machine is a syn-
thetic agent in a synthetic world. Under what conditions can it infer the
characteristics of its world?
We can try to answer this question by designing and building systems,
proving theorems, and performing experiments, while controlling the char-
acteristics of the worlds. By this process we turn philosophical questions
about the limits of knowledge into technical questions about the behavior of
information-processing systems.
Suppose that the synthetic world is changing. Instead of "snapshot" ab-
duction we need "moving picture" abduction and a machine capable of track-
ing the changing conditions and of dynamically maintaining a changing rep-
resentation of its world. One way to do this is with a snapshot machine able
to take pictures fast enough to make a movie. A better way is with a machine
that uses its best estimate of the state of the world to generate predictions,
and then detects deviations from these predictions and tries to explain them.
Explanations for the deviations result in revising the estimate of the world
state and appropriately revising predictions.1
Suppose that the synthetic world has general characteristics unknown to
the abductive agent. Suppose that there are unknown causal processes, hid-
den mechanisms, and unknown laws. Is it more difficult to design abduction
machines capable of forming general theories than to design ones that form
minitheories for explaining particular cases? It should be possible to design
abduction machines that hypothesize empirical generalizations to explain
observed regularities (see chapter 1 on how inductive generalization is ab-
duction) and that explain empirical generalizations by hypothesizing hidden
In any reasonably complex world a seeker must prioritize the search for
explanations; there is simply too much to be known. Abductive agents need
pragmatic bias. They need goals.
Suppose that the synthetic world is populated with other agents capable of
abduction and prediction and of having goals and of planning to achieve
them. Suppose that an agent has the goal of understanding other agents, of
inferring their intentions from overt behavior (which may include linguistic
behavior). Can we design abductive agents for this world? One reasonable
Truth seekers 265
way to form hypotheses about other agents is by analogy to oneself.
(Hypothesization from analogy is described in chapter 6 and in Appendix
B.) So it seems that empathy may be an important computational strategy.
We should be able to investigate empathy formally and empirically by de-
signing empathetic agents and by experimenting with software realizations
of them.

1 [Harry Pople's EAGOL system does this for power-plant diagnosis and monitoring; my informa-
tion comes from spoken communication; as far as I know a description has not been published. -
J. J.] Also see Leake (1992). Prediction as a separate form of inference is discussed in Chapter 1.
Appendix B Plausibility

Throughout this book we have depended in numerous ways on the idea of

plausibility. It appears as "confidence value," "symbolic plausibility value,"
"degree of certainty," "plausibilities of elementary hypotheses," and the like.
Just what is this idea of plausibility? Can it be made precise? Is a plausi-
bility a kind of likelihood, a kind of probability? What are the semantics?
How much plausibility should be set for a given hypothesis under given
circumstances? Is an objective standard possible? Does it even matter for a
theory of intelligence, or for epistemology? Unfortunately, we cannot yet
give definite answers to these questions.
The plausibility talk in this book is, in the first place, naturalistic. People
mention plausibility when they describe their reasoning processes and when
they write discussions of results in scientific papers. Plausibility talk seems
to come naturally to us and is reflected in our ordinary language. Common
usage allows both categorical judgments that something is or is not plau-
sible, and graded comparative judgments, such as that one thing is "a lot" or
"a little bit" more plausible than another. Throughout the work that we de-
scribe in this book we used our best judgments of when hypotheses were
plausible, of how to evaluate evidence, and of how to weigh hypotheses. We
were encouraged in our judgments by other people being likewise persuaded
by appeals to "because it is the only plausible explanation," and "more plau-
sible than any other explanation for the data," and the like. We were encour-
aged by the systems we built acting mostly according to our expectations,
and producing correct answers. Thus, plausibilities seem to be naturally oc-
curring epistemic evaluations, which we modeled in our systems. It would
be good to understand this natural phenomenon better.
MDX, our earliest diagnostic system, used physician judgments as the
basis for setting confidence scores. MDX used no global formula for confi-
dence handling, but instead a confidence-setting rule reflected the expert's
judgment that a particular pattern of findings would (or should) lead to a
particular symbolic confidence value such as very likely or ruled out. These
confidence values were organized as a seven-step scale, and all available
evidence supported the view that seven confidence grades are more than
This appendix was written by John R. Josephson

Plausibility 267
sufficient to represent physician reasoning during diagnosis. In most of our
later systems, including the RED systems, we continued to use coarse confi-
dence scales. We also continued to set initial confidence values and updat-
ing methods to reflect our own, and domain experts', estimates of what
seemed reasonable, usually keeping in mind some English language equiva-
lents such as "very implausible," "neutral confidence," and "highly plau-
sible." This worked very well overall (see, for example, the experiments
reported in chapter 9). But how can we understand these confidence values?
Are they likelihoods? Probabilities? We discuss these alternatives next.

Plausibility and probability

The mathematical theory of probability has given humanity many insights
by formalizing an already existing set of usages and intuitions about con-
cepts of likelihood. Presumably there are residual uses of likelihood con-
cepts that have not been well formalized in this framework, successful as it
has been overall. We wonder if plausibility can be successfully and advanta-
geously formalized, perhaps by linking to likelihoods, and thence to prob-
abilities, and perhaps thence to some known semantics for probabilities, such
as frequencies or causal propensities.
Indeed this can apparently be done, in the sense that we can give a prob-
ability interpretation to the plausibility values used in the abduction ma-
chines. The initial confidence values assigned to the elementary hypotheses
can be considered to be local-match posterior probabilities. That is, the ini-
tial confidence of hypothesis H can be considered an estimate of p(H | Do),
where Do is the subset of the case data that is directly and significantly rel-
evant to the truth of H. "Directly relevant" implies determining a confi-
dence without estimating confidence for other hypotheses at the same agora
as H (see chapter 10). Thus the confidence for H is set in respect to the case-
specific data - so it is a posterior probability - but it does not take into ac-
count possible interactions with other hypotheses of the same type; these
hypotheses might be explanatory rivals, might be incompatible with H, or
might interact with H in some other way. Data are consulted to set an initial
confidence for H only if they help to set confidence without much subsid-
iary problem solving, which, besides considering hypothesis interactions,
might include other kinds of problem solving such as that involved in pro-
jecting causal consequences or in elaborately determining whether precon-
ditions are satisfied. Consequently, as we said, initial confidence values in
the abduction machines can be considered local-match posterior or prima
facie probabilities.
Even if the requirement of no significant amounts of subsidiary problem solving
is relaxed, as we have done in many of our systems, it is still desirable to post-
pone most consideration of interactions with other hypotheses, leaving this con-

sideration for a cycle of confidence updating after initial confidence is set. This
strategy takes advantage of the prospects for eliminating low-likelihood elemen-
tary hypotheses immediately, thus simplifying the hypothesis space, and it makes
it possible to use initial confidences scores as a guide to steering through the
complexity of interactions and combinations.
After an initial confidence value is set for a hypothesis, and if that initial
confidence is not so low that the hypothesis is immediately rejected, then even-
tually the abduction machine updates the confidence to an "all-things-consid-
ered" confidence value. This can be viewed as an estimate of posterior prob-
ability conditioned by all the data for the case. In our most mature abstract
abduction machine, Machine 6 of chapter 10, many steps of updating may occur
before a final value is reached. These steps would reflect the impacts of hypoth-
esis interactions of various sorts, including the impacts of expectations from
hypotheses at other agoras and the impacts of incompatible hypotheses at the
same agora. Especially, the final confidence value takes account of explanatory
interactions that arise for the case, such as that a hypothesis is the most plau-
sible (highest confidence at the time) explanation for some datum.
Thus the confidence values used in our abduction machines can be con-
sidered to be probabilities, with an abduction machine providing an elabo-
rate strategy for arriving at all-things-considered posterior probabilities.
Yet it is not clear that much, if anything, is gained by interpreting the
confidences as probabilities. Coarse-scale confidence values seem to be good
enough for purposes of reasoning. Coarse-scale confidence values seem to
be all we can usually get from experience, considering the reference-class
problem (see chapter 1). Coarse-scale confidence values are almost always
sufficient to decide action. Moreover, as we argued in chapter 1, if fine-
scale confidence values are needed to solve a problem, probably the prob-
lem cannot be confidently solved. Therefore, the property of mathematical
probabilities that they come with a continuum of values from 0 to 1 is of no
use. Worse, if we use high-precision numbers to represent plausibilities in
our systems, we may mislead system builders by encouraging them to ex-
pend unnecessary resources in setting values precisely and may mislead us-
ers into overestimating the precision of confidence estimates. If one deci-
mal digit of precision already exaggerates what is needed, the use of float-
ing-point numbers to represent confidences in computers encourages abuse
(poor software design).
Of course people can easily be trained not to take precise numbers too
seriously, or the excess precision can be hidden behind a user interface, so
misinterpretation and abuse are not important objections. The important
question is whether the plausibilities should be considered estimates of prob-
abilities, however imprecise the estimates. Perhaps probability theory pro-
vides the proper theory of rationality for confidences; perhaps human think-
ing is only truly intelligent to the degree to which it approximates the ideal.
Plausibility 269
Actually, three alternatives present themselves: Plausibilities should be con-
sidered to be probabilities, may consistently be interpretable as probabili-
ties, or cannot reasonably be considered to be probabilities. Just now it seems
most likely that plausibilities may consistently be interpreted as mathemati-
cal probabilities, but that there is no significant computational payoff from
making this interpretation, and it appears to oversimplify a multi-dimen-
sional phenomenon into a single dimension.

The abductive-confidence function

We argued that, even if initial confidence values are considered to be probabili-
ties (identified with frequencies), there is no objective way to set them precisely
because of short-term statistics and the reference-class problem (see chapter 1).
Moreover, a probability interpretation does not seem to contribute much toward
understanding how to update confidence values during abductive problem solv-
ing. The critical point for confidence updating is computing the abductive-con-
fidence function, which may be defined as follows:
Suppose that there is a finding f for which there are alternative explanations Hj
through Hk. Suppose that the {H.} form an exhaustive set (this can always be ar-
ranged by introducing a hypothesis of OTHER). Suppose that confidence values are
given for each H. that do not take account of the fact that the {H.} form an exhaus-
tive set of possible explainers for f (although they may take account of the occur-
rence of f). Without loss of generality we may assume that Hj is the highest scored
hypothesis, or is at least tied for that position. What should be the confidence of Hj
after taking account of the fact that the {H.} form an exhaustive set of potential
explainers for f? The abductive-confidence function is the presumed mapping that
takes the confidence values of the {H.} as input, along with any information about
interactions of the {H.}, and outputs the correct updated confidence value for the
highest scoring hypothesis.
It is not satisfying to say that the abductive confidence function is different
for each domain. How then can we learn to handle new domains? Anyway, it
should be possible to develop a domain-independent theory of evidence evalu-
ation, which seems to imply the existence of a domain-independent abductive-
confidence function. The basic question is this: How much confidence are
we entitled to have in a best explanation by warrant of the fact that it is a
best explanation?
Irene Ku derived mathematical descriptions of the abductive-confidence
function for certain special cases under the assumption that plausibilities
are probabilities (Ku, 1991). The difficulty in providing a general math-
ematical characterization in probability terms is what to presume about the
unknown and unspecified relationships among the {H.}; should the {H.} be
treated as statistically independent? Mutually exclusive?
Ku also investigated the behavior of the abductive-confidence function
empirically, using the RED library of 42 cases and setting initial confidence
values by using hypothesis matchers previously constructed by Mike Tan-

ner. Ignoring antibody reactions in which there was a tie for best, Ku found
395 reactions for which there was a unique best explanation (unique highest
scoring antibody hypothesis). Whether the best explanation was correct, or
not, was decided by consulting the record of expert judgment for each case.
Ku investigated how the correctness of best explanations correlated with
various conditions.
As expected, correctness correlated highly with the difference in scores
between the best and second best hypotheses; the larger the difference, the
greater the likelihood that the best explanation was correct. Also, for anti-
body reactions for which the best and second best were one or two steps of
confidence apart (on the seven-step scale), correctness correlated negatively
with the number of hypotheses tied for second best: The greater the number
of ties for second best, the less likely that the best explanation was correct.
Correctness was also sensitive to the distance between the scores of the best
and third best hypotheses when the distance between best and second best
was held constant. Thus correctness was sensitive to more than just the score
of the best explanation and the difference between the scores of best and
second best. Overall the behavior was consistent with what would be ex-
pected if the plausibility scores were acting like measures of probability.
Ku found several other interesting correlations. Viewed from a certain per-
spective, her findings seem to suggest that the correct abductive-confidence
function ignores the score of the highest scoring hypothesis (other than noting
that it is the highest) and sets the final score for this hypothesis as a function of
the entire mass of alternatives; the more alternatives and the higher their scores,
the less confidence there should be that the best explanation is correct. Overall
it appears that the score of the best explanation is insignificant as an indicator of
its likely correctness (apart from making it the best explanation), but rather
correctness depends primarily on the scores of the explanatory alternatives. It is
as if the best explanation must fight for acceptance, while the alternatives com-
bine forces in an attempt to pull it down.

The need to go beyond probability

The mathematical study of probability and statistics has been applied to the
analysis of scientific reasoning with great success, with many accomplish-
ments concerning the design of experiments and for determining the appro-
priate confidence to have in interpreting experimental and observational re-
sults. It has seemed the most promising path to mathematical treatment of
hypothesis acceptance, apart from purely deductive phenomena. However,
causality is not the same as correlation, David Hume notwithstanding (see
Josephson, 1982). If scientific reasoning is based on abduction, and if ab-
duction essentially depends on explanatory relationships, and further, if ex-
planatory relationships essentially depend on causality (discussed in chap-
Plausibility 271
ter 1), then the mathematics of probability and statistics will not be suffi-
cient to characterize evidence evaluation for science. Causality has not been
satisfactorily axiomatized, despite more than 2,000 years of attempts, nor
has it been successfully reduced to fancy kinds of co-occurrence correla-
tions. The importance for abductive reasoning of going beyond just prob-
abilities and of also using explicitly represented causal (or explanatory) re-
lationships has been recognized by several researchers in artificial intelli-
gence (Pearl, 1987; Peng & Reggia, 1990), although it has not been recog-
nized by many others.

Dimensions of plausibility
Throughout the research described in this book we avoided making commit-
ments to the manner in which the confidence in a composite hypothesis may
depend on the confidence values of the constituents.1 Other things being
equal, of course, more confident constituents should yield a more confident
composite hypothesis. But typically other things are not equal, and compos-
ite hypotheses differ in explanatory power, parsimony, internal coherence,
or other characteristics, and these characteristics have no obvious common
measure. It is not at all obvious that plausibility is a one-dimensional mag-
nitude, a simple intensity.

Alternatives to probability
What are the alternatives to considering plausibilities to be probabilities?
Probabilities presumably measure likelihoods, ranging on a scale (in fre-
quency terms) from never, through increasing degrees of sometimes, to al-
ways. Plausibilities (for initial confidence estimates) may be case-specific
estimates of possibility ranging from impossible, up through decreasing de-
grees of doubt, all the way to definitely - could-b e.
In chapter 6 we pointed to the phenomenon of hypothesization by anal-
ogy, in which the present situation reminds an agent of a previous episode
and causal knowledge is then brought over and adapted.2 The present situa-
tion and the previous episode are members of the same class, which may be
a new category set up by the similarity relationship. The occurrence of the
previous episode is then an existence proof that things of that kind actually
happen, so they may be happening again in the present situation. The new
hypothesis adapted from the previous episode is then prima facie plausible
because it is already known that such things happen.
Whether a hypothesis is generated from an analogy or arises in some other
way, an analogy can be used to argue for plausibility. (What happened once
may be happening again.) Plausibility arguments based on analogy are ex-
tremely common. (This is obvious after we know to look for them. Some
examples are given in chapter 6.) Note that a plausibility argument based on

analogy is an argument that a hypothesis could be true, that it represents a

real possibility rather than an argument that it is likely to be true (although
the plausibility argument might be part of a larger likelihood argument).
Possibilities are the kinds of things that have probabilities. Possibilities
are the bearers of likelihood.
A common pattern is to generate a plausible hypothesis by forming an anal-
ogy, then to test the hypothesis for consistency with the present case. If it sur-
vives the tests, the hypothesis becomes even more plausible. Having gone from
being a mere "logical possibility," to being a "real possibility" when the anal-
ogy was formed, the hypothesis advances to being a "very real possibility" by
surviving rule-out tests. (Testing a hypothesis by generating causal expectations
and checking to see if they occur is a little more complicated. If there are no
other plausible explanations for some of the consequences, this sets up an
abductive argument for the likelihood of the hypothesis.)
If the degree of plausibility properly depends on the closeness of an anal-
ogy, then it seems unlikely that plausibility (of this sort) can ever be quanti-
fied, since it appears unlikely that we will ever have an objective quantita-
tive measure of degree of similarity.

Plausibility and intelligence

Perhaps the power of intelligence is relatively unrelated to the pure seman-
tics of plausibilities. It could be that the true mathematical theory of the true
semantics of plausibilities would not be feasibly computable, or if it were,
that the computations would be so sensitive to initial conditions, or so nu-
merically unstable, that there would be no gain pragmatically for making
smart machines from knowing the true semantics. It could be that heuristic
shortcuts are almost always necessary and that these heuristics do most of
the work in accounting for intelligence and in accounting for how it is pos-
sible for knowledge to come from experience.

1 The best-small plausibility criterion described in chapter 7 represents a minimal constraint on the
plausibility of composites.
2 These ideas about plausibility from analogy have benefited greatly from discussions with Lindley
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Weintraub, M. A. (1991). Selecting an Appropriate Explanation. In Notes from the AAAI Work-
shop on Domain-Independent Strategies for Abduction, (pp. 89-91). Anaheim. (Josephson
& Dasigi, 1991).

Weintraub, M. A., & Bylander, T. (1989). QUAWDS: A Composite Diagnostic System for Gait
Analysis. In L. C. Kingsland (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium on
Computer Applications in Medical Care, (pp. 145-151). Washington, D.C. IEEE Computer
Society Press.
Weintraub, M. A., & Bylander, T. (1991). Generating Error Candidates for Assigning Blame in a
Knowledge Base. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Machine Learn-
ing, (pp. 33-37). San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann.
Weintraub, M. A., Bylander, T., & Simon, S. R. (1990). QUAWDS: A Composite Diagnostic
System for Gait Analysis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 32(1), 9 1 -
Winograd, T. (1983). Language as a Cognitive Process. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Zadrozny, W. (1991). Perception as Abduction: Some Parallels with NLU. In Notes from the
AAAI Workshop on Domain-Independent Strategies for Abduction, (pp. 92-97). Anaheim.
(Josephson & Dasigi, 1991).

Innumerable beings improving hypotheses have brought forth the insights

gathered into this book. We cannot hope to name them all. However, we
thank the contributors for their engagement and enthusiasms, especially
Chandra for many discussions and hard questions that pushed the develop-
ment of these ideas toward understanding intelligence, dislodging prema-
ture satisfaction with mere algorithms for well-defined tasks. We give spe-
cial thanks to Lindley Darden, whose persistent encouragement and many
detailed comments really helped to bring this book into being. Thanks to
Jim MacDonald, William Lycan, Dean Allemang, and Robert Ennis for valu-
able comments on chapter 1, and to Judah Pearl for arguing with John about
probabilities. We also thank James Reggia for encouragement and very many
helpful comments. We thank William Lycan for helpful comments on earlier
drafts, and for his encouragement to both of us over many years. Thanks to
Jim MacDonald for his careful reading of an earlier draft and for generous
work on the index. Thanks to Paul Thagard for his useful advice on the first
proposal for a book based on Red and John's dissertation. Thanks to Wendy
Cooke, Radha Pyati, Chris Putnam and Elizabeth Hinkelman for encourage-
ment, and to Elizabeth Fannin and Seth Josephson for help with the bibliog-
raphy. Thanks to Sandra Thomas and Sandra Bogenschutz for office sup-
port, and to Scott Murrer for keeping the castle walls from crumbling while
we were secluded in the tower. We thank Ruth Gardocki for her encourage-
ment and emotional support over the years. Thanks to Arun Welch and Bryan
Dunlop for coming to the rescue when various computers would act un-
pleasantly. We would also like to acknowledge the help of the late and re-
membered Michael J. Herring for the LaTeX to Microsoft Word translation
of the complexity of abduction chapter.
Special thanks are owed to the people of the United States of America,
who paid most of the bills through various grants and research contracts,
and to the several organizations and institutions that provided support in
one form or another, including the State of Ohio, The Ohio State Univer-
sity, the College of Engineering, the Center for Cognitive Science, and the

By John and Susan Josephson

Department of Computer and Information Science. We are grateful for sub-
stantial support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and
the US Air Force by way of research contracts F30602-85-C-0010 and
F49620-89-C-0110. Research on abduction in the RED domain has been sup-
ported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH Grant 1 R01
HL 38776-01. At a critical time we were encouraged to continue working
in the speech domain by grant IRI-8902142 from DARPA and the National
Science Foundation. Support has come indirectly from the NEC Corpora-
tion by way of a gift to Osamu Fujimura in support of research on speech
science. Some work has been supported by the National Library of Medi-
cine under grant LM-04298. The Integrated Generic Task Toolset used in
several of our systems benefited greatly from the sponsorship of DARPA
under the Strategic Computing Program. Other significant support for toolset
development came at various times from Xerox Corporation, IBM, Digital
Equipment Corporation, and Texas Instruments. Development of CREAM
described in chapter 8 was supported by National Institute on Disability
and Rehabilitation Research grants H133E80017 and H133C90090, and par-
tially supported by McDonnell-Douglas research contract Z 81 225 on func-
tional reasoning.
Special software credits: Microsoft Word, DoItAll!, LaTeX, BibTex,
Interlisp D, Loops, GNU Emacs, TOPS-20, Medley, MM, Apple Macintosh
System 7, and CLOS.
Some parts of Chapter 1 are derived from a technical report distributed
as uOn the Logical Form of Abduction," some from John Josephson's Ph.D.
dissertation (Josephson, 1982), some from "A Mechanism for Forming Com-
posite Explanatory Hypotheses" (Josephson et al., 1987), some from "In-
ference to the Best Explanation is Basic" (Josephson, 1989), and from a
technical report distributed as "Abductive Justification." The first section
of chapter 2 is derived from a paper presented by Susan Josephson in June
1990 at the workshop entitled "Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Science
or Dying Art Form" held at the State University of New York at Binghamton,
sponsored by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York
and by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Other parts of
chapter 2 are adapted from: "Expert Systems: Matching Techniques to
Tasks," which appears in Artificial Intelligence Applications for Business,
edited by W. Reitman, Ablex Corp., publishers; "Generic Tasks in Knowl-
edge-Based Reasoning: High-Level Building Blocks for Expert System De-
sign" (Chandrasekaran, 1986); "Generic Tasks as Building Blocks for
Knowledge-Based Systems: The Diagnosis and Routine Design Examples"
(Chandrasekaran, 1988); "What Kind of Information Processing is Intelli-
gence? A Perspective on AI Paradigms and a Proposal," in The Founda-
tions of Artificial Intelligence, A Sourcebook, edited by Derek Partridge and
Acknowledgments 293
Yorick Wilks, Cambridge University Press, 1990; and "Towards a Functional
Architecture for Intelligence Based on Generic Information Processing
Tasks" (Chandrasekaran, 1987). Parts of chapter 3 are adapted from: Michael
Tanner's Ph.D. dissertation (Tanner, 1989); "Red: Integrating Generic Tasks
to Identify Red-Cell Antibodies" (Josephson et al., 1985); "Design for a Red-
Cell Antibody Identification Expert" (Smith et al., 1983); "A Mechanism
for Forming Composite Explanatory Hypotheses" (Josephson et al, 1987);
"Problem Solving in Red Cell Antibody Identification: RED's Performance
on 20 Cases," (Smith et al., 1986); and from a technical report distributed
as "Abduction Experiment, 'Sherlock Holmes' Strategy" by Susan T. Korda,
Michael Tanner, and John Josephson. Parts of chapter 4 are drawn from
"Pierce: A Tool for Experimenting with Abduction" (Punch et al., 1990);
parts from "A Framework for Opportunistic Abductive Strategies" (Johnson
& Smith, 1991), copyright Cognitive Science Society Incorporated, used
with permission. One paragraph of chapter 4 is from "Generic Tasks as
Building Blocks for Knowledge-Based Systems: The Diagnosis and Rou-
tine Design Examples" (Chandrasekaran, 1988). The concluding section of
chapter 4 draws from "Design Problem Solving: A Task Analysis"
(Chandrasekaran, 1990). Chapter 5 draws from: "An Investigation of the
Roles of Problem-Solving Methods in Diagnosis" by W.F. Punch III and B.
Chandrasekaran, which appears in the Proceedings of the Tenth International
Workshop on Expert Systems and their Applications: Second Generation
Expert Systems, May 1990. Chapter 6 draws from: "Concurrent Synthesis
of Composite Explanatory Hypotheses" (Goel et al., 1988); and
"Concurrency in Abductive Reasoning" by Ashok Goel, John Josephson, and
P. Sadayappan, which appears in the Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based
Systems Workshop, St. Louis, published by Science Applications Interna-
tional Corporation. Chapter 7 is from "The Computational Complexity of
Abduction," (Bylander et. al., 1991) and is reprinted with permission from
Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. Chapter 8 draws from "Distributed Ab-
duction in MDX2," (Sticklen, 1989), used with permission of J. C. Baltzer
AG Science Publishers; "QUAWDS: A Composite Diagnostic System for
Gait Analysis" by Weintraub and Bylander that appeared in the Proceed-
ings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medi-
cal Care, 1989, used here with permission of SCAMC, Inc. A similar pa-
per by Weintraub, Bylander, and Simon appeared in Computer Methods and
Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 32, no. 1, 1990; material is used here with
permission of Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Chapter 9 draws from tech-
nical reports distributed as: "Practical Abduction," by John Josephson and
Ashok K. Goel; PEIRCE-IGTT by Richard Fox and John Josephson; and
"Experimental Comparison of Strategies for Abduction: Contribution of
Explicit Explanatory Relationships" by Michael C. Tanner and John Joseph-
son. Chapter 10 draws from "A Layered Abduction Model of Perception:
Integrating Bottom-up and Top-down Processing in a Multi-Sense Agent"
(Josephson, 1989); from a technical report circulated as "Spoken Language
Understanding as Layered Abductive Inference" by John Josephson; and
from "Speech Understanding Based on Layered Abduction" (Josephson,

3-D vision 241 seeded processing 246

3-Level system 250-252 snapshot vs. moving-picture 264
A-B-0 blood typing 64 as a subtask of prediction 26
ABD-SOAR95, 105-113, 116 success with difficult domain 192
abducer97, 215 successful 260
abduction suspended 14
and bounded resources 214 task analysis 139, Figure 6.1
characterization of 5, 14, 29, 139, Figure task definition 9, 204-207, 215
6.1, 178,207,223 ubiquitous in cognition 202
complexity independent of model 159 abduction machines
computational costs 203 a problem endemic to all six 213-214
computational feasibility of 136 composable 263
conclusion 14, 16 Machine 1 see Machine 1
and deduction 12-13 Machine 2 see Machine 2
deliberate 6 Machine 3 see Machine 3
descriptive theory of 14 Machine 4 see Machine 4
evaluative theory of 14 Machine 5 see Machine 5
explanatory theory of 14 Machine 6 see Machine 6
fallibility of 16, 180 six generations of 136, 139
goal of 13 summary of capabilities 262-264
in historical scholarship 8 abduction problem 160
includes generation and possible abductive argument, force of 259
acceptance 9 abductive assembly 58-59
intractability, factors that cause 158 can be computationally expensive 74
is a distinct form of inference 3 characterizing the information-processing
in language understanding 6, 8 task 202
in learning 197 inRED-l&2 74-75
normative theory of 14 knowledge requirements 96-97
optimal algorithm 178 by message passing 147, 148
optimal strategy 207 refinement control 104
as optimization 205 stages of processing 212
in ordinary life 6, 29, 260 three generic subgoals 95
pandemonious control of 150 tractability of 205
as part of logic 12 abductive formant trackers 250
as a pattern of evidential relationships 12 abductive hypothesis assembly see hypoth-
as a pattern of justification 9 esis assembly
in perception 6, chapter 10 abductive justification 9-12, 263
perceptual 6 abductive-assembly function 214
and prediction 26 abductive-confidence function 269
and probabilities 26-27 Abelson, R. P. 47
process 9 abstract machines 262
real-time 207 abstract psychology 52
as reasoning from effect to cause 29 abstracting from low-level descriptions 43
in science 7, 29, 260, 271 acceptance, degrees of 210

acceptance, threshold for 145 Argument from Design note 6.2
accounts-for Aristotle 16, 17, note 1.11
adjustment during assembly 134 articulatory gestures 254, 258
determining 133, 190, 199 articulatory invariants 247
knowledge 96, 111 ArtRec 250, 252-258
acoustic invariants 247 attention, focus of 49
acoustic stratum 248 auditory stratum 249
active vision 244
ad hoc category 141 backtracking minimization 263
additive reaction strengths 176 Bayes's Theorem 26
affirming the consequent 158 Bayesian belief network 161
agglutination 65 BB1 116
agora 242 Beckman, M. note 10.4, note 10.7, note 10.9
AI as art 34-35 behavior note 5.4
AI as design science 35-37 belief 12
AI as engineering 32 belief revision, Pearl's theory of 161-162,
AI as the science of intelligence 52 164, 169, 173
AI as traditional science 32-34 Believed hypotheses 209, see Machine 5,
AI disunity 31 Machine 6
AI programs, evaluation of 32 best explanation
Allemang, D. 3, 157, 158, 163, 165, 166, algorithm for finding 173
167, 171,291 compared to what? 15
Altmann, E. 106 confidence in 269
ambiguity 143, 149, 212, 214, 223, 244, 263 likelihood of being correct 232, 270
ampliative inference 13, 260 unique 270
analogy 141, 265, 271 best-small plausibility criterion 171, 173,
closeness of 272 Appendix B note
annotated state transition 128 Bhaskar, R. note 1.9
antecedent conditions 17 biased sampling processes 21
anti-A 64 blackboard systems 246
antibody 63 blood typing 63
antibody identification 67 blood-bankers' vocabulary 65
antigens 63 Bogenschutz, S. 291
antigram 65 boldness 86
Ao, B. note 10.7, note 10.9 Bonaparte, N. 8
Appelt, D. 238 Bond, W. E. 129
architecture 39, 42 Boole, G. 44, 45
for abduction 124, 131, 150, 241 Bordley, J. 10, 11, 121
analog and symbolic contrasted 40 bottom-up processing 238, 239, 242, 245
artifacts of 49 Bromberger, S. 29
connectionist 40 Browman, C. P. 249,251
connectionist, for abduction 213 Brown, D. C. 2, 54, 60, 97, 116, 118
consequences of assumptions about 145 Brown, J. S. 187, 195
for diagnosis 124 Bruce, D. J. 250
empirical investigation of 61 Bruner, J. 238
flexible 115 Buchanan, B. 72
for general intelligence 105 Bylander, T. 2, 3, 60, 61, note 3.4, 117, 130,
general problem solving 116, 262 132, 157, 158, 163, 165, 171, 180, 181,
independence/dependence 42 186, 191, 194, note 8.2, 234,293
mental 59
method-specific 116 C/D model 258
multileveled 49 Caduceus 103
ofQUAWDS 187 causal processes 126-129, 130
of RED-1 and RED-2 66-75 causal responsibility 17, 18, 29
SOAR-like 106 causal sufficiency 17
symbolic 40 causal understanding 29
task-level 60 causality
task-specific 115 axiomatization of 271
TIPS 118 causation 16-18
unitary 49, 51, 52, 59 cause 17
universal 39, 50 direct and indirect 189
Index 297
efficient 17, 35 confidence
and explanation note 1.10 adjustment 120, 144, 146, 210, 216, 217,
final 17,35 218, 243, 268
formal 17 all things considered 268
hidden 264 coarse scale 26, 267, 268
and implication 17 of composite hypothesis 171-173, 271
material 17 of conclusions 212
mechanical 17 correlated with correctness 232
remote 92 of data items 120
caution 86, 231 equal 223
cells 64 grades 144
certainty 1,16, 266, see also doubt, uncer- graduated descent 263
tainty initial 142, 199, 243, 267
emergent 15-16, see also emergent numerical 26
certainty precision 144
increased by hedging 23 prima facie 71, 141, 142, 143, 146, 243,
islands of 142, 144, 151, 203, 211, 223, 267, 271
224, 245, 246 quality of the estimate of 206
values 226, 227 set by expert judgment 71
vocabulary 225 set by voting note 10.2
certainty-increasing inference 16, see also symbolic 68
uncertainty reduction thresholds, relative and absolute 143
chance, as explanatory 21 vocabularies for expressing 219, 267
Chandra, see Chandrasekaran, B. confidence / coverage tradeoff 144
Chandrasekaran, B. 1, 2, 31, 50, 54, 56, 60, confidence-setting behavior 237
61, 63, 68, 73, 94, 106, 115, 116, 117, confidence-setting rules 232, 267
note 5.1, 118, 120, 126, 129, 130, 132, validation of 236
134, 160, 182, 183, 291, 292, 293 confident portion of the best explanation
channels 239, 259 143, 210
Charniak, E. 5, 25, 238 Connection Machine 150
classification 52, 59, see also hierarchical connectionism 40-42
classification consilience of inductions 245
specialist 54, 215 consistency 83, 169, 244, 263
clause 248 consolidation 130-132
coarticulation 258 constrictor symptoms 104
cognitive dissonance 146 content theory 47
cognitive psychology 33 contrasting possibility 29
coherence 19, 222, 271 control
coincidence 22 constructs 39
Columbo note 9.7 fine 116
communication-intensive processing 150 fixed 96, 216
compiled deliberation 238, 240 in generic tasks 53
complete explanation 143, see also in hierarchical classification 54
explanation, complete opportunistic 96, 216, 263
complexity 44, 51, 54, 124, 181, 187, 202, programmable 97
203, 204, 214-215, 268, chapter 7 of refinement 100, 102, 104, 146, 263
complexity reduction 68, 71, 178, 214 in rule systems 49
component behavior 131 specification of 60
composite hypothesis 84, see also hypoth- strategies 52
esis, composite control knowledge 49, 97, 107, 109, 111,
generating all plausible 75 112
locally best 191 controlled experiment 21
subtasks of forming 139 converter/distributor model of phonetic
composition of hypotheses 242, 243-244 implementation see C/D model
computational architecture see architecture Cooke, W. 291
computational complexity of abduction see Cooper, G. 159, 162, 169
complexity corrective learning task 196
concept correctness 44, 45, 47, 77, 85, 88, 89, 138,
instantiation 142 223, 233, 234, 235, 236, 270
new 241 correlation 19, 22, 146, 270, 271
concurrent processing 139, 263 correspondence with the facts 237, 264
cost of error 206 in various architectures 51
cover-and-differentiate method 164 diagnostic dialog 11
coverage / confidence tradeoff 144 diagnostic differential 10, 91, 146, 244
covering-law model of explanation see differential see diagnostic differential
explanation, covering-law model of disbelief 210
CREAM 196, 197-201 disjunctive syllogism 12
credit assignment 196-197, 200 disphasic muscle activity 192
criticism 29, 66, 74, 78, 83-88, 95, 102, domain independence 94, 137, 138, 218
134-135, 146, 214, 262 Donahue, T. note 1.12
cross-match 66 doubt 13, 244, see also uncertainty
crucial experiment 7, 244 cannot be eliminated 14
CSRL 60, note 3.4, 99, 124, 263 persistence of 16
CSRL-IGTT215 Doyle, A. C. 7,90
cueing 138, 141,242 Dr. Gait-1 186
CV system 250 Dr. Gait-2 186
Dressier, O. 159
Darden, L. note 1.3, 129, note B.2, 291 DSPL60, 97, 118
Darwin, C. 8 DSPL++ 116
Dasigi, V. 238 Dunlop, B. 291
data Dvorak, D. 159
relativity of 242 Dzierzanowski, J. 186
roles of in abduction 243
to be explained 199, 210 EAGOL note A.I
data gathering 14, 21, 143, 212, 242, 244 ECHO 218, 222
data language 260 emergent certainty 15, 260
data perspective 147 empathy 265
David, J. M. 180 emphasis 255, 257
Davis, R. 159, 187, 196 empirical generalization 19, 264
de Kleer, J. 143, note 7.1, 159, 162, 164, empirical knowledge 16
187, 195 empiricism 16
deception 13, 212 Ennis, R. 19,20,291
decision point 83, 97, 102 enumerative induction 19
reoccurring 100, 118 Erickson, D. 238, note 10.12
decision table 99 Erman, L. 246
deduction 15 error candidate generation & selection 197
and abduction 12, 13 error detection 120, 131, 146, 228
and explanation 16 error minimization 206
and prediction 23 Eshelman, L. 164
deductive-nomological model of explanation essential hypotheses 76, 84, 85, 143, 148,
see explanation, deductive-nomological 209, 227, see also hypothesis, Essential
model of actually occur 154
default method 216 are not essential 211
DeJong, G. 197 relative to rivals 144, 212
DeJongh, M. 3, 130, 141 uncovered 223
delaying hard decisions 102, 103, 138, 144 essential kernel 85
deliberation-perception isomorphism 241 essentials-first leveraging-incompatibilities
DENDRAL 72, 75, 87 strategy 211
Descartes, R. 13, note 6.2 essentials-first strategy 142-155
design science 35-37 establish-refine control strategy 55, 68
design task 52, 53, 54,60, 115 establish-reject knowledge 54
detective 7, note 9.7 etiologies 239
determinism 17 Evans, C. 63, note 3.1, note 3.4, note 3.5,
device 126, 129, 130, 132, 187 note 3.6
diagnosis 9-12, 50, 58, 115 evidence
errors in 10-11, 200 breadth of 76
generic task analysis 52-59 domain-independent theory of 269
perception-like 241 negative to positive, note 1.5, 91
use of functional knowledge in 126-130, patterns of 71
131-134 evidence abstractions 56
use of structural knowledge in 130-134 evidential links 240
Index 299
evidential relationships, science of 12 explanatory interactions 169
evidential support 12 explanatory power 271
evocation of hypotheses 139-141, 242 monotonically increasing 83
expectation-based disambiguation 252 explanatory relationships 223
expectations 131, 244, 246 explanatory scope 243
failure of 21,264 explanatory usefulness 76
experiment 6, 7, 16, 21, 31
expert judgment 71, 91, 230 fair questions 11
explaining as much as possible 207, 264 false but useful propositions 45
explanandum 20 Fann, K. T. 8, 158
explanation 16, note 1.9, 18, 29, 160 Fannin, E. 291
best 15, 160,205 feature patterns 57
cognitive aspects of 18 Feigenbaum, E. 38, 72
complete 83, 85, 160, 166, 169, 203, 204, Feth, L. note 10.4
214, 224, 228, see also complete filing system of the mind 48
explanation final-cause naming 64
confidence in 269, see also confidence finding the best explanation 204
confident, partial 263 findings 103
correct 85 ambiguous 143
of correlation 22 order of consideration 90-91
covering-law model of 20 unexplainable 143
deductive-nomological model of 17, 20 unusual 90
and deductive proof 16 Fischer, O. 3, 94, note 4.2, 136
definition of 204 focus of attention 49, 50, 67, 79, 90, 96, 103,
expansion 224 104, 159, 183,206,249
by general statements 20 focus of puzzlement 206
ideally complete 25 Fodor, J. 238
incomplete 17, 214, 228 formant note 10.8
models of 17 four-machine experiment 224
of multiple findings 103 Fox, Richard 3, 202, note 9.3, 238, note
object of 20, 21, 29 10.7, note 10.9, note 10.12,293
partial note 7.2, 204, 263 Fox, Robert note 10.4, note 10.7, note 10.9
plausible 15 FR see Functional Representation Language
and pragmatics 18 frames 46-47, 73
and prediction 24-25 Frayman, F. 102
of prediction failure 264 frequency semantics for probabilities 267,
psychological 17 269
of sample frequencies 19-22 Fromkes, J. note 5.3
of special findings 103 Fujimura, O. 238, note 10.12, 252, 258, 292
of state transitions 128 functional knowledge 126, 132
statistical 17 functional modularity 60
true 10, 15 Functional Representation Language 126
uncertainty of 214 functions
and understanding 28, 206 of a device 126
unique best 158 explained by causal processes 128
what needs to be accounted for 189
explanation function 160 Gabriel, R. 186
explanation seekers 264 gait 184
explanation-accepting processes 260 Gardocki, R. 291
explanation-based learning 197 Garey, M. 157, 168, 172
explanation-seeking processes 180, 260 generalization, hedged 23
explanations Generalized Set Covering model 72
all possible consistent 143 generating elementary hypotheses 199
generating all possible 136 generic goals 216
George-did-it type 24 generic tasks 35, 60, 106, 115, 200, 216
number of 165 alternative methods for 114
explanatory coverage 142, 143, 162, 199 canonical methods for 216
determining 142 characterization 53
maximizing 204, 205, 206 classical view 62
explanatory inference 5 elementary 53, 60, 61
generic tasks (cont.) deep knowledge as a source of 132
in antibody identification 67 generating elementary 139
generic-task approach 59-62 partitioning sets of 210
gestural score 249 hypothesis
gesture hypotheses 253 acceptance 8
Gettier problem note 1.8 Believed 209, see also Machine 5, Machine
givens 29 6
gluteus maximus 193 Best 227
goal, problem-solving 96 Clear-Best 143, 144, 146, 148, 151, 209,
goal-seeking machines 263 210, 211, 217, 227
God note 6.2 comparison 136
Goel, A. 3, 136, 147, 148, 150, 174, 202, composite 9, see also composite hypothesis
213, 293 Confirmed 216
Goldstein, L. 249, 251 criticism 8
Gomez, F. 50, 68 Disbelieved 210
Gregory, R. L. 238 Essential 143, 210, 212, 217, see also
guess 210, 212, 217, 232, 263 essential hypotheses
informed 143, 149 evaluation 243, 262
guilt 219 evocation see evocation of hypotheses
formation 242, 262, 272
Halliday, M. 249, 250 fragment 79
Hamscher, W. 159, 187 generation 8, 67, 68, 199, 212
hard decisions 144 Guessed 210
delaying 102-103, 144 maximally plausible 262
hard implication note 9.5 most plausible first 136
Harman, G. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, note 1.8, 19, 25 OTHER 269
Harvey, A. 10, 121 parts of 84
Hastie, R. 5 reconsideration 244
Hayes-Roth, B. 116 scoring 131,213,243,245
Hayes-Roth, F. 102,246 testing 272
hearing 239 Weak-Best 143, 149, 209, 210, 217, 227
HEARS AY-II 102,246 hypothesis assembly 60, 67
hedged generalizations 23 anomaly during 228
hedging, to strengthen inference 23 as composition of mathematical functions
Helmholtz, H. 238 199
Hemami, H. 187 cross checking during 146
hemolysis 65 opportunistic 211
Hempel, C. 17 inQUAWDS 188-191
Herman, D. 116 recursive 263
Herring, M. 291 hypothesis comparison, implicit 75
hesitation 13 hypothesis interactions 91-93, 132-134,
heterogeneous problem solvers 59 145-146, 163, 167, 218, 243, 267, 268
Hidden Markov Models note 10.5 additive overlap 134, 145
hierarchical classification 54-56, 60, 141 cancellation 158, 169-171, 176, 177, 178
in RED 67-69 causal 146, 263
is ubiquitous 56 compensatory behavior 185
hierarchy of constituents 247 dense 181
Hillis,D. 150 explanatory alternatives 91
Hinkelman, E. 291 explanatory need 146
Hirsch, D. 186, 195 implication 216, 251, 263
Hoare, C. 147 incompatibility 79, 91, 146, 155-156, 158,
Hobbs, J. 25, 238 note 7.8, 176, 177, 178, 202, 203, 208-
Holmes, S. 7, 90 210, 219, 223, 224, 226, 244, 251,
hot map 259 263
Hubel, D. 239 probabilistic 146
Huber, R. 180 soft implication 223
Hume, D. 270 subtype 146
HYPER 60, 125 suggestiveness 146
hypotheses sympathy and antipathy 91, 218
causally integrated composites 263 type-subtype 91, 243
Index 301
unknown 269 intelligence of the hearer 258
hypothesis matching 56-57, 59, 60, 199 intelligent database 72, 73, 182
in RED 69-72 InterLisp-D note 4.1
hypothesis perspective 147 INTERNIST 68, 72, 75, 87, 159, 164
hypothesis selection, arbitrary 138, 143, 144, intractability, factors leading to 157, 177
149, 152 invocable method 97
hypothesis-improving operations 97 Ishida, Y. 252
hypothesis-space simplification 268 island driving strategy 102, 246
hypothesization by analogy 141, 271 islands of certainty see certainty, islands of
hypothetico-deductive model 25
Johnson, D. 157, 168, 172
ID ABLE 60, 124 Johnson, K. note 5.3
IDB see intelligent database Johnson, T. 3, 94, note 4.3, note 5.3, 293
IGT Toolset see Integrated Generic Task Josephson, J. 1,5, 60, 63, note 3.1, note 3.2,
Toolset note 3.7, 94, note 4.1, 129, 134, 136,
implication, causality and 17 147, 154, 157, 158, 160, 163, 165, 171,
implication, soft 222 174, 180, 183, 202, note 9.3, 238, note
incompatibility abduction problems 167-169 10.7, note 10.9, note 10.12, 262, 266,
incompatibility knowledge 224, 231, 232, 270,291, 292, 293,294
233, 234, 235 Josephson, S. G. 3,31,291,292
incompatible hypotheses, discriminating Josephson, S. J. 291
between 234 jury 5, 7, 218
independent abduction problems 164-166, justified true belief 16
independent incompatibility abduction Kamel,A. 129
problem 168 Kant, I. 238
induction 18, 22-27 Kedar-Cebelli, S. 197
inductive generalization 16, 19, 22 Keller, R. 197
inductive projection 22, 24 Kent, B. 186
inference 26 Keuneke,A. 61, 126
ampliative 13, 260 Kiritani, S. 252
converging lines of 245 knowing that we know 16
defined 12 knowledge
fallible 12, 260 accounts-for 96
function of 12 causal 114, 126,263
knowledge producing 259 compilation 132, 234, 239, note 10.2
in perception 238, 240 compiled 123, 124-126, 129, 130
strengthened by hedging 23 control 49
taxonomy of types 27 deep 114, 132
truth preserving 13, 43 diagnostic note 5.2
truth producing 13, 260 evoking 138
inference mechanism 49 and explanatory hypotheses 29
inference to the best explanation, see of explanatory relationships 236, 263
abduction finding-importance 96
infinite loop in hypothesis assembly 83 of functions 126
information-processing strategies 38, 50, 52, general 141
53, 54,59 of hypothesis incompatibility 79, 236
information-processing task 35, 37, 40, 41, hypothesis interaction 96
42, 61 of hypothesis interactions 243
information-seeking processes 14 hypothesis matching 263
innocence 219 inseparable from use 45
instantiation of hypotheses 139, 142,242, justified true belief 16
243,244,262 limits of 1, 264
Integrated Generic Task Toolset 215, 251 method-specific 116
intelligence 14, 51, 53, 268, 272 operator-implementation 106
and action 178 operator-proposal 106
biological 45 operator-selection 106
as a collection of strategies 53 from perception 259
information-processing theory of 45 in the philosophical sense 16, 260
where does the power come from? 45, 48 plausibility assignment 96
knowledge (cont.) limitations of traditional note 1.13, 141
of possibilities 141 for program semantics 46
possibility of 16, 136, 180, 272 for representation 43-46
scientific 260 as the science of evidential relationships
search-control 107 12
strategic 96 use in AI note 2.1
structural 263 logic of discovery note 1.6
symbolic logic for representing 44 logic of justification note 1.6
veridical perceptions 260 logic of science 1
without absolute certainty 260 logical implication, confused with causation 17
knowledge base 43, 49 logical possibility 272
knowledge engineer 60 logically justified 259
knowledge groups 70, 189 lookahead 110, 111, 112
knowledge level 46, 61 LOOPS note 4.1
knowledge organization 47 low-likelihood alternative explanations 14,
knowledge-producing inferences 16, 259 212, see also explanation
knowledge reformulation 196 Lucas, J. note 5.3
knowledge representation 60, 159 Lycan, W. 5, note 1.1, note 1.7, 291
depends on use 50, 60
knowledge-base refinement problem 196 MacDonald, J. 291
knowledge-directed data retrieval 57-58, 60 Machine 1 137, 142, 262
in RED 72-74 essential hypotheses 144
knowledge-use vocabulary 61 Machine 2 137-138, 263
Korda, S. 3, 63, 293 essential hypotheses 144
Krishnamurthy, A. note 10.4, note 10.7 Machine 3 94, 138, 263
Krivine, J. M. 180 Machine 4 139, 142,225,263
Ku, I. 3, 269, 270 essential hypotheses 143
Kuhn, T. 35 and Machine 5 146
Kuipers, B. 159, 187 strategy 143
Kulikowski, C. 180 summary 150
Machine 5 146, 208-213, 225, 229, 242,
LAIR 2 243, 263
Laird, J. 95, 105, 106 assembly strategy 211
language of thought 60 Machine 6 242, 262, 263
language understanding 238 control strategy 246
law 7, 218 malfunction hierarchy 114
layer-layer harmony 244 malfunction model 126
layered-abduction model of perception 238, Marr, D. 35,41,239
240 Martin, P. 238
Leake, D. note A.I Matcher 224, 225
learn time 241 Matcher with assembler and incompatibility
learning 1, 28, 40, 48, 181, 196, 197, 240, handling 229
241, 257 Matcher with incompatible hypotheses
from mistakes 196 handling 226
opportunities for 245 Matcher-with-Assembler 226
least commitment strategy 102 maximizing explanatory coherence 19
Lenzo, K. 238, note 10.12 maximizing explanatory coverage 202, 206
Lesser, V. 102,246 maximum plausibility requirement 158, 178
Levesque, H. 143, 162 McDermott, D. 5,238
likelihood 14, 84, 142, 266, 267, 271, 272 MDX 181,266
qualitative 160 MDX2 3, 129, 181, 184,263
likely absent 76 medical diagnosis 5, 95, 239, chapter 5,
likely present 76 chapter 8
Livingstone, M. 239 memory organization 47, 184
local abductive criteria 142 mental architectures 59
local abductive reasoning 145 mental structures 51
logic mentalese 60
for attributing knowledge to an agent 46 message passing, for abductive assembly
for describing the objects of thought 46 147
for justification 45 Messaro, D. 259
Index 303
method choice 101, 115 parsimonious covering theory 164
run time 115 parsimony 84, 85, 111, 145, 160, 171,211,
Miller, R. A. 68, 72, 159, 164 213-214, 227, 262, 271, see also
Milne, A. A. 7 simplicity
mind, fundamental operations of 25 essentials-first strategy and 152, 154
minimal cardinality 111 testing for 148
minimum cover 172 Partridge, D. 292
Minsky, M. 46, 196 PATHEX/LIVER 95, 117, 263
mistakes, recovering from 244-246 pathognomonic 103, 230
Mitchell, T. 197 pathological states 239
Mittal, S. 58, 60, note 3.4, 73, 102, 181, 182, Patil,R. 170
194 Patten, T. 238
Moberg, D. 129 Pearl, J. 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 167, 169,
model-based diagnosis 159 271, 291
modus ponens 5 PEIRCE 3, 60, 94, 125
monotonic abduction problems 166-167 compared to ABD-SOAR 113
Montague, E. 186 control mechanism 97-101
Mooney, R. 197 single-finding abducers 145
morpheme 248 Peirce, C. S. 3, 5, 8, 18, note 4.1, 158, 238
most probable explanation 161 PEIRCE-IGTT 215, 216, 222, 251, 255
motor theory of speech perception 249 Peng, Y. 9, 68, 72, 150, 159, 162, 164, 271
MPE see most probable explanation Pennington, N. 5
multisense integration 259 perception 238
Murrer, S. 291 abductively justified 260
Myers, J. A 72 as compiled deliberation 240
Myers, J. D. 68, 159 inference in 238, 240
multisense 258, 259
Narayanan, H. note 9.3 perception-deliberation isomorphism 241
Nau, D. 72, 164 Perricone, B. 72
Necker cube 245 phoneme note 10.6, 249
neural-net abduction 150 phonetic stratum 249
Newell, A. 32, 46, 95, 105, 106, 107, 116 phonological-prosodic stratum 249
Newton, I. 7 phrase 248
nine five NINE Pine Street 252 physical symbol system hypothesis 32
noise hypothesis 8, 212, 253, 254 place of articulation 250
noisy channel 16 placebo 21
non-superfluousness, kinds of 85 plan selection and refinement 60
normality 9, 24, 126, 161, 169, 185 planning 26
novelty 263 plans 47-48
NP-hard abduction 157 Plato 16
numerical vs. qualitative representations plausibility 12, 70, 71, 75, 83, 171, 266-272,
42-43 appendix B, see also confidence
arguments 271
object identity 259 of composite hypotheses 89, 171, 174, see
object-oriented programming 47 also best-small criterion
objectivity 1 from analogy 141, 271
observation 16, 19, 20, 21 function 160
observation language 13 grades 144
Occam's razor 58, 84, see also simplicity, initial 142
parsimony linearly ordered values 158
optimal solutions 178 multidimensional 269
ordered abduction problems 173 as a number 268
other minds 6, 265 ordering 136
outre 90 prima facie 141
Overview 75, 78, 125 probabilistic interpretation of 267-270
tractability of determining 162
panel, test 64 Pooh, W. T. 7
parallel channels 247 Poole, D. 162
parallel processing 144, 150 Pople, H. 68, 72, 103, 158, note A.I
in abduction 147 population-to-sample inference 19
possibility 271, 272 domain knowledge 67
knowledge of 141 future versions 236
merely logical 141 inPEIRCE 101
plausibility as 271 project goals 65
real 141,272 RED-1 2,3,63,75, 141
practicality of computations 178 performance 76-78
pragmatic bias 264 strategy 78
pragmatic stratum 250 RED-2 2, 3, 63, 78, 83, 133, 134, 141, 174
pragmatics 134, 149, 231 performance 88-90
prediction 19, 22-28 RED-3 101
based on trust 25 red-cell antibody identification 63
and explanation 24-25 reference-class problem 27, 268, 269
failure of 25, 264 Reggia, J. 9, 50, 68, 72, 150, 159, 162, 164,
is not deduction 23 271, 291
revision of 264 register 250
from structural descriptions 131 reidentification 259
as a subtask of abduction 26 Reiter's theory of diagnosis 160-161, 169
priming 141, 242 Reiter, R. 51, 143, note 7.1, 159, 160, 162,
principle of plausible repetition 141, 271 164
probability 24, 173, 266, 267, 272 Reitman, W. 292
and abduction 26-27 representation, of causal processes 127-129
posterior 267 representational commitments 40, 41
prima facie 267 revising the data 8
prior 27 Rh types 64
problem decomposition 263, see also risk of error 144
generic tasks robot scientist 1, 259, 264
problem difficulty 234 Rock, I. 238
problem of induction 1, 22-24 role 36, 128
problem space 106 Rosenbloom, P. 95, 105, 106
problem-solving architecture see architec- rule-based systems 48-50
ture rule-out knowledge 178, 228
problem-solving strategy 67, 144
problem-space computational model 106 Sadayappan, P. 136, 147, 150, 174, 213, 293
process abstraction 129 Salmon, W. note 1.9,27
propensity 267 sample size 21
prosodic control 258 sample, biased 19, 20, 21
prototype vs. typical 257 sample-to-population inference 19
PSCM see problem-space computational sampling processes 21
model Schank, R. 47, 141
Punch, W. 3, 60, 94, note 4.1, 117, note 5.1, Schwartz, W. 170
119, 120, note 5.3, 215, 293 scientific reasoning 260, 270
Putnam, C. 291 scripts 47-48
Pyati, R. 291 Searle, J. 34
Pylyshin, Z. W. 42 Sebeok, T. 7
second-best explanation 270
qualitative simulation 132, 187 segment, phonetic 258
quantifier of ordinary life 23 selectors 97-101
QUAWDS 3, 181, 184, 187, 263 semantic networks 49
Sembugamoorthy, V. 56, 61, 126, 129
Ramanujan, J. 150, 213 sensory events 264
rationality see also intelligence sentence 248
Bayesian 268 serum 64
emergent 48 set-covering model 68, 72, 75, 87, 164
and hedging 23 Sherlock Holmes strategy 90
Rauschenberg, J. note 10.7 SIMD parallelism 150
real possibility 272 similarity, degree of 141, 272
Realism 1,237,264 Simon, H. 32, 35, note 4.5, 181
Reason 1 Simon, S. 180, 181, 185, 186, 196, 293
recognition 215, 247, 258 simplicity 84, see also parsimony, Occam's
RED 2, chapter 3, 63, 175, 267, 269
Index 305
as an epistemic virtue 84 task-structure analysis 114, 117
single-fault assumption 158 taxonomic hierarchy 263
skepticism 16, 180, 206 teleology 18, 35
Smetters, D. note 9.3 term introduction 13
Smith, J. W. 2, 63, note 3.1, note 3.2, 94, 117, test design 234
note 5.1, note 5.3, 136, 154, 160, 293 testimony 7
Smolensky, P. 40 Thadani, S. 129, note 10.9
SOAR 95, 105, 106, 116 Thagard, P. note 1.2, 150, 218, 219, note 7.6,
soft constraint 246 222, 291
soft implication note 7.5, 222 theory formation 260, 264
software modularity 101 theory language 13, 260
specialists 54, 57, 58, 59, 62, 68, 69, 118, Thomas, S. 291
215 thresholds of acceptance 143, 145, 159, 205,
specificity 263 209, 211, 217
speculation 210, 212 tie breaking 149
speech recognition 238, 246, 247, see also TIPS 3, 95, 117, 118,263
spoken language understanding ToMake 127
obstacles to automating 247, 252, 257 top-down processing 238, 239, 242, 244,
statistical approaches 257 251,252, 263
Speicher, C. note 5.3 Tracy, K. 186
spoken language understanding 238, 239, Transgene project 129
246 true cause 180
strata 247-250 truth 1,44,45
sponsor-selector mechanism 97, 118 truth finding 260
sponsors 97 truth preservation 13, 43
spreading disambiguation 223, 243 truth production 13, 260
spurious 22 Truzzi, M. 7
statistical association 146 Turing Machines 39
statistical syllogism 23 Turing test 34
Stefik, M. 102 Turing universal 50
stereotypes 46
Stickel, M. 238 Umiker-Sebeok, J. 7
Sticklen, J. 2, 3, 61, 129, 130, 134, 180, 182, uncertainty 223, 230, see also certainty
183, 293 uncertainty control 144, 206
strategy-specific primitives 50 uncertainty reduction 231, 236, 243
Strohm, P. 63, 154 uncovered essentials 223
strong AI 34 understanding 29
structure/function models causal processes 129
advantages for diagnosis 123 complex devices 126
shortcomings 123 and explanation 206
Struss, P. 159, 187 how something works 126
substances 130 unexplainable findings 143, 149
subtask dependencies 139 unexplained remainder 79, 143, 210, 263
Sutherland, G. 72 universal quantifier 23
Svirbely, J. 63, note 5.1, note 5.3, 136, 154 Unknown-Disease 212
syllable 249, 258
symbol 41 Valiant, L. G. note 7.7
synthetic agents 264 Very Clear-Best hypothesis 212
synthetic worlds 264 vision 239
systemic grammar 249 visual metaphors 241
Szolovits, P. 170, 186
Wallace, W. note 1.10
Tanner, M. 2, 3, 5, 60, 63, note 3.1, note 3.2, Wang, P. 164
note 3.4, note 3.5, note 3.7, 94, note 4.1, Weak-Best hypotheses see hypothesis, Weak-
154, 157, 158, 160, 163, 165, 171, 197, Best
202, 269, 293 Weintraub, M. 3, 180, 181, 186, note 8.2,
task specificity 94 198, 293
task-method-subtask analysis 116 Welch, A. 291
task-specific problem solver 69 what can be known 1
task-specific vocabulary 52 Whewell, W. note 10.3
why questions 29 word 248
Wilks, Y. 292 word boundaries 252
Williams, B. 143, note 7.1, 159, 162, 164 word hypothesis 254
Winograd, T. 249
witness 7 X-ray Microbeam 252
Wittgenstein, L. 46
wonder 28 Yost, G. 106

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