Trischel Fabrics
17 machines 20kg
Dye House
Beam dyeing Nylon is mostly dyed
13 machines
The weight ranges from 35kg to
❖ Beam dyeing is carried out for sensitive fabrics, therefore, only nylon is beam dyed.
❖ The beam dyeing machine has two types and they are as follows.
▪ Fully flooded
✓ The machine is fully filled with water.
✓ When chemicals are added, a side tank is used to hold the excess fluid.
✓ A pump is used to circulate the fluid.
▪ Air packed
✓ An extra tank is available on top of the machine.
✓ The tank at the bottom is fully filled and the tank on top is filled up to a certain
❖ Once the fabric is received in the “A” frame after presetting, the fabric is wound onto the
beam using the beam winding machine and the weight is recorded.
▪ First, the beam is washed using hydroacoustic to remove the colour of the dye
▪ Then, 5 cotton layers are wound onto the beam before the fabric is wounded to prevent
the colour particles from the previous dyeing to stain to the fabric and the beam is
made of holes, therefore, the hole mark can appear on the fabric.
▪ Next, the nylon is wound onto the beam and cover it with a 100% polyester layer to
prevent the movement of the fabric as the polyester is not stretchable.
❖ The winder then handover the fabric beam to the dyeing department along with the batch
ticket where the ticket consists of the following details.
▪ Weight ▪ Yarn type ▪ Beam number
Based on the batch ticket and the recipe used earlier for dyeing refereeing the master
recipe (If this is a 1st bulk, the details are obtained from the lab), the program is
constructed for fabric dyeing. This is known as the recipe writing.
The recipe writer creates a list of chemicals that are required for the dyeing process
and handover to the chemical section.
During the dyeing process, the following documents are created and filed.
➢ Batch ticket – Planning
➢ Batch recipe – Recipe writer
➢ Sample cord – Recipe writer
➢ Beam loading and pH recording format – Beam dyeing machine operator
The operators of the chemical section obtain chemicals based on the recipe and keeps
them near the relevant machine.
The recipe writer creates 3 copies of the recipe.
➢ 1 for the file.
➢ 1 to select the chemicals.
➢ 1 for machine operator.
❖ Then, the fabric is loaded into the machine.
❖ Fill the machine with water where the total capacity of the machine must be filled.
❖ Add the chemicals to reduce the hardness of water.
❖ Add leveling agents for the fabric and the dye for leveling.
❖ Similarly, add anti-foaming agents to eliminate the foam effect inside the machine and add
Wiking agents to enhance the water absorption.
❖ Add acid donor agents if the dye amount is low to donate the H + ions when the temperature
is increased and to bring down the pH level to 4.5 to 3.5 at 98℃ and add acetic acid if the
dye amount is high to control the pH level.
❖ Add the dye.
Note: The dye profile:
▪ Any dye colour is developed using red, blue, and yellow colours.
▪ A dye combination is used to get the exact colour combination which was
identified during the lab dip stage.
✓ Black colour : It is created using 4 dyes.
✓ Other colours : It is created using 3 dyes.
❖ Heat the water.
▪ Nylon dyes at 98℃
Note: The fabric NH2 (amine) forms NH + ions when reacting with the acid, dye has a (-)
ion, therefore, it reacts with the NH + ions and the dye forms the bond
❖ Then, the fabric is cooled and wash it and then, using a solvent agent fix the unfixed dye
❖ Finally, the fixing process/ Syntan process is carried out where a coating is applied to the
fabric to secure the bond with dye particles and to improve the colour fastness and the
following functions will also be checked.
▪ Perspiration ▪ Colour change
▪ Chlorine ▪ Colour staining
▪ Water
❖ The beam dyeing material and information flow are as follows.
• Dye profile
Create the dyeing recipe Inspection after dyeing
• Dye machine type
• Colour • Dye type and weight • Colour
• Dye stuff • Chemical(Weight, appearance, • Appearance
• Chemical percentage)
• Weight • Water (Colour, pH level)
• Pressure and temperature