DONG Energy Case Study

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Dong Energy, Denmark

New build data centre
USystems Limited , Systems House, 235 Ampthill Road, Bedford, MK42 9QG, England

T +44 (0) 01234 761720 [email protected]

The client
DONG Energy was established in 2006 by the merger
of six Danish energy companies: DONG, Elsam, Energi
E2, Nesa, Københavns Energi and Frederiksberg For-

It was created as a vehicle to develop Danish energy

activities. The company has expanded significantly
through organic growth and acquisitions both in Den-
mark and across Europe. DONG Energy Copenhagen (Teglholmen office)

The merger brought together a wide range of experi-

The brief
ence, resources and activities, including oil and natu-
ral gas exploration and production, electricity In 2009 Dong Energy required an energy efficient

generation at power stations and renewable energy cutting edge design for the cooling of their state of

facilities and natural gas and electricity distribution. the art new build data centre in Denmark.

The site had to retain a small footprint whilst max-

imising the density and be highly efficient 340kW -
for this they requested 15kW - 30kW capacity for
each cabinet of the 23 cabinets including the cool-
ing of 6 IBM SAN cabinets using the same system.

The water supply temperature of 15°C was re-

quired for the chillers and dry air cooler already
chosen for the external space.

DONG Energy is one of the leading energy groups in DONG Energy is an integrated energy company
Northern Europe. Their business is based on procuring, based in Fredericia, Denmark. DONG has since
producing, distributing and trading in energy and expanded its productivity since its inception, and
related products in Northern Europe. DONG Energy is now Denmark's largest energy company.
has around 6,500 employees and is headquartered in
Denmark. The Group generated DKK 73 billion (EUR
9.8 billion) in revenue in 2013.

© USystems Limited, August 2014. ™ The USystems logo and UCoustic, ColdLogik, UTelligent and USpace are trademarks of USystems Limited.
USystems Limited , Systems House, 235 Ampthill Road, Bedford, MK42 9QG, England

T +44 (0) 01234 761720 [email protected]

The cooling solution

USystems installed 17 x USpace ColdLogik compli-
ant 42U cabinets with CL20 C8 rear coolers within
the white space of the data centre build. This
enabled them the packaging densities required
with capacity to increase heat loads in the future
within the same footprint. Each rack had the cool-
ing capacity of 7kW to 30kW giving them a total of

One of the teams biggest challenges was to deal

with the cooling of the IBM SAN cabinets. The
design of these cabinets meant heat would be
distributed into the cold aisle - furthermore the
enclosure design incorporated an electromagnetic
shielding (EMC) which meant that the IBM SAN
door had to retain its integrity. To overcome this
Installation and commissioning of the 17 x C8 rear coolers
USystems designed a special rear cooler which in-
corporated the unique Zero Aisle overhead system
The external plant comprised of 2 chillers and a
(see image below) which meant the integrity of the
dry air cooler which ran at 15°C water tempera-
IBM SAN door was not compromised.
ture were brought together and controlled the
entire solution via a small ColdLogik Room Man-
agement System (RMS).

As the ColdLogik solution offered a 90% saving on

the CRAC based design Dong Energy had previous-
ly been quoted for, they have subsequently re-
placed an existing CRAC based system with
ColdLogik CL20’s and are planning further up-
grades in the future.

Zero Aisle overhead runner system

© USystems Limited, August 2014. ™ The USystems logo and UCoustic, ColdLogik, UTelligent and USpace are trademarks of USystems Limited.
USystems Limited , Systems House, 235 Ampthill Road, Bedford, MK42 9QG, England

T +44 (0) 01234 761720 [email protected]

DONG Energy receives Project summary

Energy efficiency and cost savings
environmental award
● Low CAPEX and fast ROI

● Low PUE

● Year on year energy savings

In 2013 Dong Energy received the Energy Globe envi- ● Low carbon
ronmental award demonstrating their commitment to
● Reduced footprint
sustainability and efficiency throughout their company
ethos. ● 340kW cooling capacity

The energy efficiency and environmental savings asso- ● Energy and money saving free
ciated with the ColdLogik solution was a major factor in
their selection of ColdLogik throughout their many
data centre projects. Security and control

● RMS full access and remote

monitoring and control

● N+1 redundancy

DONG servers being cooled via ColdLogik rear cooler

“Since having the system installed we

have now replaced other CRAC based
systems with ColdLogik and are planning
further upgrades to ColdLogik in other
Dong data centre projects”

© USystems Limited, August 2014. ™ The USystems logo and UCoustic, ColdLogik, UTelligent and USpace are trademarks of USystems Limited.

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