Ae138 W1 2
Ae138 W1 2
Ae138 W1 2
(Week 1-2)
Heat Transfer
Arnold R. Elepaño
Associate Professor
Agricultural and Bio-Process Division
Institute of Agricultural Engineering
College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology
University of the Philippines Los Baños
I. Introduction
Heat is a form of energy in transition and the temperature difference is the driving
potential for its propagation.
Physical (natural laws) are statements in terms of concepts that have been found to
be true through many years of experimental observations. A physical law is called a
general law if the application of it is independent of the medium under consideration.
Otherwise it is called a particular law.
Qx = -kA dT/dx;
dT/dx = T/ L
k = thermal conductivity, W/ m.K
A = cross-sectional area, m2
T = temperature difference, K
L = length, m
Heat Transfer
known as convection currents and result from the change in density that is brought
about by the expansion of the heated portion of the fluid.
When any portion of a fluid is heated, it expands and its volume per unit of mass
increases. Thus the heated portion becomes lighter, rises to the top, and is
immediately replaced by a cooler, heavier portion of the fluid.
The rate of energy transfer from the surface to the air can be quantified by the
Newton’s Law of Cooling;
Qc = hc A (Ts – Tf)
hc = heat transfer coefficient, W/ m2.K
A = surface area, m2
Ts = surface temperature, °C
Tf = fluid temperature, °C
V. Glossary
Absorptivity of a Surface - ratio of rate at which a given surface absorbs radiation to
the rate of radiation of a black body at the same temperature.
Ambient Temperature - temperature of surrounding medium.
Black Body - hypothetical body capable of absorbing all radiation at the maximum
rate for a given temperature.
Emissivity of a Surface - expressed as the ratio at which the given surface emits
radiation to the rate of radiation of a black body at the same temperature.
Enthalpy - is a property of state; is the sum of internal energy of a substance and its
pressure - specific volume of product at the given state. It is a measure of the
energy of the air expressed in kJ/kg dry air.
Heat - is the form of energy that provides differences in temperature of molecular
Heat Transfer
Heat Balance - is the difference between the heat gained (or generated) within the
building and the entire heat test from the building.
Heat Capacity or Specific Heat - refer to the ratio of the heat capacities of the
material to that of water.
Latent Heat - is the heat for evaporation of a saturated liquid into a saturated vapor.
It is the heat gained or lost without a change in temperature when a substance
passes from one state to another as a solid, liquid, or gas.
Latent Heat of Evaporation - is the change of heat (energy) required to change unit
mass of a substance from a liquid to a gas.
Specific Heat - the heat energy required to raise the temperature of unit mass of a
substance by 1°C.
Specific Volume - specific volume is the volume of space occupied by a pound of dry
air at standard atmospheric pressure. Specific volume is expressed in m³/kg dry air.
Temperature - ability of a body to give up or to receive heat.
Thermal Conductivity - the amount of heat transmitted in unit time across unit area
through unit thickness for unit temperature change.
Kakac S. & Y. Yener. 1985. Heat Conduction. Second Edition. Hemisphere Publishing Co.
Oosthuizen P.H. & D. Naylor. 1999. An Introduction to Convection Heat Transfer Analysis.
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Holman, J.P. 1990. Heat Transfer. Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Heat Transfer