MU - Bomba Infusion Pilot A2 (INGLES)
MU - Bomba Infusion Pilot A2 (INGLES)
MU - Bomba Infusion Pilot A2 (INGLES)
Anaesthesia 2
The information given in this document only concern devices of PILOT anaesthesia 2.
Technical reference N° ...................... ..................... NT 0818
Revision date: ................................... ..................... 09/03/99
Applicable from serial N°.................... ..................... 16685686
1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 4
1.1. Block diagram ..........................................................................................................4
1.2. Precautions before use.............................................................................................5
1.3. Overall product specifications ..................................................................................5
1.3.1. Biological specifications.........................................................................................5
1.3.2. Mechanical specifications ......................................................................................5
1.3.3. Dimensions ...........................................................................................................5
1.3.4. Electrical specifications..........................................................................................5
1.3.5. Electronic specifications ........................................................................................5
1.3.6. PILOT anaesthesia 2 Operator's guide ..................................................................5
2 ELECTRONIC BOARD........................................................................ 6
2.1. MOTOR POWER SUPPLY AND CONTROL BOARD ..............................................6
2.1.1. Functional description............................................................................................6
2.1.2. Description of connectors ....................................................................................13
2.1.3. Electrical layout ...................................................................................................15
2.1.4. Installation layout.................................................................................................15
2.2. CPU BOARD..........................................................................................................16
2.2.1. Functional description..........................................................................................16
2.2.2. Description of connectors ....................................................................................19
2.2.3. Electrical layout ...................................................................................................21
2.2.4. Installation layout.................................................................................................21
2.3. DISPLAY BOARD ..................................................................................................22
2.3.1. Overview .............................................................................................................22
2.3.2. Functional description..........................................................................................22
2.3.3. Description of connectors ....................................................................................24
2.3.4. Power consumption.............................................................................................24
2.3.5. Electrical layout ...................................................................................................24
2.3.6. Implantation layout ..............................................................................................24
5 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................. 45
5.1. Recommendations ................................................................................................. 45
5.2. Cleaning and disinfection ....................................................................................... 45
5.3. Storage .................................................................................................................. 45
5.6. Checking disengagement system ........................................................................... 50
5.7. Checking force sensor............................................................................................ 50
5.8. Checking back-pressure ......................................................................................... 50
5.9. Checking registered syringe list /syringe list label. .................................................. 51
5.10. Checking Mains/Battery operation ........................................................................ 51
5.11. Checking linearity................................................................................................. 51
5.11.1. Equipment used ................................................................................................ 51
5.11.2. Operating mode................................................................................................. 52
DC-DC Motor
230V Power supply ON / OFF driver
by step
Converter motor
128K x 8
8K x 8 Syringe
EEPROM sensor
SPI CPU Watch strength
dog sensor
Bus opto sensor
interface Interface
ADC (option)
LCD Flange
Keyboard driver
Display Switch
Master Buzzer driver
1.3.3. Dimensions
q Power supply 230V - 50-60 Hz.(Check on the pump the identification label).
q Battery 6V - 1.2Ah./1.3 Ah
q CPU board.
VBC power comes directly from the battery if neither the mains nor the external power source are con-
nected. Otherwise power, from an external source, supplies the electronic components and charges the
battery via diode D8 and the delayed protection fuse, F1, 1.6A.
Maximum fuse resistance 0.5 Ohms
Controller operation is indicated by two signals responsible for reporting operation using an external
power source either mains power or the external DC power unit.
LDSECT 10 mA drives a diode which checks that the SECT diode is on, using a TTL signal, with + 5V
pull up collector open, mains presence active at 0.
Cut-out controller: U1(MAX625) output voltage 7.05V 1.3 A min
Output voltage measured on J4.1
for 230 V mains:
Min. Max. Unit
Power OFF 3 mA charge on J4. : 6.7V 7V V DC
8 ohm charge on J4: 6.5V 7V V DC
On J4 the voltage must never exceed 7V, the maximum voltage of the charged battery.
The 6.5 minimum voltage is higher than the battery pre-alarm threshold. System:
3 inputs:
TON ON key dry contact/GND
TOFF OFF key dry contact/GND
CDALIM active TTL signal with voltage cut-out
2 ouputs:
VBAT Battery power/mains power.
OFF TTL signal collector, + 5V PULL-UP open, OFF key pressed down, active at 0
The + 5V ± 5% is generated, using VBAT voltage, by the NS 2931 V3 controller low drop-out 0.6V for a
100 mA output current.
It is thus possible to make the best possible use of the battery.This voltage is available on TP2.
The 5V rise time must be greater than 100 ms to allow for the RESET function on the CPU board.
Convertor input:
ANO VBAT battery voltage measurement.
AN1 not in use
AN2 internal occlusion gauge bridge
AN4 Absolute potentiometric position sensor Operation
The force sensor generates a differential voltage proportional to the force sensor applied on the driving
bloc. This force is amplified by a gain of 200 +/- 20% via an amplifier built around U18 TLC 251. The
potentiometer P1 allows the offset to be compensated and for any other offset to be reset from the be-
ginning. The sensor measurement chain transfer function can be defined by calibrating the sensor with
two known forces.
AN3 J9.4 Pulsated amplitude signal sets at 0.6 V +/- 0.05 V for no force applied on the driving bloc
It is connected on J8 connector.
Control T12 Transistor Current limitation (R52) 8mA
Output T13 Transistor TTL level
Control signal CDOPT2 activate at 1 J2.15
Output signal SOPT2 activate at 1 J2.12
Anode diode J8.6
Cathode diode J8.5
Transistor transmitter common ground J8.10
Transistor collector J8.7
SOPT2 0V Anti - siphon present
SOPT2 5V Anti - siphon missing
The CPU board is fitted to PILOT anaesthesia 2 version, around a 80C32 microprocessor used in
open mode. It concentrates all the peripheral devices directly connected to the 80C32 bus. It is
connected to the power supply board by a 40 contacts ribbon cable and to the display board by
fixed connectors. It forms a single unit, with the display board, which is fixed to the front panel.
The CPU board uses CMOS technology in order to minimize power consumption.
q Optical sensor
q as soon as the WATCH-DOG circuit is triggered. It remains active until the power is turned off. Buzzer
The BUZZER command is inverted and controls the transistor, T3, which is mounted as a common
transmitter. Working in parallel, the transistor collector drives the BUZZER on the display board and the
nurse call relay on the motor control power supply board. After starting the pump, the BUZZER is acti-
vated for added safety.
BUZZ signal: J5 pin 6 and J3 pin 24 50 mA 6.75 Volts maximum.
This serial communication line is reserved for PILOT anaesthesia 2 software configuration and, when
appropriate, for connecting an external MASTER module.
q Note: The CI opto and the obturator are specific to the PILOT anaesthesia 2 equipped with
"flange detector" and are not compatible with previous versions.
The motor rotation and piston presence opto switch interfaces are located on the POWER SUPPLY
A 40 channel ribbon cable is soldered directly to J3, linking the power supply and the CPU.
Pin Description
1 + 5V controlled power supply
2 GND "
3 + VBAT "
4 GND "
5 A phase motor control
6 B phase "
7 C phase "
8 D phase "
9 I signal "
10 BOOST signal "
11 SOPT1 opto rotation module output
12 SOPT2 opto anti-siphon module output
13 APINF nurse call independent from buzzer signal
14 CDOPT1 opto rotation module control
15 CDOPT2 opto anti-siphon module control
16 OFF ON/OFF key depressed signal
17 SECT mains power supply on signal
18 CDALIM power cut signal
19 LDSECT mains LED control
20 CTS Clear to send line 2
21 DEB/OFF disengage active at 0 signal
22 RTS Request to send line 2
23 OCC/OFF occlusion active at 0 signal
24 BUZ nurse call relay control
25 EOC end of conversion ADC
26 CSADC selection SPI ADC bus
27 CLK clock SPI ADC bus
28 SI data INSPI ADC bus
29 SO data out SPI ADC bus
30 CDANA analog sensor power supply control
31 RX2 receive TTL data line 2
32 TX2 transmit TTL data line 2
33 TXD1 transmit TTL data line 1
34 RXD1 receive TTL data line 1
35 TON ON key
36 TOFF OFF key
37 + VBAT power supply
38 GND
39 + 5V
40 GND
2.3.1. Overview
The display board is mounted directly beneath the front plate of the syringe pump. It brings together all
the facilities for operator/device dialogue: Keyboard, buzzer and display.
It is connected to the CPU by rigid connectors, forming a sandwich, with the former, held in place by
The soft keyboard is connected to the display board.
q The buzzer.
decimal point, except two of them which are marked (*) in the table below.
The diodes and display units are driven in a multiplexed, 8 segments x 8 digit matrix. The LED's and
display units are mounted with a common cathode.
The 8 segments are driven by signals SEG0 to SEG7 and the 8 digit by signals DIG0 to DIG7.
The 2 LED’s, "MAIN PRESENCE" and "FAIL" are controlled independently of the matrix.
q N.B.: You can leave the configuration mode at any time by pressing the OFF key.
allows to scroll the parameters:
PrES.1, PrES.2, PrES.3, etc.......... on the 7 segment screen.
Inside the menus, the keys: and , allow to display the chosen values.
Pres 1
950 mm Hg
If no value is memorized, the display is:
Pres 1
___ mm Hg
and it is the used pressure at the last switching off, which will be saved and proposed by default at the
next switching on.
allows to scroll the parameters:
Par.1 PAr.2,
PAr.2 PAr.3,
PAr.3 etc........... on the 7 segment screen.
allows to valid this choice and to enter in its menu, informations of which are displayed on the
LCD screen
At any time, the key allows to get out the parameter entering mode without saving the out-
standing parameters.
Parameters list:
q PAr1: Infusion flow memorization (yes or no).
q PAr2: Syringe selection mode.
q PAr3: Keyboard selectionnable infusion maximum flow rates.
q PAr4: Selectionnable syringe list configuration.
q PAr5: Compulsory purge (yes or no).
q PAr6: Infusion quick start (yes or no).
q PAr9: RS232 communication speed.
q PArA: Empty syringe mode.
q PArB: Time to preventive check.
q PArC: Memorized protocols list
q PArD: Flange detection mode.
q PArE: Programmed bolus flow rates configuration.
q PArF: Bolus flow rate configuration.
q PArH: Language configuration.
q PArJ: Main line disconnection.
q PArL: "Drug name" and "Syringe in place" alternative display.
: yes.
: no.
1rst screen
50cc 1500
nd ml/h
2 screen
20cc 750
ml/h Selectionnable syringe list configuration: PAr.4
This parameter allows to make out the key board selectionnable syringe list.
: Compulsory purge.
: Infusion quick start; when flow rate is small, the pusher goes quicker at the beginning of the
perfusion up to the contact with the syringe piston. This quick start is controlled by the strength sensor
and length limited.
: No infusion quick start; the infusion starts always with selected flow rate, even small.
q 4 800
q 9 600
q 19 200
19200 Empty syringe mode: PAr.A
When the PILOT anaesthesia 2 goes to infusion end prealarm, if the empty syringe mode is authorized,
the validation LED flashes.
One press on will authorize the device to continue the infusion up to a 200 g counter-pressure
after passing the syringe hardheight.
If the empty syringe mode is not authorized, the PILOT anaesthesia 2 will stop at the end of infusion (sy-
ringe hardheight).
Par A
Par .C
It will be possible to stop this message with but it will flash again at each switching on until the check be
Par .C 200.00µg/gl
Par .C
valid erasing. As long as long the erasing is not validated, pressing any key gives a BIP.
allows to get out PAr.C without memorizing the outstanding protocol configuration.
+ : Fix increment.
= : Variable increment.
: Induction dose.
: Programmed bolus.
Occlusion alarm.
: switch activated.
: Default bolus flow rate; when switching on the device will propose the bolus flow rate enter in
this parameter:
50cc 80
80 0.0 ml/l Simple bolus flow rate configuration: PArF
This parameter allows to memorize or not the last simple flow rate used when switching off the device:
: Default simple bolus flow rate; when switching on, the device will propose the simple bolus flow
rate enter in this parameter:
50cc 80
80 0.0 ml/l Language configuration: PArH
This parameter allows to choose the dialog language with the device:
Francais Main line disconnection: PArJ
This parameter allows to activate or not the main line disconnection signal on the LCD screen:
: Signal activated.
Par L
: Alternative display.
: No alternative display.
until the display:
and flashing of the validation key.
If the key is not pressed within 3 seconds the PILOT anaesthesia 2 comes back to normal run-
Allows to get out Calibration mode, and to come back to the former calibration.
Screens displays:
Enter secret code and valid.
3.2.3. Strength sensor calibration "EtAL.9
0 g"
"0 g is displayed. Set the Power supply board P1 potentiometer so as to obtain O.6 V +/- 0.05 V be-
tween J9.4 and the J9.1 (earth), without any force being applied to the driving block.
N.B.: the tests outlined below do not include the occlusion tests, the flow rate tests, the electrical
safety tests, etc.
until following display:
The validation LED flashes.If is not pressed, within 3 seconds, the device returns to normal run-
The device display, for example:
"TEst.1 " = displays running time with zero reset if necessary and service date modification
"TEst.2 " = tests all indicator lights (LED's, 7-segment display unit AND LCD screen)
"TEst.3 " = tests keyboard.
"TEst.4 " = displays battery voltage
"TEst.5 " = displays code of last 10 alarms.
"TEst.6 " = displays total running time.
"TEst.7 " = TTL serial link test.
"TEst.8 " = RS232 serial link test.
"TEst.9 " = displays force on plunger.
"TEst.A " = software version, check sum, loading date and language.
"TEst.B " = displays ADC analog inputs.
"TEst.C " = displays driving block position.
"TEst.D " = tests BUZZER.
"TEst.E " = displays calibration values.
"TEst.F " = displays calibration syringe type.
TEst J " = displays of the last 10 events before the last blocking error.
"TEst.L " = drugs library.
Press on gives the maintenance date. This date may actualized with the key board.
3.3.3. Lights test tESt.2
This test allows to check the lighting of LED’s of the front panel, of the 7 segments display and of the
LCD screen.
First, all the items light at the same time and then light one after another.
This test can be stopped at any time by pressing
VAL Validation (note: pressing longer than 2 seconds on this key, drives
to tests choice)
INC Increase
DEC Decrease
The key works normally: the message “OFF”is displayed as soon as pressed, the device is
switched off if pressed more than one second.
These errors cannot be stored in the EEPROM; the running of the device is too pertubated to allow it to
write in the EEPROM.
When normally stop, the “OFF” message is displayed.
For abnormal stop “OFF” + flashing "F" (Fail) are displayed on the LCD screen.
The events are numbered from 0 to 9. 0 is the last event, 9 is the eldest one.
The keys and allows to scroll the events one way or the other
Test 5 8
E 01
Test 6
28 H
2 nd screen
Test A Francais
V01.0 09/09/1998
Test B M
3.3.17. Displays of the last 10 events before the last blocking error tESt.J
This test allows to display the 10 last events before the last blocking error.
q Important: Device operation must be completely checked after all intervention inside the device.
q Important: Handle the flat cable with great care when mounting this sub-assembly: damage to
the flat cable will result in complete disassembly of the mechanical block.
Fitting the flat cable
1. Take the flat cable and, using the "flat cable insertion" tool, wind the flat cable on the opposite side
to the 10-point connector in the tool slot, keeping the flat cable tightened, wind it onto the equip-
2. Take the black hood of the flat cable insertion equipment and position it on the wound flat cable
3. Insert the driving block cover and the input bearing on the diam. 12 tube, in the proper direction for
mounting the various components.
Important: The input bearing flange must be placed on the side external to the driving block cover.
q Visually check that the "input bearing + driving block cover" are properly mounted on the tube.
4. Insert the "flat cable insertion" tool in the diam. 12 tube on the input bearing side.
q The perpendicular flat cable parts are placed in the slits found at the ends of the tube.
5. Remove the black hood and the flat cable insertion equipment.
6. Correctly position the flat cable in the two slits visible at each end of the tube.
Important: The flat cable must not be twisted inside the tube.
7. Place the flexible circuit guards at both ends of the tube, passing the flat cable between the two
holding lugs
8. Place the diam. 12 tube on the driving block making match the indexing finger of the driving block
with the hole of the tube (opposite side of the 10 point connector)
diam.12 tube
flat cable
9. Match up the flexible circuit hole with the driving block holder centering tube.
10. Secure the clamping collar onto the driving block using two 2.5 x10 screws and two washers.
NT 0818 Rev.A1 page : 41
4.2. Wiring the components on the flexible circuit
1. Position the strut (1.5mm) between the 4 pin photo switch and weld the syringe head detection
photo switch flattening it against the flat cable.
Important: use a silicone between the optical switch and the flat ribbon cable. The silicon should not be
over the soldering area.
Important: verify there is no resistor continuity between the optical switch axis stop and the flat ribbon
2. Weld the disengaging switch flattening it against the flat cable.(at roughly 1.5 mm).
3. Cut the part of the flat cable corresponding to the back pressure microswitch of version A2 (see
cutting zone in the diagram below).
Photo switch
anode long lug
Weld the disengaging microswitch without flattening it against the flat cable (at roughly 1.5 mm).
green wire
lower marking
5. Pass the flat cable in the force sensor oblong.
Important: When disassembling the flexible circuit from the driving block holder, take care not
to detach or damage the holder protection square. The purposeof this square is to hold the flexible
7. Mount the contact plate on the force sensor using a TF M4x10 screw with weak loctite.
Important: Before calibrating the force sensor, adjust the threshold voltage (0.6V + 0.05V) using an os-
cilloscope between pin 1 (earth) of J09 and pin 4 of J09 (square pulse).
Important: The device must be in the calibration mode (EtA9), obtained by simultaneously pressing the
SILENCE ALARM key, the bolus key and the "ON" key.
8. Check that the amplitude of the square pulse increases when a manual force is exerted on the force
sensor. When the force is removed from the sensor, the signal must return to the initial position.
Otherwise, check that the sensor is correctly mounted (sensor/holder friction).
8. With the potentiometer facing you, turn the pinion in an anticlockwise direction until it blocks, then
turn it 1/4 of a turn in the opposite direction.
9. Mount the moving mechanical assembly on the reducer frame.
10. Insert the flask on the guides and rack.
q Check the position of the input bearing which must be on the driving block side.
q Important: Take care not to damage the flexible circuit when mounting (folding).
11. Secure the end shield using the three M3x3 TC screws.
12. Secure the input bearing using the two M3x3 TC screws.
4.2.2. Wiring the potentiometer
1. Weld the 3 wires perpendicular to the lugs by placing them in the holes.
Important: Do not fold the potentiometer lugs brown 1
red 2
black 3
2. Mount the pinion and the potentiometer matching the indexing half flat with 12 3
3. Mount the pinion hocking diameter 4 Truarc ring using a pair of flat mose fliers bearing down on the
potentiometer shaft half flat.
4. With the pinion facing you, turn the potentiometer anticlockwise until it blocks, then turn it 1/4 of a
turn in the opposite direction.
5. Disengage the moving assembly and slide it until it blocks against the reduction gear flange.
6. See EtA6 calibrating test for the calibration of the potentiometer (section 3.2.2.).
plug holder
5.1. Recommendations
The qualified technicians in your establishment or our After-Sales Service should be notified of any ab-
normal operation of the device.
For further information concerning troubleshooting or usage procedure, please contact our After-Sales
Service or our Commercial Department. (see Useful Addresses, chapter 10).
If the device has to be returned to our After-Sales Service, it must be packed very carefully, if possible
in its original packaging before being sent.
FRESENIUS VIAL is not liable for loss or damage to the device during transport to our After-Sales
q Disconnect the power cable from the wall socket before commencing cleaning.
q Do not place in an AUTOCLAVE, nor IMMERSE the device, and do not allow liquids to enter
either the device's casing, or it's power supply cover.
q Use a cloth soaked in DETERGENT-DISINFECTANT, previously diluted with water if required,
to destroy micro-organisms
- Avoid abrasive scrubbing which could scratch the casing.
- Neither rinse, nor wipe surfaces.
q If the device is located in a high contamination risk unit, it is advisable to leave it in the room
during aerial disinfection, after having disinfected it in using a moist cloth.
q Do not use:
q These aggressive agents could damage the plastic parts and lead to apparatus malfunctions.
q Take care with ALCOHOL BASED SPRAYS (20-40% alcohol); They lead to tarnishing of, and
small cracks in, the plastic, and do not provide the requisite cleansing action prior to disinfec-
q Please contact the appropriate service, handling cleaning and disinfection products within your
establishment, for further details.
5.3. Storage
In the case of prolonged storage time, disconnect the battery through the battery door located below the
PILOT. This operation should be made by a fully competent technician.
Storage place should be dry and temperate.
2. Place a manometer (or any other pressure measuring instrument) at the syringe outlet.
3. Select BD 60 ml Syringe.
4. Select the Medium Limit Pressure by pressing the LIMIT PRESSURE key.
q M = (medium limit pressure) = 500 mmHg +/- 75 or 0.65 bar ± 0.1 bar.
1. Connect the device to a mains supply and check the presence of the mains Led (permanent yellow
LED on).
2. Disconnect the device from the mains.
3. Connect the device battery lugs to a stabilized supply set at 6.3 V.
Important: Respect the +/-" polarities.
4. Place the device in the normal operating mode.
5. Select a syringe (from the syringes proposed by the PILOT) and validate.
6. Select a flow rate and validate.
7. Set the voltage on the stabilized supply between 5.8 V. and 6 V.
q Stop clock
q Electronic calliper
over view
6. Start the infusion by pressing on the CONFIRMATION key and start the stop clock at the same time.
8. The displacement X= X1 - X2, in mm, must comply with the values indicated below.
NOTE: For precise measurement avoid any movement of the pusher during measurement.
Time Displacement in mm, for a flow rate selection of 50 m
minutes seconds minimum Average Maximum
50 00 74.96 75.72 76.47
50 30 75.71 76.47 77.24
51 00 76.46 77.23 78.00
51 30 77.21 77.99 78.77
52 00 77.96 78.74 79.53
52 30 78.71 79.50 80.30
53 00 79.46 80.26 81.06
53 30 80.21 81.02 81.83
54 00 80.95 81.77 82.59
54 30 81.70 82.53 83.35
55 00 82.45 83.29 84.12
55 30 83.20 84.04 84.88
56 00 83.95 84.80 85.65
56 30 84.70 85.56 86.41
57 00 85.45 86.32 87.18
57 30 86.20 87.07 87.94
58 00 86.95 87.83 88.71
58 30 87.70 88.59 89.47
59 00 88.45 89.34 90.24
59 30 89.20 90.10 91.00
60 00 89.95 90.86 91.77
60 30 90.70 91.62 92.53
61 00 91.45 92.37 93.30
61 30 92.20 93.13 94.06
62 00 92.95 93.89 94.83
q Important: if the distance measured does not correspond to the value indicated on the table
EtA6" Calibration mode.
refer to "EtA6
q For normal flow rates, the end of infusion pre-alarm is activated 5 minutes before end of infu-
q For higher flow rates (50 ml/hr), the pre-alarm is activated when the volume remaining to be in-
fused equals 10% of total syringe capacity.
4. Ensure the end of infusion pre-alarm is present.
5. Press the SILENCE ALARM key to silence the acoustic alarm and check the end of infusion alarm
(see in
over view
2. Measure the " hard height ": X, with 18.6 < X < 19.5 for a 50 ml B- D PLASTIPAK syringe.
q Important:
For accurate checking of the hard height, do not move the driving block when measuring.
3. If X value is out the tolerated ones see " Eta6", section 3.2.,CALIBRATION.
1. Medium battery autonomy is 7 hours (minimum 5) when the device operates with a 50 ml B-D
PLASTIPAK syringe at a flow rate of 5 ml/hr (without Master module connection type)
2. The battery discharge pre-alarm warns the user the remaining autonomy is roughly 60 minutes (at
5 ml/h) before infusion will completely stop (total battery discharge alarm).
Problem Causes
• Perfusion end detected too • Syringe used does not fit to selected one.
early (about 10 ml).
• No occlusion prealarm and • Syringe used does not fit to selected one.
alarm at perfusion end.
Major variation in flow rate or • Syringe used does not fit to selected one.
displacement control.
• Occlusion alarm when • Bad calibration of strength sensor.
switching on.
• strength sensor out of order.
• Cut in flexible circuit.
• Occlusion alarm when work- • Pressure limit selected too low.
• Bad calibration of strength sensor.
• Disengagement alarm when • Disengagement microswitch out of order.
switching on.
• Detection syringe piston un- • Opto sensor and/or obturator of syringe piston out of or-
suitable alarm. der.
• Syringe barrel holder unsuit- • Opto sensor and/or obturator of syringe holder out of or-
able alarm. der.
• Syringe flange detection un- • Flange detection switch and/or connectic out of order.
suitable alarm.
• Bad display : segments or • Driving transistors and/or connectic of display board out
LED’s. of order.
• Alarm without error code. • Wrong power supply (6,9V) See MAX 652
• Bad CPU board.
• In case of drop….. • Check mechanic set and centring of diameter 12 tube
See exploded view.
ER(-)4 Motor and flow rate cal- Functioning or configuration wrong pa-
Possible misfonctioning culation parameters rameters
5.16. Flow rate control protocol: flow rate measurement with computer
NT 0818 Rev.A1 page : 55
The test procedure outlined below can be carried out with a 50 ml or 20 ml syringe. The operating mode
described below, reflects the flow rate Measurement software used by Fresenius Vial according to the Pr
EN 60-601-2-24 Standard for Infusion pumps. It is up to the user to adapt this procedure to the software
he uses.
5.16.2. installation
1. The equipment should be installed according to the installation drawings shown in below.
2. Fill the syringe with 50 ml of distilled water. Prime if necessary to eliminate any air bubbles.
3. Secure the female Luer Lock end piece of the catheter extension onto the syringe and the male Luer
Lock end piece onto the needle.
5. Fill the test tube with water ensuring that the needle is dipped in the liquid (1 cm) and add several
drops of oil in order to create a greasy film on the surface of the liquid. In this way the user will avoid
any measurement error due to evaporation of the liquid.
q Important: The infusion line (needle/catheter extension) must not be in contact or rest on the
Scales/test tube assembly at any time.
8. Start the device by pressing on the ON key (PILOT anaesthesia 2 in mains supply mode) then prime
the infusion line using the PRIME/BOLUS key.
q Remark: the software works following the operating mode described in the Pr EN 60-601-2-24
Standard for infusion pumps.
2. Enter the data necessary to carry out the program without validating the flow rate.
4. Confirm the flow rate on the microcomputer so that the automatic setting of the scales can take
6. When the specified time is over, note the error percentage displayed on the screen.
RS 232 cord
anti-vibration measurement table
5.17. Flow rate control: flow rate control measurement with scales
q In compliance with IEC 601.2 standard, 2nd part - 62D standard project for infusion pumps.
q Stop clock
q Catheter extension with Luer Lock end piece (length 100 cm, inside diameter 2.5 mm)
q Needle:
flow rate value (x) needle type
x < 30 ml/h G 26
x ≤ 30 ml/h G 18 ou G 21
1. The equipment should be installed according to the installation drawings shown in 5.18.3.
Remark: Make sure that the horizontal installation plane is respected.
2. Fill the syringe with 50 ml of distilled water. Prime if necessary to eliminate any air bubbles.
3. Secure the female Luer Lock end piece of the catheter extension onto the syringe and the male Luer
Lock end piece onto the needle.
4. Install the syringe on the device following the instructions described in the Operator's Guide (See
Operator's Guide PILOT anaesthesia 2, Chap. 3: positioning the syringe).
5. Fill the test tube with water ensuring that the needle is dipped in the liquid (1 cm) and add several
drops of oil in order to create a greasy film on the surface of the liquid. In this way the user will avoid
any measurement error due to evaporation of the liquid.
8. Start the device by pressing on the ON key (PILOT anaesthesia 2 in mains supply mode) then drain
the perfusion line using the PRIME/BOLUS key.
Important: check that there are no air bubbles.
q Important: for low flow rates (< 5 ml/hr) validate and wait for the infusion to stabilize for 1 hour.
For higher flow rates, 10 to 30 minutes are sufficient for this stabilization.
3. Start infusion by pressing on the START/CONFIRM key and set off the stop clock at the same time
(if necessary make a note of the stop clock start value).
4. The test lasts for 1 hour. When over, press on the STOP key to stop the infusion.
6. Calculate the difference between the design value and the real value.
Remark: 1 gram = 1 ml.
q Stop clock
q Catheter extension with Luer Lock end piece (length 150 cm, inside diameter 2.5 mm).
q Needle
flow rate value (x) needle type
x < 30 ml/h G 26
x ≤ 30 ml/h G 18 ou G 21
5.18.2. Installation
1. The equipment should be installed according to the installation drawings shown in 5.18.3.
2. Fill the syringe with 50 ml of distilled water. Prime if necessary to eliminate any air bubbles.
3. Secure the female Luer Lock end piece of the catheter extension onto the syringe and the male Luer
Lock end piece onto the needle.
5. Fill the test tube with water ensuring that the needle is dipped in the liquid (1 cm) and add several
drops of oil in order to create a greasy film on the surface of the liquid. In this way the user will avoid
any measurement error due to evaporation of the liquid.
q Important: for low flow rates (5 ml/h) validate and wait for the infusion to stabilize for 1 hour. If
possible, use a smaller test tube guaranteeing greater precision in ml reading. For higher flow
rates, 10 to 30 minutes are sufficient for this stabilization.
2. Start infusion by pressing on the START/CONFIRM key and set off the stop clock at the same time
(if necessary make a note of the stop clock start value).The length of the test is determined by the
time necessary for a 50 ml infusion in the test tube.
3. Calculate the difference between the design value and the real value.
50 ml
Real flow rate =
Time in hours
4. The error percentage is calculated from this difference (Measurement error +/-1%),
Measured value - Design value X 100 = pourcentage
Ddesigned value
6.1.1. Introduction
This chapter allows the technician to find which component has been changed on the product, also to
order the right part when it necessary for the pump maintenance.
99 1 Diam.17.5 Pilot
100 1 Syringe clamp
113 1 Syringe clamp shaft
102 1 Diam 5 retaining ring
103 1 Syringe clamp compression spring
104 1 Injected PC opto support
111 1 fenêtre PILOTE ANES window
112 1 VIAL front panel anes 2
112 1 FRESENIUS front panel anes 2
1 Injected Diam.6 block
1 Female hybrid M3x12 spacer
1 CPU board protector film
1 Buzzer foam
122 2 Opto
123 1 Flange pilot opto IC
124 1 Pilot 20/60 cc shutter
125 1 Flange pilot switch joint
126 1 ALPS SKHCAF switch
127 1 Flange pilot switch support
128 1 TCB 2.2 x 8 Eco-Syn screw
129 1 Flexible stiffened washer
1 Buzzer bell foam
Mechanical kits
A PILOT anaesthesia 2 CPU Board should never be used on Pilot C, and vice versa. A CPU board is
configurated for one device type only.This configuration include the calibration modes depends to the
components characteristics, the syringe list specific to the product code and the pump serial number
located on the pump identifical label stacked on the lower housing.
6.2.4. Labels
NT 0818 Rev.A1
NT 0818 Rev.A1
All requests for information or documentation (technical file, tubing catalogue or commercial documen-
tation should be addressed to:
Fresenius Vial S.A. - head office: Le Grand Chemin - 38590 Brezins (FRANCE)
With directory and supervisor board - capital 90128000 F - SIREN Grenoble B 408 720 282
NT 0818 Rev.A1
NT 0818 Rev.A1