Appendix C - Module Content
Appendix C - Module Content
Appendix C - Module Content
Copy and paste the form below as many times as necessary until you have the correct number of modules for
the course. Then fill in the information completely. If you need recommendations or ideas, contact your
Instructional Designer. Additionally, your ID has some sample grading rubrics if you’d like some ideas.
You do not have to include the major projects (term paper, midterm, etc.) in the modules, unless they are actually
contained by the module content. These will be located on a different page of the course.
When you are finished, email this document to your instructional designer.
By the end of this module students will be able to
1. (copy/paste from Appendix A)
In order to demonstrate mastery of the topics in this module, you will be completing the
following assignments. Full instructions will be provided below.
E.g: Discussion 1
E.g: Quiz 1
Provide full instructions here. For example, if it is an essay assignment, write the essay
prompt, plus any other guidelines, such as number of references required, length, etc.
Grading Criteria
Explain how they can get full points for this assignment. Ideally, provide a grading rubric.