Healthy 3 Day Eating Plan: For Weight-Loss
Healthy 3 Day Eating Plan: For Weight-Loss
Healthy 3 Day Eating Plan: For Weight-Loss
Eating Plan
for weight-loss
We live in a world where everyone claims to Over time I realized that it didn’t make sense
have the “best kept secret” of weight-loss, to follow an exclusionary diet, and it didn’t
companies try to sell us things that we don’t make sense to cut foods from my diet that were
really need and businesses often market actually healthy. It may be good common sense
products purely to make money. to cut unhealthy, highly-processed foods from a
diet, but cutting healthy whole foods from a diet
For years I was completely confused by what doesn’t make sense.
diet to follow - and over the past 10 years I’ve
tried so many diets that I can hardly keep Healthy foods in their whole, natural forms
track of them all. I’ve followed low-carb, are packed full of essential nutrients (which it’s
high-carb, zero-carb, high-protein, low-fat, important to get enough of), and we shouldn’t be
fat-free and even high-fat diets. I’ve tried judged or made to feel bad or wrong for eating
pretty much any diet that has at ever been these foods.
marketed as “trendy”.
After years of trying every diet out there
With each and every diet that I tried there and never seeing results, I finally made
was always a long list of “foods to avoid” a decision to just figure it out for myself.
(whether it was grains, fruit, fats, carbs,
protein or meat), and with each of these diets At that point I was really overwhelmed and
there was generally only a limited amount confused by all of the weight-loss information out
At that turning point, I was determined When you decide to follow any new way
to find the truth about dieting, and was of eating, it is very important to make sure
passionate about creating a healthy, that you are getting all of the nutrients that
sustainable diet that would help me to your body requires - especially if you are
lose weight and keep it off for good. trying to lose weight. This eating plan is
an example of how eating healthy foods
Through furthering my studies, I can help you to get all of the vital nutrients
realised that to lose weight I had to that your body needs.
remain mindful of my calorie intake
while following a balanced diet. This This eating plan is not a fad diet and does
may sound obvious, but for years I had not promote the use of fad diets. This
belived that the “calorie” theory was eating plan promotes a balanced diet for
total nonsense. Previously, I had believed a balanced lifestyle - one that includes
that simply by eating healthy foods, essential healthy fats, good protein and
weight-loss would follow naturally. But, whole carbs every day.
Breakfast Creamy oatmeal with banana slices 1/2 cup dry rolled oats
& raw walnuts. 1-2 cups water
1 teaspoon coconut oil (flat)
Bring the oats and water to a boil pinch cinnamon
on the stove, then simmer for 10- 1 teaspoon xylitol (optional)
15 minutes. Stir in the cinnamon, 1 medium banana
coconut oil & xylitol. Serve with 8 raw walnut halves
banana and walnuts.
Dinner Grilled salmon with baked sweet 140g salmon (or trout)
potato fries & veggies. 1 medium sweet potato
1 teaspoon cooking oil
The full recipes for the grilled fresh lemon juice
salmon & the baked sweet potato sea salt & cracked pepper
zucchini, broccoli & carrots
fries are included on the next page.
Lightly steam the veggetables.
How To Grill Salmon
140g salmon or trout fillet (skin removed)
squeeze of fresh lemon juice
sea salt & cracked black pepper (to taste)
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C/ 360
degrees F. Cover an oven tray with a sheet of
aluminium foil, and place the fish onto the
foil. Grill the fish in the preheated oven for
10-15 minutes (or as needed), checking every
5-10 minutes. Serve with a lemon wedge and
with a side of healthy sweet potato fries, a
fresh salad or some oven roasted vegetables.
Eat & enjoy!
Lunch Brown rice, walnut & olive salad. 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
8 raw walnut halves
Serve the pre-cooked rice with fresh 10 black olives
salad, black olives and raw walnuts. 1 cup sliced button mushrooms
Drizzle with 1 tsp olive oil, then add 1 cup sliced cucumber
fresh lemon juice, sea salt & cracked handful baby spinach
pepper to taste. 1 teaspoon olive oil
squeeze fresh lemon juice
sea salt & cracked pepper
Dinner Healthy chicken & sweet potato 100g chicken breast (skinless)
curry. 1 medium sweet potato
1/2 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
The full recipe for the healthy 1/8 or 1/4 onion
chicken and sweet potato curry is 1 Tbs fresh cilantro (or 1 tsp dried)
1 Tbs pure tomato paste
included on the next page.
1 teaspoon cooking oil
fresh lemon juice
spices (see full recipe)
sea salt & cracked pepper
1/2 cup cooked basmati rice
Lunch Roasted beetroot, feta & pumpkin 1 medium beetroot (roasted in foil)
seed salad. 40g feta cheese
2 Tablespoons pumpkin seeds
The full recipe for the roasted 1 stick celery
beetroot, feta and pumpkin seed 1 cup sliced button mushrooms
salad is included on the next page. handful baby spinach
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon pure balsamic vinegar
squeeze fresh lemon juice
sea salt & cracked pepper
Snack Yogurt with banana slices and 2/3 cup plain yogurt (full cream)
berries. 1/2 to 1 cup berries
1/2 medium banana
Serve plain, full cream yogurt with
fresh banana slices and berries.
Sprinkle with cinnamon (optional).
Dinner Chickpea and brown rice stir fry. 1/3 cup cooked chickpeas
1/2 cup cooked brown rice
Saute the chopped onion in a pan 50g eggplant
with the oil until caramelized. Chop 1 cup sliced zucchini
the vegetables and add to the pan 1 cup sliced mushrooms
1/8 to 1/4 onion
with the fresh lemon juice, parsley,
2 Tablespoons fresh parsley
sea salt and cracked pepper.
1 teaspoon cooking oil
Add the pre-cooked chickpeas and fresh lemon juice
brown rice to the pan. sea salt & cracked pepper
Serve fresh & enjoy!
Liezl Jayne - 3 Day Eating Plan 18
Roast Beetroot, Feta
& Pumpkin Seed Salad
Ingredients: ( s e r ve s o n e ) calorie breakdown per meal
1 beetroot
40g feta cheese 40g feta cheese = roughly 100 calories
1 + 1/2 Tablespoon pumpkin seeds 1 + 1/2 Tbs pumpkin seeds = 100 calories
1 stick celery 1 teaspoon olive oil = 40 calories
1 cup sliced button mushrooms 3 x veg = roughly 100 calories
handful baby spinach
M e a l t o t a l : roughly 350 calories
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon pure balsamic vinegar
squeeze of fresh lemon juice
sea salt & cracked black pepper (to taste)
Wrap the beetroot in foil and roast for 30
minutes (or until soft) in the oven (at 180
degrees C or 360 degrees F). The skin
should peel off easily once cooked. Slice the
celery, mushroom and roasted beetroot.
Toss the mushroom, celery, baby spinach
and pumpkin seeds with fresh lemon juice,
olive oil, sea salt and cracked black pepper.
Top the salad with beetroot slices, crumbled
feta cheese and balsamic vinegar.
Serve with fresh & enjoy!
Please note that all substitutions should offer roughly the same amount of
calories as the options provided in this 3 day eating plan.
Having had struggled with my weight most effective diet and workout methods for
for years, and continuously failing to fat-loss.
get the body that I wanted despite my
efforts, I decided to just figure it out I wanted to have a well balanced and
for myself. healthy, yet effective approach to
weight-loss. I wanted to get results
Having previously spent a lot of time and from my actions, and I wanted to
money on sessions with various personal help other women to get results too.
trainers, dieticians and nutritionists - and
trying almost every fad diet out there - without As I was studying weight-loss, I
seeing any results, I was completely frustrated began to identify some key steps
about the state of my body. that helped me to lose weight and
transform by own body - and so I
I have realized that the main reason none began to share these steps with other
of these coaches had been able to help me women, who started to see dramatic
was because they hadn’t been through it transformations of their own.
themselves. Most of them had never struggled
with their own weight and so they didn’t really So many women struggle to lose weight,
understand what it was like - and so I made a shape up and get the body that they have
decision to just figure it out for myself. That always dreamed of having. And often, it’s
was when I decided to study nutrition, health, just because they are making a few small
fitness and weight-loss myself. mistakes that can easily be corrected.
Hey I’m Liezl Jayne. for themselves. I love to share the healthy
I’m the author of The Beautiful Body Guide recipes that I create on my blog so that other
and the blogger at people can enjoy them too. I believe that
healthy food can taste absolutely amazing,
I’m a South African who enjoys being and I believe that when you know how to
outdoors in the sunshine, exploring big cities, make healthy food taste delicious then you
painting, sketching, photography, singing, don’t feel like you are depriving yourself.
song-writing and acting! I also love cooking,
baking and creating healthy recipes in the
For even more healthy recipes
kitchen, as well as fitness and blogging. I am
and health, fitness & lifestyle
very passionate about health and nutrition
tips you can visit my blog at
(because I have been through a long health
and weight journey myself), and I love to help
other women create healthier & happier lives
Thankyou! Tumblr:
The Beautiful
Liezl Jayne - 3Body
Day Guide
Eating -Plan
10 Point
System Plan 30
Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom is not liable for any guidance, tips, recipes, eating plans, exercises or workout plans within
loss resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you on any this book, then you should stop following that plan or information
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individual circumstances. It is always advised to obtain appropriate Jayne Strydom, including but not exclusive to The 3 Secrets of Weight-
professional health and fitness advice relevant to your particular loss, The 5 Essential Exercises, The Beautiful Body Guide Nutrition &
circumstances. Healthy Eating Plan, The Beautiful Body Guide 14 Day Eating Plan(s),
The Beautiful Body Guide Exercise & Workout Plan, The Beautiful
Most of the information, guidelines, recommendations and tips shared Body Guide 10 Day Kickstarter Plan and all other information,
and distributed by Liezl Jayne Strydom have been learned from content, exercises, workout plans, recipes and eating plans shared and
personal study and personal experience. All topics covered by, or shared distributed by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom via books,
and distributed by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom may be products or additional resources.
subject to human error and may not be safe to use for any or all persons.
By reading or using any part of this book in any way, or by reading or
Please note that you should always check with your medical doctor, GP, using any other information shared by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl
health practitioner or personal dietician to see whether a low calorie Jayne Strydom, you accept and agree to this terms of use.
diet is suitable for you and your specific health needs - and to check
whether you are consuming the right amount calories each day to reach Mention of specific companies, organisations, products, persons, or
your health, fitness and weight-loss goals. authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the author or
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Please note that all content and products shared and distributed by Liezl and product, its author or publisher.
Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom, and all other content created
by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom is purely intended for All recipes, eating plans, workout plans, information and content in this
entertainment purposes. book are the original creations of Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne
Strydom and are copyrighted. All photographs, images and designs have
No information, advice, facts, tips or suggestions given by Liezl Jayne been created for Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd, and Liezl
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It is the responsibility of the reader and/ or user to ensure that all of be used in any form for publishing or any other commercial purposes
the information given by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom, without prior permission from Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne
or any information shared and distributed by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Strydom. Any other information or material available in this book is
Liezl Jayne Strydom is correct, accurate, helpful, useful, safe to use, copyright, 2015 © Liezl Jayne (PTY) LTD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
current and suitable for their personal needs.
Therefore no part of this book and product may in any form or by any
It is important to check with your medical doctor, GP, health electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other means
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(Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom, and all of it’s content (including it’s publisher, Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd.
advice, suggestions, recommendations, eating plans, recipes, fitness tips,
exercises, workout plans and healthy living tips) given by Liezl Jayne © 2015 Liezl Jayne (PTY) LTD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
(Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom are safe to use and suitable for your © 2015 Liezl Jayne Strydom
personal needs.
Liezl Jayne 2015
Please note that the guidelines shared and distributed by Liezl Jayne
(Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom are not suitable for any person who Credits:
is or who may still be developing in any way. These recommendations
are not suitable for any woman who is pregnant, may be pregnant, is Creator: Liezl Jayne Strydom
trying to become pregnant or who is breast feeding. This product is not Content and information: Liezl Jayne Strydom
suitable to be used by men or children under any circumstances. Recipes and eating plans: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Food & photography styling: Liezl Jayne Strydom, Ross Charnock
Any user of the information, contents and products shared and Photography: Ross Charnock
distributed by Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom, uses all of Layout & design: Jessica Charnock
it’s information, recommendations, guidelines and tips at their own risk. Additional layout elements: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Liezl Jayne (Pty) Ltd and Liezl Jayne Strydom cannot be held responsible
for the interpretation of any of the information, recommendations and
guidelines by the user.
If at any point you feel faint, dizzy, sick or suffer from any kind of
complaint while using any of the recommendations, suggestions, advice,