This document discusses six typologies of globalization: political, cultural, financial, technological, ecological, and economic. It uses metaphors like flow, friction, acceleration, dislocation, and connectivity to illustrate concepts of globalization. Flow refers to the lifting of barriers that allows increased trade, movement of people, and access to communication. However, friction is generated by issues like weakened job markets in some nations and increased income inequality. Acceleration captures the rapid technological growth but also threats like climate change and population growth. Dislocation results from individuals and organizations unable to keep up with global changes. Connectivity emphasizes infrastructure that enhances international competitiveness and markets.
This document discusses six typologies of globalization: political, cultural, financial, technological, ecological, and economic. It uses metaphors like flow, friction, acceleration, dislocation, and connectivity to illustrate concepts of globalization. Flow refers to the lifting of barriers that allows increased trade, movement of people, and access to communication. However, friction is generated by issues like weakened job markets in some nations and increased income inequality. Acceleration captures the rapid technological growth but also threats like climate change and population growth. Dislocation results from individuals and organizations unable to keep up with global changes. Connectivity emphasizes infrastructure that enhances international competitiveness and markets.
This document discusses six typologies of globalization: political, cultural, financial, technological, ecological, and economic. It uses metaphors like flow, friction, acceleration, dislocation, and connectivity to illustrate concepts of globalization. Flow refers to the lifting of barriers that allows increased trade, movement of people, and access to communication. However, friction is generated by issues like weakened job markets in some nations and increased income inequality. Acceleration captures the rapid technological growth but also threats like climate change and population growth. Dislocation results from individuals and organizations unable to keep up with global changes. Connectivity emphasizes infrastructure that enhances international competitiveness and markets.
This document discusses six typologies of globalization: political, cultural, financial, technological, ecological, and economic. It uses metaphors like flow, friction, acceleration, dislocation, and connectivity to illustrate concepts of globalization. Flow refers to the lifting of barriers that allows increased trade, movement of people, and access to communication. However, friction is generated by issues like weakened job markets in some nations and increased income inequality. Acceleration captures the rapid technological growth but also threats like climate change and population growth. Dislocation results from individuals and organizations unable to keep up with global changes. Connectivity emphasizes infrastructure that enhances international competitiveness and markets.
Introduction to Globalization Nation-States and Globalization
Typologies of Globalization global environmental crises such as Climate
Change. 6 Typologies METAPHORS OF GLOBALIZATION Economic Globalization FLOW- It refers to the lifting of barriers and easing 1. Political Globalization of rules governing interstate commerce, human 2. Cultural Globalization flow, and accessibility to communication and information services. 3. Financial Globalization Main arguments on flow: 4. Technological Globalization The worth of global trade grew into several 5. Ecological Globalization folds compared to what it was half a century ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION ago. Many people were lifted from poverty It refers to the growing interdependence of global coming from the developing economies economies due to the increasing cross-border such as China, India, and other emerging exchange of goods and services, flow of market economies courtesy of the open investment, and rapid diffusion of technology. market system. POLITICAL GLOBALIZATION Advanced Industrialized Economies welcome the influx of immigrants and It refers to the enlargement of the global migrant workers which contributed hugely in governance system and international organizations the GDP growth of their respective in terms of its influence, power, size, and countries. complexity. Trade agreements of regional significance but global impact were relentlessly pursued CULTURAL GLOBALIZATION paving the way for a system that fosters It refers to the ability of a dominant culture to global cooperation and prosperity such as penetrate in a unique but localized culture resulting EU in Europe, ASEAN in Southeast Asia, to the possible fusion of these two cultures. NAFTA in North America, APEC in the Asia- Pacific. FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION More democratize and cheap access to It refers to the interconnection of global financial communication services and information system which covers financial investment, goods with specific reference to the birth of monetary exchanges and equity market. internet.
TECHNOLOGICAL GLOBALIZATION FRICTION- The conflict, disparity, and crisis
generated by the open market system paved the This is made possible due to the innovation and way for the existence of friction as a metaphor of popularization of technological devices and digital globalization. social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Main arguments on friction:
ECOLOGICAL GLOBALIZATION Job markets in the advanced economies
significantly weakened as capitals suddenly It refers to the concerted efforts exerted by nations moved to developing economies with states and other non-state actors across the globe cheaper access to labor cost resulting to the to address the problems and challenges wrought by decline of income earned by the Middle Class in the First World. Trade war between US and China. ideology that pervades its political Terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ecosystem but embraces market capitalism Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) took in governing its economic operation. advantage of borderless world using the DISLOCATION- Individuals, business available means of technology in sowing organizations, and state economies that cannot public fear. keep pace with global changes due to Scandalous income gap between the rich technological, economic and other factors will be and the middle class (The 1% vs the 99%). displaced. Non-white people receive racial slur and harassment from people of white skin in Main arguments on dislocation: America. Jobs created during the First, Second, and Cyberwar as the 5th domain of war. Third Industrial Revolutions will be replaced ACCELERATION- It refers to the exponential by automation unless the labor market will growth of technological capacity in furthering a new acquire new level of skills attuned to the height of globalization to which human being will Fourth Industrial Revolution. co-exist with intelligent machines which may lead to Small firms will be eaten up by the Big generation of enormous wealth but with threat of Businesses. massive dislocation. Local markets are severely affected by the influx of cheap foreign goods as a result of Acceleration as a metaphor of globalization bilateral or multilateral trade agreements. also covers the problem of global population and global warming to which the pacing of CONNECTIVITY- It refers to the establishment of these crises accelerate which continuously infrastructures that enhance global competitiveness threaten extinction of human being and mid the expanding international market capitalistic other species. system. Main arguments on acceleration Global connectivity has two (2) important dimensions: The increasing evolution of technology such as the artificial intelligence. HARD INFRASTRUCTURE: This covers Creation of new jobs which require new sets the construction of world-class airports, of competencies and Skills. bridges, harbors, roads, and the like. Can intelligent machines outperform human SOFT INFRASTRUCTURE: This connotes being? the importance of the education system and New technologirequirel requie less efficient internet access. dependence on petroleum-based energy. Main arguments on connectivity: Data security is the main risk. Singapore has the best airport in the world (Changi Airport) Global warming is a clear and present China reveals the review of Silk Road danger which requires extraordinary global through One Belt, One Road cooperation especially that of USA and Countries adjudged with the most innovative China. and competitive economies have also the best education systems in the world. DISRUPTION- Start-up innovations are likely to outperform branded products over markets they dominated for a long time. Examples of which would be Uber, Netflix, Air Bnb, and driverless cars.