September 8, 2010 Issue
September 8, 2010 Issue
September 8, 2010 Issue
vol. cxlv, no. 65 | Wednesday, September 8, 2010 | Serving the community daily since 1891
Daily Herald
the Brown in summer assignment that live in Nick Sinnott-Armstrong / Herald file photo
triples or quads. Abhinay Reddy ’13 Richard Bova, senior associate dean for residential and dining services,
and the rest of his housing group oversees the placement of students in dorms across campus.
Editorial Phone: 401.351.3372 | Business Phone: 401.351.3260
George Miller, President Katie Koh, Treasurer
Claire Kiely, Vice President Chaz Kelsh, Secretary
U. closely involved in
design of new website
continued from page 1 Though the University used
mStoner to help generate ideas for
In order to engage the commu- the new platform, CIS ultimately
nity during the redesign project, de- built the site, allowing the Univer-
signers and administrators distrib- sity to maintain the interface inter-
uted online sur veys and publicized nally without relying on outside
decisions on a redesign blog. The input if the site ever encounters
final design merged the “positive problems, she said. The creative
elements” of the top two concepts team that worked on the redesign
determined by over 1,800 partici- spent the immediate time before
pants who chose between three the launch ironing out “bugs and
designs, Quinn said. The redesign kinks,” she said, allowing the site
team held “extensive focus groups” to go up without any noticeable
to develop recommendations for malfunctions.
improving the site’s functionality. Quinn said the response she has
The public affairs office and CIS received so far has been positive,
collaborated with mStoner, Inc. — a though she anticipates getting more
public relations firm that special- feedback at next week’s Brown Uni-
izes in nonprofits — to come up versity Community Council meet-
with a modernized, accessible site ing.
that more effectively represents the As for publicizing the updated
multimedia age, Quinn said. The site, the University plans to use
University solicited information and its own social networking tools to
proposals from potential consulting announce the change and attract
firms last fall, choosing mStoner constructive comments.
from a field of 10 companies be- “We will certainly be letting peo-
cause it had experience working ple know via Facebook and Twitter,”
with higher education, Quinn said. she said.
The Brown Daily Herald
A le x Y uly
e d i to r i a l
Committing to respond
When students returned to campus to begin the the creation of a center at Brown devoted to humani-
spring semester last January, an earthquake had tarian crises. The proposed center would serve two
just ravaged Haiti. While relief efforts in Haiti are related purposes. First, it would coordinate campus
far from complete, we now again find ourselves efforts to respond to disasters in other parts of the
back at school with another major humanitarian world. And second, it would facilitate academic
crisis unfolding abroad. Pakistan’s prime minister study and field research on crisis response and
said that flooding in the countr y had affected 20 relief. As we noted in January, Harvard and Johns
t h e b r o w n d a i ly h e r a l d million people as of mid-August, and U.N. Secre- Hopkins universities both already have centers
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Deputy Managing Editors Senior Editors tary General Ban Ki-Moon said the destruction in with this sort of mission.
George Miller Chaz Kelsh Emmy Liss Ben Hyman Pakistan is unlike anything he had ever witnessed. Catastrophic events can strike in varying ways
Joanna Wohlmuth Seth Motel The University’s response to the crisis in Haiti and require different responses, so we think a
editorial Business
has been strong, and we hope that a similar outpour- campus center for disaster relief is crucial. Such
Anne Speyer Arts & Culture Editor General Managers Office Manager ing of campus support for the people of Pakistan a center could provide resources to students or-
Suzannah Weiss Arts & Culture Editor Claire Kiely Shawn Reilly is forthcoming. Farrukh Malik ’11, president of ganizing benefit events and facilitate cooperation
Sara Luxenberg Features Editor Katie Koh
Brian Mastroianni Features Editor the Pakistani Students Association, told the edito- between students, the administration and academic
Brigitta Greene Metro Editor Kelly Wess Sales rial page board that there will be benefit concerts departments.
Ben Schreckinger Metro Editor Matthew Burrows Finance
coordinated with other student cultural and per- In addition, a center at Brown could take respon-
Sydney Ember News Editor Margaret Watson Client Relations
Zack Bahr Sports Editor Christiana Stephenson Alumni Relations formance groups, craft sales and a lecture series sibility for tracking the progress of relief efforts in
Tony Bakshi Sports Editor about the social and political factors surrounding affected regions, ensuring the University’s involve-
Ashley McDonnell Asst. Sports Editor Managers
Erika Mueller Asst. Sports Editor Arjun Vaidya Local Sales
the disaster in Pakistan. ment will go beyond an initial emotional reaction.
Graphics & Photos Marco deLeon National Sales He also noted that there will be differences in Relief work on campus could thus continue across
Stephen Lichenstein Aditi Bhatia University Sales
Graphics Editor how campus response efforts approach the two years even after some student leaders have gradu-
Alex Yuly Graphics Editor Jared Davis University Sales
Stephanie London Photo Editor Trenten Nelson-Rivers Recruiter Sales crises in Haiti and Pakistan. Because the two di- ated, providing sustained support.
Max Monn Photo Editor Maximilian Barrows Business Operations sasters received disparate levels of domestic media By also emphasizing academic research and
Hilary Rosenthal Photo Editor Jilyn Chao Business Analytics
Jonathan Bateman Sports Photo Editor Danielle Marshak Credit and Collections coverage, public awareness of the situation in Paki- first-hand experience, this new center could also
Jesse Morgan Asst. Sports Photo Editor Alexander Carrere Special Projects stan must be improved, and fundraising events for play a role in training the next generation of lead-
Kathy Bui Staff
Production Pakistan will be coupled with educational outreach. ers who will manage crisis-response efforts on the
Kelly Mallahan Copy Desk Chief Opinions
Michael Fitzpatrick Opinions Editor We applaud these efforts and encourage students ground in affected countries.
Julien Ouellet Design Editor
Gili Kliger Asst. Design Editor Alyssa Ratledge Opinions Editor to get involved. We are all at risk of getting “disastered-out” and
Katie Wilson Asst. Design Editor One of Brown’s greatest strengths is the initiative finding our desire to help spread too thin among
Neal Poole Web Editor Editorial Page Board
Matt Aks Editorial Page Editor we take as an institution in addressing the needs of places in need. It is our hope, however, that a new
Post- magazine Anita Mathews Board member
Sam Carter Editor-in-Chief Tyler Rosenbaum Board member
communities affected by calamitous events, whether center can lead a committed, multifaceted approach
Kate Doyle Editor-in-Chief Melissa Shube Board member natural or man-made, domestic or international. to humanitarian aid and allow Brown to maximize
Marshall Katheder Editor-in-Chief Gaurie Tilak Board member
Though we are glad to see the steady repetition of its efficacy in aiding people around the world.
Julien Ouellet, Katie Wilson, Designers ad hoc responses to crises, we believe that Brown
Joe Milner, Rajan Mittal, Raj Parekh, Copy Editors must make a permanent commitment to disaster
Sydney Ember, Caitlin Trujillo, Night Editor
relief and humanitarian aid. Editorials are written by The Herald’s editorial page board.
Senior Staff Writers Ana Alvarez, Ashley Aydin, Rebecca Ballhaus, Alexander Bell, Nicole Boucher, Fei
Following the earthquake in Haiti, we called for Send comments to [email protected].
Cai, Alicia Chen, Kristina Fazzalaro, Sarah Mancone, Claire Peracchio, Lindor Qunaj, Mark Raymond,
Luisa Robledo, Caitlin Trujillo, Alexander Ulmer
Staff Writers Anna Andreeva, Anne Artley, Shara Azad, Casey Bleho, Sofia Castello, Amy Chen, Sarah
Forman, Miriam Furst, Max Godnick, Thomas Jarus, Sarah Julian, Julia Kim, Emily Rosen, Bradley
Silverman, Qian Yin
Senior Sales Executives Katie Galvin, Liana Nisimova, Isha Gulati, Samantha Wong
C O R R E C T I O N S P olicy
Sales Associates Roshni Assomull, Brady Caspar, Anna Cook, Siena deLisser, Begum Ersan, Tommy
Fink, Ryan Fleming, Evan Gill, Rajiv Iyengar, Debbie Lai, Jason Lee, Katie Lynch, Sean Maroongroge, The Brown Daily Herald is committed to providing the Brown University community with the most accurate information possible. Correc-
Zahra Merchant, Edjola Ruci, Webber Xu tions may be submitted up to seven calendar days after publication.
Senior Finance Associates Jason Beckman, Lauren Bosso, Mae Cadao, Margot Grinberg, Sajjad C ommentary P O L I C Y
Hasan, Adam Fern
The editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial page board of The Brown Daily Herald. The editorial viewpoint does not necessarily
Finance Associates Lisa Berlin, Mahima Chawla, Mark Hu, Jason Lee, Nicholas Robbins, Daniel
Slutsky, Emily Zheng
reflect the views of The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. Columns, letters and comics reflect the opinions of their authors only.
Design Staff Caleigh Forbes, Jessica Kirschner, Leor Shtull-Leber L etters to the E ditor P olicy
Web Staff Andrew Chen, Warren Jin, Claire Kwong, Michael Marttila, Ethan Richman, Adam Zethraeus Send letters to [email protected]. Include a telephone number with all letters. The Herald reserves the right to edit all letters for
Photo Staff Qidong Chen, Janine Cheng, Alex DePaoli, Frederic Lu, Quinn Savit length and clarity and cannot assure the publication of any letter. Please limit letters to 250 words. Under special circumstances writers may
Copy Editors Nicole Boucher, Zoe Chaves, Greg Conyers, Claire Gianotti, Aida Haile-Mariam, Victoria
request anonymity, but no letter will be printed if the author’s identity is unknown to the editors. Announcements of events will not be printed.
Hartman, Tiffany Hsu, Christine Joyce, Mrinal Kapoor, Abby Kerson, Matthew Lim, Sara Luxenberg,
Alexandra McFarlane, Joe Milner, Rajan Mittal, Lindor Qunaj, Kate-Lyn Scott, Carmen Shulman, advertising P olicy
Rebecca Specking, Dan Towne, Carolina Veltri The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. reserves the right to accept or decline any advertisement at its discretion.
The Brown Daily Herald
t h e n e w s i n i m ag e s
Thurs., Sept. 9 at 5 p.m. and Mon., Sept. 13
at 8 p.m. at 195 Angell St.
c a l e n da r Want to be a reporter?
Come to writer training on either Sun., Sept. 12
Today, September 7 tomorrow, September 8
at 9 p.m. or Mon., Sept. 13 at 9 p.m.
4–5 P.M. — Department of Cognitive, 12–1 P.M. — Info Session for
Linguistic & Psychological Sciences Sophomores Interested in Health
Colloquium, Hunter Lab Auditorium Careers, CDC Library Questions? [email protected]
3–5 P.m., 6–10 P.M. — Audition for 7–8 P.M. — Male Sexuality Workshop
Heddatron at Production Workshop, Info Session, Wilson 103
J. Walter Wilson 402
menu comics
Sharpe Refectory Verney-Woolley Dining Hall
Bat & Gaz | Sofia Ortiz
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