Western Visayas: Region Vi
Western Visayas: Region Vi
Western Visayas: Region Vi
Western Visayas
There are three identified sites for
hydropower development in the region with an
estimated capacity of 18 megawatts (MW). One is in
Aklan and two are in Negros Occidental (Table 1).
Province Number of Sites Estimated Capacity (MW)
Negros Occidental 2 13
Provinces Antique, Aklan, Capiz,
Total 3 18
Guimaras, Iloilo, Negros
Land Area 20,157.7 sq. kms. c. Wind
Population 6,208,733
Density 308 persons / sq. km. Several wind potential areas in the region
GRDP PhP 83.4 billion are being considered under the Wind Investment
Top Three Sectors Agriculture, Fishery and Promotion Round. These include potential sites in the
Forestry Sector following areas: (i) Caticlan, Aklan (10 MW); (ii)
Industry Sector Pandan, Aklan (20 MW); (iii) San Remigio, Antique
Service Sector (20 MW); (iv) San Carlos, Negros Occidental (30
Major Products MW). A potential area in Dumangas, Iloilo is also
presently being considered.
Agricultural (Raw Sugar
and Manufactured) Palay
Non-Agricultural • Copper
• Gold
• Silver
a. Geothermal
To serve the region’s growing demand for As of end-2005, the energization level of
electricity, there are total of eight power plants Region VI stood at 98.3 percent (Table 5). Only 68
installed in the region with a total capacity of 349.8 barangays are left to be energized either through grid
MW (Table 3). Two of these power plants are power extension or stand-alone systems until 2008. Among
barges with a combined rated capacity of 64 MW. The the provinces, only Capiz is fully energized.
110-MW Pinamucan Diesel, 32-MW Power Barge 102
and the 32-MW Power Barge 103 are being offered to Table 5. STATUS OF BARANGAY ENERGIZATION BY PROVINCE,
as of 2005
private investors following the passage of EPIRA.
Energized Energization
Province Coverage
Barangays Level (%)
Table 3 EXISTING POWER PLANTS Aklan 327 311 95.11
Capacity (MW) Antique 590 567 96.10
Plant Location
Installed Dependable Capiz 473 473 100.00
Panay Power La Paz, Guimaras 98 95 96.94
74.88 46.00
Corporation Iloilo Iloilo 1,901 1,888 99.32
Pinamucan Diesel 110.80 20.00 Iloilo Negros Occidental 661 648 98.03
Panay Electric Co. 19.85 14.50 Iloilo City Total 4,050 3,982 98.32
Power Barge 103 32.40 24.00
Dingle, A total of 684,755 households had been
PDPP-1 36.50 25.00
Iloilo energized as of 2004 in the region. This is equivalent
La Paz, to a 65.6 percent household energization level.
Mirant Diesel 40.00 37.50
Guimaras Diesel 3.40 3.40
Power Barge 102 32.00 24.00
Total 349.83 194.40
As of 2005, the region has received an
accumulated financial benefit amounting to PhP
The region’s transmission voltages are rated
114,000. Three projects under the electrification fund
at 69-kilovolt (kV) and 138-kV levels. Two of the
(EF) are covered by this amount. Other types of funds
region’s major islands, Negros and Panay, are also
available are development and livelihood (DLF) and
connected via a submarine cable link which is
reforestation, watershed management, health and/or
capable of transferring power up to a maximum
environmental enhancement (RWMHEEF) to the
capacity of 85 MW.
Electricity distribution in the region is
provided by ten electric cooperatives (ECs) and one
private-investor owned utility (PIOU). The ECs are: B. ENERGY DEMAND FORECAST
Aklan Electric Cooperative Inc. (AKELCO), Antique
Electric Cooperative Inc. (ANTECO), Central Negros To sustain the economic activities of
Electric Cooperative Inc. (CENECO), Guimaras Western Visayas, energy demand is expected to
Electric Cooperative Inc. (GUIMELCO), Iloilo Electric increase at an average rate of 4.0 percent
Cooperative Inc. (ILECO I), Iloilo Electric Cooperative corresponding to 13.5 MMBFOE (1.9 MTOE) average
Inc. (ILECO II), Iloilo Electric Cooperative Inc. (ILECO consumption throughout the planning period. The
III), Capiz Electric Cooperative Inc. (CAPELCO), region will account for an average share of 6.7
Negros Occidental Electric Cooperative Inc. percent of the country’s total energy demand (Figure
(NOCECO) and V.M.C. Rural Electric Service 2). The region’s demand mix will be dominated by
Cooperative Inc. (VRESCO). Table 4 shows the biomass with a 52.4 percent share while petroleum
electricity purchased and/or generated and electricity products will constitute about 42.7 percent of the
sales of each EC. Also shown are their respective overall energy consumption (Table 7).
system losses for 2004 which can either be technical
or non-technical losses.
2005 2006 2010 2014 Energy demand in the commercial sector will
Grand Total 11.04 11.41 13.38 15.75 account for an average share of 4.8 percent of the
Oil Products 4.66 4.81 5.77 6.70 total energy requirements of the region. It will post an
Biomass 5.94 6.13 7.01 8.13 average consumption of 0.7 MMBFOE (93.9 KTOE).
Electricity 0.44 0.47 0.59 0.80
Natural Gas nil nil nil 0.12
Demand in this sector will grow annually at an
Industry 4.31 4.51 5.56 6.90 average rate of 7.3 percent, which may be attributed
Oil Products 0.84 0.83 0.94 1.04 to the influx of foreign and local tourists visiting the
Biomass 3.41 3.61 4.54 5.71 world-renowned Boracay beach and other tourist
Electricity 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.10 attractions of the region. Petroleum products will top
Natural Gas nil nil nil 0.05
Commercial 0.46 0.47 0.64 0.87
the energy requirements of the sector with 59.6
Oil Products 0.27 0.27 0.38 0.53 percent average share, while electricity will follow with
Biomass 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 33.2 percent share.
Electricity 0.15 0.16 0.21 0.29
Residential 3.14 3.14 3.21 3.34
Oil Products 0.43 0.42 0.49 0.55
Biomass 2.49 2.48 2.42 2.37 Agricultural
Electricity 0.22 0.23 0.30 0.41
Transport 2.75 2.90 3.54 4.18 Accounting for an average share of 3.2
Oil Products 2.75 2.90 3.54 4.12 percent of the total regional demand, the agricultural
Natural Gas - - - 0.06
sector is expected to register an average energy
Agriculture 0.38 0.39 0.43 0.46
Oil Products 0.38 0.39 0.43 0.46 consumption of 0.4 MMBFOE (61.5 KTOE),
Total may not tally due to rounding off increasing at a rate of 2.3 percent during the planning
period. Fuel requirements in agriculture will mainly be
petroleum products, with diesel and fuel oil consisting
Residential almost 100 percent to the total energy demand of the
Total household consumption will stand at an
average of 3.2 MMBFOE (0.5 MTOE) and expand at
about 0.7 percent for the planning horizon. The C. SECTORAL PROGRAMS AND
residential sector will account for an average share of TARGETS
24.0 percent of region’s total energy demand.
Biomass will be the dominant fuel with a projected
demand share of 75.2 percent, followed by petroleum POWER DEVELOPMENT PLAN
products and electricity with average shares of 15.1
percent and 9.6 percent, respectively. VISAYAS GRID