Pigou Welfare Economics 2

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Pigou’s Economic of Welfare

Meaning of Welfare:
According to Pigou, welfare resides in a man’s state of
mind or consciousness which is made up of his
satisfactions or utilities. The basis of welfare, therefore,
is necessarily the extent to which an individual’s desires
are met.

Social welfare is regarded as the summation of all

individual welfares in a society. Since general welfare is
a very wide, complicated and impracticable notion,
Pigou delimits the range of his study to economic
welfare. As he himself observes, economic welfare is by
no means an index of total welfare because many other
elements in the latter, like the quality of work, one’s
environment, human relationships, status, housing, and
public security are absent from economic welfare.

He, therefore, defines economic welfare as “that part of

social (general) welfare that can be brought directly or
indirectly into relation with the measuring rod of
money.” Thus economic welfare, in the Pigovian sense,
implies the satisfaction of utility derived by an individual
from the use of exchangeable goods and services.

Pigovian Welfare Conditions:

Pigou regard economic welfare and national income as

essentially coordinate. It is on this basis that he lays
down two conditions for maximisation of welfare. The
first condition states that welfare is said to increase
when national income increases. Given the same tastes
and income distribution, an increase in the national
income represents an increase in welfare. Pigou
contends that in most cases the national income would
increase even though the disutility of work also

Second, for welfare maximisation the distribution of the

national income is equally important. If national income
remains constant, transfers of income from the rich to
the poor would improve welfare. According to Pigou,
such transfers mean less to the wealthy than to the poor,
as a result the economic position of the latter is raised.
This welfare condition is based on the dual Pigovian
postulates of ‘equal capacity for satisfaction and
diminishing marginal utility of income.’

Pigou argues that different people derive the same

satisfaction out of the same real income and that “people
now rich are different in kind from the people now poor
having in their fundamental nature greater capacities
for enjoyment.” With income subject to diminishing
marginal utility, transfers of income from the rich to the
poor will increase social welfare by satisfying the more
intense wants of the latter at the expense of the less
intense wants of the former. This it is economic equality
that maximizes welfare.

Dual Criterion:

To find out improvements in social welfare, Pigou

adopts a dual criterion:

First, an increase in the national income ‘brought about

either by increasing some goods without diminishing
others or by transferring factors to activities in which
their social value is higher,’ is regarded an improvement
in welfare without reducing the share of the poor.
Second, any reorganization of the economy which
increases the share of the poor without reducing the
national income is also considered an improvement in
social welfare.

Assumptions of Pigovian Conditions:

The Pigovian welfare conditions and the dual criterion

pre-suppose the existence of the following assumptions:

(1) Each individual tries to maximise his satisfaction

from his expenditure on different goods and services.

(2) Satisfactions are comparable both interpersonally

and interpersonally.

(3) The law of diminishing marginal utility of income

applies. It means that the marginal utility of income
falls, as income increases. As a result, the gain in utility
of an additional amount of income to a poor man is
greater than the loss of utility to a rich man from the
same amount of income.

(4) There is equal capacity for satisfaction. It implies

that different people derive the same satisfaction out of
the same real income. Given these assumptions, it is
possible to satisfy the Pigovian conditions of maximum
social welfare on the basis of his dual criterion.

Its Criticism:

Though, Pigou’s Economics of Welfare is the first clear

analysis of welfare economics, yet the Pigovian
‘conditions of welfare’ have been criticised on the
following grounds:
(1) The Notion of Maximisation is not clear:
Pigou lays emphasis on the maximisation of welfare, but
he does not clarify the notion of maximisation. His
‘maximum’ is in fact the ‘optimum’, but it is a stable
point. But this is not a correct view because the
‘optimum’ is not stable. It changes with the increase or
decrease of national income.

(2) Pigou measures ‘welfare’ cardinally:

According to Pigou, welfare is measured in terms of
utility or satisfaction. He regards social welfare as the
summation of utilities of exchangeable goods and
services to individuals. Economists do not agree with
this view because quantitative measurement of utility is
not possible. It is for this reason that modern
economist’s measure utility ordinally.

(3) National Income is not an Accurate Measure of

Pigou’s welfare conditions are related to the national
income. But it is not easy to calculate national income.
Again, social welfare does not increase by a mere
increase in national income. It is possible that national
income may increase due to inflationary rise in prices
and the poor may become worse-off than before.

It is due to these reasons that modern economists

measure welfare on the basis of ‘choice’ rather than by
national income. For instance, when an individual
chooses bundle A of some good rather than bundle 5, he
undoubtedly derives greater satisfaction or utility from
A. It is in this way that his welfare increases.

(4) According to Professor Robbins, Pigou’s assumption

of man’s equal capacity for satisfaction does not make
his notion of welfare a positive study. In his words, “This
assumption rests on ethical principle rather than upon
scientific demonstration; it is not a judgement of value.”

(5) Pigou does not clarify the ethical relation of welfare:

Welfare economics is closely related to ethics but Pigou
does not clarify it. Welfare economics is essentially a
normative study in which value judgements and
interpersonal comparisons are made. By not relating
these concepts with his notion of welfare, Pigou s
economics of welfare is not considered as an objective
study of the causes of welfare.

These drawbacks in the Pigovian analysis have led
modern economists to expound the ‘compensation
principle’ and the ‘social welfare function’ which are
attempts at giving a new tinge to welfare economics.

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