GTN Limited Risk Management Policy

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines GTN Limited's risk management policy and procedures, including understanding risk management, roles and responsibilities, and the risk management process.

The purpose of the risk management policy is to manage risks across GTN Limited by taking advantage of opportunities while managing potential adverse effects, and making risk management everyone's responsibility.

The Board is responsible for approving the risk management policy and overseeing its implementation. Senior management such as the Chief Financial Officer are responsible for the risk management program and process. Department heads and risk owners are responsible for identifying and managing risks in their areas.


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1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Purpose of the Policy................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Policy owner............................................................................................................................... 3

2 Understanding Risk Management ..................................................................................................... 3

3 Responsibility ..................................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Board .......................................................................................................................................... 4

3.2 Chief Financial Officer ............................................................................................................... 4

3.3 Risk Owner ................................................................................................................................ 4

3.4 General responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 4

4 Risk management procedure ............................................................................................................ 5

4.1 Summary of procedure .............................................................................................................. 5

4.2 Risk management process ........................................................................................................ 5

4.3 Risk Management methodology ............................................................................................... 6

Appendix A – Risk Assessment Matrix and Risk Register ....................................................................... 8

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Policy

All activities undertaken by GTN Limited (GTN) carry an element of risk. The exposure to these risks
is managed through the practice of Risk Management. In managing risk, it is the Company's practice
to take advantage of potential opportunities while managing potential adverse effects. Managing risk is
the responsibility of everyone in the Company.
This policy outlines the Company’s risk management process and sets out the responsibilities of the
Board, the Audit and Risk Committee, the Managing Director, senior management and others within
the Company in relation to risk management.

1.2 Policy owner

The Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director is the policy owner of the Risk Management
Policy and Procedure for GTN. The Chief Financial Officer will still have oversight over the risk
management program for GTN.

2 Understanding Risk Management

Risks have been described in terms of combination of the consequences of an event occurring and its
likelihood of occurring.
Risk is the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives and risk
management can be described as the culture, processes and structures that are directed towards
realising potential opportunities whilst managing an adverse effect.
GTN’s risk management system is designed to identify the risks it faces and has measures in place to
keep those risks to an acceptable minimum. The existence of risk presents both threats and
opportunities to GTN.
Risk owners have been assigned responsibility for the identified risks in the Risk Register. GTN’s risk
assessment matrix is used as the benchmark in planning and implementing the risk management
measures. It takes into consideration the nature, scale and complexity of the business.
The risk management process consists of the following main elements:
Identify: identify a risk (threats or opportunities) and document the risks captured by the risk register
Assess: the primary goal is to document the net effect of all identified threats and opportunities, by
• Likelihood of threats and opportunities (risks);
• Impact of each risk;
• Proximity of threats; and
• Prioritisation based on scales.
Plan: preparation of management responses to mitigate threats and maximise opportunities.
Implement: risk responses are actioned.
Monitor and review: monitor and review the performance of the risk management system and
changes to business initiatives.
Communicate: provide regular reports to management team / Audit and Risk Committee at agreed

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Risks are effectively managed by GTN through the effective implementation of various controls, which

• Board approved risk management framework;

• Documented policies and procedures;
• Maintenance of registers;
• Implementation of risk based systems and processes;
• Ongoing monitoring of regulatory obligations;
• Checklists to guide activities and project plans to record actions; and
• Internal and external reporting.

3 Responsibility

3.1 Board
The Board of GTN Limited, through the Audit and Risk Committee, has responsibility under its Charter
to review and report to the Board that:
(a) the Committee has, at least annually, reviewed the GTN’s risk management framework to
satisfy itself that it continues to be sound and effectively identifies all areas of potential risk;
(b) adequate policies and processes have been designed and implemented to manage identified
(c) a regular program of audits is undertaken to test the adequacy of and compliance with
prescribed policies; and
(d) proper remedial action is undertaken to redress areas of weakness.

3.2 Chief Financial Officer

The Chief Financial Officer of GTN has responsibility under this policy for:
 Monitoring compliance with this policy;
 Reporting to the Board on compliance with this policy;
 Developing, implementing and monitoring systems, management of policies and procedures
relevant to the business, including facilitating review by the executive on a regular basis; and
 Maintaining the risk register.

3.3 Risk Owner

The risk owner (as noted in the Risk Register) is responsible for ensuring on a daily basis that the
relevant operational procedures and controls implemented to treat each risk area are adequate and
effective. If a control or procedure is not adequate and effective in treating the risk, the risk owner
should report this, with a recommendation for an alternative risk treatment, to the Chief Financial
Officer for escalation to the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director and ultimately approval by
the Board.

3.4 General responsibilities

Every GTN staff member is responsible for effective management of risk including the identification of
potential risks. Management is responsible for the development of risk mitigation plans and the
implementation of risk reduction strategies. Risk management processes should be integrated with
other planning processes and management activities.

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Where there is legislation in place for the management of specific risks (such as Occupational Health
and Safety) this Risk Management policy does not relieve GTN of its responsibility to comply with that
Managers are accountable for strategic risk management within areas under their control, including
the promotion and training of the risk management process to staff.

4 Risk management procedure

4.1 Summary of procedure

Establish Context Risk Register Review

Identify Risks

Risk Assessment
Risk Register Amended Communicate and Consult Analyse Risks Matrix Monitor and Review

Update Risk

Evaluate Risks

Treat Risks

4.2 Risk management process

The risk management system is dynamic and is designed to adapt to GTN’s developments and any
changes in the risk profile over time. Compliance measures are used as a tool to address identified
The risk management system is based on a structured and systemic process which takes into
account GTN’s internal and external risks.
The main elements of the risk management process are as follows:
 Communicate and consult – communicate and consult with internal and external stakeholders
as appropriate at each stage of the risk management process and concerning the process as a
 Establish the context – establish the external, internal and risk management context in which
the rest of the process will take place – the criteria against which risk will be evaluated should be
established and the structure of the analysis defined.
 Identify risks – identify where, when, why and how events could prevent, degrade, delay or
enhance the achievement of GTN’s objectives.
 Record risks – document the risks that have been identified in the risk register.
 Analyse risks – identify and evaluate existing controls. Determine consequences and likelihood
and hence the level of risk by analysing the range of potential consequences and how these could

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 Evaluate risks – compare estimated levels of risk against the pre-established criteria and
consider the balance between potential benefits and adverse outcomes. This enables decisions
to be made about the extent and nature of treatments required and about priorities.
 Treat risks – develop and implement specific cost-effective strategies and action plans for
increasing potential benefits and reducing potential costs.
 Monitor and review – it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of all steps of the risk
management process. This is important for continuous improvement. Risks and effectiveness of
treatment measures need to be monitored so that changing circumstances do not alter priorities.
GTN’s risks may come from any internal or external event which, if it occurs, may affect the ability to
efficiently and effectively operate in the financial services industry:
 Internal risks – those risks that specifically relate to GTN’s business itself and as such as
generally within its control. They include risks such as employee related risks, strategic risks, and
financial risks.
 External risks – those risks that are outside the control of GTN. They include risks such as
market conditions and legislative change.
Risks are effectively managed by GTN through the effective implementation of various controls, which
 Board approved risk management framework;
 Maintenance of risk register; and
 Regular review of risks and controls, particularly as the business changes.
Risk management can be applied at many levels in an organisation. It can be applied at a strategic
level and operational level. It may be applied to specific projects, to assist with specific decisions or
to manage specific recognised risk areas.

4.3 Risk Management methodology

The methodology adopted by GTN for managing and treating its risks can be defined as follows:
1. Document a risk management framework (ie the context)
2. Identify the general activities involved in running the business (ie risk categories)
3. Identify the risks involved in undertaking the specific business activity by asking the questions:
a) What could happen?
b) How and why could it happen?
4. Rate the likelihood of the business activity not being properly performed. Likelihood is assessed
to the assumption that there are no existing risk management and compliance processes in place.
It is assessed as either Almost Certain, Likely, Possible, Unlikely and Rare.
5. Rate the consequence of not properly performing the business activity - damage can be
quantified in terms of financial loss to investors and/or GTN itself. It is assessed as
Catastrophic, Major, Severe, Serious and Minor.
6. Assign the inherent risk rating based on a combination of the risk rating. Low and medium risks
may be considered acceptable and therefore minimal further work on these risks may be required.
The rating may be assessed as Critical, High, Significant, Medium and Low.
7. Decide whether a control (eg policy, procedure, checklist, reporting mechanism or account
reconciliation) is necessary given the level of risk, based on likelihood and consequences and if
so, identify control.

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8. Assess whether the existing controls are adequate and allocate the responsibility of monitoring
the control to treat the risk. This will integrate risk management and compliance to daily activities
and facilitate appropriate control of operational risk.
9. Raise awareness about managing risks across the organisation through communicating the policy
and responsibilities.
10. Routinely monitor and review ongoing risks so can risk can be effectively managed

The Risk Assessment Matrix and Risk Register format are shown in Appendix A.

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Appendix A – Risk Assessment Matrix and Risk Register

Risk Consequence Severity

Consequence Type Minor Serious Severe Major Catastrophic

Financial Loss < $1m $1m-5m $5m-$10m >$10m Threatens viability of Company

Reputation Loss

Likelihood Probability & Frequency

Likelihood Rating Description Probability
Almost Certain Known to happen often > 95%
Likely Could easily happen 50% - 95%
Possible Could happen & has occurred before 15% - 50%
Unlikely Hasn’t happened yet but could 5% - 15%
Rare Conceivable, but only in extreme circumstances > 5%

Control Effectiveness
Control Effectiveness Description
Effective The control design meets the control objective and the control is operating the
majority of the time

Partially Effective The control design mostly meets the control objective and/or the control is
normally operational but occasionally is not applied when it should be, or not as

Ineffective The control design does not meet the control objective and/or the control is not
applied or is applied

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Risk Assessment Matrix

Likelihood Rating Minor Serious Severe Major Catastrophic
LIKELIHOOD 5. Almost Certain Medium High Critical Critical Critical
4. Likely Medium Significant High Critical Critical
3. Possible Medium Medium Significant High Critical
2. Unlikely Low Low Medium Significant Critical
1. Rare Low Low Medium Medium High


Critical Extreme risk - detailed research and management planning required at senior levels
High High risk- immediate senior management attention needed
Significant Significant risk - Senior management attention needed
Medium Moderate risk - Management responsibility must be specified
Low Low risk - Manage by routine procedures

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No Risk Owner Consequence Likelihood Inherent Controls Control

Risk Level Effectiveness

Risk Area
Risk name and description

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