Advertising Theory
Advertising Theory
Advertising Theory
Advertising Theory
Due to the increasing usage of sex appeal in advertising in the recent years, there
has been extensive literature in Western countries, especially the United States, on the
evaluation of sex appeal advertising. However, very little research has been conducted on
sex appeal advertising in а country like UK .As we all know, UK has become one of the
most attractive markets in the world and advertising has become one of its fastest-
including sex appeal strategies. As an advertising strategy, sex appeal is no longer just
adopted in the West; it is becoming highly visible, if not widely popular yet, in the British
This study has been conducted by Sanjay Putrevu. The main idea of this study is
to evaluate the influence of involvement, need for cognition (NFC), and gender on
consumer response toward sexual and nonsexual appeals. Although the use of sex in
has been undertaken by previous consumer scientists in this area. As Reichert (p. 269)
previous appeal as sex in advertising has not progressed further…” In this paper, we aim
to partially address this gap by examining gender-based reactions to sex previous appeals
in advertising, with regard to both differences and similarities in the way men and women
spontaneously react to such ads. From а theoretical perspective, this focus derives from
the existing sex research in psychology, а substantial portion of which has examined the
understand when and why the use of sex previous appeals might be effective across
gender-defined segments.
Although there are many aspects of sex in advertising that could be of interest, we
gratuitous sex previous appeals; and (b) we examine processing of such ads under
sexual appeals is а practical one. Ads are increasingly making use of no subtle, gratuitous
previous sexual content—namely, previous sexual material (e.g., images) that many are
likely to regard as being unnecessarily explicit, а perception that is heightened when the
Study 1: Involvement
Study 3: Gender
Study 1: Involvement
The study shows that high involvement respondents produced more negative
advertisement implementation and brand thoughts toward the sexual appeals than the
non-sexual appeals. These consumers also seem to find the sexual content to be off-
putting. These results suggest that sexual appeals may be effectual when targeting low-
involvement consumers, but that they might not work well for high-involvement
dissimilar replies based on participation, NFC, and sex of the respondent. The results
proposed that sexual appeals produce higher recall, improved acknowledgment, more
cognitive responses, and better attitudes and procure intention among low participation
Study 3: Gender
These results proposed that the fit between the sexual appeal and product category
might be important for а female audience, but that such а fit is less relevant for males.
The results also proposed that women do not object to sexual appeals, as long there is а
sensible connection between the appeal and the target brand. Female aversion for sexual
appeals seems to emerge when the appeals seem irrelevant in the advertisement
background. Perhaps these findings give details the prevalence of sexual appeals
targeting younger consumers: Young men greet them, while young women do not object
The degree to which sex appeal can be successful is not only largely dependent on
gender but also on the target audiences’ culture (Bello et al., 193). As advertising is а
distorted mirror of culture and society (Pollay, 19), the usage of sex appeal in different
societies reflects the different cultures among those societies (Lin, 18). UK is no
Previous empirical studies identified that sex appeal serves а number of crucial
roles in advertising including attracting initial attention (e.g. Reid and Soley, 198),
enhancing recall (e.g. Steadman, 8), evoking emotional responses (e.g. Courtney and
Whipple, 1983; Hoyer and MacInnis, 21), and increasing persuasion (e.g. La Tour, Pitts,
and Snook-Luther, 1990; Saunders, 96) as well as buying intention (e.g. Grazer and
Keesling, 95). Recently, Reichert et al. (21) summarized that using sex appeal in
advertising can grab attention, augment recognition, bolster brand image, increasing
receivers’ interest in processing the advertisement, and enhance persuasion. For example,
previous studies (e.g. Judd and Alexander, 1983; Severn et al., 1990) have consistently
Such а firm's use of advertising differentiates its brand from other brands to а degree that
customers see its brand is а slightly different product, not perfectly substituted by existing
or potential competitors.
difficult because customers struggle with every decision they make. The process in which
messages must be tailored and relevant during each stage of а consumer’s buying or
decision making process. Advertising messages are created in order to change the
awareness, knowledge, and attitude of customers towards а specific brand offered. These
changes take place all throughout the buying а decision making pattern.
Advertisers are often driven by revenue motives and use strategies such as
This research separates some conditions that may assist or hold back
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