17-25 Year Old Turkish College Students' Attitude Towards TV Advertisements

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International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 2 No. 3 [Special Issue - January 2011]

17-25 Year Old Turkish College Students Attitude Towards TV Advertisements

Aybike S. ERTKE, PhD
Beykent University E-5 Gurpinar Yol Ayrimi
Beylikduzu stanbul TURKEY
E-mail: [email protected]
In the research, we tried to examine the influence of ads on individuals between the ages 17 and 25. This is
important because they represent an important segment of consumers. For this purpose, three hundred
college students are chosen and they are shown 20 tv ads about different kinds of products. Then the students
are directed to answer some questions about tv ads.The survey consists of two parts: The first part aims to
gather information about the profile of the students and the second part is prepared to observe students
attitudes towards tv ads and their understanding advertisements. Results of this study are based on the survey
conducted in October 2010. In conclusion, the impact of television ads on young people is discussed and
college students reactions to commercials broadcasted in Turkish televisions are displayed.
Keywards: Tv Ads, Effects of Advertising, Student Attitudes, College Students, Popular Culture.
Literature Review about Advertising
Advertisers play a major role in shaping societys values, habits and direction. (Dyer,1996:183) They are also
partly responsible for influencing the character and development of the media system. The studies show that
the effects of television on young people must be analysed seriously and those studies were pointed on the fact
that tv has cognitive, emotional and pyhsical effects on viewers.(Hefzallah,1987:63) Researchers are divided
in three groups about the effects: The first group believes that tv can be detrimental to young peoples
growing needs. On the contrary, other group declares that television entertains and informs people and the
third group feels that television is a fact of life. Researchers attempted to demonstrate that media have
measurable affects on physiology in the 1960s and 1970s.(Bryant and Oliver,2008:185) Physiological
mesaures were being used primarily to demonstrate that media had effects on bodily functions. With the
advent of message processing research came an intense interest in the concept of attention. There are two
broad areas of research on attention: Selection and effort. (Bryant and Oliver,2008:189) Selective attention
involves the choise of what aspects of the environment to focus on. As selective attention is related to shortterm actions, effort is a longer-term one. It is related to how hard one is working at processing the stimulus
that has been selected for attention.
Young people lack the experience to differentiate between tv commercials world and real life.
(Hefzallah,1987:114) Tv commercials advocate a style of life in which ones worth is measured in terms of
his/her possessions and how one looks or smells, reality is mixed with fantasy, peoples happiness is
associated with material things, needs are created, sex is exploited to attract viewers, alcohol is presented a
way to relax.Richard Adler stated that it is clear from avaliable evidence that tv advertising influences
children in a research fort he National Science Foundation. (Hefzallah,1987:115) Tv effects on viewers as an
arousal. Increases in message pacing, emotional content, message sensation value, screen size, presence of
narrative and many other variables form the arousal side of television. (Bryant and Oliver,2008:195) Those
factors can be adopted to tv ads while we are talking about the impacts on viewers. The samples that resemble
todays ads are seen about 300 hundred years ago. The newspapers of 18 th century had published text based,
full page ads. (Yeshin,2006:2) In England, the first advertising agency was founded in 1786, James Whites
agency was more common founded in 1800s.(Petley,2003:6) The first independent agency in America was
Volney Palners agency in the year 1847. In this period, agencys incoming profit was the commission fee
from the newspaper ads.
In general the success of advertising depends not on its logical propositions but on the kinds of fantasies it
offers. (Dyer,1996:184) The world of ads is a dream world where people and objects are taken out of their
material context and given new, symbolic meanings, placed on hoardings or on the screen where they become
signs. There are some rules on preparing effective ads. An effective ad must be creative, stoper, easilyremembered, apparent, intelligible, informative and seperate clearly from others. (Dahl,2007:15)Many
classification systems were developed for large national and international advertisers who needed to plan
advertising across diverse cultures. (Dyer,1996:28) They needed reulated and measurable markets to organise
their campaigns. Advertisers needed to find an essence a single measurable reason for consumers
motivation, what makes the consumer tick.


The Special Issue on Behavioral and Social Science

Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA


Demographics measures the population in terms of occupational class, age, sex and region. Advertisers build
up a demographic profile of their target market to indicate consumer behaviour. (Brierley,1995:29) One way
of classifying ads, both in the press (static) and on TV (dynamic), is to look at their functions and techniques
ranging along an axis from the purely informational to those that exhort or command. (Dyer,1996:88-90) We
can also categorize ads according to their communication side; entertaining ads, instructive ads, attitude
changing ads and attitude strengthen ads.Cook, categorizes ads to media ads such as newspaper, radio,
television,internet and etc., to product or service such as sophisticated products, daily needs, non-products
(political parties) and to selling technics (hard-sell and sof-sell) (Cook,2001:14) For instance, an
advertisement message that declares products washing the clothes whiter, not damaging the environment,
being economic and lasting is a factual message (hard-sell), an advertisement message that addresses having a
happy family, making friends, having good social relationships by using the product is a sentimental message
Beyond the hard-sell and soft-sell sexuality and fears are used to attract the audience. Thesis sexuality always
sells. is not always effective although there is a commonly-held belief. For instance, they always use
beautiful and sexy woman cast in Kellogs Special K ads but the researchs state that men are more attracted
from these beautiful woman than women.(Lee and Johnson,2005:175) Another effective method is using fears
in ads: to be marginalized in the society, loneliness, financial problems, motherhood instinct, addiction to
drugs, health problems and etc. are used to give the consumer the message that the cure is to buy the product
in the ad. Using rational and emotional speech in common is other method that using dialogues as narrow as
possible, designing a witty atmosphere and underlining a universal truth is called as combined verbalism in
advertising. Another category is justification and entertainment: Justification technique prensents consumer a
rational cause to do buying action while entertainment highlights emotions rather than rationality such as
cigarette ads that it is hard to find a reasonable message to buy those kind of products. Tony Yeshin, reduces
advertisements to classes as ads to the target audience, purpose, media and geographical
position.(Yeshin,2006:5) We can also examine advertisement in detail about the strategy of message; product
information ( only information about the product is used), product image ( the brand takes of some meaning),
customization (the product reflects a groups characteristics) and life style (a strategy that involves the sum of
the third code). (Richards, Macrury and Botterill,2000:36)
Beard cited to a differentiated replication of an earlier study of college students in the late 1970s indicate the
salience of various beliefs that help determine attitudes toward advertising and provide a useful benchmark for
future studies. Beard also mentioned that early studies of students attitudes toward advertising suggested they
were quite negative. Indeed, from 60% to 80% of Hallers sample agreed that more than half of all advertising
presents misleading claims, insults peoples intelligence, is irritating and highly annoying, and persuades
people to buy things they dont want nor need. Similarly, subjects in three of the five clusters resulting from
Larkins (1977) Q-factor analysis of college students were found to be highly critical, exhibiting substantially
anti-advertising attitudes.(Beard,2003:217-220)Buijzen and Valkenburg investigated the relations between
advertising exposure, materialism, parent-child conflict, disappointment, and life dissatisfaction in their
study.( Buijzen and Valkenburg,2003:497-498) Their second aim was to explore whetherand if so, how
these relations were moderated by child and family variables and their results demonstrated that advertising is
related to parent-child conflict. Thay also found a stronger advertisingpurchase request relation for younger
children than for older children, which is in line with earlier evidence showing younger childrens greater
susceptibility to advertising effects. Therefore, their results disconfirm the hypothesis that advertising makes
children unhappy because it creates unrealistic expectations about themselves and their environment.
Tha Anlysis of Survey Results
In the survey, the impressions below are given and the students are requested to choose the alternatives yes
or no. The students impressions about the ads they watched are on the table below:


% 80
% 30
% 72
% 75
% 25
% 45
% 60
% 20
% 55

International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 2 No. 3 [Special Issue - January 2011]

280 of the students choosed yes for the sentence the ad showed the life that Id like to live
The answer for the sentence the ad gave me a new idea was yes for 50 students in 300.
105 students accepted that the ads were true to life.
92 students accepted that the ads told them products they think theyd like to try.
27 students explained that they had to try hard to understand the ads.
219 students explained that what they were saying in the ads were not really true.
120 of the students told that they know the products in the ads are good.
223 students cited that they have seen the ads so many times before and they are tired of them.
220 of the students implied that the ads did not really make them want to try the products they were showing.
12 of the students said that they were so busy watching the screen, they did not listen to what they were
97 of the students said that theyd tell their friends about the products in the ads.
246 students expressed that the ads were not just selling something, they were entertaining them.
40 of the students stated that it was the kind of ad that keeps going through their mind after they have seen it.

The students between the ages of 17 and 25 find television ads amusing and exciting.They dont find
advertisements boring but what they find annoying and dreadful is the tv channels showing them over and
over. The answer for the sentence the ad showed the life that Id like to live was noteworthy. Most of the
students (%93) cited that the life styles shown in the ads are ideal and charming. It seems that the ads did not
really make the students want to try the products they were showing. But the individuals at those ages are
inclined to notice funny and clever ads. So it can be a good strategy to use entertaining messages to make the
brands easily-remembered for this segment. To the results the ads are easily understood but not inspring.
Another noteworthy result is that 223 students said they have seen the ads so many times before and they are
tired of them. We see that tv channels broadcasting ads overdosage is not an efficient method. Popular culture
is founded on consumption and advertisements are the basic weapons of pop-culture producers. The ads not
only sell a product but they also sell life styles and status in the community. Young people can be easily
attracted by ads and the world surrounded with brands presents them promises in consideration of
consumption. Young people are interested in ads provided that they are funny, clever and young-styled.

Beard,F.K. (2003) College Student Attitudes Toward Advertisings Ethical, Economic, and Social
Consequences, Journal of Business Ethics, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 48:
Brierley,S.(1995) The Advertising Handbook, London:Routledge Publications.
Bryant,J. And Oliver,M.B. (2008) Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research
Buijzen,M. And Valkenburg,P.M.(2003) The Unintended Effects of Television Advertising
A Parent-Child Survey,COMMUNICATION RESEARCH,DOI: 10.1177/0093650203256361Sage
Publications, Vol. 30 No. 5, O483-503.
Dahl,G.(2007) Advertising For Dummies, UK: John Wiley&Sons.
Dyer,G. (1996) Advertising As Communication, London:Routledge Publications.
Guy, W. And D, Cook. (2001) The Discourse of Advertising, UK: Routledge.
Hefzallah,.M. (1987) Critical Viewing of Television: A Book For Parents and Teachers
USA:University Press of America.
Lee,M. And Johnson,C.(2005) Principles of Advertising, UK:The Haworth Press,
Petley,J.(2003) Advertising, UK: MediaWise Pub.
Richards,B. Macrury,I and Jackie Botterill,(2000) The Dynamics of Advertising, UK: Taylor&Francis LTD.
Yeshin,T.(2006) Advertising, UK:Thomson Learning.


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