Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation PDF
Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation PDF
Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation PDF
DOI 10.1007/s10551-016-3061-6
This symposium offers a discussion about the impact of Similarly, it is a very rare event to find in the readings
ethics-related variables on the development of new products, and technical notes of top-ranked MBA courses a discus-
services and on organizational innovation. It proposes a sion about how to introduce ethics in product, service and
multi-disciplinary perspective that links several strands of organizational innovation. Yet, several studies show that
research including: political CSR (Scherer and Palazzo 2007, important ethical issues such as security, reliability and
2011), social entrepreneurship (Santos 2012), hybrid orga- transparency ought to be given center stage in the discus-
nizations (Battilana and Lee 2014), innovation and adoption sion about how designers of new products and services can
issues in sustainability (Berrone et al. 2013), corporate and should frame their activities, in important sectors such
transparency (Vaccaro and Madsen 2009; Vaccaro 2012), etc. as automotive (see, e.g. Thomke 2003).
The idea of the guest editors is to highlight and discuss Thus, it seems that, both the managerial literature and
the increasing importance, and visibility, of ethics in practice still fail to fully recognize the importance and the
decision-making processes associated with product, service great opportunities associated with ethics in product, ser-
and organizational innovation. We believe that the rele- vice and organizational innovation. What this collection of
vance of ethics for the analysis of innovation is rooted in papers intends to foster is a discussion about how ethics
strong empirical evidence about the increasing expecta- could become an integral component of the discourse about
tions and attention of consumers, and more in general of technological and organizational innovation, rather than
the civil society, about these issues. Yet, the topic still fails remaining an after-thought to be discussed only when and
to attract the attention of scholars and researchers, partic- if problems occur.
ularly in the innovation studies community. This gap has Indeed, individuals and organizations differ in how they
important implications for both research and practice. deal with ethical issues and this difference position them
For example, digital companies publicly recognize the within the market as well as civil society. The ethical
importance of users’ privacy. Yet, they still struggle to standing of an organization—that is represented by its
adapt their new product and service development processes internal practices, products and services—clearly provides
to include these considerations when the technology is still a unique way to differentiate from competitors.
malleable and open to be modified in ways that are less We should never forget that the very same technology,1
likely to generate problems down the line. Facebook’s that is by definition ethically neutral (Kaplan 2004,
privacy scandal saga (Tatton-Brown 2012) is one among pp. 227), can be developed and used in dramatically dif-
many well-known global examples of these tensions. ferent ways. There are organizations that currently exploits
internet-based technologies to manage ‘digital sweat-
shops’, i.e. overcrowded rooms where workers play online
& Stefano Brusoni
[email protected]
games for up to twelve hours a day in order to create virtual
goods, such as characters, equipment’s or in-game
ETH Zurich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
2 1
IESE Business School, Avenida Pearson 21, Here we use the term technology referring to a product, service or
08017 Barcelona, Spain to an organizational activity/procedure.
S. Brusoni, A. Vaccaro
currency, which can then be sold to other, obviously richer, case of a technology that influences the external environ-
players (Floridi 2009, p. 14). But, there are other kinds of ment and/or external stakeholders. For example, environ-
organizations, such as Samasource, that use the very same mental technologies adopted within production facilities
technology to empower women, increase the freedom of have a positive impact on the external environment by
disadvantaged people in very poor and underdeveloped reducing the levels of pollution but also show to the local
areas of the world supporting human integral development population the importance of environmental preservation.
(Gino and Staats 2012). Thus, technologies can be a unique way to embed,
Thus, the very same technology, used in very similar spread and convey ethical values. We believe that this is a
organizational conditions (e.g. distant, virtual work), can different perspective about corporate social responsibility
provide very different internal and external outcomes that should be taken in more consideration by scholars and
depending on how and when in the innovation process practitioners.
ethics-related variables are taken into account. This Symposium is composed by six different papers.
These considerations highlight the need to further our The first paper, by Christian Voegtlin and Andreas
understanding of the role played by ethics-related variables Georg Scherer, explores innovation as a way to resolve
in new product and service development and more in sustainability mega-problems adopting a political CSR
general in firms’ innovation efforts (see, e.g. Adolphson perspective (Scherer and Palazzo, 2007, 2011). More
2004; Madsen 2005). specifically, the paper discusses global governance
Our standpoint is value-based. We acknowledge the approaches based on deliberation as a strategy to support
importance of cultural variation but we assume the exis- responsible innovation. According to the authors such kind
tence of intrinsic fundamental values (see, e.g. the UN of solutions can provide the necessary, voluntary soft-law
Declaration of Human rights) that represent a base for the regulations that complement traditional law-based solu-
solution of any kind of problem. We believe that this tions and in turn facilitate collective and responsible
assumption is extremely important in discussing these innovation.
issues because of their multi-cultural and complex nature. The second paper [Safety Reloaded: Lean Operations
Indeed, given the intrinsic ethical neutrality of tech- and High Involvement Practices for Sustainable Work-
nologies per se, values play a central role in this discussion. places, by Camuffo, De Stefano and Paolino.] proposes an
Individual and organizational values shape how technolo- interesting perspective of occupational safety as an
gies (product, services, procedures) are understood and important aspect of corporate responsibility and sustain-
practiced. In addition, this has a dramatic impact on ability. More specifically, it focuses on a specific case of
internal and external outcomes (please, see Fig. 1). organizational innovation, namely the adoption of lean
A technology that is used in a way that addresses some operations, high involvement work practices and manage-
pro-social ethical values, such safety or respect of human ment behavior and their impact on occupational safety.
dignity, affects positively the organization life and culture Relying on a unique database, i.e. the activities of 32
because it reinforces the importance of those values production departments from 9 plants in 7 countries of one
through their continuous operationalization in day-to-day of the world’s largest tire manufacturer, it shows that high
life activities. Thus, technologies can be used to support involvement work practices and two specific management
virtuous behavior within organizations. behaviors, i.e. workers’ capability development and
But, the use of a technology driven by values can also empowerment, positively affect occupational safety. The
have positive outcomes outside the organization. This is the results also point out that empowering behaviors positively
External Outcomes
Spreading values
Positive and/or
Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation
moderate the effect of lean operations on workers’ safety. taken (as opposed to wait for a design to be frozen, when it
We believe this paper well captures the spirit of this is too late to introduce major changes).
Symposium, as it shows how lean practices (developed The last paper also focuses on tensions arising from
quite independently of any discussion about ethics) can conflicting objectives. This paper [Stakeholders Matter:
instead be enriched by the discussion about ethics to deli- How Social Enterprises Address Mission Drift, by Tom-
ver results that go beyond the original scope of that maso Ramus and Antonino Vaccaro], addresses an issue
discussion. that received scant attention in the social innovation liter-
The third paper [Threat Interpretation and Innovation in ature, i.e. mission drift. Relying on a comparative case
the Context of Climate Change: An Ethical Perspective, by study analysis, it explores strategies that can address mis-
Aoife Brophy Haney)] provides a very detailed, micro- sion drift in social enterprises. Results show that a com-
level analysis of how ethical considerations may affect the bination of stakeholder engagement with social accounting
ability of firms to react to environmental challenges. can successfully support the rebalancing effort of a hybrid
Managers’ responses are affected by their framing of a organization experiencing mission drift. On the contrary,
situation. Environmental clues can be read as either threats strategies mostly focused on social accounting only, a quite
or opportunities. The former frame is less likely to generate typical approach in current times, are unsuccessful because
innovative responses. This paper shows that ethical they fail to boost the process necessary to re-introduce and
mechanisms such as an extended concept of responsibility operationalize in day-to-day life pro-social values and
and moral legitimacy actually increase the likelihood of objectives.
perceiving opportunities, rather than threats, and hence This symposium is the result of a 3-year collaborative
react innovatively to emerging competitive challenges. research project between IESE Business School and the
The fourth paper [I Do Not Want to Be Green: Prosocial Chair of Technology and Innovation Management of ETH
Motivation Effects on Firm Environmental Innovation Zurich. The papers here included were presented and dis-
Rejection Decisions, by Bari L. Bendell] extends the cussed during the conference ‘‘Ethics, technology an
analysis to look at the interplay between focal decision organizational innovation’’ hosted in January 2014 by ETH
makers (business owners) and their customers. The paper in Zurich.
shows that prosocial motivation per se does not lead to the There are many people we would like to thank for their
adoption of greener practices, despite the presence of well- great contribution to this event. Among others we would
known technological options. This paper, on the basis of like to remember: Michele Andreaus, Barbara La Cara,
original, primary data focused on the US dry cleaning Luca Savettiere, Eliana Amato, Christine Ecker and
industry, shows that business owners have to respond to Rosario Magre Miro.
multiple demands from their customer base. Given this
fragmentation and multiplicity of demands, the main driver
behind the adoption of environmental innovation becomes
high customer compatibility, rather than pro-social moti-
vation per se. This paper raises the issue of the interplay References
between focal decision makers and the stakeholders with
which they interact. Such interactions may play a rather Adolphson, D. (2004). A new perspective on ethics, and economics.
conservative role in innovation decisions, lacking any Journal of Business Ethics, 54(3), 201–213.
Battilana, J., & Lee, M. (2014). Advancing research on hybrid
explicit coordination mechanism. organizing—Insights from the study of social enterprises.
This latter point is picked by the fifth paper [Innovation Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 397–441.
in Multistakeholder Setting: The Case of a Wicked Issue in Berrone, Pascual, Fosfuri, Andrea, Gelabert, Liliana, & Gomez-
Health Care, by Ruehli, Sachs and Schmitt]. In this paper, Mejia, Luis R. (2013). Necessity as the mother of ‘green’
inventions: Institutional pressures and environmental innova-
the discussion focuses on how participative stakeholder tions. Strategic Management Journal, 34(8), 891–909.
innovation can be leveraged to overcome major design Floridi, L. (2009). Information ethics: A very short introduction.
problems, characterized by the presence of multiple, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
inconsistent objectives, in terms of both social needs and Gino, F. & Staats, B. (2012). Samasource: Give work not aid! HBS
Case study, 9-912-011.
technological bottlenecks. On the basis of a detailed case Kaplan, D. (2004). Readings in the philosophy of technology.
study of the Swiss Cardiovascular Network, the authors put Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
forward an evaluation framework whose task is that of Madsen, P. (2005). Responsible design and the management of ethics.
revealing and aligning objectives, preferences, resources DMI Review, 16(3), 37–41.
Santos, F. (2012). A positive theory of social entrepreneurship.
and decision-making criteria of all the relevant stakehold- Journal of Business Ethics, 111(3), 335–351.
ers in order to identify tensions and conflicts as the relevant Scherer, A. G., & Palazzo, G. (2007). Toward a political conception
technological and organizational design decisions are being of corporate social responsibility: Business and society seen
S. Brusoni, A. Vaccaro
from a habermasian perspective. Academy of Management Thomke, S. (2003). Experimentation matters: Unlocking the potential
Review, 32(4), 1096–1120. of new technologies for innovation. Boston: Harvard Business
Scherer, A. G., & Palazzo, G. (2011). The new political role of School Press.
business in a globalized world: A review of a new perspective on Vaccaro, A. (2012). To Pay or not to Pay? Dynamic transparency and
CSR and its implications for the firm, governance, and democ- the fight against the Mafia’s extortionists. Journal of Business
racy. Journal of Management Studies, 48(4), 899–931. Ethics, 106(1), 23–35.
Tatton-Brown, M. 2012. Facebook private message scandal prompts Vaccaro, A., & Madsen, P. (2009). Transparency: The new ICT-
privacy questions, Wired, 25 September 2012, http://www.wired. driven Ethics? Ethics and Information Technology, 11(2), 113–122.