What Is Revival?: See The Need Hear The Cry Pay The Price
What Is Revival?: See The Need Hear The Cry Pay The Price
What Is Revival?: See The Need Hear The Cry Pay The Price
Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the moun-
tains might flow down at thy presence, - Isaiah 64:1
What is Revival?
First, let me tell you what I mean by revival. An evangelistic campaign or special meet-
ing is not revival. In a successful evangelistic campaign or crusade, there will be hun-
dreds or even thousands of people making decisions for Jesus Christ, but the commu-
nity remains untouched, and the churches continue much the same as before the out-
reach. In revival, God moves in the district. Suddenly, the community becomes God
conscious. The Spirit of God grips men and women in such a way that even work is
given up as people give themselves to waiting upon God. In the midst of the Lewis
Awakening, the parish minister at Barvas wrote, "The Spirit of the Lord was resting
wonderfully on the different townships of the region. His Presence was in the homes
of the people, on meadow and moorland, and even on the public roads." This pres-
ence of God is the supreme characteristic of a God-sent revival. Of the hundreds who
found Jesus Christ during this time, seventy-five per cent were saved before they came
near a meeting or heard a sermon by myself or any other ministers in the parish. The
power of God, the Spirit of God, was moving in operation, and the fear of God
gripped the souls of men - this is God-sent revival as distinct from special efforts in the
field of evangelism. - Duncan Campbell (I Corinthians 1:29, Colossians 1:18)
What is Faith? Faith is the eye by which we look to Jesus. A dim-sighted eye is still an
eye; a weeping eye is still an eye. Faith is the hand with which we lay hold of Jesus. A trembling hand is still
a hand. And he is a believer whose heart within him trembles when he touches the hem of the Saviours
garment, that he may be healed. Faith is the tongue by which we taste how good the Lord is. A feverish
tongue is, nevertheless, a tongue, and, even then, we may believe when we are without the smallest por-
tion of comfort; for our faith is founded, not upon feeling, but upon the promises of God. Faith is the foot
by which we go to Jesus. A lame foot is still a foot. He who comes slowly, nevertheless comes.
- George Mueller
The 4 great tenets of Evan Roberts at the dawn of revival that he stressed were: In 92 days from
(1) Confessing openly and fully to God any sin not confessed to Him before; October 1st
of 2017, this
(2) doing away with anything doubtful in ourselves;
year as we
(3) giving prompt obedience to the influences of the Holy Spirit in the heart, know it will
(4) confessing Christ openly and publicly before the world. come to a close.
Real Revival comes only from GOD. He alone is the Fountainhead. A Spiritual Awakening cannot be
Scheduled, Worked up or Humanly engineered - Lewis Drummond
Today in America, we have allowed drinking and booze as a social habit, pornography as
art and expression, murder of the unborn as freedom of choice, lottery and gambling as
entertainment, blasphemy as freedom of speech and homosexuality as freedom of expres-
sion. There is only one word for all these, SIN before a thrice Holy and righteous GOD.
America is following the path of Rome and Babylon. Unless America repents, she is
doomed to end as an enemy of GOD forgotten in the ashes of her judgment. (Isaiah 5:20)
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in
the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. - 2 Chronicles 16:9
Psalm 126:5
GOD is the answer, prayer & obedience is the key
Will you pay the price?