Jungle Book Fact Sheet From OCR
Jungle Book Fact Sheet From OCR
Jungle Book Fact Sheet From OCR
Teacher guide
H009, H409
For first teaching in 2017
AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
The Jungle Book (1967) 3
Regulation 7
Maintaining audiences 7
Production 8
Regulation 11
Technology 11
Economics/Funding 12
Maintaining audiences 12
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Production and technology
The Jungle Book (hereafter JB) was released in 1967 by Walt
Disney Productions. It was created at the Walt Disney Studios
in California. Disney’s animation studio had been responsible
for developing many of the techniques and ways of working
that became standard practices of traditional cel animation,
pioneering the art of storyboarding and developing the use of
the multiplane to create an early 3-D like effect.
Disney thought the first version of the script was too dark
for family audiences, that the audience wouldn’t be able to
identify with the boy, Mowgli, and that the villain, the tiger
Shere Khan, would be a cliché; so Disney himself took control
and changed the production team. ‘What Walt wanted was
a film that was light, fun, and entertaining with happy songs
- good stuff, fun stuff. He didn’t want to go anywhere near
darkness’, according to animator Floyd Norman https://d23.
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AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
5 © OCR 2017
AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
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AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
Maintaining audiences
Disney was highly aware of how to build and maintain
audiences nationally and globally, from the shaping of
the original product to appeal more to a family audience,
the marketing and distribution by its own company,
merchandising etc. Disney was an early master of synergy,
persuading companies to tie in with their film’s release,
running a character merchandising department. ‘In addition to
pioneering synergy, branding and merchandising beginning
in the 1930s, Walt Disney also developed the idea of synergy
between media consumption and theme park visits in the
1950s. The producer of animated films used the popularity
of his famous cartoon characters for a weekly show on ABC
that served as an advertisement for his theme park. In turn,
visiting Disneyland helped secure customers’ brand loyalty
to the Disney trademark for the future. This strategy of
cross-promotion… has become a basis for the Walt Disney
Company’s rapid growth.’ 4 Thus Disney constantly renewed
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AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
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AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
In terms of structuring the narrative, Favreau said, ‘We went new packaging, says Robert Levin, a former Disney marketing
back to the structure of it and saw what Kipling did because executive: ‘There used to be a re-release of a classic film every
he offered a lot. We kind of picked between the two. The story seven years..Now re-imagining them is what’s hot.’ (https://
structure of the 1967 film was good and offered a lot; so I stuck www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-05/disney-
to it as much as I could. What I have tried to do is to focus remakes-cinderella-other-classics-as-live-action-films)
on the images that I remember from it before going back to
look at it again.‘ (http://www.business-standard.com/article/ ‘[Sean] Bailey credited the division’s escalating success rate to
news-ians/jon-favreau-breathes-new-life-to-kipling-classic-the- the silo system instituted by Disney chairman Bob Iger and
jungle-book-116022400306_1.html) managed by Alan Horn… It is a program where each division
stays in its own lane and isn’t pressured to make more movies
This extra has some useful material on the production: https:// than its marketing machine can handle, while maintaining
youtu.be/aZOUWQ6ioxc quality controls. This differs from some studios that seem to
be bent on filling a high number of films on a slate. Disney’s
These videos cover how the animals and environments were annual collective output usually doesn’t exceed a dozen. But
created: https://youtu.be/yBpRQU6avHM and https://youtu. eight of those Disney films are global blockbusters that suck
be/-0MD1g_5dV4 all the oxygen out of the box office when they are released.’
JB16 included some of the original music from the 1967
version partly in order to compete with the Warner version that
was simultaneously in production: ‘When Warners raced us In terms of Disney being a conglomerate, diversified etc see
on Jungle Book, we thought, Well, we’re putting ‘Bare Necessities’ JB above. However, the production process of JB16 was highly
in the movie because they can’t’ [Sean] Bailey said. ‘We have dependent on other companies, such as MPC, and so was not
certain characters and certain depictions of characters and fully made in-house, as JB had been. The 2016 was distributed
we’re going lean into that. It’s an advantage to us.’ (http://www. by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
6 Lee Artz in Budd. M (Ed) & Kirsch, M. (Ed). (2005) Rethinking Disney:
Private Control, Public Dimensions, Wesleyan University Press, p75.
9 © OCR 2017
AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
Warner Brothers had been producing their own adaptation Apart from traditional marketing devices (theatrical trailers and
of Kipling’s The Jungle Book (possible because the book itself print-based posters) Disney uploaded an interactive movie
was out of copyright) but delayed the release date, probably poster on Snapchat and users could apply a framed ‘Jungle
to separate it from the Disney film and to give its version a Book’ lens, which turned their faces into the snake, Kaa.
chance at the box office: (https://www.cinemablend.com/
new/How-Andy-Serkis-Feels-About-His-Jungle-Book-Getting- The film tied in with other partners for promotional
Delayed-123057.html) opportunities, with competitions and other products, for
example https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/22/
Favreau was aware of the technological inter-relationship competition-win-a-disney-jungle-book-prize-pack
between the making of the film and its promotion ‘What’s
interesting about the film is we are telling an old story with JB16 was produced in 3D (as well as 2D) and was one of the
new technology, and that’s bled over into other aspects of first films to be released in Dolby Vision 3D (but only a handful
film and promotion…We had an extremely sophisticated of cinemas were equipped to show it in that form). 10% of US
technological landscape that we were dealing with day to showings were in IMAX.
day as we created the film. Now, as we explore the means
It has subsequently been released on DVD and Blu Ray and
by which we share it with people, technology seemed like a
JB has also been released by Disney as digital downloads via
very inherent part of the whole live action Jungle Book movie.’
iTunes, Disney Movies Anywhere, Disney Life, Amazon Video,
Movies Anywhere, Google Play etc.
Walt Disney Records has released a soundtrack album.
This is seen in the way Disney uses social media, having JB16
Merchandise was, of course, another money spinner for Disney,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts. The accounts released
with the Disney Store (online and in high street shops) selling
teasers and making of photos and videos (including behind
toys, clothing and homeware. Disney also licensed other
the scenes) in the months before the theatrical release
manufacturers to produce related products – the designer
and kept up the promotion for the release on DVD and as
Kenzo produced a range of clothing to mark the new film
downloads. Sharing is obviously an invaluable promotional
but featuring designs from the original film (http://www.
tool. There are a number of online articles talking about how
Disney generally uses social media, e.g. https://econsultancy.
campaigns. This discusses how JB16 was marketed https:// For more on marketing and distribution see below,
www.nytimes.com/2016/04/18/business/media/disneys-savvy- Maintaining Audiences. The whole Disney ‘Jungle Book
marketing-jungle-book.html Franchise’ is listed at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jungle_
10 © OCR 2017
AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
For copyright, see JB above.
Sean Bailey, president of production for Disney, called JB16
‘one of the most technologically advanced movies ever made’;
as the director noted, ‘I found myself wrestling with the same
things as Walt, who used cutting edge technology for his day,
but with a different set of tools and technologies.’ (https://
jungle-book )
On the set, scenes for The Jungle Book were first filmed using
motion capture. ‘We motion-captured the entire movie before
we filmed anything and we cut the whole film together,’ says
Favreau. Using that footage, the effects team then built the
film’s sets virtually, a process known as previsualisation (previz).
‘Everything was mapped against the virtual sets. We designed
the sets like you would for a video game.’ (http://www.wired.
11 © OCR 2017
AS and A Level Media Studies Teacher Guide: The Jungle Book 1967 and 2016:
Industries and audience
Economics/Funding This article explains how each stage of the marketing attracted
a different market sector: https://www.quora.com/Why-was-
JB16 cost an estimated $175m to produce but opened with Disneys-marketing-of-The-Jungle-Book-remarked-upon-as-
$103.6 million in North America, making it one of the biggest savvy-and-innovative-What-did-they-do-differently : ‘Stepping
April debuts ever at the box office. It grossed over $966 million, back to look at it, Disney has developed a marketing strategy
making it the fifth highest grossing film of 2016 and the 35th not dissimilar to a political campaign… Disney has pulled off
highest grossing film of all time (Wikipedia). some big, complex marketing in the past, but nothing quite
as perfect and impressive as what they accomplished with The
In 2016 Disney’s productions earned more at the box office Jungle Book.’
than any of the other six majors; Disney ‘amassed $2.56 billion
globally, well ahead of its next nearest rivals, Warner Bros. Part of the huge box office success was marketing to appeal
and Universal, with each at roughly $1.8 billion. The Disney to a wide range of age groups, such as targeting action
domination is impressive, providing enough cushion to adventure fans, not just Disney’s traditional family audiences:
withstand the losses sustained from The BFG and Alice…. To ‘according to surveys, 49 per cent of the sales were attributed
date, the studio claims the top-four grossing films of the year. to movie-goers who were over 25 years of age and 51 per cent
In addition to Captain America: Civil War (Marvel Studies is a of the sales were attributed to audiences in the under-25 age
wholly owned subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company) and group. And audiences in the age group of 18 to 24 led to 33
Finding Dory, there’s Zootopia and The Jungle Book. (http:// per cent of ticket sales.’ (https://www.inquisitr.com/3011048/
www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/summer-box-office-2016- jungle-books-clever-marketing-tactics-that-caused-it-to-be-
blockbusters-flops-sequelitis-923601) the-second-highest-weekend-grosser-ever/ ‘ Jungle Book has
also wildly overperformed after being embraced by critics
The film was released in 70 countries, opening at different and audiences alike, earning nearly $600 million to date in
times depending on competition and school holiday dates. another defining moment for [Sean] Bailey and his colleagues.
It was the biggest Hollywood release ever in India, having … The movie is playing to not just the coveted Disney female
earned $36.8 million and was very successful in China, where audience, but to all demos. Males have flocked to the film,
the film was locally known as Fantasy Forest. It was particularly attracted by the cutting edge technology used for its visual
strong in terms of 3D ticket sales due to being ‘precisely the effects...’ (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/disney-
sort of film that Chinese audiences love with its 3D visuals, rules-hollywoods-fairy-tale-888663)
heartwarming story, and talking animal cast’. (https://www.
forbes.com/sites/robcain/2016/04/15/disneys-jungle-book- ‘Looking at The Jungle Book CinemaScore breakdown: 97%
swings-in-china-to-12-million-opening-day-250-better-than- of the audience gave the film an A or a B. The total positive
zootopia/#7d44f2aa2a1f ) response from PostTrak was also a very high 92%. It is 95% fresh
on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s also a very high ‘definite recommend.’
Global box office figures can be found at http://www. The film got A’s from both the under and over 25 crowd and
boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=junglebook2015.htm and A+ among those under 18 years of age and also for the over-50
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jungle_Book_(2016_ audience.’ (http://deadline.com/2016/04/jungle-book-goes-
film)#Sequel wild-85m-to-88m-barbershop-snips-about-20m-criminal-box-
Capitalising on the success of JB16, a sequel is planned,
possibly for release in 2019.
Maintaining audiences
‘Considering the highly developed corporate synergy in which
every Disney product is both a commodity and an ad for every
other Disney commodity, it is scarcely an exaggeration to say
that each story the company tells, each theme the company
deploys builds the Disney brand. In Disney’s case, the medium
is also the advertisement. Disney products are themselves
advertisements for Disney and for its ideological and cultural
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