Failure: Seeds of Innovation: Lesson Focus
Failure: Seeds of Innovation: Lesson Focus
Failure: Seeds of Innovation: Lesson Focus
Lesson Focus
Lesson focuses on how failure is part of the engineering process. Students work in teams
and learn about many inventions and advances in engineering were brought about after a
mistake or failure. Students research an example of such an innovation and develop a
presentation related to how the tenacity of the engineer allowed him or her to move past
a failure and into the realm of innovation. Students reflect on the value of moving on
after a failure or setback, present the results of their research to the class, and provide
examples of how the innovation they researched has impacted society -- only because the
engineer didn't give up.
Lesson Synopsis
The "Failure: Seeds of Innovation" lesson explores how mistakes and failures can often
lead to engineering successes and improvements in materials, machines, and systems.
Teams explore many examples of how tenacity can lead to innovation, and then research
a product, system, or material to determine the many points where mistakes or
challenges rose in the way of progress. Teams develop a presentation on their product,
how it came to be, and present to the class. Teams also reflect on the experience, and
prepare a summary report.
Age Levels
Learn how engineering can help solve society's challenges.
Learn about teamwork.
Learn about problem solving.
Lesson Activities
Students explore how mistakes and failures are a part of engineering and explore many
examples of how engineers and others created materials, products, and processes after
facing a failure or mistake. Students work in teams to research and present about a
product, materials, or process -- they explore the people involved, the challenges they
faced, and the hurdles that had to be overcome in order to succeed. They present their
research to the class, participate in discussions with other teams, and complete a
reflection sheet.
Internet Connections
TryEngineering (
Silly Putty Timeline (
NASA Apollo Program (
National Science Education Standards (
ITEA Standards for Technological Literacy (
Recommended Reading
They All Laughed... From Light Bulbs to Lasers: The Fascinating Stories Behind the
Great Inventions That Have Changed Our Lives (ISBN: 978-0060924157)
Mistakes that Worked (ISBN: 978-0385320436)
Invention by Design; How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing (ISBN: 978-
Success through Failure: The Paradox of Design (ISBN: 978-0691136424)
The Evolution of Useful Things: How Everyday Artifacts-From Forks and Pins to
Paper Clips and Zippers-Came to be as They are (ISBN: 978-0679740391)
Note: For younger students, consider having them research the technical challenges of the
U.S. Apollo 13 mission (see
and consider how international spaceflight might have changed if NASA engineers had
given up.
Believe it or not, many of the technologies and solutions we count on today came about
because someone made a mistake. Failure is a part of engineering and design. It is what
one does when faced with a failure that can lay the seeds for success.
Take the microwave oven for example. It was not developed
because someone was trying to engineer a faster way of cooking.
In fact, the idea of using microwave energy to cook food was
accidentally discovered by Percy LeBaron Spencer of the Raytheon
Company who was experimenting with and testing a magnetron.
While he was working and had stored a candy bar in his pocket for a snack. Percy was
working in an area where he was exposed to microwaves, and found that the candy bar
had melted all over his pocket. Instead of being distracted by the mess, he realized that
microwave heating could raise the internal temperature of many foods -- and then
research found that it could cook far more rapidly than a conventional oven.
Post-It Notes
Post-It Notes are another example of how not giving up in the face
of failure can lead to innovation. In 1968, Dr. Spencer Silver, a
chemist at 3M in the United States, was trying to develop a new and
stronger glue. Instead, he developed a weaker adhesive that pulled
off instead of staying put. Six years later, a colleague of Dr. Silver,
Art Fry, remembered the light adhesive when he was daydreaming
about how he wished his bookmark would stay put in his church
hymnal. The rest is history. 3M launched the product in stores in 1977 in four cities under
the name "Press 'n Peel," but its results were disappointing. Then, a year later, in 1978,
3M issued free samples to residents of Boise, Idaho, and 95 percent of the people who
tried them said that they would buy the product. On April 6, 1980, the product debuted in
US stores as "Post-It Notes." In 1981, Post-Its were launched in Canada and Europe.
Today, it is tough to find an office or home that doesn't use them. By the way, the yellow
color of original Post-It Notes was also an accident -- the lab next-door to the Post-it team
had a bunch of scrap yellow paper, which the team initially used.
Silly Putty
Silly Putty was also created from a failure. According to the Silly
Putty website, James Wright, an engineer working for GE’s lab in
New Haven, CT was working to develop a substitute for rubber when
it was hard to come by in the US during World War II. Wright failed
in his attempt in 1943, because his boric acid and silicone oil
combination produced something not rubbery at all, but a gooey
substance that lost its shape when left alone -- exactly a success. But, GE kept looking
for a use for the material, and for six years sent it out to other engineers to collaborate.
The new material ended up with Ruth Fallgatter, who owned a toy store. She teamed up
with a marketing person, Peter Hodgson, and they started selling the material in eggs
under the name Silly Putty. More than 300 million eggs have been sold since 1950!
Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) discovered
penicillin quite by accident in 1928. He was conducting research
using several petri dishes of bacteria cultures, and by mistake he
left one of the dishes uncovered for a few days. He then noticed
that it was contaminated with a mold -- he had made a mistake.
As he was throwing the mess out, he then happened to notice that
the mold was actually dissolving the bacteria that were near to it. This mistake lead to
success in that penicillin, as he called it, has proved to be one of the greatest advances in
medicine. It's a good thing he took a closer look before throwing out his mistake.
Super Glue
In 1942, Harry Coover and his team at Eastman Kodak were trying to
create a new form of clear plastic….but his experiments were failing
because the resulting material was too sticky. The material was a
cyanoacrylates -- then nine years later, Coover was working with another
Kodak team investigating heat-resistant polymers for jet canopies when
cyanoacrylates were once again tested and -- once again -- were too
sticky. That time though, Coover thought about the failings of the
material and realized that he had discovered a unique adhesive. In 1958, the adhesive
was introduced for sale as "Super Glue." And, Coover was also the first to recognize and
patent cyanoacrylates as a tissue adhesive. It was first used during the Vietnam War to
temporarily patch internal organs of injured soldiers until a more complete surgery could
be performed.
Vulcanization of Rubber
In 1839, Charles Goodyear was experimenting with the properties of gum
elastic, and accidentally dropped some rubber that was mixed with sulfur on
a hot stove. He was surprised to find that the specimen, being carelessly
brought into contact with a hot stove, charred like leather. He had
inadvertently discovered the process of vulcanization, which is instrumental
to the strength and safety of tires. Vulcanization is a chemical process for
converting rubber or related polymers into more durable materials via the
addition of sulfur or other equivalent "curatives." In addition to tires, many products are
made with vulcanized rubber, such as soles of some shores, hoses, and hockey pucks.
Liquid Paper
Bette Graham was a secretary who unfortunately was not a very good
or accurate typist. Instead of being thwarted by her failure, she
thought about how artists often paint over their paintings, and
invented a quick drying "paint" to cover her typing mistakes. Bette
initially prepared the formula in her kitchen using a hand mixer, and
poured the mixture into little bottles. In 1980, the Liquid Paper
Corporation, which Bette Graham built, was sold for over $47 million.
Research Phase
As a team research the following questions (and others you come up with) as related to
the product, material, or process your team selected. Bear in mind that you'll be making
a presentation to your class -- and if this is done electronically you might want to gather
your research in word processing or other file formats.
1. What impact has your product, material, or process had on the world? Why is this a
significant contribution to the world?
2. How long did this product, material, or process take to achieve -- from the initial seed
of a concept to actual use?
4. What significant hurdles did those involved have to overcome in order to develop this
innovation? (note, this can include errors along the way, material limitation, costs,
availability of manpower, computing restrictions, or other challenges)
5. What mistakes were made along the way? What happened when mistakes were
made? How did the mistakes impact the final product, material, or process?
6. Was there a point along the way where the product, material, or process was
considered a failure, and was abandoned for a period of time? If so, what reignited the
interest in developing the innovation?
7. Who benefits financially from this product, material, or process? Did the original team
of innovators gain financially? Did they receive any other recognition for their work?
8. What would the world be like without this product, materials, or process?
Complete the reflection questions below:
1. Describe three aspects of the development of the product, material, or process you
selected that really surprised you.
2. Which product, material, or process researched by another student team was the most
interesting to you? Why?
3. How do you think this activity will impact how you respond to the next mistake or
challenge you face?
4. Do you think there is a point where an engineer should just give up after facing a series
of setbacks or failures? What factors would make quitting be the right decision?
5. Did you think that working as a team made this project easier or harder? Why?