Ielts Phrasal Verbs
Ielts Phrasal Verbs
Ielts Phrasal Verbs
Account for 1. To explain They had to account for all the money that had gone missing.
To account for = a da explicații, a clarifica
Act as 1. To do a particular job, especially one He was asked to act as an adviser on the project.
that you do not normally do Adviser = consultant, persoană care dă sfaturi;
To act as = a servi drept, a se comporta
Agree to 1. To accept something Both sides in the conflict have agreed to the terms of the peace treaty.
Peace treaty = tratatul de pace
Aim at 1. To target The magazine is aimed at teenagers.
2. Intend to achieve (a realiza) They’re aiming at reducing costs by ten percent.
Allow for 1. Include something in a plan or You should allow for delays when planning a journey.
calculation Delay = întârziere; to allow for = a permite la
Amount to 1. To become a particular amount Their annual fuel bills amounted to over £6,000.
2. To be the same as something, or to His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct.
have the same effect as something To amount to = a ajunge la, a se ridica la, a atinge
Misconduct = abatere, administrare proastă
Aspire to 1. To have a strong wish or hope to do As a child, he aspired to be a great writer.
or have something To aspire to = a candida, a pretinde
Attribute to 1. To think that someone or something I wouldn't dream of attributing such a lack of judgment to you.
has a particular quality or feature Lack of x = lipsă/ deficit de x
Base on 1. A întemeia/ A avea la bază The film is based on a short story by thomas mann.
Believe in 1. To be certain that something exists Do you believe in ghosts?
2. To be confident that something is They don't believe in living together before marriage.
effective and right He believes in saying what he thinks.
Belong to 1. To be someone's property This book belongs to sarah ( to belong to = a aparține)
2. Be a member He belongs to a secret society.
3. Be connected to a time, place, Their ideas belong to the nineteenth century and seem old-fashioned now.
belief, thing, etc
Break down 1. Stop working Our car broke down on the way to the airport.
2. Start crying He broke down in tears.
3. End negotiations unsuccessfully The talks between management and the unions broke down acrimoniously.
4. Remove a barrier or obstacle He had to break down their opposition to his ideas.
Bring about 1. Make something happen The changes to the law were brought about by the government because so many
A produce, a provoca, a determina people were ignoring the old one.
Bring back 1. To return He took the calculator home yesterday and hasn't brought it back yet.
2. Cause someone to remember Visiting my old school brought back memories of when i was a pupil there.
2. Increase (a crește, a spori) Tension has been building up ever since the government passed the unpopular law.
Call for 1. To demand The opposition party called for the minister's resignation after the scandal broke.
(resignation = demisie )
2. Go to collect something The courier called for your parcel, but i told him it wasn't ready yet.
3. Telephone for something I'll call for a cab right away. (cab = taxi, trăsură)
4. Go and collect someone to take I'll call for you at seven, so be ready because the film starts at half past.
them out
5. To require An emergency like this calls for some pretty drastic action.
Call off 1. To cancel The concert had to be called off because the singer went down with a bad case of flu.
(flu = gripă, răceală)
2. Order someone to stop attacking Call off your lawyers; we can work something out. (to work out=a elabora)
Call on 1. Ask for help The president called on the wealthy (înstărit) countries for financial aid after the
floods(inundație) destroyed much of the country's agriculture.
2. To visit As we were in the area, we called on my sister-in-law.
3. Ask someone to do something, I now call on the other party to give their account of what happened.
especially to speak in public Account = cont, raport, socoteală
Care for 1. To like I don't care for fizzy drinks; i prefer water. (fizzy = spumos, acidulat)
Carry on 1. Continue (a se desfășura) Everyone carried on working when the head teacher walked in.
2. Behave badly The children annoyed me by carrying on all morning.
Catch up 1. Get work, etc, up to date. I was ill for a fortnight and now i've got to catch up on the work i missed.
2. Reach someone who was ahead of He started well, but i caught him up on the third lap.
you Fortnight = două săptămâni
Cater for 1. To provide what is necessary The college caters for students of all ages.
A furniza: alimente, resurse
Check in 1. Register on arriving at a hotel or at They checked in at the ritz yesterday.
the airport
Check out 1. Pay the bill when leaving a hotel She checked out and took a cab to the airport.
2. To die She checked out last week; the funeral's tomorrow.
3. Get information about or inspect I checked the new restaurant out as soon as it opened.
something to see if it's satisfactory To check out = a pleca, a verifica
Cheer up 1. A se îmbărbăta, înveseli, însenina Come on, cheer up; it isn't all bad, you know.
Clear up 1. To improve (a îmbunătăți) weather If the weather clears up, the cloud and rain disappear. (a se însenina)
2. An occasion when you tidy a We need to have a big clear-up.
place by getting rid of things that I’d better clear up the mess before leave.
you do not want To rid of = a te descotorosi, a scăpa de; to tidy up = a face curățenie
3. To explain Could you clear these points up before we go any further?
Close down 1. Close a shop, branch or business The banks have closed down a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.
permanently (branch = ramură, filieră, creangă; threat = amenințare)
2. Stop an opponent being a challenge He closed the player down and stopped him being a threat.
Come about 1. To happen, or start to happen How did the problem come about in the first place?
2. Shift direction (nautical) The yacht came about to a heading of 240 degrees.
Come along 1. To start to exist I gave up climbing when my first child came along.
2. If something is coming along, it is Hassan's english is really coming along.
developing or improving (develop) Go now and i'll come along later.3
3. To arrive or appear at a place You wait half an hour for a bus, then three come along at once!
4. To go somewhere with someone We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come along? ( to accompany)
5. Used to tell someone to hurry Come along - we don't want to be late!
Come across 1. To behave in a way that makes She comes across really well (= creates a positive image) on television.
people believe that you have a He comes across as a bit of a bore in interview. (bore = pisălog)
particular characteristic (behave)
2. The way other people see you He came across as shy because he spoke so quietly.
3. If an idea or emotion comes What comes across in his poetry is a great sense of sadness.
across in writing, film, music, or
when someone is speaking, it is
expressed clearly and people
notice it (to EXPRESS )
4. Find by accident I came across my old school reports when i was clearing out my desk.
5. Agree to have sex with someone I was surprised when she came across on the first night.
Come around 1. To recover consciousness It had taken several hours after the operation before he came around.
Come back 1. To return to a place I'll come back and pick you up in half an hour.
2. FASHION: If a style or a Padded shoulders are coming back, apparently.
fashion comes back, it becomes Long hair on men seems to be coming back into fashion.
popular again after being
unpopular for a period of time
Come down 1. Lower level: If a price or a Digital cameras have come down in price recently.
level comes down, it becomes lower Inflation is coming down.
2. Travel south: to go to a place that is My boyfriend's coming down from scotland this weekend.
south of where you live They don't come down to london much because it's too tiring with the kids. (tiring
= obositor)
3. To fall and land on the ground A lot of trees came down in the storm.
To land = a ateriza, a așterne Our plane came down in a field.
The snow came down during the night.
Just look at the rain coming down! I'm not going out in that.
4. To feel less excited after a very The whole weekend was so wonderful i haven't come down yet.
enjoyable experience În ideea că weekend-ul a fost frumos si încă nu mi-am revenit.
5. To decide that you support a The government has come down on the side of military action.
particular person or side in an
argument, etc
Come from 1. Country or town where you were She comes from somalia.
2. To be caused by something I feel awful. That comes from eating too much.
Come out 1. To go somewhere with someone for Would you like to come out for a drink sometime?
a social event
2. If a book, record, film, etc. comes When does their new album come out?
out, it becomes available for The band's new cd is coming out in september.
people to buy or see
3. When the sun, moon, or stars come The clouds finally parted and the sun came out.
To appear out, they appear in the sky It started cloudy, but then the sun came out and we all went to the park.
4. If something comes out, it becomes After her death, it came out that she'd lied about her age
known publicly after it has been The details of the scandal came out in the press and she had to resign.
kept secret (to reveal a secret) To resign = a demisiona, to reveal = a dezălui
5. If information, results, etc. come The exam results come out in august.
out, they are given to people
6. Let people know that you are She came out at university and has been living with her partner, jane, for the last
To reveal
lesbian or gay (to reveal a secret) couple of years.
7. To be in a certain condition or to Your painting has come out really well.
achieve something at the end of a She came out of the divorce settlement a rich woman.
process or activity These figures have come out wrong! I don't understand it.
Settlement -înțelegere, aranjare He hasn't exactly come out of the scandal with his reputation enhanced.
Se pune accent pe rezultatul actiunii. Enchanted = fermecat, curat (reputatie)
8. Disappear when washed. If dirt or a
Did the red wine stain come out?
mark comes out, it disappears from
The red wine i spilt will not come out of the carpet no matter what i try to clean it with.
something when it is cleaned
(wine stain = pată de vin, to spill = a vărsa)
photo 9. If a photo or part of a photo comes
The photos didn't come out because the room was so dark.
out, the picture can be seen clearly
He's in the picture, but his face hasn't come out very clearly.
10. To express an opinion
Some of the members supported the changes, but the majority came out against.
11. If something you say comes out in a
I didn't mean to be rude - it just came out like that.
particular way, that is how you say it
When i tried to tell her that i loved her it came out all wrong.
12. If workers come out, they stop
To stop working The postal workers have come out in support of their pay claim.
To open (flowers) working because of a disagreement
13. When flowers come out, they open Daffodils come out in spring.
Daffodil = narcisă galbenă
Come up 1. To move towards someone A young girl came up to me and asked for money.
2. To be mentioned or talked about in What points came up at the meeting?
3. When the sun or moon comes up, it The sun came up just as we reached the outskirts of the town.
rises. To reach = a ajunge, a traversa; outskirt = periferie
4. If information comes up on a
computer screen, it appears there.
5. To appear I'll be late home tonight because something's come up at work has to be ready for
tomorrow morning.
6. If a job or opportunity comes up, it A position has come up in the accounts department.
becomes available
7. To happen, usually unexpectedly I've got to go - something has just come up at home and i'm needed there.
8. To be happening soon
My exams are coming up soon.
Come up against 1. To have to deal with a problem If you come up against difficulties, let me know and i'll help out.
Encounter problems or difficulties They came up against a lot of opposition to their plans for an out-of-town supermarket
Come up with 1. Think of a solution, excuse, etc. Nobody could come up with a satisfactory explanation for the accident.
To suggest or think of an idea or She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
Consist of 1. To be made of or formed from The team consist of four europeans and two americans.
something It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.
Count on 1. To be confident that you can You can always count on michael in a crisis. (crisis = criză)
depend on someone or something [+ to infinitive] i can count on my parents to help me.
Cut down 1. To do or use less of something I'm trying to cut down on caffeine.
She used to work 50 hours a week, but recently she's cut down.
2. To shoot A lot of soldiers were cut down by enemy fire as they stormed (asaltat) the airport.
3. Cut something from a high position He has just cut the decorations down.
4. Reduce a vertical thing to ground by The logger cut the tree down. (logger = buștean)
Deal with 1. To talk to someone or She used to deal with difficult customers.
meet someone, especially as part of
your job
2. Be about, use as a subject matter The film deals with alienation in modern life.
Depend 1. To trust someone or something and You can always depend on michael in a crisis.
on/upon sb/sth know that that person or thing will [+ to infinitive] i'm depending on you to keep your promise.
help you or do what you want or [+ -ing verb] you can't always depend on flights arriving on time.
expect him, her, or it to do Humorous: you can depend on jana to be late (= she is always late).
2. To need something, or need the Charities depend on people supporting their activities.
help and support of someone or The country depends heavily on foreign aid.
something, in order to live or Elaine depends completely upon bob for her happiness.
continue as before
Dispose of sb/sth 1. To get rid of someone or something How did they dispose of the body?
A îndepărta or deal with something so that the It took only five minutes for the world champion to dispose of (= defeat) his opponent.
A lichida matter is finished
Do up 1. Close or fasten (a fixa) clothes You must do up your safety belt in the back of cars and taxis now.
2. Repair and renovate It had taken them six months to do up the house before they could actually move in.