PTD DIV 0007 03 Att 4 Risk Assessment Matrix

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PTD-DIV-0007-03 Att-4 Risk Assessment Matrix

Risk Classification and Tolerability of Accidents Matrix.

Catastrophic Critical Marginal Negligible
Frequent 1 1 1 2
Probable 1 1 2 3
Occasional 1 2 3 3
Remote 2 3 3 4
Improbable 3 3 4 4
Incredible 4 4 4 4
1. Intolerable risk
2. Undesirable risk, and tolerable only if risk reduction is impracticable or if the costs are grossly disproportionate to the improvement
3. Tolerable risk if the cost of risk reduction would exceed the improvement gained.
4. Negligible risk.
Note: The actual population with risk classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 depend upon what the actual frequencies are for frequent, probable etc.
Therefore, this table should be seen as an example of how such a table could be populated, rather than as specification.

Matrix of Qualitative Risk Acceptable Criteria

Likelihood Unlikely Remote Occasional Frequent

(Category 1) (Category 2) (Category 3) (Category 4)
Not likely to occur in Likely to occur once in Likely to occur more Likely to occur
the life of the facility. the life the facility than once in the life of several times in the
May occur in one of (e.g., once every 50 the facility (e.g., once life of the facility
several like facilities. years). every 10 years) (e.g., once yearly).
Negligible (Level 1)
Operating Personnel: Superficial injury.
Public: No impact. 1 2 2 3
Environmental: Hazardous process fluid
Equipment: Minor equipment damage and
negligible downtime (<1 day)
Marginal (Level 2)
Operating Personnel: Minor injury.
Public: No impact. 2 4 6 6
Environmental: Small release of hazardous
process fluid.
Equipment: Minor system damage and
downtime (>1 day)
Critical (Level 3)
Operating Personnel: Severe injury.
Public: Exposed to accident. 3 6 7 8
Environmental: Uncontained release of
hazardous process fluid.
Equipment: Major system damage and
downtime (>10 days)
Catastrophic (Level 4)
Operating Personnel: Death
Public: Exposed to threatening accident. 4 7 8 9
Environmental: Large, uncontained release
of hazardous process fluid.
Equipment: Extensive facility damage and
extended downtime (>90 days)
Unacceptable Risks Transition Risks Tolerable Risks
7 to 9 Risk reduction 3 to 6 Consider risk reduction if 1 to 2 No risks reduction
Mandatory Costs are not excessive required.

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