FSF 1df
FSF 1df
FSF 1df
Course Title: French as a Second Language Ministry Course Code: FSF 1DF
Course Description:
The grade 9 Core French Academic course provides opportunities for students to communicate and interact in French with
increasing independence, with a focus on familiar topics related to their daily lives. Students will develop their skills in
listening, speaking, reading and writing by using language learning strategies introduced in the elementary Core French
program, and will apply creative and critical thinking skills in various ways. They will also enhance their understanding
and appreciation of diverse French-speaking communities, and will develop skills necessary for lifelong language learning.
Sans frontières 9e
Anthologie Sans frontières 9e
Method of Evaluation :
Mark will be based on evaluation from each of the four strands for a total of a 100%
1 credit 1
Number of Credits Number of Groups
Course Description:
The grade 9 Core French Academic course provides opportunities for students to communicate and interact in French with increasing
independence, with a focus on familiar topics related to their daily lives. Students will develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading
and writing by using language learning strategies introduced in the elementary Core French program, and will apply creative and
critical thinking skills in various ways. They will also enhance their understanding and appreciation of diverse French-speaking
communities, and will develop skills necessary for lifelong language learning.
(Ministry of Education & Training, French as a Second Language, 2014, p.58)
Textbook :
Sans frontières 9e Dictionnaire
Anthologie Sans frontières 9e Bescherelle
* Un test de grammaire suivra chaque unité. **Noter que ce plan de cours est sujet à changement et/ou ajustement.
Method of Evaluation:
Mark will be based on evaluation from each of the four strands for a total of a 100%.
Listening (Écoute) 25%
Reading (Lecture) 25%
Speaking (Communication orale) 25%
Writing (Communication écrite) 25%