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This Article Is For DB2 9.7.2 Installation

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DB2 9.7.

2 Installation Steps 2010


Rakesh D. Tiwari
[email protected]

How to install the DB2 9.7.2 Express –C? OR Cannot install the DB2
9.7.2 Express-C?
The Installation of DB2 Express-C with Windows XP and Vista and the processor architectures
available are 32-bit, 64-bit. Operating system requirements for all DB2 editions are at the link

Let’s begin with the Pre-installation procedure means the points for the consideration before

Point 1: - Hardware Resources

DB2 Express-C can be installed on systems with any number of CPU cores and memory. There
are two points to be noted:-
1. DB2 9 will work for 2GB RAM and 2 cores for unwarranted license version.
2. For the paid subscription version DB2 express will work for 4GB RAM and 4 cores.

Point 2:- Operation System for user Authority point

For the installation for on the PC keep these points in mind:

1. Must belong to the administrator group or must have administrative rights.
2. For windows Vista and higher will work for non-administrative, but will prompt for the
administrative credentials by the DB2 Setup.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Installation Process:-

Dear user of DB2 installation please follows these steps for successful the installation of DB2
9.7.2 is given below:-

Step-1: Procedure for the Download the DB2

1.1 Link for the free License version for DB2 9.7.2 is

Please download as per your configuration 32-bit or 64-bit.

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010
1.2 To download this you need the IBM User ID and Password.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

1.3 Agreement page for installation:-

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

1.4 Select the proper one as you like to download.

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

1.5 Downloading Screen

It will also popup the new dialog box to save the setup location of Path.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

After download the setup follow step -2

Step-2: Unzip the file with WinZip

2.1 Go to the Location of the download file and you will get this db2exec_972_win_x86 zip file
with below icon in the below image.

Note: Unzip with creating folder of same name of the below icon file name

2.2 Go to the path db2exc_972_WIN_x86\setup find and Click.

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-3:- DB2 9.7.2 Setup Begins with DB2 setup Launch pad
click on the Install a Product
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-4: - Click on the Install New

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-4:- Welcome screen continue same screen as above.

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-5:- Software License Agreement

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-6:- It is sufficient to choose

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-7:- Selecting the installation:-

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010
It is to install the setup and you can also save the setting of Response file. The Response file is
sometime needed for the installation.

Default setting by IBM for DB2 is:

Install DB2 Express-C on this computer and save my setting in a response file

It is recommended to keep both i.e. last options (Default).

Note: - Remember the Response file may need you for installation for the next time. Another way of
the installation is by Response File. Because to create another sample response file for installation.
Well we will not need this time in this.

Step-8:- Path for the installation setup.

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-9:- User Information for the DB2 administration

DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

1. For Local System account the default user name is db2admin and no need for the password.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010
2. Domain user information for the DB2 administration we need the domain name, user name
and password.

3. If you are getting the message that:

(Domain and username not found or not enough privileges to check credentials on the domain
server. If user name and password is correct then click ok)
4. When above message box appear if you are confirm for username and password then
continue by clicking ok.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-10:- The instance of the DB2 setup will be created with

name DB2.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-11:- This installation wizard shows the summary of the

Details what will be installed on the computer with
DB2 Setup.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-12:- Successful installation of the DB2.

Note: - Refer the Required Steps you may need to perform for the validation of the setup.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

Step-13: - This is the wizard or screen you will get after the
successful installation after a moment of time as
per your pc configuration. This indicates the setup
is installed with our any fault or error.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

You can also open the DB2 First Step from:

Start  All Programs  IBM DB2

Step-14: - Point for Validation of the installation setup is


The proper installation of the DB2 setup is validated by the three commands which
are to be run on the command window.

The commands are: - (1) db2level, (2) db2licm –l and (3) db2val.

1. The db2level command on run, it display the DB2 9.7.2 Product, fix pack and other
details on the command window.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010

2. The db2licm –l command on run, it display all the license details of the DB2
Product to you.

3. The db2val command on run, it displays following things:-

It checks the core functionality of the DB2COPY1.
DB2 9.7.2 Installation Steps 2010
Instance of DB2 which we created is successful. The name of the
instance is DB2.

Now you can start your journey of Database with DB 9.7.2


This article shows how to install the DB2 9.7.2 on the particular PC that’s it. The
further articles will be based on the Tools of the DB2 like command line Tool, General
Administrative Tool, Set-up Tool.

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