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DB2 V8.

1 Database Administration certification

prep: Part 1 of 6, Server Management
Skill Level: Introductory

Clara Liu ([email protected])

DB2 UDB consultant

20 May 2003

This tutorial introduces skills you must have to properly manage a DB2 server. This is
the first tutorial in a series of six that you can use to help prepare for the DB2 V8.1 for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database Administration Certification (Exam 701).

Section 1. Introduction

What this tutorial is about

This tutorial introduces skills you must have to properly manage a DB2® server. This
is the first tutorial in a series of six to help you prepare for the DB2 V8.1 for Linux,
UNIX®, and Windows¹ Database Administration Certification (Exam 701). The
material in this tutorial primarily covers the objectives in Section 1 of the exam,
entitled "Server Management." You can view these objectives at:

You do not need a copy of DB2 Universal Database to complete this tutorial.
However, you can download a free trial version of IBM DB2 Universal Database ¹
Enterprise Server Edition if you'd like.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

• Advanced topics about DB2 instances

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• How to manage and configure DB2 instances

• How to configure client/server connectivity by using DB2 tools
• How DB2 authentication works
• How to control DB2 authorizations and privileges
• When and how to use the DB2 force command
• How to schedule jobs to run unattended
• What you can get out of the DB2 notification log

Who should take this tutorial

To take the DB2 UDB V8.1 Database Administration exam, you must have already
passed the DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals exam (Test 700). You can use the
DB2 Family Fundamentals tutorial series to prepare for that test. It is a very popular
tutorial series that has helped many people understand the fundamentals of the DB2
family of products.

Although not all materials discussed in the Family Fundamentals tutorial series are
required to understand the concepts described in this tutorial, you should at least
have a basic knowledge of:

• DB2 UDB products

• DB2 tools
• DB2 instances
• Databases
• Database objects
This tutorial is one of the tools to help you prepare for Exam 701. You should also
review the resources at the end of this tutorial for more information about DB2 server
management (see Resources ).

Section 2. DB2 instances

Creating and dropping an instance

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A DB2 instance is a logical context in which DB2 commands and functions are
executed. You can think of an instance as a service or a daemon process that
manages access to database files. More than one instance can be defined on a
server machine. Each instance is independent of the others, meaning that all
instances can be managed, manipulated, and tuned separately.

To create an instance in Windows, simply issue this command:

db2icrt instance_name

In UNIX, you must also provide a user ID that will be used to create fenced
user-defined function and stored procedure processes, like so:

db2icrt -u fenced_user_ID

User-defined functions and stored procedures, by default, are created in fenced

mode so that these processes run in a different address space as the DB2 system
controller process, db2sysc. This protects the database manager from being
accidentally or maliciously damaged by any user-defined routines.

To drop an instance, disconnect all database connections, and stop the instance,
issue this command:

db2idrop -f instance_name

Listing, migrating, and updating a DB2 instance

To list DB2 instances that exist on a server, use this command:


Instance migration is required if a newer version of DB2 UDB is installed or if an

instance is to be migrated to a 64-bit instance. On Windows, instance migration is
done implicitly during the necessary migration process. On UNIX, use this command
to migrate an existing instance explicitly:

db2imigr instance_name

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When certain product options or fix patches are installed, existing DB2 instances
and their associated databases need access to new functions. Use this command to
update an instance:

db2iupdt instance_name

Setting up the DB2 environment

Proper setup of the DB2 environment is very important because it controls how DB2
operates and functions. The DB2 environment is made up of:

• DB2 profile registries

• Operating system environment variables
• DB2 database manager configuration parameters
• DB2 database configuration parameters

Setting profile registries

DB2 profile registries are DB2-specific variables that affect the management,
configuration, and performance of the DB2 system. You usually need to stop and
restart an instance for changes made to the DB2 profile registries to take effect.

To list all supported DB2 profile registries:

db2set -lr

To set a DB2 profile registry:

db2set registry_variable = value

Note that there are no spaces between the variable name, the equals sign, and the
variable value. Here's an example:


To reset a DB2 profile registry to its default value, simply use the same command as
above but do not specify any value:

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db2set registry_variable =

To display all the DB2 profile registries currently set on the server, issue this

db2set -all

You should get results that look something like this:


Indicators surrounded by the square brackets ( [] ) represent the scope of the

registry profile, as follows:

• [e] represents a registry setting for the current session or environment

• [u] represents a user-level registry
• [n] represents a node-level registry
• [i] represents a instance-level registry
• [g] represents a global-level registry

Setting system environment variables

Most DB2 environment settings are controlled by the DB2 profile registry. Those that
are not stored in the profile registry are referred to as the operating system
environment variables. Commands for setting the system variables will vary
depending on the platforms and UNIX shells you are using.

Here are some examples:

• On Windows: set DB2INSTANCE=PROD

• On UNIX C shell: setenv DB2INSTANCE PROD
• On UNIX Korn shell: export DB2INSTANCE=PROD
DB2INSTANCE is an important system variable to know about. It specifies the
current session's default instance. Once this variable is set, all subsequent DB2
commands are executed to the scope of the instance specified.

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To find out which instance you are in:

db2 get instance

The output from this command will look something like this:

The current database manager instance is: DB2

Setting configuration parameters

There are instance and database levels of configuration parameters that can be
changed to tune the behavior of DB2. Refer to the Monitoring DB2 activity tutorial for
more information about the parameters. The instance (also referred to as the
database manager ) and database configuration parameters can be viewed using
the DB2 Control Center and DB2 commands.

At the Control Center, right click on the instance or database for which you would
like to work with and select Configure Parameters. You will get a list of
configuration parameters with descriptions and the current and pending values.

You can also get the same output by using the DB2 commands:

db2 get database manager configuration

db2 get database configuration for database_name

To update the values of the database manager or database configuration

parameters at the Control Center, open the DBM or DB Configuration window. Find
the parameter you want to change and double click on its value. The '...' icon will
open a form that contains hints on how to set the variable and explanations of what
ranges are allowed.

Once you click OK, you are returned to the Configuration window. The Pending
Value Effective column tells you when the new value will take effect. If the field reads
"After Instance Restart", then the pending value will not be set to the value you
selected until the instance is restarted. Otherwise the new value takes effect

The following commands can be used to set the values of the database manager or
database configuration parameters respectively:

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db2 update database manager configuration using parameter new_value

db2 update database configuration for database_name using parameter new_value

If the parameter cannot take effect immediately, a warning message appears:

SQL1362W One or more of the parameters submitted for immediate modification

were not changed dynamically. Client changes will not be effective until the next time
the application is started or the TERMINATE command has been issued. Server changes
will not be effective until the next DB2START command.

Setting configuration parameters online

Over 50 configuration parameters can be set online while an instance or a database
is still running. By default, changes to these online configurable parameters will take
effect immediately where possible. For example, if the value of sortheap is changed,
all new SQL requests will use the new value. To specify this immediate behavior
explicitly, append the immediate keyword to the update command:

db2 update database manager configuration using parameter new_value


db2 update database configuration for database_name using parameter new_value


If you choose to defer the changes until the instance is restarted or until the
database is activated, specify the deferred keyword instead:

db2 update database manager configuration using parameter new_value


db2 update database configuration for database_name using parameter new_value


You'll sometimes want to find out what changes have been made and deferred. To
show the current and pending values of the database manager configuration
parameters, attach to the instance first, then specify the show detail option in the
get database manager configuration command, like so (note that
instance_name is the value set by the system environment variable DB2INSTANCE

db2 attach to instance_name

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db2 get database manager configuration show detail

Similarly, to list the current and pending values of the database configuration
parameters, connect to the database first and then use the show detail option:

db2 connect to database_name

db2 get database configuration for database_name

show detail

Pending values are listed under the Delayed Value column, as illustrated below.

Section 3. DB2 client/server connectivity

DB2 client/server environment

Several communication protocols are supported for DB2 client/server connectivity:

The DB2 Connect software, which utilizes the Distributed Relational Database
Architecture (DRDA), is required for connections to host databases such as DB2 for
z/OS and OS/390 or DB2 for iSeries.

Preparing DB2 server for remote connections

Before DB2 clients can connect to a database, you must ensure that the server-side
communications are set up properly. To prepare a server for TCP/IP and NetBIOS

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1. Set the DB2 profile registry, DB2COMM, to enable the instance for the
specified communication protocols, like so:


2. Set the necessary information for each supported protocol in the

database manager configuration file.
For TCP/IP, assign a port number to each instance that is TCP/IP
enabled. A file called services contains services defined on the system
and their port numbers. The location of the file will depend on your
platform. For example, on UNIX, it is usually stored in /etc.

Since a port number can only be used by a single service, it is

recommended that you use the services file as a central place to
maintain a list of all services and their associated port numbers. To
reserve TCP port 50000 for the service named db2icdb2, append the
following line to the services file:

db2icdb2 50000/tcp

Update the database manager configuration file so that DB2 will use the
port number associated with the service db2icdb2 for the instance you are
working on:

db2 update database manager configuration using svcename db2icdb2

If you choose not to use the services file, simply update svcename
with the correct port number:

db2 update database manager configuration using svcename 50000

For NetBIOS, enter the NetBIOS workstation name ( nname ) in the

database manager configuration file:

db2 update database manager configuration using nname DB2NTSERV

3. The parameters svcename and nname are not configurable online. Stop
and start the instance so that the new values can be used:

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Using the DB2 Configuration Assistant

The DB2 Configuration Assistant provides user-friendly wizards and a graphical
interface for configuing the environment you or your applications will be using. From
the Configuration Assistant, you can:

• Add new database connections

• Update database connectivity information
• View and update database manager configuration parameters
• View and update DB2 profile registries
• Bind applications to a database
• Update the Call Level Interface (CLI) settings

Three ways to configure database connectivity

There are three options available in the DB2 Configuration Assistant for setting up a
database connection, you can:

• Use DB2 Discovery to search the network

• Use DB2 access profiles
• Configure the connection manually

Configuring database connectivity automatically with DB2

DB2 Discovery searches and locates DB2 servers on the network. You can choose
to use either the search or known discovery methods.

The search method searches the network for any DB2 servers. DB2 Discovery
performs a search up to the first router from where the search request is issued.
Therefore, this method may take some time to return a result.

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If you know some information about the DB2 server you want to locate, use the
known method and provide information such as the database or server name to limit
the search.

Sometimes you don't want certain DB2 servers, instances, or databases to be

discoverable. For example, imagine a DB2 server containing a production instance
and a development instance. In the development instance, two databases, ACCT
and HUMRES, are defined. The DBA would like to keep the production instance
from being discovered and allow only the ACCT database in the development
instance to be discovered. A few configuration parameters are available to allow
such behavior.

A DB2 server is searchable only if its DB2 Administration Server (DAS) service is
running and the discover parameter is set to search:

db2admin start
db2 update admin configuration using discover search

You can then control which instance is discoverable by enabling the

discover_inst database manager configuration parameter:

db2 update database manager configuration using discover_inst enable

At the database level, there is a similar configuration parameter, discover_db, that

can enable or disable database discovery:

db2 update database configuration for database_name using discover_db enable

It is important to point out that disabling discovery at the DAS, instance, or database
level does not restrict DB2 clients from setting up database connectivity through
other methods (which will be discussed next). DB2 clients can still connect to a
remote database even though its database configuration discover_db is disabled.

Configuring database connectivity automatically with DB2

access profiles
What would you do if you needed to set up DB2 client/server connectivity for 1,000
or more workstations? You could go to each workstation and use the discovery

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method from the Configuration Assistant, but that task would probably take you a
long time to complete. In such a situation, you should consider using a DB2 access

An access profile contains information that a client needs for configuring connectivity
with a DB2 server. There are two types of access profiles:

• A server access profile is generated on a DB2 server. It contains

information about all or selective instances and databases that are
defined on the server.
• A client access profile is generated on a DB2 client. It contains
information about instances (also called nodes ) and databases already
cataloged on the client.
Let's walk through the DB2 access profile approach step by step.

1. Use the Configuration Assistant to export information to an access profile

(which is just an ASCII file). In the figure below, notice that some DB2
environment settings, such as database manager configuration and DB2
profile registries, can also be exported.

2. Send the exported file to the client.

3. Use the Configuration Assistant to import the file into the DB2 client.

You may find it burdensome to explain to all your users how to import the profile
using the Configuration Assistant. In addition, some users may have a version of the
DB2 runtime client installed that does not include Configuration Assistant. In such
cases, you can use the following command to perform the same import as described

db2cfimp access_profile_name

Configuring database connectivity manually

If you know all the information required for configuring your connectivity, you can use
the Add Database wizard from the Configuration Assistant, as illustrated below:

Alternatively, you can use the catalog commands via the DB2 Command Line

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Processor (CLP) using the following steps:

1. Catalog the node.

Each instance you want to attach to needs to be cataloged as a node.
Use the catalog command with varying keywords for each supported
communication protocol. Some examples:

db2 catalog tcpip node mynode remote db2server.mycompany.com server db2icdb

db2 catalog netbios node jeremy remote N01FCBE3 adapter 0

2. Catalog the database.

Catalog one or more databases that belong to the cataloged instance.
Some examples:

db2 catalog database sample as mysamp at node mynode

db2 catalog database baydb as newbaydb at node mynode

Here is a list of other catalog commands you may find useful:

• catalog appc node ...

• catalog appn node ...
• catalog ldap node ...
• catalog local node ...
• catalog named pipe node ...
• catalog netbios node ...
• catalog tcpip node ...
• catalog database ...
• catalog dcs database ...
• catalog ldap database ...
• catalog odbc data source ...

Listing node and database directories

Entries of successfully cataloged nodes and databases are stored in the DB2 NODE
directory and in the DATABASE directory. They abstract away the real location of the
instances and databases.

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To list the node directory:

db2 list node directory

You should see output similar to this:

To list the database directory:

db2 list database directory

You should see output similar to this:

Example of a DB2 client/server environment

Let's use an example to get a complete picture of the DB2 client/server environment.

In the diagram below, an AIX server (host1) has two instances and three databases
defined. The Windows NT server (host2) contains only one instance and one

For a client machine to connect to all the databases in this scenario, each remote
instance must be cataloged and stored in its node directory, and each database
must be pointed to its associated node (or instance).

Attaching to an instance and connecting to a database

Once you've set up client/server connectivity, you can either attach to an instance or
connect to a database from the client.

To attach to an instance:

attach to nodename user username using password

nodename must be already cataloged using the catalog command described

previously (see Configuring database connectivity manually ).

With instance attachment, you can perform remote administrative tasks such as:

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• Creating and dropping databases

• Retrieving, updating, and resetting database manager and database
configuration parameters
• Managing database monitors
• Backing up, restoring, and rolling forward a database
• Forcing users and applications off the databases defined in the instance
To connect to a database:

connect to database_name user username using password

[new new_password confirm new_password ]

Notice that the connect statement also allows you to set a new password for the
user specified.

With a database connection, you can manipulate data and database objects. The
allowed operations are:

• Database manipulation language (DML) SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and

DELETE statements
• Database definition language (DDL) CREATE database object statements
• Database control language (DCL) GRANT and REVOKE statements
• Precompiling and binding applications to the database
• Moving data using EXPORT, IMPORT, and LOAD commands

Disconnecting a database connection

Use the force application command to disconnect database connections. This
command is very powerful and handy, especially when a user has trouble
terminating unwanted jobs. The current transaction of the specified connection is
stopped and rolled back.

First, use the list applications command to show all current connections
made to any database defined within the instance:

db2 list applications [show detail]

Your output should look something like this:

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Identify the connections that you want to terminate and specify the associated
application handles in the force application command. If multiple connections
are identified, separate them with commas. The following command terminates
connections associated with application handles numbered 5 and 6:

db2 force application (6, 5)

To disconnect all database connections in an instance, simply use the all option:

db2 force application all

The force application command will only terminate the connections specified.
It does not stop new applications from connecting to the databases.

Section 4. DB2 security

DB2 security overview

DB2 security is handled by a combination of external security services and an
internal DB2 authorization mechanism. The external security service authenticates
users who want to access a DB2 server; security software outside of DB2 takes care
of the authentication. This software can be a security facility of the operating system,
or a separate product such as Kerberos. Once the user ID and password have been
successfully verified, an internal DB2 process takes over and makes sure that the
user is authorized to perform the requested operations.

Authentication types
The authentication type determines where the user ID/password pair is verified. The
supported authentication types are:

• SERVER (default)

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We'll discuss these in detail in the following panels.

Authentication types are set at both the server and client.

At server: Only one authentication type is allowed per instance. This means the
setting applies to all databases defined under that instance. Specify it in the
database manager configuration file with the AUTHENTICATION parameter.

db2 update database manager configuration authentication auth_type

At client: Each database cataloged at the client has its own authentication type
specified with the catalog database command.

db2 catalog database db_name at node node_name

authentication auth_type

Authenticating with the SERVER option

With the SERVER option, the user ID and password are sent to the server for
validation. Consider the example below:

1. A user logs into a workstation with the username peter and password

2. peter then connects to the SAMPLE database with the user ID db2user
and password db2pwd, which are defined at the remote DB2 server.

3. db2user and db2pwd are sent to the server through the network.

4. db2user and db2pwd are validated at the DB2 server.

If you want to protect the user ID and password from eavesdropping, use
authentication type SERVER_ENCRYPT so that both user ID and password are

Authenticating with Kerberos

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Kerberos is an external security facility that uses conventional cryptography to

create a shared encrypted key. It offers a secured authentication mechanism
because the user ID and password no longer need to be transferred across the
network in clear text. By using the encrypted key, it also makes single sign-on to a
remote DB2 server possible. Refer to the diagram below to see how Kerberos
authentication works with DB2.

Authentication type KERBEROS can be used when both the DB2 client and server
support the Kerberos security protocol. However, some clients may not support
Kerberos, but still need to access the DB2 server. To ensure that both types of
clients are able to connect securely, set the authentication type at the DB2 server as
KRB_SERVER_ENCRYPT. This allows all Kerberos-enabled clients to authenticate
with Kerberos, while other clients use SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication instead. The
following illustration offers a quick summary of different client and server
authentication settings related to Kerberos.

Authenticating on the client

This option allows authentication to occur at the client machines. When a user
successfully logs in to the client machine, a connection can be made to the database
without challenging the user for a password.

It is important to understand that there are client systems that do not have a reliable
security facility, such as Windows 9x and Classic Mac OS. They are referred as
untrusted clients. Anyone who has access to these systems can also connect to the
DB2 server without any authentication. Who knows what kind of destructive
operations they will perform (e.g., dropping a database)? In order to provide the
flexibility of allowing trusted clients to perform authentication on their own and, at the
same time, forcing untrusted clients to be authenticated at the server, two other
database manager configuration parameters are introduced:

Note that these two parameters will be evaluated only when authentication is set to
CLIENT. We'll look at them in more detail in the next panel.

Trusting clients
TRUST_ALLCLNTS determines which types of clients are trusted. The parameter has

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the following possible values:

• YES -- Trust all clients. This is the default setting. Authentication will take
place at the client. There is an exception, which we'll discuss in more
detail when we cover TRUST_CLNTAUTH below.
• NO -- Trust only clients with reliable security facilities (i.e., trusted clients).
For untrusted clients to connect, user ID and password must be provided
for authentication to take place at the server.
• DRDAONLY -- Trust only clients that are running on iSeries or zSeries
platforms (i.e., DRDA clients). Any other clients must provide user ID and
Consider a scenario in which a DB2 server has set authentication to CLIENT and
TRUST_ALLCLNTS to YES. You log into a Windows 2000 machine as localuser and
connect to the remote database without specifying a user ID and password.
localuser will be the connected authorization ID at the database. What if you want to
connect to the database with a different user ID -- as poweruser, who has the
authority to perform a database backup, for instance?

To allow such behavior, use TRUST_CLNTAUTH to specify where authentication will

take place if a user ID and password are supplied in a connect statement or
attach command. Two values are allowed:

• CLIENT -- Authentication is performed at client; user ID and password are

not required.
• SERVER -- Authentication is done at the server when user ID and
password are supplied.
Let's look at some examples to illustrate the usage of the parameters:

Setting authority levels

Authority levels control the ability to perform database manager maintenance
operations and manage database objects. There are five authorities in DB2:

• SYSADM has full privileges for managing the instance and also has
access to data in the underlying databases.
• SYSCTRL and SYSMAINT have certain privileges in managing the
instance, its databases, and database objects. These authorities do not
have access to the data. For example, statements such as 'SELECT *

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FROM mytable' or 'DELETE FROM mytable' are not allowed.

• DBADM has privileges to perform administrative tasks on the specified
database. It also has full data access to the database.
• LOAD has privileges to run the load utility against the specified database.
Here is a summary of functions that each authority can perform:

Managing DB2 authorities

The SYS* authorities are set in the database manager configuration by assigning a
user group defined in the operating system or security facility to the associated
parameters. It must be a group name with a maximum length of 8 characters, as
illustrated in the figure below:

DBADM and LOAD are database-level authorities. They are granted to a user or a
group of users with a grant statement and revoked with a revoke statement:

connect to sample;
grant dbadm on database to user john;
grant load on database to group dbagrp;
revoke load on database from group dbagrp;

Note that users with LOAD authority also require INSERT privilege on the table
before data can be loaded. We'll talk more about privileges in the next panel.

Setting privileges
Privileges give users the right to access database objects in a specific way. The
following lists offer a summary of privileges for different database objects.

Database privileges:

• CONNECT allows users to connect the database.

• BINDADD allows users to create new packages in the database.
• CREATETAB allows users to create new tables in the database.
• CREATE_NOT_FENCED allows users to create non-fenced user-defined

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functions or stored procedures.

• IMPLICIT_SCHEMA allows users to create objects in a schema that do
not already exist.
• QUIESCE_CONNECT allows users to access the database while it is
• CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE allows users to create stored
procedures written in C, the Java² language, OLE, and COBOL.
Schema privileges:

• CREATEIN allows users to create objects within the schema.

• ALTERIN allows users to alter objects within the schema.
• DROPIN allows users to drop objects within the schema.
To explicitly create a new schema, use the create schema command:

connect to sample user dbowner;

create schema dev authorization devuser;

Table space privileges:

• USE OF TABLESPACE allows users to create tables within the specified

table space. This privilege cannot be used on the SYSCATSPACE or any
system temporary table spaces.
Table and view privileges:

• CONTROL provides the user with all privileges for a table or view as well
as the ability to grant those privileges (except CONTROL) to others.
• ALTER allows users to alter a table or view.
• DELETE allows users to delete records from a table or view.
• INDEX allows users to create indexes on a table.
• INSERT allows users to insert an entry into a table or view.
• REFERENCES allows users to create and drop a foreign key, specifying
the table as the parent in a relationship.
• SELECT allows users to retrieve rows from a table or view.
• UPDATE allows users to update entries in a table or view. This privilege
can also limit users in updating specific columns only: grant update

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(workdept, job) on table employee to devuser;

• ALL PRIVILEGES grants all the above privileges except CONTROL on a
table or view.
Package privileges:

• CONTROL provides users the ability to rebind, drop, or execute a

package as well as the ability to grant these privileges (except
CONTROL) to others.
• BIND allows users to rebind an existing package.
• EXECUTE allows users to execute a package.
Index privileges:

• CONTROL allows users to drop an index.

Routine privileges:

• EXECUTE allows users to execute the user-defined function.

Sequence privileges

• USAGE allows users to use NEXTVAL and PREVVAL expressions for a

sequence object.

Granting explicit privileges

Granting a privilege with grant option allows the authorization ID to extend the
specified privilege to others. This option is only available to package, routine,
schema, table, table space, and view.

Although the grant privilege is extended, the revoke privilege is not. If privileges are
received through the with grant option, a user will not be able to revoke the
privileges from others. Here are some examples.

This statement allows john to perform select, update, or delete operations on

the table employee and to grant any of these privileges to others:
grant select, update, delete on table employee to user john
with grant option

This statement allows users in the devusers group to rebind, drop, and execute the

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package dev.pkg1. The same group of users can also grant BIND and EXECUTE
(but not CONTROL) privileges to others.
grant control on package dev.pkg1 to group devusers
with grant option

Granting implicit and indirect privileges

Typically, DB2 privileges are granted explicitly with grant statements as discussed
previously. Sometimes users may also obtain privileges implicitly or indirectly from
certain operations performed. Let's look at some scenarios.

• A user granted DBADM authority is also implicitly granted BINDADD,

• When a user creates a database:
• DBADM authority is granted to the database creator.
privileges are granted to PUBLIC.
• USE OF TABLESPACE privilege on the table space USERSPACE1
is granted to PUBLIC.
• BIND and EXECUTE privileges on each successfully bound utility are
granted to PUBLIC.
• EXECUTE privileges with grant option on all functions in the
SYSFUN schema are granted to PUBLIC.
• A user who creates a table, a view, an index, a schema, or a package
automatically receives CONTROL privilege on the database object he or
she creates.
• When a user executes a package that contains static SQL statements,
explicit privileges for database objects referenced in the statements are
not required. The user only needs EXECUTE privilege on the package to
execute the statements. However, this does not mean that the user has
direct access to the underlying database objects. Consider the following

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Section 5. Scheduling jobs

Using the Task Center

Managing a DB2 server does not just involve initial implementation of the instance
and database; it also entails performing regular maintenance tasks such as REORG
and RUNSTATS. DB2 has an integrated set of graphical tools to help administrators
implement, manipulate, and maintain DB2 instances and databases more efficiently.
The DB2 Task Center provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for organizing
task flow, scheduling tasks, and distributing notifications about the status of
completed tasks.

Creating a new task

The Task Center doesn't just define DB2 database scripts; it can also define OS
command scripts and MVS shell scripts. To begin, enter or import a script for the
task under the Command Script tab. You are then ready to schedule the task, set its
frequency, and establish the authorization ID used to execute it.

Setting notifications and task actions

The Notification tab allows you to specify when to send out a notification, who to
send it to, and what the notification message text sent upon completion of the task
should be. In some cases, you may want to use such notifications as triggers to run
other tasks, depending on the condition returned. Use the Task Action tab to run,
schedule, or disable scheduling of another task.

Creating a tools catalog database

DB2 tools catalog tables and views are used to store task information created by the
Task Center. They are required to enable scheduling and task automation. Tools
catalog tables can be created within any existing database or in a separate database
through use of the create tools catalog command. Regular and system
temporary table space with 32 KB page sizes are required; if they are not specified
in the command, they will be created by default. Here are some examples:

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• The following command creates the tools catalog under the schema
toolscat in the new database toolsdb:
db2 create tools catalog toolscat create new database toolsdb

• The following command creates the tools catalog under schema toolscat
in the tbsp32k table space of an existing database toolsdb:
db2 create tools catalog toolscat user existing tablespace tbsp32k in database toolsdb

Section 6. Using notification logs

Capturing diagnostic information

DB2 uses the first failure data capture (FFDC) mechanism to automatically capture
errors and warnings it encounters. Diagnostic information can be recorded in
different places: the administration notification logs, DB2 diagnostic log, dump files,
trap files, and (for UNIX only) core files.

As the name implies, administration notification logs are intended for use by
database and system administrators. The DB2 diagnostic file (also referred as
db2diag.log ) contains detailed information for problem determination that is
mainly used by DB2 customer support. The dump files capture extra information in
binary format named after the failing process ID. Trap and core files are generated
when DB2 terminates abnormally and cannot continue processing. These files are
also binary files and could contain a memory image of the terminated process.

Understanding and knowing how to interpret the notification logs is a skill that you
definitely need in order to manage a DB2 server. If you do run into problems that you
cannot resolve, seek help from DB2 customer support; you'll be asked for the other
log files for more detailed investigation.

Setting notification level

Each instance has one DB2 notification log called instance_name.nfy. On
Windows NT/2000/XP platforms, the notification log is found in the system event log
and can be reviewed through the Windows Event Viewer. On UNIX,
instance_name.nfy is found in the home directory of the instance owner under

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Information recorded in the administration logs can be written by DB2, the Health
Monitor, and user applications. The NOTIFYLEVEL database manager configuration
parameter determines what level of information will be captured. There are five
levels of information possible:

• 0: No administration notification messages captured. This setting is not

• 1: Only fatal or unrecoverable errors are logged.
• 2: Conditions are logged that require immediate attention. This level also
captures Health Monitor alarms.
• 3: This is the default setting. It captures Health Monitor alarms, Health
Monitor warnings, and Health Monitor attentions.
• 4: Only informational messages are captured.
Note that DB2 captures all the levels of information up to and including the value set
in NOTIFYLEVEL. For example, if NOTIFYLEVEL is set to 3, information of levels 1,
2, and 3 is logged.

Interpreting the DB2 notification log

DB2 appends new errors, warnings, or informational events to the end of the DB2
notification log. Note that the administration log grows continuously. One good use
of the Task Center would be to back up and then delete (or simply rename) these
logs. Schedule such a task to run regularly.

Each event log entry is made up of different parts:

• A timestamp indicating when the event occurs

• The location reporting the message, such as the instance name, node ID,
database name, process ID, application ID, or name of the DB2 or user
application function
• The error type and number in hexadecimal code; this usually starts with
• A diagnostic message explaining the error
The figure below illustrates a typical log entry:

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Section 7. Conclusion

This tutorial introduced you to the basic knowledge and skills of managing DB2
servers. Every server has one or more DB2 instances. An instance provides a
logical environment in which DB2 commands and functions can execute. In the first
part of the tutorial, you learned how to create, drop, start, stop, list, migrate, and
update instances. The DB2 environment plays an important role in influencing how
DB2 behaves. It is made up of the operating system environment settings, DB2
profile registries, database manager, and database configuration parameters. They
can be easily configured with commands as illustrated in the tutorial.

You learned three methods of configuring DB2 client and server connectivity. You
can search the network with DB2 discovery, use DB2 access profiles, or specify
communication information manually. The Configuration Assistant is available to use
any of the methods to set up the node and database catalog directories. With proper
connectivity configuration, you can attach to an instance to perform remote
administration tasks and connect to a database for data access.

Managing a DB2 server also includes managing its access. DB2 security is
composed of authentication and authorization. Authentication is performed externally
by a security facility. There are different authentication types that allow you to control
where authentication should take place. Once a user is authenticated, DB2 will
check to make sure the user is allowed to perform the requested operations.
Different levels of authorities and privileges are available to support granular security

You were also introduced to task creation and automation. Use the Task Center to
create tasks that are coded in DB2 commands, OS commands, or MVS shell
commands. The tool has options to enter instructions for notification purposes and
also specify other tasks to perform upon completion.

The DB2 administration notification log records errors and warnings raised by DB2,
the Health Monitor, and user applications. Each event log entry contains information
such as timestamp, database name, application ID, DB2 function and component
that raise the message. This is definitely a good place to start in troubleshooting
errors encountered in DB2.

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• Check out the other parts of the DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification
prep series:
• Data Placement: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep,
Part 2 of 6
• Database Access: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep,
Part 3 of 6
• Monitoring DB2 Activity: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification
prep, Part 4 of 6
• DB2 Utilities: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification prep, Part 5
of 6
• Backup and Recovery: DB2 V8.1 Database Administration certification
prep, Part 6 of 6

• You can learn more about managing DB2 from the following resources:
• DB2 Version 8 Administration Guide: Performance: Chapter 13.
Configuring DB2
• DB2 Version 8 Installation and Configuration Supplement:
• Chapter 2. Setting up the DB2 server after manual installation
• Chapter 3. Configuring client to server communications
• Chapter 4. Configuring DB2 server communications
• DB2 Version 8 Administration Guide: Implementation:
• Chapter 1. Before Creating a Database
• Chapter 4. Controlling Database Access

• For more information on the DB2 V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database
Administration Certification (Exam 701), check out these links:
• IBM Data Management Skills information
• Download a self-study course for experienced Database Administrators
(DBAs) to quickly and easily gain skills in DB2 UDB.
• Download a self study course for experienced relational database
programmers who'd like to know more about DB2.
• General Certification information -- including some book suggestions,
exam objectives, and courses.

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• Check out developerWorks Toolbox for one-stop access to over 1,000 IBM
tools, middleware, and technologies from DB2, Lotus, Tivoli, and
WebSphere for open standards-based Web services and application

About the author

Clara Liu
Clara Liu works as a DB2 UDB consultant at the IBM Toronto
Laboratory. As a member of the Data Management Channel
Development Team, she works closely with IBM business partners and
global system integrators. Clara specializes in database application
development and integration of new technologies with DB2. She
teaches DB2 UDB certification courses to IBM business partners and at
conferences. She co-authored the book DB2 SQL Procedural
Language for Windows, UNIX, and Linux (Prentice Hall, 2002).

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