Lam Is One Letter of Greatest Name
Lam Is One Letter of Greatest Name
Lam Is One Letter of Greatest Name
Allah is giving an oath by ‘Nun’ in the alphabet. That is the third from last letter in the alphabet. What
comes before it – ‘mim’? What comes after it – ‘waw’? Why did ‘mim’ come after ‘lam’ [In alif, lam,
mim]? Professor Abdul Ghani? [I don’t know].
Allah is giving an oath with the letter ‘Nun’. ‘Nun. Wal-qalami wa maa yasturoon.” Allah is saying
“‘Nun’ and by whatever the Pen can write. You O Muhammad are not as they say, without mind. You
are a real Prophet of a very high character.”
‘Nun’ is what? Allah said, “Nun!” He is giving an oath with that letter. It comes after what? ‘Mim’, yes,
but in the dunya understanding ‘nun’ refers to dunya and ‘kaf’ refers to heavens. When Allah wants
something to happen He only says to it “Be! – Kun!” and it is. Therefore “amruhu bayn al-kaf wan-
nun.” – “His Order is between ‘kaf’ and ‘nun’” That is why He said, “Nun!”. When He says, “Kun” it
will be. It does not need to continue, for when He says ‘be’ it will be. So ‘nun’ relates to us and
‘kaf’ relates to heaven.
So when He says, that order is going to come, ‘Nun’ happened. That means, “I swear by the
greatness of My Creation, and what the Pen writes of what is to come of My Creation, un-endingly,
with the endlessness of that creation, you Ya Muhammad, are of a higher character. The Pen cannot
write a description of your character, you are on a higher level!
Allah is One. Allah laa shareek lah. And ‘alif’ is the ibtida’ - commencement of creation. So when
Allah Name wants to appear, as we described many times: Allah consists of three letters.
‘Alif’ is ibtida, ‘ha’ is intiha – the ending--and ‘lam’ is in the middle. That means Allah has no
beginning and no end, while His creation has a beginning and an end. So what follows ‘lam’ is ‘mim’
– representing Muhammad (s). That is why ‘mim’ came after ‘lam’ in the alphabet. ‘Lam’ is one letter
of Allah’s Greatest Name, the All-encompassing Name. ‘Mim’ represents the Prophet (s). ‘Nun’
represents the creation. Then ‘hah’, ‘waw’, ‘yeh’. ‘Hah’, ‘waw’ is ‘Hu’! That cannot be described,
except through, “I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known, so I created creation.”
“Qul Hua.” There is no way to describe that. ‘Ya’ describes the end.