Pancytopenia: Clinical Approach: Ajai Kumar Garg, AK Agarwal, GD Sharma
Pancytopenia: Clinical Approach: Ajai Kumar Garg, AK Agarwal, GD Sharma
Pancytopenia: Clinical Approach: Ajai Kumar Garg, AK Agarwal, GD Sharma
study, it was observed that aplastic anaemia (49 cases) in enlarged spleen resulting in pancytopenia. Causes
was most common cause followed by megaloblastic of hypersplenism include congestive splenomegaly
anaemia (37cases), aleukaemic leukaemia or lymphoma (cirrhosis, congestive heart failure), malaria, hyperreactive
(30 cases), and hypersplenism (19 cases). Megaloblastosis malarial splenomegaly, leishmaniasis, thalassaemia,
was not commonest cause of pancytopenia in these series and Hodgkin’s disease. Hypersplenism can rarely be
probably because many cases of megaloblastic anaemia idiopathic.
need not be referred to a tertiary care centre and could Infections
easily be treated at general hospitals. Haematologic abnormalities have been frequently
observed in patients with HIV infection. Pancytopenia is
usually seen in advanced stage of HIV infection. Aetiology
Megaloblastic anaemia (Tables 3 & 4) of pancytopenia in advanced HIV stage is multi-factorial
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis is a hypercellular
bone marrow failure due to deficiency of vitamin B12
(cobalamin) and folate. These nutrients have important Table 2: Causes of pancytopenia with hypocellular marrow
role in synthesis of DNA. Megaloblastic anaemia is a Acquired aplastic anemia
predominant cause of pancytopenia in India because Congenital aplastic anaemia (Fanconi’s anaemia)
of high prevalence of nutritional anaemia in Indian
Some myelodysplasias
Acute myeloid leukaemia
Table 1: Causes of pancytopenia with cellular bone marrow
Acute lymphoid leukaemia
Primary bone marrow Secondary to systemic disease
disease Lymphoma of bone marrow
Myelodysplasia Vitamin B12 deficiency, folate
deficiency Table 3: Causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency
Paroxysmal nocturnal Hypersplenism Food Decreased consumption-vegan diet,
haemoglobinuria cobalamin malabsorption (common in
Myelophthisis Alcoholism
Stomach Pernicious anaemia, atrophic gastritis,
Myelofibrosis Sepsis, enteric fever gastrectomy, gastric bypass, H. pylori
Subleukaemic HIV infection, hepatitis B, infection, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
leukaemia hepatitis C, Ebstein-Barr virus, Intestine Chronic pancreatitis, tropical sprue, celiac
cytomegalovirus disease, ileal resection, fish tapeworm
Bone marrow Malaria, leishmaniasis, infestation, bacterial overgrowth
lymphoma filariasis syndrome, HIV infection
Hairy cell leukaemia Systemic lupus erythematosus, Drugs Metformin, Proton pump inhibitors, H 2
sarcoidosis blockers
fever continue to be important public health problems with RBC, platelets, and broad spectrum antibiotics may
in India and have been associated with pancytopenia be initiated before underlying cause has been ascertained.
which has been attributed to bone marrow suppression,
disseminated intravascular coagulation, and infection Myelodysplastic syndrome
associated haemophagocytic syndrome. Tuberculosis Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are the common
is a common disease in India. Disseminated miliary haematological diseases characterized by cytopenias
tuberculosis is known to cause pancytopenia. Although associated with abnormal appearing cellular marrow
pancytopenia is a rare presentation of tuberculosis, it producing ineffective red blood cells. The incidence of
should always be considered in patients presenting with MDS increases with advancing age. Median age at disease
pancytopenia, unexplained pyrexia and weight loss. onset is 70 years with only about 10% of the patients below
Both tuberculous bacilli and anti-tuberculous therapy 50 years. MDS are diseases of haematopoietic stem cells.
have been implicated in pathogenesis of pancytopenia. They are characterized by disturbance of differentiation
Wuchereria bancrofti is an endemic filarial nematode spread and maturation, and by changes in the bone marrow
by a mosquito vector. The clinical manifestations vary stroma. MDS are accompanied not only by reducing
from asymptomatic microfilaraemeia to lymphoedema. blood cell counts but also with an increased risk (20-25%)
Cases of microfilaria in bone marrow aspirate presenting of developing acute myeloid leukaemia. The disease
as pancytopenia in peripheral blood have been reported. course varies greatly from patient to patient, with median
Though, aetiopathological correlation of pancytopenia survival time from few months to years.
with microfilaria infection is not clear. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Aplastic anaemia Haematologic abnormalities such as anaemia, leucopenia,
Aplastic anaemia is defined as pancytopenia with and thrombocytopenia secondary to peripheral destruction
hypocellular marrow in absence of abnormal infiltrate are commonly seen in SLE. Most frequent haematologic
or increased fibrosis. It is a normocytic normochromic manifestation of SLE is normocytic and normochromic
anaemia that results from a loss of blood cell precursors, anaemia. Leukopenia is also common and almost always
causing hypoplasia of bone marrow leading to consists of lymphopenia and not granulocytopenia.
pancytopenia. Severe aplastic anaemia is defined as a bone Thrombocytopenia may be a recurring problem in SLE.
marrow cellularity < 25% with at least two of the three Cytopenias from autoimmune myelofibrosis are also
criteria i.e., neutrophils < 500/mcL, platelets < 20,000/mcL, uncommonly seen in SLE.
and reticulocyte count < 20,000/mcL. It is a potentially life Idiopathic cytopenia of undetermined significance
threatening failure of bone marrow. Most cases of aplastic Idiopathic cytopenia of undetermined significance
anaemia are acquired and T-cell mediated autoimmune (ICUS) is a recently proposed provisional diagnosis
disease. Triggering factors may include drugs, viruses, that recognizes patients who present with cytopenias
and toxins but most cases are idiopathic. In some cases of undetermined aetiology. Diagnostic criteria for ICUS
radiation, drugs, toxic chemicals and viruses induce include: i) persistent cytopenia for 6 months (Hb < 11mg/
depletion of haematopoietic stem cells by direct toxicity. dl, neutrophil < 1.5x109 /L, and platelets < 100x109/L); ii)
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) No morphologic feature of myelodysplasia; iii) normal
PNH is an acquired chronic haemolytic anaemia chromosome analysis; and iv) A detailed clinical history
characterized by persistent intravascular haemolysis with and investigation that excludes other secondary causes
recurrent exacerbations due to activation of complement of cytopenias. The diagnosis of ICUS should only be
C. In addition to haemolysis, there is often pancytopenia established when all possible differential diagnosis have
and a risk of venous thrombosis. Haemolysis in PNH been excluded. The term Idiopathic fatal pancytopenia
is due to an intrinsic abnormality of the red cell, which has been suggested for ICUS because it is a fatal disease
makes it sensitive to activated complement C. Diagnostic with no definite cause.
gold standard of PNH is flow cytometry which can be Drug Induced pancytopenia (Table 5)
carried out on granulocytes as well as on RBC. A bimodal Drugs are the common cause of pancytopenia. Drug
distribution of cells with a discrete population that is induced pancytopenia can be dose dependent or immune
CD59 and CD55 negative is diagnostic of PNH.
megaloblastic anaemia. In addition liver function 453
Table 5: Common drugs causing pancytopenia
test, viral markers for hepatitis, coagulation profile,
a. By bone marrow suppression: Cytotoxic drugs fibrinogen, D-dimer, serum B12, folate levels, HIV
b. By dose dependent effect: Chloramphenicol serology, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) should be done.
Serum ferritin levels should also be assessed. Low levels
c. By immune mediated idiosyncratic reaction of serum ferritin along with low serum B12 and/or folate
NSAIDS, chloremphenicol, sulphonamide, levels may indicate mixed anaemia/pancytopenia.
phenothiazines, thiazides, anti-thyroid drugs,
Peripheral blood smear provides important information
anti-epileptics, anti-diabetic drugs, colchicine,
in pancytopenia and it should always be done prior
to transfusion of blood. Blood smear may reveal
mediated (idiosyncratic). Chloramphenicol can cause polychromasia—red cells that are slightly larger than
pancytopenia by both the mechanisms. Azathioprine, normal and greyish blue in colour. These cells are
an immunosuppressive drug used for treatment of reticulocytes that have been prematurely released from
various diseases, usually causes leucopenia and rarely the bone marrow. These cells may appear in circulation
pancytopenia. due to architectural damage of the bone marrow caused
by fibrosis or malignant cell infiltration.
Bone marrow examination is almost always indicated
Fanconi’s anaemia is an autosomal recessive disorder
in cases of pancytopenia unless the cause is otherwise
and manifests as congenital developmental anomaly,
apparent (e.g., chronic liver disease with portal
progressive pancytopenia, and an increased risk of
hypertension, deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate). In
malignancy. Patients typically have short stature, café
megaloblastic anaemia bone marrow shows megaloblastic
au lait spots, and anomalies involving thumb, radius,
erythroid hyperplasia, sieved nuclear chromatin,
and genitourinary tract. Dyskeratosis congenita is
asynchronous nuclear maturation, bluish cytoplasm with
characterized by mucous membrane leukoplakia,
cytoplasmic blebs. Giant metamyelocytes and band forms
dystrophic nails, reticular hyperpigmentation, and
are predominant in granulocyte series. Bone marrow
development of aplastic anaemia during childhood.
in aplastic anaemia is hypocellular with suppression of
APPROACH TO A CASE OF PANCYTOPENIA erythropoiesis, myelopoiesis, and megakaryopoiesis with
Evaluation of pancytopenia requires a careful history relative lymphoplasmacytosis. In acute leukaemias, bone
and physical examination. The causes of pancytopenia marrow is hypercellular with reduced erythroid and
are diverse. Attention must be paid to history of the megakaryocytic series and majority of cells are myeloblast
patient and the family. Nutritional history, drug history or lymphoblast. Bone marrow aspiration in AML shows
and history of alcohol intake should always be assessed. myeloblast with Auer rods.
History suggestive of previous pancytopenia, aplastic
anaemia, inherited bone marrow failure syndrome,
An accurate reticulocyte count is the key to initial
repeated early foetal loss, cancer, liver disease, metabolic
evaluation of pancytopenia. Normally, reticulocytes are
disorders, or connective tissue disorder is important.
the red cells that have been recently released from the
Cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiotherapy are important
bone marrow. Normal reticulocyte count ranges from
cause of transient pancytopenia. History of weight
1-2% and reflects the daily replacement of 0.8-1% of the
loss and anorexia may suggest underlying infection or
circulating RBC population. Reticulocyte count provides
malignancy. Recurrent oral ulcers and chronic diarrhoea
a reliable measure of RBC production. Reticulocyte count
may point towards HIV infection. Recurrent oral ulcers,
and absolute reticulocyte count (ARC) should be done
malar rash and joint pain may suggest SLE. Bone pain and
on day one along with CBC in order to avoid therapy
loss of height indicate multiple myeloma.
related changes in reticulocyte count particularly with
A thorough physical examination is of paramount nutritional anaemia. Absolute reticulocyte count (ARC) is
importance in evaluation of pancytopenia. It should a calculated index derived from the product of reticulocyte
include assessment of jaundice, clubbing of fingers, count percentage and RBC count (Normal; Male: 4.32-5.72
lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly (underlying million/cmm, Female: 3.90-5.03 million/cmm). ARC is a
infection, infectious mononucelosis, lymphoproliferative marker of red cell production by bone marrow. It plays
disorder, and malignancy), loss of height (suggestive of important role in establishing the cause of pancytopenia
multiple myeloma), malar rash, retinal haemorrhage, oral and helps in distinguishing between hypoproliferative
petechiae, gingival hyperplasia, stomatitis or cheilitis, and hyperproliferative anaemias. Normal range of
oropharyngeal candidiasis, RUQ abdominal tenderness, absolute reticulocyte count is 50,000-100,000/cmm. All
signs of chronic liver disease. cases of pancytopenia with very low ARC (< 25,000/
Laboratory evaluation: A routine complete blood cmm) should be examined by bone marrow aspiration
count (CBC) is required as a part of initial evaluation for aplastic anaemia. All cases of pancytopenia with high
of pancytopenia. CBC should include red cell indices, ARC (> 100,000/cmm) should also be evaluated by bone
peripheral blood film, reticulocytes count and absolute marrow aspiration unless there is a history suggestive of
reticulocyte count. A very high MCV (>110fl) indicates sepsis or malaria. Pancytopenia with ARC 25,000-50,000/
Flow diagram for evaluation of pancytopenia
Specific investigations