970,603. ' Patented Sept. 20, 1910.:, Winding Key Fob Cameras
970,603. ' Patented Sept. 20, 1910.:, Winding Key Fob Cameras
970,603. ' Patented Sept. 20, 1910.:, Winding Key Fob Cameras
To all whom :it may concern; scraping against the ?ange if the end disk
Be it known that 1, Cam. BORNMANN, a of the spool, when in the cup, should be be
citizen of the United States, and a resident low the level of’the flange.
of the city and county of New Haven, State The winding key shown in Fig. 1 is illus
of Connecticut, have invented a certain new trated in Figs. 8. and 4 and is as follows: 60
and useful Improvement in Winding-Keys 10 is theusual cross-bar, whereby the key
for Cameras, of which the followin is a is turned, 11 is the shaft of the key, 12 is a
thin stiff piece of. metal‘sct in the end of the
full, clear, and exact speci?cation, re~ crence
being had to the accompanying drawings, in spindle 11, which ‘engages’ with a,‘ suitable
groove or notch made irn the end of the
10 Wl11Cl1-— .
Figure 1 illustrates a sectional view of a. spindle of the spool. .13 is a‘spring which
' "portion of a box camera, showing also one normally projects the spindle.11,so as to
form of the invention, engaged with a car maintain proper engagement between its
tridge spool; Fig. 2 illustrates a ‘plan view cross piece 12 and the spool. 14: is a back '
of a- shallow-cu -like device which is pref plate
15 is a
for the key locking ‘mechanism and 70
?anged box-like casing for it. They
erably employe as a means to center and
support the end of the spool with which the are both held rigidly together and to the
key engages; Fig. 3 illustrates an elevation, camera
box by screws 16.
devices within the
casing 15 are
partly in section, of the detail of the wind
follows, (see particularly Fig. 4). 17' is a 75
20 lng key shown in Fig. 1; Fig. 4 illustrates ?at block of metal which is ‘bored centrally
- a plan view, taken on the line 4-41 of Fig.
3 and looking in the direction of the arrow; to permit the spindle 11 to pass through it_
and it has such diameter as to turn readily,
Fig. 5 illustrates an elevation, partly in sec
tion,‘ of a modi?ed. construction of‘ the in but with a. good smooth movement within the
casing 15. It is, as shown in Fig. 4, sub 80
25 vention; Fig. 6 illustrates a view of that stantially two-thirds of a circle in area. One
which is shown in Fig. 5 taken on the line
‘ , 6——6 thereof and looking in the direction of of the edges of the removed third, shown at;
the arrows; Fig._ 7 illustrates an elevation, 18, 1S provided adjacent to the spindle 11"”
' partly in section, of still another modified with an inwardly projecting point or por 85
tion 19, against which the edge 23 of a ?at
construction of the invention; and Fig. 8 tened surface 20 on the spindle engages when
‘ illustrates a view taken on the line 8—~S of
Fig. 7 and looking in the ‘direction of the the ‘spindle is rotated for winding. ‘21 is a
flat curved bar,‘ somewhat resembling a plate ‘
arrow. ,
It is the object of this invention to pro spring, set edge‘wise in the casing 13,‘ and it
has such dimension that its ends rest lightly 90.
vide a winding key for the spools of photo
graphic cartridges, which shall a?'ord aiirm against the interior wall of the casing and
and reliable hold upon the spool and permit it preferably ‘bows inwardly, as shown in
the same to be turned in one direction in a Fig. 11, so that the point 22 of the spindle '11
rests lightly against it, or at least is close
smooth, noiseless and cllicicnt manner, yet adjacent to it.\ ‘ 95
40 absolutely prevent movement in the reverse The operation of the device as thus far
direction at any and all points of revolution. _ explained is as follows: The direction of re
Referring now to Figs. 1 to 4 of the draw
tation of the winding key during the wind
ings, 1 represents the exterior box of an ing operation is indicated by the arrow in
ordinary box camera, 2 the removable in 100
45 terior frame which supports the partitions, Fig. 4, and when the spindle 11 is turned
in this direction, clearly the part 23 thereof,
cartridge spools, etc., 3 one of the spools which
journaled at one end by a spring supported portionengages with the projecting point or
19 of the block 17, will cause that
stud or pin 4 as usual, and at the other end
b a shallow cup-shaped plate 5‘ (see Fig. block to move around also in the direction
50 2 which has a ?ange 6, the interior of of the arrow, and since the outer edge of the
block rests against the adjacent end of the
I which coincides in size with the exterior of
the‘?ange 8 on the spool. I prefer to break bar 21, that. bar also will be shoved around
away a portion of the ?ange, as shown at within the casing as the spindle and the
9, so that the film and paper backing may block 17 move. The moment, however, the
attempt is made to turn the key in' the re 110
.155 ‘smoothly unwind from the spool without
2 970,603
verse direction. then there is no pressure ex are two blocks adapted to rotation in one
erted by the point 23 upon the block 17, and direction although not in the other, num
consequently that block and the bar 21 re bered 32a and 33 respectively, the two bars
'\ main stationary. Meantime, however, the 34 and 35, and the pin 36 which passes
point or part 22 of the spindle 11 is brought through the spindle 37 is in this case made 70
into contact with the bar 21, at or nearits double-ended; that is to say, both its ends
medial part, exerting a substantially tangeni project beyond the periphery of the spindle.
tial pressure upon it, and since its two ends The operation is the same as above de
are supported against the inside of the eas scribed: iVhen the spindle 37 is turned in
10 ing, it will prevent rotation of the spindle the direction of the arrow, the projecting 75
11 in the reverse direction referred to, and ends of the pin 36 engaging with the appro
consequently the key will be locked against priate surfaces of the blocks 32a and. 33 cause
movement in this direction, although it may them to travel around in the same direction,
again be freely moved or turned in the oppo and these blocks engaging with the bars 34
site direction. -' and 35 nearwhat may be called the rear
In Figs. 5 and 6 I show a construction end thereof, cause them severally to travel
which is the same in principle and mechani around the interior of the casing in the
cal operation, but differs in detail of con—
same direction. When, however, the at
struction, from that heretofore described, tempt is made to turn the spindle in the
whereby it is adapted to use under condi reverse direction, then the projecting ends 85
tions and in forms of camera different from of the in no longer exert pressure upon
that in which that shown in Figs. 1 to 4 the bloc {s 32a and 33, so that they and the
‘ may be employed. In Figs. 5 and 6, the bars 34 and 35 remain stationary, and mean
spindle of the winding key is shown at 24. time the ends of the pin come in contact
It is provided with a folding thumb piece 25, with these bars between their ends, which 90
as well understood. The back plate of the are supported against the interior. of the
casing is shown at 26, the casing proper, at casing, whereby the same as in the other
27, the movable block within the casing at instances, the key becomes locked against
28, and the curved bar at 29. The differ movement in the reverse direction.
30 ences between this construction and that In the above description I have referred 95
shown in Figs. 1 to 4 are principally as to the device which acts as the holding dog,
follows: In this form I employ a dished, preventing reverse movement of the spindle,
or disk, spring 303 between the back plate 26, as a flat curved bar, somewhat resembling a
the block 28 and the bar 29, in order that plate spring. As a matter of fact, it is an
35 these parts may be held ?rmly in position important what- the exact shape of this part 100
and be under some pressure, may be, and it is not essential that it shall
so that
they will not move automatically, but only have any spring action or resiliency, but if
when under the pressure of the winding it is adapted to yield slightly to pressure
keyf In this construction also, instead of brought upon it by the winding key, when
40 having the flattened surface 20 with the two it is moved in the reverse direction, it will 105
contact points 22 and23, as shown in Fig. 4, be advantageous rather than otherwise, be
I employ a pin (see Fig. 6) which is set cause the movement permitted will be so
in the spindle 24, one end of which 32 pro slight that there will be no interference
jects beyond the periphery of the spindle, with the proper operation of the device, andv
45 and it is set in a three cornered space be it vmay at times relievethe mechanism'bf .110
tween one end of the block 28 and the bar strains which‘ would otherwise tend‘ tokfrac
29, so that when the key is turned in ‘the to re some part. ,
direction of the arrow, this projecting end It will be obvious to those who are fa
32 of the pin will engage with the adjacent miliar with such matters that the forms
end of the block 28, and will push it around of the invention illustratedilb‘y me are by 115
in the same direction as the pin is turned no means the only ones in‘ which it may be,”
and consequently the bar 29, whichis in en embodied; on the contrary, the details illus
gagement with the block 28 will likewise trated may be varied very extensively and
move around the casing in the same direc still the essentials of the invention be re- -
55 tion. As soon, however, as the'attempt is tained. I therefore do not limit myself to 120
made to turn the key in the reverse direc the speci?c construct-ions shown. Moreover
tion,‘then the projecting end of the pin will it is not essential that the shallow-cup-like
come in contact with the bar 29 between its centering and supporting device for one end_
ends, which will preclude further turning of the spool be employed, but I prefer this
of the spindle in a reverse direction. construction, because if used, the end of the 125
In Figs. 7 and 8 I show still another form spool which engages, with my improved
of the invention, it being substantially the winding key must inevitably be accurately
same in all respects that shown in Figs. centered and supported during all the stages
5 and ('3. This form differs from that how of its rotation while in the camera, and
65 ever because, as shown best in Fig. 8, there this I ?nd advantageous since it secures ac 130
‘ curate relations between the spool ‘and the also provided with surfaces whereby, during
winding key, so that the operation of the its rotation in one direction, the block and
several devices is improved. ' the bar will be pushed around within the 30
I claim: . ' I
casing by it, but when turned inthe reverse
1. A winding key for cameras comprising direction, will-lock the spindle by contact
a casing, a disconnected-and movable block with said bar.
which partly ?lls the interior of the casing, 3. A winding key for cameras comprising
a bar in the ‘casing in the art not occupied a casing, a key spindle which passes t trough 35
' by the block,_ a'key spin tile the inner e d the casing the inner end, of. which it; pro
4‘ 1-0 of which is provided with a surface adapted vided with a surface adapted to engage
to engage with and rotate a cartridge spool with and rotate a cartridge spool, discon
'and~ which is also provided withsurfaces nected and movable locking devices ‘within
whereby, during its rotation in- one direc the casing and surfaces upon the spindle 40
tion, the block and the bar will be pushed which cause said locking devices to move
around within the casing, but when turned around the interior of the casing when the
in the reverse direction, will lock the spindle spindle is turned in one direction, but which
A winding
with said for cameras compris means
key bar. engage with said locking devices and
lock the spindle when the latter is turned 45
ing a casing, a disconnected and movable in the reverse direction.
‘block which partly ?lls the interior of the In testimony whereof I have signed my
casing‘, a barin'the casing in the part not name to this speci?cation in the presence of
occupied‘by the block, the ends of ‘which two subscribing witnesses.
bar are adJacent to the walls of the-‘easing
and also adjacentv to the ends of the block, . CARL BORNMANN.
25 a key spindle‘ the inner end of which is pro Witnesses: _
vided with a surfaceadapted to engage with - R.’ W. SMITH,
and rotate a cartridge spool and which is; IlnaMANN BUSSMAN, Jr.