Kalpataru Industries PVT LTD

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Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Sl Particulars/ Topic Page Remarks
No No
1 Company Name and Logo 2


Companies, Karnataka

3 Memorandum and Articles of 4-14


4 Documents to be filed for Incorporation 15-19

6 Certificate of Incorporation 20

7 Products of the company 21

8 Bibliography 22

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

We serve not compete

Kalpataru Industries Pvt ltd

Registrar of Companies, Karnataka

Fresh Certificate of Incorporation Consequent upon Change of Name

In the matter of M/s Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd I hereby certify that
Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd which was originally incorporated on Second
day of March 2017
Nineteen Hundred Eighty One under the Companies Act, 1956 (No. 1 of

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

passed the necessary resolution in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act,


And the approval of the Central Government signified in writing having been
accorded there to under Section 21 of

The Companies Act, Delhi, Notification1956, read with Government of India,

Department of Company Affairs

Corporate Identity Number: L85110KA1981PLC013115

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Memorandum and Articles of Associations

Table A not to apply but company to be governed by these articles

1. No regulations contained in Table A, in the first Schedule to the Companies Act, 1956
shall apply to this Company, but the regulations for the management of this Company
and for the observance of the members thereof and their representatives, shall, subject to
any exercise of the statutory powers of the Company with reference to the repeal or
alteration of, or addition to, its regulations by Special Resolution, as prescribed by the
Companies Act, 1956, be such as are contained in these Articles.



1. To establish, maintain, conduct, provide, procure or make available services of every kind
including commercial, statistical, financial, accountancy, medical, legal, management,
educational, engineering, data processing, communication and other technological social or other

2. To carry on the business as importer, exporter, buyers, lesser, and sellers of and dealers in all
types of electronic components and equipment to reach the preliminary objectives of the


3. To carry on all kinds of promotion business, and in particular to form, constitute, float, lend
money to assist, and control any companies,
Associations, or undertakings whatsoever.

4. To establish, provide, maintain and conduct or otherwise subsidies research laboratories,

experimental stations, workshops and libraries for scientific, industrial, commercial and technical
research and experiments; to undertake and carry on scientific, industrial, commercial, economic,
statistical and technical research, surveys and investigations; to promote studies, research
investigation and invention, both scientific and technical by providing, subsiding, endowing, or
assisting laboratories, colleges, universities, workshops, libraries, lectures,
meetings, exhibitions and conferences and by providing for the remuneration to scientists,
scientific or technical professors or teachers and the award of scholarship, grants and prizes to
students, research-workers and inventors or otherwise and generally to encourage, promote and
reward studies, research, investigations, experiments, tests and inventions of any kind.

5. To provide for the welfare of employees or ex-employees of the Company and the wives,
widows, families or dependants of such persons By building or contributing to the building of
houses, dwellings or chawls or by grants of money, pensions, allowances, gratuities, bonus or
other payments or by creating and from time-to-time subscribing or contributing to provident and
other funds, institutions and trusts and by providing or subscribing or contributing towards places
of instruction and recreation, hospitals and dispensaries, medical and other Attendance and
assistance as the Company shall think fit.

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

6. To subscribe or contribute or otherwise to assist or to guarantee money to charitable,

benevolent, religious, scientific, national, public or another useful institutions, objects or
purposes or for any exhibition.

7. To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or
non-contributory pension or superannuation funds for the benefit of, and give or procure the
giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or employments to any person who are
or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is a
subsidiary of the Company or is allied to or associated with the Company or with any such
subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time Directors or Officers of the Company or
of any such other company as aforesaid, and wives, widows, families, and dependants of any
such persons and also establish and subsidize and subscribe to any institutions, associations,
clubs or funds calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance the interests and well being of
the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid, and make payments to or towards the
insurance of any such person as aforesaid and to do any of the matters aforesaid, either alone or
in conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid.

8. To undertake and execute any trust the undertaking of which may seem to the Company
desirable and either gratuitously or otherwise.

9. To act as agents, registrars or brokers and as trustees for any person or company and to
undertake and perform sub-contracts.

10. To buy, sell, manufacture, repair, alter and exchange, let on hire, export, and deal in all kinds
of articles and things which may be required for the purposes of any of the said businesses, or
commonly supplied or dealt in by persons engaged in any such businesses, or which may
Seem capable of being profitably dealt with in connection with any of the said businesses.

11. To adopt such means of making known the business of the Company and/or associate
companies or others as may seem expedient and in Particular by advertising in the press, public
places and theatres, by radio, by television, by circulars, by purchase and exhibition or works
Of art or interest, by publication of books, pamphlets, bulletins or periodicals, by organizing or
participating in exhibitions and by granting prizes, rewards and donations

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd


28. To carry on the business of an investment company and to buy, underwrite and to invest in
the acquire and hold shares, stocks, debentures, debenture-stocks, bonds, obligations and
securities issued or guaranteed by any company constituted or carrying on business in India or
elsewhere and debentures, debenture-stocks, bonds, obligations and securities issued or
guaranteed by any Government, State, Dominion,
Sovereign, Ruler, Commissioners, Public body or authority supreme, municipal, local or
otherwise or firm or person whether in India orelsewhere and to deal and turn to account the

29. To carry on business related to the electronic industry, Textiles, Chemicals, Hotels,
Construction & Engineering items

30. To transact and carry on all kinds of agency business and in particular to collect rents and
debts, and to negotiate loans, to find investments, and to issue and place shares, stocks,
debentures, debenture-stocks or securities for the above business of the Company.

31. To carry on business of every kind and to act as merchants, traders, Commission or other
agents or in any other capacity whatsoever in India or in any part of the world, to carry on the
business of providing services of every kind and to import, export, buy, sell, barter, exchange,
Pledge, make advances upon or otherwise deal in goods, produce, article, merchandise, services,
conveniences and amenities of every kind which will be required for the business of the

32. To carry on business as capitalists, financiers; concession and merchants and to undertake
and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations.

33. To sell or purchase or otherwise deal in any goods, products, articles or things and to carry
on business as merchants, traders, and dealers in any goods, commodities, articles and things
whatsoever in or outside India and generally to carry on business as exporters, importers
And dealers

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Capital Clause
“The Authorized Share Capital of the company is ` 1200,00,00,000 (Rupees one thousand two
hundred crore only) divided into 240,00,00,000 (two hundred forty crore only)

Equity Shares of ` 5 each (Rupees five only) with power to increase and reduce the capital of the
company and to divide the shares in the capital for the time being into several classes and attach
thereto respectively such preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights, privileges or
conditions as may be determined by or in accordance with the Articles of Association
of the company for the time being and to vary, modify or abrogate any such rights, privileges or
conditions in such manner as may be permitted by the Companies Act, 2013 or by the Articles of
Association of the company for the time being”.

The authorized capital increased from ` 600 crore to ` 1200 crore by resolution of the
shareholders passed on March 02 2017


The authorized share capital of the Company shall be in accordance with Clause V of the
Memorandum of Association of the Company
with such rights, privileges and conditions respectively attached thereto as may be from time to
time conferred by the Regulations of the Company, and the Company may in its general meeting
from time to time increase or reduce its capital and divide the shares in the capital
for the time being into several classes, consolidate or sub‑divide the shares and attach thereto
respectively such preferential, qualified or special rights, privileges or conditions as may be
determined by or in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company and the
Companies Act, 2013 and the rules issued there under and vary, modify or abrogate any such
rights, privileges or conditions in such manner as may be for the time being provided by the
Articles of Association of the Company and the legislative provisions for the time being in
Force in that behalf

The Company in General Meeting, May from time to time, increase its capital by the creation of
new shares, such increase to be of such aggregate amount and to be divided into shares of such
amounts as the resolution shall prescribe. Subject to the provisions of the act, any shares of the
original or increased capital shall be issued upon such terms and conditions and with such rights
and privileges annexed there to, as the General Meeting resolving upon the creation thereof shall
prescribe and if no direction be given, as the Directors shall determine and in particular, such
shares may be issued with a preferential or qualified right to dividends, and in the distribution

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

of assets of the Company and with a right of voting at General Meetings of the Company, in
conformity with Sections 87 and 88 of the Act. Whenever the capital of the Company has been
increased under the provisions of these Articles, the Directors shall comply with the provisions
of Section 97 of the Act.


Shares to be numbered progressively and no Shares to be sub-divided

The shares in the capital shall be numbered progressively according to their several
denominations and except in the manner hereinbefore mentioned no share shall be sub-divided.
Every forfeited or surrendered share shall continue to bear the number by which the same was
originally distinguished. Shares at the disposal of the Directors

Subject to the provisions of these Articles and the Act, the shares in the capital of the Company
for the time being (including any shares forming part of any increased capital of the Company)
shall be under the control of the Directors who may issue, allot or otherwise dispose of the same
or any one of them to such persons in such proportion and on such terms and conditions and
either at a premium or at par or (subject to compliance with the provisions of the Act) at a
discount and at such times as they may from time to time think fit and proper
and with the sanction of the Company in General Meeting to give to any person the option to call
for or allotted shares of any class of the Company either at par or at premium or subject as
aforesaid at a discount during such time and for such consideration and such option being
exercisable at such times as the Directors think fit; and any shares which may be so allotted may
be issued as fully paid-up shares and if so issued shall be deemed to be fully paid-up shares. The
Board shall cause to be filed the returns as to allotment provided for in Section75 of the Act.
Provided that the option or right to call of shares shall not be given to any person except with the
sanction of the company in the General Meeting.


a) The share certificates shall be issued in market lots and where share certificates are issued in
either more or less than market lots, sub-division or consolidation of share certificates into
market lots shall be done free of charge.

b) Any two or more joint allotters of a share shall, for the purposes of this Article, be treated as a
single Member, and the certificate of any share which may be the subject of joint ownership,
may be delivered to any one of such joint owners on behalf of all of them. For any further
certificate the Board shall be entitled but shall not be bound, to prescribe a charge not exceeding
Rupee One. The Company shall comply with the provisions of Section 113 of the Act.

c) Directors may sign a share certificate by affixing their signature thereon by means of any
machine, equipment or other mechanical means, such as engraving in metal or lithography, but
not by means of a rubber stamp, provided that the Director shall be responsible for the safe
custody of such machine, equipment or other material used for the purpose

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Number of Directors

Until otherwise determined by the company in a General Meeting and subject to the provisions
of Section 252 of the Act, the number of directors (excluding Debenture Directors and Directors
appointed under Article 111 hereof and Alternate Directors) shall not be less than three nor more
than Eighteen.

Non-retiring Directors

If and so long as Mr. P. R. Navadgi and/or his relatives shall hold not less than 5% of the issued
equity share capital of the Company, Mr. P. R. Navadgi shall be the Managing Director of the
Company and shall not be liable to retire by rotation.


Meeting of Directors

The Directors may meet together as a Board for the dispatch of business from time to time and
shall so meet at least once in every three calendar months and at least four such meetings shall be
held in every year. The Directors may adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they may
think fit.

Notice of Board Meetings

Notice of every meeting of the Board shall be given in writing to every Director for the time
being in India and at his address in India to every other Director.


Subject to Section 287 of the Act, the quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be one-third of its
total strength (excluding Directors, if any, whose places may be vacant at the time. and any
fraction contained in that one-third being rounded off as one), or two Directors whichever is
higher. Provided that where at any time the number of interested Directors exceeds or is equal to
two- thirds of the total strength, the number of the remaining Directors, that is to say, the number
of the Directors who are not interested present at the meeting being not less than two, shall be the
quorum during such meeting.

Adjournment of meetings for want of quorum

If a meeting of the Board could not be held for want of quorum, then the meeting shall
automatically stand adjourned to such other time as may be fixed by the Chairman.

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Secretary to call board Meeting

The Secretary shall, and when directed by any Director to do so, convene a meeting of the Board
by giving a notice in writing to every other Director.

Chairman of Directors

The Directors shall choose one of their members to be the Chairman of the Directors who shall
hold such office until the Directors otherwise determine. If at any meeting the Chairman of the
Directors shall not be present at the time appointed for holding the same, the Directors present
shall choose someone of their member to be the Chairman of such meeting.

Questions how decided

Questions arising at any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a majority of votes and in the
case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have second or a casting vote.

Powers of Board Meeting

A meeting of the Board for the time being at which a quorum is present, shall be competent to
exercise all or any of the authorities, power and discretions which by or under the Act or the
Articles of the Company are for the time being vested in or exercisable by the Board generally

Payment out of Capital

To pay and charge to the capital account of the company any commission or interest lawfully
payable there out under the provisions of Sections 76 and 208 of the Act.
To acquire property
Subject to Sections 292 and 297 of the Act to purchase or otherwise acquire for the Company
any property, rights, privileges which the Company is authorized to acquire, at or for such price
or consideration and generally on such terms and conditions as they think fit, and in any such
purchases or other acquisition to accept such title as the Directors may believe or may be advised
to be reasonably satisfactory,

To pay for property, etc

At their discretion and subject to the provisions of the Act, to pay for any property, rights, or
privileges acquired or services rendered in the Company either wholly or partially, in cash or in
shares, bonds, debentures, mortgages, or other securities of the such amount credited as paid up
thereon as may be agreed upon and any such bonds; debentures, mortgages or other securities
may be either, specifically charged upon all or any part of the property of the Company and its
uncalled capital or not so charged.

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

To secure contracts

To secure the fulfillment of any contracts or engagements entered into by the Company by
mortgage or charge of all or any of the property of the Company and its uncalled capital for the
time being or in such manner as they may think fit.

To accept surrender of shares

To accept from any member, as far as may be permissible by law, a surrender of his shares or
any part thereof, on such terms and conditions as shall be agreed

To appoint Trustees

To appoint any person to accept and to hold in trust for the Company any property belonging to
the Company, or in which it is interested, or for any other purposes; and to execute and do all
such deeds and things as may be required in relation to any such trust, and to provide for the
remuneration of such trustee or trustees

To bring and defend actions

To institute, conduct, defend, compound, or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the
Company or its officers or otherwise payment or satisfaction of any debts due, and of any claims
or demands by or against the Company, and to refer any differences to arbitration, and observe
and perform any awards made thereon

To act in insolvency matters

To act on behalf of the Company in all matters relating to bankrupts and insolvents.

To give receipts
To make and give receipts, releases and other discharges for moneys payable to the Company,
and for the claims and demands of the Company.

To provide for welfare of employees

To provide for the welfare of Directors or Ex-Directors or employees or ex-employees of the

Company and their wives, widows and families or the dependants or connections of such persons
by building or contributing to the building of houses, dwellings or chawls or by grants of
moneys, pensions, gratuities, allowances, bonus or other payments; or by creating and from time
to time subscribing or contributing to provident and other associations, institutions or funds or
trusts and by providing or subscribing or contributing towards places of instruction and
recreation, hospitals and dispensaries, medical and other attendance and other assistance as the
Board shall think fit, and subject to the provisions of Section 293 (1) (e) of the Act. To subscribe
or contribute or otherwise to assist

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

or to guarantee money to any charitable, benevolent, religious, scientific, national or other

institutions or objects which shall have any moral or other claim to support or aid by the
Company either by reason of locality of operation, or of public and general utility or otherwise.

To create reserve fund

Before recommending any dividend to set aside, out of the profits of the Company such sums as
they may think proper for depreciation or to a Depreciation Fund or to an Insurance Fund or as a
Reserve Fund or Sinking Fund or any special fund to meet contingencies or to repay debentures
or debenture-stock, or for special dividends or for equalizing dividends or for repairing,
improving, extending and maintaining any of the property of the Company and for such other
purposes (including the purposes referred to in the preceding clause), as the Board may in their
absolute discretion think conducive to the interest of the Company, and subject to Section 292
of the Act, to invest the several sums so set aside or so much thereof as required to be invested,
upon such investments (other than shares of the Company) as they think fit, and from time to
time to deal with and vary such investments and dispose of and apply and expend all or any part
thereof for the benefit of the Company, in such manner and for such purposes as the Board in
their absolute discretion, think, conducive to the interest of the company notwithstanding that the
matters to which the Board apply or upon which they expend the same, or any part thereof, may
be matters to or upon which the capital moneys of the company might rightly be applied or
expended, and to divide the reserve fund into such special funds as the Board may think fit with
full power to transfer the whole or any portion of the Reserve Fund into such special funds as the
Board may think fit, with full power to transfer the whole or any portion of a Reserve Fund or
division of a Reserve Fund and with full power to employ the assets constituting all or any of
the above funds, including the Depreciation Fund, in the business of the company or in the
purchase or repayment of debentures or debenture-stock, and without being bound to keep the
same separate from the other assets and without being bound to pay interest on the same with
power however to the Board at their discretion to pay or allow to the credit of such funds interest
at such rate as the Board may think proper.

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd


Service of documents or notices on members by the Company

A document or notice may be served or given by the Company on any member either personally
or by sending it by post to him to his registered address, or (if he has no registered address in
India) to the address supplied by him to the Company for serving documents or notices on him

Manner of service of documents or notices

Where a document or notice is sent by post, service of the document or notice shall be deemed to
be effected by properly addressing; prepaying and posting a letter containing the documents or
notice, provided that where a member has intimated to the Company in advance that documents
or notices should be sent to him under a certificate of posting or by registered post with or
without acknowledgement due and has deposited with the Company a sum sufficient to defray
the expenses of doing so, service of the document or notice shall not be deemed to be effected
unless it is sent in the manner intimated by the Member and such service shall be deemed to have
been effected in the case of notice of a Meeting at the expiration of forty-eight hours after the
letter containing the document or notice is posted and in any other case at the time of which the
letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post

By Advertisement

A document or notice advertised in a newspaper circulating in the city in which the office of the
Company is situated shall be deemed to be duly served or sent on the day on which the
Advertisement appears on or to every Member who has no registered address in India and has
not supplied to the Company an address within India for the serving of documents on or the
sending of notice to him.

On personal representatives, etc.

A document or notice may be served or given by the Company on or to persons entitled to a

share in consequence of the death or insolvency of a member by sending it through the post in a
prepaid letter addressed to them by name or by the title of representative of the deceased, or
assignee of the insolvent or by any like description, at the address (if any) in India supplied for
the purpose by the persons claiming to be so entitled or (until such an address) has been so
supplied by serving the documents or notice in any manner in which the same might have been
given if the death or insolvency had not occurred.

To whom documents or notices must be served or given

Documents or notices of every General Meeting shall be served or given in some manner
hereinbefore authorized on or to (a) every Member, (b) every person entitled to a share in
consequence of the death or insolvency of a member and (c) the Auditor/s for the time being of
the Company

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Distribution of Assets

The Liquidator on any winding up (whether voluntary and supervision or compulsory) may with
the sanction of a Special Resolution, but subject to the rights attached to any preference share
capital, divide among the contributories in specie any part of the assets of the Company and may,
with the like sanction, vest any part of the assets of the Company in trustees upon such trusts for
the benefit of the contributors, as the liquidator, with the like sanction shall think fit.

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Documents to be filed for Incorporation

 The Memorandum and articles of association is duly signed by the two Charted
Accountants and the Board of directors and is same filed to the Registrar of Companies.

Declaration by Professionals as per INC 8

Form No. INC-8

[Pursuant to section 7(1) (b) and rule 14 of the Companies (Incorporation)
Rules, 2014]

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

I, Kapil an advocate who is engaged in the formation of the company

I, Sumeet Chavan Chartered Accountant in India who is engaged in the

formation of the company

I Kartik Cost Accountant in India who is engaged in the formation of the


I Pradeep Patil Company Secretary in practice in India who is engaged in the

formation of the company

Declare that all the requirements of Companies Act, 2013 and the rules
made the under relating to registration of the company under the Act and
matter precedent or incidental there to have been complied with.

Date: 02/03/2017 Membership No:UN251


Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd


I, Milind S. Korde, Managing Director of Kalpataru Industries Pvt Limited (KIPL), hereby
confirm pursuant to Clause 49(1)(D) of the listing agreement that The Board of Directors of
Kalpataru Industries Pvt Limited has laid down a code of conduct for all Board members and
senior management of the Company. The said code of conduct has also been posted on the
Company’s website viz. www.godrejproperties.com. All the Board members and senior
management personnel have affirmed their compliance with the said code of conduct for the year
ended March 2, 2017.

Affidavit From each director as per INC 9

Form No. INC-9
[Pursuant to section 7(1)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 15 of the Companies
(Incorporation) Rules, 2014]

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

I Sourabh being the subscriber to the memorandum / named as first director in

the articles, of the above named proposed company, hereby solemnly declare
and affirm that

I have not been convicted of any offence in connection with the promotion,
formation or management of any company during the preceding five years; and

I have not been found guilty of any fraud or misfeasance or of any breach of
duty to any company under this Act or any previous company law during the
preceding five years; and

All the documents filed with the Registrar for registration of the company
contain information that is correct and complete and true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Date: 02/03/2017

Place: Vijayapur

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Address for Correspondence

Kalpataru Industries pvt Ltd

Navadgi Building Sharoff bazaar Vijayapur 586101

Complete details of first Director

Name: Sourab Chandrashekar Rao
Age: 32
Postal Address: Karol Bagh 26/10 New Delhi 110005
Worked Previously: at Apprient INC
No of Shares Holding in the company: 2% in whole

ID Proof:
Aadhar Card No: 0125-2014-5214-2222
Pan Card No: AK12235
Election ID: 001222116432

No objection Certificate
(to be produced at the time of enrolment cum registration for the program)
(Following format is to be printed on the letter head of the respective Organization where the
candidate is currently working)


This is to certify that Mr.Sudeep is employed with our organization since 2011 as has 6 years of
experience in our organization.

We allow/relieve him/her immediately for joining program on Full-time/Part-time basis.

(Signature of Head of Organization & seal)


Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Form DIR2
[Pursuant to Section 152(5) and rule 8 of Companies (Appointment and Qualification of
Director) Rules, 2014]

Sl. No Particulars Details

1. Director Identification Number (DIN) 01000021655

2. Full Name: Sourabh

3. Father’s Name: Chandrashekar

4. Address: Karol Bagh 26/10 New Delhi 110005

5. Email: [email protected]

6. Mobile Number: 88687454444

7. Income Tax PAN: AK12235

8. Occupation: Business

9. Date of Birth: 26/10/1944

10. Nationality: Indian

11. No. of companies in which I am a Managing

Director, Chief Executive Officer, Whole Time
Director, Secretary, Chief Financial Officer,

(Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd),

(Managing Director)

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Notice of Situation

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Corporate Identity No: L85110KA1981PLC013115

I hereby certify that Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd has

incorporated under companies Act of 2013 with all necessary
requisites I hereby declare this company has got the Legal entity
and existence. And has submitted all the documents to the registrar
of companies.

Registrar of Companies
(Government of Karnataka)

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd


PCB (Printed circuit board)

Mobile Processors

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd


 www.google.com
 Books published by K Ashwatappa
 Referred books of Himalaya Publications
 Acts Collected Under companies Act of 1956 and 2013

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd

Kalpataru Industries Pvt Ltd


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