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drf, IIrruh,tiftir?1r ilTer riilE

_fifT:*1f"'* ry* iest *S ffus,rs'a-S aA-s
"q "r-6=*,
d6 6t 017 2-2780t+t S-]}s: [email protected] website

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s.'fuila-as il6ir6 F_d6 trfu,?rr-

Fd€ flifrfl?rDrbx{rs brqrfuzt riilY

ftd d'dHFF/ NTSE/20:5/ gs6


fr.s';- &fi d-dr3'- +fr^rlJbd' terS {t1; s UT6 U-rd- )?r}

'- gs-d e-fi
Wc 3 s961,

&r+d-r ftA t F-jq frs H t fu fw sers f& *lfr frdrs'

+s.ff,r'{ur$ ffi; Fra 2u5-16 firS: 08_11_2015 fs6 }rtJ€d 6s dr$
rtr fu ffrfl,t Er {.F6 risd br} g-d gfi f€-s-dr * ffie 3 },or&J *ss
fq''tr* ** € s' i ftf€'r'.sfr fEF Fsfr irrqt fuJdrfr fus ses.zi d;r
Ftr6 I

zifi: $*s ,lt6md dr%" a1,1"

aq rffi fFftfl?r' fEF
ilfi ErfgTT frffqm frqr (, t?r'rg, tfru'fr

*rlt tlrs't* {finr zors

National Talent Search Examination 2015

State Level Test-2015

irrfidTfr t$frfir' - zoLs
ilIIEI er€T (Class X)


X.dF{ fics'},'rg fisfiftfi d iidrfl m fftflf'
fime : 3 hours Max. Marks : 200 nrt:3 {? iiurfer:2oo

Instructions for candidates:- 9rffiu9ue'firo:

l. This exam is in two parts. r. fuoq1fi*m;E-6p1E="3'
2. P^rt-l is related to Mental Ability Test. z. qfo{5tS.dryr6fu4.i-Orsr6.6fitg-gi t

3. PartJI relates to Scholastic Aptitude Test. It consists :. ga' Hxar el frars. r's fitcs t t fer fdt
ofnine subjects, details ofwhich are given below:- f, fi efr ur, ffi e' a6-€' A-6 fi fs. t-
i) Physics iD Chemistry il JkEt<furar.s iil alrftsf€fdl,t{.r
iii) Biology iv) Mathematics iii) flt€f<fur)rrd- iv) dlfu3
v) History vi) Geography v) Ffs-d'F vi) gdr6
vii) Civics viii) Economics
vii) Faltd-{EFE:fit viii) rflilqFrn3il
ix) English
ix) ry4ffi
4. Each question carries one mark. All questions are
+. uoffi qrse' ffi wo i r€' qrsr=edus t I
s. E|.0.'-6 tsr qrr dTd sd q3d fi-e ffit ald tl
5. You have been provided with a answer sheet(OMR) g5d o
for this question paper. Darken the conect option of €F3-d fi-e € n?H
f€e qrc e F-S

each question in the answer sheet (OMR) with argl/ffi -de sdF€ |
fE rfl-S 6r-5

black/blueink. o. d=sriixf*jt ar$ cr6| s. 3 q.il5.t t

Rough work may be done on the blank space z. fur qrs riro fdr* foe'srd l*frfe€) rt'af*dl Ffr
provided. irl
Therc is no negative marking in this question paper.
7. e. Q?d Fta r€ rlx )rrrd) I'rd e-trc 6fugJ d Tdg
8. Do not use white fluid on OMR Answer Sheet. r'ffie€r
National Talent Search Examination- 2015, Class-X
*!f iffig. iff, rfrfifrr{r-2015, in lrg #S
Mental Abillty nr6flirfrdr3r
Directions (Q. 1-2) There is a number eeries followlng a
Pattern. Oneplaceis left bhnk. Findthecorrect answer
ffiE (r{gtr r-2) }6 ffi r{Fdr f+rf d F$ f#t dra
from the options.
t, ferfdsrtr errrnrfr trsqi {dtstrrdBfr r fidt aE
t. 1,2,4,8,....?......,32
t. t,2,4,8,.....?.....,32
l) l0 2) 12
l) l0 2) t2
3) 14 4) 16
3) t4 4) 16
2. 16,33,6s,131,(?) s23
2. 16,33,6s, l3t,(2) 523
t) 26r 2) s21
t) 261 2) s21
3) 613 4) 721 3) 613 4) 721
3. Find the odd number
3. tfE|*E +rdlZxfir-mrn I
3, 7, 9, 28, 27, 84, 81, 448, 243
3,7,9,28,27, 84, 81, 448, 243
l) 84 2) 8r
l) 84 2) 8l
3) 28 4)7 3) 28 4)7
Directions (Q. 4-5) The letters given below follow a
definite pattern. Find out the missing Letters to firefu (qmr ol-o5) +6t fdt rfrrd ffi ffiov ry nr
complete the prttern. DrciErdustfu SRrlu's-yoaerudg:rfgrni{rvE!-?r
4. -xyx-xxy-xxx-xx 4. -x1x-xxy-xxx-xx
l) yxyx 2) xxxy l) yxyx 2) xxxy
3) yyw 4) xyxy 3) yyw 4) xyxy
5. gfe-2g-e22-fe2-gf-22 5. gfe-2g-e22-fe2-gf-22

l) 2f2ge 2) e2fg2 l) 2fl4e 2) e2fg2

3) t29e 4) 2fg2e 3) f2.g2e 4) 2fg2e
6. In a certain code language 'INVITED' is wriften as 6. ffi *s srE f* 'INVITED'q'LPWISCA, fun{,rr'
'LPWISCA'. How will 'LETTERS' be written in that f,-e', ar 9i ig sE f#,LETTERS' f H fiFfif,{,
code language? f,.adr?
7. In a certain code language 'GREAT" is wriften as 7. f iss'F fe-?'GREAT' A'79512' fufobFFt€'ra| ei
"79512". How will "DOWRY" be written in rhat code
language? AJs' 'DowRy' qfdc ffior.a'ear.i
t) 41s23 2) 46897
l) 41523 2) 46897

3) 46s97 4\ dtl r { 3) 46s97 4) 42315

Dircctionc (Q. &9) Wh.t will come in place of question faairtqqse-rlfdildrer{Fd}fCsr{86fi fr y€}rega?r
nerk(?) 8.37 9
3ly2 5(t7 *On
sQJT 8 (?) 9 l6 l0
l6 10
l)3 2') 4 l)3 2)4
1\S 4)6 3)5 4)6
s. 56 a'1 t1 9. 56 27 27 -:-^
e ur81 3 (L)36 e (' 36 9 u_) 8l $. Oru r @:o
99 99
l)e t7 2) l0
l)e 2J l0 3) ll 4) r2
3) lr 4) t2 dfTiis 6 fa)fr, tf6x €'i* u'i'dFe'n ftE gJ i{afg fi u'f
10, Abhijotwalks 6km to the west then he turns to his right y*ate' i w3 e fa)fr. dtte. i fud qE unrt di u* *s rrs
and moves 8km then he tums tohis left and moves 9km ilg.Au3 efu)+ spfur t tri ud d'6 lrg ate't ry3 rz
then tums to right and moves l2km- Now in which ferfr sg-e' i w
qr tinrs
"r3 e"d' Eg 3 fuFfuF
ds-€ ffsi
direction is he from his starting point and how far? ndfffigd€A?
l) l5 NE 2) 3s NE l) 159-9 2) 3sg-g
3) 25NW 4) 45 SE 3) 259-y 4) 4sd-g
Directions (Q. 11-12) Read the following information firdaF (Wd 1 1-12) fi#t atcl F' S' fum ars uf
carefully and answer the question given below. In a rrre ffi fd+ drg qEdi e €?dfi€ lftri +5s'E f,f? " her
certain code"heridea has merit" is written as "fa lu boo idea has merit" f, "lo tre lu boo ma", fiEfrti{' fet A,
ma", "merit list has been displayed" is written as "go
he lu si ma", " her name displayed there'r is written as "merit list has been displayed' f "go h" lu si, mar',
figfifrr{.ttE a, "her name displayed therc" fi "ya si boo
"ya si boo zo", and "name in merit list" is written as
"ma yajho he" zo" fsfr{tr gret i rr€ "name in merit list" f "ma ya jho
hen f8firr{ttt€rA I
11. What is the code fbr'been'?
l) he 2) lu
l) he 2) lu
3) go 4) si
3) go 4) si
12. What is the code fot'in'? 12.'In'e'*3frit
l) jho ?\
l) jho 2) ma
3) zo 4) boo 3) zo 4) boo

13. Ifblue is called red, red is called grcen, green is called t3. f{dfs'6 s's fuo'fi|'€, s'r 6 ua'fd-J' fr€, ud'O
black. and black is called white, What is the colour of drsr fu"r fr€ 43 ar6r g f*a kOt;r€ ar ufrf gt-irat
l) Red 2) Black I) 6'5 2l d'r6r
3) White 4) Green 3) fde 4) ifitr
14. Which of the following operations will rcsult in 22? I 4. j6 fu frrr{i rs ffidr{r€l H fuFe. Fstf, ' 22 A?
l) l3- l5
l6+ l2-8x l) l6+ l2-8x13=15
2) 16-121$+ll+ l5
2) l6- 12x8= l3+15
3) 16-12+8- l3x l5
3) l6+12+8-l3xl5 4) l6x l2=8+13- l5
4) l6xl2-8+13-15 15. *d-d'+,er }t3.{ts '_" '-' €r HSEq rrf3'+grH!rca'x'i'c

15. If, + means -, -, means +, '+' means 'x' and x means +, g' tdffi ${t-idl.? I 25-5x I G* I 3+28=?
what is the value of 125-5x l0-13+28:? r) 129 2) r27
t) 129 2) 127 3) t49 4) r50
3) 149 4') 150 16. a-6 ffi{r{ifiEn krJ'FJd Hr{€-d €t|.Egs, eci:fi
16. Which figure represents Rhombus, quadrilaterals, s!:{fi fesfrsqe?E gs'tt



@ @o
3)@ 4) 3)
@ 4J
^- 17. Select the combination of numbers so that the letters 1 7.,fr ai er'{fuJr F-iril ge fu F }rf6.F.d i t nrd' q 3d-dE fdS
arranged accordingly rvill form a meaningful word f€BraEtrrdqdFEetrtl
123456 | 2 34 5 6
r) r,3,2,6,4,s t) r,3,2,6,4,5
2) 4,6,s,2,3,r 2) 4,6,s,2,3,1
3) 4,3,2,s,r,6 3) 4,3,2,5,t,6
4) 4,3,2.5,6,1 4) 4,3,2,s,6,1
18. Which of the following words carmot be made from the I s. ld3 aTi HsE e litrd' J i-6 ffir'}r' H' fuag' sse rS
Letten given in question. EETfE Ti{' T€T? TRANSFORM
19. fu? HE€r Er <d:dlrs' i qx w_sr-a a? ,f3 $c xre fr
19. Arrange the grven words in the alphabetical order and hEE €igs'r ?rf._ge'i I
choose the word that comes in the second place.
l) Reserve 2) Real
l) Reserve 2) Real
3) Rest 4) Repeat
3) Rest 4) Repeat
20. 2020 ?sqre"fdrsr du e' x's f*a* i€ar?
20. Which will be that next leap year after2020?
1) 2026 2) 2029
r) 2026 2) 2029
3) 2103 4) 2024
3) 2103 4) 2024
2 1. BQ,R,S,T,U,YW ffi
ds"a.a ks grts E-dqd gd 3 i
21. P,Q,R,S,T,U,VW are sitting around table in same
F-!|' k
sdsi a'd?' t'Cl iE ust ?aat F€td tllEi S4{r i
order, for group discussion at equal distances. Their
positions are clockwise. If V sits in the North, then F*"F A fer ar-lrrc' ild I ia-d V Fd f+s ko. t s' S e'
Whatwill be the oosition of S? Fqrsdi+drr?
l) East 2) South-East l) :rds 2) -re-gd8
3) South 4) South-West 3) etfa 4) stfs-uaH
22. Yuwaj said,"My mother is sister of Vinod's brother." 22. SsdF a fd{', "rtd x. ffie.i ss' d AE i," ffiE gr{dii{
How isVinodrelated to Yuvraj?
l) Brother-in-Law 2) Uncle
t., r€o 2) tltrr
3) MatemalUncle 4) Cousin
3) HlHr 4) v0a'Ya'

Direction (Q, 2l&241 Rerd the following information firfeF ({F6 23-24 I f#t
s-ae.d 6 u+
F fd3
and answer th€ qucstlons giv€n below it. a€qratd€tafu9r
Anju is older than Manju. Gopal is older than Manju but liT, Hg J +s A, firr,s' ig ? eat t tig tig J ;z' tt
younger than Anju. Kapil is younger than Ramesh and
dfrrrdtx'rr3 HT 3 i-a t tif , a*s J +d i t
Manju. Manju is olderthan Ramesh.
23. kr;. Fsi'e?.i?

23. Who is theoldest? 1) )'tg 2) HE

l) Anju 2) Manju 3) anrs 4) d'u'F
3) Kapil 4) Gopal
24. ifu's'rri ulFi seFprrz;ffi groi t

24. Wlose age is between Gopal andRamesh?

l) trfi 2) afrI5
l) Manju z) Kapil
3) Alka 4) None ofthese
3) 'trssrr
4) ag?'fi
25. Find out the connection/relation of the grven dtEb{i €r-difdrgl{i fes gd-€',{'ufr *si.}
rows/columns with each other in some way. gos€r
Rows Columns Rows Columns
I t2 2l 48 t2 2l 4E
2 l2l l3 22 136 2 l2l I.' 22 136
3 84 28 46 5t7 84 28 46 )l/
4 5t2 87 t4l 224 512 87 l4l
l) Columns l&ll l) dr6Hlnf3"fiII
2) Columns III & IV Z) arsxIIIa€IV
3) Columns II & IV 3) d'sHII"fiIV
4) Columns II&ll 4) a'sxllriIII
26. Atree al*'ays has 26. sdtr3asu*rr frEe'i
l) Branches 2) Leaves l) Zffi"{' 2) ri3'
3) Fruits 4) Roots 3) 35 4) f-+
27. How many 5's are there in the following number 27. fulmr$ fd=+d 5 f,it s.€. B Efora fuFf*rl-{ 5 3
sequence which are immediately preceded by 7 and utr6r 'ia. 7 weer i-E a€ rl|'l-e fi*E 6 a'fie' i-€r
immediately followed by 6? 7 5 59 457 645987 5 67 64325 67 8
75 59 457 645987 s 67 64325 61 I l) trd 2)E
l) One 2) Two
3) Three 4') Four firrdr: qrs' t€ 29) td? fift dIR f6qt{r frif fE?
Directions : In questions (28&29) one of the rules is frcx sF-{ i EEe. i f6qx d?* Ffr fo{su€t i-eaii
I t
applicable, Findoutthe rule and correct alternative
l)',t-{E 6'sdtE aleryiFrfde: ii3t
I) Multiply the numberby 3 and add 3 to the result
2) trdegdr}ei
2) Subtract frl ice the number from the square "rdeseaf<*ure€r
3) Multiply the number by 5 and subtract 3
3) 'rre6sasgre'*oi',H s utc€t
4) Add the number to its square 4) +r*ie-eat5'i'afutax'a? t

28. t2,20,30,42 28. t2,20,30,42

29. 47,52,s7,62
29. 47,52,57 ,62
30. In the given question symbols do not stand for their
30. qrsfe?fer* aB fr+s ',flrJ b{Fs tt-Jss'{aidrtrd u6l
achral meaning but indicate some relationship. Under Fefd fud rsq Fs'frrs a-€ ur, rd fisq 3 ilq'tdJ Fd
stand the relationship and find correct alternadve kftrrrd+edel
24 + 33=99 24+33:99
40 +23 = l15 40+23=115
16+25=50 t6+25.:50
64 + t3 --2
64+ t3:?
t) 74 2) 28
t) 74 2) 28
3) 58 4) 104
3) s8 4) 104
fire-Jfia f+s elr6 fg A-g ffi q-Jfr i
31. fsa ETr€ir'-d
3l. Visiting the historical monunlent, a tourist asked "How
f*B Fra gdEl t? 9F e ar*a
old is this monumenl?" The guide replied "The age of lfFd'r td
monument was square irumber lwo years ago and will (ffid) * f{d' fuF 6 $rs ? xq ufoo' fua eeat rye fr
be cube number after two years. What is the ag€ of )r{g €' Fr6 Errrfs rerd' ur6i }r1d ffi't €F qE-drd er gtfd
historical monument?
l) 343 2\ 216 1) 343 2) 216
3) tz3 4) 66 3) 123 4) 66
"-- Directions
(Q. 32-34) Some bricks of the same size hrve fddEr :- {E6 ( 32 + 34 ) tri} ilt HEd fts w fdei f t}fr
been arranged in a block in figure kept on trbl€.All thc €frd ft"r fu,lt' t @ B €dFs fdfu'{' J {-drE,lJt tdPtr
exposed faces have be€n printed with colour Anlwer
the question given below.

12. fs?dfdg tid'r{' fu T5?

32. How many bricks are there in the figure?

l) 40 2\ 38
l) 40 2) 38
3) 46 4) 52
3) 46 4) s2
33. How many faces ofthese bricks kept on the table, have 33. f€? ilt fr3a',rc;F-d fu i ftt'qgdftrs fufu,r{r (fuqrit
been painted? €E e-B) i ndr fsE tdFlt A ?
l) 40 2) 84 l) 40 2) 84
3) 80 4) 78
3) 80 4) 78
34. How many bricks are there whose only one face is
painted? 34. r{firdrr ffir,{i' Fai us ffi d fuec fr Ugars ius'
(fevd €?t €'rsl cl-r' fr nr' t
l) 16 2) 28
edr t

3) 24 4) 20 l) 16 2\ 28

35. It was 9:35 am by Sachin's watch, which kept correct 3) 24 4) 20

time, when Abhinoor informed him that the last bus
left the bus stop at 9:25 am Abhinoor's watch is 3 5. EFr6 d urS 3 ntat g: r s e' xn' fr , i' id fd m'fl fu=Fd E
5 minutc fast. The frequency of the bus is every 20 €E-f Ffu-J *s' fd d'x, #'rB J s,zs € s' gd
minutes. For how long must Sachin wait to catch the
fr rilfT"6:d d ur$ 5 f,ie riiir, fr ldT Td 20 fli-a srire T.€t
nextbus? i rfuil g uard vr 'rmss sd ftrir Fgma mrat' uedl'?

l) 15 minutes 2\ l0minutes
l) 15 fi-e 2) l0fltz
3) 25 minutes 4) 5 minutes
3) 25fft2 4) 5fi-.
Directions (Q.36-37) Find theodd elternrtive f rrfu (qFr r c- : z) fifF fT{su d *c ae I

36. l) 2s 2) 36 36. 1) 2s 2\ 36
3) 49 4) 64 3) 49 4) 64
37. l) CEFH 2) MOQS 37. r) CEFH 2) MOQS

Directions (Q.38-39) In ofthe following questions,

tre* tqaa 3E-3e) i6 fis* W6t fd? " e dt tf'i e
there is a relationship between two Letters/Word/
,.rfd/rsirnfiTrf#*yqi B? q'i e ffua|'f{fudgdl
Numberon the leftofthe sign (::)Thc srme reletionship tcqi r fg alR fn6r6t.+ trd l-{stJ6t r

exists between the two to right of the sign (::) of which

one is missing. Find out the misslng from the
""' 4 38' Pt, 4
: DY: ? ;::DY:? 5

l)f fi 2\! r) 3 ",


J' ;
)) 1t
= )) :)i 4t:

40. Gourav is fourteenth from the right end in a row of40

bovs. What is his oosition from the left end?
d Ts.d i i+ frtrd t
40. 40 Frfu4{' d-tr€ 1 4?xs.r3 i r dt
1) 27th 2\ 26th
l) 27<' 2) 26<t
3) 2sth 4) 24th
3) 25<r 4) 24<r
Direction : In questions (41&42) problem figure is
incomplete. Find correct rlternative to complete freir qmrrrr342 ) f+s
tc E {frnF Fvd xya A I Exfurr'
probl€m figure.
kc 6yo raa uS gsdf fu f eif Fd ts?6q S +c se

A't 11


43. Find the minorimage of figure A 43. fdsd A e,sdrr€e. r5stffiEdi I

- ez | ----7
../ Q
l"t/ ./ t./
f/l:- t/
.,/ e

Al2 -l

44. Find the water Lnage offigure A 44. Frd s' ud i-s{dfrsda.
r. v-)
/\ r'\2t ra\X I ,\
Direction - In questions (45&46) Question figure is f 6-rgE-qF6(45',r346)ft'st{r6fd3d,q-df dwtf c+
embedd€d in one ofthe answer figure. Find the correct
one in which itis embedded.
fi{i f!? F.rE fiff' ilgi'r. i t farfqrs Fr fn&F i, €F€?
45. rJ^Fd,ffJd
45. Question figure

Alswer Figure €FrdfSsd

FN wl
M] il)9 Wl
lr=>(l , a.l

m n
M] |)9 w m
l2 I

46. Question Figure

46. t{F6fJd

Answer Figure

&b -
F F &F P F
Directions - (47-4E) In each of the following questions
firffu- t{F6 (47 rrg 48) +d fiEt r{gdr fCa fasrn:: ic?
there is a relationship between two figures on the left u'i g f# fds f'sq Fs"frrE A, ii
u"i g *fgtrt tfr *
side ofthe sign : :, The same relationship exists between €d *sq Fs'frrs -rg it, fiE? arB ff,{srr t#
rd? fu{6u
the two, to the right side of sign : :, Find the correct Sii-r6rill

48. 48.

Zl_\ tr tTYt

tr A tr tr MFI

Directions (49-50) The figures in each of the questions

follow e series Select the figure from the given nrdr tq lr-so I fd9 a€ qra fr ac S 6*
fi 6' -q'g€
alternatives which would continue the series. gd iut fd3 e.efs*oqi f *f ffry8 t "iA

o o t2 o(A t

ls !r fia uL |L- ,-. 50.
ls tr Ld 0t L- | .-t ,,

A UL \r)
-L- AL A tlL (n AL
Tail ofa cometpoints away from the sun due to 51. ka gHag d gresrre f uar esf fd i fer e'dr6t r

[) Gravitational force 1)

2) Electrical force 2) fufrrEs
3) Attraction ofcomet due to otherplanet
3) gHage'exaaJfu6'5',{-d-dr6
4\ Radiation Pressure
4) yrfrqc'xe'evQ
Find the effective resistance between polnts
AandB 52. A bri B k=e"{r f<€-d.dqfueqdi?

r) 7.5O 2) 10.5()
1) 7.5O 2) 10.5()
3) 4)
3) tz.sA 4) r4.5O
53. In the given equation identiry the particle X
5 3. ficatnd Fln-{ddftd x fr i?
lne + ]ue -+ 'jc + x
ine + itte -+'jc + x
l) Proton 2) Neutron l) i{2.6 2) fd9{d
3) Electron 4\ Positron 3) tuH-a 4) Um
54. What should be the new radius of earth in order to
54. ur;i1 s'aruq fur{rq 6n }€. s.fe't i-f,d gF-e. -ir fofl
reduce escape velocity to half of the present value
withoutchangingthemass oftheearth. E-e& ffi t1lra'J e"I (Escape Vel.) fte' H€a' i: l'ffi
l) R/2 2) 2R
3) 3R 4\ 4R
l) R/2 2) 2R
55. The nature of image formed wben an object is placed
3) 3R 4) 4R
between Principal focus and r.,ptical centre ofconvex 5 5. rg ffi eEg E FF *6-fr nl{rr EaE"rg #6fr t{d m a?d
lens fssa'a o-'for,r *€' t e+ $re. qfu fre ffi via. r

l) Virtual, diminished
1) lrr*'mSffi'
2) Real,l!{agnified
2\ arsc,afli*'sR'dg'
3) ' Virtual, Magnified
4) Real, Diminished
3) >rrflf,ifq'affs33.'
4) ,{F5,qqsr
':-- 56. A perso-n is running along a circular track of area 56. Fd ffi d's-E-a da-a t ds J hr e't-gcsg
625rm (tr=2217) with a constant speed. Find the 625Tm' (1r=221 7 ) i, 93 fs* ss arS as is tdd' i t *
displacement in 15 seconds if he has to complete the
racein 30 sec.
fu rrl' e?o ro frftia f* yo' are' i s' ts ifas f*
fi ia' trseRr6 (displacement) 3rrratar t
l) 200m 2) l00m
l) 20Om 2) l00m
3) 25m 4\ 50m
3) 25m 4) 50m
57. A particle ofmass M in a circle ofradius R moves with 57. M irir e'rpit fud eElr R rrrdq furr{'F e-B' d-d fds Efud
a constant speed u. The work done when it completes
ard v ersdrx a-fr t rfu{ !rd'dild ilrd, g3 eF_s <B'fed'
one circle is
dl-df,dtEr fdr4{r I
t,1,.2 | - tt,.l
l) f x2rrR 2)
, Mv' 3)
t"R 4) Z..o r
Yx2nR 2\
r r-.1
3).1Y:4xrR 4) fla
)6. Two forces act on the either side ofthe rigid body of
58. ednt fuid EF elg e trufrdfrassa*d
negligible mass suspended by string as shown in 'ildgrd
figure. IfR is the resultant force then the tension (T) in ?''Hsd lrfr gi d Es rarB a€ us i-a-a$f e' fufrsia R

shing will be 3s'dmdiF6(T)daedfrl


r-J---_r _____J-_,
32 gwt R 50 Cwt 329$tt R 50 gwt

l) 26gwt 2) 41 gwt
l) 26 gwt 2) 4l gwt 3) 82sM 4) l6gwt
3) 82gwt 4) 16 gwt 5 9. grs e fd-a !vss' t f v qrur er drrd ffii H' fuo-gr i ?
59. Magnetism in a magnet is mainly due to
1) fi*- ^{e.6.e"r{.dfva
l) Orbital motion ofelectron
2) The spin motion
2\ fr*a-are.unre1 gfr grr{'Br{r€dr31E.6-d
3) The nuclear charge
3) faffixre-a*
4) Nucleus density
4) fa@ure-s.
60. The part of eye which changes in focal length of eye 60. lrrc e' gJ furt fr-trJ"ric e *6-s d a{6 dE si 6 rgre'
lens. al
l) Iris 2) Comea l) ,{rfu-dB 2) drddtrrf'
3) Pupil 4) Ciliary Muscles 3) ys$ 4)fiE
61. An anchored boat is rocked by waves whose crests are 6t. fu{ qt AS ffi 366p Err4.6r qsd e'dt t 9r sfdr e'
I 00m apart and whose velocity is 25mls. How often do gs's 100 )fre-d A 3 +dr 25 m-.d/ftf&s at Sr gsrs f&.6
the crest reach in boat.
l).0.35sec. 2) 4 sec.
1) 0.35frf&s 2\ 4if&s
3) 75 sec. 4) 2500 sec.
3) 75frFr 4) 2500it*t
62. The atmospheric pressure at the surface of earth is
about. 62. €tqliBltl eFbru-a-S et fg.i fdq'-e"rt

l) l0'N/m' 2) l0N/m'
l) l03N/m': 2) lo'N/m'
3) l0"N/m' 4) 10'\/m'
3) l0'1.1/m' 4) l0Vm'z
63. The electric device which works on the phenomenon
63. 9F fiffisf fsd e' Fr eF furr. fu $rrd i-sd f+ ui fud
of force on a current carrying conductoi in magnetic e'sa fun fde ffi qrdr drrdet -? €Fi so ai ss i
fieldis frq.s3 iixE-de'i r

l) Generator 2) Accelerator l) Td-e-d 2) rHpn}aa

3) Motor 4\ Transfonner 3) tred 4) arFird)ftt
Chemietry dFrfu€:f{rfai{rd
64. Which ofthe followingwill showTyndall effect: 64. A6.fitr}'''fs€'krfdoFgserrrs.gfuf'dfu i?
l) Milk+H,o 2) salt+H,o l) gq+H,O 2) ge+ II,O
3) CUSO.+ H,O 4) Alcohol +HrO 3) CUSO. + H,O 4') rrs&us+ H,O
65. i6 ffi{h{' fE. ffi trdry' $E es€ u'_gs i RErF6
65. Which of following eqgilibrium shifts in backward
direction by applying high pressure? fu?e?s1f€,Fr (backward direction) dui ;fe'i r

a) N,O.(g) a) N,O. (B) + 2NO,(g)

+ 2NO,(g)
b) H,(g)+Cl.(g) .-- 2HCl(g)
b) H,(g)+Cl,(g) + 2HCl(g)
c) PCl,(g)+Cl (g) + PCl,(g)
c) Pcli(d+Cl,(g) + PCl,(g)

d) N, (g) + 3 H, (g) + 2NH,(g)

d) N,(g)+3 H, (g) + 2NH,(e)

l) A 2)B 3)C 4) D
l) A 2)B 3)C 4) D

66. Non-metals react with oxygen to form ........... or

66. r{qEi brdFtfl-?' 6.rat trfdrrf' {d& ................ fr' ...........
........ oxides
;''r4grgt qE _rffirdt uls-l

l) Acidic, Neutral 2) Acidic, Basic 1) +f;.d,ffdri{ z) ffi,c-d

3) Basic, Neutral 4) Basic, Acidic 3) {rd,kd'ju 4\ {.d,ffi
67. Which sample at STPhas same number ofmolecules 67. i.6ffilr' ffi ffi ffusf€s STP3 5 fuedNo,(g) i
as SLofNO, (g) has at STP EdrTd4ei (molecule) fg 6 |

l) sg ofH, (g) l) 5 dIrHU€ftTfi-'A''e

2) 5L ofmethane (g) 2) 5 fu-.d)nid*Fi
3) 5 moles ofO, (g) 3) 5 FF'{q*f-5,&Ei
4) 5 x 10" molecules ofCO, (g) 4) 5x 10" ar-Earasra€araF*giE+
Arrange the gases present in air in increasing order of
boiling points.
d-€'ids*Ee tr 6$us. + qEF e-di ieut qrt
l) N,<Ar<O" 2) ArcN'<O, 1) N,<Ar<O, 2) Ar<N?<O,
3) O.<AI<N, 4) N,<O,<AI 3) O,<ArcN, 4) N,<O2<AI
69- How many electrons axe pres€nt in 0.1 moles of 69. 0. l t{5 tPO.l "'{'fEd te-s fii6 ft #d-q'5 Eg il5 t
[PO.]'r ions.
l) 50x6.023 10" 2) 5x6.023x10"
1) 50x6.Q23 10" 2) 5x6.023x10"
3) 1x6.023 x 10" 4) 3x6.023x103
3) 1x6.023 x l0' 4) 3x6.023x10"
flrE ffis tgggs,iD uerds ird, ;rE Fo NaoH
70. 'rirao
70. Esters are sweet-smelling subsLances. These when rgfdfa'l|raaiuagg:
treated with NaOH then:
(D br5,iTg''ri ffita{EtrdEderi
(i) formation ofalcohol and sodium salt
(ii) a.ufu mika m+s b|i u'al ssE ua t
(ii) formation ofcarboxylic acid and water
(iii) this reaction is knou'n as sponification
(i ii) fux ffaao 5 xffi Fairraffi ur t

l. (i) and (ii) arewrong 1) (i),tr3 (ii) dr6rildl

2. (ii) and(iii) are wrong 2) (ii) (iii) aTFsTsl
3. only (ii) iswrong 3) +<s(ii) dr53A l
4. only (iii) is wrong. 4) +€6(iii)dr5stl
71. Arrange Li, C, B and Be according to increasing Li, C, B +ri Be 6 gfd. i uHra brdrdi <qg qt{tl6FE
order ofthcir alomic radii. ffil
l. B<Be<Li<C 2. C<B<Be<Li l) B<Be<Li<C 2) C <B < Be<Li
3. Be<C<B<Li 4. B<C<Be<Li 3) BecC<BcLi 4) B<C<Be<Li

72. Which of following salt when dissolved in distilled i6 ffif"{. f€'f6FJ'ge rg dmfsJ rr-A fss u?furf.
warcr will give pH less than 7 frre A s' l{frl-3drsd pH n'aa' z Suizfdi t

1) Na, SO. 2) CH,COONa I ) Na" SO. 2) CH,COONa

3) (NH,),SO. 4) NaCl 3) (NH.),SO. 4) NaCl
73. Match the following : ?3. i-a ffiry's isrr ai:
i) Ant Sting A. Oxalic acid i) 6ffierdrdT A. tlF-drf,ff4r0{5
ii) B. Laficacid
C. Methanoicacid
tL) at1'<o .B. ffzamnr
iii) tst{s] C. rffi'F4trtHs
iv) Sour Milk (Curd) D. Tartaric acid
iv)';ru D. zrdlFd{to{5
l) (D-c,(iD-A,(iii)-B,(iv)-D l) (D-c,(iD-A,(iii)-B'(iv)-D
2\ (i)-c,(ii)-A,(iii)-D,(iv)-B 2\ (i)-c,(ii)-A,(iii)-D,(iv)-B
3) (i)-A,(ii)-c,(iii)-D,(iv)-B 3) (i)-A, (ii)-c. (iii)-D, (iv)-B
4) (i)-A, (ii)-c, (iiD-B, (iv)-D 4\ (D-A,(ii)-c,(iiD-B,(iv)-D
74. Which of following statements are correct about ci 74. dsdeds i Scattering qd'ar a'a *ws c. 1115€f1 aei v€
(alpha) pariicle scattering experiment.
A"a ffi rap ftr 1qa;p4qa3 de fe ir6:
(i) most of the fast moving cr particl€s passed
(i) fF rrer3-d cr-Te fr* d u-Ji f€€' fFn df
straight tttrough gold foil.
(ii) some ofc- particles were deflected by the foil by
small angles. (ii) c-d-€Ei--'d i ltgr€ ir;'t
(iii) Surprisingly one out of every l0 particles (iii) ffi€-ra i fa dd l0 {ar ffi dd fga cs enrs
appeared to rebound.
Lfsert l
l) (i) and (iii) are conect
1) (i) 4{3 (iii) ssf4ud
2) (i) and (ii) are conect
2\ (i)',€ (ii) 3s*4ir6
3) (i), (ii) and(iii) are conect
4) 3) (i), (ii)"|} (iii) dqat{ird
only (ii) is conect
75. Match the following correctly:
4) A-ss(ii) is61-du6

I. Washing Soda (w) Hygroscopic Substance. 75. fafisfrrarr gr f,rg-sai":

II. Sulphuric Acid (x) have water of I.d.u3td<'6'F|3.. (w) u'fiEaFFafif{ uerds
Crystallization II. Hsf€ -gfrqro{6 (x) @rr
III. Suspension (y) Coagulation takes place on . ffir'(Suspension) 6 q;e'u$eJ rtu.ce te-e
addition ofsalt. fi#d'etla-st
IV. Colloid (z) Particles s€ttle down on IV.Asrfss (z) uard€d c i* ed fr.Dr
standing aFueJdtlcirtusr
l) I (w) II (x) III (y) IV (") l) I (w) II (x) III (y) rv (z)

2) I (x) II (w) III (z) IV (y) 2) I (x) II (w) III Iv (y)


3) I (z) II (y) III (x) IV (w) 3) I (z) II(y) III (x) IV(w)

4) I (x) rI (z) III (w) IV (y) 4) I (x) II (z) III (w) IV (y)

76. In an open vessel, the liquid keeps on evaporating. The 76. ft-d srs5,fuosir6 eteqf-dir6'a Fcd' itgost *a
grf,r i't€ us- s' i e'wqtffd e +d'r td
prticles of liquid absorb energy ftom surrounding to 'fllA-ez€ J
regain the energy lost during evaporation. This €FdFr eyrfl dqg {d r*ar *a' e. fog ?e*'hr€+ r{n+-
absorption of energy from the surrounding make the gtat6'.. ... ....(i) drdx{f,e'er(ii) &sr a-d-e' il(iii)
srmoundings .......... (i) Hot (ii) cold (iii) No change in
s''rHr6 fqs aS ufo€ds?r 6-fi !re't(iv) lgo sd6 a E-s"r
temperature of sunounding (iv) It depends upon the

nature of liquid. i,i r 4.
out of (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) which is corresr to fill the (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)tdfu'ds'saf*o-Ere+ffi&Eurr
above slatement.
l) +e5(DdrdAl
l) only (i)iscorrect Z) (i)',f+(ii)e{tl
2) (i) and (ii) are conect 3) d€s(ii)frdtl
3) (ii) is conect 4) r'i*ai t

4) All are correct

Biology frgfEtopmr

77. Which one ofthe following stat€ments is nottrue about 77. f6ffidu-cifet.faaE aqeg"oksifi{qigs€'FdF51
Darwintheory. tr
l) Rapid Multiplication t) 35dr6;.a.et5reqr
2) StruggleforExistence
3) Envtuonmental effe ct 2) ft-geafudgdft,'dF
4) Origin ofnew species 3) <rgrd€srttnit
78. The end product ofrespiration in plants are 4) a-etarrs=ihd-ersErlr
1) Co,, H'o and energy 7g. UfE r{' fu?Frdffzar. e.*gg'rre.dqfairgtfe,}r
2) Starch andoxygen l) Erdrfs,sr,{rdr.fJ,rt.c1bf}gd-d,
3) SugarandOxygen
4) H.oandenergy 2') ra'-eear]ry'atrga
79. Which one of the following is known as energy 3) E-drd€s))tr3b{'d*ftt
currencyof a cell 4) Ur-Cf r1€gd-r.
l) A.rP
3) Pymvate
+) \Jrucose 1) ! 2) i$.lf.
80. F,particles orOxysome are present in- 3) tl'fE-=d€" 4) Argif
l) Endoplasmic reticulum 80. F,{drirr{rdfriixt€g..............uta€uar
2) chloroplast l) ',},.g 2) at?rrs,rra
3) Mitochondria
4) Golgicomplex
3) Hrdlzd€fr',r 4) d6*aifsll{rEr

81. DNAreplication mainly takes ptace 81. DNAreplicationtlu*&F;llru+dJ.........f*fdtr
l) G,Phase Z) G,Phase 1) G,+fr D G,fu
3) SPhase 4) M Phase 3) S+fi 4) Mafr
82. Out of th€ following which hormone regulates
carbohydrates protein and fat metabolism in th-e body 32. i6 fi5fi{4f fgn fTir3 u.dit-.; Ffd f& ant{6 rfas
so as to provide the best balance
€lad d a-o
Q4r fafam (Metabolism) g faofu-s
l) Insulin 2) Thyroxin a-ce.i3'fd'rfidse6,r{rfuFdf+s"qrAFi'
3) Oestrogen 4) Adrenaline I) frr5Frfl-?' 2) s'fsd'rdtrfd
3) a?r*+r 4) rffia

" 83. In human beings, Ifthe egg is not fertilized, it lives for 83. r-du. F'g, i )tri e' l6i's5 5' it s' for prfl H fisd
about stssaffislt
l) One day 2) Threedays l) firais6' 2) fg-5Fgs
3) Five days 4) Eightdays )) qfi reo 4) Di6fs6
84. The cell wall offungi is made oftough complex sugar 34. gd d ffs iiit fuF EF drtrs-eril &s d rd gS i I

l) Cellulose 2\ Chitin
l) EB-n 2) d'fuf26
3) Hz6 4) fFdlf65
3) Pectin 4) Lignin
s5. aes lfdffi,Fs+5d-Stl
85. Lungfishis cormecting link between
l) Fishes and arthropods
t) fd>ri4-s -eris. z) tidt€,ffiks'
2\ Fishes and annelids
3) trEtrf,iirsr{' 4) )idtf3b?F*lr{.
3) Fishes and molluscs
4) Fishesandamphibians
l) wrrd'4fdrgrrdr 2) rsaia?ca's
86. The virus causing Japanese encephalitis or biain fever
willenter the body through 3) ee3 q ir€r
l) Sexual Organs 2) Mosquito bite 87. F.5t"{'eil'd fuF.............

3) Lungs 4) Air 1) +rd'63*dr.5*

87. The direction oflmpulse in atypical neuron is from 2) ttdF.si3?d-a,dt
1) Dendrontoaxon 2) Axon to Dendron 3) ''}dF-r3a?dd+
3) Axontonucleus 4) Axon to medullary sheath 4\ #dF'5JEr5dmtrd5
88. Ahuman female with Tumels syndrome. qE f€-€'
ss. +ds medFdfi+iedr
l) Has oneadditional X chromosome l) fude'lrx qrE_F-rdieaF
2) Has45 chromosome with XO 2) 4s dElrs-d-sdi xo e6r5
3) Exhibits male Character 3) naxiqrdsdFff
4) Is able to produce children with normal husband 4) sq.dsg"F?5's€te'ildffiSit
89. The correct pathway ofblood in circulatory system is 89. e's=T+Jt5d.d fusn-fr tie.....

l) Auricles + + Arteries * Veins

Ventricles t) rrr.dflr'fr-r +efi{Ffi+ q}ralr{r + fud-er
2) Venricles+ Auricles + Veins + Arteries D €2gtare+ u.ater*+ fFdEr-+ q}f€lryr
3) Ventricles + Veins -+ Arteries + Auricles 3) e-frd5fi+ fud<r+ qlretrr{, + 4frfdFfr
4) Veins .+ Ventricles + Auricles + Arteries a1 €d{gf, -+ r{rfrdgir+ q}E1rr{r
90. In living organisms, an active immune system recruits 90. E-F idT trd korms rnf,r"exd Tc-d €'f{s fry,{'
many cells to the affected tissue to kill offthe disease e €€ u''i srdT i Adrra"fr 6 H.dd gd r1trg F e frs sa'
causing microbes. This recruitment process is called-
tffi i a-*ts'isss g ........... afriozrr
l) Syphilis 2) Inflamrnation
r; rdtutur 2) F-f,Eq,tf'
3) Encephalitis 4\ SARS
3) e| 4) FdF(SARS)

Mathemrtics fTF s .!.
91. If a"b,c be the first, second and the last term of an *r; a,b ar} c ffi
A.P., then the sum of this A.P
9 1.
'M€a FS (AP) e' ufos', ga.'rr3
drfuxlfei+. sr fsF AP e' iJ e6
l) is (a-c) (b+c-2a)
l) @A$lr?4 ir

2) is (a+c) (b+sr2a) 2) (a+c) (b+c+2a) it

2(b-a) 2(b-a)

3) is J' ol

4) Cannot be determined unless some more 4) rffiega rr$ si qF A-d F-sdr 3 fir6t iises rrs
information is given about theAP. ars"Fverfiir
92. For what value ofk, (4-k) x'1+(2k+4)x+(8k+ l)=0 is a 92. k i fdF Lrs E6 ErtrETs (4-k) x'+(2k+4)x+(8k+l)=0
perfect square? ffitrrssrari'dr
1)0 2)3 l)0 2)3
3) 0,3 both 4) -3,3both 3) 0,3-<r6d 4) -3,3e€i.6dt
93. If one of the zeros of the cubic polynomial 93.+d-df i6-ur-Sslnrsx'+ax'+bx+e,d&fuce-ri.ig'
x'+4x'+6x+g product ofthe other two zeroes
15 - 1 , tlhen
Eriit i?i{i e fu- er g|a6-<5 A-+dF r

2\ 1) b-a+l 2) O-a-l
I) b-a+l b-a-l
3) a-b+l 4) a-b-1
3) a-b+l 4) a-b-l
94. n i f#'rF sfr 6r& n ffi frges'ftfwt' A), klttr{
94. For how many values ofn (where n is an integer), the
expression 8(n'-3n'+5) isaninteger: 8(n'-3 n'+5) e' },'bffi r=uccfifr o{' i r

2n-l 7n-l

1)8 2) 4 1)8 2)4

3)n 4) 28 3) ll 4\ 28
95. In the given figure ABCD is a rectangle and all 95. H3 fitrsd fdg ag6p fu{',{'k t xi xd xnri6rffi'
measurements are in centimeters. Find the area of the fdsrd fsFffi E sitqrdlsri-sddgrfgae l

shaded region
p 6-.E*g D G-!*C
'AF._fi_B Wryr
I) 240 cm' 2) 205 cm'
l) 240i)tr 2\ 2o5frif
3) 105 cm' 4) 95 cm'
3) l0sirtr 4) 95i)tr
96. Iftan'?O=(l-e') then secd+tanrd cosec{ is equalto 96. +{d ran'O=( I -e) i'C 3' seco+tan'o coseco er lil'
1) (2+e')'" 2) Q-€)'" 1) (2+e')'" 2) (2-e')'"
3) (1-"')'" 4) ( l+e')'" 3) (1-"')'" 4) (l+e')"
97. Ifa,b,c,d,e are five consecutive odd numbers then their 97. isa a,b,c,4e, d-}{-€.d trfr zta ftffi A-d s'9tr6r s
average is
riqx-s' r'fi rsl al tCEI' ?

l) 5(a+4) 2) - abcde
s l) 5(a+4) t) ?obcde
3) s(a+b+c+d+e) 3) a+4 3) s(a+b+c+d+e) 3) a+4
.,98. A number when divided by 342 gives a remainder 47. 98. ffifrforrr'* r+2 47 EdEse.i€9rfrfo4{'
When the same number is divided by 19, what would _6 r e 3 €bu' e.? s' Qr e' t'eit
d vlmi
be the remainder?
1)e 2)8
l) e 2)8 3) 18 4) ll
3) l8 4) ll
99. F4 AB r€ ffi ure d qs F{' e' tgo-65a-s'rct il't t

99. A snhere and a cube have the same surface area. Find
oui the ratio of the volume of the sphere to that of the 'x'fu-grrrr3uroirrt'FgaeruA;v.JrrgrE?t
cube. l) 6:n zl ..F,G
l) 6:n zl'.F,G 3) .'fi:n r a) 6:.fn
3) af6: n a) 100. ABCD ffi srar i, firre'fxtro e, gs frg 3 rfe tt
100. ABCD is a square whose vertex A lies on the origin. i{d ffi fu{dr AC i lrq frg g ffiF titd (pl2,l\
The Coordinates ofthe mid-point ofthe diagonal AC i'a, g' p e. tis irg' da +{d €ddr ABCD e' t-Jd-d6 20
ue ( pl2,l). Find the value of P the area of square <ditrfud'd1
ABCD is20 squnits. l) t6 2) +20
1) 16 2\ +20 3) t l0 4) +36
3) +10 4) +36 ri
101. fftfu e' x=rrd (seo firr nd srfl-cag 3x' + 2x +
l0i. The set of values of k for which the roots of the (K- I )K=0 a y5 (fF-dd) ffi gi 3 gg.c ffi6 a A-a
equation 3x'+ 2x + (K- l )K:0 are ofopposite sign is

1) (0,r) 2) [o,r]
l) (0,1)i 2) to,llt
3) (-l,l) 3) (- l,o) 3) (-1,1)i 3) (-1,0)i
102. rhevalueof +6-jzl-zi$ i. toz. +u6*jzl-z$vrrrir
1) 9\F 2)9 1) e.'F 2)9
3) e+\16 4) e-.'F 3) e+!5 4) e-.F
t03. 103.

In above figure, X is a point in the interior of square gu-d fd3'drs f€sd k f€er x <rar ABCD g
ABCD. AXYZ is also a square. If DY=3cm, AZ=2 s'dr Eb Efus i r n XYZ A ffi Ed-dr i *ca DY=3
r sn,
cm then length ofBY is AZ:2nri-3g'Bydd;s'dA
l) 5cm 2) 6cm l) 5FH 2) 6FH
3) 7cm 4) 8cm
3) 7FH 4) 8EH
104: Ifevery side ofa triangle is increased 3/2 times of its
original length, then the percentage increase in the t04.. ia-d ffi qfi A d*d ffi IFdE'6 e' 3/2 {rer
3rfi' E
areaofthe triansle is <q'fds'r'+3l ffi g=*sftr-gAfgl{.€rq.qfurgi
r) t2s% 2) t50% t) tzs% 2) rs|%
3) 300% 4) 5$o/o 3) 300% 4) s0%

105. Ifone angle ofa rhombus is 60', then the ratio ofthe i05. **e fea nrrqrgre e' f* *5 60" i-e=.ffifu,
lengths ofits diagonals is dts'frbi'e'a{_6'{r3|i
l) ..[:l 2) 2:1 I).p:t 2) 2:1
1\ 2:3 a) rf::t 3) 2'.3 l)..f3:t

106. In a right angle triangle, the sides ofthe right angle 106. e EHde k*d-fr d)'f EHd€ q-d'ga erd',{r yfir<r e1.1
are of lengths 16 cm and 8 cm, Then the side ofthe
Iargest square that can be inscribed inthe triangleis
*sq rO FH 4€ s m+ ir fr di 3 € <trdr, ifa fuF
furfi e +e-d $s'fulr1' Er ffiei i, d 3ri1rA ffi i€afr
f.. r)f*t

t) 2) 8.pcrn 2) s\6FH

3) ^ta
u{:cm 4) 8cm 3) 8\FFx 4) 8FH
107. If a, b, c, d are the sides of a right angle triangle,
t07. ffi xnfs Rs
a,b,c dbn gHrE' T6, fCe FF H-a e'
where c is the hypotenuse, then the radius 'r' of the
incircle of this triangle is
a-ee furfurfi ftbfi.i drstEgd d-d (incircle) s
l),= uT" a-b+c 'rrdqfeanF'r'i+dT".
l) r= a*b+c r= a-b+c
2 2
a+b-c a-b-c
4) ^. t: --
a*b-c ,. r=
.+) a-b-c
2 2
108. A person wrote l5 numbers on a circle. Each number
was the arithmetic mean of its two neighbours. Ifone
108. & fuar*S *kdaaffi rs frfur<r fun4r daa
fiftpt{r )t{rtrd
drtFd frF{,rrr€r (r}rdrd rr3 6r=61 6fow)
of these numbers was 6, then the sum of all the
numbers written on the circle is e')trq drfu-sa Hd){r6 t r **a fgas' fs+ ffi fiforrr. e
aa s' fEF d6rd 3 fafu{t' areh{t Frfrr,a' frfi{r,{r€r er;..J
1) 120 21 189 .I:
3) loo 4) l) 120 L) 189
3) r00 4) 90
109. 109.

In above figure, diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral fd3 drt Fsd tds dd-fr c-s?:dT ABCD g ka-d-d fr E p
ABCD intersect at point P. Area of triangle APB is 24 frJ {# il6 AAPB et rfg-d65 24 Fli i t+q-d AB=8 FH,
cm'. IfAB=8 cm and CD:5 cm. calculate the area of CD=5 m{ies' ADPC e'ts€si-+dFl
r) 20 F)t' 2) l2Ff
l) 20cm' z) tzcm
3) gfcm' 4) 9.5 cm'
3) e+Ff 4) g.sF|t'
ll0. Two dice are tossed. The probability that the total II 0. n urfu4{r (dice) 6 Hsar fuprr' I gts ufue'r+ ffi rrrgn'fi
score is a prime number is frfo"{'dF-sr€z.d -edfr?
'' -L
6 t\ 5
')+ 2) 5

3) U2 4) 7t9 3\ t/2 4) 7t9

History fsfsd"F
1il. Ttre Act of Union between England and l1l. ffis 'lri .......... e gslrt-;*fize 6-*iei' a€'a
resulted in the formation ofthe United Kingdom of
the Great Britain.

Northem Ireland 2) 1) gsfr}'rffis 2) +Fr

I ) Wales
3) Scotland 4\ Jersey 3) F-dEffr 4) Fdm

112. Who ledthe Scholar's Revolt ? lt2. 's6s6 63s2' s- rrp-o *:r1?
l) Phan Boi Chau l) a5E6€tf
2) Phan Chu Trinh 2) +6,Edstdfr
3) Theofficialat the imperialcourt 3) d'itcfuryFfr *-z d FHtfrtd4{5*d-c
4) The people ofMekong Delta 4) *Ardr+rz'
I 13. The Poona Pact was signed between & I tJ. ys't-a-zfaxf<e-a-e-fu mt
I ) Mahatma Gandhi Motilal Nehru l) F€'rild5s6fo-d - FdItEEfd=d
2) Mahatma Gandhi Lord Irwin 2) - srdsfsdks
3) Mahatma Gandhi - B.R. Ambedkar
3) )rdr3Hrdrrd - *.tlrd.*igmt
4) Mahatma Gandhi Mount batten
4) w-sH'dr.ql - H'qaq--6
ll4. The oldest Japanese book Diamond Sutra was
su's d rs J u-dd f{s'E's'fu {-J FJd de B'n?
printed in I 14.

l) AD686 2\ AD868 I ) 686f: 2) 868 f:

3) AD668 4) AD866 3) 668 s: 4) 8666:

115. How many years did it take to form Republic of I15. fury-sts'Hdrsdqd senrs'-de'68 gei# g f,it
Vietnam? Fr5frufdF -fdr irt fr?
1) 30 2) 29 l) 30 2) 29

3) l9 4) 2s 3) le 4) ?s

I 16. Consider the following events of l9l9A.D. | 16. I9196: dh{ruzdret*ry€"deF-

a. RowlattAct a. dbz+{e
b. HunterReport b. i--dfu!-dz
c. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre c. Fk4frEtgr gritTgr E Efr

d. Retum ofKnighthood by Rabindranath Tagore tear.eifi-dg"r{rddrfu€reaf€aJg6dsr

Their correct sequence rs. foAAturaSrere'r6frqni-
1) a,b,c,d 2) a,c,d,b 1) a,b,c,d 2) a,c,d,b

3) b,a,c,d 4) c,a,b,d 3) b,a,c,d c,a,b,d4)

the aim oftemperance movement? I I 7.
.finp* gdndm?
I 17. Whatwas
1) Decreaseunemployment 1) i_rf,-dF-dtrurs'-+s'
2) Inhoduce Rent control 2 ) )fd-6d fa-Fs t an-e6a':r a-es'

3) To stop criminal activities 3) r{r.Frqrelrr{r ures|-<r&rfgxd-6r

4) To reduce the consumption ofalcoholic drinks
4) affrreds'+Fq56qz'qc'

I 18. Which Fr€nch artist prepar€d a series of four prints ll8. fdF adiffr d'5rdr-d t' rynretm did' d6rfult4ri ft€:l
visualizing his dream of a world made up of
aflri asufdd frF d g'ezffa-a ui xx'fr* ara3gd
'Democratic and Social Republics'?
1) Frederic Sorrieu
l) BM*{E fde
2) Andreas Rebmann
2) lHarrrni+m
3) KarlKaspar Fritz
:1 a-rsixtre ePra
4) Giuseppe Mazzini
4) ftqftfr*ffi
I 19. By the l8th century, Which of the foltowing
commodities were produced on large plantations in ll9. l8et 13 sgt 3? t6 fstfirt' er3|nfl fE€. furer
America by slave labour and exported to other gsu.€-6 drs'H'd HHgfr d?i>lotahreiiqtlurfts
countries? i- fa-d' m 4€ i-d #, k.€. ffdq-J d|3. f,, fa-d. fr ?
l) Grains suchas wheat and barley l) rrd.frR{-{ 3 ii
2) Tropical fruits such as bananas and oranges. 2) $raal-8avesffia*3ffi
3) Animalproducts such as wool and beef. 3 ) ugtsuveH$i+riane'rm

4) Cash crops such as sugar and cotton 4) r*SenFfrC ffi iau-r

120. By which treaty Clive secured the Diwani ofBengal, 120. fuFfifr a'fids'fu-€e fur'6, fq-J-digjr S f€.61
Biharand Orissa?
l) TreatyofPlassey l) usrm d fid
2) Treaty ofAllahabad 2) fus.ou.ed ffi
3) Treaty ofBengal 3) €-drr{'d ffi
4) Treaty ofBaskar 4) Y{FdSfrd
l2l. Who is the author ofJane Eyre? 12 l.'idrr{'H'fuF*fsrfr fr?
l) JaneAusten 2) Charlofte Bronte l) +6b{'Ef-6 2) F.d&rEd
3) WilliamHogarta 4) Samuel Richardson 3) Hro{idrds 4) fiH_q-sffi-d-dF5

Which of the following is correct about the Konkan 122. i{a fu }e.r s'e fT€' drsFd it
coastal plain?

l) Stretches from Mumbai to Goa.

l) FJ d,lr ia Er fl-e.F

2) Stretches from Daman to Goa. 2) eirs3d'ms?erfi'era

3) Shetches fromGoato Mangalore. 31 frrrr+ffia:?eri-e.s

4) Stretches from Mangalore to Kanya Kumari. 4) ffid?dfs,r{r e?e'trers
123. Ravi, Jehlum and Chenab are the distributaries of 123. a.d, kdsx 'rfi F€-a.'s fuF efa'r{' dx{i Eurfgd a.errd
which river?
l) Ganga 2) Brahamputra
l) fidr 2) qd}tlrsd
3) Indus 4) Godavari.
t24. Which state of India has more percentage of area
3) ffiq 4)ffi
under forest ? I 24. Br?safan€: ar-fr fdq,f6rsi A'6:l{-lilR-g6qrfFar'€,r}z
l) Haryana 2\ Punjab l) did"r€' 2) ltfi'g
3) WestBengal 4) Tripura. 3) fglfit-drfs 4) 3lhrd'

'-' 125. Which one of the following is not a part of SAARC I25. tdfttfr{'lF fd.i'futrE x-ea€rrfiii
(South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)
rr 9'o5 2) iur5
l) India 2) Nepal
3) t-drsreF 4\ fr5
3) BanglaDesh 4) China
126. *nqrrass r$
f*s itsl fds )?{rqd A?
t26. In which category does the Kailash mountain range
fall in ? 1) s6raufiI=r 2) gsgErfttrrs
l) BlockMountain 2) FoldedMountain 3) illsg{'-dudrrs 4) trr€hraudsJ
3) Dome Mountain 4) RelictMountain t27 . fodftffi€'tl
t27 . What is the other name of Mangroves? 1) udsdEdFtr$
I ) Mountainous Vegetation
2) yFdEsFtfs
2) Dry Vegetation
3) rj6=Fds6Ffs
3) MonsoonalVegetation
4) nrgfrffi?dEdFr$
4) LittoralVegetation.
128. fffifdFudqfifqA-
128. Sindri is famous tbr -
1) Fertilizer Industry
l) v'eqed-dr

2) Paper Industry 2) drdrfrgEfidr

3) Silk Industry 3) frF{Fdr
4) Cement Industry 4) frfrregeA-dr
t29. Which soil is formed differently from the other three 129. fur fridt e' fr+r.a $d1 dr{t fi6 fiiZllri. d'rd' ge'
soils? "
l) Bhabar 2) Bangar rr 9 .1<' 2\ Sl-d-d

3) Regur 4) Khadar
3) ildrd 4) {r:nt
130. Parkland, Steppes, Pampas, Campos and Veld are
130. rr-ddli'J, Faffi, lru'fi, ++fr 'r€ *-J 6 ttr td fds
kept in which ofthe following categories?
a-f*rrf ererf z
1) Mountains 2) Plateaus
4') 1) uitrct z\ \r6ril
3) Deserts Grasslands

l3l . Which ofthe following fact is correct for sh"aight line

3) HErqrr 4) uJioei'e.s
drawn between Arunachal Pradesh and Rann of 131.
ag}'{r3#d? fiid dlet ffdi A{'d
Kachchh? ffi*ffifd-tr3.dsd-44?
1) 3293 2)
Kilometers 2933 Kilometers
r) 3293k8'fl-ad 2\ 2933fu81iled
3) 2393 Kilometers 4) 2923 Kilometers
3) 2393f4&il-a 4\ 2g23faBln-.d
t32. Which region normally experiences the ffi fdo ud fi 'd
132. 6=10- 36q' a{'H *d 3 +s-d a ?
convectional type ofrainfall ?
l) Equatorial Region 1) g-liq F-drfi i-5d

2) North Polar Region 2) €FJd q:r€e'tsd

3) South PolarRegion 3) df8 qli€ e't-sd
4) Glaciated Region 4) Eddsri-s-d

CIVICS Srdrfd{ErFga
133. How many duties are registered in 51" article of 133. s'-dd fffuq's' fr a2 g fr.q gnirdr sr - u6de ft=
Indian Constitution by 42"" amendment?
a'arfu i fs* a-cs € silfi dtg drB ?
r)r0 2) 6 t)10 z) 6
3)r2 4) il 3)12 4) il
134. The President cannot proclaim General Emergency 134. d'raflr* ggsk ffid d'rrrs &fuJ Ffi Td F{g1
without directive from...................... n-g-{mfgu-dfa-atx{'rrsrfr=riE,r
l. Thc A ttomey Gcneral | . rerdd iT6inrJ
2. The Cabinet. 2. TH}{-JFJ
3. The ChiefJustice ofSupreme Court. 3. rav$y+rewsitruraJ
4. The ChiefElection Commissioner
4. lr{eddfHnd-dJ
135. Provision of President's Emergency powers is taken 135. dry-flr$ d4{, ffiar4.SrrC.61 tg€FS, fr'geFe
from thc constih_rtion of .................... fil€q_rJ sit dret A I

1) SouthAfrica 2) Ireland
l) €rtr€lbt-dd-dr 2) rrr.ffiJ
3) Germany 4) Austalia
3) f,-atfd 4) ry"F?fu',{'
'" H;3::'$:il*"JheraparticularBill 136. tuo?rs,*ea-ce.ifdtodo-dtubituEqrddfr*?

l) The President l. d'Frdlr$

2) The Finance Minister 2. i*lH
3) The Speaker oflok Sabha 3. &4Fs'E Fu1-{d

4) The Prime Ministcr n. qa'rffi

137. Match the following: 137. f,rs-a'at":
A W'est Bengal L A tisti idrg
United Democratic parfy
L Sr"fufer 3ir{ft-{ u-f,d
Utar Pradesh 2. Muslim League B g3-d{EF 2. irrfsxcfrdr
C Meghalaya 3. Rashtriya Lok Dal c fur'f6''r. 3. drFz-dd-dsg
D Kerala .1. Forward Block D fiI T
4. erdgdErga'a
l) A-rr,B_r,c-ryD_ilr
r. A-rr,B-r,c-rvD-rrr
3) A.I,B-III,C-IVD.II 3. A-r,B-trr,c-rYD-rr
4) A-rrr, B-rr, c_r, D_IV 4. A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV
I38. Amendment Act of 2003 limits the size of the
138. 2003 €t F'q ?,{nirF-d aq fde rH ufiFe i tF-d
ministry to...................... fiftPlr'

1) l5% ofthe length ofthe legislativeAssembly. l. d'-frf?q-rn!.reg6flq6i rsz s?.dffir

2) l6% ofthe length ofthe legislativeAssembly. 2. d-rfr fua-sFgri gufrg'i rez #affi r

3) 17% ofthe length ofthe legislative Assembly. 3. draf€q?rnEraBriF.ilz%

=rdd# |

4) l8% ofthe length ofthc lcgislative Assembly. 4. a.sfuqrsrg'i*5fi?e.e 1s% s?dffi |

'- 139. wlich statement is True :- 139. idfttfifi{ifef fuo-s'acrrsl} -
l) Union list has 47 subjects, State list has 97 l) frur!-dfi€?47 f€i,dHFdfebeT fufr 3 EH-e-d-i
subjects, concurrent list has 66 subjectt Fd fd= oo Huat
2) Union lisr has 66 subjects state list has 47 2) fiq lrd fiefu 66 feia-*gd fe-e +z fi"fr 3 Frf€.d-s
Subjects, concurrent list has 97 subjects Bsft's ft*r6t

3) Union list has 97 subjects, state list has 66 3) *ur5d f+o ez' fui,uqrdft? ee H'3 Flfe"-$
subjects and concurrent list has 47 subjects. Srdfe-t az f€Hust
4) Union list has 47 subjects, state list has 66 4) frur$d tds 47 H' a'*FS fut eo H 3 nrqad
subjects and concurrent list has 97 subjects. Er$fdg sz H ra;t
140. Who cannot participate in the electoral process of laO. grr-a'raard d t5qtrdtf'k*ciJs'rfr& rce'
Vice President? t,-
l) Elected members oflok Sabha. 1. BaFs'egAABFrd
2) Elected members ofRajya Sabha
2. d'f,"-fl+=-Eigff..d
3) Elected members oflegislative Assembly.
Rajya 3' drfikq6FE"eiaq5al#s-d
4) Nominated members of Lok sabha &
Sabha {. gapgfidrfiFsrir+r*e}g-d
l4l' There are members elected for Parliament from l4l. t-{Fgr6f tffi'sfu-...........}rggsa'iusr
l)) 13 - 2) t4 l) 13 z') 14
3) to 4) ls 3) lo 4) 15
. 142. Naturalised Citizenship cannot be acquired by 142. dqkss-dlf46r3r.... .. .. d-fidfi{qrsaffi s'r*d t

l) Long stay 2) adoption l) As.k€.F 2) Ae&d.

3) Jus - Sanguinis 4) Conquest 3) ild-sfisq 4) ft'vq,s*3
ECONOMICS ,rftfirFrFfit

143. What is marginalpropensity to save (M.P.S.) 143. frx-strss-$ea-Sd.ridA?

r.' AY rr AS ,, AY ., AS
"Td ''TF ', AC 'tTF
,t AY
?\ *, AC
4l AY AC
AS Ay 3) AS 4) Ay

lul4. workers in the .............. sector do not Droduce 1,14. .......... t-sd l€s H"gd AA d ifsa eEg et g3Jrs5
Pnyslcalgooos. 6rrl qots'.
1) Primary Sector 2) Sector
Secondary l) LJssri-sd 2) ifa-i-sd
3) Tertiary Sector 4) Final Sector 3) gl-iT i-3-d 4)

145. To grow more than one crop on apiece ofland during 145. ffiF,*.;.a.sm3ffieu.3ip1Jfu,rrrereraf emt
a :-
year is known as
firao. .l an-eusr
I) Kharif Crop 2) Cropping
|) r-fi.€6**. 2l
3) Rabi Crop 4) Good Crop- 3) a61EF*' 4) "n_u-S
146. Who Commission.
is the chairman ofthe Planning
146. d;rd._afgFder{qrd*5:d_Eri?
l) N.S.S.O 2) Chief-Minister l) N.S.S.O 2) tfc_fsd
3) President 4) Prime Minister 3) dr"-.-drr31 4) qqrn-f{sfi
147. Factors of production and their price is given gs,JrsJeFrrr5,f3fu.€.lT+6ifd3arlus,-
I. f gtfr -
--- Wages
Land H?--€-fr

II. Capital---Rent II. gd - d-drE4fl

III.Labour---- Interest III. Hir=€-d - fu'{ri{

IV Entrepreneur --- Proflt IV. getfi - gr*
Which matching is wrong. fuO' eFgfu€.-z fifs.d.arFsii
l) I,il,rv 2) rr.rrr,rv l) r,rlrv 2)
3) I,lI,llI 4) I,III,N I,II,III 3)4) Il,n,ry
148. From the following groups which has all the 148. t6 ffi ar-fti t€-€' ffi at-Tu Hg Frfr,rrr rri'-dfud
economic-activities drr€fifr[fr'l{rd6?
1)Production, Consumption, Social Service, l)gJrrrs6,Sfndr,Exrfii..€r,eB
2) g3.Fs6' srtBr' +J' se€-d'
2) production, consumption, Exchange,
Distribution 3) 9sqs6, g{idr, €-a€-d', FHqi-€r
3) Production, Consumption, Exchange, Social 4) gu idl, ser-e-d', €s, sirr* *<'
4) Consumption, Exchange, Distribution, Social
149. On the basis ofownership, types ofeconomy are:-
149. Hrgdt4rg e 4fqq 3 a13q frEFEr Ar{' ffi4i-fdm+
1) Capitalistic, Socialistic, Developed-Economy. T5:-
2) Socialistic, Mixed, Developed-Economy. l) 5fit€E, Flrrr€.errr.i fi+*frrg-tr€s k€Fs'
3) Capitalistic, Socialistic, Mixed-Economy. 2) Fxrr€re, Srsfrs-tt-ds i<€Hrrr, tg{fuJ r}fire

4) Mixed, Developcd, Developing-Economy. f?€Fs'

3) gfit<€, EH-r<-e, firsfas-'rmqkere.
4) fi{Ffds-rr{-ds fe-ere', fis{fE-s Dras fg€Fq',
g'rs ft-e fefua ff 5 fuq id i
150. In India who direcrly conrrols rhe "Monetary l50 dd ffisfus rii"esr
Policy"? a-rsri?
l) Finance Department oflndia t1 v'csrea-ae'f=a-fua-a
2) Reserve Bank of lndia 2) c-ddtdtrd€+a
3) State Bank oflndia 3) F-i'{}{'.6ftd"{'
4) Prime Ministeroflndia 4) t{q'dtH

- ENGLISH scientists in history. Together with her husband,
Pierre, she discovered radium, and element widely
151-155. Read the comprehension passrge cnd answer
used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and
the following questions :
other radioactive subsiances. Pierre and Marie's
At tlris stage of civilization, when many nations are amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the
brought in to close and vital contact for good and secrets ofthe atom.
evil, it is €ssential, as never before, that their gross
Marie was bom in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where
ignorance ofone another should be diminished, that
her father was a professor ofPhysics. At an earlyage,
they should begin to understand a little of one
she displayed a brilliant mind and blithe personality.
another's historical experience and resulting
Her great exuberance for leaming prompied her to
mentality. It is the fault ofthe English to expect the
continue with her shrdies after high school. She
people of other countries to react as they do, to
became disgruntled, however, when she leamed that
political and intemational sihrations. Our genuine
the university in Warsaw was closed to women.
goodwill and good intentions are often brought to
Determined to receive a higher education, she
nothing, because we expect other people to be like
us. This would be conected if we knew the history
defiantly left Poland and in l89l entered the
Sorbonne, a French universiry where she eamed her
not necessarily in detail but in broad oudines, of the
master's degree and doctorate in Physics.
social and political conditions which have given to
each nation its present character. Marie was forhrnate to have studied at the Sorbonne
with some ofthe gteatest scientists ofher day, one of
151. According to the author 'Mentality' ofa nation is
whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were
mainly productofits......
married in 1895 and spent many productive years
l. Present character working together in the physics laboratory. A short
2. Intemationalposition time after they discovered radium, Piene was killed
3. Politics by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunn€d
4. History by this horrible misfortune and endured
ofits heartbreaking anguish. Despondently she recalled
152. The character ofa nation is the result ..
their close relationship and the joy that they had
l. Gross ignorance shared in scientific research. The fact that she had
2. Cultural heritage two young daughters to raise by herself greatly
3. Socio-political conditions increased her dishess.
4. mentality Curie's feeling of desolafion finally began to fade
153. The need for a greater understanding between when she was asked to succeed her husband as a
nations.. Physics Professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first
woman to be given a Professorship at the world-
l. is more today than ever before
famous university. In l9l I she received the Nobel
2. was always there Prize in Chemistry for isolating radium. Altho'gh
3. is no longerthere Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness fiom
4. will always be there her long exposure to radium, she never became
I 54. Englishmen like others to react io political situations disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the
like... consequences, she had dedicated herself to science
and to revealing the rnysteries ofthe physical world.
i. others
156. The Curies' collaboration helDed to
z- us
unlock the secrets ofthe atom.
3. themselves
l. friendly 2. competitive
4. eachother
3. courteous 4. industrious
155. According to the author his countrymen should..
157. Marie hadabright mind and a-personality.
1. read the story ofother nations
l. shong lighthearted
2. not react to other actions
3. humorous strange
3 . have better understanding ofother nations
158. When she leamed that she could not attend the
4. have vital conlacts with other nations
universitv in Warsaw, she felt
l. hopeless 2. annoyed
156-162. Read the comprehension passagb and answer 3. depressed worried
the following questions :
Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished

159. Marie _ by leaving Poland and traveling to 165. Which of tbe following expresses the best meaning:
France to enter the Sorbonne. of the word'compacted'?
l. challenged authority 2. showed intelligence 1. Garbage is bumed before it isthrownirahole
3. behaved 4. was distressed 2. Garbage is put in trucks before it is thrown in a
160. she remembered theirjoy together. hole
l. Dejectedly 2. Worried 3. Garbage is crushed before it is thrown in a hole
3. Tearfully 4. Happily 4. Ga$age is put in a can before it is thrown in a
16l. Her _ began to fade when she returned to the hole
Sorbonne to succeed her husband. 166. What expresses the main idea in the second
l. misfortune 2. anger paragraph?
3. wretchedness 4. disappointment l. Land 6lls take up a lot ofspace
162. Even though she becane fatally ill from working 2. Composting is good for the soil but it can be hard
with radium, Marie Curie was never to do

l. troubled 2. worried 3. The process of composting is very complicated

and scientific
3. drsappointed 4. disturbed
4. There is lot ofplastic garbage in landfills
163-167. Read the comprehension passage and answer 167. Which conclusion could be best supported with text
the following questions : fiom the passage?
Waste management are a set ofactivities that include
l. Each method of waste management has its draw
collection, transportation, treatrnent and disposal of backs
waste material. There are four methods ofminaging 2. Recycling is without a doubt the best wav to
waste. The first one is Recycling which means handle waste
tuming waste into new material but some argue thaf 3. Incineration is the bestway to process waste
collecting. processing and converting *u.-i. uses 4. All large cities should create massive comDost
more energy than land filling. The second method piles
Land filling is compacting garbage and buming it in
a hole. Large levers are placed in the bottom of
landfills to avoid toxic garbage juice to go into 168-169. The following six sentences come from a
gmund water but these levers always don't work. paragraph. The first and the last sentences are given,
Composting, the third method is piling up oforganic Cho_ose the order in which the four sentences (PORS)
matter and decomposing it to make the soil rich but should appearto complete the paragraph.
plastic garbage makes it hard to compost on a large 168. S I : In 1945, America faced two powerful enemies
scale. The last method Incinerate waste can be done in theworldwar
either by creating or harvesting a fuel and buming it 52:
or by burning the waste directly. Unfortunately 53:
buming garbagc pollutes the air.
163. What is the main purpose behind the author's writing
I . To convince the readers to recycle and compost
S6 : This was the weapon that ended the second
2. To persuade reades that recycling is a waste of World War.
P: Ameri ca found conventional weapons
3. To compare and contrast recycling and land insufncient to crush them.
Q: These were Germany and Japan who posed
4. To inform readers of methods of waste shong opposition to America.
R: The result of this was the production ofthe atom
164. Wlly Composting is notfeasibleon a large scale ?
l. People wouldn't want to touch all of that sross S : The govemment ordered the scientisb to conduct
rotting food
research and produce anew deadly weapon.
2. It would smell too bad in densely populated ciries
The proper sequence should be
3. It would athact rodents thatwould spread disease
4. Plastic would get into the compost and turn it into
l .. QPRS 2. QPSR

(' 169. S I : We are what our thoughts have made
us. I 73 . The role ofZoo is to preserve --_____ anlmals.
l. extinct 2. common
3. rare 4. dead
I 74. The manner in rvhich bombs exploded in five
S4 trains
within a short span oftime suggests that itwas partof
J) a ----------_
S6 If good impressions prevail, the characrcr l. game 2. villainy
Decomes good, ifbad itbecomes bad. 3. conspiracy 4. sabotase
175. The non-cooperative attitude of ile
m"mbe., .un
P: And so take care ofwhatyou think only ---the image ofthe soclety.
Q: Every man's character is determined by the sum l. improve 2. degrade
total of these impressions.
R: Every work we do, every thought that
3. defame 4. spoil
we think, 176. The volcanic --------- was cause ofgreat
reaves an rmpression on the mind_stuff devastation.
l. outburst eruption 2.
S: Thought lives, theytravelfar
The proper sequen ce sbould be
3. erosion movement .1.
177. ------.----- Eye-witness, the news reporter gave
I. SPRQ 2. RQSP graphic description ofhow fire broke out.

3. PRSQ 4. RQPS l.
Reporting Obsen'ing2.
3. Seeing 4. Quoting
170-171. The following questions have the second 178. Diseases are ---------- through contact with infected
sentence missing. Choose the appropriate sent€nce anlmals.
from the given options to completeii, l. transmitteC 2. transported
70. Asmoke oozedup between thc planks. 3. transferrcd 4. transplanted
179. The Prime Minister-------- the states that th€
C Everyone nowknewthere was fire in board. unrevised policy was not meant to infringe upon
soeople stayed wherever ihey were tc enjoy the l. assured 2. declared
z-t 3. attributed 4. suggested
n ,, 'es broke out here and there. 180. He ----- friendshas come back-
J' f€1pttyg1s rcnly to go for sky
di ving. l. andhis 2. along with his
4. 1f was a
nesmerizing site. 3. orhis 4. alongwith them
l7l. A- When a satellite is launched, the rocket begins by 181-182. Choose th€ appropriate phrasal verb to
going slowly upwards through the air. complete the sentences.
181. Has tbe advertising agency-------- the new
C However the higher it goes, the less air itmeets.
promotional material yet?
l. As a result there is less friction. l. droppedoff 2. dropped in
2. Consequently, the rocket does not become too 3. droppedout 4. dropped by
hot. 182. We have decided to billboards and use
3 . As a result the atmosphere become thinner. more double-page spreads instead.

4. As the rocket goes higher, it travels faster. l. backoll 2. come down with
3. Cutbackon 4. dropoff
172 -180. Choose the word which best fills the blank
from the fouroptions given below. t83-184. In the following passage there are some
numbered blanks. Fi|l in the blanks by selecting th€
most appropriate word for each blanks.from the given
I 72. The terrorists were arrested for their ------ activities
l. subservient 2. subordinate
3. subsidiary 4. subversive
Jamshedji Tata is --- to be the path-finder
of modem industrial builders. He is known as the

srandfather ofthe lndian industry forhis acumen
and- I 93 . Once in blue moon. we meet each other'

Jnthusiasm. Nobody else could have 184-- ot

--- 1. frequentlY
the new industries started by Jamshedji at that time 2. Hardly ever
revolution was yet
when industrial 185---
father Nasarvanji Tata
3. very seldom indeed
to come to India. Jamshedji's 4. in the lightofablue moon
used to trade in jute with China and Britain He
194. The officer tookhim totask.
started----- 186----- from lndia Jamshedji started a
cloth mill in Nagpur more than hundred years ago-
At 1. promotedhim 2. rebukedhim
that time almost all the ---- I 87-*-- usec to 3. dismissedhim 4. Praisedhim
fto. L"n"u.hire in Eogland WhatJamshedji - 195. Why do you wish to tread on the toes?
"om"88--- was PraiseworthY'
--1 1. to give offence to them
2. to follow them gmdging
183. l. r€ward 2. 3. to heat them indifferentlY
3. emPowered 4. Considered
4. tobe kicked bY them
184. 1. absolved 2. thought
3. ventured 4. set
196197. Choose the cotrect antonyms for the
185. l. imports 2' acts
underlined words.
3. machinery 4. awakening
186. l. export 2. industries
196. I want topglsuqmy studies.
3. import 4. trade
l. prolong 2. discontinue
187. l. goods 2. tmpons
3. continue 4.
3. cloih 4. machines
197. The student's constant and diliCgo! efforts brc
188. 1. did 2. dteamt him gr6at success.
3. Agreed 4. told 1. lucky 2. constant
3. lazy 4. slow
189-195. Select the meaning of given phrases/idioms . for tbe
from the given options,
198-200, Choose the correct synonyl
underlined words.
189. Real friends never leave us alone in close ouarters.
1. close examination 198. He changed his statement so many tines that his
2. livenearto each other entire message became ambiguous'
3. live far to each other l. clear 2. imprdssive
4. in love 3. unimpressive 4. unslear
190. On the eve of inspection every thing was kept in 199. Don't live under the fal-loy that luck will do
aonleoieorder everything foryou.
f. inrandom order l. wrongbelief 2. weakness
2. related to fruits packing 3. pleasure 4i rightbelief
3. related to dry fruits packing 200. Quanelling people cieated a lot ofcacoohony and so
4. in perfect order nobody was able tohearus.
I9 I . To have passed with 'fl]'ing colours' [. bittemess 2. noise
1. has excelled in an 3. hearing 4. fighting
2. has got mediocre grades
3. has just scraped through
4. has done very well
I 92. Reenu is very popular for her above board conduct.
1. boastingperson
2. honest and straight forward
3 . a man with arrogance
4. a dishonestnerson

ANsl.JgR KeY )ot€-lG
NTSE loto-O @l No sheet
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drfr Efw frfr+rf'fiEq' (frH. fr. d. uc. d.;, ta'a

dr+T tqd *tfr frffi t's fifl*r'-zot s


irurs gF+ (g5o #e) CLASS X (Answer Sheet)

lmoortant Instru, tions:

1) Use r.,irly blac r or blue ball pen for writing/marking.

2) Darkr,:r the c( molete circle as shown :+ ooo@

3) Write Roll Nurnber and DOB in the boxes
and il so fill crrrresponding circle.

4) Each questior carries one mark.

Sample Roll No
5) Use of white r-orrection fluid is not allowed State
Conlro Codo
toof lJ
t. d-Es a'D Hi ffl qr6 t6 2 I 1 5 o 2 ,|
5 1 6 7
u ydar air o@@@@@@
2. nB 0 gd efl o3r
---J ooooooo
Darken the )
r. to Ssinar3 ro,r fr{$fi€ a€ q'A
fifs ftni u3 f$rs fit $ d rer *e0re @@@@@@@
ildd 3irtrx +6 8: @@@@@o@
+. uq bs gro e' 1fa rrra ir lf your ooooooo
Roll No. is @@@@@@@
s arg-*+n fqs d s'eta afs _gE d
qe3 u.ffi;l€t 29150215167

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