2.design and Analysis of Escalator Frame
2.design and Analysis of Escalator Frame
2.design and Analysis of Escalator Frame
Abstract: The main objective of this study was to explore weight reduction opportunities for a structural steel escalator frame. This thesis is
focused on the comparative analysis of escalator frame, with the aim of extending its life, by taking results from the simulation as a
feedback. This has entailed performing a detailed load analysis. Therefore, this study has dealt with two subjects, first, static load stress
analysis of the escalator frame, and second, optimization for weight. The conventional material is optimized with aluminum alloy material
and titanium for the same loads. In this project, structural systems of escalator frame can be easily analyzed using finite element techniques.
So first a proper finite element model is developed using software pro/e wildfire. Then the finite element analysis is done to determine the
total deformation in the existing escalator frame for the given loading conditions using finite element analysis software ansys workbench. In
the first part of the study, the static loads acting on the escalator are determined, after that the work is carried out for material optimization.
Based on the observations of the static finite element analysis (fea) and the load analysis results of the three materials, the suitable material
was selected. The results were also used to determine the total deformation for the three materials
I.INTRODUCTION The track system is built into the truss to guide the step
chain, which continuously pulls the steps from the bottom
An escalator is a moving staircase – a conveyor platform and back to the top in an endless loop. There are
transport device for carrying people between floors of a actually two tracks: one for the front wheels of the steps
building. The device consists of a motor-driven chain of (called the step-wheel track) and one for the back wheels of
individually linked steps that move up or down on tracks, the steps (called the trailer-wheel track). The relative
allowing the step treads to remain horizontal. Escalators are positions of these tracks cause the steps to form a staircase
used around the world to move pedestrian traffic in places as they move out from under the comb plate. Along the
where elevators would be impractical. Principal areas of straight section of the truss the tracks are at their maximum
usage include department stores, shopping malls, airports, distance apart. This configuration forces the back of one
transit systems, convention centers, hotels, arenas, stadiums, step to be at a 90-degree angle relative to the step behind it.
train stations (subways) and public buildings. This right angle bends the steps into a shape resembling a
staircase. At the top and bottom of the escalator, the two
Escalators have the capacity to move large numbers tracks converge so that the front and back wheels of the
of people, and they can be placed in the same physical space steps are almost in a straight line. This causes the stairs to
lay in a flat sheet like arrangement, one after another, so
as a staircase. They have no waiting interval (except during
they can easily travel around the bend in the curved section
very heavy traffic), they can be used to guide people toward
of track. The tracks carry the steps down along the
main exits or special exhibits, and they may be
underside of the truss until they reach the bottom landing,
weatherproofed for outdoor use. A non-functioning
escalator can function as a normal staircase, whereas many where they pass through another curved section of track
other conveyances become useless when they break down. before exiting the bottom landing. At this point the tracks
separate and the steps once again assume a staircase
configuration. This cycle is repeated continually as the steps
are pulled from bottom to top and back to the bottom again.
The steps themselves are solid, one piece, die-cast
aluminum or steel. Yellow demarcation lines may be added
to clearly indicate their edges. In most escalator models
manufactured after 1950, both the riser and the tread of each
step is cleated (given a ribbed appearance) with comblike
protrusions that mesh with the comb plates on the top and
bottom platforms and the succeeding steps in the chain.
Seeberger- or "step-type" escalators (see below) featured flat
treads and smooth risers; other escalator models have
cleated treads and smooth risers. The steps are linked by a
continuous metal chain that forms a closed loop. The front
and back edges of the steps are each connected to two
Fig 1. Model of the Escalator and its frame wheels. The rear wheels are set further apart to fit into the
back track and the front wheels have shorter axles to fit into
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International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS-ISSN: 2454-356X) Volume.2, Issue.9, Sept.2016
the narrower front track. As described above, the position of A single width escalator travelling at about o.5m(1.5 feet)
the tracks controls the orientation of the steps. per second can move about 2000 people per hour.
Escalators are available with design features such as dual
speed (90 and 120 fpm), mat operation and flat steps.
II.LITERATURE REVIEW The data on the escalator motor is as follows:
There are many claims to the invention of the Escalators, 19HP, 460V, 3 Phase 60Hz, 1170 RPM, Frame type 280
but it is like that it was known, at least in some place in Lock motor KVA Code H (6.3 – 7.09) 20.1 Amp, Full load
ancient times. current
Here some of the milestones in the history of the Modern escalators have single piece aluminum or steel steps
device. that move on a system of tracks in a continuous loop layout.
Invention and manufacturers: The costs of these devices to make automatic operation of
Nathan Ames, a patent solicitor from saugus, Massachusetts, escalators vary from $8000 - $10000 for uni-directional
is credited with patenting the first “Escalator” in 1859.He operation and $16000 - $18000 for reversible escalators.
noted that steps could be upholstered or made of wood, and Escalators have three typical configuration options:
suggested that the units might benefit the infirm within a Parallel (up and down escalators “side by side or separated
household use. by a distance”, seen often in multilevel motion picture
In 1889,leamon Souder successfully patented the theatres),
“stairway”, an escalator type device that featured a “series Crisscross (minimizes structural space requirements by
of steps and links joined”. “stacking” escalators that go in one direction, frequently
In 1892, Jesse W. Reno patented the “Endless Conveyor or used in department stores and shopping centers), and
Elevator”(he actually called it the “inclined elevator”) Multiple parallel (two or more escalators together that
Osman Altuğ AKYOL described about strength analysis of travel in one direction next to one or two escalators in the
the frame of the escalator using the finite element method same bank that travel in the other direction)
and calculation of the drive system.
In this study, by doing stress analyses for static loading III.METHODOLOGY
conditions of a frame of escalators, determining the critical MODELING
points of frame and optimization are aimed. The escalator frame model has been entirely modeled
For the stress analysis, firstly, the loads effecting on the by PRO E software. First of all sketch command of the pro e
structure are calculated. Then the frame is modeled. After is opened. Then by using 2d commands sketch is created.
introducing the material properties, loads effecting on frame Then the 3D model of escalator frame is created by extrudes
and the boundary conditions to the software (ANSYS), the command in pro e.
stress analysis is performed. TRANSFORMATION OF MODEL
The results obtained by the analyses are compared with the Then the model is converted in to the IGES format
strain gauge measurement values. which is most suitable and easy access for any other
American Public Transportation Association described software’s.
about Heavy-Duty Transportation System Escalator Design Using the IGES format we can import the escalator
Guidelines. frame model from pro e to ANSYS. Now we can make
This design guideline is the result of the combined efforts of structural analysis.
the members of the APTA Elevator and Escalator Technical MESHING
Forum over the past several years. After the complete structure is modeled, escalator
The objective is to address the specific heavy-duty escalator frame is meshed. This has been done by using ansys
needs of North American transportation systems. workbench software. The last step to be completed before
It is intended as a guideline of technical provisions for the meshing the model is to set the meshing controls, i.e. the
design and construction of escalators that can provide safe, element shape, size, the number of divisions per line, etc.
reliable service in the harsh, heavy-usage, high-abuse Selecting the various parts of the model, one by one finite
environment of transportation systems. element mesh is generated. The critical portions are plates
Membership of the Technical Forum includes transportation with sharp corners, curvature etc. These areas can be
systems, consultants and escalator/component remeshed with advance mesh control options. "Smart
manufacturers. element sizing" is a meshing feature that creates initial
There is various type of escalator given below: element sizes for free meshing operation. Proper care has to
Escalators like moving walkways, powered by constant be taken to have the control over the number of elements
speed altering current motors and move at approximately 1- and hence the number of degrees of freedom associated with
2 feet (0.30-0.61m) per second. the structure. This is done to have a control over the solution
The maximum angle of inclination of an escalator to the time. However, no compromise is made on the accuracy of
horizontal floor level is 30 degrees with a standard rise up to the results.
about 60 feet (18m). LOADING
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International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS-ISSN: 2454-356X) Volume.2, Issue.9, Sept.2016
6061 is a precipitation hardening aluminium alloy,
containing magnesium and silicon as its major alloying
elements. Originally called "Alloy 61S" it was developed in
1935.[1] It has good mechanical properties and exhibits
good weldability. It is one of the most common alloys of
aluminium for general purpose use.
It is commonly available in pre-tempered grades such as
6061-O (solutionized) and tempered grades such as 6061-T6
(solutionized and artificially aged) and 6061-T651
(solutionized, stress-relieved stretched and artificially aged).
Mechanical properties:
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Ft =39406.42N
Loads affecting the inclined sections of the escalator: Mesh View Of Escalator Frame In Ansys Workbench
Fu =3997.55 N
Fb=2830.16 N
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International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies in Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS-ISSN: 2454-356X) Volume.2, Issue.9, Sept.2016
Material Vs Deformation
Another Optimized Escalator Frame
Results For Titanium 12
Total Deformation
6 Deformation
Series 2
steel alloy
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