Flexible Pavements Design (Asphalt: in The AASHTO Design Procedures Are Summarized in The Following Steps

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Flexible Pavements Design (Asphalt Pavement)

flexible pavements in general consist of an asphalt-bound surface course or layer on top of unbound base and subbase granular layers over
the subgrade soil. In some cases, the subbase and/or base layers may be absent, while in others the base and/or subbase layers may be stabilized
using cementitious or bituminous admixtures. Drainage layers may also be provided to remove water quickly from the pavement structure.

In the AASHTO design procedures are summarized in the following steps:

1. Determine the ESALs for the life of the pavement.
2. Determine the required reliability and overall standard deviation for the pavement.
3. Determine the subgrade soil resilient modulus, MR.
4. Determine the design serviceability loss, ΔPSI.
5. Determine the effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (kc )
6. Determine thickness of pavement (D)

AASHTO PAVEMENT Discussion Calculation


The AASHTO pavement design method requires that

Section 8.4 all traffic be converted into equivalent single-axle loads
(ESALs). This is the number of 80kN single axles
(with dual tires) on pavements of specified strength that
would produce the same amount of traffic damage over
the design life of the pavement.

Traffic loads applied on the pavement surface range from light

passenger cars to heavy trucks. Heavy
traffic loads have more harmful effect to pavement than light
loads. Also, as the number of repetitions of
the same load increases the effect on the pavement increases. To
design a pavement section the damage
caused by all axle loads that will be applied on the pavement
during its designed life has to be considered.
According to the AASHTO (1993) design method axles with
different magnitudes and different
numbers of repetitions are converted to an equivalent number of
repetitions of a standard axle load that
causes the same damage to the pavement. A standard axle load
was selected as 80 kN applied
on a single axle with a dual wheel at each end. The ESAL is the
equivalent number of repetitions of the
18-kip (80 kN) standard axle load that causes the same damage
to the pavement caused by one-pass of
the axle load in question
We have

 W18  80kN 18kip  In this step, the designer assumes a designed life, typically in the range of 10 to 20 years. The cumulative

ESAL during the designed life in the design lane is then determined as discussed earlier.

 So  0.4 Design guide recommends an approximate range of 0.4 to 0.5 for flexile pavements. An overall standard
deviation value So is selected by the designer within this range.

- Po  2 Initial serviceability index

- Pt  4.5 Terminal serviceability index

- R  95% Collectors ( Fictional classification )

- J  3.2 The load transfer Coefficient to account for the ability of a concrete pavement structure to transfer a load across joints and Cracks.

- f c  40 MPa
Strength of Concrete

- w  25 Density of concrete

- Cd  1 Drainage Coefficients based on the quality of drainage and the percentage of time during which the pavement structure would

normally be exposed to moisture levels approaching saturation.

 DSB  200mm Subbase thickness

I. AASHTO Guide for the Design of Pavements (1993)

Concrete modulus of Elasticity

 Ec  0.043  w1.5  fc'  33994.5MPa

Modulus of Rupture

 ER  0.67  fc'  4.237MPa

Subgrade resilient modulus

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