Aspiration of Maitreya

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The Aspiration Prayer of Maitreya

Any perfect buddhas who are present, Having perfected the six pāramitās,
Those who have passed away, and those yet May I liberate the six [families of] sentient
to come, beings.
May I train following in their way Having actualized the six extraordinary
And engage in enlightened conduct. [11] faculties
May I reach unexcelled enlightenment. [12]

[Future phenomena] are not born and [those According to the buddhas, the great sages,
past] will not occur; There are no [truly existent] sentient beings
[Present phenomena] have no [inherent] nor life force;
nature. There is no [actual] location. There is no [truly existent] individual [and] no
There is no perception; there are no [outer] nurturing [of a self].
things. May I realize the dharma[ta] where the self is
May I realize the dharma[dhātu] which is not present. [14]
empty. [13]

An entity [such as] grasping onto a self and Since things do not exist as entities,
"mine" May my wealth appear spontaneously.
Is not present within any [of the pāramitās]. Since all things totally disintegrate,
To benefit all sentient beings, May I perfect the pāramitā of generosity. [16]
May I give with generosity free of avarice. [15]

Endowed with a flawless ethics [that is guided Just as the elements of earth, water, fire, and
by] rules, wind,
And an ethics that is completely pure, [Bodhisattvas] do not remain [caught by
With an ethics free of an arrogant mind mental constructs];
May I perfect the pāramitā of ethics. [17] [By attaining] patience, anger never arises,
May I perfect the pāramitā of patience. [18]
Through [the power of] previous perseverance Through the samādhi [where all] is illusion-
Having become stable, enthusiastic, and free like,
of laziness, Through the samādhi of the hero's stride,
And through a strong body and mind, And through the samādhi that is like a vajra,
May I perfect the pāramitā of perseverance. [19] May I perfect the pāramitā of meditative
concentration. [20]

Through actualizing the three gates of full Through persevering in a bodhisattva's

liberation, [practice],
The equal nature of the three times, [May I attain] the [kāya] praised by all the
And the three types of knowing as well, buddhas,
May I perfect the pāramitā of prajñā. [21] The luminous [kāya], and the [kāya] blazing
with majesty.
[Thus] may my intention be fulfilled. [22]

May [I be like] the famed Maitreya,

Who engaged in such a practice,
Perfected the pāramitās,
And perfectly abides at the zenith of the tenth
level. [23]

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