Rock, Paper, Scissors, Catch Reaction Game Witches, Goblins and Monsters
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Catch Reaction Game Witches, Goblins and Monsters
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Catch Reaction Game Witches, Goblins and Monsters
Students are split into two equal teams. They get together in their teams and decide
that the team as a whole is going to play 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors'. They then “face
off” at the centre line of a gym or field and on the count of three they play their rock,
paper, or scissors.
Remember, paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper.
Whoever wins then chases the other team to the end line of the field or gym and
catches as many people as they can on the way. Those that are caught now join the
other team.
The game continues until all the players from one team are caught. This game is
suitable for all ages.
2) Reaction Game
Children get into groups of 2 or 3 with a ball. Place the ball in the middle of the group
The teacher shouts commands to the children which they follow e.g. touch your head,
touch your toes, jump on one foot etc.
As soon as the teacher shouts "ball", the children need to grab the ball as quick as they
can. The person who gets the ball first wins.
This can be adapted by using your feet to drag the ball back on the command of "ball".
If you have a smaller class with 10-18 students, this game will get them running and
Rule of the game: Witches chase Goblins, Goblins chase Monsters, and Monsters
chase Witches.
Split the class into two even groups. Each group huddles in a corner and decides
whether they want to be a Witch, Goblin, or Monster. When both groups have secretly
decided, they stand in the middle of the gym facing each other. On the count of three
one person from each group yells out what they are (Witches, Goblins, or Monsters).
One group is chasing the other group or running from the other group depending on
what they decided they were going to be. Example: If group one chose Witches, and
group two chose Monsters....then group one runs to their safe home base because
Monsters chase Witches. Whoever is tagged joins the other team for the next round.
To repeat the activity, groups should then return to a huddle and choose what they
want to be.