Estimates of Manure Production From Animals For Methane Generation
Estimates of Manure Production From Animals For Methane Generation
Estimates of Manure Production From Animals For Methane Generation
September 2010
ISBN 978-1-74254-119-8
ISSN 1440-6845
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Mr Eugene McGahan
FSA Consulting,
PO Box 2175, TOOWOOMBA, Q 4350
Phone: 07-46 328 280
Fax: 07-46 328 057
Email: [email protected]
In submitting this report, the researcher has agreed to RIRDC publishing this material in its edited form.
PO Box 4776
Methane capture from animal manures has the potential to provide an economically viable renewable
energy source for intensive livestock industries.
Accurate models that allow prediction of volatile solids (organic matter) and hence methane
production will assist in the development of this technology.
This report sets out the results of a project designed to compare predictive results from models with
field measurements in the existing pig, beef and dairy sectors.
The results of the project demonstrate the potential value of predictive models and highlight areas for
future research to improve modelling capacity.
Funding for this project was received from the Australian Government through the Rural Industries
Research and Development Program. In-kind assistance was also given by pig producers who
provided valuable data to the project, along with various researchers from the Department of
Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland (DEEDI) and Coomes Consulting.
This report, an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 2,000 research publications, forms part of
our Bioenergy, Bioproducts and Energy Methane to Markets R&D program, which aims to meet
Australia’s research and development needs for the development of sustainable and profitable
bioenergy and bioproducts industries.
Most of RIRDC’s publications are available for viewing, free downloading or purchasing online at Purchases can also be made by phoning 1300 634 313.
Craig Burns
Managing Director
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
About the Author
FSA Consulting is a professional consultancy providing agricultural, environmental and engineering
services to intensive livestock industries, broadacre farmers, abattoirs and industry. FSA Consulting
has wide-ranging experience in environmental assessment and management. FSA Consulting also has
considerable expertise in providing natural resource management services, having undertaken
consultancies for industries as diverse as intensive livestock, broad acre farmers, meat processors,
mushroom compost producers and sewage treatment plants.
The authors of this document wish to acknowledge the case study participant piggeries who supplied
data on feed type, feed intake and production details to the project. Their participation in the project
is gratefully appreciated. The measured data on manure production supplied by Mr Scott Birchall
(Coomes Consulting) and Mr Alan Skerman (Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries) is also
gratefully appreciated.
AGO – Australian Greenhouse Office
FS – Fixed solids
GE – Gross energy
K – Potassium
N – Nitrogen
P – Phosphorus
TS – Total solids
VS – Volatile solids
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ ii
Acknowledgments.................................................................................................................................. v
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................ vi
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Dairy Sites....................................................................................................................................... 18
Feedlot Sites.................................................................................................................................... 18
Piggery Sites ................................................................................................................................... 18
Site 1 – Piggery A ........................................................................................................................... 19
Overview .................................................................................................................................. 19
Herd Details.............................................................................................................................. 19
Feed Details .............................................................................................................................. 20
Effluent Collection and Sampling ............................................................................................ 20
Site 2 – Piggery B ........................................................................................................................... 21
Overview .................................................................................................................................. 21
Herd Details.............................................................................................................................. 21
Feed Details .............................................................................................................................. 21
Effluent Collection and Sampling ............................................................................................ 21
Site 3 – Piggery C ........................................................................................................................... 22
Overview .................................................................................................................................. 22
Herd Details.............................................................................................................................. 22
Feed Details .............................................................................................................................. 22
Waste Pre-treatment ................................................................................................................. 23
Effluent Collection and Sampling ............................................................................................ 23
Conclusions .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 38
References ............................................................................................................................................ 39
Table 1: Summary of research projects associated with this report (PRJ – 002831) ..........................................2
Table 2: Estimated typical manure (urine and faeces) as excreted (ASABE 2005) ............................................8
Table 3: Fresh Manure Production for Dairies from ASABE and DAIRY-BAL ...............................................9
Table 4: Fresh Manure Data for Piggeries from (ASABE 2005) and (ASAE 1988) ........................................10
Table 5: Predicted solids and nutrient output for each class of pig - NEGP .....................................................13
Table 7: Dairy cattle - dry matter digestibility of feed intake (%) (DCC 2007) ...............................................15
Table 10: Pigs – volatile solids (kg/head/day) entering manure management system (DCC 2007) ....................16
Table 11: Feed wastage values used in PIG-BAL to predict TS and VS production for different pig classes....19
Table 12: Pig numbers, SPU conversions and average static mass of pigs for case study 1 (piggery A). ..........20
Table 13: Pig numbers, SPU conversions and average static mass of pigs for case study 2 (piggery B)............21
Table 14: Pig numbers, SPU conversions and average static mass of pigs for case study 3 (piggery C). ...........22
Table 15: Estimates of VS and TS production versus measured output for case study 1 (piggery A). ...............24
Table 16: Estimates of N production versus measured output for case study 1 (piggery A)...............................25
Table 17: Estimates of VS and TS production versus measured output for case study 2 (piggery B). ...............25
Table 18: Estimates of N production versus measured output for case study 2 (piggery B). ..............................26
Table 19: Estimates of VS and TS production for Case Study 3 (Piggery C) .....................................................26
Table 20: Estimates of VS and TS production versus measured output for case study 3 (piggery C) after
estimated screen removal. ...................................................................................................................27
Table 21: Estimates of N production versus measured output for case study 3 (piggery C). ..............................27
Table 22: Percent difference in VS produced for predicted versus measured data for the piggeries ..................28
Table 23: Percentage difference in TS production for predicted versus measured data for the piggeries ..........28
Table 24: Percentage difference in N produced for predicted versus measured data for two piggeries..............29
Table 25: Maximum methane-producing capacity of the manure (Bo) - Oceania (IPCC 2006)..........................32
Table 26: Maximum CH4-Producing Capacity for U.S. Livestock Manure (ICF Consulting 1999) ...................34
Table 27: Measured maximum methane-producing capacity of the manure (Bo) (Vedrenne et al. 2008) ..........34
Table 28: Reported range of Bo for pigs, dairy cattle and beef cattle.................................................................35
Table 29: Coefficient for calculating net energy for maintenance (NEM) (IPCC 2006)......................................45
Table 30: Activity coefficient corresponding to animal’s feeding situation (IPCC 2006) ..................................45
Executive Summary
What the report is about
The increased costs of energy and the potential greater prices paid for renewable energy is making
methane capture from animal manures more economically feasible. Combined with this is the greater
intensification of the dairy industry with the use of feedpads/indoor barns, the growth in the beef
cattle feedlot sector and pig production facilities generally increasing in size. With a better
understanding of the manure production rates and the economically feasible size of these industries, a
greater uptake of the existing technology to recover energy from these intensive animal industries will
This project aimed to provide independent estimations of waste production using available methods
and models, including the balance models developed by DEEDI Queensland and the National
Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGGI) documents for a series of case study farms that had measured data
collected from other research projects.
Accurate waste estimation techniques are required to allow developers and proponents to predict
volatile solids (organic matter) and hence methane production from intensive livestock industries and
to assess the economic feasibility of capturing methane from a particular enterprise. This information
will also allow the size of systems to be designed to match the size of the enterprise.
The waste estimation techniques commonly used in Australia used to predict manure production are
not currently widely available to proponents/investors in the intensive livestock industries and have
had little or no field validation.
Accurate predictions of manure production will assist industry in managing their effluent. With the
greater acceptance and use of energy recovery systems with intensive agriculture, the potential
benefits will be in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, providing sustainable energy and
reducing community amenity (odour) impacts.
This project was designed to allow desk-top models to be evaluated for animal manure production that
will reduce the cost of more expensive measurements to provide these estimates. The outcome of this
is to assist in facilitating the adoption of this technology in the intensive animal industries by
providing information on the accuracy and limitations of predictive methods and models in sizing
energy recovery systems from intensive animal industries. This will potentially reduce on-ground
testing of individual systems before methane capture systems can be designed and installed.
Methods used
• Undertake a review of current models used in Australia to estimate manure production for
intensive animal industries including beef feedlots, piggeries and dairies. These models
include BEEF-BAL, PIG-BAL, DAIRY-BAL and the manure estimate models included in the
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGGI) documents. Manure production is defined as
total solids, volatile solids (organic matter) and nutrients per head/animal unit.
• Undertake a literature review of any new developments in the area of manure estimation for
intensive livestock industries.
• Collect livestock herd data, feed intake and ration analysis data for a series of case study sites
where actual measurements of manure production are being undertaken in other research
projects funded by Australian Pork Limited and the RIRDC M2M Program. Use the various
methods and models that currently exist to estimate manure production.
• Discuss the reasons for differences between predicted manure production from the various
models and actual measured manure production.
Results/key findings
Three piggeries were used as case studies, with the size of the piggeries and waste output calculated in
terms of the number of standard pig units (SPU).
No dairy case study was able to be reported on due to the lack of measured data on manure production
for Australian dairies. At the beginning of the project, it was promised that this data existed and that
other data would be collected during the course of the project. After consultation with Dairy
Australia and researchers in both Queensland and Victoria, no actual reliable measured data on
manure production from a dairy was available. Also, the data that was going to be collected during
the course of the project at a dairy by other researchers was not available.
No beef cattle feedlot case study was able to be conducted because of the non-availability of actual
measured manure production from a feedlot. The difficulty with measuring manure production from a
feedlot is that manure is deposited on an outdoor pad and undergoes decomposition before it is
harvested from the pad (generally between 6 and 20 weeks). Further decomposition occurs when the
manure is harvested and stockpiled and/or windrow composted. To address this issue, a research
project has begun under the Methane to Markets research program of RIRDC (Project No. PRJ-
004377 - Quantification of feedlot manure output for BEEF-BAL model upgrade). It is proposed that
this project will provide measured feedlot manure production data for comparison against predicted
manure output from the BEEF-BAL model.
The evaluations conducted using the three available piggeries case studies concluded that the PIG-
BAL model can provide a good estimate of VS production and hence potential methane production
provided that accurate production and feed data can be supplied. The model, however, is highly
sensitive to the input values of feed wastage. Other methods are also potentially useful for predicting
manure production provided they are based on feed digestibility and feed intake. Methods that use
standard text book values (such as the old ASAE (1988) standard) based on animal body weight are
very poor at predicting manure production.
• Collect effluent production data from an intensive dairy system so that comparisons can be
made against predictions from the DAIRY-BAL model and the other methods and models in
this report. The dairy industry is likely to offer more potential for harvested energy from
manure as it continues to expand.
• Collect manure production and decomposition data from beef cattle feedlots so that
comparisons can be made against predictions from the BEEF-BAL model and the other
methods and models in this report. The feedlot industry is a very large producer of organic
waste and potentially offers the greatest potential for harvesting energy from manure from the
intensive animal industries. (This is being done in PRJ – 004377).
• Ensure further studies that measure manure production from piggery systems also collect
production and feed data to enable further validation of the PIG-BAL model. It would be
worthwhile to conduct metabolic cage studies on modern genotype pigs used in Australia with
varying diets to test the PIG-BAL model at an individual pig level for accuracy.
• Ensure that the balance models that are commonly used in Australia for estimating manure
production (PIG-BAL and BEEF-BAL) are kept up-to-date with the latest digestibility and
nutrient content of feed ingredients that are an important input to these models. It would also
be useful to investigate the updating of these models with energy balance predictive methods,
as this information is more readily available in the Australian literature than dry matter
digestibility values for individual feed ingredients.
• Develop methane potential (Bo) standards and analysis data for Australia conditions.
Current estimates are that manure management from animals accounts for approximately 3.2% of
Australia’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Using the DCC (2007) methodology, the majority of
these emissions are from uncovered effluent treatment lagoons – predominantly anaerobic lagoons.
Readily-available and easy-to-use models for predicting manure production from intensive animal
industries will allow improved economic feasibility assessments to be conducted on methane capture
and energy generation. Lagoons could be covered for methane capture and this would both reduce
GHG emissions and reduce odour emissions. These odour emissions are often the cause of
community amenity impacts.
Using estimates provided by GHD Pty Ltd (2008), increased costs of energy and greater prices paid
for renewable energy will make methane capture and subsequent energy generation from animal
manures (piggeries, dairies and beef cattle feedlots) more economically feasible. This is combined
with the greater intensification of the dairy industry with the use of feedpads, as well as the growth in
the beef cattle feedlot sector. Additionally, pig production facilities are generally increasing in size to
where energy recovery becomes economically viable. With a better understanding of the manure
production and economically feasible size of these industries, a greater uptake of the existing
technology to recover energy will likely occur.
Tools are required to allow developers and proponents to predict volatile solids (organic matter)
produced from intensive livestock industries and to assess the economic feasibility of capturing
methane from a particular enterprise. This information will also allow the size of systems to be
designed to match the size of the enterprise. These tools are not currently widely available to
proponents/investors in the intensive livestock industries and the tools that do exist have had little
field validation. This project, combined with PRJ-2705, will allow these tools to be tested for their
accuracy in predicting manure production for various scenarios.
i. reducing the uncertainty, risk and cost associated with installing methane capture systems
ii. facilitating the commercialization of on-farm methane systems capture and use technology
A brief summary of each project is provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of research projects associated with this report (PRJ – 002831)
Project No. Research Organisation Project Description Project
PRJ-002705 Coomes Consulting A twelve month continuous monitoring program at complete
Group Bears Lagoon Piggery to measure TS, VS COD, COD
soluble, TKN, Ammonia and VFA’s for influent and
effluent and biogas methane composition of a covered
anaerobic pond. The data is being used to verify an
anaerobic digestion model being developed by the
Advanced Water Management Centre (UQ) which
aims to reduce the uncertainty, risks and costs of
installing highly loaded lagoons to capture and reuse
biogas (Birchall 2009).
PRJ-004377 FSA Consulting The collection of feedlot manure production data incomplete
including TS, VS and moisture content to estimate
losses under current production practices. This data
will be used to improve the quality of BEEF-BAL
outputs by validating the DMDAMP section of the
APL Project QLD DEEDI Performance evaluation of highly loaded piggery complete
No. 2108 ponds in relation to effluent treatment (removal of
solids), sludge accumulation and odour emissions.
The report also provides draft recommendations for the
design and management of highly loaded primary
ponds (Skerman et al. 2008).
This project will provide information on the accuracy and limitations of predictive models in sizing
energy recovery systems from intensive animal industries. This will potentially reduce expensive on-
ground testing of individual systems before methane capture systems can be designed and installed.
Accurate predictions of manure production will also assist industry in managing their effluent. With
the greater acceptance and use of energy recovery systems with intensive agriculture, the potential
benefits will be in reducing GHG emissions, providing sustainable energy and reducing community
amenity (odour) impacts.
The methodology for this project is as follows:
1. Undertake a review of current models used in Australia to estimate manure production for
intensive animal industries including beef feedlots, piggeries and dairies. These models
include BEEF-BAL, PIG-BAL, DAIRY-BAL and the manure estimate models included in the
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGGI) documents. Manure production is defined as
total solids, volatile solids (organic matter) and nutrients per head/animal unit.
2. Undertake a literature review of any new developments in the area of manure estimation for
intensive livestock industries.
4. Collate livestock herd data, feed intake and ration analysis data for a series of case study sites
and use the various digestibility / mass balance models and methods to predict manure
5. Compare the predicted manure production estimation (from 4 above) with actual data on
waste produced measured by others (including RIRDC Project PRJ-2705 and APL Project
6. Discuss the reasons for differences between predicted manure production from the various
models and actual measured manure production data supplied by others.
Literature Review
To estimate the methane generation potential of manure, it is necessary to estimate the organic content
of the manure and predict the production rate. Organic content can be measured by various
parameters but the most common is volatile solids (VS). Methane production can be related to VS by
using the maximum methane producing capacity (Bo) for manure produced by livestock (m3 CH4/ kg
VS) and the Methane Conversion Factor (MCF). This report will review manure prediction models
and methods for estimating VS and will identify any new developments that might lead to
improvements in the models.
Components of Manure
Manure constitutes urinary excretions as well as the fraction of the diet consumed by an animal that is
not digested and excreted as faecal material, i.e. manure is urine plus faeces. Manure is composed of
total solids (TS), which contains macro and micro nutrients, and water. TS which is composed of
organic matter (measured as VS) and ash or fixed solids (FS). Total solids is determined by drying a
sample at 105°C until a stable weight is achieved. The method to measure VS in the laboratory is to
burn dried manure samples at 550 ºC (APHA 1989) or 440°C or 750°C (ASTM 2008). The VS
portion of the sample is burnt off and only the ash or fixed solids (FS) remains. The VS are
determined by mass balance.
The first environmental issue that required a manure prediction model was the organic loading rate
design for intensive livestock waste treatment ponds (or lagoons as they are referred to in the USA).
The objective was to size the pond so that the organic matter – characterised as BOD or VS – was
adequately treated in the pond prior to discharge or disposal by irrigation. The need for these models
followed the adoption of various “clean water” regulations by the EPA in the USA. The earliest
methods for estimating manure production were simply to express manure production as a fixed
amount (kg VS/head/day) or as a percentage of liveweight. For example, manure production from
feedlot cattle was estimated to be about 6% of body weight (ASAE 1988). However, these methods
did not take account of feeding regime, growth rates and ration content. These “models” simply
linearly related manure production to animal liveweight. Typical examples were ASAE (1988) and
MWPS (2000).
Experience with these models indicated that the manure production estimates were too crude and that
many treatment ponds either had serious odour problems or filled quickly with sludge.
DAMP Model
The most significant improvement in the prediction of livestock manure production came when Clyde
Barth published three papers in 1985 (Barth 1985a, Barth 1985b, Barth and Kroes 1985) .The aim of
this work was to provide a design methodology for livestock ponds that would overcome the odour
and sludge accumulation problems.
Barth (1985a) proposed the Digestibility Approximation of Manure Production (DAMP) technique,
which was arguably, the first technique that aimed to predict the organic content of excreted manure
using animal performance data. Digestibility Approximation of Manure Production (DAMP) is a
systematic approach to estimate the TS, VS and FS or ash component of animal manure based on
known diet and digestibility data. This technique applies to any class of animal or bird. It assumes
that FS and VS components of concentrates and protein supplements were available according to the
reported value for percent total digestible nutrient (TDN). For each subclass of animal, DAMP
requires, as input, the amount fed and percent wastage, percent dry matter, ash content, percent TDN,
and percentage of the fixed solids available in the organic and mineral component of the diet of each
feed component offered.
Barth (1985a) found that, in general, for pigs, the data of ASAE and the USDA SCS estimated greater
waste production for breeding stock than DAMP. Data of MWPS (1985) was similar to DAMP for
breeding animals. For growing animals, ASAE, SCS and MWPS data estimated greater waste
production for larger animal sizes and less waste production for smaller animal sizes than DAMP. For
dairy cattle, ASAE, SCS and MWPS manure production characteristics compared favourably with
DAMP for cows at higher levels of milk production when an allowance of 5% waste was included.
DAMP produced lower estimates of manure production for cows at low and intermediate levels of
milk production. For beef cattle, the MWPS estimate of grower animal (159 to 340 kg) manure
production compared favourably with DAMP with a 5% feed wastage included. All other estimates
of beef manure production by ASAE, SCS and MWPS were much greater than DAMP estimates.
As historical background, the TDN system was developed in the early 1900s (Dumas et al. 2008).
The evolution of the TDN system is described in detail in Maynard (1953). All nutrients (crude
protein, crude fibre, nitrogen-free extract, crude fat) are scaled to the energy equivalent of
carbohydrate. In non-ruminant animals, TDN is a measure similar to metabolic energy and not to
digestible energy. In ruminants, the net energy also has a component related to the methane and
fermentation heat lost. The reference system of the TDN does not take into consideration the
metabolisability of the diet. This means that all feedstuffs are assumed to be used equally efficiently
for maintenance and lactation, regardless of TDN composition.
For many years, Barth (1985a) was the standard technique of estimating organic load on effluent
treatment ponds and was the initial digestibility method for the mass-balance models developed in
The DAMP model only predicts organic matter production in manure. In Australia in the later 1980s
and early 1990s, there was a need to not only understand organic matter excretion but also nutrient
excretion. Environmental regulators were asking for explanations of sustainable nutrient (N, P, K)
utilisation at intensive livestock facilities. This led to the development of mass-balance models for
manure production (e.g. Watts et al. 1994, Watts et al. 1992).
These models applied a mass-balance approach to nutrients (N, P, K) and included DAMP to estimate
the organic matter component of manure production. These models typically characterised the animal
ration by including individual percentages of ration ingredients and typically characterised the herd by
modelling the full range of animal types, growth rates, feed intakes and liveweight. An important
improvement was that the PIG-BAL model included provision for the estimation of feed wastage as
this waste feed became part of the manure load on the waste treatment system.
In Australia, these models were known as PIG-BAL for pigs (QPIF 2004c), BEEF-BAL for feedlots
(QPIF 2004a) and DAIRY-BAL for dairy (QPIF 2004b).
Over time, it became apparent that the DAMP model needed improvement. Sinclair (1997) concluded
that the DAMP technique, using TDN values was inadequate in being able to provide accurate
estimates of the basic manure characteristics of TS, VS and FS. van Sliedregt et al. (2000) developed
a new digestibility model which uses the dry matter digestibility (DMD) of each feed ingredient, not
the TDN value. The DMD approximation of manure production (DMDAMP) predicts the amount of
TS, VS and FS excreted by animals using DMD instead of TDN values of individual ingredients
(McGahan et al. 2000, McGahan and van Sliedregt 2000, van Sliedregt et al. 2001). DMD data is also
more readily available in Australia for feed ingredients compared to TDN. With data on the
digestibility of each feed ingredient, the digestibility of the whole diet is used to predict the TS, VS,
and FS or ash excreted by an animal using mass-balance principles. Equations 1 to 4 are the basis of
the new BEEF-BAL, DAIRY-BAL and PIG-BAL models.
The amount of FS excreted is calculated by mass balance as the difference between the amount in the
diet and the amount retained by the animal as liveweight gain.
DMD is a coefficient or percent of the fed dry matter that is digestible. In Equation 3, DMD
prediction requires laboratory analysis (peptin cellulose technique), digestion trial or it is available for
many feed ingredients in Australia.
VS excreted = TS – FS Equation 4
ASABE Models
Although Clanton et al. (1988) recognised the value of mass-balance models for nutrient estimation, it
has only be in recent years that manure prediction models in the USA have been modified to improve
the estimates of nutrient content and to include mass-balance principles (Erickson et al. 2003, Fulhage
2003). Consequently, the old ASAE manure standard (ASAE 1988) has been significantly updated
(ASABE 2005). The new ASABE standard has also improved the digestibility model to improve VS
predictions. This model determines “as-excreted” manure and does not include a component for
wasted feed or bedding material.
This standard:
• estimates manure excretion based on animal performance, dietary feed and nutrient intake
according to individual life stage situation,
• provides typical data on manure when removed from manure storage or animal housing.
The standard characteristics of typical manure provides information on total solids (TS), volatile
solids (VS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Nitrogen,
Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, total manure and moisture per kg/finished animal. Table 2 presents
the estimated typical manure as excreted.
Table 2: Estimated typical manure (urine and faeces) as excreted (ASABE 2005)
Animal Type and Production Total solids Volatile solids Nitrogen Calculated VS/TS
Grouping ratio
Beef cattle
Volatile solids are calculated only for beef cattle and are called organic matter (OM). Equation 5 and
6 predict organic matter (or volatile solids) excretion:
OME is the organic matter (or volatile solids) excretion per animal per day (g of organic matter / day /
BWAVG is the average live body weight for the feeding period (kg)
OME-T is the total organic matter (or volatile solids) excretion per finished animal (g of
organic matter / finished animal)
x is a ration number
Dairy Cattle
For dairies, VS is obtained from the VS/TS ratio calculated from data provided by ASABE (2005).
Table 3 presents TS, VS, VS/TS ratio for ASABE (2005), ASAE (1988) and DAIRY-BAL (QPIF
2004b). ASABE (2005) provides equations to estimate TS, called actual faecal dry matter and urine
dry matter (DME).
Table 3: Fresh Manure Production for Dairies from ASABE and DAIRY-BAL
DAIRY-BAL - Darling
Waste ASABE (2005) ASAE (1988) Downs
variable Lact. Cow Dry Cow per 600 kg live animal Lact. Cow Dry Cow
(kg/day/animal) (kg/day/animal) (kg/day/animal)
TS 8.9 4.9 7.2 5.2 4.8
VS 7.5 4.2 6.0 4.3 3.9
N 0.45 0.23 0.31 0.26 0.20
VS/TS 0.84 0.86 0.83 0.82 0.81
Equation 7 to 9 shows DME calculated regression for lactating cow from different US data sets. There
is no clear guidance given on which is the most appropriate method to use. Other models are available
for heifers and dry cows.
DME = (Milk x 0.135) + (BW x 0.004) + (DIM x 0.004) + (MTP x 118.370) – 2.456 Equation 8
DME is the dry matter (solids) excretion per animal per day (kg / animal / day)
DMI is the dry matter intake (kg dry feed / animal / day)
Pig VS are calculated from the VS/TS ratio data provided by ASABE (2005). Table 4 presents TS,
VS, VS/TS ratio for ASABE (2005) and ASAE (1988). ASABE (2005) also estimates TS as total dry
matter excretion per finished animal (DME-T) in Equation 10, which applies to grower-finish pigs.
Table 4: Fresh Manure Data for Piggeries from ASABE (2005) and ASAE (1988)
ASABE (2005)
Swine-Nursery Pig Swine - Grower-finish
Waste variable ASAE (1988)
(12.5 kg) (70 kg)
DME-T = [CDM *FIG *(100 – DMD) / 10,000] + [0.025 * DOFG * (20 * BWAVG + 2,100)] Equation 10
Where: DME-T is the Total Dry Matter Excretion per finished animal (g/finished animal)
FIG is the Feed intake per finished animal (grow – finish phase) (g/finished animal)
DOFG is the Days on feed to finished animal (grow – finish phase) (days)
The previous sections have described manure estimation models that were derived to provide design
data for waste treatment facilities at intensive livestock enterprises. Somewhat independently, manure
estimation models were developed to provide the basis for prediction of greenhouse gas emissions
from intensive livestock facilities.
The estimation of VS excretion rate using the IPCC (2006) method is based on energy intake,
digestibility and ash content. The VS excretion rate is estimated for all livestock species as (Equation
VS = volatile solid excretion per day on a dry-organic matter basis, (kg VS/day)
DE% = digestibility of the feed in percent (e.g.60%)
(UE * GE) = urinary energy expressed as fraction GE. Typically, 0.04 GE can be
considered urinary energy excretion by most ruminants (reduce to 0.02 for
ruminants fed with 85% or more grain in the diet or for swine). If country-specific
data are available, it is preferable to use these.
ASH = the ash content of manure calculated as a fraction of the dry matter feed intake
(country specific data recommended)
18.45 = conversion factor for dietary GE per kg of dry matter (MJ/kg). This value is
relatively constant across a wide range of forage and grain-based feeds commonly
consumed by livestock.
To undertake a national greenhouse gas inventory, each country should estimate gross energy (GE)
intake and its fractional digestibility (DE) as appropriate to that production system.
For cattle, GE and DE are given in equations in IPCC (2006). Feedlot cattle fed with over 90%
concentrate diet have a digestibility ranging from 75 to 85%.
For swine, IPCC (2006) state country specific data are required to estimate feed intake, with feed
digestibility of swine varies with class:
Manure Prediction Models Currently used in Australia
BEEF-BAL (QPIF 2004a) is spreadsheet model that is used to predict the amount of solids (total and
volatile) and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) excreted by feedlot cattle based on the
improved model of DMD approximation of manure production (DMDAMP - van Sliedregt et al.
2000) and mass balance principles (Watts et al. 1994). The model requires data on herd size, diet,
quantity fed and waste. This model also accounts for associative effects that occur in ruminants as a
result of the nature and compositions of individual ingredients, as well as the digestive processes that
occur when feeds are mixed together that affect the digestibility of feed consumed by ruminants. This
model was first developed in the mid 1990’s and has been modified and refined since then according
to various case studies and consulting needs.
This model is not often used by the industry because it requires intensive data on the animal’s diet. It
has not yet developed to a commercial standard for the general use by the public. Queensland Primary
Industries and Fisheries (QPIF) provide it for free to researchers and consultants on the understanding
that they are provided on an "as-is" basis. QPIF advises that it should be used with caution and
professional judgement should be exercised in drawing conclusions from the model outputs. The
version used in this study was Version 9.1_TI.
PIG-BAL (QPIF 2004c) predicts effluent output using DMDAMP theory. PIG-BAL also predicts the
amount of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) produced based on mass balance principles
(as with ash production). TS, FS and VS are calculated with following Equation 12 to 14.
TS = (Feed intake x DM% of feed x (100-DMD% of feed) + (Feed wasted x DM% of feed) Equation 12
Ash = (Feed intake x DM% of feed x Ash% of feed) – (LW gain * Ash content of pig) Equation 13
The DMDAMP and mass balance approaches for predicting the amount of manure have been
validated experimentally at a commercial 2500-sow piggery (McGahan and Casey 1998, McGahan et
al. 2001a). All inputs (pigs, feed, fresh drinking water, fresh flushing water) and outputs (pigs,
mortalities and manure) were measured on the grower/finisher section of the piggery.
The National Environmental Guidelines for Piggeries (NEGP) (Australian Pork Limited 2004) has
tabulated values for TS, VS, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium production for various pig classes
(Table 5). These values were developed using the PIG-BAL model incorporating DMDAMP with
typical Australian diets and waste feed estimates. The version used in this study was Version 3 TI.
Table 5: Predicted solids and nutrient output for each class of pig - NEGP
The Department of Climate Change (DCC) (formerly Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO))
undertakes national greenhouse gas inventories for Australia. For livestock manure management
systems, the method used provides specific volatile solids (VS) rates according to livestock population
(DCC 2007). The VS prediction equations use dry matter intake and dry matter digestibility data
developed to calculate enteric methane production. The equation and guidelines for VS estimation for
beef cattle feedlots, dairy and pigs are given in this section. The DCC method draws heavily on van
Sliedregt et al. (2000) and McGahan and Casey (1998).
For beef cattle feedlots, VS are estimated with Equation 15 using dry matter intake, digestibility and
ash content. Table 6 gives the feed intakes for feedlot cattle that are assumed from NGGI (DCC
2007) calculations.
VS = I x (I – DMD) x (1 – A) Equation 15
Table 6: Feedlot cattle intake (I) (kg DM/day) (DCC 2007)
Dairy cattle
For dairies, VS are estimated using the same equation as for beef cattle (Equation 15) with dry matter
intake, digestibility and ash content.
The feed intake of non-lactating cows is calculated from liveweight and liveweight gain data.
Additional intake for milk production (MI) is included for lactating cattle.
2 2
I = (1.185 + 0.0045W – 0.0000026W + 0.315LWG) x MR + MI Equation 16
MR = increase in metabolic rate when producing milk (SCA 1990), 1.1 for
milking and house cows and 1 for all other cases.
Table 7: Dairy cattle - dry matter digestibility of feed intake (%) (DCC 2007)
State Milking Heifers Heifers <1 House Cows – Dairy Bulls Dairy Bulls
Cows (%) >1 yr (%) yr (%) Milk and Dry (%) >1 yr (%) <1 yr (%)
NSW/ ACT 75 75 75 75 75 75
Spring 75 75 75 75 75 75
Summer 65 65 65 65 65 65
Autumn 65 65 65 65 65 65
Winter 75 75 75 75 75 75
Western 75 75 75 75 75 75
South 75 75 75 75 75 75
Victoria 78 78 78 78 78 78
Queensland 70 65 65 60 65 65
Northern 75 75 75 75 75 75
State Milking Heifers Heifers House Cows – Dairy Bulls Dairy Bulls
Cows >1 yr <1 yr Milk and Dry >1 yr <1 yr
NSW/ ACT 550 425 240 450 650 300
Tasmania 500 350 220 400 600 250
Western 550 350 180 450 550 250
South Australia 550 450 260 500 500 350
Victoria 550 450 250 450 600 250
Queensland 580 400 150 500 650 200
Northern 500 350 220 400 550 250
Table 9: Dairy cattle –liveweight gain (kg/day) (DCC 2007)
State Milking Heifers Heifers House Cows – Milk Dairy Bulls Dairy Bulls
Cows >1 yr < 1 yr and Dry >1 yr <1 yr
NSW/ ACT 0.04 0.6 0.6 0.04 0.2 0.9
Tasmania 0.04 0.5 0.8 0.04 0.1 1
Western 0.06 0.8 0.8 0.06 0.1 1
South 0.06 0.5 0.8 0.06 0.1 1
Victoria 0.04 0.5 0.6 0.04 0.1 1
Queensland 0.06 0.7 0.7 0.06 0.1 0.7
Northern 0.06 0.5 0.8 0.06 0.1 1
Note: These data from the Standing Committee on Agriculture (SCA 1990) and there have been
substantial changes in the way dairy cattle are fed since this data was collated.
For pigs, the volatile solids production (kg VS/head/day) entering the manure management system is
given in Table 10 (DCC 2007).
Table 10: Pigs – volatile solids (kg/head/day) entering manure management system
(DCC 2007)
Summary of Current Australian Methods Used
In PIG-BAL, DAIRY-BAL and BEEF-BAL, the waste details are presented in the DMDAMP and
nutrient balance analysis sheets. The TS, VS, ash and nutrient component of the manure is presented
for different classes of animal. The National Environmental Guidelines for Piggeries (NEGP) also
uses the same DMDAMP and mass balance theory to predict waste output for different classes of pig.
In DCC (2007) models for high density of animals in feedlots, VS production is estimated using
intake and dry matter digestibility data developed to calculate enteric methane production. For pigs,
the VS production for each state and different pig classes is given in a table in the appendix. This
table was generated with predicted outputs from the PIG-BAL model.
In ASABE (2005) standards, organic matter is estimated with an equation for beef cattle only and
VS/TS ratios are also provided. For pigs and dairy cows, TS are estimated from empirical equations
and VS is calculated with standard VS/TS ratios. ASAE (1988) provides tables to determine VS/TS
ratio for pigs, dairy cows and beef cattle based on live animal mass.
In IPCC (2006), the VS excretion rate calculation is a necessary step to estimate a CH4 emissions
factor from the type of manure management. The VS excretion rate equation is given based on gross
energy intake, digestibility, urinary energy and ash content.
Case Study Sites
To test the predictive methods for estimating TS, VS and N production, a series of case studies were
conducted. These case studies scenarios were chosen based on actual measured data of TS, VS and N
from all or part of a production system. To provide estimates of TS, VS and N production using
predictive models and methods, data was required on the production systems. This data collection
included herd structure, individual diet ingredients, amount of each ingredient fed, liveweight in and
out, and mortalities.
Dairy Sites
No dairy case study was able to be reported on due to the lack of measured data on manure production
for Australian dairies. At the beginning of the project, it was claimed by a member of the M2M
technical committee that data would become available by the end of this project. After consultation
with Dairy Australia and researchers in both Queensland and Victoria, no actual measured data on
manure production from a dairy was uncovered. It is believed that there is data that will be potentially
available within the next 12 months from Department of Primary Industries Victoria researchers at
Ellenbank. If this data collection proceeds, it is important that all feed intake and diet specifications
are collected to validate the waste estimation model DAIRY-BAL.
Feedlot Sites
No beef cattle feedlot case study was able to be conducted because of the non-availability of actual
measured manure production from a feedlot. The difficulty with measuring manure production from a
feedlot is that manure is deposited on an outdoor pad and undergoes decomposition before it is
harvested from the pad (generally between 6 and 20 weeks). Further decomposition occurs when the
manure is harvested and stockpiled and/or windrow composted. To address this issue, a research
project has begun under the Methane to Markets research program of RIRDC (Project No. PRJ-
004377 - Quantification of feedlot manure output for BEEF-BAL model upgrade). It is proposed that
this project will provide measured feedlot manure production data for comparison against predicted
manure output from the BEEF-BAL model. Total solids, volatile solids and moisture content will be
measured and losses calculated from feedlot manure under current management practices. This
project aims to improve the quality of BEEF-BAL outputs by validating the DMDAMP section of the
Piggery Sites
Using PIG-BAL, all the calculations for the predictive models and methods were calculated, including
diet dry matter, diet dry matter digestibility, feed intake in terms of N, P, K and ash, and liveweight
gain. The PIG-BAL model is the only method that requires feed wastage as an input. For all case
study piggeries no information was able to be provided on feed wastage, so the “standard” values
provided in the PIG-BAL model were used (Table 11) to provide estimates of waste output using PIG-
BAL. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted by varying the feed wastage by ±50% from the
standard values.
Table 11: Feed wastage values used in PIG-BAL to predict TS and VS production for
different pig classes
As Barth (1985a) stated in the publication of his DAMP method, feed waste, avoidable and
unavoidable is a very significant contribution to total manure properties. He estimated that feed waste
of 5% can increase manure TS by as much as 40%. To illustrate this, a typical pig diet has a dry
matter digestibility of 85%, meaning that for every kg of feed dry matter consumed, 0.15 kg of TS is
excreted in the manure (base on the DMDAMP methodology). If, for every kg of dry matter
consumed, another 10% (0.1 kg) is wasted and will go directly into the effluent system. Thus, the
feed wastage component of the effluent will make up 40% (0.1/0.25) of the TS in the effluent.
Three piggeries were used as case studies, with the size of the piggeries and waste output calculated in
terms of the number of standard pig units (SPU). SPU are estimated from the relative amount of VS
that each class of pig produces, with one SPU representing an average size grower pig (McGahan and
Casey 1997a, McGahan and Casey 1997b). The SPU conversion table in the National Environmental
Guidelines for Piggeries (Australian Pork Limited 2004) was used to convert the size of each piggery
into number of SPU. The piggeries used in the case studies were classed as small (< 2000 SPU),
medium (2000 – 10,000 SPU) and large (>10,000 SPU).
Site 1 – Piggery A
Herd Details
Herd details were provided and calculated as an average for an entire year (Table 12).
Table 12: Pig numbers, SPU conversions and average static mass of pigs for case
study 1 (piggery A).
Feed Details
Typical diets used in the piggery over a year were provided. The diets were sorghum based for the
grower and finisher pigs, barley based for the dry sows and boars, with a mixture of sorghum, barley
and wheat for the remainder of the pigs.
The predicted overall dry matter of all diets combined from PIG-BAL was 89.2%. The predicted
overall dry matter digestibility of all feed going into the piggery was 84.7%. Total feed offered is
2,937 t/yr, with total dry matter of 2,620 t/yr, total ash of 111.9 t/yr and total nitrogen of 73.2 t/yr.
Overall feed wastage was estimated to be 9.4%. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on feed wastage
by varying it between ±50%, giving estimated overall feed wastage varying between 14.2% and 4.7%.
Skerman et al. (2008) collected effluent samples from the entire flushing event from each shed at the
piggery on several occasions over a 14 month period. Effluent was collected during the flush event by
pumping almost continuously from the effluent flush channels into a 200 L sample drum using a
Davey D15A submersible sump pump capable of handling 20 mm solids. This sample drum was then
thoroughly agitated with a paddle stirrer and a 1 L sub-sample was collected and placed in a 25 L
drum. It took approximately 5 minutes to fill the 200 L drum. The drum was then quickly emptied
and the process repeated until the flush event from the shed was complete. At the end of the flush
event the 25 L drum was generally full. This drum was then thoroughly mixed with a paddle stirrer
and a 1 L sub-sample was taken from the centre of the drum for analysis.
The collected samples were transported back to the DEEDI laboratory in Toowoomba for testing. A
minimum of three x 50 mL replicate sub-samples were then decanted into ceramic crucibles for
determination of TS, ash and VS. Further chemical analysis of the samples was conducted by the
Toowoomba Regional Council Mt Kynoch Treatment Plant laboratory
Site 2 – Piggery B
Piggery B is a small sized conventional grower-finisher piggery located in southern Queensland. The
piggery receives weaner pigs from a breeder herd approximately 60 km away. The weaner pigs are
housed in a single shed as a batch until they are 10 weeks of age. The weaner section of the piggery
has its own effluent collection system. The pigs are transferred to the grower-finisher section of the
piggery at 10 weeks of age, where they remain until finish (approximately 24 weeks). Feed is
supplied by a commercial feed mill. Skerman et al. (2008) undertook measurements at this site which
they refer to as the DEEDI Wacol piggery.
Herd Details
Herd details were provided and calculated as an average for the grower-finisher section of the piggery
(Table 13).
Table 13: Pig numbers, SPU conversions and average static mass of pigs for
case study 2 (piggery B).
Feed Details
Typical diets used in the piggery over a year were provided by the commercial feedmill providing the
feed to the piggery. The diets were sorghum/maize with some wheat for the grower pigs, with
predominantly sorghum and some maize and barley for the finisher pigs.
The predicted overall dry matter of the diets from PIG-BAL was 89.2%. The predicted overall dry
matter digestibility of all feed going into the piggery was 86.2%. Total feed intake is 815 t/yr, with
total dry matter of 721 t/yr, total ash of 35.1 t/yr and total nitrogen of 20.4 t/yr. Overall feed wastage
was estimated to be 10.0%. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on feed wastage by varying it
between ±50%, giving estimated overall feed wastage varying between 15.0% and 5.0%.
Skerman et al. (2008) collected effluent samples 18 times over a 9 month period from a 52,000 L
concrete tank that was agitated and was able to store two days of flushed waste from the piggery
(40,000 L). Each sampling event from the sump involved the collection of samples over 6 sampling
cycles spread evenly throughout the 35 minute sump pump-out cycle. These samples were either
collected with a hand-held sampling pump or using the same pump described for Piggery A. Separate
samples were also collected from a 10,000 L polythene tank that was also receiving a representative
sample of effluent from the sump for a separate experiment. Additional samples of recycled effluent
used for flushing were also collected. The collected samples were transported back to the DEEDI
laboratory in Toowoomba for testing as per Piggery A.
Site 3 – Piggery C
Piggery C is a large conventional grower-finisher piggery located in south eastern Australia. The
piggery receives weaner pigs from a breeder herd and the pigs remain on site to finisher age. The
piggery operates with stationary rundown screens that remove a percentage of the solids from the
waste stream before it enters the effluent treatment system. Feed is provided by a commercial mill
Herd Details
Herd details were provided and calculated for a one month period (June 30 2008 – July 28 2008). The
piggery is divided into four sections, with seven separate diets: nursery (starter and nursery diets),
weaner (weaner and porker diets), grower (grower diet) and finisher (finisher diet with and without
Paylean). Table 14 has the average number of pigs and average static mass of pigs on each diet for
the month of July 2008. The pigs on the finisher diets (with and without Paylean®) were combined.
Table 14: Pig numbers, SPU conversions and average static mass of pigs for case
study 3 (piggery C).
Feed Details
Diets used in the piggery for the trial period (July 2008) were provided by the operator. The diets
were predominantly wheat based for the starter, nursery and weaner pigs, with a mixture of sorghum,
wheat and barley for the porker, grower and finisher pigs.
Paylean® was used in half of the finisher diet, which represents approximately 25% of the total feed
offered during the trial period. Paylean® is a feed additive that is designed to direct nutrient
deposition into lean muscle and away from fat deposition. Research trials have shown that Paylean®
increases the rate of weight gain, improves feed efficiency and increases carcass leanness in finisher
pigs. This ‘associative’ effect that Paylean® has in improving feed efficiency was not taken into
account in the estimations of waste production using the PIG-BAL model and hence predicted feed
digestibility is likely to be underestimated and hence waste production is likely to be overestimated.
The predicted overall dry matter of the diets from PIG-BAL was 89.6%. The predicted overall dry
matter digestibility of all feed going into the piggery was 84.6%. Total feed intake is 13,703 t/yr, with
total dry matter of 12,305 t/yr, total ash of 722 t/yr and total nitrogen of 365 t/yr. Overall feed
wastage was estimated to be 10.4%. A sensitivity analysis was conducted on feed wastage by varying
it between ±50%, giving estimated overall feed wastage varying between 15.6% and 5.2%.
Waste Pre-treatment
Details were provided by the operator on the amount of solids removed from the waste stream over a
55 day period around the time of the test period – July 2008. The number of truckloads of screenings
was totalled, along with the mass of a sub-sample of truckloads. Three samples of screenings were
also collected and sent for laboratory analysis to determine TS and VS content of the material. From
this data it was estimated that the screenings has a TS and VS concentration of 16.8% and 14.5%
respectively. From the operator data provided and the laboratory analysis it is estimated that the
screens remove 3181 kg/d of TS and 2751 kg/d of VS.
Birchall (2009) provides a description of the effluent collection and sampling regime at the piggery.
Effluent from all the sheds is collected in a central sump that is agitated with a paddle-type stirrer.
Effluent sampling occurred continuously during each 24 hr period over 7 days via an automatic
sampling station (paddle switch, cycling timer, Onga 421 open-impeller pump, and 750 L uninsulated
tank). The sampling pump was designed to run for 30 seconds in each 4 minute period. Each 24 hr
composite was agitated before sub-samples were collected and refrigerated until the end of the 7 day
event. Effluent in the sump was pumped through a 100 mm Siemens Sitrans Magflo electromagnetic
flow meter to measure daily flows. Effluent samples were analysed for TS, VS, Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD), COD soluble, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), Ammonia, Volatile Fatty Acids
Comparison – Model and Method
Prediction versus Actual
For the three piggery case studies, the model and method predictions of TS, VS and N were compared
against actual measured data provided by others: Mr Alan Skerman (Department of Primary Industries
and Fisheries – DEEDI) and Mr Scott Birchall (Coomes Consulting Pty Ltd). The models and
methods used to compare predicted versus actual are PIG-BAL, National Environmental Guidelines
for Piggeries (NEGP), ASAE (1988), DCC and the IPCC methods and models. The DCC method and
the IPCC method only predict VS production.
Site 1 – Piggery A
Table 15 provides the predicted VS and TS production for case study 1 (piggery A) using the PIG-
BAL, NEGP, ASABE (2005), ASAE (1988), DCC and IPCC methods and models versus the actual
measured data provided by the DEEDI. A sensitivity analysis is also shown for PIG-BAL, with feed
wastage varied between ±50% of the “standard” values provided in PIGBAL.
Table 15: Estimates of VS and TS production versus measured output for case study 1
(piggery A).
(kg/d) (kg/d) (t/yr) (t/yr) (kg/SPU/yr) (kg/SPU/yr) Ratio
PIG-BAL 1,548 1,795 565 656 115 133 0.86
PIG-BAL (+50%
1,925 2,193 703 800 143 162 0.88
feed wastage)
PIG-BAL (-50%
1,213 1,440 443 526 90 107 0.84
feed wastage)
NEGP 1,249 1,521 456 555 92 113 0.82
ASABE (2005) 1,415 1,721 517 629 105 127 0.82
ASAE (1988) 2,365 3,060 864 1,118 175 227 0.77
DCC 1,405 - 513 - 104 - -
IPCC 1,236 - 451 92 - -
Measured Data 1,613 1,859 589 679 119 138 0.87
Table 16 provides the N production for case study 1 (piggery A) using the PIG-BAL, NEGP, ASABE
(2005) and ASAE (1988) methods and models versus the actual measured data provided by the
Table 16: Estimates of N production versus measured output for case study 1 (piggery A).
Site 2 – Piggery B
Table 17 provides the predicted VS and TS production for case study 2 (piggery B) using the PIG-
BAL, NEGP, ASABE (2005), ASAE (1988), DCC and IPCC methods and models versus the actual
measured data provided by the DEEDI. A sensitivity analysis is also shown for PIG-BAL, with feed
wastage varied between ±50% of the “standard” values provided in PIGBAL.
Table 17: Estimates of VS and TS production versus measured output for case study 2
(piggery B).
(kg/d) (kg/d) (t/yr) (t/yr) (kg/SPU/yr) (kg/SPU/yr) Ratio
PIG-BAL 398 474 145 173 112 133 0.84
PIG-BAL (+50%
509 592 186 216 143 166 0.86
feed wastage)
PIG-BAL (-50%
302 372 110 136 86 105 0.81
feed wastage)
NEGP 327 396 120 145 92 111 0.83
ASABE (2005) 375 467 137 170 105 131 0.80
ASAE (1988) 498 645 182 236 140 181 0.77
DCC 280 - 102 - 79 - -
IPCC 311 - 114 - 87 - -
Measured Data 294 342 107 125 82 96 0.86
Table 18 provides the N production for case study 2 (piggery B) using the PIG-BAL, NEGP, ASABE
(2005) and ASAE (1988) methods and models versus the actual measured data provided by the
Table 18: Estimates of N production versus measured output for case study 2 (piggery B).
Site 3 – Piggery C
Table 19 provides the predicted VS and TS production for Case Study 3 (Piggery C) using the PIG-
BAL, NEGP, ASABE (2005), ASAE (1988), DCC and IPCC methods and models. These predictions
are based on actual excretions, before screen removal.
Table 20 provides predicted VS and TS production for Case Study 3 (Piggery C) for the various
methods and models versus the actual measured data provided by Birchall (2009) after the estimated
screen removal of 2751 kg/d of VS and 3181 kg/d of TS. A sensitivity analysis is also shown for PIG-
BAL, with feed wastage varied between ±50% of the “standard” values provided in PIGBAL.
Table 20: Estimates of VS and TS production versus measured output for case study 3
(piggery C) after estimated screen removal.
Table 21 provides the nitrogen production estimations for Case Study 3 (Piggery C) using the PIG-
BAL, NEGP, ASABE (2005) and ASAE (1988) methods and models. No analysis was conducted on
N removal with the stationary rundown screens, thus no estimates are provided on N production for
this piggery after screening for the various models. Nitrogen was however measured in the waste
Table 21: Estimates of N production versus measured output for case study 3 (piggery C).
Summary of Model Predictions
Table 22 provides the percentage difference in VS production for estimates versus measured data for
the three case study piggeries. The predicted VS production uses the PIG-BAL, NEGP, ASABE
(2005), ASAE (1988), DCC and IPCC methods and models, while the measured data was provided by
DEEDI Queensland (Skerman et al. 2008) and Coomes Consulting Pty Ltd (Birchall 2009).
Table 22: Percent difference in VS produced for predicted versus measured data
for the piggeries
Table 23 provides the percentage difference in TS production for estimates versus measured data for
the three case study piggeries. The predicted TS production uses the PIG-BAL, NEGP, ASABE
(2005) and ASAE (1988) methods and models, while the measured data was provided by DEEDI
Queensland and Coomes Consulting Pty Ltd.
Table 24 provides the percentage difference in nitrogen production for estimates versus measured data
for one the case study piggeries. The predicted nitrogen production uses the PIG-BAL, NEGP,
ASABE (2005) and ASAE (1988) methods and models, while the measured data was provided by
Coomes Consulting Pty Ltd. No measured data for nitrogen production was provided for Piggery A
and Piggery B.
PIG-BAL -19%
Site 1 – Piggery A
The PIG-BAL prediction of VS and TS is 4% and 3% respectively less than the measured data
provided by DEEDI Queensland. The next closest method was the ASABE (2005) standard, with VS
and TS prediction 12% and 7% respectively less than the measured data provided. Both the NEGP
and the IPCC method underestimated VS production by 23%. The DCC method underestimated VS
production by 13%. The ASAE (1988) standard, which estimates manure production based on animal
mass was the least effective, with an over-prediction of VS of 47% and TS of 65%.
Varying the amount of feed wastage in Pig-BAL by ±50% from the “standard” values results in
predictions of VS and TS being within 20 – 25% of the measured data.
No measured data was provided on nitrogen production for the piggery. The predicted nitrogen
production from PIG-BAL was 147 kg/d, with the variation between models less than that for TS and
VS, where the range was 129 kg/d (NEGP) to 145 kg/d (ASAE 1988).
Piggery A was able to supply detailed performance, feed usage and feed analysis data for all classes of
pig at the piggery over an entire year of production. A detailed sampling strategy was also employed
by DEEDI, where effluent from each of the sheds on the farm was sub-sampled from the flush drains
during an entire flush event to provide a representative composite sample of effluent. No actual
measured effluent production data was provided for the piggery, only a total volume of flush water
used (37.2 L/pig/day). Therefore, the volume of effluent generated and hence the amount of TS and
VS produced will be greater for the measured data than if the actual manure (urine and faeces)
volume, cleaning (hosing) water and spilt drinking water are included.
The additional effluent is estimated to approximately 2.0 L/pig/day based on calculations from
Wiedemann et al. (2009) on drinking water usage and subsequent outputs of water from a
conventional flushing farrow to finish piggery during a Life Cycle Assessment study of two piggery
supply chains. If this additional liquid was added, it would subsequently increase the measured
amount of TS and VS by approximately 5%. With this increase, the measured VS and TS production
of manure would be within 10% of the predicted data using PIG-BAL.
Site 2 – Piggery B
The PIG-BAL prediction of VS and TS is 35% and 39% respectively more than the measured data
provided by DEEDI Queensland. The closest methods for predicting VS production were the AGO
method (5% less) and the IPCC method (6% greater). The NEGP predicted VS and TS 11% and 16%
respectively more than the measured data provided. Again the ASAE (1988) standard was the least
effective, with an over-prediction of VS of 69% and TS of 89%.
Varying the amount of feed wastage in Pig-BAL by +50% from the “standard” values results in
predictions of VS and TS being 73% higher than the measured data. Varying the amount of feed
wastage in PIG-BAL by -50% from the “standard” values results in predictions of VS and TS being
3% and 9% higher respectively than the measured data.
No measured data was provided on nitrogen production for the piggery. The predicted nitrogen
production from PIG-BAL was 36 kg/d, with the variation between models less than that for TS and
VS, where the range was 30 kg/d (ASAE 1988) to 39 kg/d (ASABE 2005).
Piggery A was able to supply typical production data for the piggery (500 growers and 500 finishers).
The amount of feed purchased over a one year period, with the typical diets also provided.
A detailed sampling strategy was also employed by DEEDI, where effluent from the sheds flows into
a central sump before being pumped into the effluent treatment system. The effluent is mixed in the
sump and sub-sampled to provide a representative composite sample of effluent. No actual measured
effluent production data was provided for the piggery, only a total volume of flush water used (20
L/pig/d). Therefore the volume of effluent generated and hence the amount of TS and VS produced
would be greater for the measured data than if the actual manure (urine and faeces) volume, cleaning
(hosing) water and spilt drinking water are included.
The additional effluent is estimated to approximately 2.2 L/pig/day based on calculations from
Wiedemann et al. (2009) on drinking water usage and subsequent outputs of water from a
conventional flushing grower piggery during a Life Cycle Assessment study of two piggery supply
chains. If this additional liquid was added, it would subsequently increase the measured amount of TS
and VS produced by approximately 11%. With this increase, the measured VS and TS production of
manure would be within 25% of the predicted data using PIG-BAL.
Site 3 – Piggery 3
The PIG-BAL prediction of VS is only 1% more than the measured data provided by Coomes
Consulting. The next closest method was the AGO method, with VS 5% greater than the measured
data provided. The prediction from the NEGP (12% less) and the ASABE (2005) standard (11%
more) were also relatively close to the predicted data. The IPCC method was less effective at
predicting manure production for this piggery (32% less). Again the old ASAE (1988) standard,
which basis manure production on animal mass was the least effective at predicting VS production,
with an over-prediction of 65%.
The PIG-BAL estimation of TS is not as close to the measured data, with a prediction of 15% less
than the measured data provided by DEEDI Queensland. The ASABE (2005) standard was however,
within 1% of the measured data. Again the ASAE (1988) standard was the least effective at
predicting TS production, with an over-prediction 54%.
Varying the amount of feed wastage in PIG-BAL by +50% from the “standard” values results in
predictions of VS and TS being 44% and 17% higher respectively than the measured data. Varying
the amount of feed wastage in PIG-BAL by -50% from the “standard” values results in predictions of
VS and TS being about 40% lower than the measured data.
The PIG-BAL prediction of nitrogen production is 19% less than the measured data. The NEGP
proved to have the closest prediction (1% more), with the ASABE (2005) standard over-predicting N
production by 19%.
Piggery C was able to supply very detailed performance, feed usage and feed analysis data for all
classes of pig at the piggery for a month during the time the measured effluent samples were collected.
A detailed sampling strategy was also employed by Birchall (2009), where effluent was automatically
sub-sampled from the effluent after screening and effluent volumes were also able to be accurately
This piggery did however screen the effluent after it left the sheds, prior to entering the waste
treatment system. This made predicting the amount of VS, TS and N produced by the piggery more
difficult. Sub-samples of screenings were collected and analysed, along with the amount of
screenings removed, however not all the screened solids were able to be weighed, with a
representative truck mass obtained from three truck loads out of 76 averaged for the month. The
variation in the three weighed truckloads was 6%.
Since the completion of this study Coomes Consulting Pty Ltd has conducted further effluent
production studies at this piggery with the solids removal screens removed. Birchall (2009) reports
VS production with the screens turned off to be 7,280 kg/d, which is within 0.1% of the measured
Conversion Factors for Manure to Methane
To determine the methane production from manure, it is necessary to convert VS content to methane
generation. This is done by applying the Bo factor and the MCF factor.
Bo Factor
Bo is the maximum methane-producing capacity for manure produced by an animal and has the units
of m3 CH4/kg VS (IPCC 2006). Bo varies with animal type (via differences in digestive capacity) and
feed type.
IPCC (2006) provides typical Bo values for different livestock species and locations. Table 25 shows
IPCC values for Bo for pigs, dairy cattle and beef cattle in Australia (Oceania).
Table 25: Maximum methane-producing capacity of the manure (Bo) - Oceania (IPCC 2006)
Animal Bo m3 CH4/ kg VS
Swine 0.45
Dairy cattle 0.24
Non-dairy cattle 0.17
Moller et al. (2004) note that “methane productivity” from manure can be measured in terms of
volatile solids (VS) destroyed, VS loaded, volume, or animal production. Methane productivity
measured in terms of VS destroyed (m3 CH4/kg VSDES) corresponds to the theoretical methane yield
(Bu) if there is complete degradation of all organic components of the manure. The theoretical
methane potential can be calculated from Bushwell’s formula. Methane productivity in terms of VS
loaded (m3 CH4/kg VSload) as residence time approaches infinity is referred to as the ultimate
methane yield (Bo). The ultimate methane yield will always be lower than the theoretical methane
yield because a fraction of the substrate is used to synthesize bacterial mass, a fraction of the organic
material will be lost in the effluent, and lignin-containing compounds will only be degraded to a
limited degree (Moller et al. 2004). Inhibition of the biological process by inhibitors such as ammonia
and volatile fatty acids (VFA) is another factor contributing to the actual methane yield being lower
than the potential yield which would be obtained if inhibition was not present. It has been observed
that both the ultimate methane yield (Bo) and the volumetric methane production (L CH4/ m3 manure)
of manure from different origins can be very variable. Moller et al. (2004) notes that the ultimate
methane yield (m3 CH4/kg VS) is affected by various factors, including:
This discussion about the definition of Bo by Moller et al. (2004) highlights the lack of clear
definitions in this area. Most researchers assume that Bo refers to fresh manure directly from the
animal prior to any breakdown and without additions from bedding and wasted feed. This is a
parameter that is intrinsic to the animal and independent of the housing and feeding system.
However, the discussion by Moller et al. (2004) suggests that Bo takes into account housing and
feeding systems. This has clear implications for actual methane yield predictions from a manure
treatment system depending on the MCF applied.
Bo is determined by anaerobically digesting a sample of manure and measuring the methane yield.
However, Vedrenne et al. (2008) point out that there is no standard methodology for the determination
of Bo and different researchers have used different methodologies. The variations in methodology
• Incubation temperature (varies from 35°C to 55°C).
• Source and amount of inoculums added.
• Timing and amount of mixing of the sample.
• Amount of dilution of the sample.
• Incubation time (50 to 157 days).
Not surprisingly, both Vedrenne et al. (2008) and Karim et al. (2005) have found that variation of any
of these parameters affects maximum methane yield. Hence, apart from variations between species
and feed type, Bo data will vary depending on experimental protocol and should be evaluated with a
knowledge of the experimental procedures adopted.
For example, ICF Consulting (1999) provides Bo values for beef, dairy and swine for various diets as
collated from a range of researchers (see Table 26). This table shows the variability of the data.
Table 27 presents data from a recent experiment in France with a maximum and minimum Bo value
for swine and dairy cattle slurry (Vedrenne et al. 2008). The swine value from France is lower than
the value from IPCC, perhaps because they include a slurry component. For dairy cattle, the IPCC
value is about the average of the French values.
Amon et al. (2004) determined Bo for dairy cattle manures where the feed and milk yield varied. They
found a range of Bo from 0.132 to 0.166 m3 CH4/kg VS. They concluded that lignin in the manure
reduced the specific methane yield. The higher the feeding intensity and the milk yield, the greater
was the reduction in methane yield through an increase in lignin content.
Moller et al. (2004) determined both theoretical methane yield and ultimate methane yield (Bo) for
pigs and dairy cattle. The theoretical methane productivity is higher in pig (0.516 m3 CH4/kg VS) and
sow (0.530 m3 CH4/kg VS) manure than in dairy cattle manure (0.469 m3 CH4/kg VS), while the
ultimate methane yield in terms of VS is considerably higher in pig (0.356 m3 CH4/kg VS) and sow
manure (0.275 m3 CH4/kg VS) than in dairy cattle manure (0.148 m3 CH4/kg VS).
Table 26: Maximum CH4-Producing Capacity for U.S. Livestock Manure (ICF Consulting 1999)
Animal Converted Bo
Type Diet (m3CH4/kg VS) References cited
7% corn silage, 87.6%
corn 0.29 (Hashimoto et al. 1981)
Corn-based high energy 0.33 (Hashimoto et al. 1981)
Slurry Bo
Min Max
Table 28 summarises the reported range of Bo for pigs, dairy cattle and beef cattle compared to the
default value used in the Australian NGGI methods (DCC 2007). It can be seen that range of reported
values varies by at least twofold for each species. Clearly, it is difficult to choose an appropriate
value at this time, yet it has a profound effect on the prediction of maximum potential methane yield
from manure.
Table 28: Reported range of Bo for pigs, dairy cattle and beef cattle
No papers providing Bo data measured in Australia have been found. At the moment, there is no
Australia specific value of Bo and this information would be essential to provide more accurate
estimation of methane production for piggeries, beef feedlots and dairies under Australian conditions.
MCF Factor
MCF is methane conversion factor (MCF) that reflects the portion of Bo that is achieved (IPCC 2006).
The system MCF varies with the manner in which the manure is managed and the climate, and can
theoretically range from 0 to 100%. Both temperature and retention time play an important role in the
calculation of the MCF. Manure that is managed as a liquid under warm conditions for an extended
period of time promotes methane formation. These manure management conditions can have high
MCFs, of 65 to 80%. Manure managed as dry material in cold climates does not readily produce
methane, and consequently has an MCF of about 1%. DCC (2007) recommends the use of 90% as the
MCF for lagoons at piggeries.
For Piggery A, the PIG-BAL model, with “standard” feed wastage rates supplied was able to closely
predict (within 5%) the actual amount of TS and VS produced when compared to measured data. No
other predictive methods and models were able to predict the amount of solids produced. This
piggery was also able to supply detailed production data, feed usage and actual feed ingredients for
the piggery over a 12 month period to enable accurate inputs to the PIG-BAL model. This piggery
also had a rigorous sampling strategy to provide average solids concentrations. The volumes of
effluent and hence the amount of solids produced is likely to be underestimated if the true volume of
effluent produced that includes spilt drinking water, manure volume (urine and faeces) and cleaning
water are added to the flush water. It is estimated that the additional effluent produced from these
sources would increase the amount of effluent by approximately 5% and hence the predicted VS and
TS production is within 10% of the measured data.
For Piggery B, the PIG-BAL model with “standard” feed wastage rates supplied provided a poor
estimation of both VS and TS production. This is likely due to two reasons. Firstly, the actual
volume of effluent produced was not measured (only flushing water) and the additional effluent
produced would have increased the amount of VS and TS actually produced by around 11%. Also,
the feed usage data provided by this piggery appeared to be high, with an average finisher pig (20
weeks) using 2.6 kg/d. A figure of around 2.2 – 2.3 kg/d would appear to be more realistic for pigs of
this age. This increased feed usage would have the effect of over-estimating solids (VS and TS)
production. Interestingly the DCC method, which is based on standard tables closely matched (within
5%) the measured data. This is likely due to the DCC method tabulated values supplied being
generated with PIG-BAL, using more realistic feed usage rates.
For Piggery C, the PIG-BAL model, using “standard” feed wastage rates supplied was able to closely
predict the actual amount of VS produced (within 1%) when compared to measured data. This
piggery was also able to supply detailed production data, feed usage and actual feed ingredients for
the piggery over a 1 month period while a detailed parallel effluent sampling was conducted. This
piggery also had the most rigorous testing regime to obtain effluent concentrations. Total volumes of
effluent produced were also measured, not just estimates based on flushing volumes. The prediction
of TS for Piggery C using the PIG-BAL model was less accurate, with an under-prediction of 15%
compared to the measured data. There is no clear explanation for this, except for the issue that the
piggery was screening solids prior to the effluent being sampled and the amount of solids removed
during screening had to be partially estimated. Since the data for this projected was collated further
testing has taken place at the piggery with the screens inactivated. Sampling at this piggery has shown
that VS production has increased by approximately 35%, the same amount that was estimated to be
removed in this study.
Overall it can be concluded that the PIG-BAL model can provide a good estimate of VS production
and hence potential methane production as it allows “real data” to be input on production details, diet
ingredients fed and amount of feed used. However, the input value of percent feed wastage used in
PIG-BAL was shown to have a large impact on the predicted values of VS and TS production. For the
three case study piggeries, modifying the “standard” feed wastage values in PIG-BAL by ±50%
resulted in variations of VS production from between 21 and 40%, with TS varying between 20 and
34%. This highlights the importance of being able to accurately estimate feed wastage.
A possible improvement to the PIG-BAL model is to remove the feed wastage percentage as an input
and make feed conversion ratio (FCR) an input variable. Guidance could be provided to the user on
typical high, medium and low FCR for different herd structures (e.g farrow-to-finish, farrow-to-wean,
weaner, grower-finisher etc) for different housing types (e.g. conventional flushing, flushing and
environmentally controlled, deep litter). Feed ingested and feed wastage could then theoretically
back-calculated by reviewing and including feed required for maintenance and activity. This would
reduce the number of inputs required by the user. This type of change may also warrant the
investigation changing the model to an energy balance model similar to that adopted by IPCC.
Other predictive methods are also potentially useful for predicting manure production provided they
are based on up-to-date feed digestibility/energy availability and feed intake data. Methods that use
standard text book values (such as the old ASAE (1988) standard) are very poor at predicting manure
From this study the following recommendations can be made:
1. Collect effluent production data from an intensive dairy system so that comparisons can be
made against predictions from the DAIRY-BAL model and the other methods and models in
this report. The dairy industry is likely to offer more potential for harvested energy from
manure as it continues to expand.
2. Collect manure production and decomposition data from beef cattle feedlots so that
comparisons can be made against predictions from the BEEF-BAL model and the other
methods and models in this report. The feedlot industry is a very large producer of organic
waste and potentially offers the greatest potential for harvesting energy from the intensive
animal industries.
3. Ensure further studies that measure manure production from piggery systems also collect
production and feed data to enable further validation of the PIG-BAL model. This should also
involved controlled experiments using metabolic cage experiments. The case studies
piggeries investigated in this report that had both good production and feed data, as well as
reliable effluent concentration and volume data showed that modern predictive models and
methods that use feed usage and digestibility (such as PIG-BAL) can give reliable estimates
of VS production.
4. Ensure that the balance models that are commonly used in Australia for estimating manure
production (PIG-BAL and BEEF-BAL) are kept up-to-date with the latest digestibility and
nutrient content of feed ingredients that are an important input to these models. It would also
be useful to investigate the updating of these models with energy balance predictive methods,
as this information is more readily available in the Australian literature than dry matter
digestibility values for individual feed ingredients.
5. Develop methane potential (Bo) standards and analysis data for Australia conditions.
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Appendix A – Methods for Calculating
Gross Energy
Gross energy GE calculation
GE is the summation of the net energy requirements and the energy availability characteristics of the
feeds. IPCC (2006) considered Equation A1 to be a good practice for calculating GE requirement for
cattle, buffalo and sheep using the results of equations for energy requirement.
REM = ration of net energy available in a diet for maintenance to digestible energy
consumed, (MJ/day)
REG = ratio of net energy available for growth in a diet to digestible energy consumed,
The net energy for animal maintenance, Equation A2, is the amount of energy needed to keep the
animal in equilibrium where body energy is neither gained nor lost (Jurgen 1988).
NEm = Cf i * (Weight) Equation A2
Cf i = a coefficient which varies for each animal category as shown in Table 29,
Table 29: Coefficient for calculating net energy for maintenance (NEM) (IPCC 2006)
Mean winter temperature will affect the net energy for maintenance. The coefficient, Cfi, must be
adjusted with Equation A3 (IPCC 2006).
The net energy for activity, Equation A4, is the energy needed to obtain their food, water and shelter;
it is based on the feeding situation. It is calculated as a fraction of the net energy for maintenance.
NE a = Ca x NE m Equation A4
Table 30: Activity coefficient corresponding to animal’s feeding situation (IPCC 2006)
Situation Definition Ca
Stall Animal are confined to a small area (i.e., tethered, pen, barn) with the result that 0.00
they expend very little or no energy to acquire feed
Pasture Animals are confined in areas with sufficient forage requiring modest energy 0.17
expense to acquire feed
Grazing Animals graze in open range land or hilly terrain and expend significant energy to 0.36
large areas acquire feed
Source: National Research Council (1996) and AFRC (1996) cited in IPCC (2006)
Net energy for lactation
The net energy for lactation, Equation A5, is expressed as a function of the amount of milk produced
and its fat content expressed as a percentage (National Research Council (2001) cited in IPCC
The net energy for work estimate the energy required for draft power for cattle (Equation A6).
Bamualim and Kartiarso (1985) cited by IPCC (2006)) show that about 10% of day’s NEm
requirements are required per hour for typical draft power work for animals.
The energy for pregnancy for cattle is the total energy requirement for a 281-day gestation period
averaged over an entire year. Equation A7 calculated it as a fraction of the net energy for
Ratio of net energy available in a diet for maintenance to digestible energy consumed
The ratio of net energy available in a diet for maintenance to digestible energy consumed (REM) is
predicted using Equation A8 (Gibbs and Johnson (1993) cited in IPCC (2006)).
REM = ration of net energy available in a diet for maintenance to digestible energy
consumed, (MJ/day)
The net energy needed for growth, Equation A9, is based on National Research Council (1996) cited
in IPCC (2006).
BW = the average live body weight (BW) of the animals in the population, (kg)
C = a coefficient with a value of 0.8 for female, 1.0 for castrates and 1.2 for bulls
MW = the mature live body weight of an adult female in moderate body conditions, (kg)
WG = the average daily weight gain of the animals in the population, (kg/day)
Ratio of net energy available for growth in a diet to digestible energy consumed
The ratio of the net energy available for growth available in a diet to digestible energy consumed
(REG) is estimated by Equation A10 (Gibbs and Johnson (1993) cited in IPCC (2006)).
REG = {1.164 – (5.160x10-3 x DE %) + [1.308 x 10-5 x (DE%) 2] – (37.4/DE %)} Equation A10
REG = ratio of net energy available for growth in a diet to digestible energy
consumed, (MJ/day)
NRC method for estimation of GE
National Research Council (NRC) provides methods for estimating nutrient requirements for
pigs(National Research Council 1998), beef cattle (National Research Council 1996)and dairy cattle
(National Research Council 2001). Maintenance, pregnancy, lactation and growth energies are
reported in tables according to the diet for beef cattle and dairies.
The crude protein content is calculated from the nitrogen content of the diet multiplied by 6.25
(Equation 23). The fat intake is assumed to be 2%. The carbohydrate intake is the balance of the fat
and carbohydrate components.
CP = N x 6.25 Equation 23
Estimates of Manure Production from Animals for Methane Generation
by Mr Eugene J McGahan, Miss Claudiane Ouellet-Plamondon and Dr Peter J Watts
The increased costs of energy and the potential greater prices RIRDC is a partnership between government and industry
paid for renewable energy is making methane capture from to invest in R&D for more productive and sustainable rural
animal manures more economically feasible. With a better industries. We invest in new and emerging rural industries, a
understanding of the manure production rates and the suite of established rural industries and national rural issues.
economically feasible size of these industries, a greater uptake of
the existing technology to recover energy from these intensive Most of the information we produce can be downloaded for free
animal industries will occur. or purchased from our website <>.
This project aimed to provide independent estimations of waste RIRDC books can also be purchased by phoning
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