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Augmented Reality

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Thanks to Richard Balmer (Companero) for the
inspiration, help and encouragement

Thanks also go to the other veterans of The Long Walk

over at http://vfte.cyberpunk.co.uk namely
senior officer Mikael van Atta (Mateusz Wisniewski),
gomiville, Gratwin, O’borg, TigerGuard and HalC.

And finally, many thanks to Zak Smith for creating

Vornheim. Without it, this book would not exist.



Designed & compiled by

(Geist at http://neuralarchive.blogspot.co.uk)
©Geist Hack Games 2017

Dedicated to Alexandra, Taylor and Lucy

for putting up with my constant nonsense.

And to the Friday Night Crew, for letting

me experiment on you. Over and over.

Geist Hack Games

Over on the Views From The Edge forum ( http://vfte.cyberpunk.co.uk ), I put forward the
idea of group-creating a cyberpunk city kit in the vain of Zak S's seminal Vornheim, which
was made for Old School renaissance (OSr) D&D-alikes. In the excellent Vornheim book,
Zak provides a variety of table-based resources designed to quickly add both detail and
flavour to fantasy cities on the fly. While he wrote it for himself, and to give him the most
utility mid-game, it has proven wildly popular and has become a benchmark for similar
old school elf-game projects.

Being largely based in complex urban sprawls, most cyberpunk games tend to provide
city source material as standard, but are largely based on the pre-Vornheim model of
a mish-mash of detailed locations, leaving large voids and lacking a lot of flavour. like
with Vornheim, what we felt was needed was something more fluid, a kit rather than a
sourcebook, that could be used as the game is in progress, following Zak's philosophy of
'maximum table utility'. We defined it as something that could be used during the game,
was simple to access, sparked ideas with a simple sentence, and both added to the game’s
evolving environment and to play. Also, making the kit system agnostic was essential, as
not everyone plays R.Talsorian’s Cyberpunk 2020®.

richard Balmer, creator of the Vircades Project and Views From The Edge luminary, said it
best when he summarised the project as "taking things you know and adding layers of
science fictional strangeness to make it new and exciting" and "to add cyberpunk to the
world as it is." With that firmly in mind, some pixels were wrangled and tables started to
form, resulting in the content of this book. Hopefully, we have achieved our aim and the
ideas within will aid struggling cyberpunk gamesmasters in adding futuristic layers to their
campaign worlds, with a minimum of effort.

Whether your players prowl the mean streets of Night City, the Seattle Sprawl, Neo Tokyo,
Cape Town or Budapest in the 2060s, the tables and NPCs of Augmented Reality will enable
you to spice-up any dark future metroplex when you’re caught off guard.


Paul D Gallager



An Introduction............................................................................................................................04
The Downtown Drop Down Grid .................................................................................................06
Expanded Building Features .......................................................................................................08
local Conflict & Events ...............................................................................................................09
Alt-Businesses, Street use & Sickness......................................................................................10
legacy Tech & Nightlife ..............................................................................................................11
Sense & The City - Smells...........................................................................................................12
Sense & The City - Sounds .........................................................................................................13
Sense & The City - Sights ...........................................................................................................14
Big Screens & Infotainment ........................................................................................................15
What’s On The road....................................................................................................................16
More Traffic & Augmented reality .............................................................................................17
The Instacitizen Drop Down Grid ...............................................................................................18
First Impressions ........................................................................................................................19
random Cabbies .........................................................................................................................20
Tattoos & Vice .............................................................................................................................21
Corporate Aristocrats..................................................................................................................22
Boardroom Manoeuvres .............................................................................................................24
urban Tribes: Street Gangs.........................................................................................................26
Armed response .........................................................................................................................29
Fixers & Facemen ........................................................................................................................30
Mr Johnson Job Generator 1: People ........................................................................................32
Mr Johnson Job Generator 2: Things ........................................................................................33
Technical Details.........................................................................................................................34
What’s On The Corpse?...............................................................................................................35
Guns For Hire...............................................................................................................................36
Antisocial Media..........................................................................................................................38
One Man’s Trash .........................................................................................................................39
Strange Encounters.....................................................................................................................40
The Things People Do.................................................................................................................41
Hackable Assets Drop Down Grid ..............................................................................................42
Bugs In The System ....................................................................................................................43
Hackers & Slicers ........................................................................................................................44

Auto or
Consumer Art Dealer Storage units legal
Pharmacy robotics
Electronics or Gallery or Warehousing Firm

religious Capsule Data low rent Grocery Store

Building Hotel Storage Housing Project or Hypermarket

Garage or
rail or Fast Food Police School or Government
road Franchise Precinct College Building

Office Hospital Department
Block or Clinic Store

Body New
luxury Security
Augmentation Media Industrial
Apartments Tech
Clinic Company

Vehicle Fashion Commercial

Mall Vrcade Gym
Showroom Boutique Cybernetics

Apartment Block
leisureplex Nightclub
or Hab Stack

Courier or
3D Print
underpass Hotel ripperdoc Bulk Transport

Pop-up Coffee Taxi

Bar restaurant
Market Shop Firm

Pocket Suburban Movie Multi-level
Tech or Bank Antiques
Park Housing Theatre Car Park


The Downtown Drop Down Grid is designed to enable unprepared or improvising
cyberpunk GMs to generate the immediate urban environment, quickly and easily,
simply by dropping some dice and checking where they land.

How it works: First, print out that strange looking I decide that the Data Storage building is fine
grid to the left. Then, grab a few D10s, three or with just the four storeys, the Industrial building
four being a good number, and drop them onto stretches up over five floors, I double the 3 to a 6
that grid. Where each of the dice lands will tell for a taller Hotel and I also double the number for
you the type of buildings your players have in the Apartment Block, giving me eighteen storeys.
their immediate area.
Next I look at the features tables, using two
Now, the numbers shown on each dice can be results from Table 1 and two from Table 2. So,
used in a couple of different ways; to determine my four storey Data Storage company building
the number of floors the building has, and to find is (4) obvious gang turf, the five storey Industrial
if it has any notable features (optional). unit is home to a (5) back room brothel, our six
floor Hotel appears to be (6) obscured by ad
To ascertain the number of floors, just look at the screens and, finally, the eighteen floors of our
number on the top of that particular dice. That’s Apartment block is set up to be (9) self sufficient.
how many floors there are. If you want a bigger
structure, just double the result of that dice. In no time at all, and by just dropping four dice
onto a sheet, I have a clear idea of what buildings
The same numbers can also be checked against are around the PC group and what they may find
the tables below to see what quirks the building inside, as well as continuing to reinforce that
may have, there’s no need to reroll. Dropping essential cyberpunk atmosphere for my players.
a few dice gives you buildings, their height and
any features of note, quickly and easily. Plus, as the campaign progresses, new feature
tables can be created, prior to play, for use with
An example: I drop four ten-sided dice onto the the dice drop grid at the game table. Overleaf,
grid, landing on Data Storage, Industrial, Hotel you will find an expanded D100 table of useful
and Apartment Block and the numbers on the building features, to help add colour to your
dice are 4, 5, 3 and 9. neighborhoods during pre-game prep.

Notable Features Table 1 Notable Features Table 2

1 Extreme Security Protocols 1 Abandoned Edifice
2 Decrepit and rundown 2 repurposed As (drop again)
3 Graffitipocalypse 3 Front For Corporate Activity
4 Obvious Gang Turf (see P26) 4 Front For Criminal Activity
5 Back room Brothel 5 Hidden Squatters
6 Newly renovated 6 Obscured By Ad Screens (see P15)
7 unusually Busy 7 Nano ‘Grown’
8 Empty/Quiet 8 Incomplete
9 Inadequate Security 9 Self Sufficient
10 High Tech Equipment 10 Crumbling Cheapcrete
Roll D100
1 Extreme Security Protocols 51 External utilities
2 Decrepit And rundown 52 Extensive Solar Grid And Fog Catchers
3 Graffitipocalypse/Street Art Heavy 53 Bad Epoxy repairs
4 Obvious Gang Turf (see P26) 54 unpleasant Micro-Climate
5 Back room Brothel 55 Infested With rogue remotes
6 Newly renovated 56 Self Aware
7 unusually Busy 57 Cellular Black Hole
8 Empty/Quiet 58 Mainly Populated By Hoarders
9 Inadequate Security 59 Accumulated Trash Heaps
10 High Tech Equipment 60 unusual Smell (see P12)
11 Abandoned Edifice 61 Very Few Working lights
12 repurposed As… (drop again) 62 A riot Of Satellite Dishes
13 Front For Corporate Activity (see P22) 63 Very Noisy utilities
14 Front For Criminal Activity 64 Catastrophically Polluted
15 Hidden Squatters 65 unfinished Extension Or Empty levels
16 Obscured By Ad Screens (see P15) 66 Permadamp
17 ‘Grown’ By Nanites 67 legacy Infrastructure (see P11)
18 Incomplete 68 Bad Wiring; High EMF; Black Outs
19 Self Sufficient 69 Patrolled By Hired rent-A-Cops (see P29)
20 Crumbling Cheapcrete 70 Aggressively Enforced No-Parking Zone
21 War Zone 71 Windows Boarded With Opaque Acrylic
22 Fire Damage 72 Main Entrance Out Of Order
23 Not A Building, But Mobile 73 Several Trashed Cars Out Front
24 Elaborate Balconies 74 Being Audited By Fanatical City Inspectors
25 Years Of Clumsy Modification 75 Wind Tunnel
26 For Sale/To-let 76 Tinted Glass And Carbon Nano-Tubes
27 Bright Emoji Glyphs And Graphics 77 Homeless Magnet
28 reinforced for repair Work 78 Shakes When Trucks Pass
29 Extremely leaky 79 Completely Automated
30 Gothic Style 80 Exotic/Foreign Architecture
31 Chic And Minimalist 81 Obvious Corporate Sponsor
32 Brutalist 82 Endorsed By Celebutant
33 Encased In Plastic Siding 83 Promotes religion
34 labyrinthine 84 Independent Nation State
35 Skywalks To Other Buildings 85 Family Owned
36 Industrial Style 86 Scheduled For Demolition
37 Anti-Drone System 87 rat Or roach Problem
38 Nano Immune System 88 Security Camera Overkill
39 People Queue To Enter 89 A Crime Scene
40 Well Guarded 90 Target Of Net Terrorism
41 AI Guardian 91 Malfunctioning Incessant Alarm
42 Ar Heavy (see P17) 92 Slowly Collapsing Or Subsiding
43 Selective Access 93 under Surveillance
44 Buggy Security Net (see P43) 94 Enforced No Fly Zone
45 Taken Over By Junkies 95 Prone To Flooding
46 Foreign Ghetto 96 Ecologically Sound; No Carbon Footprint
47 Sweatshop Conditions 97 Popular With Particular Subculture
48 utilised Solely For Storage 98 Totally Sterile
49 Veiled Behind Polymer Sheeting 99 Extensive Drone Docks
08 50 All Windows Damaged 100 Causes Sickness (see P10)


Roll 4D10
Style State Unusual Feature Secret
1 Minimalist untidy Hydroponics Cameras
2 Industrial Pristine Scavenged Furniture Microphone
3 Shabby-Chic Sterile Holograms Privacy Screen
4 (Bio)Organic Cramped Monochromatic Separate lAN
5 Brushed Steel Spacious Artificial Plants Hidden room
6 Polymer Baroque Cavernous Strange Acoustics Escape route
7 Gothic Biohazard Weird Smell (see P12) Custodian AI
8 rustic Organised remote Assistants Weapon Sensor
9 Office Beige Cluttered legacy Tech (see P10) Weapons Cache
10 Hexagonal Tiles Feng Shui Exotic Pet Hidden Stash


Conflict Group Conflict Source Opposing Group
1 Street Gang (see P26) Treachery Media Web
2 Corporate Aristocrat (see P22) Adultery Indentured Workers
3 Fixer Network (see P30) Fraud Or Theft Transient Clan
4 Netrunner Collective (see P44) Addiction Drug Dealers
5 Solo Condotta/PMC (see P36) Ambition Criminal Syndicate
6 Criminal Syndicate Madness Solo Condotta/PMC (see P36)
7 Drug Dealers love Netrunner Collective (see P44)
8 Transient Clan Folly Fixer Network (see P30)
9 Indentured Workers Paranoia Corporate Aristocrat (see P22)
10 Media Web rivalry * Street Gang (see P26)
*Rivals: 1-5 Within Same Group, 6-10 Different Group

AREA EVENTS Roll 2D10 per game week

1 Gang Block War (see P26) Collateral Damage

2 Corporate Sweep (see P22) Evictions
3 Man-Made Disaster Diminished Infrastructure
4 Political unrest Fear
5 Development/Investment Leading Gentrification
6 Area lock Down To… rebellion
7 Police Withdrawal Chaos
8 Enhanced Security Curfews
9 New Clade Established unification/Community Cohesion
10 Mob War rapidly Escalating Fatalities
Business Type Quality Security Status
1 3D Printshop Mom n Pop None Start up
2 Ar Designer Discount Cameras & Alarm Closing Down
3 City-Farm Stack local loyalty Armed Owner Struggling
4 Cyber Support Exclusive local Gang Profitable
5 Info Bank reliable Brand Security Guard(s) High Demand
6 Assist Frames Mass Market 24 Hour Security Haemorrhaging
7 retro Crafts Fashionable Biometrics For Sale
8 SCOP* Franchise luxury Brand Drones Franchise
9 Sim Sense High End luxury Guard Animal Criminal Front
10 Puppet rental Bespoke/Custom State-of-the-Art Bad reputation
*Single Cell Organic Proteins - the nation’s favourite nutrient soup


1 Power plant from main battle tank, used as a generator for a squat or shanty
2 Hydroponics rig from scrapped research ship, used to breed modified food-algae
3 Atmosphere recycling taken from orbital work shack, for a sealed environment
4 Automotive industry robotic arms fitted with tasers, utilised for entrance security
5 Chinese banking servers, used as a fixer’s offline data archive
6 Shipping container homes, mounted on scaffolding with industrial adhesives
7 Aircraft seating used as makeshift furniture, within parachute nylon shelters
8 Downed corporate surveillance drone, reconfigured to enable secure phone calls
9 Salvaged fast food friers and ovens, co-opted for mass drug production
10 Outmoded clinical CAT scanner, jury-rigged into rudimentary security screen


Symptoms Cause Malady
1 Difficulty Breathing Bad Air/Pollutants/Smoking Emphysema
2 lesions/redness/lumps Jankey uV levels/Toxic rain Skin Cancer
3 Immunodeficiency Pollutants/Chemical Soup Toxic Shock
4 lethargy/Weight loss Vitamin Deficiency/Junkfood Malnutrition
5 Flaky/Spots/Blisters Pollutants/Chemical Soup Messed up Skin
6 Hair loss/Discolouration Pollutants/Chemical Soup Alopecia
7 unpleasant Odour Pollutants/Chemical Soup BO/Body Funk
8 Vomiting/Diarrhea Junkfood/Pollutants/Toxins Gastric Catastrophe
9 Silvery Grey Emissions Nanite Infused Air/rejection Grey Sweats
10 red Watery Eyes/Painful Bad Air/Pollutants/Toxins Burning Eyes


Roll 1D10

1 Decommissioned subway tunnel, accessible from building, and vice versa

2 Off site telecoms junction box, once served the local neighborhood
3 Condemned slum quarantined with concrete seal, or biohazard containment zone
4 Interconnected basements and foundation voids, poorly secured
5 Sealed sub-basement parking for previous building, with still functioning elevator
6 Forgotten floor following remodelling work, accessible through crawl space
7 Disused loading or maintenance bay, with hidden goods elevator
8 undocumented Cold War bomb shelter or bunker network
9 Exposed air venting system, leading to moth-balled sub-basement laboratory
10 unused utilities still feed into buildings, accessible from empty sewerage system


1 Obsolete, reformatted data vault, deep underground, poor information hygiene

2 Hard drive archive in the roof space, or located off site in purpose built library
3 Zero Day Exploit via overlooked archeonet (the earlier website; uses an old OS)
4 Cloud account, covertly syncing data from devices in it’s proximity
5 Ancient dial-up modem, still linked to the network, acts as possible back door
6 Web cameras on unused computers, still accessible via the net
7 unauthorised porn or gaming account, log in still active, possible exploit
8 Previously defeated hacking attempt left old code gate decrypted and open
9 Networked but obsolete peripherals remain powered on and in standby mode
10 Partially de-rezzed AI ‘ghost’ haunts the network and is, by now, quite insane


Bar or Club Status Security Vibe
1 Below Zero New Owner(s) None Total Dive
2 Dubculture Closing Down Cameras & Alarm Atmospheric
3 The Danceteria Drug Problem Armed Owner Gang Turf
4 Club Synapse Violence Problem local Gang Fashionable
5 Atrocity Criminal Owned Armed Bouncers PermaParty
6 Storm Bad reputation 24 Hour Security Sleazy
7 The Dispensary Student Crowd Hired Thugs Quiet
8 ryumi’s under Surveillance Weapon Scanners Franchise
9 The Black room War Zone Cyborg Bouncers Popular
10 The Flesh Café Best Bands/DJs State-of-the-Art Exclusive

Sense & The City - Smells is a D100 table designed to allow the GM to quickly
generate the most prominent scent in a given city area, or as a PC enters an interior
space such as a room or elevator. roll on it once for a particularly dominant smell,
or several times for a more interesting olfactory experience.

Roll D100
(on a result of 00, roll again twice)

1 Cigarette Smoke 34 Antiseptic 67 Cheese

2 Cheap Perfume 35 Candy 68 Wet Concrete
3 Expensive Cologne 36 Mint 69 Disinfectant
4 Exhaust Fumes 37 Salt 70 Polythene
5 Stale refuse 38 Tea 71 Nail Varnish
6 urine 39 Fresh Sweat 72 Whiskey
7 Vomit 40 Infected Tissue 73 Coconut Oil
8 Burning Plastic 41 Paint 74 Vinyl
9 Ash 42 Mold & Mildew 75 Wine
10 Acrid Chemicals 43 Baby Powder 76 Acetone
11 Cordite 44 Acid 77 Cookies
12 Blood 45 Feet 78 Ammonia
13 Wet Hair 46 Cinnamon 79 Biodiesel
14 Motor Oil 47 leather 80 Polish
15 Faeces 48 lemon Zest 81 Printer Toner
16 Soda Pop Sweetness 49 Damp 82 Dust
17 Noodles 50 rot 83 Glass Cleaner
18 rubber 51 Overheated Circuit Board 84 Musty
19 Burnt Meat 52 Cigars 85 Opiates
20 Dirty Sneakers 53 Floral Scent 86 raw Meat
21 Fried Food 54 Pizza 87 laminate
22 Beer 55 Spices 88 Weed/Skunk
23 Perfumed Bleach 56 lavender 89 Drains
24 Body Odour 57 Sewage 90 Thinners
25 Varnish 58 Pine 91 Old Food
26 Insecticide 59 Crack Cocaine 92 Incense
27 Soap 60 Cat Piss 93 Fused Wiring
28 Sulphur 61 Gas 94 lube
29 Hairspray 62 latex 95 Sour Milk
30 Printed Polyamides 63 French Fries 96 Garlic
31 Hydraulic Fluid 64 New Cyberlimb Smell 97 Alcohol Sanitiser
32 Coffee 65 Sex 98 Cheap Aftershave
33 resin 66 Menthol 99 Gun Oil


Sense & The City - Sounds is a D100 table designed to allow the GM to quickly
generate the background noises for the city. roll on it once for the most noticeable
sound in the area or interior space, or several times to emulate the cacophony of
urban living.

Roll D100
(on a result of 00, roll again twice)

1 Building Alarm 34 A reversing Vehicle 67 running Water

2 Barking Dogs 35 An Annoying ringtone 68 Drunk Singing
3 Incoherent Shouting 36 Sexual Activity 69 Skateboards
4 A Single Gunshot 37 Police radio Chatter 70 Tattoo Gun
5 Ventilation System 38 loose Door Or Gate 71 rolling Cans
6 Car Doors Slamming 39 Group Chanting 72 Obvious Porno
7 loud Television 40 Popular Theme Tune 73 riot Or Demo
8 Children 41 Chesty Coughing 74 Overhead Train
9 Aerocar Overhead 42 Vehicle Alarm 75 Cats Fighting
10 Catchy Corporate Jingle 43 Steady Footsteps 76 Shrill Whistling
11 The Screech Of Tires 44 Automated Warning 77 Bug Zapper
12 Pedestrian Crosswalk 45 Beating Of Heavy rain 78 Street Hawker
13 rattle Cans In use 46 Garbled loudspeaker 79 Car Chase
14 Heavy Gunfire 47 Exchange Of Gunfire 80 Chilling War Cry
15 Sobbing 48 Background ‘Muzak’ 81 Motorcycles
16 Channeled Winds 49 Gutteral Screaming 82 Crackle Of Flames
17 Hum Of A Cleaning ‘Bot 50 A Call To Prayer 83 Door Buzzer
18 Buzzing Of Flies 51 loose Piping 84 An Anguished Cry
19 rattle Of Chains 52 Helicopter Overhead 85 Sneaker Squeak
20 Arcade Machines 53 The Buzz Of Neon 86 Scraping Metal
21 Breaking Glass 54 A revving Engine 87 Splashing
22 Text Alert 55 An Impromptu rave 88 Noisy Printer
23 An rPG launching 56 Water Pump 89 laser Fire
24 Sirens Inbound 57 road Works 90 Jingle Of Keys
25 running 58 right Wing Talk radio 91 Quiet Conversation
26 Subway rumble 59 Foreign Busker 92 Sirens Outbound
27 A loud Argument 60 Ice Cream Truck 93 Aerocar landing
28 Drill Or Power Saw 61 Distant Explosion 94 Frying Food
29 road Traffic Accident 62 Car Horn 95 A Brawl
30 Hellfire Street Preacher 63 uAV/Drone Motor 96 Doors Slamming
31 loud Energetic Music 64 Tumbling Trash Cans 97 Ads (see next page)
32 laughter 65 Evangelical Broadcast 98 Thunder
33 Hydraulics 66 Very Heavy Transport 99 Hissing White Noise

Sense & The City - Sights is a D100 table designed to allow the GM to quickly
generate the most notable things or activities in a given city area. roll on it once to
add focus, or a number of times to create complex, confusing distractions. use it in
conjunction with the Sounds table, to establish overlapping sensory layers.

Roll D100

1-2 Armoured cops bundle violently reluctant vagrant into ErA-plated squad car
3-4 A bus shelter made entirely of screens showing flashy commercials (see below)
5-6 Searchlights playing across the cloud cover and projecting branding (see below)
7-8 A brightly lit aerocab taking off in a cloud of exhaust fumes, rainwater and trash
9-10 AC vents in the sidewalk emitting a thick cloud of vapour
10-11 A heavy rainwater cascade falls from damaged guttering
11-12 Every underlit face on the street is concentrating solely on their phone
13-14 An ancient looking geriatric lopes past strapped into a linear assistance frame
15-16 A vid-blogger in full, wearable array, blatantly recording the scene
17-18 The nearest building has an intermittently flickering security light
19-20 Your view is blocked by a lumbering hi-vis recycling collection truck
21-22 A cluster of kids vaping, lED-lit clouds from under designer pollution hoods
23-24 A pair of bicycle couriers race one another through crawling traffic
25-26 Gritty, chemical infused sediment sloughing off a nearby rooftop
27-28 A large building-mounted flatscreen showing… (see table top right)
29-30 unattended roadworks, the area coned off and lit for safety for no good reason
31-32 An automated noodle vending truck, jingle playing, folds open and deploys nearby
33-34 A flock of scabrous-looking pigeons suddenly taking flight
35-36 A busy metro platform, full to capacity with disgruntled, rain-soaked commuters
37-38 An abandoned cybernetic limb lies forlornly by the kerb
39-40 Animated street art that twists and turns across two adjoining walls
41-42 Frantic homeless people, washing vehicle windscreens before the lights change
43-44 The flashing orange lights of a fat, dirty-yellow street sweeping remote
45-46 A nearby dataterm is missing it’s screen and is stuffed with trash
47-48 Your way is barred by a precarious heap of obsolete electronics
49-50 The rainbow incandescence of oil on a large puddle of dirty water
51-52 The substandard cheapcrete is pockmarked by years of corrosive rains
53-54 A loaded pizza delivery drone hovering about three meters above the ground
55-56 A wage-slave arguing with her phone’s onboard AI, before breaking down crying
57-58 An orange, multi-limbed, window cleaning remote clambers up the building facade
59-60 A long, silent queue for a blocky, exhaust stained, kerb-side Euthanasia Booth™
61-62 All the nearby street signs are gang-tagged over to the point of being useless
63-64 Filthy red and white plastic Jersey barriers block most of the sidewalk
1 Video gaming event


2 Highlights from major sporting event

3 System error message/connection failure
4 The time and date
5 The latest news headlines and lottery result
6 Infomercial/Advertainment (see below)
roll a D10 to see what the 7 The weather forecast/air quality statistics
mediocracy are piping to the 8 Pornography (hacked and then squirtcast?)
masses. roll more dice for
9 Music videos or movie trailers
split screen content.
10 Traffic information

65-66 An overpass or skywalk covered in colourful advertising animatics (see below)

67-68 There are crowds of fast moving people swarming absolutely everywhere
69-70 The scorched shell of a gutted vid-phone kiosk
71-72 Pedestrians flooding across the nearest intersection, en masse, both ways
73-74 A group of screeching street kids running along the overhead rail lines
75-76 A thick pea soup fog rolling down the streets and alleyways
77-78 All the street lights for this entire block just went out
79-80 rivers of rain-borne trash race along in the choked gutters
81-82 A small crowd of people gawping upwards at a potential jumper
83-84 A tight formation of drones races down the street, just above head height
85-86 A group of sex workers on a nearby street corner, approaching cars (see P21)
87-88 An out-of-order ATM threatens violent action to passers by who stray too close
89-90 unnervingly, there is absolutely no-one about
91-92 A pedicab operator struggling with heat exhaustion or dehydration (see P20)
93-94 A row of vendomats coated in layers of gang tags, going back many years
95-96 A GEV taxi takes a corner hard, throwing up polluted water, trash and crud (see P20)
97-98 An energetic street preacher giving a digital presentation on Cybernetic Jesus®
99-100 The sidewalk consists of slabs of flickering screens, showing adverts (see below)


Brand Name Range Product Line Marketing Style
1 Nologo Phoenix Cyber/Bio/Nanoware loud Hard Sell
2 Matsushira Omni Car/Motorcycle/AV Cartoony/Manga
3 Al Emaar AEX Foodstuff/Drink Sexualised
4 Horizon luxuria Clothing/lifestyle Sophisticated
5 De Santo Solaris Personal Service Abstract
6 Ellis-Itami rapide Computing/Comms Humorous
7 Osprey Hydra Personal Defense Gender Specific
8 Numan-lloyd Eco+ Pharmaceuticals Cheap
9 Modus Nexus Cosmetics/Scent Exotic/Arty
10 Cortex Platina Travel/Vacation Aspirational
Roll D100

1-2 Armoured Intercity Bus 51-52 Classic Car

3-4 Carbon-Fibre Pedicab (see P20) 53-54 Aero using road Wheels
5-6 GEV Taxi (Air Cushion) (see P20) 55-56 luxury Sedan
7-8 Automated uber/AI Taxi Sedan 57-58 Monowheel
9-10 Food/SCOP* Vending Truck 59-60 Hazardous Container Truck
11-12 Cyclist(s) 61-62 Three-Wheeler
13-14 Police Patrol Car 63-64 Waste Management Truck
15-16 Small City Electric 65-66 Automated road Sweeper
17-18 limousine 67-68 Police Motorcycle
19-20 Sports Car 69-70 Courier/Delivery Van
21-22 HMMWV (Humvee) 71-72 Scrap Built rickshaw (see P20)
23-24 Suburban utility Vehicle (SuV) 73-74 Standard Sedan
25-26 Estate Car/Stationwagon 75-76 Mobile Home/rV/MoPad
27-28 Moped/Scooter 77-78 Muscle Car/roadster
29-30 4x4/MrAP 79-80 Construction Vehicle
31-32 Very Heavy Goods Vehicle 81-82 Fire Tender
33-34 Armoured Truck 83-84 Buggy/ATV
35-36 Police Van 85-86 Powered Armour rickshaw (Cradle)
37-38 Sports Motorcycle 87-88 EMT/Paramedic/Ambulance
39-40 utility Van/Minivan 89-90 Armoured Personnel Carrier
41-42 refrigerated Transport 91-92 Quad Bike
43-44 Off road Motorcycle 93-94 Tow Truck (roll again for tow)
45-46 Flatbed/Pick-up 95-96 Car/Vehicle/PA Transporter
47-48 Tram/Metro-Train 97-98 regular City Bus (1-3 decks)
49-50 Hatchback 99-100 Trike
*Single Cell Organic Proteins - the nation’s favourite nutrient soup


Activity Notable Feature Condition
1 Speeding Extremely loud Music More Dirt Than Paint
2 Braking Hard Biodiesel Conversion Factory Fresh
3 Parking runs Silent rust Bucket
4 Pulling Into Traffic religious Iconography Held Together By Epoxy
5 Overtaking Too Many Passengers Well Maintained
6 Break Down Polymorphic Coating Partial respray
7 Crawling Overloaded With Cargo Mobile Trashcan
8 Collides With… Excessive Bumper Stickers Burned Out Engine
9 u-Turn low rider Dents And Scratches
10 reversing Off road Tires Overtly Armoured


Roll 2D10

1 luxury Aero/limo Banking

2 utility Aero Transport Descending
3 Aerobus/Aerocab (see P20) Ascending
4 Helicopter/Tilt-rotor Hovering
5 Ad Blimp (see P15) Circling
6 Gunship (aero or chopper) Speeding or In Pursuit (roll again)
7 Drone Cluster/uAV Cruising
8 Police Aero Weaving
9 Aero Sedan Overtaking
10 EMT/Paramedic Aero Clipping (roll again for what is hit)


1 A long, thin, high-powered speedboat (‘cigarette’ boat) races past

2 An air-cushion taxi GEV (Ground Effect Vehicle), slips down to the water (see P20)
3 A garishly illuminated party boat, packed with revellers, loud music (see P38)
4 A quiet and unassuming modern houseboat, moored to the embankment
5 An improvised submersible surfaces, seemingly lost, crew appear to be armed
6 An automated cargo transport barge, weaving through traffic using GPS
7 Clusters of detritus, plastics and thick yellow foam float on the oily surface
8 Clearly marked security hydrofoil, slowly patrolling, HMGs and searchlights
9 rescue Service tug, hi-vis wearing crew dredging bloated bodies from the water
10 A local go-gang has ‘upgraded’ to tricked-out jet skis and are causing havoc


Type Aesthetic Image Style
1 Direction Typographic Overlays Crisp/Bright
2 logo Storm Bright And Garish Glyphs Animated 3-D
3 Assistant Animated Persona High resolution
4 Blipvert see That’s Infotainment (P15) -
5 Political Emotive Imagery Sophisticated
6 Promotion* rapid Motion/Distracting Cheap/low resolution
7 Advice reassuring Infomemes Clear, Yet Subtle
8 Menu System unobtrusive And Integrated Technical/Sci-fi
9 Filter Fantastical And Otherworldly Surreal/Immersive/Arty
10 Prohibition Bold/Dramatic/Authorative Flat Vector Graphics
*Promotion refers to services and entertainment eg: bars, job agencies etc., and is designed to coax you in their direction. 17
researcher Street Gang
lounge or Bouncer or Aero lab
or Data Thug
Bar Manager Private Security Pilot Worker
Analyst (see P26)

uber or
Street Gambler or Fixer
limo Designer
Kid(s) Con Artist (see P30)

Sex Worker
Corporate City Beat Company
Pimp or Puppet Celeb
Worker Cop Exec
(see P21)

Drone Wrangler Service Staff or Freelance Thief or

or remote Operator Store Worker Media Fence

Hacker Military Syndicate Bounty

(see P44) Veteran Footsoldier Hunter

Cabbie Homeless Gang Syndicate
Drug Dealer Inspector
(see P20) Person Boss Boss
or Auditor
(see P26)

unemployed Corporate
(Increased leisure Citizen) Soldier

Bioware Factory Corporate Doctor

Tech Worker Agent or Street Medic

Online Solo or Killer

Detective Business Mercenary or
Person (see P36) Psycho

Aristocrat or refuse Emergency Worker

Transport Psych Government
Independently or recyc (EMT, nurse, paramedic, Scientist
Worker Evaluator Agent
Wealthy Worker fire fighter)


The Instacitizen Drop Down Grid is designed to enable unprepared or improvising
cyberpunk GMs to generate city dwellers in the immediate area, quickly and easily,
simply by dropping some dice and checking where they land.

How it works: First, print out that strange looking each dice can be used in different ways; to
grid to the left. Then, grab a few D10s, four or ascertain the number of people in a group, as the
five being a good number, and drop them onto NPC’s prime stat for their role, and to determine
that grid. Where each of the dice lands will tell if the citizens have any quirks or notable features
you the type of people your players have in their on the First Impressions tables (optional; choose
immediate area. Now, the numbers shown on a table for each NPC generated). Decide gender.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS? Check Dice or Roll D10

1 Painfully thin, chain smokes 6 Furtive and on edge, unkempt, tattoos

2 Athletic and wiry, huffing fast food 7 Misshapen by heavy augmentation
3 Bulky, obsolete cyberaudio 'domes' 8 Narcotic haze, fidgety hands, shabby
4 Bleeding gums, bloodshot eyes 9 loud, camp, and showy, anaemic
5 Sad looking, distracted by cell phone 10 Weary, apathetic, animated clothing
6 Many interface plugs, tattooed labels ---
7 Doughy and unhealthy looking 1 Acts deaf but isn't, knows people
8 Confident, highly polished, vinyl coat 2 Boxy e-cig, coat/hoodie, mirrorshades
9 Sophisticated, manipulative 3 Shy and apologetic, rubber raincoat
10 Cold and predatory demeanour 4 Oily skin, constantly checks watch
--- 5 Oddball dress sense, way too literal
1 Pale and sullen, pleasingly stylish 6 long hair, metal fan in downtime
2 Business like, gum chewer, sniffs 7 Trashy, overtly sexual, self-loathing
3 Square face, with small, darting eyes 8 Overclocked nervous system, sweats
4 Ill fitting clothes and bad teeth 9 Conservative, business-like
5 Pair of skinny plastic cyber arms 10 Toned, adjusts latest style clothes
6 Garish pink jaw, yellow acrylic teeth ---
7 rugged, practical and outdoorsy 1 Obvious cosmetic surgeries
8 Substandard gender reassignment 2 White enamel cyberlimb; expensive
9 Prominent implant branding 3 Gangsta bling, lisps, friendly
10 Dreadlocks, worn leather coat 4 Permanent plastic rictus grin
--- 5 Highly strung, with overly long fingers
1 Seems eerily artificial, very attractive 6 Pushed for time, bulky backpack
2 unintelligent, aggressive, pock marks 7 Poorly groomed, with a raspy voice
3 Mismatched optics, black turtle neck 8 Focussed on Ar, poor listener
4 Overweight and dirty, layered cloths 9 Workwear under overcoat, nods sagely
5 Engorged musculature due to grafts 10 Thick foreign accent, glowing optics 19
Roll D100 (or roll more to achieve more mixed results) Gender: odds female, evens male.
RANDOM CABBIES Appearance Nationality Conversation Topic Demeanour
1-2 Armoured up russian The state of the city Friendly/Helpful
3-4 unwashed Jamaican Big combat sports fan Aggressive
5-6 Chain smoker French Driverless vehicles Detached/Bored
7-8 Goggles & tech Sikh Indian Gangs in the area robotic
9-10 Fat, eating junk libyan Their huge family Overly Cautious
11-12 looks exhausted Nigerian Extreme alt-politics Humorous
13-14 Sick & shaking* uzbek Their tricked out vehicle Inquisitive/Nosy
15-16 Fresh implant(s) American The ecopocalypse Drunk/Stoned
17-18 Well groomed Chinese Conspiracy theories uncommunicative
19-20 Way too young… German Cod philosophy Extremely Positive
21-22 Pock-marked Dutch Classic rock music Surly
23-24 Half-starved Mexican How connected they are lecherous
25-26 Heavily tattooed Scottish The erratic weather Servile
27-28 Charms & symbols Irish Favourite TV shows Superstitious
29-30 Army fatigues Syrian Cyberware brands Abrupt
31-32 Fully cyborged ukrainian The recent/ongoing war Devout/religious
33-34 Hardwired in Thai They used to be rich Boastful
35-36 Transvestite Mongolian racist tirades Flamboyant
37-38 Tribal scarring Somali Corporate gossip (fake) Careless/Clumsy
39-40 Oversized optics local Kung-fu movies Suicidal
41-42 Chromed teeth Saudi Was once a surgeon Distracted
43-44 Slick with sweat Portuguese Their sexual conquests Cynical
45-46 Atrophied limb local reality TV shows suck Has Tourettes
47-48 Twitches Innuit Their deep dislike of Ar Argumentative
49-50 Polythene coverall Spanish Their pet synthetic goat unpredictable
51-52 layered T-shirts Turkish Global politics Nervous
53-54 Four handguns Danish The spectre of terrorism Ashamed
55-56 Excessive vaping latvian Hi-tech weaponry Charming
57-58 Filthy baseball cap romany Their many ex-partners Incoherent
59-60 Scruffy looking Greek Their work on their PhD Noisy/Interrupts
61-62 Facial burn scars local Their missing daughter 1000 Yard Stare
63-64 Constant texting romanian rampant crime Ambitious
65-66 Designer coat Finn The latest Vr games Calm
67-68 HuD Visor Flemish Their favourite eateries Arrogant
69-70 respirator Pakistani Info-Socialist revolution Grumpy
71-72 Mirrorshades Italian Their aggressive cancer law Abiding
73-74 Slab-headed Siberian Disdain for the police Depressive
75-76 Surplus flight suit local Was once a pilot Sensible
77-78 Geriatric Bulgarian Today’s youth/drugs Greedy
79-80 Creaking leathers South African The rich/poor divide respectful
81-82 Jury-rigged IV drip Malay Desire to be an actor Volatile/Touchy
83-84 Bright blue hair Kenyan The ethics of cloning Judgemental
85-86 Bullet earrings Tibetan Endorses brands (paid) Vulgar/rude
87-88 Wearable cameras Polish Making own net show Furtive
89-90 Autoshotgun Swedish Pushing PCs for a job Patronising
91-92 Has no legs Hungarian The welfare system Foolish/Stupid
93-94 Alopecia Congolese Getting out the business Grateful
95-96 Thin cyberarms Moldovan Extreme sex SimStims lonely
97-98 Aviator glasses Afghan State of their slum-cube Tuneful/Musical
20 99-100 Pale green optics Kashmiri How they live in the cab Naive
*see urban Sickness table on page 10 (Also, see page 12 for the cab and the driver’s unique smell…)


Roll 2D10
Peccadilloes, Vices, Addictions Level of Need
1 Child-like Sex Dolls or Synthetics Take It Or leave It
2 Prohibited Designer Narcotics light Interest
3 Street legal, But Harmful - Alcohol/Caffeine/Nicotine Ghoulish Fascination
4 SimStim/SimSense/Vr Gaming If The Opportunity Arises
5 Atrocity Images or Footage regular routine user
6 Prostitutes (Secretly Same Sex?) (see below) Intrinsic To Personality
7 Pornographic Material (Particular Acts or Fetish?) Only To Destress
8 Bizarre Fetish Wear or Activity Needed To Function
9 Pain/Sexual Violence (Towards Self or Others) unhealthy Obsession
10 Abuses Synthetic (or real) Animals All Consuming


What Style Where
1 Skulls/Bones Mexican/Aztec Back/Shoulders
2 roses/Flowers Pixilated/Computerised Bicep/Forearm
3 Crossed Guns/Blades Photorealistic Colour/Grey Hip/Groin
4 Snake/reptile Migratory/Animated Face/Scalp
5 Dragon/Mythical Beast Oriental Stomach
6 Animal/Predator Tribal lower leg/Calf
7 Nautical rockabilly Punk Thigh
8 Script/Message/Numbers Solid Monotone Graphics ribs/Chest
9 Geometric/Abstract Neon Glow Neck/Collar Bone
10 Technology/Circuitry Old School Blue Ink Buttock(s)


Sex Workers Identifies as…
1 Elegant Full Body Conversion, Aesthetically Pleasing Gay Male
2 Augmented genitalia and tactile sensory upgrades Cis Straight Female
3 lean, attractive, loaded with hallucinatory pheromones Transgender M to F
4 Battered synthetic, needs repairs, garish vinyl clothing Transgender F to M
5 All limbs replaced with double-jointed cybernetics Bisexual Female
6 Illegally young, brash, dead eyed - nearby junkie pimp Cis Straight Male
7 Disabled exotic bioform, assisted by linear frame Gay Female
8 Overweight, excessive make up, narcotic dependency Partial M to F; Bi-Male
9 Old, has local knowledge, skilled, clean medical record Pansexual Male
10 Neural cutouts, detached, implanted recorder suite Pansexual Female
Roll D100 and read across the columns (or roll more to achieve more mixed results)
1-2 Christian Moretta Buys endangered species, and mutilates them
3-4 Maria Moretta Drowns orphans in private swimming pool
5-6 Arkady Komarov Androids of dead loved ones, used as servants
7-8 Olena Komarov Collects and catalogues DNA samples of rivals
9-10 Asari Nwokolo She lacks confidence and is extremely paranoid
11-12 Oliver Young Compulsively records women while they sleep
13-14 Dominique Taylor-lloyd Hurts herself under stress
15-16 Edward Huang Addicted to expensive synthetic opioids
17-18 Tamara Preston Enjoys watching people die
19-20 Dr Narindar Malhotra Has a fondness for injured/disabled women
21-22 Namiko Ashworth Desires the top job at all costs
23-24 logan Ashworth Personal hacker collective headed by wayward nephew
25-26 George Kaufman likes his women completely devoid of hair
27-28 Adam Hamilton Once a spy for an ecoterrorist commune
29-30 Victoria Hamilton literally afraid of being at street level
31-32 James Arellano Enjoys the sound of people crying
33-34 Benjamin Moore Has a private army of desperate down-and-outs
35-36 Katsuto Nakamura Worships the net, as if it were a divine entity
37-38 William rochford Asexual
39-40 lewis Norton Despises the voices of all those around him
41-42 Armando Cordova Derives pleasure from the fear of others
43-44 Victor Constantine Has a paralyzing fear of the Biotech Division
45-46 Abigail Constantine Believes the board are hostile to her, afraid to leave
47-48 Todd McAlister under the influence of a rogue AI
49-50 Hannah McAlister requires nutrient baths several times a day
51-52 Catherine Dubois Serial adulterer; compelled by faulty sex implant
53-54 Jean Paul Dubois Always tells the truth
55-56 Peter Muller Wants revenge on the CEO for unknown reasons
57-58 Mohana Muller Overly reliant on complex prediction algorithms
59-60 Yi Xue Song Wants to die, but afraid of the afterlife
61-62 Fatima rasheed Seeks to dominate fixer networks for own ends
63-64 Col. Charles Weigel (ret’d.) Haunted by digital ghosts of those he’s had killed
65-66 Paulo Giovanni A cosmetically altered double, living the dream
67-68 Terence Cook Born in 1952, but looks only 25 years old
69-70 Genevieve Di Stefano Hates her implants; they make her feel sick
71-72 Dr Cameron Di Stefano Blackmailed into submission by orbital clade
73-74 Poppy Jacquet Secret second life as a high class callgirl
75-76 Isobella Jacquet Wants to kill her twin sister and main rival
77-78 Michelle Bachman Surprisingly normal
79-80 Wolfgang Bachman Has ‘precognitive’ dreams manipulated by a hacker
81-82 Stephen Gaskell Despises both daylight and bright artificial lighting
83-84 Adelle Davis Only wears clothes made by the indentured poor
85-86 Simon Clark Closely monitors the children of business rivals
87-88 Charlotte Clark Desires the utter destruction of the city
89-90 Cordelia Granger A downlinked AI masquerading as human
91-92 Prof. rachel Granger Obsessed with obscure, expensive fashion
93-94 Marcus Shepperton Believes the corporate elite are slaves to AIs
95-96 leonid Ortov Blackmailing corporates for money and favours
97-98 rosaline Williams Powerful intrusion software, but can’t work it
22 99-100 Ibrahim Al-Harmah Was in love with someone the PCs killed
1-2 Controls black tech imports Wears silk, furs and a monocle Married to…
3-4 Bribes the staff of her rivals Black eyes, red trouser suits Sleeps with…
5-6 Breeds biogenetic horrors Short, bald, gruff, distracted Father of…
7-8 Finest art collection in city Alcoholic, odd yet attractive rivalry with…
9-10 Hoards ‘occult’ objects Scarlett-haired, spiteful Student of…
11-12 Collector of antique technology One-eyed, uses an assist frame Enamored of…
13-14 Owns swathes of farmplexes Intense, passionate, green eyes Worried about…
15-16 Breeds & trains combat clones Crude, jocular, artificial jaw Works for…
17-18 Owns & operates sex resorts rotund, elegant, sarcastic Blackmailing…
19-20 Well regarded psychotherapist Obsequious, sharp intellect Suspicious of…
21-22 Security extremely loyal to her Proud, pitiless, pale blue eyes Daughter of…
23-24 Owns assemblery districts Mincing, meek, ruthless Schemes with…
25-26 Expert in corporate law Hairless, eager and awkward Jealous of…
27-28 Head of International retail Plodding, multi-lingual, talkative Married to…
29-30 Old money aristocratic family limp, opulent, over privileged Assaulted by…
31-32 Health & Safety Executive Furtive, argumentative, cynical Seeks aid of…
33-34 Exceptionally skilled hacker Old, decrepit, almost immobile Served by…
35-36 Head of Administration Chubby, ruddy, bespectacled Owes money to…
37-38 Head of BioDivision r&D Tedious, wheedling, androgynous Insulted by…
39-40 Media Operations liaison light, frivolous, ironic hipster Seeks service of…
41-42 Monitors company AI stable Dark haired, wears body armour Influence over…
43-44 Current Chief Executive Officer Weak voice, thin-fingered, cold Married to…
45-46 Wife; controls access to CEO Highly strung, middle-aged, pale Enamored of…
47-48 Popular decadent socialite Gracious, intelligent, seems kind Married to…
49-50 Famous society tastemaker Touchy, easily riled, sharp style Will betray…
51-52 Highly cosmetically enhanced Sentimental, fragile, wears white Married to…
53-54 Importer of pharmaceuticals recounts outrageous stories Trusts only…
55-56 Employs the finest chefs Nervous, sweaty, sloppy Married to…
57-58 Internal Security Director Open, friendly, business-like Friend of…
59-60 Poached from major rival Brusque, aging, cunning, twisted lusts after…
61-62 Black Operations Executive loyal to CEO, quiet, unassuming rivalry with…
63-64 Decorated combat veteran Grim, warlike, unbending, PTSD Trusts only…
65-66 Skilled investigator Somber, patient, sympathetic Annoys…
67-68 Handsome economist Greedy, lusty, barbaric and blunt Makes use of…
69-70 Award winning marketeer understated, wears gloves, OCD Married to…
71-72 CEO’s Physician Bulging eyes, veiny, creepy lusts after…
73-74 Public relations Executive Jewel-covered fashionista, vain Twin sister of…
75-76 Human resources Executive Abrupt, impatient, germ phobia Seeks aid of…
77-78 Company Security operative Suspicious, excitable, hot temper Married to…
79-80 Oversees sales divisions Wary, detached, thin, aged Only enjoys…
81-82 Funniest company employee universally liked, fat, generous Irritates…
83-84 uniformed Security Manager Energetic, black humour, bored Friend of…
85-86 CEO’s Personal Assistant Thin, wiry, long-nosed, stylish Son of…
87-88 Digital Security Executive White-haired, speaks in whispers Suspicious of…
89-90 lovely child; society darling radiant, innocent, foolish Adopted by…
91-92 Expert in cybernetic systems Frivolous, envious, insecure Worries about…
93-94 undervalued and overlooked Bitter, scarred, suspicious Seeks help of…
95-96 universally feared Exposes/frames enemies, fearless Curious about…
97-98 resource management Arrogant, devious, patronising Manipulating…
99-100 Enhanced killer of some renown Dark-eyed, clever, religious Works for… (1-2) 23

Boardroom Manoeuvres is a simple D100 table designed to allow the GM to quickly

generate the personal black operations of the corporate elite in the city. roll on
it once for a single main project, or several times to determine a web of dubious
company projects, and use them as a spring board for further intrigues.

Roll D100
(on a result of 00, roll again twice)

1 Testing New Weapons 34 Brainwashing key figures 67 lost Bioweapon

2 Deadly Waste Disposal 35 Abducting Street kids 68 Cover up Of Suicides
3 Engineered Pandemic 36 Adulterating The Water 69 Internal Investigation
4 Snatching Transients 37 Marketing Surveillance 70 Automating Jobs
5 Manipulating Media 38 Bid For Nation Status 71 Creating A War
6 Bribing Politicians 39 Hostile Takeover 72 Buying law Enforcers
7 Financial Manipulation 40 Arming Street Gangs 73 real-Estate Purchases
8 land Grab 41 Targeting undesirables 74 Phantom Accounting
9 Tracking Consumers 42 Collecting Biometrics 75 Adulterating Foods
10 Testing New Drugs 43 Testing New Synthetics 76 Manipulating Expenses
11 Altering Consumer law 44 Quantum Net launch 77 Doctoring records
12 Manipulating Market 45 Buy Minor Nation State 78 Wrecking Ecosystem
13 Stockpiling Medicines 46 Testing New Cyberware 79 Targeting Employees
14 Corrupting Technology 47 Political Assassination 80 Creates Net Exploits
15 Targeting rivals 48 Blackmailing Scientists 81 Purchasing Start-ups
16 Subliminal Advertising 49 Extract rival Employee 82 Eliminate r&D Failure
17 Eliminate Flawed Stock 50 Hire Hostile Hackers 83 Supporting Coup
18 rigging Safety Standards 51 Preparing To Defect 84 Covering up Blackmail
19 Full Blown Civil War 52 looking For Own Cure 85 Slashing Wages
20 undermine rival Brand 53 Hidden Warehouses 86 Buying Bankers
21 Offworld Banking Scam 54 Channeling Funds 87 Framing rival(s)
22 Covering up Insane AI 55 Designing Bio-Plague 88 Intimidate reviewers
23 Testing New Bioware 56 Building Private Army 89 Wants To Be CEO
24 Harvesting Organs 57 Covert Parallel Netsite 90 Bribes Oversight Group
25 Management Cull 58 Cloning Self 91 Triggering Civil War
26 Buying up Patents 59 Damaged Brand Salvage 92 Funding Counterfeits
27 Fixing Stock levels 60 Create False Charity 93 Doctoring Judicial AIs
28 Interdepartment War 61 Assassinate rivals 94 Purchasing Hospitals
29 Enforcing Copyright 62 Adulterating Medicines 95 Controlling Alt-Media
30 Creating Subsidiaries 63 Engineered Promotion 96 Creating Monopoly
31 Product Flaw Cover up 64 Planning rival’s Exile 97 False Advertising
32 New Product launch 65 Being Head-Hunted 98 Cutting Job roles

33 Department Merger 66 Faking Own Death 99 Will Destroy Company

Company Resources is a simple D100 table designed to compliment the Boardroom
Manoeuvres table, adding information regarding the sorts of unconventional tools
a corporate aristocrat can bring to the table, to get the job done. It is up to the GM
to rationalise (or re-roll) unusual results.

Roll D100
(on a result of 00, roll again twice)

1 Fixer Network 34 Support of CEO 67 Intimate Personal Data

2 Bought City Officials 35 Sympathetic Media 68 Army of Drug Dealers
3 Naive underlings 36 Weaponised Homeless 69 reassigned Agents
4 Foreign Head-of-State 37 Soulless Cyborg 70 ripperdoc Network
5 Compromised AI 38 Aggressive Hacker 71 Private Bodyguards
6 Weaponised Insects 39 Conned legislators 72 Own Family Fortune
7 Net Smear Campaign 40 Their Own lover(s) 73 Tracking Nanites
8 Dubious Security Team 41 Company Audit Team 74 SimStim users
9 Street Gang Alliance 42 Designer Toxins 75 Image Consultants
10 Fringe Political Group 43 Sex Synthetics 76 Private Investigators
11 Corporate Ninjas 44 Clueless Scientists 77 AI System Designer
12 Compromised Comms 45 Seconded Security Team 78 Child Assassin
13 Mercenary Contractors 46 Mafia Money 79 Propagandists
14 Surveillance Drones 47 People Traffickers 80 Blackmailed Hackers
15 loyal law Firm 48 Memetic Warfare Team 81 Pr Consultants
16 Duped Actors 49 Augmented Animals 82 Desperate Employees
17 Independent Hit Team 50 Combat Economists 83 Federal Investigators
18 Whistleblowers 51 Ambitious Courtiers 84 religious Group
19 Spiderform Cybershells 52 r&D Nanoweapons 85 Synthetic Commandos
20 Son(s) or Daughter(s) 53 City law Enforcers 86 Corrupt Accountants
21 Covert Sales Network 54 Company’s Black Ops 87 Deceived Online Fans
22 Monitors Computers 55 Autonomous Software 88 Compromised Implants
23 renowned Assassin 56 Adulterated Chipware 89 Seductive Concubine
24 unwitting Employees 57 Displaced War Veterans 90 Covert Vehicle Pool
25 rival Corporation 58 unethical Medtechs 91 Offworld Accounts
26 Elite Agents 59 Hacking Collective 92 Hunter-Killer Drones
27 Foreign Strike Team 60 Celebrity Stable 93 Elite Programmers
28 Pharmaceutical Company 61 Criminal Syndicate 94 Intelligence Agency
29 Army of Own Clones 62 Junkie relative 95 Cheap Gunmen
30 Bioweapons Division 63 Hazardous Virtuals 96 unstable remotes
31 Arms Dealers 64 Internal Investigators 97 Creative Techies
32 Petty Executive 65 Controlling Drug Supply 98 Private laboratory
33 Implanted Explosives 66 Social Warfare 99 Deceived rival 25
Roll D100 and read across the columns (or roll more to achieve more mixed results)
1-2 Cortical Dogs Neo-Primitive Wirehead Combat Gang
3-4 Subway Assassins Soft-armoured Nerve Boosted Skaters
5-6 radical Dragons Vr Game Playing Frame Assisted Martial Artists
7-8 Binary Prophets Neon-Punk Scavenger Tech-Jackers
9-10 Fragile Machine Drone utilising Info-Socialist Party Artistes
11-12 Hate Society Patriarchal Sports Fan Street Fighters
13-14 Electric Freaks lAN-linked Sex Predator Wireheads
15-16 Mobile Girls Augment Heavy All Female Go-Gang
17-18 Endgame Militia Spike Covered Doom Cult Boosters
19-20 Bubblegum Atrocity Ex-Convict Transgender Combat Gang
21-22 Biological Impulse Biomodified Brain Damaged Boosters
23-24 Shaolin rippers Blade Wielding Skill Chipping Martial Artists
25-26 Chrome Savages Body Modified Scrap Tech Chromers
27-28 Polymer riot Gun Fetishist Dog-Faced Boosters
29-30 rudeboy Apocalypse rastafarian racist Combat Gang
31-32 Terminal Storm SimStim rigged Media Savvy Chromers
33-34 Shadow Soldiers Tech-Ninja Parkour Combat Gang
35-36 Subsonic Cult Mood Chipping Alcoholic Party Artistes
37-38 Chemical loas Voodoo Practicing Drug Cooking Cultists
39-40 Chosen Kidz Chip-Hop Fan Political Combat Gang
41-42 Toxic Ghosts Grime-Punk Tech-Junkie Boosters
43-44 Steel Church Death Metal Fan Evangelical Chromers
45-46 Waffen Technicals Skinhead Übermensch Moto-Cultists
47-48 Cannibal Clowns Blood Stained Juggalo Pranksters
49-50 Panzer Fists Armour Plated Cyborg Street Fighters
51-52 Gun Sharks Couture Stealing Psychotic Street Kids
53-54 Disposable Boys Military Surplus War Veteran Nihilists
55-56 Iron Maniacs WoW Inspired Armour Clad Chromers
57-58 Speedball ultimates risk Taking rich Kid Skaters
59-60 AK legends African-Tribal Drug Enhanced Guardians
61-62 liquid Killaz ultraviolent Home Invading Boosters
63-64 Junky Bullets Drug Dependent Cannibal Street Kids
65-66 Instant revolvers War Painted Suicidal Combat Gang
67-68 Zone Bosses rag Enshrouded Homeless Guardians
69-70 Sushi Thugs Buddha-Faced Steroid using Street Fighters
71-72 lucifer’s Babies Emo-Goth Pseudo-Satanic Nihilists
73-74 remodelled Army Goggle Wearing Militant Boosters
75-76 Faceless Fanatics Androgynous Mask Wearing Nihilists
77-78 Vampire Daddies Blood Drinking Asexual Skaters
79-80 Crosstown Chaos road Armoured Anarchist Go-Gang
81-82 Aryan Hammer Heavily Tattooed Alt-right Policlub
83-84 Spirit Method Neo-luddite religious Guardians
85-86 Nomad Clan Goth-Punk Peddle Biking Go-Gang
87-88 Hydraulic Terror Industrial-Tech Psychotic Chromers
89-90 Fractal State Tech Savvy Eco-Socialist Policlub
91-92 Brain Wasters Net Dependent Philosophical Nihilists
93-94 Screaming Shards radical Feminist Boosters
95-96 lucid Moderns Ar Manipulating Political Pranksters
97-98 Napalm Harvest Afro-Haired Multi-optic Chromers
26 99-100 Happy losers Neon-raver Anti-Corporate Party Artistes
1-2 Deal in prohibited neural boosts, intellect stims, sakawa charms Turf war with…
3-4 Operate a stash house in the old Metro system and fence goods Steal from…
5-6 Import, crack and distribute Vr games and Hong Kong action sims Merger with…
7-8 Hack and tap electronic infrastructure, for a price rivalry with…
9-10 Will put on one hell of a party in exchange for hot information Employed by…
11-12 Trade in counterfeit sportswear, tickets and fan merchandise Preys on…
13-14 Supply banned pornographic SimStims and vid-chips Despises…
15-16 Sell Chiba-grade imported black market implants and upgrades Trades with…
17-18 Prolific dumpster-divers and parts-hunters; trade and exchange Actively targets…
19-20 Premier suppliers of street level gender reassignment technology Protected by…
21-22 leader hires out her most neurologically damaged boys as muscle Jealous of…
23-24 Currently making a killing in the underground fighting scene Turf war with…
25-26 Bargain basement prices for spectacular acts of arson Betrayed by…
27-28 Specialists in smash and grab jobs, for money and firearms Wary of…
29-30 Own and operate a warehouse nightclub in the factory district Monitored by…
31-32 Digital surveillance and stalking, seamless manipulation of video Employs…
33-34 Happy to be hired as rooftop street guides and expert sneaks Trades with…
35-36 Doctor common drugs, altering their composition and legality Owe money to…
37-38 Take protection money, cook drugs and provide bespoke curses Insulted MC of…
39-40 Work protection on a number of chip-hop bars and clubs Supplied by…
41-42 3D-print their own implanted weapons (fragile) Turf war with…
43-44 Several members are skilled Ar coders Allied to…
45-46 Make their money dealing in heavy weapons and stolen cars Despises…
47-48 Grow synthetic opium in hydroponic blisters and sell it on Targeted by…
49-50 Target small-fry fixers and gangers and steal their shit to sell on Protects…
51-52 Sell stolen fashions, counterfeits and cloned credit cards Terrified of…
53-54 Professional-level hits and heists, unfettered by rules of warfare Amused by…
55-56 Promise them in-game bitcoins and they’ll perform any ‘quest’ Humiliated by…
57-58 Fat allowances and legal back-up allow extreme road race stunts Threatened by…
59-60 Smuggle russian military hardware and protect ‘their’ hab stacks Turf war with…
61-62 Slave traffickers and suppliers of stolen consumer electronics Works with…
63-64 Suspected organ-leggers and kidnappers Despises…
65-66 Experts at depopulating hab stacks quickly and brutally Trades with…
67-68 Brew their own alcohol, trade it for SCOP; do gig work for SCOP Tend to avoid…
69-70 Skin-traders and flesh peddlars, buy and sell pretty young things Trades with…
71-72 Find and sell corpses or parts to the body banks Wary of…
73-74 Self-styled free-company, market themselves as street condottieri Turf war with…
75-76 Fence and sell black market cybernetic limbs of dubious origin Make use of…
77-78 Selling synthesized copies of virulent, manufactured HIVPlus strain rivalry with…
79-80 Will consider any job for new bikes or fuel; flaky, unpredictable Tend to avoid…
81-82 Frighteningly good propagandists and excellent rent-a-thugs In talks with…
83-84 Paid to protect a number of local Christian agri-businesses Make use of…
85-86 No-questions-asked bike courier service, as well as ride-by hits Threatened by…
87-88 Taken over a wrecking yard so they can just, ya know, wreck stuff Owe money to…
89-90 Minifacture their own flechette weapons and needleguns Trades with…
91-92 run an angst-soaked cloud forum, behind a secure pay wall Turf war with…
93-94 Hormone-farm captive young males to sell online Want to destroy…
95-96 Blackmail and harass prominent civil servants and create fake news Wary of…
97-98 Carjacking and auto theft, as well as elaborate respraying Buys from…
99-100 Do a roaring trade in illegally downloaded, DrM-free music Allied to… (1-2) 27
Current Gang Activity
1 Picking a fight with someone they don’t like - store owner, passer by, hab resident
2 Marking the local area with gang tags - Ar, spray paint, pens, animatic stickers
3 Shaking down the locals with threats and intimidation - for money, booze, sex
4 raving to their favourite music/propaganda, extremely loudly
5 Getting wasted, or psyching themselves up before a fight or a raid
6 Facing down cops/security/another gang - as far as they can get without a fight
7 Participating in tests of skill or daring among themselves
8 Making a deliberate attempt at being visible, strengthening presence in the area
9 Engaged in their main biz, or negotiating employment with another party
10 Any combination of the above (roll again, twice)


NPCs Other NPCs
1 Gang leader/Boss Kid Wannabe
2 Gang Elder loyal Gunman (ex-member)
3 Gang Juve/Noob Sheltered Fugitive
4 Gang Champion Gang Member’s Kid
5 Gang Scout Former Gang Boss, Now Disgraced
6 Gang leader’s Main Squeeze Gang leader’s Secret Concubine
7 Gang leader’s leftenant Gang’s Techie or ripperdoc
8 Gang leader’s Main rival In Gang Invalided Gang Member
9 Gang’s loose Cannon Gang’s Fixer
10 Gang Expert (steers gang’s main biz) Gang’s Idiot (the liability)


What’s The Deal With These Guys?
1 The gang is in danger of being destroyed by a more powerful rival (roll a gang)
2 The gang are showing symptoms of having contracted a disease (see P10)
3 The gang knows of hidden ways through the city or into a building (see P11)
4 The gang have procured (or manufactured) a dangerous narcotic or toxin
5 The gang harbours an exile or outcast from a wealthy and powerful family
6 The gang have discovered valuable technology lost by powerful NPC
7 The gang has a splinter cell of powerful members, who are impossible to control
8 The gang are grabbing runaways for corporate experiments, and getting bolder
9 A member has fallen in love with a rival gang member and fled, knowing too much
10 The gang has access to unusual cybernetics, and it’s drawing attention to them

Roll 1D10

1-2 Plainclothes Detectives Clearly marked POlICE vests, flashing their ID badges
3-8 uniformed Officers Basic cops (odd numbers: they’re wearing riot gear)
9-10 Tactical response unit Special operations/SWAT team - milspec load out


1-4 City/Corporate Police Same thing, only difference is who’s paying them
5-6 Corporate Security Protecting company property, area or personnel
7-8 Private Security Company Commercial law enforcement contractors
9 Special Police Agency Immigration/Bomb Squad/Customs/Traffic etc.
10 National Police Agency FBI/FSB or Militarized Police (eg: Guardia Civil/MPs)


1-6 There are enough officers and support present to handle the current situation
7-9 looks like they’ve bitten off more than they can chew, requesting support
10 The officers are way out of their depth, pinned down, need immediate back up


1 Approaching a suspect or suspects, or have just arrested a suspect or suspects

2-3 Performing a street patrol, area or building search or conducting vehicle search
4 Conducting an operation - raid, stake out, goods seizure
5 Dealing with an apparent hostage situation or a suspect device
6-7 Stopping citizens for questioning or performing stop-and-search operation
8-9 In pursuit of suspect, either on foot or in vehicles
10 Cordoning off the area (searching for suspect/securing a crime scene)

CALL FOR BACK UP Roll 1D10 (ETA D6 minutes)

1-4 D6 Support Drones Cameras, Tasers, Flechette Weapons

5-6 uniformed Officers D6/2 Patrol Cars, Armoured Officers, SMGs/Shotguns
7-8 SWAT Team Heavy/Hard Armour, Combat rifles, Augmented
9 Heavy Support remote Teleoperated Walker, HMG and/or Missiles
10 Powered Armour Suit Heavy Weapon, ECM, Grenade launchers
Roll D100 and read across the columns (or roll more to achieve more mixed results)
1-2 Olivia Chain Despises being based out of the local Consumertopia™
3-4 rob ‘Infidel’ Castro Once an indentured child, tends to sympathise too much
5-6 Gemini Benedict Many implants, diminished empathy, she’s not afraid to kill
7-8 The Mask Maker records all business conversations covertly, just in case
9-10 Bradley Darrow lives an opulent lifestyle well beyond his means
11-12 usman ‘Emir’ Kasim Head of the so-called Flesh Cartel, self-styled King of Pimps
13-14 Mr Blank Into cheap sex dolls, leaving scars due to latex allergies
15-16 Alison Wonderland Hormone-locked teen transsexual; outrageous flirt
17-18 Ingenuity Jones Some-time stripper and cam girl, lover taught her to shoot
19-20 The Chemist relishes the power his tailored drugs give him over others
21-22 Darius November Struggles with a debilitating narcotic dependency
23-24 Mondo Hernandez Desperate to keep his children a secret from his enemies
25-26 leon ‘The Tsar’ Arkov Being blackmailed by corporate aristocrat Fatima rasheed
27-28 Sister Mercy Cold, soulless narcissist, proud of her migrating glo-tatts
29-30 Wise Melon Chubby, jovial and a registered independent nation-state
31-32 The Babel-Mother Just one AI of a distributed identinet, with shared awareness
33-34 Miguel Fernandez Deep cover cop, losing himself to his current artificial life
35-36 Able Kane Surprisingly conservative, suburban, family-centric lifestyle
37-38 Desmond Crisis unassuming ex-ganger, ex-Catholic priest, ex-porn actor
39-40 Slick Franklin Determined to make enough money to leave city behind
41-42 Wendel Goldberg Trying hard to care for elderly father permalinked to porn sims
43-44 Pappa Midnight Well connected across the Pacific Prosperity Sphere
45-46 reality Black Extremely ambitious, with an obvious superiority complex
47-48 Adolf Hipster unfortunate racist and obsessive-compulsive neat freak
49-50 Mr Skin Must painfully inject nanites hourly due to congenital illness
51-52 ‘Viper’ Joe DeMarco Paranoid, wears spiderweave body-glove under clothing
53-54 Tanglegenes Obsessively collects snakes, liking them more than people
55-56 Charisma Valentine Secretly employed by corporation, follows their instructions
57-58 The Spider Sisters Twin clones, supermodel hot, operate Orbital Mafia franchise
59-60 Veracity Solomon Back doors for Cambodian data-havens, but fears reprisals
61-62 General Grabber Hypochondriac; terrified his cheap organ implants will fail
63-64 Henry Jericho Openly gay, secretly straight, desperately addicted to sex
65-66 Warsaw Can only be reached by using a particular hacked pay phone
67-68 lucius Warbaby Over-confident emancipated juvenile; sexual deviant
69-70 Jacob Smolensky Walking the line between worlds exacerbates heart problem
71-72 Simon Church Goods traceable by cops to avoid brainwipe sentence
73-74 Octavius Ballinger Believes he is a synthetic controlled by corporations
75-76 Dr Ishimura Finances a stable of Freak Fighters, all of whom he despises
77-78 Friday Dias Disgusted by the work he does, he drinks to block it out
79-80 Kim Nguyen Financed by the Binh Xuyen, but looking for a way out
81-82 Oni Tokugawa Aggressive vigilance suite protects tiered neural processors
83-84 Zero Ballard Overly enthusiastic and extremely sadistic; loves music
85-86 The Shaper loaded with enough intelligent bioplastic that he can’t die
87-88 Ferdinand Kingston The strippers at his club are all biomodded clones of himself
89-90 Harry-san Stressed due to several secret families with different women
91-92 rico Eisendüller Has the best of intentions, but is deeply unreliable
93-94 October Talisi Self-doubt, but wants to be head-hunted by a corporation
95-96 Mickey The roach No self worth, always high, easily distracted
97-98 The Somalian Suffers from PTSD, nightmares, has poorly timed flashbacks
30 99-100 Dr Fassbinder Struck off, operates a failing back street clinic, depressed
1-2 Talent Agent Boxy, plain, emotion suppression chips Secretly adores…
3-4 repoman Skinny jeans, vinyl bomber jacket, joker Sleeping with…
5-6 Black Marketeer Elfin, humourless, pale duster, blue hair Apprentice of…
7-8 Identities Broker Muscular, balding, sophisticated, diligent Did work for…
9-10 Transporter/Mover Well groomed, youthful, boastful, snob Owes money to…
11-12 Skin Trader/Pimp Ostentatious, traditional, bearded, careful Influence over…
13-14 Personality Smuggler Blistered, strong cologne, shiny blue suit lusts after…
15-16 Tech Dealer Willowy, hauntingly beautiful, kimonos Trusts only…
17-18 Secrets Hunter Tall, lithe and busty, probing, determined On-off lover of…
19-20 Drug Designer Oily, obsequious, formal and spiteful Has control of…
21-22 Wheelman Pale, shaky, numerous vehicle link plugs On the books of…
23-24 Talent Scout Approachable, guarded, sharp dresser Seeks aid of…
25-26 Syndicate Diplomat Shaven head, grey suit, bulky, sombre Obsessed with…
27-28 Drug Pusher Exhibitionist, tease, clear vinyl raincoat Friend of…
29-30 Go-Between Fat, confident, well-mannered, Mao suits Irritates…
31-32 Hacker Stable Geisha-chic, teenage girl, dark eyed, cold Suspicious of…
33-34 Tech Fence Deep turquoise leather coat, friendly Works with…
35-36 Prowler/Thief Impeccably dressed, punctual, vindictive Makes use of…
37-38 Smuggler Neo-romantic floppy fringe, tux, relaxed Wary of…
39-40 Squealer Nervous, cautious, trenchcoat, greasy hair Owes money to…
41-42 Bookie Tired and frazzled, thinning curly hair, fat Owed money by…
43-44 Gun runner Tech-savvy, confident, ebony skinned Won’t work with…
45-46 Procurement Arrogant, condescending, casual dress Friend of…
47-48 Electronics Handler Inappropriate, knowledgeable, on-trend Despises…
49-50 Blackmailer Small, unwashed, world weary, tired Makes use of…
51-52 Data Crypt Owner Black suits & shirts, gold tie, aggressive Manipulating…
53-54 Nanotech Dealer limps, thin-limbed, pastey, loose silks Trusts only…
55-56 Mediator Conservative trouser suits, on edge, delays lusts after…
57-58 loansharks Seductive, elegant, hot tempered, black Trust only…
59-60 Information Broker Easily pleased, layered hoodies, shades Owes favour to…
61-62 Weapon Fence Middle-aged, dark denim, big revolvers In love with…
63-64 Ghost Accountant Flamboyant, mincing, fidgets, gloved Makes use of…
65-66 Gang liaison Grubby punk, pumped, baritone voice Friend of…
67-68 Finder Oversized army jacket, cigars, big gun Makes use of…
69-70 Bent lawyer Chunky, crumpled suit, sweaty, balding Works for…
71-72 Vehicle Dealer Sergio Tacchini track suits, anxious, tag Will betray…
73-74 Contract Facilitator Expensive shirts, gold rings, robotic Seeks aid of…
75-76 Bioware Fence Smoker, inscrutable, leisure suits, clean Makes use of…
77-78 Digital Manipulator reeks of booze, dirty jeans, serious Was married to…
79-80 Madam Soft face, scarlett bobbed hair, ruthless Sleeping with…
81-82 Troubleshooter Monovisor, suit, raincoat, katana, calm rivalry with…
83-84 Persuader Turtle necks, chrome hands, wild eyed Tried to kill…
85-86 Bioware Handler Old, emaciated, bitter and suicidal Father of…
87-88 Club Owner Hawaiian shirts, cargo pants, gregarious Worries about…
89-90 landlord Squat, solid, stubbled chin, dark vinyl coat Annoyed by…
91-92 Med Tech Dealer Enthusiastic, knitwear, sandals, ponytail Makes use of…
93-94 Negotiator Coffee-skinned, afro weave, violet lipstick Disgusted by…
95-96 Synth Pimp Coverall, micro tools, air hypo, giddy Jealous of…
97-98 Cleaner Tall, lean, narrow-faced, red suit, dreads Deep dislike of…
99-100 Implant Dealer long black hair, goatee, lethargic, cynical Deals with… (1-2) 31
Roll D100 four times
MR JOHNSON JOB GENERATOR 1: PEOPLE Client Want Action Target Person
1-2 Street Gang Member Wants to… Kill… Programmer
3-4 Corporate Aristocrat Needs to… Maim… Ex-Con
5-6 Pimp Must… Deliver to… Priest
7-8 Thug Plans to… Protect… Cyborg
9-10 Prostitute Forced to… Intimidate… Scientist
11-12 Fixer Wants to… Escape… Bounty Hunter
13-14 Priest Needs to… Monitor… Tech Specialist
15-16 Business Owner Must… Smuggle… Soldier
17-18 Solo or Mercenary Plans to… Find… Thief
19-20 Hacker Forced to… Blackmail… Artist
21-22 Scientist Wants to… Steal from… Performer
23-24 Cop Needs to… Collect from… Media
25-26 Mobster Must… Pay… Designer
27-28 Smuggler Plans to… Assist… unemployed Person
29-30 Bounty Hunter Forced to… Modify… Child
31-32 Syndicate Boss Wants to… record… Driver
33-34 Concubine Needs to… Threaten… Broker
35-36 Tech Specialist Must… Kidnap… Fixer
37-38 Soldier Plans to… Own… Fanatic/Extremist
39-40 Scavenger Forced to… Defeat… Courier
41-42 Agent Wants to… ruin… Smuggler
43-44 Doctor Needs to… Control… Celebrity
45-46 Drug Dealer Must… Save… Clone
47-48 Celebrity Plans to… Submit to… Cop
49-50 Artificial Intelligence Forced to… Entrap… Junkie
51-52 Artist Wants to… Con… Prostitute
53-54 Thief Needs to… Flee with… Intelligent Animal
55-56 Media Must… Employ… Forger
57-58 Nomad Plans to… Marry… Street Gang Member
59-60 Synthetic Forced to… Sell out… Thug
61-62 Driver Wants to… Extract… Synthetic
63-64 Child Needs to… Kill… Business Owner
65-66 Broker Must… Deliver to… Corporate Aristocrat
67-68 unemployed Person Plans to… Blackmail… Agent
69-70 Clone Forced to… Modify… Mobster
71-72 Programmer Wants to… Escape… Pimp
73-74 Designer Needs to… ruin… Hacker
75-76 Homeless Person Must… Steal from… Solo or Mercenary
77-78 People Trafficker Plans to… Kidnap… Concubine
79-80 revolutionary Forced to… Protect… Artificial Intelligence
81-82 Psychiatrist Wants to… Find… Homeless Person
83-84 Cyborg Needs to… Escort… Nomad
85-86 Intelligent Animal Must… Deliver to… revolutionary
87-88 Courier Plans to… Save… Doctor
89-90 Image Consultant Forced to… Collect from… Syndicate Boss
91-92 Forger Wants to… Flee… Psychiatrist
93-94 Ex-Con Needs to… Kill… Scavenger
95-96 Fanatic/Extremist Must… Sell out… Drug Dealer
97-98 Performer Plans to… Investigate… Image Consultant
32 99-100 Junkie Forced to… Submit to… People Trafficker
Roll D100 four times


Client Want Action Target Item
1-2 Street Gang Member Wants to… Destroy… Neural Processor
3-4 Corporate Aristocrat Needs to… Copy… Vintage Wine
5-6 Pimp Must… Deliver… Photograph(s)
7-8 Thug Plans to… Protect… IFF Tags
9-10 Prostitute Forced to… Sell… Narcotic
11-12 Fixer Wants to… Steal… Weapon
13-14 Priest Needs to… Destroy… ID Card
15-16 Business Owner Must… Smuggle… Jewellery
17-18 Solo or Mercenary Plans to… locate… Software
19-20 Hacker Forced to… Hide… Security Passcard
21-22 Scientist Wants to… Steal… Target’s DNA
23-24 Cop Needs to… Collect… Cybermodem
25-26 Mobster Must… receive… Offline Digital Files
27-28 Smuggler Plans to… Control… Hard Drive
29-30 Bounty Hunter Forced to… Modify… Designer Virus
31-32 Syndicate Boss Wants to… locate… Attache Case
33-34 Concubine Needs to… Destroy… Data/Vid Chip
35-36 Tech Specialist Must… ransom… Holdall of Drugs
37-38 Soldier Plans to… Own… Vehicle
39-40 Scavenger Forced to… Flee with… Keys/Key Card
41-42 Agent Wants to… Spoil… Computer Virus
43-44 Doctor Needs to… Control… Cybernetic limb
45-46 Drug Dealer Must… Save… Synthetic Brain
47-48 Celebrity Plans to… upload… Personality Module
49-50 Artificial Intelligence Forced to… Protect… Cell Phone/Agent
51-52 Artist Wants to… use… Exo-Womb
53-54 Thief Needs to… Flee with… Hardcopy Schematic
55-56 Media Must… Sell… Military ICE Breaker
57-58 Nomad Plans to… Steal… Nano Fabricator
59-60 Synthetic Forced to… Flee with… Antique Katana
61-62 Driver Wants to… locate… Cloned Coca leaf
63-64 Child Needs to… Destroy… Antidote/Medicine
65-66 Broker Must… Copy… Human Eye/Thumb
67-68 unemployed Person Plans to… Steal… Artificial Intelligence
69-70 Clone Forced to… Hack into… Cybernetic Optics
71-72 Programmer Wants to… Escape with… SimStim recording
73-74 Designer Needs to… Destroy… robot
75-76 Homeless Person Must… Protect… Operating System
77-78 People Trafficker Plans to… locate… Tablet Device
79-80 revolutionary Forced to… Design… Memory Chip
81-82 Psychiatrist Wants to… Buy… Server
83-84 Cyborg Needs to… Protect… Holdall of Cash
85-86 Intelligent Animal Must… Own… Bioware
87-88 Courier Plans to… Steal… Augmented Pet
89-90 Image Consultant Forced to… Hide… Chemical
91-92 Forger Wants to… Sell… Human Organ(s)
93-94 Ex-Con Needs to… Deliver… Patient In Cryo Vat
95-96 Fanatic/Extremist Must… Save… Work of Art
97-98 Performer Plans to… Copy… Drone/remote
99-100 Junkie Forced to… Steal… Cybernetic Implant 33
Condition of Found (or Stolen) Technology Type of Device
1 Checquered history, well used, possible damaged Weapon
2 State-of-the-art, designer, cutting edge aesthetics Computer/Tablet/HD
3 Buggy and unpredictable, resets to factory default Drone/remote
4 Sought after but unstable r&D prototype, defective Cybernetic Implant
5 Obvious foreign counterfeit, compatibility issues Cell Phone/Agent
6 Sturdy, basic, idiot-proof, in good working order SimStim rig
7 Military spec, bomb-proof, very robust, ugly Cybermodem
8 Elegant design, but fragile, possibly bespoke Diagnostic Scanner
9 unlicensed clone copy, brand new, can’t be updated Cam/recorder/Bug
10 Intuitive interface, plug-and-play, modular design 3D Printer/Peripheral


So, what’s on that thing anyway?
1 Contacts list - a mix of pure gold and the depressingly mundane
2 Schematics - possibly of a building, vehicle, or a new cybernetics design
3 Compromising Image Files (GM needs to determine of who)
4 Chemical or Pharmaceutical Formulas - either new or cleverly adapted
5 unreleased Beta Gaming Apps - copy protected; eagerly anticipated by fans
6 Illegally Downloaded Music - some tracks prerelease; copy protections removed
7 Black Ops Project - an extraction/wetwork/adulterating pharms/neo-disease etc.
8 Weapons Tech r&D Data - aware weaponry systems or cutting edge mods
9 Presentation For Forthcoming Biotech launch - impressive production values
10 V-Mail Conversation Threads - regards one or more of the above (roll again twice)


Device History
1 Stolen - the original owner(s) want it found and returned, offering a reward
2 Misplaced - the owner(s) lost it and are desperate to find the device
3 Traded - the device has been through several owners in recent months
4 Found On Corpse - the device was obtained by scavengers after finding the body
5 used For Crime - the device was used to commit crime, forensically compromised
6 Thrown Away - device mistakenly discarded and is believed to no longer exist
7 Hidden - the device was secreted somewhere with the intention of later retrieval
8 Hacked - device was infiltrated from outside source, discarded, back doors intact
9 Found In Vehicle - device was taken from an abandoned or stolen vehicle
10 Sold On - the device was sold as it was no longer required, or money was needed
Roll D100 and read across the columns (or roll several times to fill that stiff’s pockets)


1-2 Scrap of paper Work-in-progress death haiku scrawled on hotel note paper
3-4 Human eyeball In climate controlled transparent jar, residential address on label
5-6 Blister pack of pills Half-taken medication for virulently contagious illness
7-8 Plain clip-on IFF tag D6: 1-2 Police, 3-4 Major Corporation, 5-6 local Cartel (D3 days)
9-10 Smooth plastic blob Memory-plastic knife, requires a sharp tap to reconfigure blade
11-12 Ziplock of grey dust D6 ‘doses’ of surveillance nanites; need transmission frequency
13-14 used pregnancy test The low grade AI just can’t wait to tell you the good news…
15-16 Battered e-cig The liquid well contains 12ml of a previously unknown narcotic
17-18 Three 7.62 bullets One of which is laser-etched with a PC’s name
19-20 Plastic envelope Keycard and address for very hidden, very private cyber clinic
21-22 Packet of condoms Expensive, with STD detection sensors, phone number on back
23-24 ‘Fitbit’ biomonitor Hack reveals owner’s movements, heart-rate and drug intake
25-26 DeStress Xpress D6 anti-anxiety capsules, laced with tracking nanites
27-28 Small grey brick Carbon nanobar, required substrate for illegal nano fabricators
29-30 Business plasticard Contact details for a gig-economy agent at ‘reputelligent Inc’.
31-32 Fancy boots Synthetic crocodile skin Chelsea boots, hideously expensive
33-34 Cybernetic hand Spare chromed hand, fitted with flashlight and motion sensor
35-36 Chinese cigarettes rare, prohibited imports, only one fixer known to smuggle them
37-38 25ml plastic bottle labelled as NanoBrite dental hygiene fluid, contains DNA sample
39-40 Shrink wrapped cell unused vendomat burner phone, monitored by corporation
41-42 Puck-like disk Olive drab casing, cyrillic script on how to use the monowire mine
43-44 Plush ‘Hello Kitty’ Tiny T-shirt states “let them eat chaos”, grenade hidden inside
45-46 unlocked datastick Contains 500GB of banned Jihadipop tracks, DrM still intact
47-48 Painted filter mask Anti-pollution rebreather, daubed in gang colours (see P26)
49-50 40mm resin figurine religious icon, showing Nelson Mandela healing a blind woman
51-52 3D printed ring Ornate white gold wedding ring, unique, worn on a neck chain
53-54 Small bodycam Memory chip reveals meeting with prominent fixer hours ago
55-56 Small metal key Key for a safety deposit box (303) at nearby monorail station
57-58 Medical aid card Belongs to person with different face and gender to the corpse
59-60 Body lotto ticket 25% chance that the owner’s death resulted in a winning number
61-62 Durable glass vial Containing a live venomous spider and eggs, not natural breed
63-64 loose rFID tag Angry pimp hunting for the prostitute it used to be implanted in
65-66 1KG pack of ‘flour’ Calcium feed for nano-enhanced killer; stops the nano eating him
67-68 Blue lipstick loaded with aggressive immunosuppressing toxin
69-70 Plastic motel key The room it opens contains D6 bound, unconscious street kids
71-72 Thumb-sized fob remote with agonizing dog-whistle effect on neural processors
73-74 3 chromed ‘almonds’ Small situational awareness drones, feed view back to user
75-76 Baggy of blue hexes Contaminated or adulterated speed-like narcotics (D6 doses)
77-78 Visitor’s pass card For geodesic-covered gated community (good for D3 days)
79-80 Cheap airhypo With three cassettes of insulin and one of an opiate derivative
81-82 Wad of receipts One for expensive neural backup, upload performed yesterday
83-84 ‘Breguet’ wristwatch Prohibitively expensive, bespoke craftsmanship, easily traced
85-86 Police ID Same name and face as corpse, but expertly crafted forgery
87-88 Foil wrapped ooze Pale & pink ‘jellypig’ bioweapon, smothers and dissolves target
89-90 Vac-sealed Flish™ D6 questionably nutritious artificial fish flesh sticks, each 3" long
91-92 Silver hip flask Engraved with elite unit crest, holds ‘Shanghai White’ vodka
93-94 Printed photo of PC Folded acetate photo, with date 3 days hence penned in border
95-96 Black, logo’d card Corporate loyalty card, entitles bearer to generous discounts
97-98 Stubby aerosol can Spray-on dry shampoo, also changes hair colour and texture
99-100 Boxy palmtop GPS Active icon shows target on the move less than half a mile away 35
Roll D100 and read across the columns (or roll more to achieve more mixed results)
1-2 Darkus Garvey Maddeningly faulty cyberaudio feeds him your comms
3-4 logan Tanner Elite spec-ops in the Polar War, tired of fighting, sociopath
5-6 The Pink Panzer Camp, flirtatious, enjoys intimidating straights, brutal brawler
7-8 Vincent Conrad Engaged in messy affair with unstable corporate aristocrat
9-10 Jinjiro Yasuda rogue vat-grown killer, protects paralysed gene-tech he loves
11-12 Hiroshima Black Gaijin with minor yakuza gumi, despised, mole for russians
13-14 Plastic Bernard unapologetic hipster, support from Armenian hacker clade
15-16 Dominic West lives in exquisite houseboat, requires seclusion to stay sane
17-18 Tango Sinclair Overweight Hawaiian, raised in foster homes, big drinker
19-20 Janik The Ghost Vagrant combat veteran with augmentation sickness
21-22 Napoleon Dean Hounded by AI telemarketers, doesn't know why
23-24 Trixie Paladin Just one last job and the luxury beach house in Goa is hers
25-26 Terence Van Stratten Anti-depressants laced with nanites control his decisions
27-28 Nip lacey underage and overclocked, way too eager to prove herself
29-30 Spiros Giannopoulos Thinks he’s a major player, has a lot of cousins called Spiros
31-32 Demi Oblique Argentine marine, autonomous defense net rebels against her
33-34 Mike Bravo Heavily invested in Vornheim Vr game, won't risk losing levels
35-36 Storm Haussmann Frustrated surrealist artist, single mother, skilled killer
37-38 Indigo Jones Crippled as child, skeleton rebuilt, in constant pain, tough
39-40 Mildred Gaia linear-frame-enhanced kick boxer, listens to K-Pop pre-op
41-42 Joe Montero Cyborg veteran of Kashmir Emergency, won’t leave witnesses
43-44 Chance Baptiste late stage AIDS-2, needs immunoboosters, nothing to lose
45-46 Oliver McKee Post-combat cleansing ritual using sage and Bible verse
47-48 Saber Numan Mutilated in Freak Fight bout, suspects crime syndicate boss
49-50 Zaneta Zone Former VDV paratrooper, Moldova veteran on war crimes list
51-52 Brandon Skinner rumoured junkie, actually diabetic, saving for neo-pancreas
53-54 Mina radisson Convert to Islam, featureless gunmetal face, six red optics
55-56 Johnny Namibia Devout, worships the Papal AI as a god
57-58 Aisha Hussein Ex-Saudi GID, thermoptic camo, synthetic endorphin addict
59-60 Boyd Blackwood Cyberoptics feed his view to media brother who's using him
61-62 Emmanuel King Former head of security, killed execs family; she’s guilt-ridden
63-64 Huey Ventura Doesn’t listen, tends to hit wrong targets, cannot drive
65-66 lorenzo Babylon KGB wheelman, Olympic skier and hunted whistleblower
67-68 Thaddeus Schwartz Former airport cleaner, conned into job by crime syndicate
69-70 lazarus Mendez Can't reconcile job with married life, excellent danger sense
71-72 Maria Goldovskoya Svetlana Series 9 sex synthetic, fights severe violent urges
73-74 Sady Sakura Cares for crippled mentor, finds obligation a tiresome burden
75-76 rudolph Washington Indentured to fixer handler, treated as property
77-78 Angel De Santo Orbital assassin, amphetamine user, bright neon-green eyes
79-80 Dien Bien Phu Conflicted Buddhist, connoisseur of classic Blues artists
81-82 Otto Kruger Writes pithy anonymous diary blog, plans to write book
83-84 Pandora Frost Classically-trained pianist, combat medic, lives in her car
85-86 Buntaro ‘Bushi’ Tanaka Yogic guru, clean living, obsidian cyberarms, pansexual
87-88 Scarlett Harvest looks like young Madonna, denies it; pink plastic cyberarm
89-90 ryan Edwards Wealthy with an impressive property portfolio, soldiers for fun
91-92 Slade Bennett Nazi Country & Western fan, feels most alive post-kill
93-94 Splicer Takeda Wants to be master of own destiny, denies he's trapped
95-96 Kurt Kellerman No regard for collateral damage, keeps tropical fish
97-98 Heywood Nash lost entire family to wasting plague, inconsolable, suicidal
36 99-100 Manuel Override Glitchy GPS, no direction sense, trackable, argumentative
1-2 Flechette pistols Big, black, worn leather duster, irritable Knows of…
3-4 Teleoperated drones Sadistic, tattooed smart-armour link points Wants to kill…
5-6 Hydraulic fists, bites Full body cyborg, crudely sprayed pink lusts after…
7-8 Aware weapons lAN likeable pothead, buff, always wears black Friends with…
9-10 Spider venom rounds Chips different personalities, sharp suits Worked with…
11-12 Ornate monokatana Suited, armour skin, afraid of dark, Ir eyes Owes favour to…
13-14 Hunter-seeker rounds Quiff, beard, tattoo sleeves, ear spacers Jealous of…
15-16 Pearl handled Glock Wears purple, plays sax, mood swings Irritates…
17-18 Bulky laser rifle Pragmatic, funny, wears black duster looking for…
19-20 Scoped needle-rifle Hobo-chic, beanie hat, beard, tenacious Hiding from…
21-22 Monowire mines Bleached spikes, wraparounds, agitated Owes money to…
23-24 Implanted zhi dao Brushed aluminium body armour, focussed Suspicious of…
25-26 Exploding munitions Sensitive to strong smells, heavy armour Obsessed with…
27-28 Nerve-burner bombs Teen, skinny jeans, army boots, hoodies Makes use of…
29-30 3D printed QBZ-95 Outmoded implants, retro-70s fashion In love with…
31-32 railgun sniper Daddy issues, wears figure-hugging black Friends with…
33-34 Compound bow Distracted, fantasist, wears black denim Interested in…
35-36 Sleek microwavers Motocross leathers, cyberbike, feminist Concerned for…
37-38 Dissolving Nanorounds Grey camo armour vest, always angry Trusts only…
39-40 Martial art techniques lithe West Indian, faint hex-pattern on skin unimpressed by…
41-42 Antique uZI, SOPMODs Scarred, dented, guarded, loose jumpsuit Manipulating…
43-44 Auto grenade launcher Cynical, risk taker, sickly, wears layers Wary of…
45-46 Drum-fed AK74 Theatrical, serious, black Ts, shades Betrayed…
47-48 Self-destructing gun Wheezing, scarred, sportswear, gold chains Worked with…
49-50 Twin compact SMGs Vicious, Vr-trained clone, tight leathers Intimidates…
51-52 Charm-covered Steyr Bald, goatee, utility vest, superstitious Attracted to…
53-54 liquid nitrogen rounds Slim cyborg, conservative, chaste, classy In love with…
55-56 Camo autoshotgun red leather jacket, corn rows, obsessive Afraid of…
57-58 Ornate bladed fingers Athletic, hijab, full mirrored smart-visor rivalry with…
59-60 Incendiary rounds Short mohawk, long coat, trusting Knows all about…
61-62 Flechette adapted M4 Insanely ruthless, stylish, hunted Won’t work with…
63-64 Screamer grenades Defensive, literal, squat, padded jackets Worked with…
65-66 Big polymer revolvers Furtive, physically fit, chic, intimidating Makes use of…
67-68 Hands-free trigger Sloppy, unprofessional, cheap casuals Despises…
69-70 rifle with chatty AI Hen pecked, camos, buzz cut, rational Irritates…
71-72 Cortex bomb Callous, irrational, needy, loose clothes Sleeping with…
73-74 Bright Plastic SMG Wirey, short, girlish, Harajuku style, tired Was lover of…
75-76 Chinese SMG clone uneducated, easily manipulated, tagged Seeks aid of…
77-78 Caseless KrISS Vector Super-model looks, cat like grace, cold Friends with…
79-80 Brace of small pistols Shaved head, fame seeker, baggy combats Suspicious of…
81-82 Scanner shielded gun Designer stubble, camo armoured jacket lusts after…
83-84 Inbuilt Scorpion SMGs Muscular, tall, casuals, do-rags Tried to kill…
85-86 Crippler rounds Self absorbed, baggy flight suits, sneakers Annoyed by…
87-88 Taser, monoknives Biker jacket, fingerless gloves, prude Disgusted by…
89-90 Compact stutter-laser Well groomed, expensive clothes, open Hates…
91-92 Disposable pistols Plaid flannel, denim, cracked brown leather Manipulating…
93-94 Toxin-loaded needlers long, lank, black hair, chrome eyes, gaunt Irritated by…
95-96 underslung blinder Effeminate, black silks, raincoat, quick Bored by…
97-98 Full spectrum targeter Carries photos, depressed, bulky flak vest Trusts only…
99-100 Belt-fed chaingun Gum chewer, olive drab armour, moustache rival of… (1-2) 37
Musical Style/Genre (1D10) Vid Show (1D10)
1 Black Ambient 1 Implant Fixers (reality/comedy)
2 Photonic Wave 2 Simsense & Sensibility (drama)
3 Xhosa Trance 3 Zone runner Xtreme (gameshow)
4 Industrial Grind House 4 Crash & Burn (hacking competition)
5 Eurozeit Groove 5 My Two Clones (sitcom)
6 Chip Hop 6 Atomic Geisha Dojo (gameshow)
7 Glitchcore 7 Personality Adjustment (reality)
8 Machine-Soul Dub 8 The Clade (soap opera)
9 Toxic Ska 9 Fracture Point (cop show)
10 Anthemic NeoPunk 10 Alt Cult Zero (documentary)


Online Presence (1D10) What’s in this week? (1D10)
1 Impossibly dull, mainly life memes 1 Everybody loves neutraceuticals
2 Sickening, cute, GIF-heavy, juvenile 2 Weatherproof glowing ponchos
3 Dominated by political viewpoint 3 Slacktivist angst-lit forums
4 Social Justice Champion 4 Smeat™ (smart meat; pick flavour)
5 Work related self-promotion 5 Zone dancing in public places
6 Fan of unlikely musical genre 6 Expensive Sumo Food® kale shakes
7 lonely - desperate to make friends 7 randomiser-app-driven conversation
8 Mainly family and friends (lots) 8 Freak Fighter brand endorsements
9 Sexually predatory, catfish/stalker 9 Info-socialism - secret-free society
10 Hobby focused (gaming/making) 10 Fabrics change colour with mood


1 Hot/Cold Beverages Coffee, tea, cocoa, sodas, water, juice, shakes, energy drinks
2 Hot/Cold Food Burritos, noodles, burgers, fries, SCOP, sandwiches, ‘sushi’
3 Stimulants Cigarettes, cigars, e-cig fluid, patches, caffeine tabs, alcohol
4 Travel Packs Toiletries, travel guides, cosmetics, sanitaries, sunglasses
5 Electronics Headphones, batteries, phones, torches, cameras, radios
6 Personal Defense Tasers, pepper spray, telescoping batons, polymer oneshots
7 Clothing rainwear, underclothes, thermals, hats, t-shirts, socks
8 Media Newsprint, digital music, games, films, simstim, e-books
9 Pharmaceuticals Medicines, contraceptives, first aid, sensory aids, vitamins
10 Snacks Gum, candy, chips/crisps, popcorn, nuts, cryo-dried fruits
Roll D100


1 Junkfood box, weak jingle as batteries die 51 Damaged flat-screen television
2 Sealed but dented soda can, out of date 52 Flaking laser pointer, with dead batteries
3 Fresh half-eaten burger, slurpy of soda ice 53 lonely wireless earbud
4 Discarded shrink wrap with QrS code label 54 Cybernetic implant, damaged or incomplete
5 Thick wad of hard, grey chewing gum 55 Dumped external hard drive (see P34)
6 Half a blister pack of common pain killers 56 Biometrically locked JPEG viewer
7 Plastic business card, high rank exec 57 Standard battery, 20% charge remaining
8 2 feet of old nylon rope, frayed ends 58 Obsolete surveillance camera
9 Intact polymer cargo pallet, slightly worn 59 ‘retired’ synthetic, missing limb(s)
10 large, stained, plastic tarp 60 Assisted sleep console, induces seizures
11 Foil wrap of brown powder, hypodermic 61 Plastic Christmas tree, partially melted
12 Wet, pale corpse - did they just move? 62 Toy ride-in car, polymer shell, electric motor
13 ribbed condom, usure if it’s been used 63 Crumpled, rolled poster, recent idol singer
14 Balled-up nitrile gloves, stained 64 Broken statuette of Ganesh
15 Half a case of individually sealed diapers 65 Handful of collectible cards for CCG
16 Discarded field dressing, still moist 66 realistic looking plastic Police badge
17 urban scavenger (raccoon, dog, fox, cat) 67 Brightly coloured toy gun, quite realistic
18 Plasticuffs, cut apart, winking red lED 68 Plush toy animal, shabby, stained
19 unused pack of disposable ear plugs 69 Bouquet of dying flowers still in cellophane
20 Gun - hot, cheap or damaged, or all three? 70 Spool of electric cable, has been cut
21 Half-used spray can of expanding foam 71 Discarded newspapers or magazines
22 Partial bag of cement-like powder 72 PVC box of flat-packed cardboard boxes
23 Dispenser gun of ‘liquid nails’ adhesive 73 Flyers bundled together with rubber bands
24 Handful of new looking nuts and bolts 74 Hardcopy printouts (see P34)
25 D10 bricks or cinderblocks 75 Thin, flexible metal sheet, purpose unknown
26 Opened box of large ceramic tiles 76 refuse sack of polystyrene chips
27 large sheet of drywall, some damage 77 Assorted sizes of tatty bubblewrap sheets
28 5 litre can of paint, half empty 78 Plastic tub of assorted glass bottles
29 Grubby plastic bag of spraypaint cans 79 Heat sealed clear sacks of shredded papers
30 length of heavy pipe 80 latex Halloween or fancy dress mask
31 Solid looking, uPVC door, minor damage 81 Single kevlar safety glove
32 Broken toilet seat 82 Scratched mirrorshade sunglasses
33 Damaged appliance, possible repairable 83 Single designer shoe, scuffing on heel
34 Worn swivel chair, tatty but functional 84 Disposable rain poncho, minor tears
35 rust-stained satellite dish 85 Bullet scarred armour, reduced protection
36 Battered desk fan, electric motor intact 86 retractable cheap umbrella, misshapen
37 Abandoned memory foam mattress 87 Motorcycle helmet, with hairline fracture
38 Small, dented vacuuming robot 88 Purse or wallet, no money, ID still inside
39 Handleless teflon-coated frying pan 89 Bag, briefcase or backpack, worn - empty?
40 Discarded detergent bottles or tubs 90 Tupperware contains human stool sample
41 length of silicone hose from a vehicle 91 Human body part, not at all fresh
42 Hubcap in good condition 92 unidentifiable goo, revolting chemical smell
43 Half-empty 2.5 litre of cheap motor oil 93 Torn foil sheeting from broken fog catcher
44 Small, downed drone, onboard camera 94 Pitiful, dying animal (rat, cat, bird, dog)
45 Scrapped auto-trashcan, low AI distressed 95 Sub-par 3D printed object, melting in rain
46 Folding scooter missing wheel/battery 96 rain-soaked, discoloured undergarments
47 Full set of worn tyres for a hatchback 97 Pile of ash in the shape of a person
48 Compact scissor-jack, chipped, worn 98 Broken glass scattered all over area
49 Shopping cart, rFID emitting trace signal 99 Cluster of recently smoked cigarette butts
50 Well-used electric screwdriver, jammed 100 Minced meat and hair, possibly also teeth 39
What did we just stumble into?
1 Parked SuV with lone netrunner, jacked in, cross-legged in the back, walky on seat
2 Four figures in black coveralls with SMGs carry unconscious wage-slave to a van
3 Sleek car screeches to a halt, long coated gunmen get out, readying weapons
4 Spider-like cybershell leaps from roof to roof, pausing to observe PC group
5 Sleek exo-wombs being unloaded from aero transport by armed street gang
6 Gunman with railgun and targeting drone takes aim at nearby apartment window
7 Several yakuza footsoldiers rapidly leaving residence, wiping their katanas clean
8 Obvious synthetic in grubby coveralls stumbles into bar, then detonates skull bomb
9 Syndicate thugs argue with heavily armed group in car park over contents of a bag
10 Three smartly dressed operatives with biotracker observe disembarking passengers


What the hell is that thing?
1 Poisonous Wasps Fast, hard to spot as wrong until close, sting repeatedly
2 Parasitic Spawn Crawls for the spine, hacks and burns central nervous system
3 Spider rat Hairless, 8-legged rat-thing, DNA imprinted pack hunter
4 Biodrones Implant-rigged, small carnivore, directed by human operator
5 Fireflies Insects implanted with air-fuel explosives in stomach sacs
6 Spider Hive Human carrier, riddled with sphincter holes, deploys spiders
7 Disease Bomb Fleshy organ acts like a dispersal grenade to infect area
8 The Mollusc Armoured, muscle-launches bone shards tipped with poison
9 Smell Tracker Pheromone-sensitive tics drawn to target, easy to track
10 razorhound Skinless canine with monomolecular teeth, can climb


Today’s forecast…
1 Corrosive Fog Stinking acidic fog enshrouds city, poor visibility and air
2 Creep Cloud Chemically tainted mist triggers environment monitors
3 Acidic Monsoon Sheets of choking, corrosive rain creates vapour columns
4 Glitter-twist Dead nanites carried by air columns catch light like sparks
5 Extreme uV Burns skin (need flare-paste) and causes visibility problems
6 Wind Tunnel Extremely tall buildings channel aggressive, lashing winds
7 Sweltering Heat Operating in armour causes heat fatigue and dehydration
8 Cold Snap Heavy frosts and hail create hazardous city conditions
9 Minor Flood So much rain with nowhere left to go causes urban chaos
10 lightning Storm Spectacular electrical storm, heavy ionisation with EMP effects

Roll 1D10

1 Ghengis Klang Muscle grafts and body plating, hydraulic hands crush skulls
2 The Gene Witch Experimental bioware, double-jointed, wild hair, utterly insane
3 Hannah Stazi Bald, scarred and lithe, wears slashed leathers, knife fighter
4 Shanky Bartella Glo-tattooed skinhead, shiny black cyberarms, razor claws
5 The White Ape Augmented albino baboon, parasite infested, goes for the face
6 Indigo Wilde Wirey muscle, sambo expert, innumerable chrome piercings
7 Gary Savage Tattooed, 16 year old half-wit, no arms, extremely sharp teeth
8 Jezebel Twist Petite and calm, mixed martial arts, enhanced muscle matrix
9 ultimate Hobo Hairy meth addict, relieved of his hands, replaced with flails
10 lazarus rapide Showy and stylish, fast, will strangle you into submission
Members of the crowd are invited to challenge the winner of the Freak Fight bout.


What’s my agent got lined up for me today?
1 Mobile Ar Ad Hub Supplied body rig outputs ‘augverts’ as you wander streets
2 Human CCTV Cyberoptics required, must allow remote access & sign NDA
3 Gig Groomer Given a quota of potential gig workers to sign up for agent
4 Hygiene Dispenser loiter in lobbies wearing a tank full of hand sanitiser
5 Substrate Fairy Find and collect recyclables to be reused for 3D printing
6 Organ Surrogate Mature cloned organs prior to implantation
7 Meds Manager Deliver medications to the old and infirm, ensure ingestion
8 Brand Spammer Promote brand/product/ideology to strangers in public
9 Pest Microwaver Issued with rFID tagged microwaver to zap vermin
10 Drone repoman Trace and recover downed courier drones


Who’s already been in that building?
1 Crime Scene A recent crime has the space crawling with forensics drones
2 Coding Stable Temporary pop-up Ar ad studio, staffed by low paid coders
3 Sweat Shop Illegal 3D minifactury manned by weary indentured immigrants
4 Burglary Drug addicted wrecks stripping out what’s left of the utilities
5 Shelter Homeless people with failing implants gather for mutual safety
6 Drug Den Old mattresses, threadbare sleeping bags, drug paraphernalia
7 Stash Point Holes in the walls hide shrink-wrapped weaponry/munitions
8 Street Artists Creatively motivated teens spray their masterpiece on the walls
9 Porn Set Hollow-eyed actors perform under the glare of sim-recorders
10 Field Surgery Mobile ripperdoc fights to save the life of poorly sedated cyborg
Smart Appliance Active
Environmental Intelligent Ad Advertising Broadcast
with camera GPS
Sensor System Washroom Blimp System
or microphone Device

local Server Motion Maintenance

Tablet laptop
or Computer Sensor robot

Site’s Traffic light

remote Fire Safety or WiFi
Drone Defense System or Adaptable
loader Evacuation System Toy
Network Smart lanes

Hub, router Security Camera Driver Assist

Driverless Car/Aero
or Exchange or CCTV link

Cellular Comms Automated Mobile

Elevators Cybermodem Mast or Satellite Heavy Transport Trash
receiver Vehicle Can

TV Synthetic’s Wireless Nanite
remote or 3D Printer(s)
Console Neural Net Smart Gun Immune
Concrete Printer

Mobility Assistance rFID Smartphone Augmented reality

linear Frame Tag or Agent Projector Hub

Acoustic Infant
Neural Wearable Meds HuD Visor
Weapon Monitoring
Processor Dispenser or Goggles
Sensor System

Saleable Smart
utilities Monitoring recharging Public
Ar Tagged Morph-
System or refueling Vid-Phone
Consumables wear

Manufacturing Bio- Bodycam Payment reader TacNet CyberPet

robot Monitor or Go-Pro (chip/pin or contactless) Comms Processor

The Hackable Assets Drop Down Grid has been created to enable the unprepared
or improvising cyberpunk GM to generate net-linked assets in the PC’s vicinity,
quickly and easily, simply by dropping some dice and checking where they land.

How it works: First, print out that strange looking system’s ‘intelligence’ level, how many other
grid to the left. Then, grab a few D10s, four or linked systems are connected to the first, or how
five being a good number, and drop them onto many rounds before a sysadmin notices any
that grid. Where each of the dice lands will tell spurious activity on their network.
you the type of systems your players have in
their proximity. Now, the numbers shown on To ascertain if nearby the system has any quirks
each dice can be used in different ways; to or notable features, roll D100 on the Bugs In The
determine the relative security levels on a scale System table below.
of 1 (no security) to 10 (killer ICE), as the target


1-2 Overzealous defensive software 51-52 D6 software subroutines triggered

3-4 Harbours malicious virus 53-54 logs recently tampered with
5-6 Being assessed by sysadmin 55-56 Overheating (heat sink failing)
7-8 layers of legacy programming 57-58 Heavily encrypted for device type
9-10 randomly goes into standby mode 59-60 Constant security warnings
11-12 Badly formatted Ar plug-in 61-62 Non-intuitive user interface
13-14 Installing software upgrade 63-64 Hogging the local bandwidth
15-16 Hacker currently querying system 65-66 Prone to system crashes
17-18 rOM overloaded by surplus apps 67-68 uses badly patched legacy code
19-20 recently reset to factory defaults 69-70 File sharing denied
21-22 Inquisitive low-grade AI assistant 71-72 Configured for periodic back-up
23-24 requires biometric verification 73-74 Insufficient internal battery life
25-26 Auto-downloads to linked device 75-76 reveals a scheduled exploit (short)
27-28 Net connection keeps dropping out 77-78 ‘Access Denied’ system file errors
29-30 Incompatible operating system 79-80 reboots the system at random
31-32 Pop-up pandemic 81-82 requires admin password
33-34 Software conflicts, glitchy 83-84 Can only handle minimal processes
35-36 Processor overclocked 85-86 user interface in foreign language
37-38 Active ‘vigilance suite’ warns user 87-88 Discomforting feedback
39-40 Tendency to stall or hang 89-90 3rd party updaters need unchecking
41-42 Malware sifting for linked devices 91-92 Menu options it shouldn’t have
43-44 Missing system tools/utilities 93-94 In the process of being stolen
45-46 Errors with user interface display 95-96 running slow, searching for updates
47-48 Physically damaged, or faulty 97-98 Feeds log and data to manufacturer
49-50 Non-standard reprogramming 99-100 Tagged and monitored by rogue AI 43
Roll D100 and read across the columns (or roll more to achieve more mixed results)
1-2 Phreakworm undermines elections in Third World countries, because he can
3-4 Spiderhead Creates netsites for several street gangs, can muster help fast
5-6 The Venomous Pao Turing Authority agent, under cover, working on major sting
7-8 robotnik Escaped from latvian data harvesters, has price on his head
9-10 The Shadow Sphere Collective formed by ex-Transmission Felonies cop
11-12 Agent Orange Works for the bank he hacks, now targeted for assassination
13-14 Javier Script Confined to ghetto-built mobility walker run on laptop batteries
15-16 Kid Terminal runs collective for corporate uncle, who thinks he's an idiot
17-18 Feedfetcher Guarded by a pair of tactically enhanced German Shepherds
19-20 Mr ∞ Functionally a human server, sitting on millions
21-22 lady Probability High aptitude, actually result of drugs tests in orphanarium
23-24 Chip Boy Appears to be a script kiddie, successful exploit royalty farmer
25-26 Pixelgeist Clinically dead 3 times, wears a defib rig, surprisingly chipper
27-28 Datamancer Spends all his time in sensory deprivation tank
29-30 Modal Fraction Blinded as a child, navigates entire life via net overlays
31-32 Deathwatch Maintains clones in exowombs, in hidden cold storage facility
33-34 Neurocide Adept at cracking people's neural interface networks
35-36 Zauberer Tanzanian ‘sorcerer’, skims identities to sell to the syndicates
37-38 Patient Zero Apparently in a coma, mercenary accomplices cover for him
39-40 Fractal Artifice Wrote a dementia triggering software routine, afraid to sell it
41-42 Winston Smith No clue his entire life is monitored by company handlers
43-44 Quantum Clan Exceptional programmer, builds in exploits, fears discovery
45-46 Mr Peepers uplifted chimpanzee, fiercely protected by militant ecoclade
47-48 Seraphim Child prodigy, invalid daughter of experimental neuroscientist
49-50 Billy Headcrash Experienced darknet scout, haunted by malicious dataforms
51-52 Dancer Synthetic, used as meatspace ‘avatar’ of another hacker (roll)
53-54 The Invisible Hand rogue marketing AI, curates online Museum of Dangerous Art
55-56 Oblivia 404 Targeted for extraction by several major transnationals
57-58 Infobahn Ousted darling Vrchitect, sells access to hidden labyrinths
59-60 Hungry Ghost Former forensic system analyst, partial mindwipe
61-62 Cortical Mafia Squeals to corporation if hired, well paid, makes excuses
63-64 Jake/Finn/Beemo unremarkable 18 year old triplet nerds, secret geniuses
65-66 Synaptica rewired neural pathways push her intelligence beyond normal
67-68 Phantom Paradigm Intelligent hotel system, trades in guests' secrets, very wealthy
69-70 Mother_Bored Middle-aged housewife, was in debt, continues for the rush
71-72 Bit rat linkjacker specialising in compromising interfaced gear
73-74 Daemonbot rogue nanite hive-mind, hiding in a hab stack's vent system
75-76 Samizdat Self-righteous ethical hacktivist, has to make political statement
77-78 lexicon Bandit Information hygiene specialist, excels at covering any tracks
79-80 Happy Panda Notorious lOltroll, gleefully puts others in real danger
81-82 Mod.Net Deals in downloadable skill apps and customised software
83-84 Heatseeker Suffers Amazon War flashbacks, agoraphobic hoarder
85-86 Solid State runs distribution of dark servers, launders data and bitcoin
87-88 Chaos Theory Planning data heist, network map tattooed on missing person
89-90 The Havoc uses amphetamines to gain edge, just fucking him up
91-92 Fuzzy logic Compelled to swat soft targets, knows she shouldn't
93-94 Wardroids S. Korean professional gamers, transition to big time net crime
95-96 White Knight Drug addicted Net regulator, knows systems’ weak points
97-98 rOMinatrix Manipulated by AIs, believes aliens have chosen her
44 99-100 underscourge Traffic control AI, masquerades as a human teen with ASD
1-2 Wanted by African union Army fatigues, manipulative Owes favour to…
3-4 Degree educated anarchist Short red mohawk, bondage pants Suspicious of…
5-6 Tracking emergent intelligences reliable, obsessive, clean cut Interested in…
7-8 Thick accent, security conscious Thin, bald, wild eyed, submissive Hiding from…
9-10 Never, ever seen in meatspace Translucent, shadowy avatars Student of…
11-12 Exhausted, caffeine addicted Cheap suit, unkempt, nervous Make use of…
13-14 Strategic genius, connected Grubby, dishevelled, paraplegic Friend of…
15-16 used by collective for his money Wears labelled casuals, arrogant Seeks aid of…
17-18 Brilliant cryptographer Cosmonaut suit, catheter, bright looking for…
19-20 living black banking node Slick hair, sharp suit, confident Associate of…
21-22 Wanted by biotech company Humourless, kawaii-punk, tomboy Was partner of…
23-24 Buys back doors, rents them out late 20s, sophisticated, ruthless Schemes with…
25-26 reroutes courier drones for fixer Spiritual, hippy, infosocialist rivalry with…
27-28 Teleoperates spiderform shells Malnourished, pastey, dank Trusts only…
29-30 Travels in secure AI-driven car African, child soldier, gregarious Seeks service of…
31-32 Secreting own ‘ghost’ across net Wealthy, suave, fatalist, drinker Seeks aid of…
33-34 Subverts implants for own use untrusting, baggy clothes, caps Avoids…
35-36 Superstitious sakawa devotee Skeletal, tribal scars, chrome teeth Will betray…
37-38 Situation awareness for solos Sterile stasis tank, philosophical Seeks work of…
39-40 Several fixers aware of his work T-shirts, jeans, sneakers, torn Influence over…
41-42 reconfigures obsolete software Slight, scruffy, shuffling, weak Jealous of…
43-44 Considering finally going legit Hyperactive, 3/4 pants, paranoid Curious about…
45-46 Sought-after security consultant Hairy, smelly, tasteful aesthete Fond of…
47-48 Supports rebel insurgency Bed-ridden, trapped, unloved Seeks service of…
49-50 Vindictively alters enemies’ IDs leather coat, skin cut, bruiser unsure about…
51-52 3D printing an army of drones Serene, tidy, meticulous, plastic Obvious to…
53-54 Successful online drug dealer Presents as gaunt Victorian gent Manipulates…
55-56 Telemetric sniper Young, serious, severe short bob In love with…
57-58 Courted by syndicate bosses Slacks, loafers, tailored shirts Friend of…
59-60 Conflict averse by State design Stuttering, intelligent, frustrated Seeks aid of…
61-62 Covertly records everything Sly, overweight, pork pie hat Irritated by…
63-64 remote vehicle-jackers long hair, beanies, Ts, juvenile Crush on…
65-66 Sideline in pirate hunting Distant, fidgety, emaciated Curious about…
67-68 Stolen Mossad virus adaptation Only hear a smooth, baritone voice Suspicious of…
69-70 Infamous node saboteur Pear-shaped, leather jacket, boots Aunt of…
71-72 Virtual cosplayer club president Androgynous girl, talks too fast In the way of…
73-74 Financing transhuman revolt Scattering of slightly silvered dust Make use of…
75-76 Sub-par Ar ‘street artist’ Pale, bleached dreads, patronising Was student of…
77-78 Mines archeosystems for data Cuban exile, tech coveralls, cigar Despises…
79-80 Engineers violent flash mobs Obese, curly hair, spots, obnoxious Messes with…
81-82 lives in decommissioned sub Toned, vest, lounge pants, stares Friend of…
83-84 Expert MOuT co-ordinator Sweats, unwashed, gruff, afraid used by…
85-86 Hostile and deadly black ICE Tall, imposing, Slavic, smart coat Suspicious of…
87-88 Tagging and tracking homeless Driven, chain smokes, agitated Seeks service of…
89-90 recon via subverted appliances Tremors, vacant eyes, bad teeth Influence over…
91-92 Ghost-hacked by desperate cop Frumpy, short hair, kaftan, twitch Trying to help…
93-94 Being used by corrupt manager Korean teens in sportswear Seek aid of…
95-96 under Turing investigation Stained shirt, tie, shakes, furtive use service of…
97-98 Hosts popular Vr sex dungeon Mannish, scarlet curls, vest tops Intrigued by…
99-100 Intimately knows the city streets Floppy hair, sullen (vidchat only) Blackmails… (1-2) 45
While this book has been written with R.Talsorian’s Cyberpunk 2020
roleplaying game in mind, the information provided in this city kit is
presented stat-free and system agnostic, suitable for any dark future
RPG such as Shadowrun, CyberGeneration, Cyberpunk V3, Cyberspace,
CyberHero, GURPS Cyberpunk, Bubblegum Crisis, Transhuman Space,
Interface Zero, The Sprawl, 2300AD, Judge Dredd, The Black Hack:
Cyber-Hacked, D20 Future, Ghost In The Shell, Zaibatsu, Ex Machina,
NeuroSpasta, SLA Industries, Mirrorshades, Stars Without Number:
Polychrome and Cyber.net.ica (all trademarks acknowledged).

style and substance

Enhance your games of the dark future, with the easy to use
augmented reality cyberpunk city kit. Inside, you’ll find over 50
tables designed to assist gamesmasters who need to improvise
futuristic city details, or who have found that they are unprepared
for where their players are heading.

With this book, you can add layers of detail to any cyberpunk
cityscape, and make use of over 250 NPCs, including fixers,
street samurai, corporate players and insane hackers, along with
easy to roll cabbies, cops, gang members and street fighters.
Missions, motivations and methods can be generated, along with
the immediate urban environment, all painted with a broad brush,
to enable gamesmasters to let their twisted imaginations shine
through, without slowing down the action.

Your players may use the real world as a reference, but YOU can
use these tables to bring them the bleeding-edge future. So, jack
in now and augment your reality…

Geist Hack Games

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