Thermal Maturity History Paper UM

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Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216

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Research paper

Thermal maturity history and petroleum generation modelling for the

Upper Jurassic Madbi source rocks in the Marib-Shabowah Basin,
western Yemen
Mohammed Hail Hakimi a, *, Wan Hasiah Abdullah b
Geology Department, Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, 6803 Taiz, Yemen
Department of Geology, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Widely exposed in the Marib-Shabowah Basin, the early Upper Jurassic Madbi Formation is divided into
Received 2 March 2014 two units (Lam and Meem, youngest to oldest) believed to be major source rocks. The Madbi source rocks
Received in revised form are characterized by relatively high total organic carbon contents (TOC) ranging from 0.5 to 10.0 wt%,
27 July 2014
meeting the standard as a fair to excellent source rock generative potential. They contain Type II kerogen
Accepted 3 August 2014
Available online 14 August 2014
grading to mixed Type II/III kerogens and Type III kerogen with HI values between 40 and 620 mg HC/g
TOC. Vitrinite reflectance values range from 0.41 to 2.61% Ro, indicating sufficient thermal maturity for
both oil and gas generation.
Madbi source rocks
Burial/thermal history models indicate that the Upper Jurassic Madbi source rocks passed the peak of
Thermal maturity oil generation stage and convert the oil to dry gas in the Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous time. Oil
Hydrocarbon generation modelling generation began immediately after deposition in the Late Jurassic time (150e145 Ma) and maximum
Marib-Shabowah Basin rates of oil with significant gas have been generated during Late Cretaceous time (110e65 Ma). The peak
Western Yemen gas generation occurred during the early Tertiary. The modelled hydrocarbon expulsion evolution sug-
gests that the timing of hydrocarbon expulsion from the Madbi source rocks began in the early Creta-
ceous (140 Ma) persisted to present-day. The modelling results also indicate that the peak hydrocarbon
generation and expulsion from Madbi source rocks in the studied area occurs well after deposition of the
seal rock and formation of traps, ensuring entrapment and preservation of migrated hydrocarbons.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction maturity based primarily on pyrolysis methods (Alaug et al., 2011;

Hakimi and Abdullah, 2013a,b; Hakimi et al., 2014), detailed basin
The Marib-Shabowah Basin is an important hydrocarbon prov- modelling investigations of the source rocks are scarce or missing.
ince in the western part of Yemen and has attracted the interest of Basin modelling plays an important role in modern petroleum
numerous researchers and exploration oil companies. The basin exploration in that it integrates the principles of maturity history
was explored initially by the Yemen Hunt Oil Company (YHOC) and and petroleum generation, expulsion and migration, thereby
the first commercial discovery was made in 1984. Several oil and/or helping the exploration geoscientist to understand the petroleum
gas fields were discovered since the main early discovery being the system and to verify different exploration scenarios (Waples, 1980,
Alif Field in the northwest region (Fig. 1). 1994; Burrus et al., 1991; Hermanrud, 1993; Littke et al., 1994;
Hakimi and Abdullah (2013b) identified two petroleum systems Yalcin et al., 1997; Wendebourg, 2003). In this paper, we evaluate
in the Marib-Shabowah Basin, the most prominent being the Upper the level of thermal maturity for the formations within the Marib-
Jurassic Madbi Petroleum System with the Kimmeridgian shales Shabowah Basin and define the existing temperature anomalies by
contributing variable quantities of liquid hydrocarbons (Hakimi using geochemical parameters and a standard basin modelling
and Abdullah, 2013b). Although, several studies had been under- procedure. The majority of the organic matter analyses are previ-
taken on the basin's source rocks potential and organic matter (OM) ously published (e.g., Hakimi et al., 2014) and only samples of the
Meem member are newly added. A total of 80 well cutting samples
from three wells were analysed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and 55
selected samples were studied by organic petrography and vitrinite
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.H. Hakimi).
reflectance was measured. These analyses are incorporated into 1D
0264-8172/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216 203

Figure 1. Location map of the oil and gas fields in the Marib-Shabowah Basin including representative studied wells (Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1).

modelling to reconstruct the geological history of the basin, to es- Formation as pre-rift and the Shuqra Formation as syn-rift. Here,
timate the heat flow values for thermal development of the basin, the Kuhlan and Shuqra are regarded as a discrete pre-rift package
and to determine the timing of hydrocarbon generation and (Ellis et al., 1996). The Kuhlan Formation is predominantly clastic
expulsion of the Madbi source rocks. with local basement topography commonly providing the prove-
nance of sediment. This formation includes fluviatile and arkosic
2. Geological and tectonic framework red beds that grade upward into a shallow-marine facies and rep-
resents the early transgressive phases of the Late Jurassic seas
The geological evolution of Yemen was driven by the plate (Beydoun et al., 1998). These continental rocks are overlain by
motions that broke southern Gondwana during the Mesozoic and shallow-marine fossiliferous carbonates of the Shuqra Formation
formed the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea in the Cenozoic (Beydoun (Fig. 2). The middle-upper Jurassic Shuqra Formation conformably
et al., 1998; Redfern and Jones, 1995; Csato et al., 2001). Petro- overlies the Kuhlan Formation with a gradational contact. This
leum occurs in two rift basins in Yemen. In western Yemen, pe- conformable relationship reflects the gradual transgression and a
troleum is generated and produced in the Marib-Shabowah Basin, slight deepening of marine conditions, corroborating the evidence
and in eastern Yemen in the Masila Basin. These basins are part of a for a tectonically quiescent platform. The Shuqra Formation is a
system of major rift basins, and largely separated by a structural neritic limestone with rich-fossiliferous marls and does not contain
high known as the Jahi-Mukalla High (Fig. 1). The Marib-Shabowah potential source rock beds (Beydoun et al., 1998). This pre-rift
Basin was initiated during the Jurassic and was related to rifting of sequence provides proven reservoirs (e.g., Kuhlan Formation
the Arabian plate from the Gondwana supercontinent (Redfern and sandstones, Shuqra Formation fractured limestone) and seals (e.g.,
Jones, 1995). The main stratigraphic succession of the Marib- intraformational mudstones of the Kuhlan Formation and non-
Shabowah Basin is presented in Figure 2, and dominated by a fractured limestones of the Shuqra Formation).
thick Mesozoic succession, which ranges in age from Jurassic to The syn-rift (KimmeridgianeTithonian/Berriasian) sequence is
Cretaceous and can be classified into three tectono-stratigraphic characterized by horsts and nested fault blocks that were devel-
megasequences: pre-rift (? BathonianeKimmeridgian), syn-rift oped during late Jurassic to lower Cretaceous time (Redfern and
(KimmeridgianeTithonian) and post-rift (Earliest lower Creta- Jones, 1995). Initiation of rifting occurred during the early Kim-
ceouseUpper Cretaceous) (Figs. 2 and 3). meridgian, and activity continued until the late Tithonian to early
Pre-rift (? Bathonian to Kimmeridgian) sequence represents the Berriasian. During the Late Jurassic, syn-rift sediments of the
Mesozoic pre-rift sequence which is regionally widespread and Kimmeridgian Madbi Formation were deposited (Beydoun et al.,
divided into the Kuhlan and Shuqra Formations (Fig. 3). Previous 1998). This formation is divided into two members. The lower
stratigraphic schemes (Beydoun, 1989) regard the Kuhlan Meem member consists of source rock-quality shales, and sandy
204 M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216

Figure 2. Regional stratigraphic nomenclature, Marib-Shabowah Basin, Republic of Yemen.

turbidites that form the reservoir rocks in some oilfields of the consists predominantly of halite with subordinate anhydrite,
western Marib-Shabowah Basin. The Upper Lam Member is mostly divisible into several bodies separated by interbedded organic-rich
composed of laminated organic-rich shales and considered to be shale and sandstone with minor argillaceous, dolomite and lime-
the most prolific oil prone source rock in the basin (Brannin et al., stone. The interbedded organic-rich shales within the Safer Mem-
1999; Csato et al., 2001; Alaug et al., 2011; Hakimi et al., 2014). ber are considered to be the prolific oil-prone source rock in the
During Tithonian times, late syn-rift sediments of the Sabatayn Marib-Shabowah Basin (Hakimi and Abdullah, 2013a).
Formation were deposited (Beydoun et al., 1998). This formation From latest Jurassic to early Lower Cretaceous time, the rift
consists of thick sequence of clastic and evaporite sediments system of the Marib-Shabowah Basin was active, but the subsi-
(Fig. 2). The Sabatayn Formation is divided into four members dence rate decreased. This was accompanied by the accumulation
named Safer, Alif, Seen and Yah Members (Fig. 2). The Alif Member of carbonates in shallow-marine shelf deposits (Naifa Formation).
is considered as the main reservoir in the Marib-Shabowah Basin The post-rift represents earliest Lower Cretaceous to Upper
and comprises over 90% of recoverable oil in the basin (JNOC, 2000 Cretaceous and rests unconformably on the syn-rift section (Fig. 3).
“personal communication”). The Safer Member constitutes an The post-rift sediments comprise the Saar, Qishn and Tawilah
excellent seal to the underling Alif Member reservoir and contains Formations (Fig. 2). The Saar Formation is mainly composed of
internally some potential good local reservoireseal pairs in the limestone and dolomite, with mudstone and sandstone in-
intra evaporate clastics and evaporates (Beydoun et al., 1998). It tercalations (Beydoun et al., 1998). The Saar Formation was
M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216 205

Figure 3. Tectono-stratigraphic, halokinetic, and petroleum generation history model of Marib-Shabowah Basin, western Yemen (modified after Csato et al., 2001).

deposited during transgression in Early Cretaceous time. It index (HI), as well as kinetic parameters are used to incorporate into
conformably overlies the Naifa Formation and unconformably un- basin modelling for hydrocarbon generation simulation.
derlies the Qishn Formation (Fig. 2). The Qishn deposits represent a Fifty five samples were selected for vitrinite reflectance mea-
transgressive marine sequence progressing from east to west across surement based on the amount of organic carbon present within
Yemen that grades laterally westward into clastics of the non- the samples (Table 1). The shale samples were crushed to a
petroleum-bearing Tawilah Formation (Fig. 2). A regional hiatus maximum particle size of 1 mm, mounted in epoxy resin and pol-
spanning the Late Eocene to ?Late Oligocene probably represents ished. Polished blocks were prepared using standard organic
regional uplift which preceded rifting and seafloor spreading in the
Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea (Fig. 3). The Upper Cretaceous Tawilah
Group partially was eroded after uplift related to the Red Sea rifting,
which the erosion thickness has been estimated as 1000 m in the
Marib sector of the Marib-Shabowah Basin (Mitchell and Galbiati,

3. Methodology and experimental results

3.1. Analytical procedures

TOC determination and Rock-Eval pyrolysis analysis were per-

formed on 100 mg crushed whole rock samples, heated to 600 C in a
helium atmosphere, using a Rock-Eval II unit with a total organic
carbon module. The Rock-Eval pyrolysis data provide information on
the quantity, quality and maturity of organic matter contained within
the Madbi source rock units (Figs. 4e7). A total of 80 drill cutting
samples were collected from shales of the Madbi Formation (Fig. 2).
Initially, the studied shale samples were cleaned of contaminants
from drilling mud additives by washing the samples with water
several times until no mud was visible on their surface. Source rock Figure 4. Pyrolysis S2 versus total organic carbon (TOC) plot showing generative
properties such as total organic carbon content (TOC), hydrogen source rock potential for the Madbi units in Marib-Shabowah Basin.
206 M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216

Figure 5. Plot of Hydrogen index (HI) versus pyrolysis Tmax for the analysed samples from Madbi units, showing kerogen quality and thermal maturity stages.

Figure 6. Plot of total organic carbon (TOC) versus pyrolysis S2/S3, showing potential
hydrocarbon generative and type. Most of the Madbi source rocks plotted in an area Figure 7. Plots of maturity parameters Tmax and vitrinite reflectance for wells Jannah-
fair to very good potential source rock for oil- and gas-prone. 1, Alif-1 and Jabal Haddan-1.
M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216 207

Table 1
Thermal maturity data (vitrinite reflectance and Tmax) used to constrain models in the representative wells, Marib-Shabowah Basin.

Jabal Haddan-1 well Alif-1 well Jannah-1 well

Depth (m) Vitrinite reflectance Tmax Depth (m) Vitrinite reflectance Tmax Depth (m) Vitrinite reflectance Tmax

VRo (%) Num. measu. SD VRo (%) Num. measu. SD VRo (%) Num. measu. SD

484.6 0.43 22 0.05 400 448.1 0.41 35 0.05 405 1580.0 0.61 43 0.11 410
786.4 0.44 6 0.08 410 798.6 0.47 25 0.13 410 2020.0 0.73 15 0.07 430
944.9 0.45 12 0.04 415 1828.8 0.78 3 0.06 431 2250.0 0.80 8 0.02 432
1030.2 0.54 9 0.04 420 2002.5 0.85 4 0.07 432 2605.0 0.93 10 0.09 430
1127.8 0.56 9 0.06 423 2158.0 0.94 8 0.09 436 2761.0 1.00 9 0.07 433
1591.1 0.59 12 0.09 427 2249.4 0.98 7 0.07 434 2840.0 1.03 13 0.08 430
1877.6 0.61 32 0.05 433 2462.8 1.11 7 0.13 440 3059.9 1.14 25 0.09 445
2037.9 0.70 55 0.07 435 2502.4 1.15 9 0.09 441 3299.8 1.25 6 0.05 452
2130.9 0.65 15 0.10 435 2575.6 1.19 7 0.13 443 3534.5 1.42 26 0.16 446
2133.3 0.70 55 0.07 436 2779.8 1.25 15 0.15 445 3757.0 1.67 9 0.13 452
2138.8 0.74 17 0.09 437 2842.3 1.40 12 0.09 436 4003.3 1.88 18 0.14 459
2142.4 0.77 24 0.09 436 2910.8 1.42 22 0.10 458 4120.0 2.12 5 0.03 e
2267.4 0.79 13 0.07 438 3057.1 1.48 23 0.11 445 4450.6 2.37 25 0.09 e
2366.8 0.82 40 0.05 441 3224.8 1.57 15 0.09 435 4820.5 2.61 15 0.12 e
2426.2 0.83 21 0.08 442 3334.5 1.78 14 0.19 452
2535.9 0.90 32 0.08 446 3557.0 2.02 26 0.14 445
2645.7 0.92 27 0.07 448 3703.3 2.17 29 0.17 458
2700.5 0.96 31 0.11 448 3928.9 2.21 17 0.21 e
2792.0 0.99 29 0.14 449
2901.7 1.09 39 0.10 453
2974.8 1.21 8 0.11 458
3028.8 1.27 25 0.11 456
3069.3 1.28 27 0.13 453

petrographic preparation techniques (Taylor et al., 1998). Vitrinite maturity of the source rocks and the timing of HC generation and
reflectance measurements were carried out under oil immersion in expulsion in the basin could be modelled (Abdalla et al., 1999).
a plane polarized reflected light microscope. The percentage of Good knowledge of the lithologies of the sedimentary section, their
incident light reflected from the vitrinite particles in the samples ages and periods of deposition and erosion are necessary for the
were measured in comparison to a known standard of 0.589% evaluation of basin evolution (Lerche, 1990). The geologic model
reflectance. Mean vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) determinations were consisting of the depositional, non-depositional and erosional
carried out on particles of vitrinite that are not associated with events in absolute ages (Table 2), was compiled using stratigraphic
strong bitumen staining using an oil immersion objective. Typically, data were provided from well reports, the data bank of Petroleum
25 measurements were made for each sample, and standard de- Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA), Yemen and previous
viation is in the range of 0.02e0.21 (Table 1). However, low organic stratigraphic studies (e.g., Beydoun et al., 1998). Hydrocarbon
content limited the number of measurements in some samples. The generation modelling was based on TOC and HI of the Madbi source
vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) measurements were also correlated with rocks in the Marib-Shabowah Basin and the maturity modelling
maturity pyrolysis Tmax values (Fig. 7). was calculated using the EASY% Ro model of Sweeney and Burnham
(1990). A details description of the numerical 1D modelling steps in
3.2. Basin modelling procedure the study area follows.

In this study, we selected wells (Alif-1, Jabal Haddan-1 and 3.2.1. Subsidence modelling
Jannah-1) within the western central Marib-Shabowah Basin Lithologies and formation thicknesses. Subsidence curves
(Fig. 1) as a representative site to simulate the petroleum genera- (Fig. 8) were first constructed for the three composite wells by
tion and expulsion. Schlumberger's PetroMod (1D) modelling decompacting the sedimentary section using formation thicknesses
software (version 10), was used for the reconstruction of the burial and lithologies assigned from mud logs and composite well logs
and temperature histories of the studied wells. Subsequently, the (Table 2). The Madbi Formation was modelled as two layers (Lam

Table 2
Input data for modelling of depositional and erosional events of studied wells (Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1) in the Marib-Shabowah Basin.
Deposition Representative wells in the Marib-Shabowah Basin (see Figure 1)
Erosion age
age Erosion Jabal Haddan-1 well Alif-1 well Jannah-1 well
Rifting Age Formations Lithology
From To From To (m) Top Bottom Thick Top Bottom Thick Top Bottom Thick
(Ma) (Ma) (Ma) (Ma) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
TAWILAH Course graind sandstones 130.0 38.00 38.00 25.00 900 14 240 226 50 800 750 20 814 794


Limestone and dolomite 140.2 136.4 136.4 130.0 100

SAAR 240 666 427

NAIFA Limestone 146.3 140.2 666 1037 370 800 1090 290 814 1372 557
Sandstones, shales and 148.0
SABATAYN 146.3 1037 1873 836 1090 1800 710 1372 2286 914

MADBI (LAM) Organic-rich shales 150.8 148.0 1873 2961 1088 1800 2850 1050 2286 3658 1372

Organic-rich shales and 155.7 150.8

MADBI (MEEM) 2961 3094 133 2850 3510 660 3658 4877 1219
Massive Limestone and
162.2 155.7 3094 3445 351 3510 4250 740

shale interbedded
Granite and metamorphic
BASEMENT ROCKS 162.2 <170.0 3445 3570 125 4250 4410 160
208 M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216

and Meem, youngest to oldest) (Table 2). Maximum thickness of et al., 1997; He and Middleton, 2002; Li et al., 2010; Hakimi et al.,
Upper Jurassic Madbi Formation is observed in the northeast 2010; Shalaby et al., 2011, 2013). In a basin such as the Marib-
(Jannah-1 well) and toward the central part of the Marib-Shabowah Shabowah, paleo-heat flow is affected by the tectonic evolution
Basin (Alif-1 and Jabal Haddan-1 wells). Figure 2 shows the li- and rifting phase. The rift influenced heat flow model, which in-
thologies that are representative for the Middle Jurassic-Upper corporates a higher heat flow episode during the rift phase and an
Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units of wells Jannah-1, Alif-1 and exponential reduction during the post-rift phase (Mckenzie, 1978),
Jabal Haddan-1 of the Marib-Shabowah oil fields. All sediments has been widely used to calculate the paleo-heat flow (e.g.,
penetrated continental non-marine and shallow to deep marine Justwana et al., 2006; Hu et al., 2005). Based on the geological
sediments carbonate (Beydoun et al., 1998). evolution of the Marib-Shabowah Basin, the time of rifting is
The Jurassic section comprises around 3250 m of the Sabatayn, assigned to the initial phase during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
Madbi, and Shuqra Formations (Fig. 8). The Upper Madbi Formation (155.7e140.2 Ma) of the basin (Redfern and Jones, 1995). Paleo-heat
consists mainly of organic-rich shales but with some interbedded, flow modelling results for the studied wells (Fig. 11) indicate that
consolidated medium-grained sandstones. A massive limestone the heat flow increased from background values (60e62 mW/m2)
with some interbedded shale interval of the Shuqra Formation is during the initial phase (155.7 Ma) of syn-rifting stage in the Marib-
productive in the basin. The Sabatayn Formation consists of thick Shabowah Basin and reached peak heat-flow values of approxi-
sequence of sandstones and intercalated shales with evaporite mately 90.0 mW/m2 at 150 Ma (Fig. 11). This peak is related to the
sediments. The Cretaceous section is only some 1150 m thick initial rifting event starting the basin development (late Jurassic
(Fig. 8), consisting mainly of carbonate rocks (Naifa and Saar For- time; Redfern and Jones, 1995). A cooling history with exponen-
mations) and poorly consolidated coarse grained sands (Tawilah tially decreasing heat-flow values is modelled from 140.2 Ma to
Group). 40 Ma (Fig. 11). The heat-flow values were kept constant during the
Late Cretaceous-Paleocene (70e80 mW/m2) then increased from Event ages. The ages of the events chosen for subsidence middle Eocene to early Miocene times (40e20 Ma; Fig. 11), which is
modelling were based on those assigned by As-Saruri et al. (2010). explained by Tertiary rifting of the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea during
Ages of the base of each modelled rock unit or start of erosion are OligoceneeMiddle Miocene (Redfern and Jones, 1995).
shown in Table 2. Maturity parameters and model validation. The geothermal Erosion events. Several erosion events in the Marib- history model was validated by comparing measured vitrinite
Shabowah Basin have been recognized in published stratigraphic reflectance to values calculated using the Easy Ro model routine
columns (Beydoun et al., 1998; As-Saruri et al., 2010), but their (Sweeney and Burnham, 1990). Vitrinite reflectance (% Ro) generally
positioning varies as has been noted by Mitchell and Galbiati is considered to respond to both maximum burial temperature and
(1995). The Top of the Naifa Formation (E2) and the top of the its duration (geological or exposure time) (e.g., Waples, 1980). In
Tawilah Group (E1) probably are the unconformities that represent this study, the modelled and measured % Ro values exhibit a good
periods of erosion in the basin (Fig. 2). Mitchell and Galbiati (1995) correlation over a wide range (~0.4e2.6%, Table 1). A very good
suggested that a total amount of 900 m and 100 m (sum 1000 m) correlation between measured and calculated % Ro values implies
erosional thickness was split into two erosion events (E1eE2) that the thermal model is valid for this study area (Fig. 12).
during 136.4e130 Ma and 38e25 Ma, respectively were considered
in the model (Table 1). E1 has a significant effect on modelled 3.2.3. Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion modelling
maturities because it determines maximum burial prior to Oligo- Madbi Formation was modelled as two units Meem and Lam
ceneeMiocene uplift, which has been estimated as 900 m in the in thus the progress of generation could be tracked with time, the
the Marib sector of the Marib-Shabowah Basin (Mitchell and tracking horizons being the tops of the respective units. To assess
Galbiati, 1995). Therefore, E1 primarily was used during model- the hydrocarbon generation characteristics to the units, the source
ling to optimize the fit of modelled maturity with observed re- rocks were considered to be marine shales, and kerogen in the units
flectances (Fig. 9). A good fit between measured and calculated % Ro was modelled on a type II gradient to type IIeIII kerogen (mainly
values would require an additional major increase of erosion oil- and gas-prone; Fig. 6). For the purpose of modelling, therefore,
thickness and/or heat flow (Fig. 9). TOC and HI data for the Marib-Shabowah Basin were adopted as
mean values. We have used mean TOC of 4.5 and 1.5% and mean HI
3.2.2. Thermal maturity modelling of 400 and 250 mg HC/g TOC for the Meem and Lam units, Temperature and heat flow. The thermal history of sedi- respectively (Figs. 4 and 5). The IES Kimmeridge Clay kinetic model
mentary basins can be evaluated based on the burial history and on was used throughout as this is most respectative of the highest
the heat-flow evolution (Allen and Allen, 1990; Lachenbruch, 1970). generative potential facies. The proportion expelled portion of the
Present-day heat flow is calculated keeping the thermal conduc- calculated generated hydrocarbons was modelled using a satura-
tivities of the rock units constant and from subsurface geothermal tion threshold 0.2.
gradients that are determined from corrected bottom hole tem-
peratures (BHT) (e.g., Abdalla et al., 1999). The present-day tem- 4. Results and discussion
peratures at the minimum and maximum depths fit to a linear
relationship are used to calculate the geothermal gradient at each 4.1. Source rocks characteristics
borehole location (Ameed et al., 2005) and the heat flow values
derived from present-day geotherms suggest heat flow may The Madbi shales display widely variable organic-matter rich-
currently be higher (62 mW/m2) at Jannah-1 and Alif-1 wells than ness with TOC contents ranging from 0.5 wt % to 10 wt %. Shale
Jabal Haddan well (60 mW/m2) (Fig. 10). samples from the Lam and Meem units have slightly similar TOC
The heat flow is a vital input parameter in basin modelling, but values with higher TOC values in the Lam samples (Fig. 4). Conse-
is difficult to define for the geological past. Constant heat flow quently, the majority of the samples contain above average levels of
models (Fig. 11) are used to help constrain maturity modelling and organic matter (TOC > 1.0 wt%). The TOC contents meet the
usually calibrated with thermal maturity measurements such as accepted standards of a source rock with fair to excellent hydro-
vitrinite reflectance (e.g., Welte and Yukler, 1981, 1987; Poelchau carbon generative potential as suggested by Hunt (1995). This is
Figure 8. Burial history modelling for investigated wells (Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1) in the Marib-Shabowah Basin. Notice that the Madbi Formation divided into two
units (Lam and Meem).
Figure 9. Optimized fit of modelled maturity to measured vitrinite reflectance in model wells Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1 for the heat flow models in Figure 11. Amount of
erosion (E1; 38e25 Ma) required to optimize fit is indicated.
M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216 211

Figure 10. Modelled geotherms for Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1 wells and bottom-hole temperatures on which they are based. Modelled present-day basal heat flow values
are indicated.

confirmed by pyrolysis S2 yield (Fig. 4) as a useful parameter to vitrinite particles ranges from 0.41 to 2.61% Ro (Table 1) comprising
evaluate the generation potential of source rocks (Peters, 1986; a maturity stages from immature to the dry gas window. Based on
Bordenave, 1993). reflectance data from various stratigraphic intervals, a relatively
The Rock-Eval hydrogen index (HI) of the shale samples within low level of maturity was obtained in the Jabal Haddan-1 well and a
Madbi units ranges from 40 to 620 mg HC/g TOC, generally revealed relatively high level of maturity was determined for the strati-
that the Madbi units consist Type II kerogen grading to mixed Type graphic intervals in the Alif-1 and Jannah-1 wells (Table 1). The
IIeIII kerogens and Type III kerogen (Fig. 5). The most Lam shale main explanation can be the depth of burial of the analysed sam-
samples are plotted in the Type II and mixed Type IIeIII kerogens ples. The stratigraphic intervals in Alif-1 and Jannah-1 wells are
field, while the most Meem shale samples plotted within the Type buried deeper than Jabal Haddan-1 well (Table 1). The measured
III kerogen (Fig. 5). This is in agreement with the petrographic re- vitrinite reflectance values are in good agreement with pyrolysis
sults discussed in Hakimi et al. (2014). All the above data indicate Tmax data, as illustrated in Figure 7. There is some lack of correlation
that the shales with Madbi units are very good source rocks for between Tmax and % Ro, even though samples follow a trend, as
hydrocarbon generation (mainly oil- and gas-prone) in the Marib- indicated by a good correlation coefficient (r2 ¼ 0.60). Several
Shabowah basin (Fig. 6). samples possess relatively low Tmax values relative to their vitrinite
reflectance (Fig. 7). This observation can be attributed to the range
4.2. Organic petrography of variation of the Tmax is narrower for organic matter Type I or II
(430e450  C) than for Type III (460e478  C) (Espitalie  et al., 1985),
Vitrinite reflectance measurements were carried out on 55 because the former are composed mostly of cross-linked acyclic
cutting samples collected from three wells (see Table 1). Vitrinite chains, causing a certain independence of thermal maturity with
reflectance increases gradually with depth and mean reflectance of regard to the Tmax. However, the positive correlation between

Figure 11. Heat-flow through time in the investigated wells (Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1), which were used to model the most probable scenario for hydrocarbon gen-
eration and expulsion in the Madbi source rocks.
212 M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216

Figure 12. Burial and thermal maturity histories for the studied wells: Jannah-1 (a), Alif-1 (b) and Jabal Haddan-1 (c). To the right the depth vs. bottom-hole temperature and depth
vs. mean vitrinite reflectance data are shown, respectively. Observed data is plotted in solid red circles and correlated to the modelled curve (solid black line). (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

vitrinite reflectance and Tmax data is a result of their regular in- initial phase during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Redfern
crease with increasing depth. and Jones, 1995), constant heat flow values were considered for
modelled wells. The detailed maturity history of source rocks in
4.3. Source rocks maturity history the Madbi Formation is modelled for the representative wells in
the different locations of Marib-Shabowah Basin (Fig. 1). The
In thermal history reconstructions of the study area, the in- modelling results of the studied wells in the basin show differ-
fluence of the tectonic evolution on the heat-flow distribution ences in source rock maturity and hydrocarbon generation his-
through time was applied. Based on the basal heat flow values tories because of variation in thermal and burial histories
(60e98 mW/m2) considered for rifting basin that assigned the (Fig. 12).
M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216 213

4.3.1. Jannah-1 well the studied area, which reaches a total drilled depth of 3570 m
The Jannah-1 well is the deepest well in the study area, which (Fig. 12c). The best match, between measured and calculated vit-
reaches a total drilled depth of 6412 m (Fig. 12a). Assigning a heat rinite reflectance (Fig. 12c) was achieved using a heat flow of
flow value of 98 mW/m2 during 150 Ma for Jannah-1 well gives the 60e89 mW/m2 (Fig. 11b). Based on the burial/thermal history
best fit between measured and calculated vitrinite reflectance and model, the maximum burial temperature for the Meem unit of the
bottom hole temperatures (Fig. 12a). Compared with other wells, Madbi Formation is estimated between 104 and 150  C and the
the Meem and Lam units of the Madbi Formation have reached calculated vitrinite reflectance values range from 0.55 to 1.30% Ro
higher levels of maturity in the Jannah-1 well probably due to the (Fig. 12c). This indicates that the Meem source rock is in the late
temperatures (Fig. 12a). Based on burial/thermal history model, the stage of oil generation window and increased temperatures to more
maximum burial temperature within this well ranges from 105 to than 130  C may have converted some of the oil to gas (Fig. 12c). The
240  C for the Meem unit of Madbi Formation. The calculated vit- model also shows that the source rock in this unit has reached the
rinite reflectance value is 0.55e4.00% Ro, indicating that the Meem required levels of thermal maturity to onset of the oil window
unit has passed the peak oil generation stage and converted the oil (0.55e0.70% Ro) from about 147 Ma at a depth 1820 m (Fig. 12c).
to dry gas (Fig. 12a). Oil generation of the Meem source rock began The maturity of the Meem source rock reached 0.70% Ro at 140 Ma
from about 150 Ma at a depth of about 1630 m with the calculated at a depth of 2580 m (Fig. 12c). Peak oil generation occurred at
vitrinite reflectance (VR) value at 0.55% Ro (Fig. 12a). The maturity 68 Ma at a depth of 3730 m with the calculated VR value 1.0% Ro and

of the Meem source rock reached 0.70% Ro at 149 Ma at a depth of temperature of approximately 130 C (Fig. 12c). Some generated oil
2013 m (Fig. 12a). Peak oil generation occurred at 147 Ma at a depth from the Meem source rock converted to wet gas during 35 Ma at
of 3200 m for the calculated VR value 1.00% Ro with temperature of calculated VR value of 1.20% Ro and at a depth of 3860 m (Fig. 12c).
approximately 179  C. At 110 Ma, the maturity of the Meem source The Lam unit of the Madbi Formation is interpreted to be within the
rock reached 1.30% Ro at a depth of 4565 m, which converted some main stage of the oil generation window, as indicated by calculated
of the oil to wet gas. The dry gas generation from Meem source rock vitrinite reflectance values of 0.55e1.00% Ro and maximum burial
began from about 90 Ma at a depth of about 4925 m with the temperatures of 105e140  C (Fig. 12c). The modelled burial/thermal
calculated VR value at 2.10% Ro (Fig. 12a). In contrast, the Lam unit of history of the Lam source rock shows that the oil generation started
the Madbi Formation in the burial history model has burial tem- from about 146 Ma at a depth of about 1784 with calculated VR
peratures ranging from 104 to 200  C and are presently in the peak value of 0.55% Ro and the main generation reached maturity of
oil generation window (roughly at 0.55e1.30% Ro). The thermal 0.70% Ro at 135 Ma at a depth 2895 m (Fig. 12c). The peak oil
maturity modelling result of the Lam source rock in well Jannah-1 generation was during 55 Ma at a depth of about 3810 m with VR
shows that oil generation began from about 147 Ma at a depth of value at 1.0% Ro (Fig. 12c).
about 1713 m, reached maturity of 0.70% Ro at 145 Ma and peak oil
generation at 97 Ma (Fig. 12a). The oil was converted to some wet 4.4. Timing of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion
gas during 56 Ma at a depth of about 4218 m with VR value of 1.3%
Ro (Fig. 12a). The generated and expelled per unit weight and timing for the
Madbi units were analysed and determined from its maturation
4.3.2. Alif-1 well history using an assumed 10% transformation ratio (Figs. 13 and 14).
An approximate thickness of 4360 m has been drilled in this The modelled hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of the studied
well and its maximum burial temperature varies between 100 and wells shows that the Madbi source rocks were generating hydro-
180  C for the Meem unit of the Madbi Formation (Fig. 12b). The carbon with oil as the main product and significant gas (Figs. 13 and
modelled burial/thermal history shows that the Meem source rock 14).
has passed the peak oil generation stage and converted some oil to
wet gas with calculated vitrinite reflectance value of 0.55e2.00% 4.4.1. Lower Madbi Formation (Meem unit)
Ro (Fig. 12b). This model also shows that the corresponding onset of The hydrocarbon generation and expulsion history of the Meem
the oil window (0.55e0.70% Ro) of the Meem source rock began source rock in the investigated wells (Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and
from about 149 Ma at a depth 1520 m (Fig. 12b). The Meem source Jannah-1) are slightly similar and can be summarized in to four
rock reached main oil generation (0.70e1.0% Ro) at 147 Ma at a stages (Fig. 13). The first stage (approximately 150e131 Ma) is the
depth greater than 2000 m (Fig. 12b). Peak oil generation occurred early phase of oil generation without any expulsion (Fig. 13a). The
at 120 Ma at a depth of 2977 m for the calculated VR value 1.01% Ro transformation ratio of the source rock varied from 10% to 25%
with temperature of approximately 131  C. The generated oil from during this stage (Fig. 13b). The second stage (approximately
Meem source rock began convert to wet gas during late Cretaceous 149e68 Ma) is the main phase of oil generation and less gas gen-
(78 Ma) at a depth of about 3725 m with the calculated VR value at eration. The transformation ratio of the source rock varied from 25%
1.3% Ro (Fig. 12b). In contrast, the Lam unit of the Madbi Formation to 65% with calculated VR of 0.75e1.0 % Ro (Fig. 13b). The oil
is buried at depth 2850 m and its maximum burial temperature expulsion also began during this stage because of significant
varies between 100 and 165  C with calculated VR values of amounts of oil generation. The third stage (approximately
0.55e1.30% Ro (roughly peak oil generation window) (Fig. 12b). The 140e40 Ma) is the main stage of oil expulsion and the trans-
burial/thermal history model of the Lam source rock shows that oil formation ratio increase from 65% to 90% (Fig. 13b). The fourth stage
generation began from about 146 Ma at a depth of about 1784 m of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion for the studied wells
and reached maturity of 0.70% Ro at 125 Ma at a depth 2225 m show that significant gas expulsion from the Meem source rock
(Fig. 12b). The peak oil generation was during 66 Ma at a depth of started at the Late Cretaceous time and continued to present day
about 3210 m with VR value at 1.0% Ro (Fig. 12b). At 55 Ma, the (80e0 Ma) (Fig. 13a) with transformation ratio of 85 %e99%
maturity of the Lam source rock reached 1.30% Ro at a depth of (Fig. 13b).
3380 m, which converted the of oil to wet gas (Fig. 12b).
4.4.2. Upper Madbi Formation (Lam unit)
4.3.3. Jabal Haddan-1 well The Lam unit, upper Madbi Formation, generated and expelled
Figure 12c displays a burial/thermal history model of the Jabal hydrocarbon later due to its shallower burial depth (Fig. 12). The
Haddan-1 well. The Jabal Haddan-1 well is the shallowest well in hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from the Lam source rock
214 M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216

Figure 13. (a) Cumulative hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from the lower Madbi source rock (Meem unit) in the studied wells. (b) Evolution of the transformation ratio and
rate of hydrocarbon generation with age from the lower Madbi source rock (Meem unit) in the studied wells (Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1).

can be divided into the first stage from approximately 143 Ma to because the saturation threshold has been reached (Fig. 14a). The
65 Ma, the second stage from approximately 95 Ma to 40 Ma and volume of oil expelled from the Lam unit is secondary compared to
the third stage from 40 Ma to the present-day (Fig. 12). The first the Meem unit (Fig. 14a). The transformation ratio during this stage
stage (approximately 143e65 Ma) is the early phase of oil gener- increased from 40% to 66% (Fig. 14b).
ation with less gas generation (Fig. 14a). The transformation ratio of
the source rock varied from 10% to 25% during this stage (Fig. 14b). 5. Conclusions
The second stage is still the phase of oil generation with high oil
generation and significant of gas generation (Fig. 14a). Gas gener- In this paper the burial/thermal histories for three locations in
ation in this stage can be expected from reaching the maximum the Marib-Shabowah Basin were modelled by using one-
transformation ratio (25%e58%) and calculated VR of 0.72e0.98 % dimensional basin modelling software. Rock Eval data were used
Ro (Fig. 14b). The oil expulsion also began during this stage because for source rock information/input and the vitrinite reflectance
of significant amounts of oil generation. The third stage (approxi- values for the calibration process. The burial/thermal history
mately 40 Ma to present day) is the main stage of oil expulsion models were performed to analyses the hydrocarbon generation
M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216 215

Figure 14. (a) Cumulative hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from the upper Madbi source rock (Lam unit) in the studied wells. (b) Evolution of the transformation ratio and
rate of hydrocarbon generation with age from the upper Madbi source rock (Lam unit) in the studied wells (Jabal Haddan-1, Alif-1 and Jannah-1).

and expulsion history of the Madbi source rocks in the Marib- flow in the basin during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
Shabowah Basin. Rock-Eval data show that TOC values of the (155.7e140.2 Ma) has a considerable influence on the Madbi source
Madbi sequence mainly range from 0.50 to 10.0 wt% and the con- rocks maturity.
taining kerogen type II grading to mixed Type II/III and type III The burial/thermal modelling of various wells indicates that the
kerogen, thus considered to be mainly oil- and gas-prone. The Madbi source rocks are presently at a stage of oil and dry gas
Madbi source rocks contain organic matter which has reached generation with thermal maturity ranging from 0.55% to 4.00% Ro.
maturities corresponding to the early oil/gas generation stage (as The Madbi source rocks may have began to generate oil from
indicated by their vitrinite reflectance and Tmax values). approximately 150 Ma to 146 Ma, reaching increased maturities
The heat-flow history modelling results indicate that the paleo- (0.70% Ro) from 149 Ma to 125 Ma, and peak oil generation from
heat flow in the Marib-Shabowah Basin increased from 155.7 to 147 Ma to 55 Ma. The oil conversion to gas occurred from
140.2 Ma, reaching a peak heat-flow value at 150 Ma, which in- approximately 110 Ma to 35 Ma. The models also indicate that
corporates a higher heat flow episode during the initial rifting hydrocarbon expulsion from Madbi source rocks occurred from
event starting the basin development and an exponential reduction 140 Ma to present day. As a result, a main portion of the oil reserves
during the post-rift phase (140.2e40.0 Ma). The high paleo-heat- within the studied oilfields must have been contributed by both
216 M.H. Hakimi, W.H. Abdullah / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 202e216

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