Ansys Commands

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Connection Commands /AN3D - Specifies 3-D annotation functions

~CAT5IN - Transfers a .CATPart file into the ANSYS program. ANCNTR - Produces an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape.
~CATIAIN - Transfers a CATIA model into the ANSYS program. ANCUT - Produces an animated sequence of Q-slices.
~PARAIN - Transfers a Parasolid file into the ANSYS program. ANCYC - Applies a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal
~PROEIN - Transfers a Creo Parametric part into the ANSYS program. cyclic symmetry analysis.
~SATIN - Transfers a .SAT file into the ANSYS program. ANDATA - Displays animated graphics data for nonlinear problems.
~UGIN - Transfers an NX part into the ANSYS program. ANDSCL - Produces an animated sequence of a deformed shape.
II. A Commands ANDYNA - Produces an animated sequence of contour values through
A - Defines an area by connecting keypoints. substeps.
AADD - Adds separate areas to create a single area. /ANFILE - Saves or resumes an animation sequence to or from a file.
AATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed areas. ANFLOW - Produces an animated sequence of particle flow in a flowing fluid
ABEXTRACT - Extracts the alpha-beta damping multipliers for Rayleigh or a charged particle traveling in an electric or magnetic field.
damping. /ANGLE - Rotates the display about an axis.
*ABBR - Defines an abbreviation. ANHARM - Produces an animated sequence of time-harmonic results or
ABBRES - Reads abbreviations from a coded file. complex mode shapes.
ABBSAV - Writes the current abbreviation set to a coded file. ANIM - Displays animated graphics data for linear problems.
ABS - Forms the absolute value of a variable. ANISOS - Produces an animated sequence of an isosurface.
ACCAT - Concatenates multiple areas in preparation for mapped meshing. ANMODE - Produces an animated sequence of a mode shape.
ACCOPTION - Specifies GPU accelerator capability options. ANMRES - Performs animation of results over multiple results files in an
ACEL - Specifies the linear acceleration of the global Cartesian reference explicit dynamic structural analysis or fluid flow analysis with remeshing.
frame for the analysis. /ANNOT - Activates graphics for annotating displays (GUI).
ACLEAR - Deletes nodes and area elements associated with selected areas. ANORM - Reorients area normals.
ADAMS - Performs solutions and writes flexible body information to a modal ANPRES - Produces an animated sequence of the time-harmonic pressure
neutral file (Jobname.MNF) for use in an ADAMS analysis. variation of an engine-order excitation in a cyclic harmonic analysis.
ADAPT - Adaptively meshes and solves a model. ANSOL - Specifies averaged nodal data to be stored from the results file in
ADD - Adds (sums) variables. the solution coordinate system.
ADDAM - Specifies the acceleration spectrum computation constants for the ANSTOAQWA - Creates an AQWA-LINE input file from the current ANSYS
analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures. model.
ADELE - Deletes unmeshed areas. ANSTOASAS - Creates an ASAS input file from the current ANSYS model.
ADGL - Lists keypoints of an area that lie on a parametric degeneracy. ANTIME - Produces a sequential contour animation over a range of time.
ADRAG - Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path. ANTYPE - Specifies the analysis type and restart status.
AESIZE - Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas. /ANUM - Specifies the annotation number, type, and hot spot (GUI).
AFILLT - Generates a fillet at the intersection of two areas. AOFFST - Generates an area, offset from a given area.
AFLIST - Lists the current data in the database. AOVLAP - Overlaps areas.
AFSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the surface of existing APLOT - Displays the selected areas.
solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node. APPEND - Reads data from the results file and appends it to the database.
*AFUN - Specifies units for angular functions in parameter expressions. APTN - Partitions areas.
AGEN - Generates additional areas from a pattern of areas. ARCLEN - Activates the arc-length method.
AGLUE - Generates new areas by "gluing" areas. ARCTRM - Controls termination of the solution when the arc-length method
AINA - Finds the intersection of areas. is used.
AINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of areas. AREAS - Specifies "Areas" as the subsequent status topic.
AINV - Finds the intersection of an area with a volume. AREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified areas.
AL - Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines. AREMESH - Generates an area in which to create a new mesh for rezoning.
ALIST - Lists the defined areas. AREVERSE - Reverses the normal of an area, regardless of its connectivity or
ALLSEL - Selects all entities with a single command. mesh status.
ALPHAD - Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping. AROTAT - Generates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an
AMAP - Generates a 2-D mapped mesh based on specified area corners. axis.
AMESH - Generates nodes and area elements within areas. ARSCALE - Generates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas.
ARSYM - Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection. BFESCAL - Scales element body force loads.
ASBA - Subtracts areas from areas. BFINT - Activates the body force interpolation operation.
ASBL - Subtracts lines from areas. BFK - Defines a body force load at a keypoint.
ASBV - Subtracts volumes from areas. BFKDELE - Deletes body force loads at a keypoint.
ASBW - Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from areas (divides BFKLIST - Lists the body force loads at keypoints.
areas). BFL - Defines a body force load on a line.
ASCRES - Specifies the output type for an acoustic scattering analysis. BFLDELE - Deletes body force loads on a line.
ASEL - Selects a subset of areas. BFLIST - Lists the body force loads on nodes.
ASIFILE - Writes or reads one-way acoustic-structural coupling data. BFLLIST - Lists the body force loads on a line.
*ASK - Prompts the user to input a parameter value. BFSCALE - Scales body force loads at nodes.
ASKIN - Generates an area by "skinning" a surface through guiding lines. BFTRAN - Transfers solid model body force loads to the finite element
ASLL - Selects those areas containing the selected lines. model.
ASLV - Selects those areas contained in the selected volumes. BFUNIF - Assigns a uniform body force load to all nodes.
ASOL - Specifies the output type of an acoustic scattering analysis. BFV - Defines a body force load on a volume.
/ASSIGN - Reassigns a file name to an ANSYS file identifier. BFVDELE - Deletes body force loads on a volume.
ASUB - Generates an area using the shape of an existing area. BFVLIST - Lists the body force loads on a volume.
ASUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas. BIOOPT - Specifies "Biot-Savart options" as the subsequent status topic.
ATAN - Forms the arctangent of a complex variable. BIOT - Calculates the Biot-Savart source magnetic field intensity.
ATRAN - Transfers a pattern of areas to another coordinate system. BLC4 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by corner points.
ATYPE - Specifies "Analysis types" as the subsequent status topic. BLC5 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by center and corner
/AUTO - Resets the focus and distance specifications to "automatically points.
calculated." BLOCK - Creates a block volume based on working plane coordinates.
AUTOTS - Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load BOOL - Specifies "Booleans" as the subsequent status topic.
stepping. BOPTN - Specifies Boolean operation options.
/AUX2 - Enters the binary file dumping processor. BSAX - Specifies the axial strain and axial force relationship for beam
/AUX3 - Enters the results file editing processor. sections.
/AUX12 - Enters the radiation processor. BSMD - Specifies mass per unit length for a nonlinear general beam section.
/AUX15 - Enters the IGES file transfer processor. BSM1 - Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane XZ
AVPRIN - Specifies how principal and vector sums are to be calculated. for beam sections.
AVRES - Specifies how results data will be averaged when PowerGraphics is BSM2 - Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane
enabled. XY for beam sections.
AWAVE - Specifies input data for an acoustic incident wave. BSPLIN - Generates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints.
/AXLAB - Labels the X and Y axes on graph displays. BSS1 - Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in plane
*AXPY - Performs the matrix operation M2= v*M1 + w*M2. XZ for beam sections.
III. B Commands BSS2 - Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in plane
/BATCH - Sets the program mode to "batch." XY for beam sections.
BCSOPTION - Sets memory option for the sparse solver. BSTE - Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a nonlinear general
BETAD - Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping. beam section.
BF - Defines a nodal body force load. BSTQ - Specifies the cross section twist and torque relationship for beam
BFA - Defines a body force load on an area. sections.
BFADELE - Deletes body force loads on an area. BTOL - Specifies the Boolean operation tolerances.
BFALIST - Lists the body force loads on an area. BUCOPT - Specifies buckling analysis options.
BFCUM - Specifies that nodal body force loads are to be accumulated. IV. C Commands
BFDELE - Deletes nodal body force loads. C*** - Places a comment in the output.
BFE - Defines an element body force load. CALC - Specifies "Calculation settings" as the subsequent status topic.
BFECUM - Specifies whether to ignore subsequent element body force loads. CAMPBELL - Prepares the result file for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a
BFEDELE - Deletes element body force loads. prestressed structure.
BFELIST - Lists the element body force loads. CBDOF - Activates cut-boundary interpolation (for submodeling).
CBMD - Specifies preintegrated section mass matrix for composite-beam CMATRIX - Performs electrostatic field solutions and calculates the self and
sections. mutual capacitances between multiple conductors.
CBMX - Specifies preintegrated cross-section stiffness for composite beam CMDELE - Deletes a component or assembly definition.
sections. CMDOMEGA - Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component
CBTE - Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a composite beam about a user-defined rotational axis.
section. CMEDIT - Edits an existing assembly.
CBTMP - Specifies a temperature for composite-beam input. CMGRP - Groups components and assemblies into an assembly.
CDOPT - Specifies format to be used for archiving geometry. CMLIST - Lists the contents of a component or assembly.
CDREAD - Reads a file of solid model and database information into the CMMOD - Modifies the specification of a component.
database. CMOMEGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about
CDWRITE - Writes geometry and load database items to a file. a user-defined rotational axis.
CE - Defines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom. CMPLOT - Plots the entities contained in a component or assembly.
CECHECK - Check constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions. CMROTATE - Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component in a
CECMOD - Modifies the constant term of a constraint equation during brake squeal analysis.
solution. CMSEL - Selects a subset of components and assemblies.
CECYC - Generates the constraint equations for a cyclic symmetry analysis CMSFILE - Specifies a list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files
CEDELE - Deletes constraint equations. for plotting results on the assembly.
CEINTF - Generates constraint equations at an interface. CMSOPT - Specifies component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis options.
CELIST - Lists the constraint equations. CMWRITE - Writes node and element components and assemblies to a file.
CENTER - Defines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes. CNCHECK - Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs.
CEQN - Specifies "Constraint equations" as the subsequent status topic. CNKMOD - Modifies contact element key options.
CERIG - Defines a rigid region. CNTR - Redirects contact pair output quantities to a text file.
CESGEN - Generates a set of constraint equations from existing sets. CNVTOL - Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses.
CFACT - Defines complex scaling factors to be used with operations. /COLOR - Specifies the color mapping for various items.
*CFCLOS - Closes the "command" file. /COM - Places a comment in the output.
*CFOPEN - Opens a "command" file. *COMP - Compresses the columns of a matrix using a specified algorithm.
*CFWRITE - Writes an ANSYS command (or similar string) to a "command" COMBINE - Combines distributed memory parallel (Distributed ANSYS) files.
file. COMPRESS - Deletes all specified sets.
/CFORMAT - Controls the graphical display of alphanumeric character strings CON4 - Creates a conical volume anywhere on the working plane.
for parameters, components, assemblies, and tables. CONE - Creates a conical volume centered about the working plane origin.
CGLOC - Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system. /CONFIG - Assigns values to ANSYS configuration parameters.
CGOMGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin. CONJUG - Forms the complex conjugate of a variable.
CGROW - Defines crack-growth information /CONTOUR - Specifies the uniform contour values on stress displays.
CHECK - Checks current database items for completeness. /COPY - Copies a file.
CHKMSH - Checks area and volume entities for previous meshes. CORIOLIS - Applies the Coriolis effect to a rotating structure.
CINT - Defines parameters associated with fracture parameter calculations COUPLE - Specifies "Node coupling" as the subsequent status topic.
CIRCLE - Generates circular arc lines. COVAL - Defines PSD cospectral values.
CISOL - Stores fracture parameter information in a variable. CP - Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom.
/CLABEL - Specifies contour labeling. CPCYC - Couples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for
/CLEAR - Clears the database. loadings that are the same on every segment.
CLOCAL - Defines a local coordinate system relative to the active coordinate CPDELE - Deletes coupled degree of freedom sets.
system. CPINTF - Defines coupled degrees of freedom at an interface.
CLOG - Forms the common log of a variable /CPLANE - Specifies the cutting plane for section and capped displays.
/CLOG - Copies the session log file to a named file. CPLGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from an existing set.
CLRMSHLN - Clears meshed entities. CPLIST - Lists the coupled degree of freedom sets.
CM - Groups geometry items into a component. CPMERGE - Merges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom
CMACEL - Specifies the translational acceleration of an element component into one couple set.
/CMAP - Changes an existing or creates a new color mapping table.
CPNGEN - Defines, modifies, or adds to a set of coupled degrees of DADELE - Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints on an area.
freedom. DALIST - Lists the DOF constraints on an area.
CPSGEN - Generates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets. DAMORPH - Move nodes in selected areas to conform to structural
CQC - Specifies the complete quadratic mode combination method. displacements.
*CREATE - Opens (creates) a macro file. DATA - Reads data records from a file into a variable.
CRPLIM - Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping. DATADEF - Specifies "Directly defined data status" as the subsequent status
CS - Defines a local coordinate system by three node locations. topic.
CSCIR - Locates the singularity for non-Cartesian local coordinate systems. DCGOMG - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin.
CSDELE - Deletes local coordinate systems. DCUM - Specifies that DOF constraint values are to be accumulated.
CSKP - Defines a local coordinate system by three keypoint locations. DCVSWP - Performs a DC voltage sweep on a ROM element.
CSLIST - Lists coordinate systems. DDASPEC - Specifies the shock spectrum computation constants for DDAM
CSWPLA - Defines a local coordinate system at the origin of the working analysis.
plane. DDELE - Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints.
CSYS - Activates a previously defined coordinate system. DDOPTION - Sets domain decomposer option for Distributed ANSYS.
/CTYPE - Specifies the type of contour display. DEACT - Specifies "Element birth and death" as the subsequent status topic.
CURR2D - Calculates current flow in a 2-D conductor. DEFINE - Specifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic.
CUTCONTROL - Controls time-step cutback during a nonlinear solution. *DEL - Deletes a parameter or parameters (GUI).
/CVAL - Specifies nonuniform contour values on stress displays. DELETE - Specifies sets in the results file to be deleted before
CVAR - Computes covariance between two quantities. postprocessing.
/CWD - Changes the current working directory. /DELETE - Deletes a file.
CYCCALC - Calculates results from a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition DELTIM - Specifies the time step sizes to be used for the current load step.
analysis using the specifications defined by CYCSPEC. DEMORPH - Move nodes in selected elements to conform to structural
/CYCEXPAND - Graphically expands displacements, stresses and strains of a displacements.
cyclically symmetric model. DERIV - Differentiates a variable.
CYCFILES - Specifies the data files where results are to be found for a cyclic DESIZE - Controls default element sizes.
symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis. DESOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node of an element.
CYCFREQ - Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry mode- DETAB - Modifies element table results in the database.
superposition harmonic analysis. /DEVDISP - Controls graphics device options.
*CYCLE - Bypasses commands within a do-loop. /DEVICE - Controls graphics device options.
CYCLIC - Specifies a cyclic symmetry analysis. /DFLAB - Changes degree-of-freedom labels for user custom elements.
CYCOPT - Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis. DFLX - Imposes a uniform magnetic flux B on an edge-element
CYCPHASE - Provides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible electromagnetic model.
result values from frequency couplets produced in a modal cyclic symmetry DFSWAVE - Specifies the incident planar waves with random phases for a
analysis. diffuse sound field.
CYCSPEC - Defines the set of result items for a DIG - Digitizes nodes to a surface.
subsequent CYCCALC command in postprocessing a cyclic harmonic mode- DIGIT - Specifies "Node digitizing" as the subsequent status topic.
superposition analysis. *DIM - Defines an array parameter and its dimensions.
CYL4 - Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the /DIRECTORY - Put the file names in the current directory into a string
working plane. parameter array.
CYL5 - Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume by end points. DISPLAY - Specifies "Display settings" as the subsequent status topic.
CYLIND - Creates a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane /DIST - Specifies the viewing distance for magnifications and perspective.
origin. DJ - Specifies boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of
CZDEL - Edits or clears cohesive zone sections. a joint element.
CZMESH - Create and mesh an interface area composed of cohesive zone DJDELE - Deletes boundary conditions on the components of relative motion
elements. of a joint element.
V. D Commands DJLIST - Lists boundary conditions applied to joint elements.
D - Defines degree-of-freedom constraints at nodes. DK - Defines DOF constraints at keypoints.
DA - Defines degree-of-freedom constraints on areas. DKDELE - Deletes DOF constraints at a keypoint.
DKLIST - Lists the DOF constraints at keypoints. EDBVIS - Specifies global bulk viscosity coefficients for an explicit dynamics
DL - Defines DOF constraints on lines. analysis.
DLDELE - Deletes DOF constraints on a line. EDCADAPT - Specifies adaptive meshing controls for an explicit dynamic
DLIST - Lists DOF constraints. analysis.
DLLIST - Lists DOF constraints on a line. EDCGEN - Specifies contact parameters for an explicit dynamics analysis.
*DMAT - Creates a dense matrix. EDCLIST - Lists contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamics analysis.
DMOVE - Digitizes nodes on surfaces and along intersections. EDCMORE - Specifies additional contact parameters for a given contact
DMPEXT - Extracts modal damping coefficients in a specified frequency definition in an explicit dynamic analysis.
range. EDCNSTR - Defines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic
DMPOPTION - Specifies distributed memory parallel (Distributed ANSYS) file analysis.
combination options. EDCONTACT - Specifies contact surface controls for an explicit dynamics
DMPRAT - Sets a constant modal damping ratio. analysis.
DMPSTR - Sets a constant structural damping coefficient. EDCPU - Specifies CPU time limit for an explicit dynamics analysis.
DNSOL - Defines or modifies solution results at a node. EDCRB - Constrains two rigid bodies to act as one in an explicit dynamics
*DO - Defines the beginning of a do-loop. analysis.
DOF - Adds degrees of freedom to the current DOF set. EDCSC - Specifies whether to use subcycling in an explicit dynamics
DOFSEL - Selects a DOF label set for reference by other commands. analysis.
DOMEGA - Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure. EDCTS - Specifies mass scaling and scale factor of computed time step for
*DOT - Computes the dot (or inner) product of two vectors. an explicit dynamics analysis.
*DOWHILE - Loops repeatedly through the next *ENDDO command. EDCURVE - Specifies data curves for an explicit dynamic analysis.
DSCALE - Scales DOF constraint values. EDDAMP - Defines mass weighted (Alpha) or stiffness weighted (Beta)
/DSCALE - Sets the displacement multiplier for displacement displays. damping for an explicit dynamics model.
DSET - Sets the scale and drawing plane orientation for a digitizing tablet. EDDBL - Selects a numerical precision type of the explicit dynamics analysis.
DSPOPTION - Sets memory option for the distributed sparse solver. EDDC - Deletes or deactivates/reactivates contact surface specifications in
DSUM - Specifies the double sum mode combination method. an explicit dynamic analysis.
DSURF - Defines the surface upon which digitized nodes lie. EDDRELAX - Activates initialization to a prescribed geometry or dynamic
DSYM - Specifies symmetry or antisymmetry degree-of-freedom constraints relaxation for the explicit analysis.
on nodes. EDDUMP - Specifies output frequency for the explicit dynamic restart file
DSYS - Activates a display coordinate system for geometry listings and plots. (d3dump).
DTRAN - Transfers solid model DOF constraints to the finite element model. EDELE - Deletes selected elements from the model.
DUMP - Dumps the contents of a binary file. EDENERGY - Specifies energy dissipation controls for an explicit dynamics
/DV3D - Sets 3-D device option modes. analysis.
DVAL - Defines values at enforced motion base. EDFPLOT - Allows plotting of explicit dynamics forces and other load
DVMORPH - Move nodes in selected volumes to conform to structural symbols.
displacements. EDGCALE - Defines global ALE controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.
DYNOPT - Specifies "Dynamic analysis options" as the subsequent status /EDGE - Displays only the common lines (“edges”) of an object.
topic. EDHGLS - Specifies the hourglass coefficient for an explicit dynamics
VI. E Commands analysis.
E - Defines an element by node connectivity. EDHIST - Specifies time-history output for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EALIVE - Reactivates an element (for the birth and death capability). EDHTIME - Specifies the time-history output interval for an explicit dynamics
EDADAPT - Activates adaptive meshing in an explicit dynamic analysis. analysis.
EDALE - Assigns mesh smoothing to explicit dynamic elements that use the EDINT - Specifies number of integration points for explicit shell and beam
ALE formulation. output.
EDASMP - Creates a part assembly to be used in an explicit dynamic EDIPART - Defines inertia for rigid parts in an explicit dynamics analysis.
analysis. EDIS - Specifies stress initialization in an explicit dynamic full restart
EDBOUND - Defines a boundary plane for sliding or cyclic symmetry. analysis.
EDBX - Creates a box shaped volume to be used in a contact definition for EDLCS - Defines a local coordinate system for use in explicit dynamics
explicit dynamics. analysis.
EDLOAD - Specifies loads for an explicit dynamics analysis. ELBOW - Specifies degrees of freedom to be coupled for end release and
EDMP - Defines material properties for an explicit dynamics analysis. applies section constraints to elbow elements.
EDNB - Defines a nonreflecting boundary in an explicit dynamic analysis. ELEM - Specifies "Elements" as the subsequent status topic.
EDNDTSD - Allows smoothing of noisy data for explicit dynamics analyses ELIST - Lists the elements and their attributes.
and provides a graphical representation of the data. *ELSE - Separates the final if-then-else block.
EDNROT - Applies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit *ELSEIF - Separates an intermediate if-then-else block.
dynamics analysis. EMAGERR - Calculates the relative error in an electrostatic or
EDOPT - Specifies the type of output for an explicit dynamics analysis. electromagnetic field analysis.
EDOUT - Specifies time-history output (ASCII format) for an explicit EMATWRITE - Forces the writing of all the element matrices to File.EMAT.
dynamics analysis. EMF - Calculates the electromotive force (emf), or voltage drop along a
EDPART - Configures parts for an explicit dynamics analysis. predefined path.
EDPC - Selects and plots explicit dynamic contact entities. EMFT - Summarizes electromagnetic forces and torques.
EDPL - Plots a time dependent load curve in an explicit dynamic analysis. EMID - Adds or removes midside nodes.
EDPVEL - Applies initial velocities to parts or part assemblies in an explicit EMIS - Specifies emissivity as a material property for the Radiation Matrix
dynamic analysis. method.
EDRC - Specifies rigid/deformable switch controls in an explicit dynamic EMODIF - Modifies a previously defined element.
analysis. EMORE - Adds more nodes to the just-defined element.
EDRD - Switches a part from deformable to rigid or from rigid to deformable EMSYM - Specifies circular symmetry for electromagnetic sources.
in an explicit dynamic analysis. EMTGEN - Generates a set of TRANS126 elements.
EDREAD - Reads explicit dynamics output into variables for time-history EMUNIT - Specifies the system of units for magnetic field problems.
postprocessing. EN - Defines an element by its number and node connectivity.
EDRI - Defines inertia properties for a new rigid body that is created when a *END - Closes a macro file.
deformable part is switched to rigid in an explicit dynamic analysis. *ENDDO - Ends a do-loop and starts the looping action.
EDRST - Specifies the output interval for an explicit dynamic analysis. *ENDIF - Ends an if-then-else.
EDRUN - Specify LS-DYNA serial or parallel processing. ENDRELEASE - Specifies degrees of freedom to be decoupled for end
EDSHELL - Specifies shell computation controls for an explicit dynamics release.
analysis. ENERSOL - Specifies the total energies to be stored.
EDSOLV - Specifies "explicit dynamics solution" as the subsequent status ENGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern.
topic. ENORM - Reorients shell element normals or line element node connectivity.
EDSP - Specifies small penetration checking for contact entities in an explicit ENSYM - Generates elements by symmetry reflection.
dynamic analysis. /EOF - Exits the file being read.
EDSTART - Specifies status (new or restart) of an explicit dynamics analysis. EORIENT - Reorients solid element normals.
EDTERM - Specifies termination criteria for an explicit dynamic analysis. EPLOT - Produces an element display.
EDTP - Plots explicit elements based on their time step size. EQSLV - Specifies the type of equation solver.
EDVEL - Applies initial velocities to nodes or node components in an explicit ERASE - Explicitly erases the current display.
dynamic analysis. /ERASE - Specifies that the screen is to be erased before each display.
EDWELD - Defines a massless spotweld or generalized weld for use in an EREAD - Reads elements from a file.
explicit dynamic analysis. EREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified elements.
EDWRITE - Writes explicit dynamics input to an LS-DYNA input file. EREINF - Generates reinforcing elements from selected existing (base)
EEXTRUDE - Extrudes 2-D plane elements into 3-D solids. elements.
/EFACET - Specifies the number of facets per element edge for ERESX - Specifies extrapolation of integration point results.
PowerGraphics displays. ERNORM - Controls error estimation calculations.
EGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern. ERRANG - Specifies the element range to be read from a file.
*EIGEN - Performs a modal solution with unsymmetric or damping matrices. ESCHECK - Perform element shape checking for a selected element set.
EINFIN - Generates structural infinite elements from selected nodes. ESEL - Selects a subset of elements.
EINTF - Defines two-node elements between coincident or offset nodes. /ESHAPE - Displays elements with shapes determined from the real
EKILL - Deactivates an element (for the birth and death capability). constants or section definition.
ESIZE - Specifies the default number of line divisions.
ESLA - Selects those elements associated with the selected areas. FCLIST - To list what the failure criteria is that you have input.
ESLL - Selects those elements associated with the selected lines. FCUM - Specifies that force loads are to be accumulated.
ESLN - Selects those elements attached to the selected nodes. FCTYP - Activates or removes failure-criteria types for postprocessing.
ESLV - Selects elements associated with the selected volumes. FDELE - Deletes force loads on nodes.
ESOL - Specifies element data to be stored from the results file. /FDELE - Deletes a binary file after it is used.
ESORT - Sorts the element table. FE - Defines a set of fatigue event parameters.
ESSOLV - Performs a coupled electrostatic-structural analysis. FEBODY - Specifies "Body loads on elements" as the subsequent status
ESTIF - Specifies the matrix multiplier for deactivated elements. topic.
ESURF - Generates elements overlaid on the free faces of selected nodes. FECONS - Specifies "Constraints on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
ESYM - Generates elements from a pattern by a symmetry reflection. FEFOR - Specifies "Forces on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
ESYS - Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer. FELIST - Lists the fatigue event parameters.
ET - Defines a local element type from the element library. FESURF - Specifies "Surface loads on elements" as the subsequent status
ETABLE - Fills a table of element values for further processing. topic.
ETCHG - Changes element types to their corresponding types. *FFT - Computes the fast Fourier transformation of a specified matrix or
ETCONTROL - Control the element technologies used in element formulation vector.
(for applicable elements). FILE - Specifies the data file where results are to be found.
ETDELE - Deletes element types. FILEAUX2 - Specifies the binary file to be dumped.
ETLIST - Lists currently defined element types. FILEAUX3 - Specifies the results file to be edited.
ETYPE - Specifies "Element types" as the subsequent status topic. FILEDISP - Specifies the file containing the graphics data.
EUSORT - Restores original order of the element table. FILL - Generates a line of nodes between two existing nodes.
EWRITE - Writes elements to a file. FILLDATA - Fills a variable by a ramp function.
*EXIT - Exits a do-loop. /FILNAME - Changes the Jobname for the analysis.
/EXIT - Stops the run and returns control to the system. FINISH - Exits normally from a processor.
EXP - Forms the exponential of a variable. FITEM - Identifies items chosen by a picking operation (GUI).
EXPAND - Displays the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis. FJ - Specify forces or moments on the components of the relative motion of
/EXPAND - Allows the creation of a larger graphic display than represented a joint element.
by the actual finite element analysis model. FJDELE - Deletes forces (or moments) on the components of the relative
EXPASS - Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis. motion of a joint element.
*EXPORT - Exports a matrix to a file in the specified format. FJLIST - Lists forces and moments applied on joint elements.
EXPROFILE - Exports interface loads or loads on selected nodes to an FK - Defines force loads at keypoints.
ANSYS CFX Profile file. FKDELE - Deletes force loads at a keypoint.
EXPSOL - Specifies the solution to be expanded for mode-superposition FKLIST - Lists the forces at keypoints.
analyses or substructure analyses. FL - Defines a set of fatigue location parameters.
EXTOPT - Controls options relating to the generation of volume elements FLIST - Lists force loads on the nodes.
from area elements. FLLIST - Lists the fatigue location parameters.
EXTREM - Lists the extreme values for variables. FLST - Specifies data required for a picking operation (GUI).
EXUNIT - Specifies the interface load unit labels to be written to the export FLUXV - Calculates the flux passing through a closed contour.
file for ANSYS to CFX transfer. FLUREAD - Reads one-way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL coupling data via
VII. F Commands a .cgns file with one-side fast Fourier transformation complex pressure
F - Specifies force loads at nodes. peak value.
/FACET - Specifies the facet representation used to form solid model FMAGBC - Applies force and torque boundary conditions to an element
displays. component.
FATIGUE - Specifies "Fatigue data status" as the subsequent status topic. FMAGSUM - Summarizes electromagnetic force calculations on element
FC - Provides failure criteria information and activates a data table to input components.
temperature-dependent stress and strain limits. /FOCUS - Specifies the focus point (center of the window).
FCCHECK - Checks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials. FOR2D - Calculates magnetic forces on a body.
FCDELE - Deletes previously defined failure criterion data for the given FORCE - Selects the element nodal force type for output.
material. FORM - Specifies the format of the file dump.
/FORMAT - Specifies format controls for tables. /GMARKER - Specifies the curve marking style.
FP - Defines the fatigue S vs. N and Sm vs. T tables. GMATRIX - Performs electric field solutions and calculates the self and
FPLIST - Lists the property table stored for fatigue evaluation. mutual conductance between multiple conductors.
*FREE - Deletes a matrix or a solver object and frees its memory allocation. GMFACE - Specifies the facet representation used to form solid models.
FREQ - Defines the frequency points for the SV vs. FREQ tables. *GO - Causes a specified line on the input file to be read next.
FRQSCL - Turns on automatic scaling of the entire mass matrix and /GO - Reactivates suppressed printout.
frequency range for modal analyses using the Block Lanczos, PCG Lanczos, /GOLIST - Reactivates the suppressed data input listing.
or Supernode mode extraction method. /GOPR - Reactivates suppressed printout.
FS - Stores fatigue stress components at a node. GP - Defines a gap condition for transient analyses.
FSCALE - Scales force load values in the database. GPDELE - Deletes gap conditions.
FSDELE - Deletes a stress condition for a fatigue location, event, and GPLIST - Lists the gap conditions.
loading. GPLOT - Controls general plotting.
FSLIST - Lists the stresses stored for fatigue evaluation. /GRAPHICS - Defines the type of graphics display.
FSNODE - Calculates and stores the stress components at a node for /GRESUME - Sets graphics settings to the settings on a file.
fatigue. /GRID - Selects the type of grid on graph displays.
FSPLOT - Displays a fatigue stress item for a fatigue location and event. /GROPT - Sets various line graph display options.
FSSECT - Calculates and stores total linearized stress components. GRP - Specifies the grouping mode combination method.
FSSPARM - Calculates reflection and transmission properties of a frequency /GRTYP - Selects single or multiple Y-axes graph displays.
selective surface. /GSAVE - Saves graphics settings to a file for later use.
FSUM - Sums the nodal force and moment contributions of elements. GSBDATA - Specifies the constraints or applies the load at the ending point
FTCALC - Performs fatigue calculations for a particular node location. for generalized plane strain option.
FTRAN - Transfers solid model forces to the finite element model. GSGDATA - Specifies the reference point and defines the geometry in the
FTSIZE - Defines the fatigue data storage array. fiber direction for the generalized plane strain element option.
FTWRITE - Writes all currently stored fatigue data on a file. GSLIST - When using generalized plane strain, lists the input data or
FTYPE - Specifies the file type and pressure type for the subsequent import solutions.
of source points and pressures. GSSOL - Specifies which results to store from the results file when using
FVMESH - Generates nodes and tetrahedral volume elements from detached generalized plane strain.
exterior area elements (facets). /GST - Turns Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) on or off.
VIII. G Commands GSUM - Calculates and prints geometry items.
GAP - Specifies "mode-superposition transient gap conditions" as the /GTHK - Sets line thicknesses for graph lines.
subsequent status topic. /GTYPE - Controls the entities that the GPLOT command displays.
GAPF - Defines the gap force data to be stored in a variable. IX. H Commands
GAUGE - Gauges the problem domain for a magnetic edge-element HARFRQ - Defines the frequency range in a harmonic analysis.
formulation. /HBC - Determines how boundary condition symbols are displayed in a
GCDEF - Defines interface interactions between general contact surfaces. display window.
GCGEN - Creates contact elements for general contact. HBMAT - Writes an assembled global matrix in Harwell-Boeing format.
/GCMD - Controls the type of element or graph display used for /HEADER - Sets page and table heading print controls.
the GPLOT command. HELP - Displays help information on ANSYS commands and element types.
/GCOLUMN - Allows the user to apply a label to a specified curve. HELPDISP - Displays help information on DISPLAY program commands.
GENOPT - Specifies "General options" as the subsequent status topic. HEMIOPT - Specifies options for Hemicube view factor calculation.
GEOM - Defines the geometry specifications for the radiation matrix HFANG - Defines or displays spatial angles of a spherical radiation surface
calculation. for sound radiation parameter calculations.
GEOMETRY - Specifies "Geometry" as the subsequent status topic. HFSYM - Indicates the presence of symmetry planes for the computation of
*GET - Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an acoustic fields in the near and far field domains (beyond the finite element
array parameter. region).
/GFILE - Specifies the pixel resolution on Z-buffered graphics files. HMAGSOLV - Specifies 2-D or axisymmetric harmonic magnetic solution
/GFORMAT - Specifies the format for the graphical display of numbers. options and initiates the solution.
/GLINE - Specifies the element outline style. HPGL - Specifies various HP options.
HPTCREATE - Defines a hard point. KDIST - Calculates and lists the distance between two keypoints.
HPTDELETE - Deletes selected hardpoints. KEEP - Stores POST26 definitions and data during active session.
HRCPLX - Computes and stores in the database the time-harmonic solution KESIZE - Specifies the edge lengths of the elements nearest a keypoint.
at a prescribed phase angle. KEYOPT - Sets element key options.
HREXP - Specifies the phase angle for the harmonic analysis expansion pass. KEYPTS - Specifies "Keypoints" as the subsequent status topic.
HROPT - Specifies harmonic analysis options. KEYW - Sets a keyword used by the GUI for context filtering (GUI).
HROCEAN - Perform the harmonic ocean wave procedure (HOWP). KFILL - Generates keypoints between two keypoints.
HROUT - Specifies the harmonic analysis output options. KGEN - Generates additional keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.
X. I Commands KL - Generates a keypoint at a specified location on an existing line.
IC - Specifies initial conditions at nodes. KLIST - Lists the defined keypoints or hard points.
ICDELE - Deletes initial conditions at nodes. KMESH - Generates nodes and point elements at keypoints.
ICLIST - Lists the initial conditions. KMODIF - Modifies an existing keypoint.
/ICLWID - Scales the line width of circuit builder icons. KMOVE - Calculates and moves a keypoint to an intersection.
/ICSCALE - Scales the icon size for elements supported in the circuit builder. KNODE - Defines a keypoint at an existing node location.
*IF - Conditionally causes commands to be read. KPLOT - Displays the selected keypoints.
IGESIN - Transfers IGES data from a file into ANSYS. KPSCALE - Generates a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of
IGESOUT - Writes solid model data to a file in IGES Version 5.1 format. keypoints.
/IMAGE - Allows graphics data to be captured and saved. KREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified keypoints.
IMAGIN - Forms an imaginary variable from a complex variable. KSCALE - Generates a scaled pattern of keypoints from a given keypoint
IMESH - Generates nodes and interface elements along lines or areas. pattern.
IMMED - Allows immediate display of a model as it is generated. KSCON - Specifies a keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed.
IMPD - Calculates the impedance of a conductor at a reference plane. KSEL - Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.
INISTATE - Defines initial state data and parameters. KSLL - Selects those keypoints contained in the selected lines.
*INIT - Initializes a vector or dense matrix. KSLN - Selects those keypoints associated with the selected nodes.
/INPUT - Switches the input file for the commands that follow. KSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected keypoints.
/INQUIRE - Returns system information to a parameter. KSYMM - Generates a reflected set of keypoints.
INRES - Identifies the data to be retrieved from the results file. KTRAN - Transfers a pattern of keypoints to another coordinate system.
INRTIA - Specifies "Inertial loads" as the subsequent status topic. KUSE - Specifies whether or not to reuse the factorized matrix.
INT1 - Integrates a variable. KWPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average location of
INTSRF - Integrates nodal results on an exterior surface. keypoints.
IOPTN - Controls options relating to importing a model. KWPLAN - Defines the working plane using three keypoints.
IRLF - Specifies that inertia relief calculations are to be performed. XIII. L Commands
IRLIST - Prints inertia relief summary table. L - Defines a line between two keypoints.
*ITENGINE - Performs a solution using an iterative solver. L2ANG - Generates a line at an angle with two existing lines.
XI. J Commands L2TAN - Generates a line tangent to two lines.
JPEG - Provides JPEG file export for ANSYS displays. LANG - Generates a straight line at an angle with a line.
JSOL - Specifies result items to be stored for the joint element. LARC - Defines a circular arc.
XII. K Commands /LARC - Creates annotation arcs (GUI).
K - Defines a keypoint. LAREA - Generates the shortest line between two keypoints on an area.
KATT - Associates attributes with the selected, unmeshed keypoints. LARGE - Finds the largest (the envelope) of three variables.
KBC - Specifies ramped or stepped loading within a load step. LATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed lines.
KBETW - Creates a keypoint between two existing keypoints. LAYER - Specifies the element layer for which data are to be processed.
KCALC - Calculates stress intensity factors in fracture mechanics analyses. LAYERP26 - Specifies the element layer for which data are to be stored.
KCENTER - Creates a keypoint at the center of a circular arc defined by LAYLIST - Lists real constants material properties for layered elements.
three locations. LAYPLOT - Displays the layer stacking sequence for layered elements.
KCLEAR - Deletes nodes and point elements associated with selected LCABS - Specifies absolute values for load case operations.
keypoints. LCASE - Reads a load case into the database.
KDELE - Deletes unmeshed keypoints. LCCALC - Specifies "Load case settings" as the subsequent status topic.
LCCAT - Concatenates multiple lines into one line for mapped meshing. LROTAT - Generates circular lines by rotating a keypoint pattern about an
LCDEF - Creates a load case from a set of results on a results file. axis.
LCFACT - Defines scale factors for load case operations. LSBA - Subtracts areas from lines.
LCFILE - Creates a load case from an existing load case file. *LSBAC - Performs the solve (forward/backward substitution) of a factorized
LCLEAR - Deletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines. linear system.
LCOMB - Combines adjacent lines into one line. LSBL - Subtracts lines from lines.
LCOPER - Performs load case operations. LSBV - Subtracts volumes from lines.
LCSEL - Selects a subset of load cases. LSBW - Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from lines (divides
LCSL - Divides intersecting lines at their point(s) of intersection. lines).
LCSUM - Specifies whether to process non-summable items in load case LSCLEAR - Clears loads and load step options from the database.
operations. LSDELE - Deletes load step files.
LCWRITE - Creates a load case by writing results to a load case file. *LSDUMP - Dumps a linear solver engine to a binary File.
LCZERO - Zeroes the results portion of the database. LSEL - Selects a subset of lines.
LDELE - Deletes unmeshed lines. *LSENGINE - Creates a linear solver engine.
LDIV - Divides a single line into two or more lines. *LSFACTOR - Performs the numerical factorization of a linear solver system.
LDRAG - Generates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path. LSLA - Selects those lines contained in the selected areas.
LDREAD - Reads results from the results file and applies them as loads. LSLK - Selects those lines containing the selected keypoints.
LESIZE - Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines. LSOPER - Specifies "Load step operations" as the subsequent status topic.
LEXTND - Extends a line at one end by using its slope. /LSPEC - Specifies annotation line attributes (GUI).
LFILLT - Generates a fillet line between two intersecting lines. LSREAD - Reads load and load step option data into the database.
LFSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing solid *LSRESTORE - Restores a linear solver engine from a binary file.
elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node. LSSCALE - Generates a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines.
LGEN - Generates additional lines from a pattern of lines. LSSOLVE - Reads and solves multiple load steps.
LGLUE - Generates new lines by "gluing" lines. LSTR - Defines a straight line irrespective of the active coordinate system.
LGWRITE - Writes the database command log to a file. LSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected lines.
/LIGHT - Specifies the light direction for the display window. LSWRITE - Writes load and load step option data to a file.
LINA - Finds the intersection of a line with an area. /LSYMBOL - Creates annotation symbols (GUI).
LINE - Specifies "Lines" as the subsequent status topic. LSYMM - Generates lines from a line pattern by symmetry reflection.
/LINE - Creates annotation lines (GUI). LTAN - Generates a line at the end of, and tangent to, an existing line.
LINES - Specifies the length of a printed page. LTRAN - Transfers a pattern of lines to another coordinate system.
LINL - Finds the common intersection of lines. LUMPM - Specifies a lumped mass matrix formulation.
LINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of lines. LVSCALE - Scales the load vector for mode-superposition analyses.
LINV - Finds the intersection of a line with a volume. LWPLAN - Defines the working plane normal to a location on a line.
LIST - Lists out the sets in the results file. XIV. M Commands
*LIST - Displays the contents of an external, coded file. M - Defines master degrees of freedom for superelement generation
LLIST - Lists the defined lines. analyses.
LMATRIX - Calculates an inductance matrix and the total flux linkage for an MADAPT - Adaptively meshes and solves an edge-based model.
N-winding coil system. MAGOPT - Specifies options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis.
LMESH - Generates nodes and line elements along lines. MAGSOLV - Specifies magnetic solution options and initiates the solution.
LNSRCH - Activates a line search to be used with Newton-Raphson. /MAIL - Mails file to the specified address.
LOCAL - Defines a local coordinate system by a location and orientation. MAP - Maps pressures from source points to target surface elements.
LOVLAP - Overlaps lines. /MAP - Enters the mapping processor.
LPLOT - Displays the selected lines. MAP2DTO3D - Initiates a 2-D to 3-D analysis and maps variables.
LPTN - Partitions lines. MAPSOLVE - Maps solved node and element solutions from an original mesh
LREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified lines. to a new mesh.
LREVERSE - Reverses the normal of a line, regardless of its connectivity or MAPVAR - Defines tensors and vectors in user-defined state variables for
mesh status. rezoning and in 2-D to 3-D analyses.
MASTER - Specifies "Master DOF" as the subsequent status topic.
MAT - Sets the element material attribute pointer. MFSORDER - Sets up the solution sequence of simultaneous field solver
MATER - Specifies "Material properties" as the subsequent status topic. groups for code coupling analyses.
MCHECK - Checks mesh connectivity. MFSURFACE - Defines a surface load transfer for an ANSYS Multi-field solver
MDAMP - Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode. analysis.
MDELE - Deletes master degrees of freedom. MFTIME - Sets end time for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MDPLOT - Plots frequency-dependent modal damping coefficients calculated MFTOL - Activates or deactivates normal distance checking for surface
by DMPEXT. mapping in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MEMM - Allows the current session to keep allocated memory *MFUN - Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix.
/MENU - Activates the Graphical User Interface (GUI). MFVOLUME - Defines a volume load transfer for an ANSYS Multi-field solver
MESHING - Specifies "Meshing" as the subsequent status topic. analysis.
MFANALYSIS - Activates or deactivates an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. MFWRITE - Writes an ANSYS master input file for MFX multiple code
MFBUCKET - Turns a bucket search on or off. coupling.
MFCALC - Specifies a calculation frequency for a field in an ANSYS Multi-field MGEN - Generates additional MDOF from a previously defined set.
solver analysis. MIDTOL - Sets midstep residual criterion values for structural transient
MFCI - Sets the control parameters used by the conservative (CPP) analyses.
interpolation scheme. /MKDIR - Creates a directory.
MFCLEAR - Deletes ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis settings. MLIST - Lists the MDOF of freedom.
MFCMMAND - Captures field solution options in a command file. MMASS - Specifies the missing mass response calculation.
MFCONV - Sets convergence values for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. MMF - Calculates the magnetomotive force along a path.
MFDTIME - Sets time step sizes for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. MODCONT - Specify additional modal analysis options.
MFELEM - Defines a field by grouping element types. MODE - Specifies the harmonic loading term for this load step.
MFEM - Add more element types to a previously defined field number. MODIFY - Changes the listed values of the data in a set.
MFEXTER - Defines external fields for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. MODMSH - Controls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model.
MFFNAME - Specifies a file name for a field in an ANSYS Multi-field solver MODSELOPTION - Specifies the criteria for selecting the modes to be
analysis. expanded.
MFFR - Setup Multi-Field relaxation factors for field solutions. MODOPT - Specifies modal analysis options.
MFIMPORT - Imports a new field into a current ANSYS Multi-field solver MONITOR - Controls contents of three variable fields in nonlinear solution
analysis. monitor file.
MFINTER - Specifies the interface load transfer interpolation option for an *MOPER - Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.
ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. MOPT - Specifies meshing options.
MFITER - Sets the number of stagger iterations for an ANSYS Multi-field MORPH - Specifies morphing and remeshing controls.
solver analysis. MOVE - Calculates and moves a node to an intersection.
MFLCOMM - Defines a load transfer for code coupling analyses. MP - Defines a linear material property as a constant or a function of
MFLIST - Lists the settings for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. temperature.
MFMAP - Calculates, saves, resumes, or deletes mapping data in an ANSYS MPAMOD - Modifies temperature-dependent secant coefficients of thermal
Multi-field solver analysis. expansion.
MFORDER - Specifies field solution order for an ANSYS Multi-field solver MPCHG - Changes the material number attribute of an element.
analysis. MPCOPY - Copies linear material model data from one material reference
MFOUTPUT - Specifies results file output frequency for an ANSYS Multi-field number to another.
solver analysis. MPDATA - Defines property data to be associated with the temperature
*MFOURI - Calculates the coefficients for, or evaluates, a Fourier series. table.
MFPSIMUL - Sets up a field solver group to simultaneously process with MPDELE - Deletes linear material properties.
code coupling analyses. MPDRES - Reassembles existing material data with the temperature table.
MFRC - Controls file writing for multiframe restarts for the ANSYS Multi-field /MPLIB - Sets the default material library read and write paths.
solver. MPLIST - Lists linear material properties.
MFRELAX - Sets relaxation values for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. MPPLOT - Plots linear material properties as a function of temperature.
MFRSTART - Specifies restart status for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. MPREAD - Reads a file containing material properties.
MPRINT - Specifies that radiation matrices are to be printed.
MPTEMP - Defines a temperature table for material properties. NLDPOST - Gets element component information from nonlinear diagnostic
MPTGEN - Adds temperatures to the temperature table by generation. files.
MPTRES - Restores a temperature table previously defined. NLGEOM - Includes large-deflection effects in a static or full transient
MPWRITE - Writes linear material properties in the database to a file (if the analysis.
LIB option is not specified) or writes both linear and nonlinear material NLHIST - Specify result items to track during solution.
properties (if LIB is specified) from the database to a file. NLIST - Lists nodes.
/MREP - Enables you to reissue the graphics command macro "name" during NLMESH - Controls remeshing in nonlinear adaptivity.
a replot or zoom operation. NLOG - Forms the natural log of a variable.
MSAVE - Sets the solver memory saving option. This option only applies to NLOPT - Specifies "Nonlinear analysis options" as the subsequent status
the PCG solver (including PCG Lanczos). topic.
*MSG - Writes an output message via the ANSYS message subroutine. NMODIF - Modifies an existing node.
MSHAPE - For elements that support multiple shapes, specifies the element NOCOLOR - Removes color from graphics displays.
shape to be used for meshing. NODES - Specifies "Nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
MSHCOPY - Simplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node /NOERASE - Prevents the screen erase between displays.
element patterns on two different line groups (in 2-D) or area groups (3-D). /NOLIST - Suppresses the data input listing.
MSHKEY - Specifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be NOOFFSET - Prevents the CDREAD command from offsetting specified data
used to mesh a model. items
MSHMID - Specifies placement of midside nodes. NOORDER - Re-establishes the original element ordering.
MSHPATTERN - Specifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing. /NOPR - Suppresses the expanded interpreted input data listing.
MSOLVE - Starts multiple solutions for random acoustics analysis with NORA - Rotates nodal coordinate systems to surface normal
diffuse sound field. NORL - Rotates nodal coordinate systems perpendicular to line normal
/MSTART - Controls the initial GUI components. /NORMAL - Allows displaying area elements by top or bottom faces.
MSTOLE - Adds two extra nodes from FLUID116 elements NPLOT - Displays nodes.
to SURF151 or SURF152 elements for convection analyses. NPRINT - Defines which time points stored are to be listed.
*MULT - Performs the matrix multiplication M3 = M1(T1)*M2(T2). NREAD - Reads nodes from a file.
*MWRITE - Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence. NREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified nodes.
MXPAND - Specifies the number of modes to expand and write for a modal NRLSUM - Specifies the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) sum mode
or buckling analysis. combination method.
XV. N Commands *NRM - Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.
N - Defines a node. NROPT - Specifies the Newton-Raphson options in a static or full transient
NANG - Rotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines. analysis.
NAXIS - Generates nodes for general axisymmetric element sections. NROTAT - Rotates nodal coordinate systems into the active system.
NCNV - Sets the key to terminate an analysis. NRRANG - Specifies the range of nodes to be read from the node file.
NDELE - Deletes nodes. NSCALE - Generates a scaled set of nodes from a pattern of nodes.
NDIST - Calculates and lists the distance between two nodes. NSEL - Selects a subset of nodes.
NDSURF - Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing NSLA - Selects those nodes associated with the selected areas.
elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node. NSLE - Selects those nodes attached to the selected elements.
NEQIT - Specifies the maximum number of equilibrium iterations for NSLK - Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.
nonlinear analyses. NSLL - Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.
/NERR - Limits the number of warning and error messages displayed. NSLV - Selects those nodes associated with the selected volumes.
NFORCE - Sums the nodal forces and moments of elements attached to NSMOOTH - Smooths selected nodes among selected elements.
nodes. NSOL - Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file.
NGEN - Generates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes. NSORT - Sorts nodal data.
NKPT - Defines a node at an existing keypoint location. NSTORE - Defines which time points are to be stored.
NLADAPTIVE - Defines the criteria under which the mesh is refined or NSUBST - Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step.
modified during a nonlinear solution. NSVR - Defines the number of variables for user-programmable element
NLDIAG - Sets nonlinear diagnostics functionality. options.
NSYM - Generates a reflected set of nodes.
/NUMBER - Specifies whether numbers, colors, or both are used for displays. PCGOPT - Controls PCG solver options.
NUMCMP - Compresses the numbering of defined items. PCIRC - Creates a circular area centered about the working plane origin.
NUMEXP - Specifies solutions to be expanded from mode-superposition /PCIRCLE - Creates an annotation circle (GUI).
analyses or substructure analyses. /PCOPY - Automatically generates hard copies for HP UNIX work stations.
NUMMRG - Merges coincident or equivalently defined items. PCROSS - Calculates the cross product of two path vectors along the current
NUMOFF - Adds a number offset to defined items. path.
NUMSTR - Establishes starting numbers for automatically numbered items. PDANL - Defines the analysis file to be used for probabilistic looping.
NUMVAR - Specifies the number of variables allowed in POST26. PDCDF - Plots the cumulative distribution function.
NUSORT - Restores original order for nodal data. PDCFLD - Calculates a correlation field and stores it into an ANSYS array.
NWPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average location of nodes. PDCLR - Clears the probabilistic design database.
NWPLAN - Defines the working plane using three nodes. PDCMAT - Prints the correlation coefficient matrix.
NWRITE - Writes nodes to a file. PDCORR - Specifies the correlation between two random input variables.
XVI. O Commands PDDMCS - Specifies options for Monte Carlo Simulations using direct
OCDATA - Defines an ocean load using non-table data. sampling.
OCDELETE - Deletes a previously defined ocean load. PDDOEL - Defines design of experiment levels for an individual random
OCLIST - Summarizes all currently defined ocean loads. input variable.
OCREAD - Reads externally defined ocean data. PDEF - Interpolates an item onto a path.
OCTABLE - Defines an ocean load using table data. PDEXE - Executes the probabilistic analysis.
OCTYPE - Specifies the type of ocean load data to follow. PDHIST - Plots the frequency histogram.
OCZONE - Specifies the type of ocean zone data to follow. PDINQR - Evaluates statistical characteristics of a random input variable.
OMEGA - Specifies the rotational velocity of the structure. PDLHS - Specifies options for Monte Carlo Simulations using Latin-
OPERATE - Specifies "Operation data" as the subsequent status topic. Hypercube sampling.
OPNCONTROL - Sets decision parameter for automatically increasing the PDMETH - Specifies the probabilistic analysis method.
time step interval. PDOT - Calculates the dot product of two path vectors along the current
OUTAERO - Outputs the superelement matrices and load vectors to path.
formatted files for aeroelastic analysis. PDPINV - Prints the result of the inversion of a probability.
OUTOPT - Specifies "Output options" as the subsequent status topic. PDPLOT - Plots the distribution curves of a defined random input variable.
OUTPR - Controls the solution printout. PDPROB - Prints a probability result.
/OUTPUT - Redirects text output to a file or to the screen. PDRESU - Reads the probabilistic model data and loads it into the database.
OUTRES - Controls the solution data written to the database. PDROPT - Specifies the options for an HTML report.
OVCHECK - Checks for overconstraint among constraint equations and /PDS - Enters the probabilistic design system.
Lagrange multipliers. PDSAVE - Writes the probabilistic model data to a file.
XVII. P Commands PDSCAT - Plots a scatter graph.
PADELE - Deletes a defined path. PDSENS - Plots the probabilistic sensitivities.
/PAGE - Defines the printout and screen page size. PDSHIS - Plots the sample history values.
PAGET - Writes current path information into an array variable. PDUSER - Specifies options for user-specified sampling methods.
PAPUT - Retrieves path information from an array variable. PDVAR - Specifies the parameters to be treated as probabilistic design
PARESU - Restores previously saved paths from a file. variables.
PARTSEL - Selects a subset of parts in an explicit dynamic analysis. PDWRITE - Generates an HTML report for the probabilistic analyses.
PARRES - Reads parameters from a file. PERBC2D - Generates periodic constraints for 2-D planar magnetic field
PARSAV - Writes parameters to a file. analyses.
PASAVE - Saves selected paths to an external file. PERTURB - Sets linear perturbation analysis options.
PATH - Defines a path name and establishes parameters for the path. PFACT - Calculates participation factors for the PSD or multi-point response
PAUSE - Temporarily releases the current product license. spectrum table.
/PBC - Shows boundary condition (BC) symbols and values on displays. PHYSICS - Writes, reads, or lists all element information
/PBF - Shows magnitude of body force loads on displays. PIVCHECK - Controls the behavior of an analysis when a negative or zero
PCALC - Forms additional labeled path items by operating on existing path equation solver pivot value is encountered.
PLCAMP - Plots Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating POINT - Specifies "Point flow tracing settings" as the subsequent status
structure dynamics. topic.
PLCFREQ - Plots the frequency response for the POLY - Creates a polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs.
given CYCSPEC specification. /POLYGON - Creates annotation polygons (GUI).
PLCHIST - Plots a histogram of the frequency response of each sector for /POST1 - Enters the database results postprocessor.
the given CYCSPEC specification. /POST26 - Enters the time-history results postprocessor.
PLCINT - Plots the fracture parameter (CINT) result data. POWERH - Calculates the rms power loss in a conductor or lossy dielectric.
PLCPLX - Specifies the part of a complex variable to display. PPATH - Defines a path by picking or defining nodes, or locations on the
PLCRACK - Displays cracking and crushing locations in SOLID65 elements. currently active working plane, or by entering specific coordinate locations.
PLDISP - Displays the displaced structure. PRANGE - Determines the path range.
PLESOL - Displays the solution results as discontinuous element contours. PRAS - Calculates a specified acoustic quantity on the selected exterior
PLETAB - Displays element table items. surface or the frequency-band sound pressure level (SPL).
PLFAR - Plots pressure far fields and far field parameters. PRCAMP - Prints Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating
PLF2D - Generates a contour line plot of equipotentials. structure dynamics.
PLGEOM - Plots target and source geometries. PRCINT - Lists the fracture parameter (CINT) results data.
PLLS - Displays element table items as contoured areas along elements. PRCPLX - Defines the output form for complex variables.
PLMAP - Plots target and source pressures. PRED - Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis.
PLMC - Plots the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution. PRENERGY - Prints the total energies of a model or the energies of the
PLNEAR - Plots the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent specified components.
source surface. /PREP7 - Enters the model creation preprocessor.
PLNSOL - Displays results as continuous contours. PRERR - Prints SEPC and TEPC.
/PLOPTS - Controls graphics options on subsequent displays. PRESOL - Prints the solution results for elements.
PLORB - Displays the orbital motion of a rotating structure PRETAB - Prints the element table items.
PLOT - Forms a display. PRFAR - Prints pressure far fields and far field parameters.
PLOTTING - Specifies "Plotting settings" as the subsequent status topic. PRI2 - Creates a polygonal area or a prism volume by vertices (GUI).
PLPAGM - Displays path items along the path geometry. PRIM - Specifies "Solid model primitives" as the subsequent status topic.
PLPATH - Displays path items on a graph. PRINT - Specifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic.
PLSECT - Displays membrane and membrane-plus-bending linearized *PRINT - Prints the matrix values to a file.
stresses. PRISM - Creates a prism volume based on working plane coordinate pairs.
PLST - Plots sound power parameters vs. frequency, or postprocesses PRITER - Prints solution summary data.
results for a random acoustics analysis with diffuse sound field. PRJSOL - Prints joint element output.
PLTIME - Defines the time range for which data are to be displayed. PRNEAR - Prints the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent
PLTRAC - Displays a particle flow or charged particle trace on an element source surface.
display. PRNLD - Prints the summed element nodal loads.
PLVAR - Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph. PRNSOL - Prints nodal solution results.
PLVECT - Displays results as vectors. PROD - Multiplies variables.
PLZZ - Plots the interference diagram from a cyclic modal analysis. PRORB - Prints the orbital motion characteristics of a rotating structure
/PMACRO - Specifies that macro contents be written to the session log file. PRPATH - Prints path items along a geometry path.
PMAP - Creates mapping of the path geometry by defining path interpolation PRRFOR - Prints the constrained node reaction solution. Used with
division points. the FORCE command.
PMGTRAN - Summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis. PRRSOL - Prints the constrained node reaction solution.
PMLOPT - Defines perfectly matched layers (PMLs) for acoustic and PRSCONTROL - Specifies whether to include pressure load stiffness in the
structural analyses. element stiffness formation.
PMLSIZE - Determines number of PML layers. PRSECT - Calculates and prints linearized stresses along a section path.
/PMORE - Creates an annotation polygon (GUI). PRTIME - Defines the time range for which data are to be listed.
PNGR - Provides PNG file export for ANSYS displays. PRVAR - Lists variables vs. time (or frequency).
/PNUM - Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots. PRVECT - Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines.
PSCONTROL - Enables or disables shared-memory parallel operations.
PSCR - Specifies various PostScript options. READ - Reads coordinate and pressure data from a file.
PSDCOM - Specifies the power spectral density mode combination method. REAL - Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer.
PSDFRQ - Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables REALVAR - Forms a variable using only the real part of a complex variable.
PSDVAL vs. PSDFRQ for PSD analysis. RECTNG - Creates a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane.
PSDGRAPH - Displays input PSD curves REMESH - Specifies the starting and ending remeshing points, and other
PSDRES - Controls solution output written to the results file from a PSD options, for rezoning.
analysis. /RENAME - Renames a file.
PSDSPL - Defines a partially correlated excitation in a PSD analysis. REORDER - Specifies "Model reordering" as the subsequent status topic.
PSDUNIT - Defines the type of input PSD. *REPEAT - Repeats the previous command.
PSDVAL - Defines PSD values. /REPLOT - Automatically reissues the last display command for convenience.
PSDWAV - Defines a wave propagation excitation in a PSD analysis. RESCOMBINE - Reads results from local results files into the database after
/PSEARCH - Specifies a directory to be searched for "unknown command" a distributed memory parallel (Distributed ANSYS) solution.
macro files. RESCONTROL - Controls file writing for multiframe restarts.
PSEL - Selects a path or paths. RESET - Resets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults.
/PSF - Shows surface load symbols on model displays. /RESET - Resets display specifications to their initial defaults.
PSMAT - Writes an assembled global matrix to a postscript format that RESP - Generates a response spectrum.
graphically displays nonzero matrix values. RESUME - Resumes the database from the database file.
PSMESH - Create and mesh a pretension section RESVEC - Calculates or includes residual vectors.
/PSPEC - Creates annotation polygon attributes (GUI). RESWRITE - Appends results data from the database to a results file.
/PSTATUS - Displays the global or window display specifications. *RETURN - Returns input stream to a higher level.
PSTRES - Specifies whether prestress effects are calculated or included. REXPORT - Exports displacements from an implicit run to ANSYS LS-DYNA.
/PSYMB - Shows various symbols on displays. REZONE - Initiates the rezoning process, sets rezoning options, and rebuilds
PTR - Dumps the record of a binary file. the database.
PTXY - Defines coordinate pairs for use in polygons and prisms. RFORCE - Specifies the total reaction force data to be stored.
PVECT - Interpolates a set of items onto a path. /RGB - Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.
/PWEDGE - Creates an annotation wedge (GUI). RIGID - Specifies known rigid body modes (if any) of the model.
XVIII. Q Commands RIGRESP - Specifies the rigid response calculation.
QDVAL - Defines PSD quadspectral values. RIMPORT - Imports initial stresses from an explicit dynamics run into
QRDOPT - Specifies additional QRDAMP modal analysis options. ANSYS.
QSOPT - Specifies quasi static radiation options. RLIST - Lists the real constant sets.
QUAD - Generates a quadratic line of nodes from three nodes. RMALIST - Lists all defined master nodes for a ROM method.
/QUIT - Exits a processor. RMANL - Assigns model database, dimensionality, and operating direction
QUOT - Divides two variables. for the ROM method.
XIX. R Commands RMASTER - Defines master nodes for the ROM method.
R - Defines the element real constants. RMCAP - Defines lumped capacitance pairs between conductors C1 and C2
RACE - Defines a "racetrack" current source. for a ROM method.
RADOPT - Specifies Radiosity Solver options. RMCLIST - Lists all lumped capacitance pairs defined.
RAPPND - Appends results data from the database to the results file. /RMDIR - Removes (deletes) a directory.
RATE - Specifies whether the effect of creep strain rate will be used in the RMFLVEC - Writes eigenvectors of fluid nodes to a file for use in damping
solution of a load step. parameter extraction.
/RATIO - Distorts the object geometry. RMLVSCALE - Defines element load vector scaling for a ROM use pass.
RBE3 - Distributes the force/moment applied at the master node to a set of RMMLIST - Lists all mode specifications for the ROM method.
slave nodes, taking into account the geometry of the slave nodes as well as RMMRANGE - Defines and edits various modal parameters for the ROM
weighting factors. method.
RCON - Specifies "Real constants" as the subsequent status topic. RMMSELECT - Selects modes for the ROM method.
RCYC - Calculates cyclic results for a mode-superposition harmonic solution. RMNDISP - Extracts neutral plane displacements from a test load or element
RDEC - Defines the decimation parameters. load solution for the ROM method.
RDELE - Deletes real constant sets.
RMNEVEC - Extracts neutral plane eigenvectors from a modal analysis for SALLOW - Defines the allowable stress table for safety factor calculations.
the ROM method. SAVE - Saves all current database information.
RMODIF - Modifies real constant sets. SBCLIST - Lists solid model boundary conditions.
RMORE - Adds real constants to a set. SBCTRAN - Transfers solid model loads and boundary conditions to the FE
RMPORDER - Defines polynomial orders for ROM functions. model.
RMRESUME - Resumes ROM data from a file. SDELETE - Deletes sections from the database.
RMRGENERATE - Performs fitting procedure for all ROM functions to SE - Defines a superelement.
generate response surfaces. SECCONTROL - Supplements or overrides default section properties.
RMROPTIONS - Defines options for ROM response surface fitting. SECDATA - Describes the geometry of a section.
RMRPLOT - Plots response surface of ROM function or its derivatives with SECFUNCTION - Specifies shell section thickness as a tabular function.
respect to the dominant mode(s). SECJOINT - Defines local coordinate systems at joint element nodes and
RMRSTATUS - Prints status of response surface for ROM function. other data for joint elements.
RMSAVE - Saves ROM data to file. /SECLIB - Sets the default section library path for the SECREAD command.
RMSMPLE - Runs finite element solutions and obtains sample points for the SECLOCK - Specifies locks on the components of relative motion in a joint
ROM method. element.
RMUSE - Activates ROM use pass for ROM elements. SECMODIF - Modifies a pretension section
RMXPORT - Exports ROM model to external VHDL-AMS simulator. SECNUM - Sets the element section attribute pointer.
ROCK - Specifies a rocking response spectrum. SECOFFSET - Defines the section offset for cross sections.
ROSE - Specifies the Rosenblueth mode combination method. SECPLOT - Plots the geometry of a beam, pipe, shell, or reinforcing section
RPOLY - Creates a regular polygonal area centered about the working plane to scale.
origin. SECREAD - Reads a custom section library or a user-defined section mesh
RPR4 - Creates a regular polygonal area or prism volume anywhere on the into ANSYS.
working plane. SECSTOP - Specifies stops on the components of relative motion in a joint
RPRISM - Creates a regular prism volume centered about the working plane element.
origin. SECTYPE - Associates section type information with a section ID number.
RPSD - Calculates response power spectral density (PSD). SECWRITE - Creates an ASCII file containing user mesh section information.
RSFIT - Fit a response surface for an output parameter in a solution set. SED - Defines the excitation direction for response spectrum and PSD
RSOPT - Creates or loads the radiosity mapping data file analyses.
for SURF251 or SURF252 element types. SEDLIST - Lists the DOF solution of a superelement after the use pass.
RSPLIT - Creates one or more results file(s) from the current results file SEEXP - Specifies options for the substructure expansion pass.
based on subsets of elements. /SEG - Allows graphics data to be stored in the local terminal memory.
RSPLOT - Plot a response surface. SEGEN - Automatically generate superelements.
RSPRNT - Print a response surface. SELIST - Lists the contents of a superelement matrix file.
RSSIMS - Performs Monte Carlo simulations on response surface(s). SELM - Specifies "Superelements" as the subsequent status topic.
RSTMAC - Calculates modal assurance criterion (MAC) and matches nodal SELTOL - Sets the tolerance for subsequent select operations.
solutions from two results files or from one results file and one universal SENERGY - Determines the stored magnetic energy or co-energy.
format file. SEOPT - Specifies substructure analysis options.
RSTOFF - Offsets node or element IDs in the FE geometry record. SESYMM - Performs a symmetry operation on a superelement within the use
RSURF - Generates the radiosity surface elements (SURF251/SURF252) and pass.
stores them in the database. *SET - Assigns values to user-named parameters.
RSYMM - Defines the plane of symmetry or center of rotation for the SET - Defines the data set to be read from the results file.
radiosity method. SETFGAP - Updates or defines the real constant table for squeeze film
RSYS - Activates a coordinate system for printout or display of element and elements.
nodal results. SETRAN - Creates a superelement from an existing superelement.
RTHICK - Defines variable thickness at nodes for shell elements. SEXP - Forms an element table item by exponentiating and multiplying.
XX. S Commands SF - Specifies surface loads on nodes.
SABS - Specifies absolute values for element table operations. SFA - Specifies surface loads on the selected areas.
SADD - Forms an element table item by adding two existing items. SFACT - Allows safety factor or margin of safety calculations to be made.
SFADELE - Deletes surface loads from areas. SOLU - Specifies solution summary data per substep to be stored.
SFALIST - Lists the surface loads for the specified area. /SOLU - Enters the solution processor.
SFBEAM - Specifies surface loads on beam and pipe elements. SOLUOPT - Specifies "Solution options" as the subsequent status topic.
SFCALC - Calculates the safety factor or margin of safety. SOLVE - Starts a solution.
SFCUM - Specifies that surface loads are to be accumulated. SORT - Specifies "Sort settings" as the subsequent status topic.
SFDELE - Deletes surface loads. SOURCE - Defines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints.
SFE - Specifies surface loads on elements. SPACE - Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiation Matrix
SFEDELE - Deletes surface loads from elements. method.
SFELIST - Lists the surface loads for elements. SPCNOD - Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiosity method.
SFFUN - Specifies a varying surface load. SPCTEMP - Defines a free-space ambient temperature for radiation using the
SFGRAD - Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads. Radiosity method.
SFL - Specifies surface loads on lines of an area. SPDAMP - Defines input spectrum damping in a multi-point response
SFLDELE - Deletes surface loads from lines. spectrum analysis.
SFLEX - Sets flexibility factors for the currently defined pipe element section. SPEC - Specifies "Miscellaneous specifications" as the subsequent status
SFLIST - Lists surface loads. topic.
SFLLIST - Lists the surface loads for lines. SPFREQ - Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum
SFSCALE - Scales surface loads on elements. tables SPVAL vs. SPFREQ for multi-point spectrum analysis.
SFTRAN - Transfer the solid model surface loads to the finite element SPGRAPH - Displays input spectrum curves for MPRS analysis.
model. SPH4 - Creates a spherical volume anywhere on the working plane.
/SHADE - Defines the type of surface shading used with Z-buffering. SPH5 - Creates a spherical volume by diameter end points.
SHELL - Selects a shell element or shell layer location for results output. SPHERE - Creates a spherical volume centered about the working plane
/SHOW - Specifies the device and other parameters for graphics displays. origin.
/SHOWDISP - Defines the display driver name. SPLINE - Generates a segmented spline through a series of keypoints.
SHPP - Controls element shape checking. SPLOT - Displays the selected areas and a faceted view of their underlying
/SHRINK - Shrinks elements, lines, areas, and volumes for display clarity. surfaces
SLIST - Summarizes the section properties for all defined sections in the SPMWRITE - Calculates the state-space matrices and writes them to the
current session. SPM file.
SLOAD - Load a pretension section. SPOINT - Defines a point for moment summations.
SMALL - Finds the smallest of three variables. SPOPT - Selects the spectrum type and other spectrum options.
*SMAT - Creates a sparse matrix. SPREAD - Turns on a dashed tolerance curve for the subsequent curve
SMAX - Forms an element table item from the maximum of two other items. plots.
/SMBC - Controls the display of solid model boundary condition symbols and SPTOPT - Specifies "Spectrum analysis options" as the subsequent status
labels. topic.
SMBODY - Specifies "Body loads on the solid model" as the subsequent SPOWER - Calculates sound power parameters.
status topic. SPUNIT - Defines the type of multi-point response spectrum.
SMCONS - Specifies "Constraints on the solid model" as the subsequent SPVAL - Defines multi-point response spectrum values.
status topic. SQRT - Forms the square root of a variable.
SMFOR - Specifies "Forces on the solid model" as the subsequent status *SREAD - Reads a file into a string array parameter.
topic. SRSS - Specifies the square root of sum of squares mode combination
SMIN - Forms an element table item from the minimum of two other items. method.
SMOOTH - Allows smoothing of noisy data and provides a graphical SSBT - Specifies preintegrated bending thermal effects for shell sections.
representation of the data. /SSCALE - Sets the contour multiplier for topographic displays.
SMRTSIZE - Specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element SSLN - Selects and displays small lines in the model.
sizing. SSMT - Specifies preintegrated membrane thermal effects for shell sections.
SMSURF - Specifies "Surface loads on the solid model" as the subsequent SSPA - Specifies a preintegrated membrane stiffness for shell sections.
status topic. SSPB - Specifies a preintegrated coupling stiffness for shell sections.
SMULT - Forms an element table item by multiplying two other items. SSPD - Specifies a preintegrated bending stiffness for shell sections.
SNOPTION - Specifies Supernode (SNODE) eigensolver options. SSPE - Specifies a preintegrated transverse shear stiffness for shell sections.
SSPM - Specifies mass density for a preintegrated shell section. TARGET - Specifies the target nodes for mapping pressures onto surface
SSUM - Calculates and prints the sum of element table items. effect elements.
SSTATE - Defines a steady-state analysis. *TAXIS - Defines table index numbers.
STABILIZE - Activates stabilization for all elements that support nonlinear TB - Activates a data table for material properties or special element input.
stabilization. TBCOPY - Copies a data table from one material to another.
STAOPT - Specifies static analysis options. TBDATA - Defines data for the material data table.
STAT - Displays the status of database settings. TBDELE - Deletes previously defined material data tables.
*STATUS - Lists the current parameters and abbreviations. TBEO - Sets special options or parameters for material data tables.
/STATUS - Lists the status of items for the run. TBIN - Sets parameters used for interpolation of the material data tables.
STEF - Specifies Stefan-Boltzmann radiation constant. TBFIELD - Defines values of field variables for material data tables.
/STITLE - Defines subtitles. TBFT - Performs material curve-fitting operations.
STORE - Stores data in the database for the defined variables. TBLE - Specifies "Data table properties" as the subsequent status topic.
SUBOPT - Specifies Subspace (SUBSP) eigensolver options. TBLIST - Lists the material data tables.
SUBSET - Reads results for the selected portions of the model. TBMODIF - Modifies data for the material data table (GUI).
SUCALC - Create new result data by operating on two existing result data TBPLOT - Displays the material data table.
sets on a given surface. TBPT - Defines a point on a nonlinear data curve.
SUCR - Create a surface. TBTEMP - Defines a temperature for a material data table.
SUDEL - Delete geometry information as well as any mapped results for TCHG - Converts 20-node degenerate tetrahedral elements to their 10-node
specified surface. non-degenerate counterparts.
SUEVAL - Perform operations on a mapped item and store result in a scalar /TEE - Writes a list of commands to a specified file at the same time that the
parameter. commands are being executed.
SUGET - Moves surface geometry and mapped results to an array TERM - Specifies various terminal driver options.
parameter. THEXPAND - Enables or disables thermal loading
SUMAP - Map results onto selected surface(s). THOPT - Specifies nonlinear transient thermal solution options.
SUMTYPE - Sets the type of summation to be used in the following load case TIFF - Provides TIFF file Export for ANSYS Displays.
operations. TIME - Sets the time for a load step.
SUPL - Plot result data on all selected surfaces or on a specified surface. TIMERANGE - Specifies the time range for which data are to be stored.
SUPR - Print global status, geometry information and/or result information. TIMINT - Turns on transient effects.
SURESU - Read a set of surface definitions and result items from a file and TIMP - Improves the quality of tetrahedral elements that are not associated
make them the current set. with a volume.
SUSAVE - Saves surface definitions to a file. TINTP - Defines transient integration parameters.
SUSEL - Selects a subset of surfaces /TITLE - Defines a main title.
SUVECT - Create new result data by operating on two existing result vectors /TLABEL - Creates annotation text (GUI).
on a given surface. TOFFST - Specifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero.
SV - Defines spectrum values to be associated with frequency points. *TOPER - Operates on table parameters.
SVPLOT - Displays input spectrum curves. TORQ2D - Calculates torque on a body in a magnetic field.
SVTYP - Defines the type of single-point response spectrum. TORQC2D - Calculates torque on a body in a magnetic field based on a
SWADD - Adds more surfaces to an existing spot weld set. circular path.
SWDEL - Deletes spot weld sets. TORQSUM - Summarizes electromagnetic torque calculations on element
SWGEN - Creates a new spot weld set. components.
SWLIST - Lists spot weld sets. TORUS - Creates a toroidal volume.
SYNCHRO - Specifies whether the excitation frequency is synchronous or TRANS - Reformats File.GRPH for improved performance with plotters.
asynchronous with the rotational velocity of a structure. TRANSFER - Transfers a pattern of nodes to another coordinate system.
/SYP - Passes a command string and arguments to the operating system. *TREAD - Reads data from an external file into a table array parameter.
/SYS - Passes a command string to the operating system. TREF - Defines the reference temperature for the thermal strain
XXI. T Commands calculations.
TALLOW - Defines the temperature table for safety factor calculations. /TRIAD - Shows the global XYZ coordinate triad on displays.
/TRLCY - Specifies the level of translucency.
TRNOPT - Specifies transient analysis options. VARNAM - Names (or renames) a variable.
TRPDEL - Deletes particle flow or charged particle trace points. VATT - Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed volumes.
TRPLIS - Lists the particle flow or charged particle trace points. VCLEAR - Deletes nodes and volume elements associated with selected
TRPOIN - Defines a point through which a particle flow or charged particle volumes.
trace will travel. *VCOL - Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations.
TRTIME - Defines the options used for the PLTRAC (particle flow or charged /VCONE - Defines the view cone angle for perspective displays.
particle trace) command. VCROSS - Forms element table items from the cross product of two vectors.
TSHAP - Defines simple 2-D and 3-D geometric surfaces for target segment *VCUM - Allows array parameter results to add to existing results.
elements. VDDAM - Specifies the velocity spectrum computation constants for the
/TSPEC - Creates annotation text attributes (GUI). analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures.
TSRES - Defines an array of key times at which the time-stepping strategy VDELE - Deletes unmeshed volumes.
changes. VDGL - Lists keypoints of a volume that lie on a parametric degeneracy.
TUNIF - Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes. VDOT - Forms an element table item from the dot product of two vectors.
TVAR - Changes time to the cumulative iteration number. VDRAG - Generates volumes by dragging an area pattern along a path.
/TXTRE - Controls application of texture to selected items. *VEC - Creates a vector.
/TYPE - Defines the type of display. *VEDIT - Allows numerical array parameters to be graphically edited.
TYPE - Sets the element type attribute pointer. VEORIENT - Specifies brick element orientation for volume mapped
XXII. U Commands (hexahedron) meshing.
/UCMD - Assigns a user-defined command name. VEXT - Generates additional volumes by extruding areas.
/UDOC - Determines position and content for the multi-legend options. *VFACT - Applies a scale factor to array parameters.
/UI - Activates specified GUI dialog boxes. *VFILL - Fills an array parameter.
UIMP - Defines constant material properties (GUI). VFOPT - Specifies options for the view factor file and calculates view factors.
/UIS - Controls the GUI behavior. VFQUERY - Queries and prints element Hemicube view factors and average
*ULIB - Identifies a macro library file. view factor.
UNDELETE - Removes results sets from the group of sets selected for VFSM - Adjusts view factor matrix to satisfy reciprocity and/or row sum
editing. properties.
UNDO - Allows the user to modify or save commands issued since the last *VFUN - Performs a function on a single array parameter.
RESUME or SAVE command. VGEN - Generates additional volumes from a pattern of volumes.
/UNITS - Annotates the database with the system of units used. *VGET - Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.
UNPAUSE - Restores use of a temporarily released product license. VGET - Moves a variable into an array parameter vector.
UPCOORD - Modifies the coordinates of the active set of nodes, based on VGLUE - Generates new volumes by "gluing" volumes.
the current displacements. /VIEW - Defines the viewing direction for the display.
UPGEOM - Adds displacements from a previous analysis and updates the VIMP - Improves the quality of the tetrahedral elements in the selected
geometry of the finite element model to the deformed configuration. volume(s).
*USE - Executes a macro file. VINP - Finds the pairwise intersection of volumes.
/USER - Conveniently resets /FOCUS and /DIST to USER. VINV - Finds the intersection of volumes.
USRCAL - Allows user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated. *VITRP - Forms an array parameter by interpolation of a table.
USRDOF - Specifies the degrees of freedom for the user-defined *VLEN - Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter
element USER300. operations.
USRELEM - Specifies the characteristics of the user-defined VLIST - Lists the defined volumes.
element USER300. VLSCALE - Generates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes.
XXIII. V Commands *VMASK - Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector.
V - Defines a volume through keypoints. VMESH - Generates nodes and volume elements within volumes.
V2DOPT - Specifies 2-D/axisymmetric view factor calculation options. VOFFST - Generates a volume, offset from a given area.
VA - Generates a volume bounded by existing areas. VOLUMES - Specifies "Volumes" as the subsequent status topic.
*VABS - Applies the absolute value function to array parameters. *VOPER - Operates on two array parameters.
VADD - Adds separate volumes to create a single volume. VOVLAP - Overlaps volumes.
VARDEL - Deletes a variable (GUI). *VPLOT - Graphs columns (vectors) of array parameters.
VPLOT - Displays the selected volumes. WTBCREATE - Creates a USER300 element to model the turbine for full
VPTN - Partitions volumes. aeroelastic coupling analysis and specifies relevant settings for the analysis.
*VPUT - Restores array parameter values into the ANSYS database. XXV. X Commands
VPUT - Moves an array parameter vector into a variable. XFDATA - Defines a crack in the model by specifying nodal level set values
*VREAD - Reads data and produces an array parameter vector or matrix. XFENRICH - Defines parameters associated with crack propagation using
VROTAT - Generates cylindrical volumes by rotating an area pattern about XFEM
an axis. XFLIST - Lists enrichment details and associated crack information
VSBA - Subtracts areas from volumes. /XFRM - Controls the centroid or the axis of dynamic rotation.
VSBV - Subtracts volumes from volumes. /XRANGE - Specifies a linear abscissa (X) scale range.
VSBW - Subtracts intersection of the working plane from volumes (divides XVAR - Specifies the X variable to be displayed.
volumes). XXVI. Y Commands
/VSCALE - Scales the length of displayed vectors. /YRANGE - Specifies a linear ordinate (Y) scale range.
*VSCFUN - Determines properties of an array parameter. XXVII. Z Commands
VSEL - Selects a subset of volumes. /ZOOM - Zooms a region of a display window.
VSLA - Selects those volumes containing the selected areas.
*VSTAT - Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.
VSUM - Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected volumes.
VSWEEP - Fills an existing unmeshed volume with elements by sweeping the
mesh from an adjacent area through the volume.
VSYMM - Generates volumes from a volume pattern by symmetry reflection.
VTRAN - Transfers a pattern of volumes to another coordinate system.
VTYPE - Specifies the viewing procedure used to determine the form factors
for the Radiation Matrix method.
/VUP - Specifies the global Cartesian coordinate system reference
*VWRITE - Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.
XXIV. W Commands
/WAIT - Causes a delay before the reading of the next command.
WAVES - Initiates reordering.
WERASE - Erases all reordering wave lists.
WFRONT - Estimates wavefront statistics.
/WINDOW - Defines the window size on the screen.
WMID - Specifies reordering options for the WAVES command.
WMORE - Adds more nodes to the starting wave list.
WPAVE - Moves the working plane origin to the average of specified points.
WPCSYS - Defines the working plane location based on a coordinate system.
WPLANE - Defines a working plane to assist in picking operations.
WPOFFS - Offsets the working plane.
WPROTA - Rotates the working plane.
WPSTYL - Controls the display and style of the working plane.
WRFULL - Stops solution after assembling global matrices.
WRITE - Writes the radiation matrix file.
WRITEMAP - Writes interpolated pressure data to a file.
*WRK - Sets the active workspace number.
WSORT - Initiates element reordering based upon a geometric sort.
WSPRINGS - Creates weak springs on corner nodes of a bounding box of
the currently selected elements.
WSTART - Defines a starting wave list.

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