Numerical Study of Lateral Piles
Numerical Study of Lateral Piles
Numerical Study of Lateral Piles
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Numerical study for soil-spring stiffness of pile group
(a) (a) (b)
L. Hazzar , M. Karray & A. Pasic
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrook, Sherbrooke,
Québec, Canada
Dessau Inc. - Bridge and Structures, Québec, Québec, Canada
Many approaches have been developed to determine the soil-spring stiffness and typical values have been proposed for
different types and densities of soil. However, these typical values ignore the effect of the depth and the degradation of
elastic parameter (G or E) as a function of strain. In this paper, a series of 3D numerical analyses are conducted to
compute the equivalent soil-spring stiffness’s according to pile distortion for a pile group located under the central pier of
bridge structure above the river Sault-au-Mouton (Longue-Rive, Quebec) and subjected to multi-loading conditions. In
these simulations the degradation of the shear modulus is incorporated in order to account for soil nonlinearity. The idea
is to develop equivalent springs that can be adapted to the lateral deformation of the pile. The stiffness of these springs
thus varies depending on the distortion and may be adapted in an iterative process according to the pile deformation at
each depth. This method can be compared to the linear equivalent method used in dynamic analysis where an
equivalent shear modulus is adapted according to the shear distortion. In fact, This type of linear equivalent spring is
very useful for structural engineers who want to incorporate the effect lateral capacity of soil in their models.
Des nombreuses approches ont été développées pour déterminer la rigidité du sol-ressort et des valeurs typiques ont
été proposées pour différents types et densités du sol. Toutefois, ces valeurs typiques ne tiennent pas compte de l'effet
de la profondeur et de la dégradation de paramètre élastique (G ou E) en fonction de la déformation. Dans cet article,
une série d’analyse numériques 3D ont été réalisées pour déterminer les rigidités équivalentes des ressorts dans le sol
en fonction de la distortion du pieu pour un groupe de pieux situé sous le pilier central de la structure d’un pont au-
dessus de la rivière Sault-au-Mouton (Longue-Rive) et soumis à plusieurs chargements. La dégradation du module de
cisaillement est prise en compte afin de tenir compte de la non-linéarité du sol. L'idée est de développer des ressorts
équivalents qui peuvent être adaptés à la déformation latérale du pieu. Les rigidités de ces ressorts varient en fonction
de la distorsion et peuvent être adaptés dans un processus itératif selon la déformation du pieu à chaque profondeur.
Cette méthode peut être comparée à la méthode linéaire équivalente utilisée dans l'analyse dynamique où un module de
cisaillement équivalent est calculé en fonction de la déformation de cisaillement. En réalité, Ce type de ressort équivalent
linéaire est très utile pour les ingénieurs en structure qui veulent intégrer l’effet de la capacité latérale du sol dans leur
G [4]
Figure 6. Finite differences mesh for a 53 pile group: (a) m [5]
Global model and (b) pile group with footing.
2 1
Figure 7. Adopted curve of shear modulus degradation for
K max Gmax [3] sandy soils (Seed and Idriss, 1970).
3 6
4.3 Pile model
Therefore, the material properties adopted in the
analyses for the two layers (referred to the properties The pile is modelled as linear-elastic material. Three
deduced from geotechnical tests) are presented in Table parameters are required to define the pile material
3. behavior. These parameters are the elastic bulk modulus,
Kp, the elastic shear modulus, Gp, and the mass density,
4.4 Soil-pile interface model deflection of the pile, y, first the coordinates of all the
nodes of the vertical pile axis were stored in the memory
The interface elements are modeled by the linear of the computer. Once the model reached equilibrium, the
Coulomb shear-strength criterion that limits the shear same nodes were identified and their displacements
force acting at an interface node. The shear-strength calculated by subtracting their initial and final horizontal
criterion that limits the shear force acting at an interface coordinate.
node for sandy soils is given by Eq. (6).
4.6 Soil lateral pressure
Fs max Fn p1 A tgi [6]
The soil lateral pressure, p, can also be calculated by
summing the forces in the relevant direction acting on the
Where Fsmax is the limiting shear force at pile–soil
soil-pile interface nodes at the same depth. A schematic
interface, Fn is the normal force, i is the angle of friction of the pile-soil system is presented in Fig. 8. Each
of the interface surface, p1 is pore pressure (interpolated interface node is associated with a normal force and a
from the target face) and A is the contact area between shear force (Hazzar, 2014).
pile and soil.
The value of friction angle of the interface surface
corresponds to critical state and is reduced compared to
the friction angle of the surrounding soil (Ortigao, 1995).
Separation is able to cause a significant increase in
displacements (Poulos and Davis, 1980) and therefore the
interface elements are allowed to separate if tension
develops across the interface and exceeds the tension
limit of the interface. Once gap is formed between the
pile-soil interfaces, the shear and normal forces are set to
The normal and shear forces at the interface nodes
are determined by the following equations:
4.5 Lateral deflection of pile Based on the constitutive model parameters described
previously, the response of the laterally loaded single pile
When a pile is laterally loaded, the nodes move along the is presented in terms of p-y curves stiffness of equivalent
direction of applied load in large strain mode. Therefore, it soil-spring versus pile distortion. For group piles, the
is not possible to identify a particular node after loading response is presented in terms of pile group effects.
using its original coordinate. To calculate the lateral
5.1 Stiffness of equivalent soil-spring
According to the definition of modulus of subgrade
The most widely used nonlinear analysis for laterally reaction or spring-soil stiffness in section 2, the variation
loaded piles is the p-y curves. In this paper p-y curves are of the stiffness of equivalent springs, with the distortion of
obtained based the methods of prediction of lateral pile are plotted for at several depths in Fig. 10. Figure 10
deflection, y and lateral pressure, p, described in sections indicates that the stiffness’s of spring-soils are not
4.5 and 4.6 respectively. constants as they have already mentioned the most
Figure 9 shows numerical p-y at seven depths of the methods considered in practice (Hazzar, 2014). Table 4
pile. It is clear that the lateral pressure of soil increases as shows the spring-soil stiffness predicted by the current
the depth does. This can be explained by a decrease in numerical analysis and those given by several methods
lateral deflection with depth. adopted in the practice. According to Table 4, these
methods give reasonable values but ignore the effect of
depth and the pile distortion.
Figure 10. Stiffness of equivalent spring-soil versus distortion of pile between 4 and 11 m of depth.
Table 4. Modulus of subgrade reaction, ES (kN/mm): Comparisons between the current analysis and several methods.
Depth (m) Current Broms Ménard et Poulos Gilbert
analysis (1964b) al. (1969) (1971) (1995)
0.0-6.0 4 to 33 22.0 25.0 11.8 26.96
6.0-20.0 2 to 40 22.0 32.0 27.5 30.9