The 7 Deadly Sins of The Illuminati
The 7 Deadly Sins of The Illuminati
The 7 Deadly Sins of The Illuminati
1.Hiding Truth 2.Lies 3.Spying 4.Slavery 5.Cruel and Unusual Punishment 6.Sacrifices 7.War Games
If your life is going good and you have dealt with adversity
well the Illuminati may be on your side and some of what I
say may take the allure out of your story. For those who
aren't enlightened or conscious of our true being and the
state of the world nor the concept of God and spirituality,
then you should stay tuned this may help you on your path. I
will also expose nefarious tactics done by the Illuminati and my theories on their so called
justification so you can judge for yourself.
As for the ones that may feel like life is beating them down and society is against them, this is
recommended for you. You may know firsthand of Illuminati or otherwise general nefarious acts
from a personal standpoint, this essay will hopefully and more than likely help you as you may be
on the brink of falling out of favor in the Illuminati game.
Who rules. Why these rules? Who made these rules? If you believe in the Abrahamic
religions it was said god spoke the earth into existence. Why do we have gravity, why must
some animals kill to eat, why do human’s breath? This is too much to contemplate in one
million pages but we have what we have to work with here and now. When following rules
is one to blame for the negative consequences of another when that act produces a
desirable outcome for the offensive party? Yes, if you didn't have to follow the rules and
had a mutually non damaging alternative. With a true perception of reality this could be
the case. When goals and bonuses are in the equation it gets complex, but if we choose to
live this way it should be a conscious choice not a forced situation.
The rules that I’m talking about are part of a slightly hidden game being played on most
people from the very day of your assumed birth. Be prepared to have the wool removed
from your eyes and off the backs of undercover wolves as the Illuminati Reform slogan
states. This game consists of lies, misdirection, secrets, conspiracy, conniving, and control
as you are running through a gauntlet for amusement, glory, or tragic drama.
Now on to analyzing whether the Illuminati is wrong or right to keep these things a secret. First
and foremost, doesn't everyone have a right to keep secrets? Yes! Unless you stole, hid, or
manipulated someone of their pursuit, then those are considered nefarious acts that should be
recompensed. Now the question is did we once long ago have this knowledge and abilities to use
this power or availability to use it? Was the knowledge taken from you or were you manipulated
into this lowered state of being?
We know that we are consciousness and consciousness must have come from consciousness. To
be conscious means you must have been and still are eternal beings. How we split or generated
from the original consciousness is a truth I'm seeking, nevertheless that would make us one with
the original consciousness only now independent with a unique perspective. There is also the
creation theory that the original consciousness or God created things and gave it consciousness.
If created, you may not have known of the past history and of the extent of capabilities and
would only have what was given to navigate surroundings. That theory doesn’t make sense to a
spirit being because you'd have to be prodded to receive knowledge of self. That would mean
that whatever was created wasn't conscious to begin with but was something else fabricating
consciousness like a robot of today. But we know we do have unlimited potential and that makes
us whole parts of the true consciousness, not robots. Based on the fact that we currently are
consciousness beings, this would lead one to believe we had the knowledge and abilities to
create like Gods before. Also based off of Illuminati tactics of trying to manipulate spirits in their
transition period of death which would be a full manifestation of the spirit but ignorance of this
leads some to be recycled to someone else's liking. I'd assume this is how many were put into
this subjugated state by agreement or buying a broking dream. So in the case that the
knowledge was stolen or hid from us after we had it at some point, I would declare that a wrong
on the offender even if the victim fell for the scam of manipulation and seemingly agreed to the
consequences. Without the full story and an understanding of what is going to be gained and
lost, this is seen as a conniving scheme to some. I can't think of anyone that would sell their soul
or freedom for a dream that they can have without doing so. Judgment is; that knowledge and
ability will be restored to the victim. If you feel you are a created being after examining the
evidence, then I think you shouldn't feel you have the right to the knowledge of true
consciousness as you never had it. But as a human creation we do have it. Also as human beings
we have a right to what we need to survive and feel comfortable and safe. Nothing should be
created for torture unless to reciprocate and punish. But do believe we are more than human.
Now what if even though we may have had this knowledge and abilities prior, offenses and
other actions led to other spirits trying to subject our spirits to these results. When battling
amongst Gods in a universe where anything is possible it would be hard for them to impose their
will on other free spirits. So unless a violation occurred justification would have to be attained to
gain the edge in conflict. We have created these ideologies and agreed upon certain things that
contribute to spiritual warfare in the spirit realm. I don't want you to start thinking Star Wars on
me so I'll just leave it there. Without the monotheistic theory I think it may have been pure
chaos as spirits battled for supremacy. Although space is endlessly vast not being around other
conscious beings would be less eventful, while being around many may lead to clashes. So to
punish a being may have taken great effort, skill, or cunning. So begins the case of when do we
punish and how much punishment is necessary to suppress, subdue, or subside others powers.
With most or all at the peak of spiritual power it must have been a great task to discipline
wayward spirits, it may seem ludicrous to seek justification for your acts when already putting
forth an effort trying to make justice. The best choice would seem to be that we wouldn’t restrict
any option in the name of justification to get justice across when it’s hard enough already. But
when you realize that dreams are based on beliefs, and beliefs on ideologies and theories, and
theories and ideologies get power from rights, justification, and sometimes agreement; then
you'll learn why it is good to act off of a platform of rights. Besides the secret societies mean to
use justification as a cover for their actions so it must have some power to it. To subdue or
impose a punishment equal to or a little greater for compensating the act of one inflicting the
damages first is only or mainly to persuade the violating company not to do it again. Punishment
just for satisfaction is just a concept without a practical purpose. If any restoration is due it can
be done so on the spiritual level by the offender or offended with ease. But to subside or
suppress another is to ensure that the violation isn't committed again and should only be for
extreme cases. For an idea of what I mean I think the libertarian political party's principle of
nonaggression where if what I do doesn't harm, threaten, or hinder you, you don't harm,
threaten, or hinder me, that seems like the best model for laws and justice. If violations were
more extreme how long should the violator be suppressed? Is the threat of them re-offending
higher or not? A lot of this is parallel with how we do justice in the natural world. The bible
states “what's bound in heaven is bound on earth” and “God made man in his image and
likeness.” Basically saying as above so
beneath, the natural world is a limited
version of the spiritual. For most people,
if you think about our true nature and
utmost potential this may seem like a
prison planet. What was the offense for
spirits to be lowered to this state? I'll go
to the bible once again since some
secret societies and religions go hand
and hand. One example was the angel
Lucifer. He wouldn't bow to Adam in
some accounts and he desired to be like
God in another. So disobedience and
wanting to be powerful those were the offenses that lowered his status to an earthly being.
Doesn't sound very libertarian to me but more authoritarian. But if you believe you are a created
being you should consider your creators wishes. But as a freethinking being with consciousness
whether you feel you’re created or not, I think you are entitled to reach your fullest potential
unhindered. If god was truly the almighty ultimate God there would be no threat to that.
Created beings wouldn’t have to be stopped from doing something impossible to accomplish.
Think about it personally if we the god of our own dreams daydream about something or
someone we just created in our minds, if this persona wants to kill us is that any threat to us?
No, it’s just a dream. But if Satan did or could have gotten this power to threaten the throne that
would mean there's no ultimate God. That being the most known example of a fallen spirit I'll
use this as the bar to estimate the reasons eternal immortal beings are seemingly stripped of
powers, state of living, and sometimes knowledge of self and subjugated to a position of
dependency. I wouldn't justify those reasons as one to suppress one’s ability just because you
felt they insulted your superiority or respect creator or not. So this knowledge would be owed to
the suppressed if being right, moral, and just is there aim or justification. Now for serious
offenders like the ones that violate the nonaggression principle and are a threat to the livelihood
of others, being stripped of powers and oppressed may be the only way to keep peace and order
in the spiritual realm especially if a repeat offender. But if suppression is done by keeping the
offender from knowing their true self and state of their metaphysical surroundings, does that
justify keeping it a secret? Yes. But if the offender overcomes these hindrances efforts would
probably be made to reapply those conditions. If other resolutions could be made promises,
pacts, etc.; this would be another avenue out but some would be wise to test if the words were
going to be true.
This is the state most on earth are in, lost as to true self without a guide like myself to tell and
show them. As we seen from the earlier example many reasons for being cast to this supposed
prison planet may not balance the scales of justice, so we most likely have the moral high ground
fighting for our justice. But some of us may have been offensive and violated somehow, yet how
are we to know or believe when you were scammed into forgetting? When the non-enlightened
human dies then a theater takes place and an Illuminated one might come to you to sell you a
new story. Heaven, hell, ghost life, other after life, or start you over as a baby. But you are an
immortal eternal being of consciousness that can create and explore the universe for yourself,
you just need to know that in the here and now. Unfortunately, many fall for the perpetual
recycling of souls and restart their life in a new being like a M.I.B neutralizer, (which is fake)
losing knowledge of self to start over once again. Why do they do this? We found that in
offending others that's when they use their creativity and imagination in an offensive manner
to get one lowered whether justly or unjustly. Now they must free themselves from the limits of
the natural world with or without help. This would be the mentality of most spiritually enslaved
unless you felt you sincerely deserved it based on the golden rule. Did you do onto others as
they didn’t want or better put as you knew they didn't want? Then you may feel like a
recompense is necessary, but if you did feel like that I doubt punishment would be pursued.
Most law breakers don't care for laws rights or justice only strength and or respect. So they may
deserve to be judged and inflicted by power alone, but one who’s base is justification should still
be justified in acts of punishment. I don't think too many in the natural or spiritual realm will
accept harsh punishment just off of moral justification alone, so force should be considered
justified when enforcing rights. As to when to apply force and how much force is necessary that
is circumstantial. In the vastness of the universe we should all have an area where we can be
around souls that share our ideologies, then we can practice live and let live for a solution to
chaos. Some may consider this world as such but natural earth is setup to keep us here as
humans and not bother the rest of space. The bible claims "if mankind comes together there’s
nothing they couldn't do." That would explain the lie of a limited life to gain knowledge and keep
us from realizing our true potential. This writing will expedite that birth of knowledge to the
masses. Are the ones with the the most powers, skill, etc. honorable to others? I would hope so,
but based on the little evidence we have of souls being sentenced to this state of being it doesn't
seem so, but maybe they are earnestly trying. You would have to be sharp spiritually to not be a
victim and that may lead to rash and hasty judgments to ensure you stay intact. Can you blame
someone for a preemptive strike on a threat or conspiracy? There could be some scenarios
where you’d be justified and some where you wouldn't. But I'm not saying this was the case for
most of us and from the stories of history you would have no way to believe the offense against
you with certainty unless you consciously remember your descent from a spirit being. But it
seems we are tested here to be good or bad but always brave, all to attain spiritual freedom
from Illuminati harassment. As we see the Masonic duality positive and negative, light and dark,
good vs evil are in an eternal clash to produce purpose or whatever. But what if the one(s) who
subjected us to this earth were only hell bent on control and power, the test would only be to
breed like spirits. To me it doesn't matter because we can be free regardless and manifest our
true self however we want. But if it is a ruthless lawless adversary we must be ready for that.
As a last theory, maybe they keep it a secret due to the role of them playing a shadow
government. They are the unelected, self-appointed guardians of the world, who stands for who
know what because they aren't accounted for. When this information goes viral in the
mainstream this will cease the ability of the Illuminati to manipulate the masses and speed up
the age of enlightenment. After we can have a spiritual government if we choose to hold one
accountable as we do in the natural world. So having a shadow government doesn't justify
suppressing the masses with lies and manipulation.
The Illuminati does reveal its secret to some they approve of as stated prior. But if you look and
listen to songs, books, cliché, movies, leaders, and other things in life especially religion you can
piece together subliminals to get the message. Some are meant for destruction and control
some are meant to hint towards the truth. Is this due to subliminal messages being the proven
effective tactic to reach people? With all the ones who go crazy because these tactics I doubt
that is the case. Is it part of the test? Maybe. Or maybe they recruit people in secret so other
people won't know who is down with them. But even with implanted or projected subliminal it's
not compensation for keeping the people in the dark mostly because none probably deserved to
be in it in the first place. The only good reason I could find is if there was a serious treat in the
spirit realm that violated other spirits sovereignty in violation of the nonaggression principle, and
if done habitually so, may need to be suppressed. Of course they would have to have consciously
know their true powers and alternatives to their behavior, also not be entrapped or think this
was the only way to do what they did and that it hurt another. Magic and the universe are as
unlimited as our imaginations so why one would harm others beyond defending self is ridiculous.
Control or entertainment may be two reasons why, but like I said it’s ridiculous unless consented
mutual combat. Every sole should be enlightened if this universe is based on justice morals and
I don't see much as coincidence anymore now that I see some try to
use the world as a stage. Some of the behavior mentioned in this essay
may be obviously deplorable and may seem like they don't need to be
mentioned as unjust or wrong. First of all, we do this to spread light on
the tactics being used against people and almost everyone will try to
find justification for their acts, so we should at least examine if its
measures up. I think we all know at least one habitual liar. Eventually if
you don't drown them out you treat them like entertainment. But what
is a lie? If you said something happened already and it didn't, it’s a lie.
But if you say something is going to be like this or is like that but it’s
not is that a lie or intentional well wishing? It depends on your
intention, what did you mean by it. Not only does your intent matter but how you portray your
intentions to others if that's what you're doing. It’s a fine line between lying and wishing, but if
you're wishing you do it with conviction and intent on belief so it may come off as a lie to some.
"And God said let there be light and there was light" The bible claims the world was spoken into
existence. The Illuminati must believe it because their number one weapon is subliminal
messages, spells, and any media type program to manipulate this dream matrix type world. For
the ultimate truth don't look to T.V., most music, and the main sites on the internet. Although
you may find tidbits of truth in media, religion, and more on YouTube and other independent
media outlets that come close to complete truth, but I have seen and heard snares placed into
some presentations. All you need to know is we are immortal eternal beings of consciousness
with powers to create and shape our world, mostly everything after that is made up. Just
because something is made up doesn’t make it a lie necessarily. We know television sitcoms are
made up, movies and plays are made up but its entertainment for us and we know it. It starts to
be a lie when its portrayed to an unsuspecting audience as real like a prank or crisis scenario
test. We also have T.V shows that do this. YouTube pranks, MTV's punked and hidden camera
shows like What Would You Do, Candid Camera, (don't watch much t.v anymore) and any new
“reality" show. (Because I'm sure most of that is scripted) They show something for
entertainment or testing purposes depicted as real to add thrill value to the onlookers. But worst
of all they do these theatrics in the streets to send subliminal messages to people to try to create
their ends, worst being destruction of the person or manipulation of the targets acts. They try to
use physiological cause and effect knowledge to harm or control others but some are immune to
it. If its scripted and controlled, then its fake to a degree. When people are acting out a script it’s
a lie to portray it as real. The worse part is some are controlled on a higher level and some don’t
even know it, so they are unwitting actors for others or even themselves to see. Illuminated
spirits use some to act out scenarios all across the board, in sports, work, politics, just about
anywhere on earth. When we are aware of this then we break free. You hear of fake news all the
time, basically conspiracies that are played out to the public as a random coincidental story from
natural causes, an outright lie, or hyperbole. The moves may have been ordered like moving
pieces on a chess board with only one player controlling both sides. If you don't believe in
conspiracies just look at flash mobs. Groups of people show up at a predetermined spot to put
on a dancing show for an unsuspecting public. That's all fine and dandy nothing wrong with
entertainment, but what about when the show is a terrorist attack, or to harass or stalk
someone they don't like, that’s when people aren't smiling anymore, that's when it goes beyond
a lie. This is more to do with the game that is being played on humanity and I will discuss this in a
chapter to come.
Now that we know we will always remember what we are and where we came from, we now
see the whole world was lying to us. If we take it as entertainment, then ok. But many have been
brought up to think this world is all there is and all it is with no knowledge of self, buying into the
dream of the planet. The death lie, the lie of limitations, the lie of our origin, all this propaganda
is only to keep the ones who buy into it in a perpetual state of control. But can you blame
someone for speaking a thought that someone else fell for whether blatantly or not? If you were
responsible for reducing their knowledge and recycling them then yes, you are wrong. Then even
if you know someone's spirit is in a vulnerable state you are
responsible for what you teach to them. Example. Would you
tell a mentally challenged kid to jump into a fire, it may be
common sense to you, but that kid might not know better?
You'd probably be held responsible for that and punished by
natural world standards. People feel that if you agree to it
now it’s your truth because truth is relative to belief. The one
who brought the dream may be happy and seem satisfied and
that may make the one who sold the dream feel justified. If
you know we all have and had great powers and have been
oppressed and subjected and you don't state that but do
state something that will keep one oppressed especially with
that intention, then you are wrong. But one gives the vision of
others abnormal powers by agreement. You can deny it but
some things don't work like that without a spiritual transformation. Meaning we live in this
reality with others and have a common belief to set an order, we are all seeing the same,
smelling the same, basically sensing the same particular things. Your reaction positive or
negative is the only other variable. For a parallel to what I’m talking about study quantum
mechanics or the God particle. It behaves in a preconceived manner when observed but can do
anything apart from view. These particles are believed to be the fabric of life, I'm sure you can
put two and two together.
Why is the lie stated so much more than the rare truth? Even when you go to places to seek the
truth like religion they tell you the truth subliminally and in riddles but the lie is still presented all
over. They use the lie to try to make you feel guilty and control you while hiding the truth from
you. But you must be strong and assured of the truth not gullible and naive. This is also the
massage they try to get across as a test to make you fit and adaptive to spiritual life. That sounds
good but does it justify lying? No. Knowing the truth will make people more assured of it and if
they fail this so called "test" they aren't giving the truth, at least not while alive in the flesh so its
harmful to life.
Why can't things just occur naturally if we chose to live on earth or wherever, the same as we
thought it did when we were unenlightened? Does every move have to be ordered like a chess
game with one individual seemingly being the only x factor? It doesn't seem as though everyone
is playing their own character how they wish. Even people that joined the Illuminati although
they may be enlightened seem to follow an agenda perceivably under duress at times. When
people are told to live a certain way and acquiesce that's like living a lie.
Don't read this section if you think you would like to
play games like The Hunger Games with the Illuminati
and if you think you may join them. My job isn't to
make you hate the enlightened secret group but to lay
the facts in hopes you and the Illuminati will act
responsible with the truth and power.
We've uncovered how lies are used to manipulate people to stay impotent and controlled.
They use subliminal messages, theatrics, props, and propaganda to almost like a robot
program an unconscious, misinformed, or ignorant person. Gangstalking is one way they
try to get across massages without media. Gangstalking is when a group of illuminati or
puppets come around a target whispering and displaying indirect messages to the target.
Most of this is directed from a spiritual level while the human puppet is oblivious to
directing anything at the target. This is why some label and accept these targets as loons
or schizophrenic. What they are is victims of Pavlovian conditioning to try to create an
annoyance that only the target will pick up on. It could be as simple as an everyday hand
gesture or a lisp in one’s speech, when someone realizes it’s done purposefully with the
intent to harass it’s hard to differentiate between harasser and everyday coincidence.
Sometimes this could be done through spirit possession, audibly triggered ticks, voodoo,
last and least some say they have been cursed to hear nonsense. Taking advantage of the
weak is bad, making and keeping them weak is devilish. Now if there was a devil that put
souls in this dumbfounded state and use them like we would control characters on a
videogame, then another group to beat the first devil did similar things but only to end the
slavery for others; that wouldn't be so wrong. But the true righteous aim should be to
enlighten although some may not be adequate or accepting to adjust to this, using them
before the devil does is an iffy situation.
Voodoo, hypnosis, and other mind control tactics are half human half what we'd call spiritual
devices, which its aim is to intrude on others sovereignty. I would advise that you never consent
to any form of this even for one moment. There are accounts of Haitians waking up the dead to
reanimate the dead body AKA a zombie. It may be a poltergeist leading the body but if these
spirits lead the living that's the bigger problem. That’s why I'm sending this knowledge, it is the
key to your freedom and that's why they keep it secret.
Throughout this world we have spirits. The main ones are those of our ancestors who might visit
in ghost form. Some ask to be invited into new bodies with other spirits and souls. Some try to
guide your emotions, thoughts, motions, basically your life if you let them. They have abilities
beyond the natural but you to are a soul waiting for this realization and manifestation. I think it’s
a good thing to be in tuned with your spirit relatives but it’s even better to be in tuned with your
own spirit. There are enlightened ones who still walk the earth in the flesh manifesting physical
and metaphysical, this is the true aim to be all. To transition between the physical sensory and
the intangible here and anywhere else is tops. It is when they group up and formulate a plan to
control the world when it becomes a problem. All spirits aren't good or well-meaning at least not
always. But if they follow the Illuminati order they may be trying to control you and run you
through a gauntlet to test your worthiness. I will expose what I know of the test in the end but
hold on to these tidbits of knowledge. Some may be seen as guardian angels and guides to help
you through, but spirits can be grieved almost like a human would and falling out of favor may
be troublesome. Sprits are only just if allowed in with conscious consent, or in a just war effort.
You are a sovereign sole and should be treated as such. Nobody in their proper consciousness
wants to be treated like a toy or character in a game that we have no knowledge of and because
of that have little control over. If you were a spirit without a body would boredom apply to you?
If so would these spirits, try to run a physical life for entertainment? How would you know what
thoughts are truly yours what feelings are truly yours if you invite spirits in? From the words of
the great philosopher Aristotle you must "Know Thyself." With Illuminati taking control of
humans to guide them to a point to teach lesson, protect, or test a scenario or temptation is
wrong without consent. How do they even know what actions or intentions are theirs? Some
people can feel spirits enter and leave them to have some indication they have a visitor. All in all,
this is a level of slavery, the worst because it is hidden from some and its internal or
physiological. At its worst it is thought some of the mass shooters are being fully animated, or
maybe they just want people to believe they can do this.
We have the power to narrate and run our own lives, they want to block you from doing it so
they can mold you into their own liking. This is the slavery most haven't yet escaped because
they have yet to know of it. The secret societies have treated people like pieces on a chessboard.
I have even heard them refer to the unaware as not real people, that is why they feel they can
justify malicious acts on people. Wait I've heard this before, oh yeah white Amerika said black
people were 3/5ths of a person to justify atrocities committed during slavery. Even now they try
to use the guise of a race war to produce more hatred and killing but it may just be the Hegelian
Dialectic at work, a programmed distraction where both sides are played by one provocateur. Its
time for the Illuminati abolitionists and the spiritual underground railroad, which some secret
society may be already.
The bottom line is trying to control others is mostly wrong, forced slavery is wrong, and
manipulation is wrong in most scenarios. All that leaves for us to do to change others is for us to
tell the truth, offer suggestions, and let free people make their own path.
Are we all one? On a spiritual level it is spoke of many times how we are all one and how this
world functions on a symbiotic level. If the images portrayed in nature truly mirrors the spiritual
realm showing that all things came from something, then everything came from one thing; the
original consciousness or God. Now consider your anatomy, individual cells make up one
functioning unit called your body. When a cell or what have you isn't performing agents made to
save the whole body are sent to exterminate anything harmful or wasteful to the body. Almost
all forms of biology fight for its existence even down to the micro cellular level, but
consciousness is different. Consciousness is the pinnacle of existence. When you become
conscious, an ability that's inherent because we are consciousness, you become one with the
creator and creation. Now what does that mean? I have a conscious perspective and others
have there's that's not us as one. So what if anything keeps us together? On a spiritual level do
they have to share experiences? Would a weak link be a threat to your safety? If yes, without
evidence of these I can't find a moral reason for the world to judge as they do. Even if the
questions proved true it would still have to be checked if alternatives could've been done, then
even still could be wrong based on other factors I will explain. So an injustice is done every time
one is punished for a nonaggressive act that just merely offends society or makes the person
unlikable. If you don't like the sovereign sole don't concern yourself with them, it’s that simple.
But these people feel they owe it to themselves to make you likeable to them, but don't worry
it’s for your own good! Now as I said some killings may be spiritual sacrifices for power, others to
feed a breed of vampires. Those are sinister and unnecessary in creation as our potential and
space is unlimited. It’s not necessary to destroy one or recycle them to your liking. All have a
right to live how they want, the Illuminati know this which is why they use guilt and fear tactics
to get some to believe they are unworthy of life. Just remember nobody is perfect.
Now let’s explore if and why the Illuminati maybe carrying out unjust punishments even on
those we may otherwise feel deserve it. For one most of the punished are not aware of and
consciously practicing their true nature as spiritual souls. Their knowledge of self and the
universe is skewed and that's mainly due to the Illuminati. I would argue that if they knew truth
of self from the beginning their actions would be different, better or worse but different. My
synopsis is most would act better, they say people’s behavior changes for the better when they
know they are being watched. Because of that they say the true measure of a person is what
they do when nobody is looking, true; but who are you to measure people in the first place? In
addition to the lack of knowledge that may produce societies sick people the environment they
live in helps breed the same ones despised by society. Is it their fault the society they are forced
to conform to is also sick as well? As humans we are just products of our environment. Society
isn't completely sick lots of positive things displayed, but the negative is orchestrated to
challenge the participant willing or not to overcome these things. But if they don't society seeks
to kill them, shun them, or give them more adversity until they seek suicide? This happens to
people of all ages children to the elderly. Those things aren't done to empower them or give
them ease but to destroy them and give the rest of society ease. If someone is seen as weak why
give them more pressure? This society relentlessly hunts the weak like ancient Rome or a hunger
games society, where it is survival of the fittest not by natural design but by conscious order. If it
was just preset design and laws then that would take some wrong from the people, but if set
order doesn't produce a failure the secret society tries to finish them off. They use tactics like
stalking, harassment, and entrapment, all things that are illegal in the natural world. The way we
run government in the natural is a better model if we are going to accept an order in the spiritual
realm. Of course we should all be enlightened and conscious of our powers, with this as the
platform any punishment would have to come correct and the last factor to get the edge would
have to be justice. We would have to utilize resistance, protest, compromise, and boycotting
before war to execute just punishment. Unlike what is done now in society, because you can’t
call an enlightened, conscious, and knowledgeable being inflicting its will or manipulating an
unenlightened being; war. The Illuminati also seeks ritual sacrifices which is why I truly doubt
intentions that they claim to build up humanity. If there must be spirit sacrifices for whatever
reason they need it, that would mean the Illuminati creates conditions for some to fail through
not guaranteed to work. Unfortunately, some are born to be sacrificed whether do to birth date,
birth order, or just because they need one. Maybe something’s in your life you aren't to blame
for but they will use guilt to try to drive one to suicide or more. Why have only people that can
stand the pressure of the test if all the pressure is fake. If it was just about people acting right
the conditions would be changed that produced the ill. If the capitalist economic system must
produce losers then something is wrong with the system not every broke person, the same is
true for any system. Do the ends justify the means? If you pass the test you can argue that, but
for the many that don't and some that I know are setup to be against all odds to fail AKA a born
sacrifice, the end are different and not justified. So punishing people in a world that to some
seems like punishment already is immoral. Justice should be based on the nonaggression
principle violators should be dealt with in a timely manner same as the statute of limitations
applies on our earthly world for most crimes. Lastly punishment should be equal to the offense,
what’s bad or not is relative but the punishment should try to mimic the offense.
In the previous chapter we explored how the Illuminati does and needs ritual sacrifices
and how that takes away from the integrity of them imposing punishment on others. But
why these sacrifices? First of all, it’s all made up so one person or group must have
imposed these conditions on another person or group in a spiritual agreement or debate.
Some accounts state that sacrificing is a way to gain powers, some claim as way to keep a
body alive beyond its normal lifespan one must drink blood. Religious accounts claim god
seeks devotion by asking
for your first born as a
sacrifice or for payment
of sins for offending god.
Those may just be covers
for the first two reasons.
You see this as true
because organized
religions have based
most of their practices
off of pagan traditions
where ancient ancestral
spirits communicating
with the living have
asked for sacrifices for
various reasons. This
seems to be the true
source for the sacrifices
and also that it’s made
up as well. Sub
sequential excuses for
sacrifices though they
might be true for other
reasons like population
control, purge cancers,
justice for wrongs, and
society seeking change.
If people are meant to die for these various reasons aren't the natural laws of the earth
and set consequences enough? I assume not because sacrifices are carried out to add but
we will stop this. Trying to justify sacrifices you hit a brick wall every time. The only just
killing is in combat but even most of that has turned into a sacrifice playground for the
Illuminati, entrapment and methods of harassment to get others to attack corrupts
something borderline wrong already. But people do nefarious things to get power and win
in this world. Maybe all that matters is victory but the point is its all made up. Justice and
winning can be done simultaneously; foolishness doesn't have to be the price for power. I
don't consider this real spiritual power if it is based on something external, the external
things were created by spiritual power so it’s just a game. Are these means just being
carried out just to meet an end goal where the system is fixed, or is this how they plan to
keep things? Hopefully when this information is exposed the whole of free society can
come up with solutions to normalize or eradicate these precepts. Anything can be viewed
rationally when presented into the public light. If there's already plans to change this
internally I hope they have the right goal in mind.
It's all just a game. If it’s all a game the only ones at war
are the ones unaware or knowingly competing in it, not
the orchestrators. Can we even call this a game when
many lose their lives and feel real pain when they're
losing? After a game you can come out free and
unharmed for the most part, not only that but you usually
know and willingly play games. If called a test, rights to
passage, or culling of society that would be more on par.
Us in society do have a right to test anyone to a degree
but have no right to impose the consequences for falling
that test especially when the tactics used are
questionable as we have examined already. Imagine
people watching over us as they run us through a series of test like a hunger games society. If it
were true that it was the almighty God lording over its creation as religious zealots believe that's
one thing, but when you realize that we are all of the same thing it becomes downright sickening
to believe like that. My life isn't entertainment for pompous buffoons. If we came together as
one and constructed a game, test, or a rights to passage scenario as we do in the natural world
the problem will be lessened but we will still need all of our true powers. Not much grows
without adversity that's why there's a duality to energy and almost everything else including the
masonic order. That said any testing grounds to build up souls and humanity can be a benefit.
But do we really only need the cream of the crop and for everyone to be at their best? I don't
think so. Simply put what you eat doesn’t make the next one go to the bathroom. We don't get
to pick our neighbors but I know many may want to. Although we do want people around us that
we respect it is no offense to be alive and unlikable. Those would be my demands to change the
game if we’d continue to do that. In order to get the best results keeping the test a secret to see
people’s true colors would be best. But if some people suspect that a test is being run on them
they may overreact or under react as well. Although the benefits to keeping it a surprise makes
for a great story for those who pass the test, nothing is worse than the treatment of those who
don't. They even threaten to bury people alive as a punishment, not much is more inhumane
then that. With outcomes like these who would risk this especially when you take into account
we already have the "gift", it has just been hidden probably by the ones who claim to give it. We
know that some were set for born sacrifice, you can examine your own life and history to see if
you parallel any of the ones they destroyed already. When they portray it as a test how can you
trust it’s not a setup, how can you trust the managers of the game and their intentions when the
"test" consists of them constantly hiding thing, lying, spying, and manipulating you. Yet they are
the first ones to ask you to trust them. But for some maybe you should, for some it gives them
the chance to be enlightened but it’s a coin toss. Even when they join they do so under duress
which leaves them with the threat of punishment if they don't join the Illuminati. Like the mob
that wants one to kill so the mob now has something against them if they snitch. Now their best
bet is to conform and get along. Yes, once more they actually require some or all to sacrifice,
some kill, some set people up, and others abort babies. Bottom line is blood flows by request to
their initiates. But don't worry because the soul lives forever they just want to reset it into
another body. How many past lives have you had? Did you ever or would you like to reset your
life? Those questions are only your business not societies, but some think they have a right to
answer these questions for you. So people are in a test they never asked for that purges people
from all walks of life all for what? Who are the special people that past the culling of society? To
win your either ruthless, hotheaded, manipulative, and self-serving or just naive and lucky.
Although good qualities must be in your character to pass as well this test requires a dark side or
produces one. I'm all for completion in every being but those who aren’t should be left
unscathed by others. When people find out about this there may be an uprising for change. But
for those who choose to abide by the test willing it’s on them. I just hope we will manifest our
true spiritual natures and play our characters only how we want to personally.