Haryana Urban Control of Rent and Eviction Act 1973
Haryana Urban Control of Rent and Eviction Act 1973
Haryana Urban Control of Rent and Eviction Act 1973
Bare Acts & Rules
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9. Landlord to provide certain amenities.
10. Landlord not to inlerfere with amenities.
Conversion of a residential building inro a non-residential building.
12. Failure by landlord ta make necessary repairs.
1 3. Evicrion of tcnanls.
13A. Special procedure for disposal of applicauon in ccflain cases.
14. Decisions which have become final no[ ro be re-opened.
15. Appellate and rvisional authoriries.
16. Power to summon and enforce attendance of witnesses.
17. Cosu.
18. Execution of-orders.
19. Insritulion and disposal of applications.
20. Power to kansfcr proceedings.
20-A. Transfer of proceedings and filing of appeals and revisions again51 orders uf
Subordinate and D i s ~ i c Judges.
2 L . Landlord and tenant to furnish pmiculars.
22. Penal ties.
23. Power to make des.
24. Repeal and Savings.
1973 : Haryana Act 11 1 , uRBAi.i (rub] ROL OF K13r,IUD EV~CT~OEI) 7
AN . .
LatestLaws.com ACT
to coiitrd the incrc;lre of rent of certain buildings and rented land
situated within the limits of urban areas, and the
. - ,.
context,- .. .
(iij partly for the purpos-eof business or trade and partly for'the
purpose of residence, subjei( tb the c o dlion rhar the-person
who ekes in buiinessbi.trade ., . in the building resides
. ... 1
there : :' ,; . . , I t
, .
., . , ., . ..- , I
., ...
(11) " tenanl".,meank.any person by whop or on - whose account , , .
. rent is payable f q a building or,reniedland and includcs a,
tenant continuing,in po&ession aft+ [he temhnarion of his
tenancy and in th2 c k n t of such person's deaih, such of his
, ,
heirs as ;ire riicntioned in ihe Sched~le4appended
to this Act
I . . .. . ' .. , - .. ,-
4.. : (irj:!-~he
Controller ,Shhll,,on application by the tenant or the Determination
landlord of a building or rented land. fix the fair:rent for such bulding or of , '
renled land after holding such eriquiQ'asm he may think fit. Such fair rent .
shall -be operative from the-dareof.appljcation.
1 ,, ,r I ..I . . .., ,
>... , .; '
''[(Z} In fixing rhe fair rent under this scction, the Cbntroller
' ..'
shall first detr&ne the basic rent which shall be+ I ,
I . '
- .
land. at the datd of applicadon~)
. .... . .
' -j , I
J':. . , , : , .,
, (3) 1n @ing thef& nnt; the ~ o n t r o l l ~ r illow
of prices $rice : the dqre:bf agreed rent ,OFt be date ;of aibliction, as the
care may.be, in accor,&nSe,wilh,, the '(avc~ngeo f All-lnd; .- Wholesale :
, , . , . I. . . , . :1':. - -. . , .
. . ., . ,
between the parties and theii-heirk.. -
, 1,. 1 ,
J . . I ,
, .>. ,!
. , ' , . r , I ,
Provided that an increase may bc allowed in cases where any
addirion, improvement or alteration has been carried out at the expense , ,
, ,- ,
Provided further that thidecreag~may be allawed in &es where
there is a dccreasc or diminution in the accommodatjon or amenities
provided. . . ,
" dispute
~ '(21 A
between [lie landlordhnd the tenan; in regard
. . . . or'd&rease under this section shall be decided by the
to- any .incsease
., . :
~Liiii-biler. >
.-, , >, .
.6. Save as provided in thj s Act, when the Controller has fixed Landlord not 10
ti; faii
. . , Lent of a b"irding or reited l&d'unde: Section 4,-.
claim anflhing
, . ..I
I .
in excess of : - ' I , ' . ' . 1: . -
- , , .
, .' ' ,. . (a), the.land1ord shall.not claim,or receive any premium or fair rent. - - - ' :
.:. , ... , :! - other like sum in addj tion to fair rent or any rent in,excess
: . : of.such fair rent, but. ~he.landlordmay stipulate fgr and
# .
' '
:, -.m:,r
( b ) any
.. qgree-ment for rhe p&ieht'of
my suh'in idditioo to
fair ienhp of rent id excess of such fair rent sha1l:benull
. I
and void.
1,;!'[6Ar(I-):~ o t w i t h s t i n d i i i ~ , a ~ f i h i nt ~ h e, tcoitraq!contained
o in Deposit of
any other laiifor the time being.h?orce;if a:laridlordrefuses to:teceive, re"[.
or grant a receipt for, any rent payablc in respect.of the building hrented
land when :tendered. , . to him by a tenant, the tenafl may apply LO the
, . ,
I 0 , .
~ontr6lle~ for leave to deposit ihe & i t in his ofice, and. the, Controllel-
,!', , 2 ::,:,,,,,->
shall receive
;i : - , thi,de!p⁢'if.,,afterenaidiiing,the Applicant, tie is sgtlsfied
b , ,
.. . is.. i"ffi$ient g-roliii&'fdr.
! I , & . the
.., ,ap@i~itib'ha n d i f h e i$pl,cant ..
provided. , . . .. .-...
: . , . _ I . .
. : , , ., . ,. ; , 1 . ,. . , I , , .+'i .- j ::.! ,, .
resp&:&fihe,rent due: . . .. ,,. .,. .
' . ' ' I
, I
,;;:: .;;. , 8 -1.' :. . <,, , .. - , -11 - .I
, '...,
, (3) : ,On receiyjng the,de.posit,
, , .. .. . the ~onvoller,
. .. , , give nqtike
. . shill , # I I I.:.I..
Rent which 7. Where any sum has, whether before or after the commencement
should no1 have of this Act, been paid which sum by reason of the provisions of the Acr
been paid may should not have been paid, such sum shall, at any time within a period of
be recovered.
six months after the date of baymen t, be recoverable by,the tenant from
the landlord who received the or his legal representative, and
t , 1
may, without prejudice to any, other method of recovery, be deducred,
within such sixmonths, by
, . such
., ... . any reit pa'yable by him. to
tenant from , , ,
Explanarion.-In @issection the expression " legal representative"
. . , A .
1908, and includes, in the case of joint family prbjerty', the joint family I
. . , I . -
any' suchrate, ckis', of tax wihe amounl'of'ihcrease:in
c-! ' ,
such rite, cess or
. ' ,
tax, as the case hay be : '' ' ' '
!...I ,Provided further t h a ~such ~ncrease:inrent shall be payable by
,! . . . ;:I '.. foice or'in any contract, no len&d
in shall. r&o+&frorn his' r
6f a n i.building
,J " ,- ,
in tlie hmount ine rent payable'oi oth&ile, i&e i s pi&ded in sub- . ,
~ ~ t ~ : i (bI i) r.
., :,, ,, - , ' i l . . - ' . ' ,,.,- : . , . , .:. I I
Lzndlord to . . 9., ( I ) Iftheame~ties~fel~rricity,sewarageortap,wa~ersupply,
. . ,
provide c e h n have been made available in any locaiity by the State ~ o v e r n m e nor
- I 1 .
amenities. loce! siiihority, the tenant of the building or rented land of such'locality
shall tie &ititled t'o'the enjoyment theieDf ~ b b j e c tto the-provisions
. - _ ' :. . , - I
- .,.
. ,, I .' 1. ' - , '
hereinafter contained. " ' '
.,. -
m ,
(3) The Controller may f i x the extent and speciIications of
t hc amenity as far as possible keeping in view the circumstances of the
case and also the estimated cost, thereof.
r.. . . , I
(4). . After the amenity has .been provided,.the tenant shall
- immediately.thereafter.send . h e details of the expenses incurred by .him
to the landlord. ' - :. ., _ . . ,.
, , .
' ,-
~rovidkd!that where the ten& has initially incurred rhe
expenses for providing such amenity, the enhancement of rent shall riot
be allowed till the amount-spentby the tenant has been realized.
. .
10. (i.)NO landlord ?hall, wi thpu tjust and sufficienl cause, cut off Landlord not to
or wothhold any of the amenities enjoyed by rhk anant. interfere with.
rhe ControlIer may make an order directing the tenant io put the land-lord '
relations o f the landlord as ordinarily live with him and
aqe dependent upon him ; . .
. .
( b ) iri the case of rented land, if he requires it for his own use.
is not occupying in the urban area concerned for the..
purpose,of his,busines any other rented land and has not
I . vacated such rcntedland without sufficicn~cause aher
. thc commenccment ofthe 1949 Act; . . , . >
Provided that where the landlord has obtaincd possession of a
non-residential building under this sub-section, he shall not-be entitled
to apply again ,for the possession of any other non-residential building
(7) Where the ControlIer is satisfied that any applicadon made
commencemeit:. ,and
. the date of his retiremeit or discharge, -
: ( 3 ) (a).TheC~n&gllershalI,
, . in addition to, andsi~ulbneneouslyv
. ..
' circurnstanceb of the i a s e to require, also direct the
within a period of ninety days, call for and examine the record relating to
any order passed or proieedi ngs taken under this Act for the purpose of
salisfying itself as to thc legality or priopriety of such order or proceedings
and may pass such order in relation hereto as itmay deem Fit. In computing
the period of ninety days the time taken to obtain a certified copy of the
order shall be excluded.
16. An authority exercising powers under this Act shall have the Power 10
same powers of summoning and enforcing the attendance of witnesses a*d
and compelling the production of evidence as are vested in court under atlcndancc or
the Code if Civil Procedure, 1908. - witnesses.
17. { I ) The compensation and the cost of an incident'to all Cosrs.
proceedings before the Conkoller, the appel Iate authority or the revisional
authority; shall be in the discretion of the Controller, the appellate
authority or the revisional authority, as the case may be. Such authority
shall determine by whom or out of which property and to what extent
such costs are to be paid and give all necessary directions for the purposc.
The fact that the ControIler, the appellatc authority or the revisionill
authority has no jurisdiction to try the proceedings shall be no bar to thc
exercise of such powers.
-(2) Where the Controller, the appellate authority or the
revisional authority directs that any costs shall not follow ~e cvent, the
Controller, the appellate authority or thc'revi'sionalauthority shall state
its rcuons in writing.
, . 18. Every order made under the provisions of this Act shall be Execu~ionof
executed by a civil court having jurisdiction in the .area as if it were a
decree or order of that.cdurt.
. Explanation.- One year's rent of the building or rented land,
preceding the date of the,orderwhich.is sought to be executed shall be the
jurisdictional l r p ' l ~ efor the purposes of determining the forum of appeal.
19. (])Where thereiemoretbanoneConhollerat thesameplace I ~ s [and ~'u~o
the applications shall be made to the Conholler who is authorised by the disposal of
appellate authority of the area concerned to entertai'n such applications.
(2) Such ~cntrollekshall either keep the application on his
file or make bver :hi same to some o h r ~ o n t r o ~ lat
c rthe same place, for
, ,
~ EVI~ON) I1973 :Haryana Act 11
and District -16) of section -2 to perform the functions of thc
Controllers ;,
21. Every landlord and every tenant of a building or rented land Landlord and
shall be bound to furnish to the Controller, or any person authorised by tenanl to
him in that behalf, such particulars in respect of such building or rented
land as may be prescribed.
22. (1) If any person contravenes any of the provisions of sub- Penalties.
section (2) of section 8, sub-section(I) of section 10, sect ion 1 1 or smtion
2 1, he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand
(2) If any person contravenes any of the provisions of clause
(a)of section 6 , he shaIl be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with, both.
(3) No Court shall take cognizance of an offence under this
section except upon -
(a) a complaint in writing #(offacts which consti&Le such
offence) filed wj th the sanction of the Controller; or
( b ) a report in writing of such facts made by the Conlroller
23. The State Government may, by notification, make rules to carry
out all or any of the purposes of this Act.
Power ro make
24. ( 1 ) The East Punjab Urban Rent Restriction Act, 1949 (East Repeal and
Punjab Act No. 3 of 1949); is hereby repealed : Savings.
Act as if this Act were in force at the time such thing was done or action
was taken, and shall continue to be in force, unless and until superseded
by anything done or any action taken under this Acr.
IWBAN ( C O Y ~ O LOF WUT AND wrmo~) (1973 : Haryana Act 11
within fifreen days of the service thereof and to obrain the leave of the Controller ro
conlest the applicarion for eviclion undcr scctioo 13-A of the said Act, in default
whcrmf, the applican~will be entided at any dmc afier the cxpky of the, said period of
. days to ob~ainan order for your evic~ionfrom the said residcntid building.
fiftccn ,
day of :