Orissa Bhoodan and Gramdan Act, 1970
Orissa Bhoodan and Gramdan Act, 1970
Orissa Bhoodan and Gramdan Act, 1970
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ACT2 OF 1971
(Sees. 3-4)
, .
(k) 'residenty in relation to. the lbcal. a~ea A .
OF T m .-a
(Secs. 5-8)
Term of 5. Every member of the Samiti, including the
Cbairman and Vice-Chairman shall hold office for a
term of four years from the date of notification of his
appointment, and shall be eligible for reappointment.
'[Provided that thc Statc Government, whenever
they deem it expendient so to do may, by notification,
extend from time to time, the aforcsaid t c m of office,
so, however, that the total extension does not in the
aggregate exceed onc year.]
of Chairman,
6. (1) The Chairman, Vice-Chairman or any
Vicc-chai~ ofher member of the Sarniti may resign his office by
maom givingpotice in writing to the State G ovcrnment.
other mcm-
bers. (2) If the resignation is accepted by the State
Government, they shall publish a notification to that
effectand thereupon the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or
the member, as the case may be, shall cease t o hold
office with effect from the date of such publication.
R-s~l.of .. ,. 7. (1) The3tate Governmeat may, by order,
v i a a i r - ~ ~ Q I O the Y ~ Chairman, Vi ce-Chairman or any other
manorothermember of the Sarniti after giving him an opportunity
to makg any representation which he may wish to
make, .ifthey are satisfied that he-
(a)-has become of unso~r nd mind;
(b) has applied to be aijtdicated or has been
adjudicated an i~lsolvent;
... .... .
. . (c) has been sentenced t y a criminal court for
.,. an offence involving moral turpitude, such
sentence nct having been reversed;
(6)has become physically and mentally infirm
to act as Chairman, Vice-Chairman or
- - Illember or has absued his position or
powers vested in him as ChaJrr;~?!?, Vice-
Chairman or member; or
(e) has failed, without excuse suficint in the
'opinion of the Snmiti, to attend three
consecutive meetings of the Samiti and the
Samiti has recommended his removal.
- (2) ~ v e orderr ~ of removal under sub-sedion ( I )
shall, as soon as possible after it is made, be publi-
shed,in the Gazette and shall take effect from the
date of such publication.
Filling oi 8. Any casual vacancy in the o%ce of thc
vacancies. Chairman, Vice-Chairman or any other me111her of th
- shall, as soon- as may he, after the occurrence
- - - - - - ----
I. Addd b y the Orissa Bhoodan ;in.[ Gi;i:11Inn (Amendnicol) Act.
1977 (Or.Act 4 of 1977). s- 3.
(Sec. 9)
of such vacancy be filled up by appointment of
another person in the manner provided in section 4
and the Chairman, Vice-Chairrnan or other member
so appointed shall enter upon office forthwith but
shall hold officeonly for the residue of the term of
his predecessor :
Provided that in the event of any vacancy in the
office of both Chairman and Vice-Chairman the State
Government may 2-ppoint any member of t h e Ssrniti
to perfcrm the functions and exercise the powers of
the Chairman until a person duly appointed as
Chairman assumes office.
9. ' [ ( I ) If the State Goverr~mentare satisfied that - iss solution,
and reconstr-
(a) the Siulliti I~as failed without rsaaonable tution cf
cause or excuse to discharge the d uries, or thcSamitis
to perform the fur~ctions,imposed on, or
assigned to it by or under this Act or has
exceeded or abused its Fowers; or
(b) circumstances have arisen in which the
Sarniti is, or may be, unable to discharge
the duties, or to perfor~nthe functions,
imposed on, or assigncd to it by or under
this Act; or
( c ) it is ott~cnvise expedient or necessary to
dissolve the Samiti,
they may, by notification, dissolve the Samiti
and direct reconstitution thereof either immediately
or within such period, not exceeding six months,
as shall bc specified in the ~~otification.]
(2) Before directing the dissolution of the Samiti
under sub-section (I), the State Governmefit 5:;211
communicate to the Samiti the grounds on which they
propose to do so, fix a reasonable period for the
Samiti to show cause against the proposal and con-
sider its explanation and objections, if any.
(3) Upon dissolution of the Samiti under sub-
section (I), all its members including (he Chairman
and Vice-Chairman shall be deemed to have vacated
their offices.
(4) During the interval, if any, between the disso-
lution and the reconstitution of the Samiti the State
Government may, by order, appoint any officer or
authority to exercise the powers and discharge the
duties of the Samiti, subject to such restrictions and
Istations as may be specified in the ordcr.
...-----. -- ----.--
1. Suhstitukd by thc Orissn Bl~oodanand Grarndan (Anicndmcnt) Act
1980 (Or - Act 13 of 1980). 5 . 2 .
TE~E ACT, 1970 [Or. Act.
ACT, 1970 [Or. Act
Gnma hi-
(n) if the allotment is for cultivation, the shad.
allottee shall, unless specifically exempted
by the Grama Parishad, cultivate the Iand
personally ;
(h) if the allotment is for construct ion of house,
the allottee shall construct, the house within
a reasanaltle yeriud and shall, unless
specifically exempted Ly the Grama Pari-
shad, reside in the house ;
(c) the aIIoite shall not transfer his inferest in
the land or in thc house, but such interest
shall he heritable.
~x.yIancriion--For the putposcs of this section
and section 23, land shall not be deemed to be culti-
vated personally unless the person hiinself or ally
member of his family puts in such minimum lahour
on the land as may be Iaid down by the regulations
made by the Grama Paxishad.]
22. (1) Any persm aggrieved by an order of ~ i s p u t c s
allotment of land made by a Grama Parishad may aIlotmcnl
make an application to the Grama Parishad withinland.
sixty days from the date of such order for arbitra-
tion by an Arbitration Board and on receipt of such
application the parishad shall refer the dispute for
(2) An Arbitration Board under sub-sectio11(2)
shaII consist of-
(i) one member nominated by the applicant;
. NACT, 1970 [ Or,Act.
A C to ~ over-
ride other 32.The provisions of this Act shall have effect
laws. notwithstanding anything inconsistent t hcrewith con-
(Sec. 34-cor7rd.)
(h) the preparation of Annual Budget and the
reports and returns to be furnished by the
Samiti to the State Government and by
the L G CComn-rittees
~ l o the Samiti ;
(i)the appointment of a Secretary and staff
for the Samiti and the Local Committees
and the remuneration payable to them
and the delegation af the powers of the
Samiti and Local Committees to the
resp,ective Chairman, Vice-chairman and
Sqcret ary ;
( j ) the s u m m o n i ~ ~and
g 1-loldingo f meetings
of the Samiti .and the Local Committees
and the time and place at which such
meeting shall be held, the conduct of
busipess there at and the number of mem-
bers necessary to constitute a quorum ;
( k ) the subdivision of lands where any portion
of ,land is granted or donated under this
Act ;
(0 the settlement of disputes in regard to the
allotment of lands by a Grama Parishad,
thelevy of sums for such allotment and
the eviction of allottees from the lands
allotted ;
!the enforcement of the decision of a
.Grams Parishad ;
(rz) inspection and verification of tbc accour~ts
and records .of the Samiti and Grama
Pafishads by -officers opt he State Govern-
ment-; and
(o) any other matter which has to be, or may
$3) AUmles made under this Act shall, as
m ~ :as
n :may be ,after they are made, ,be laid before
:the bMte :Legislature for a total period of fourteen
days .whichm a y :be comprised in o ne or more sessions
and if :during the said period the State Legislature
makes modifications, if any, therein the rules shall
-.thereafter have effect only in such modified form, so
however that ,such modification shall be without
.pjuaise to .the .validity of anything previously d a e
;under the ~ u l e s .
Orissa A C ~ 35. The Orissa Bhoodan Yagna Act, 1953 (here- ~ e p a andl
l6 Of
inafter referred to as the said Act), is hereby repea- asdnB-
led :
Provided that-
(0) the Bhoodan kagna Samiti constituted
under the said Acr shall be deemed to have
been constituted under this Act and the
Chairman and members thereof shall
contiuue to lwld office until the Samiti is
reconstituted in accordance with the
provisions of this Act ;
(b) all rules and orders made, notifications and
notices issued, con tracts entered into, saist
and proceed ir:gs instituted and aU actions
taken and things done under the said Act
sl~allbe deemed to ]lave been respective1
made, issued, entered into, instituted:
taken or done under this Act and shall
continue in force until new provisions are
made under the appropriate provisions of
this Act ;