Orissa Bhoodan and Gramdan Act, 1970

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ACT2 OF 1971

I. Short title, extent and commencement

2. Definitions
3. Constitution and incorporation of the Samiti
4. Composition of the Samiti
5, Term of Office
6. Resignation of Chairman, YiccChairman and other mcmbers
7. Removal of Chairrn~n,Vice-chairman or other Membcrs
S. Filling of casual vacancies
9. Dissolution and rc-onstitu~ionof the Samiti
10. Acts of the Samiti, etc., not to bc invalidated by infirmity
11. Local Committees
12. Donation of land
13. Declarations filed u n d ~ rsection 12
14. Grant of land by the Samiti
15. Fund and propcrty of the Samiti
16. Declaration oF n village as Gr,mdarl village and constitution OF G r a m parishad
17. Power of grantee of land to donate land to G r m Parishad
13. Power of Grzma Parisha1 to transfer and nlienatc land
19. Managcinent of tbe 13uds vested in Grama Parishad
20. Acts of Grnma Parishnd o: i tq com.ntitce not to be inval~datcdby i n f rmity, ctc
2 I. Allotment of land by Graina Parishnd
22. Disputs regarding allotment of l a d
23. Eviction of allottce
24. Funds ofGrama Parishad
25. Attachment and sale of land vesting in Grama Parishad
26. Supersession of a Grama Parishad
26. A. Cancellalion of grant or allotment
26. B. Eviction of un.~uthorised occupants
27. Appeal
28. Revision
29. Filling of suit
30. Grantee or alIottee of land not be a tenant
31. Exemption of Stamp duty and registration fee, etr.
32. Act to override other Iaws
33. Power to make regulations
34. Power to make rules
. . Repeal and saving


ACT, 19701

[Received the assent of 11ze Presiderzt 012 131e 18th

ilfarclz 1971, fist pttb!ished ilr on ex~ctorditlnry
issue of cite Orissa Gdzette, dated !lie
12th April 19711



BE it enacted by ihe Legislature of the State of

Orissa in the Twenty-first year of the Republic of
Tndia as fol101vs:-

1. ( I ) This Act may be called the Orissa Bhoodan S h o ~title

and Gramdan Act, 1970. extent and
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Orissa.
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the
Sf ate Government may, by 2notificat ion, appoint in
that behalf.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise ,,,iliom
(a) 'Bhoodan Yagna' means the movement
initialed by Shri Acharya Vinobha Bhave
for the acquisition of lands by way of
donation, for distribution to the landless
persons, or for a community purpose;
1, For Slptcment of Objects and Rcasons, sce Orissa Gazerle, Extra-
ordjmry, dated Ihc 20th February. 1970 (No.276) and for SeIcct Committee
Rcport, see ibid., dalcd thc 13rd Scptcrnhr, 1972 (No. 1232).
2. It camc into force wirn c&cl lrom the 25th De[nbcr 1972, vide
Notification No. 75251-R.,dated the 14th Dccembcr 1972 published in the
Orissa Gazette, Extnordinary, datcd thc 15th Dcccmber 1972 (No. 1768).
[76-73(a) L ~ W I


ACT. 1970 [Or. Act

(b) 'community purpose' means any purpose

which is for the gensral good of the
corn munit y ;
(c) 'gramdan7 means a voluntary donation of
land,in a viIlage made in pursuance of
the provisions of this Act;
(d) 'Grama Parishad' means a Grama Parishad
constituted under sect ion 16;
(e) 'Gramdan Village' means a Gramdan
Village declared under section 16;
[(*I) chomeless person' llleaos a person who
does -not own any house;]
(f)'land' includes interest in land, the benefits
arising out of land and things attached to
the earth or permanently fastened to
anything attached to the earth;
(_a) 'land-holder' means a proprietor, sub-
proprietor, malguza thikadar, gountia,

tenure-lzolde 1' and unci er tenure-holder and

includes an inamdar, jagirdar, zamindar.
illaquadar, kharposhdar, ,parganadar,
sarbarakar, maufidar and other holders or
owners of interest in land between the
raiyat a ~ the
d State;
(h-) 'landless person' means a person who does
not own any land or who owns Sand which
does not exceed such limit as may be

(i) in relation to land held by a raiyat with

permanent and heritable rights in the
Id 3, tbe raiyat;
in relation to land, held under a grant,
lease or assignment from the State
Government or a Iand-holder, the
person who so holds; and
(fdi) in -elation to any other ,land, the
person to whom the land belongs;
(j" fprescribed' means pcescribed by rules
; made under this Act;
1, lnsertd by thc Orissa Bhoodaa and Gramdan (Amcndmcnt) Act,
1979 (Or. Act 23 of 1979),s- 2,'

(Sees. 3-4)
, .
(k) 'residenty in relation to. the lbcal. a~ea A .

means a persoa w,ho ordinarily ~esidmia-.

that local.area;
( I ) 'Samitit means the Sam iti: constituted
under section 3;
(n2) 'village' means an area defined; sume~;d
and recorded as a disti.nct a d - . sepm&
viliage in the revenue records. ~g the
district in which it is situatc.

OF T m .-a

3. The State Clover-nment shall, by, notiBcati0n. QF-

I ,

constitute a Samiti by the name a'f the. Q ~ s s B : ~ ~ & ~

Bhoodan Yagl~a Samiti which shall 'tie a. &@--ti..
corporate having perpetual succession and' a c,omr]n;oa,
seal with power to enter into contracts and Co_acquiire,
hold, administer and dispose of proper@. both I
mumable and immoveable and may, by th,said
name, sue or be sued.
4. [ ( I ) The Samiti shall consist of a Chairinan, a
Vice-Chairman and nine other members to be
appointed by the. State Government. ]

(2) The appointment of the Chairman, the Vice-

Chaknian and ~Jze other members of the: &miti shail
be notified in the Gazette.
(3) The Chairman shall exercise such powes and
perform such functions as may be prescribed.
(4) The Vice-Chairman shall exercise such powers
and perform sue11 functions of the Chairman as the
Chairman may, from time to time, delegate to E m in
writing in that behalf and he shall also exercise the
powers and perform the functions of the Chauman
during his absence. - I!

1. ~~bstiiutcdby the Oris73 Hhoodan and Gramdan (Amendment)

Act, 1977 {Or. Act 4 of 19771, s. 2.

(Secs. 5-8)
Term of 5. Every member of the Samiti, including the
Cbairman and Vice-Chairman shall hold office for a
term of four years from the date of notification of his
appointment, and shall be eligible for reappointment.
'[Provided that thc Statc Government, whenever
they deem it expendient so to do may, by notification,
extend from time to time, the aforcsaid t c m of office,
so, however, that the total extension does not in the
aggregate exceed onc year.]
of Chairman,
6. (1) The Chairman, Vice-Chairman or any
Vicc-chai~ ofher member of the Sarniti may resign his office by
maom givingpotice in writing to the State G ovcrnment.
other mcm-
bers. (2) If the resignation is accepted by the State
Government, they shall publish a notification to that
effectand thereupon the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or
the member, as the case may be, shall cease t o hold
office with effect from the date of such publication.
R-s~l.of .. ,. 7. (1) The3tate Governmeat may, by order,
v i a a i r - ~ ~ Q I O the Y ~ Chairman, Vi ce-Chairman or any other
manorothermember of the Sarniti after giving him an opportunity
to makg any representation which he may wish to
make, .ifthey are satisfied that he-
(a)-has become of unso~r nd mind;
(b) has applied to be aijtdicated or has been
adjudicated an i~lsolvent;
... .... .
. . (c) has been sentenced t y a criminal court for
.,. an offence involving moral turpitude, such
sentence nct having been reversed;
(6)has become physically and mentally infirm
to act as Chairman, Vice-Chairman or
- - Illember or has absued his position or
powers vested in him as ChaJrr;~?!?, Vice-
Chairman or member; or
(e) has failed, without excuse suficint in the
'opinion of the Snmiti, to attend three
consecutive meetings of the Samiti and the
Samiti has recommended his removal.
- (2) ~ v e orderr ~ of removal under sub-sedion ( I )
shall, as soon as possible after it is made, be publi-
shed,in the Gazette and shall take effect from the
date of such publication.
Filling oi 8. Any casual vacancy in the o%ce of thc
vacancies. Chairman, Vice-Chairman or any other me111her of th
- shall, as soon- as may he, after the occurrence
- - - - - - ----
I. Addd b y the Orissa Bhoodan ;in.[ Gi;i:11Inn (Amendnicol) Act.
1977 (Or.Act 4 of 1977). s- 3.

(Sec. 9)
of such vacancy be filled up by appointment of
another person in the manner provided in section 4
and the Chairman, Vice-Chairrnan or other member
so appointed shall enter upon office forthwith but
shall hold officeonly for the residue of the term of
his predecessor :
Provided that in the event of any vacancy in the
office of both Chairman and Vice-Chairman the State
Government may 2-ppoint any member of t h e Ssrniti
to perfcrm the functions and exercise the powers of
the Chairman until a person duly appointed as
Chairman assumes office.
9. ' [ ( I ) If the State Goverr~mentare satisfied that - iss solution,
and reconstr-
(a) the Siulliti I~as failed without rsaaonable tution cf
cause or excuse to discharge the d uries, or thcSamitis
to perform the fur~ctions,imposed on, or
assigned to it by or under this Act or has
exceeded or abused its Fowers; or
(b) circumstances have arisen in which the
Sarniti is, or may be, unable to discharge
the duties, or to perfor~nthe functions,
imposed on, or assigncd to it by or under
this Act; or
( c ) it is ott~cnvise expedient or necessary to
dissolve the Samiti,
they may, by notification, dissolve the Samiti
and direct reconstitution thereof either immediately
or within such period, not exceeding six months,
as shall bc specified in the ~~otification.]
(2) Before directing the dissolution of the Samiti
under sub-section (I), the State Governmefit 5:;211
communicate to the Samiti the grounds on which they
propose to do so, fix a reasonable period for the
Samiti to show cause against the proposal and con-
sider its explanation and objections, if any.
(3) Upon dissolution of the Samiti under sub-
section (I), all its members including (he Chairman
and Vice-Chairman shall be deemed to have vacated
their offices.
(4) During the interval, if any, between the disso-
lution and the reconstitution of the Samiti the State
Government may, by order, appoint any officer or
authority to exercise the powers and discharge the
duties of the Samiti, subject to such restrictions and
Istations as may be specified in the ordcr.
...-----. -- ----.--
1. Suhstitukd by thc Orissn Bl~oodanand Grarndan (Anicndmcnt) Act
1980 (Or - Act 13 of 1980). 5 . 2 .

(5) Where the Samiti is dissolved under this

section, the State Government, until the date of the
reconstitution thereof, and the reconstituted Samiti
thereafter, shall be entitled to all the assets and be
subject t o all the liabilities of the Samiti.
Acts of the
10. No act of the Sslmiti or of any person acting
s h e , e t ~ . , as the Chairman, ViceCbairman or a member thereof
not ' 0 b~
shall be deemed to be invalid only by rcason of any
by iniirmity. defect or irregularity in the constitution of the %Nniti
or by reason of such act having been done during the
period of any vacancy in the officeof the Chairman,
Vice-Chairman or any other member of the Samitj.
L ~ I 11. ( I ) The Samiti may, for any district or part
Comm"fzes. thereof, constitute a Local Committee consisting of a
Chairman, Vice-chairman and three other members
to be appointed by it from amongst the residents of
the area concerned.
(2) The appointments made under sub-section (1)
shall be notified in the Gazette and the persons so
appointed shall hold officefor a period of four years
from the date of such notifiation.
(3) The Samiti may, with the approval of the
State Government and subject to such restrictions and
limitations as it may impose, authorise any Local
Committee constituted under sub-section (I) to per-
form or exercise in the area for which such Low1
Committee is constituted, all Qr any of the duties,
powers or functions vested in the Samiti.by or under
this Act and the Samiti may, in like manner, with-
draw such authorisation.
(4) The provisions contained in sectiot~s6, 7, 8,
9 and 10 shall apply to a Lo,cal Commit,ti=eas they
apply to the Samiti subject t o the modification that
the powers exercisable by, and the duties imposed on,
the State Government under the said sections shall,
in relatien to a Local Committee, be exercised and
discharged by t l ~ eSamiti and that it shall not be
necessary to make aay consultittion as is required
under sections 8 and 9:
Provided that the dissolution or reconstifution
of a Local Committee shall be subject to the prior
approval of the State Government:
Provided f~lrthel-that where the State Govern-
ment are satisfied tlnt the removal of the Chairman,

Vice-Chairman or a member of a Local Conimittee

or the dissolution of a Local Cori;n?ittee is necessary
and that the Samiti has fziled to take act on in that
regard, they may, after consuIting the Samiti, remove
such Chairman, Vice-Chairman or member or dissolve
and reconstitute such LocaI Committee and t h t ,pro-
visions of seetions 7 and 9 shall, as far as may be,
apply therefor.
12. (1) Any owner may, by declcla ration made in f;TGon
.th.e prescribed manner, donate his land for Bhoodan
'Yagna or for Gramdan:
Provided tbat-
(4 where a lanu is owned jointly by i,wo or
more persons, the donation of such
land shal1 not .be valid unless the declara-
tion is signed by all such joint owaers;
(b) a declaration nzde by or on behalf of a
person wlzo has not completed the age of
21 years shall not be valid.
42) :Every declaration made under sub-secfipn ( I )
shdll -be fikd brfore the Tahsildar within qhose juris-
diction the land is situate:
Provided that if the land is situate within the
jurisdiction of mare than one Tahsildar the declara-
tion may -be filed before the Tahsildar within whose
jurisdiction any -portion,of the land is situate.
(3) Without prejudice to the generaIity of the
,foregoing .provisions no donation .of land made in
pursuance of this Act by a .member of a Scheduled
Tribe or Scheduled Caste for the purpose of Bhoodan
Yagna or Gramdan, shall he declared invalid or
inope-rative or ,otherwise open to cl~allsnge,merely on
the,groundthat any other law restricts or prohiblrs
d ~ n s f e r s by members of such Tribes or .Castes
wlthout previous consent of any*authorityspecsed in
-any such law.
23.(:13 Every declaration filed under sub-section Dcclaratiwr
=tiw undm
(2) of section 12 shall, -as soon as possibIe, be publi- filed
shed in such manner as may be prescribed, together
~ 4 t ha:notice:requiringall persons interested to sub-
&.$heir objecths if any, in writing ,to the Tahsildar
within two months fiom the date of such publication.

(2) A copy of thc dcclaration together with the

notice referred to in sub--section ( I ) , shall also be
served in the prescribed manner by the Tahsildar on
each of the persons known or believed to be
interested in the land specified in the declaration, SO
far as such service may be practicable.
(3) 9the expiry of the period of two months
specified in sub-section ( I ) and after giving notice
to the Samiti, the Local Committee concerned, the
donor and the person, if any, who has fled objec-
tions, the Tahsildar shall proceed to investigate as
to the right, title and interest of the donor in respect
of the land donated by him and consider all the
objections filed under sub-section (I), and thereafter
he may by an order either accept the declaration or
reject it for any of the reasons mentioned in sub-
section (6).
(4) Where the Tahsildar accepts the declaration
and if it is confxmed or deemed to have been
confirmed by the Samiti under sub-section (6), the
donor shall deliver possession of the land to the
Samiti; and thereupon, the donation of the land
shall, subject to any order in an appeal under section
27 or revision under section 28 or any decision in a
suit under section 29 or in a further proceeding in
relation to such suit, be irrevocable and all the ri
title and inrerest of the donor in such land s ali f?
stand transferred to, and vested in, the Samiti.
(5)Every order accepting a declaration
under sub-section (3) which is confirmed or deemed
to have been confirmed by the Samiti under
sub-section (6) shall be published in the Gazette.
(6) The Samiti may, at any time within two
months from the date of the order passed by the
Tahsildar under sub-section (3), by order,confirrn any
declaration accepted by the Tahsildar, or reject it

for any of the following reasons, namely:-

(i) that there are encumbrances on the land;
(ii) that there are arrears of land revenue or
rent due on the Iand ;
(iii) that the donor is not the owner ,of the
land or. is otherwise not cqmpetent to

make the donation: or


(iv) that there is any other good or sufficient

reason :
Provided that if no ord&r is passed by the
Sanliti either confir mi ng or rejecting any
declaration accepted by the Tahsildar within the said
period of two months, it shall be deemed that the
declaration has been confirmed by the Samiti.
(7) Where a declaration is rejected under this
section or in an appeal. under section 27 or revision
under section 28 or in a suit under section 29 or in a
further proceeding in relation to such suit, the
donation shall stand cancelled and the donor shall
be deemed to continue to have the same right, title
and interest as well as the same liabilities in respect
of such land as he ha3 immediately prior to the
filing of the declaration. .1

14. ' [ ( I ) The Sarniti may, aftei taking into Grantbyotihc


consideration the wishes of the donor as far as samitl.

possible, and subject to the limitations hereinafter
provided, grant any land which has vested in it to
a landless person who is abIe and willing to cultivate
the land, or to the Governnlent or a local. authority.
(I-a ) The maximum extent of land to be
rrranted to a landlcss person shall be-
(a) if he doed not own any land, two acres; or
(b)ifhe owns land measuring less than two
acres, an area by which the land owned by
him falls short of two acres. .
(1-6) No land shall be granted t o ' the Govern-
r~lentor to a local authority in excess of five
acres or for a pursose othcr than community
(1-c) The person, Government or local
authority to whom any land is so granted shall
acquire therein such rigts and remain subject
to such liabilities, condjtions, restrictions and
limitations as may be prescribed.

1. ~ubstitutcdby thc OF~?-=Bhoodan and Gramdan ( Amendment) Act,

I978 (Or. Act 15 of 1978), S. 2.
~57-73 (a) Law]

(2) No permanent grant of land siiall be made

under sub-section ( I ) until three months havc expired
from the date of the order codrming the declaratinn
by the Samiti or from the date when the Samiti shaTI
be deemed to have confirmed the declaration or
where an appeal is preferred under section 27 or a
revision is filed under section 28 or a suit is instituted
under section 29, until such appeal, revision or the
suit or any further proceeding in relstion thereto is
finaIly disposed ofupholding such declaration.
(3) The Samiti may take such steps for the
temporary management of the lands vested in it as
it thinks fit in accordance with the rules made in this
behalf, until they are disposed of under this Act.
Fund and
property of
15. ( I ) The Samiti shall have its own Fund called
,hCSadti. the Orissa Bhoodan Yagna Sa~niti Fund; and all
moneys which may, from time t o time, be paid to it
by any agency or any Government or any local
authoritjTor any person shall be credited to the fund
and all payments by the Samiti shsll be made ther*
(2) All moneys belonging to the fund shall be
deposited in such Banks or invested in such manner
as may, subject to the approval of the State Govern-
ment, be decided by the Samiti,
(3) All property, Fund and other assets vesting
in the Samiti shall be held and applied by it subject
to the provisions and for the purposes of this Act.
(4) The Samiti may accept any land in exchange
for the land donated in pursuance of Bhoodan Yagna
or Gramdan.

Declaration 16. ( I ) Where, in a village or in a part of a

of a village
as Gramdan viuage-
v illage and
o c Gmma (a) the extent of lands donated for Bhoodan
Parishad. Yagna or Gramdan, in respect of which
declarations fiIed under section 12 have
been confirmed or deemed to have been

confirmed, is not less than fifty-one per

cent of the total extent of land held under
~ f i v ~ownership
te by the residents of that
v~Ilagcor part thereof;
ib) number of persons whose declarations
have been so confirmed is not Iess than
seventy-five per cent of the total number
of Persons owning Iands and residing in
the village or part thereof; and
(c) not less than seventy-five per cenl of the
persons who have completed the age of
twenty-one Years and who are residing in
the village or part thereof have declared in
the*prescribed form and manner their
desrre to participate in the Grarndan
the State Government or any officer not below the
rank of a Collector specially authorised by them in
that behalf may, on ihe recommendation of the
Samjl~,declare, by notification, the village or such
part thereof, as the cdse may be, t o be a Gramdan
village with effect from the date specified in such
notification :
Provied that no such part of a village shall be so
declared unless the lands donated from a compact
block and unless the requisite extent of communal
and reserved land is contiguous to that part.
@,As soon as may be after the publication of
the notification under sub-section (I), there shall be
constituted for the Gramdan Village specified in the
notification, a Grama Parishad and every person
who has completed the age of twenty.one years who,
either has donated any Iand far Bhoodan Yagna or
Gramdan or who owns any land or house or whose
name is included in the electoral roll of that village
under the Orissa Grama Panchayat Act, 1964, shall
be a member of such Parishad:
provided that a person shall be disqualified for
being a member of such Parishd if he is not a
citizen of India or is of unsound mind and stands so
declared by a competent court.
(3) The ~GramaParishad shall be a body car.
porate having perpetual szlccession and a cornmoll
seal with power, subjwt to the provisions of this Act

TE~E ACT, 1970 [Or. Act.

and the rules made thereu rider, to accgire, hold and

&spose of property and to contract and may, by the
said name, sue or be sued.
(4) The Sallliti shall cause to be prepared and
publislxd in the prescijbcd manner a list of the
names of members of each Grama Parishad and the
Grama Parishad may, from time to time, amend the
list for the purpose of bringing it up-to-datc and n
copy of every such amcndrnet~t shaI1 be forwarded
to the Samiti which shall cause it to tz published in
the prescribed manner.
(5) Every such list and the amendments therctfi
published under sub-section (4) shall be final and
shall not be questioned in any court of law.
(6) With effect from the date on which the list
of members of the Grama Parishad is first published
all the lands in the Gramdan village which have
vested in -the Samiti under this Act, shall stand
transferred-t o and vest in, the Grarua Parished.
(7) Any land iu - the Gratndan village which
vests in the Samiti by way of donation aftcr the
aforesaid date shall also stand tra~lsferredto and vest
in, the Grama Pirishad with effect from the date on
which it vested in the Samiti.
(8) There shall be a President and a Vice-
President for each. Grama Parishad -who shall be
elected in the priscribed manner by tfie members of'
the Grama Parishad from among themselves.
(9) The President and the Vice-President shall
hold office for a period of four years from the res-
pective date of their eIection.
(10) The President may resign' his office by
giving notice ,-in writing to the Grama Parishad and
on the resignation being accepted by the Parishad
he shall be deemed t o have vacated his office.
(11) The Vice-President may resign his ofice by
giving notice in writing to the President and Ite shall
be deemed to have vacated his ofice with effect from
the date on which the notice was received by the
(I2) The President shall exercise such powers
and perform such functions as may be prescribed.
i - .:

(13) The Vice-President shall exercise such

powers and pel-form such ions o f the President
as thc President m:iy, fro111 time to time, dclcgate to
him i n writing.

(14) Any casual vacancy, in office of the President

or Vice-President shall, as soon as may be after tfze
occrztrcnce of such vacnncy, be filled u? by election
held in accordance i;ith the provisions of su b-sectior~
(8) and the PresidenL or the Vice-Prcsideut so elected
shall enter upon ofice forthwith but shall fiold oj'fice
only for thc residue of the tcrm of his predecessor.
17. ( 1 ) Any person who is, granted land by !he :z:c
Samiti under section 14 or is deemed under sectron land to
35 to have been granted land may by a declaration $"Za$d
made in the prescribed manner and filed with theParisl,=~.
Samiti, donate such land in favour of the Grama
Parishad established for the village in which such
land is situate.
(2) Where a declaration made under sub-
s e c t i ~ n(1) is confirmed by the Samiti, the donation
of the land shall, notwithstanding any thing t o the
contrary in section 14, be irrevocable and all the
rights, title and interest of the donor in such land
shall stand transferred to and vest in, the Grama
18. ( 1 ) No Grama Parishad shall, without the
previous sanction of the State Government alienate
or trans'fer any land vested in it or any 'right or
interest therein :

Provided that the Grama Parishad may, with P o w of

Grama pari-
the previous sanction of the Col!ector exchange lands shad to
transfcr and
for the purpose of securing consolidation of holding alienate land.
or hypothecate the lands vasted in it in favour of
the State Government or a Co-operative Society or
Land Development Bank or any scheduled bank
within the meaning of the Reserve Bank of India
oi 1934 Act, 1934 for the purpose of securing a loan.
(2) Any transaction made in contravention of
sub-section (1) shall be nu11 and void.

ACT, 1970 [Or. Act

Manngcmnt 19. The Grama Parishad may---

uf thc lands
rVcst c d i n '[(a)allot all the lands vested
Gnma parid it to landless
s had. or homeless persons residing in the Gram-
dan VIllagc either for cuItivation or for
construction of house, as the casc may be,
on suclz tcynis ;!rid conditions as i t thinks
fit: ]
Provided that whert: a person 112s donatcd all his
lands under this Act the Grams Parishad shall, i f
such person is willing to cccept thc allotment, allot
ninty-five per centum of the Iands sn donated to
that person, so however that the total extent of the
lands allotted s1laII in no event exceed the ceiling
limit applicable to such person un3er the Orissa Land
Reforms Act, 1960; O r i ~ a~ c 16
of 19SO.
(6) set a p r t lands for the general good of the
community as may be specified in the rules; I

(c) make advances eitber in kind or in cash to

persons to whom lands are allotted and
recover the advances so made ;
Z [ ( c - l )make advznces in cach for the purpose of
construction, improvement or maintenance
of houses, to persons to whom lands are
alloted for construction of houses and
recover the advances so made; )
(d) carry out measures for t h e improvement
of lands and for the improvement of the
methods of cultivation, the reclamation
of waste Iands and for such other purpo-
ses as may be specified in the rules ;
(e) consolidate lands in the Gramdan village
by exchange of lands or otherwise ;
(f)undertake any agricultural or non-agri-
cultural enterprise in the interest of the
residents of the Gralndan village ; and

1. Substituted by thc Orim Bhoodan and Gmmdan [ Amendment )

Act, 1979 ( 05.Act 23 of 1979), S. 3 (i).
2. Inscrtcd by (ibid) S. 3 {ii).

(g) perform such other functions as the State

Governn~eat may, by notification, aut ho-
20. No act of a Grama Parishad or any cornmi-: ;:;
ttee thereof shall be deemed to be invalid by reason shad or it,
only of any defect in the constitution of the Grama commitlcc
not to bc in-
Parishad or the committee, as the case may be. validated by
'[21. Allotment of land in a Gran.;dan village c[c.
shall be subject to the followingconditions, namely :- Allotment
OF land bv

Gnma hi-
(n) if the allotment is for cultivation, the shad.
allottee shall, unless specifically exempted
by the Grama Parishad, cultivate the Iand
personally ;
(h) if the allotment is for construct ion of house,
the allottee shall construct, the house within
a reasanaltle yeriud and shall, unless
specifically exempted Ly the Grama Pari-
shad, reside in the house ;
(c) the aIIoite shall not transfer his inferest in
the land or in thc house, but such interest
shall he heritable.
~x.yIancriion--For the putposcs of this section
and section 23, land shall not be deemed to be culti-
vated personally unless the person hiinself or ally
member of his family puts in such minimum lahour
on the land as may be Iaid down by the regulations
made by the Grama Paxishad.]
22. (1) Any persm aggrieved by an order of ~ i s p u t c s
allotment of land made by a Grama Parishad may aIlotmcnl
make an application to the Grama Parishad withinland.
sixty days from the date of such order for arbitra-
tion by an Arbitration Board and on receipt of such
application the parishad shall refer the dispute for
(2) An Arbitration Board under sub-sectio11(2)
shaII consist of-
(i) one member nominated by the applicant;

1- Subslitutzd by the Orissa Dhoodan and Gramdan (Arnendmcnt) A c ~ ,

1979 (Or. Act 23 of 1979), s. 4.
ACT, 1970 [Or. Act
(Secs. 23-26)
( i i ) one member norninatcd by the Grama
Parishad ; and
(iii) one member nominated jointly by the
members referred to in clauses ( i ) and (ii)
but if there is no agreement in that regard
one member to be nominated by the
Samit j.
(3) The decision of the Arbitration Board
shal! be final and binding on the parties.
Eviction of
23. (1) Whenever it comes to the notice of the
Giama Parishad that any person to whom land has
been allotted under section 19 has without sufficient
cause failed to cultivate - such land personally for two
consecutive agricultural years [or to costruct the
house within two years from the date of alIotment
and reside therein as the case may be,] it may make
an appbcat ion to the Tahsildar having jurisdiction
for eviction of the allottee from the land.
(2) Upon receipt of an application under sub-
section (1) the TahsiIdar may, after giving the person
concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard
and after holding such enquiry as he deems fit, evict
such person from the land.
Funds of
Grama Pari- 24. ( 1 ) Every Grama Parishad sball have a fund
shad. into which shall be credited all sums and moneys
received by it.
(2) The fund shall be administered by the
Grama P~risllad in accordance with the provisions
of this Act and the rules and the regulations made
Allachment 25. No land vested in a Grama Parishad shall
and sale o i
land vesting be Ii able to attachment or sale in execution of any
in G r m a dccree order passed by a civil or revenue court in
respect of an unsecured debt.
or a Cirama 26. (1) If at any time, the State Government are
Parishad. of opinion that a Grama Parishad-
(0) is not competent to perform, or persis-
tently makes default in performing, the
duties assigned to it by or undcr this
Act ; or
(b) exceeds or abuses the power assigned to it
by or under this Act ; or
- -- .- _
1. Znscrrcd by the Orism Bhoodnn and Grarndan ( ~ m c o d m e n t ) G
1979 (Or. Act 23 o f 1979) S. 5.

(c) is not functioning in a manner consistent

with the provisions of this Act or the rules
framed there under ,
they may, by notification, and stating the reascns
therefor, supersede the Grama Parishad for such
period not exceeding one year as may be specifled
therein :
Provided that before issuing any such notifica-
tion, the State Government shall give an opportunity
to the Grama Parishad to show cause why it :should
not be superseded and shall consider the ex Ianations
and objections, if any, filed by the Paris ad within
one month from the date of receipt of the show cause
notice and shall also consult the Samiti. ,

(2) Upon publication of a notification under sub-

section ( I ) superseding the Grama Parishad-
(a) the President and Vice-President of the
Grama Parishad and the Presidents and,
the members of all committees constituted :
by it shall, with effect from the date o f .
notification, vacate their ofices as such;
(b) all the powers and duties of the Grama
Parishad shall, during the period of super- '
session, be exercised and performed by
such .person or persons as the State
Government may, from time to time,

appoint in this behalf ; and ,.

I .

. . , . in the Gramn Parishad

(c) a11 properties vested
shall vest in the State Government.
(3) On or befo~ethe expiration of the pried ,'

of supersession specified in the notification issucd

under sub-section ( I ) , the State Government may ex-.
tend the period of supersession for: such further .
period, not exceeding one year at a time, as they -
may consider necessary, and on the expiration of the
period of supersession either as originally specified
or as extended, the Grama Parishad shall resume its
functions and elect its P r e s i d d and Vice-President
and constitute the Committee in the manner provided
in this Act :
Provided that the State Governii;ent may, at any
time before the expiration of the period of super-
session, by notification, reduce the said period.
l78-73 (a) b r v 1

(4) The income derived from the Grcirndan

Village during the period of supersession, shaIl first
be utiliwd towards the cost of management during
the period of supersession and liquidation of liabili-
tres of the Grama Pasishad and the balance, if any,
sball be Credited to the fund of the Grama Parishad.

Canceilrtion '126-8 (1) Whenever it comes to the notice of-

of grant
or allotment
(a) the Samiti, that any person to whom land
nas been granted under sectiod 14; or
(b) the Grama Parishad, that any person to
whom land has be-en alIotted under
clause (a) of section 19.
was not a landless person when such grant or allot-
m'eilt was made, the Samiti or the Grarca Parishad,
as the case may he, may, after giving the person
comtirned a rqasonable opportunity of being heard
and aftet maklng such enquiry as it deem fit, make
an order cancelling the graut or the allotment, as the
case may be :
Provided that no proceedings under this Sub-
section shalt be inttiated after the expiry of a period
of thirty years from the date of the grant or
(2) Upon an order of canceilation being made
upder sub-section (1), the rights and interest of
all persons holdibg the land 20 which the order
relates shall stand extinguished and the land
shall rever to fie Saimiti or the Grama Pa-tishad, -a9
the case may be, free from a11 encumbrances; ajhd
it shall be the duty of the pkson in possession of the
land to deliver po~ssessionthereof to the Samiti o?
the Grarna Parishad, as the case may be, within
thirty days from the date of the order.
(3) If possession is not delivered in accordance
with the provisions of sub-section (J), the .Samiti or
the Grama Parishad, as the case may be, may make
-- -

I . Ioserlcd b i t h e Orissa Bhoodaa and Gramdan (Amcndrnent) Act. 1978

(Q:. :kt 22 of 197CI), s. 2.

an application to the Tahsildar having jurisdiction

for eviction of the person in possession of the Iand
whereupon the Tahsidar shall evict such person in
the manner provided in sub-section 12) of section 23
and restore possession of the land to the S.amiti or
the Grama Parishad, as the case may be.
26-B(1) If any person is :found to be in unau- f;E;h"jzs:
thorised occupation of any land, the rigkt,title and occupsnts.
interest wherein has vcsted in the Snmiti, the Tahsil-
dar having jurisdiction may, on an application by
the Samiti, made in that behalf within thirty years
from the date when such occupation comes to the
:knowledge of the applicant, and after making such
enquiry .as he deems necessary, pass an order
.requiring the person in such occupation to .vacate
the land and to deliver possession thereof to the
applicant within such date, not being earlier than
thirty days from the date of the order, as may be
specified in the order :
Provided that no such order shall be passed
,without giving the person concerned a reasonable
apportunity of being heard.
Explanation-" Unauthorised occupation" means
.tke occupation of laud otherwise than in accordance
with the provisions af this Act.
(2) if the person in unau thorised occupation of
the land fails to comply with the order passed qnder
,sub-section (I), the TahsiIdar shall evict him from the
land and restore possession thereof to the applicant.)
'[27. Any person aggrieved by an osder passer' Appeal
Qr made by-
(u) the Tahsildar under sub-section (3) of
section 13, or under sub-section (1) of
section 26-B;or
(b) the Samiti or Grama Parishad, as the case
may be, under sub-section (1)of sectio n 26-A,
may, within4hirty days from the date of the order,
prefer an appeal before the Subdivisional Officer
within whose jurisdiction the Iand is situated.]
28. The Col'ector of the district i p w b i ~ hthe R tvisian
land is sit-uate may, on .a,pplirationmade by any per-
son aggrieved by an order passed in an appeal undgr
section 27 within sixty days from the date of the
. .
1. ~ubstitufedby thc 0rissa Bhydsp grid ~jramdan(~mcndtne~t)A,ct,
1976.(0r. A@22 of 1976). s. 3. . ..

. NACT, 1970 [ Or,Act.

order, call for the ~ecord of the appeal and if it

appears to him that there has been a failure of jus-
tice, he may make such order as he deems fit.
Filling >I 29. ( 1 ) Any person aggrieved by an order passed
suit. by the Tahsildar under sub-section (3) of section 13
m y , if he has not preferred an appeal under sec-
tion 27, institute a suit after the expiry of the period
mentioned in section 27 but before completion of -a
period of three monihs from the date of such expiry,
in a Civil Court having jurisdiction to have the order
set aside.
(2) Any person aggrieved by an . order under
section 27 or under section 28 may,, within three
-monthsfrom the date of the order, institute a suit
in a Civil Court having jurisdiction to have the order
set aside .: ..
Provided that no such suit against anorder
under section 27 shall lie so long as an application,
if any, made by such person under section 28 remains
pending. :
Grantce or 30. No person to whom any land is granted by
alIoifec of the Sarniti or is allotted by a Grama Parishad under
land not to
bc n tenant. this Act shall bc deemed to be a tenant in respect of
,such ],and for the purpose of any law relating to
tenancy for the time being in force.
Excaption , 31. Every ,declaration and any ,grant or ,allot-
of stamp
duty and , ment of :land made or deemed t o have been made
rcgislmtion . under this Act s!iall be, and shall be deemed always
fec, ctc.
to have: been, exempt from the payment of fee-fox
encumbrance certificate, stamp duty, registration fee
and fee for the attestation of power-of-attorney undcr
sub-section (2) of section 33 of the Indian Registra- le 19:s
tion Act,,l908.

A C to ~ over-
ride other 32.The provisions of this Act shall have effect
laws. notwithstanding anything inconsistent t hcrewith con-

tained in any other law for the time being in force.


Poir8erlo 33. ( 1 ) The Samiti may, with the previous sanc-

make Regu-
lations. ti05 of the State Government make regulations not
inconsisten! with this Act and the ruIes made there-
under, t o provide for the conduct of its business and
:. .' ,
all other matters for which provision is necessary
and expedient for the purpose of enabling it to dis-
charge its functions under this Act.
(21 Subject to the provisions of this Act and
the rules, if any made thereunder, a Grama Paxishqd

may, with the previous sanction of the Samiti, make

regulations to carry out the purposes of this Act and
in particular for the conduct of business, election of
ofice bearers, appointment of Committees, rnainte-
name of accounts and the audit thereof, appointment
of employees and the remuneration payable to them,
the principles t o be followed in the allotment of Iand
and for the levy of SUMS for such allotment, the
grounds on which the allottees may be evicted from
the lands, the manner of eviction of the allottees and
any other matter for which provision is necessary and
expedient for the purposes of enabling it to discharge
its functio~lsunder this Act.
34. ( I ) The State Government, may make rules potvcr
make rulcs.
for carrying out a11 or any of the purposes of this
(2) I n particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing power such rules may
provide for-
(a) the matters to be taken into account by
the Samit in granting lands to landIes
person ;
(b) the form of declaration and the manner in
which it shall be filed and the documents
to be filed along with the declaration ;
(c) the manner of inquiry, and hearing and
disposal of objections under section 13 ;
(d) the service of notices under this Act ;
(e) the payment of travelling and other alIow-
ances to the Chairman, Vice-Chairma a and
members of the Samiti and Local Commi-
ttees ;
(f)the procedure to be followed by the
Samiti and Local Committees in respect
of financia1 matters generally, {ncluding

the manner in which and the restrictions,

limitations and conditions subject to
' .

which expenditure may be incurred by the

Samiti and the Local Committees ;
(g) tho form in which the accgunts bf the
Samiti and Local Committees shall be
kept, the audit and publication qf such
accounts and the charges, if any, . t o be
made for such audit ;
222 Tm OR~SSA ACE, 1970 [Or. A cs

(Sec. 34-cor7rd.)
(h) the preparation of Annual Budget and the
reports and returns to be furnished by the
Samiti to the State Government and by
the L G CComn-rittees
~ l o the Samiti ;
(i)the appointment of a Secretary and staff
for the Samiti and the Local Committees
and the remuneration payable to them
and the delegation af the powers of the
Samiti and Local Committees to the
resp,ective Chairman, Vice-chairman and
Sqcret ary ;
( j ) the s u m m o n i ~ ~and
g 1-loldingo f meetings
of the Samiti .and the Local Committees
and the time and place at which such
meeting shall be held, the conduct of
busipess there at and the number of mem-
bers necessary to constitute a quorum ;
( k ) the subdivision of lands where any portion
of ,land is granted or donated under this
Act ;
(0 the settlement of disputes in regard to the
allotment of lands by a Grama Parishad,
thelevy of sums for such allotment and
the eviction of allottees from the lands
allotted ;
!the enforcement of the decision of a
.Grams Parishad ;
(rz) inspection and verification of tbc accour~ts
and records .of the Samiti and Grama
Pafishads by -officers opt he State Govern-
ment-; and
(o) any other matter which has to be, or may
$3) AUmles made under this Act shall, as
m ~ :as
n :may be ,after they are made, ,be laid before
:the bMte :Legislature for a total period of fourteen
days .whichm a y :be comprised in o ne or more sessions
and if :during the said period the State Legislature
makes modifications, if any, therein the rules shall
-.thereafter have effect only in such modified form, so
however that ,such modification shall be without
.pjuaise to .the .validity of anything previously d a e
;under the ~ u l e s .

Orissa A C ~ 35. The Orissa Bhoodan Yagna Act, 1953 (here- ~ e p a andl
l6 Of
inafter referred to as the said Act), is hereby repea- asdnB-
led :
Provided that-
(0) the Bhoodan kagna Samiti constituted
under the said Acr shall be deemed to have
been constituted under this Act and the
Chairman and members thereof shall
contiuue to lwld office until the Samiti is
reconstituted in accordance with the
provisions of this Act ;
(b) all rules and orders made, notifications and
notices issued, con tracts entered into, saist
and proceed ir:gs instituted and aU actions
taken and things done under the said Act
sl~allbe deemed to ]lave been respective1
made, issued, entered into, instituted:
taken or done under this Act and shall
continue in force until new provisions are
made under the appropriate provisions of
this Act ;

(c) all donations of land made under t h e said

Act and all distributions of such land
made thereunder shall respectively be
deemed to be donations and grants made
under this Act I[ ; 1

*( d ) notwithstanding anything to the contrary

contained in any other provision of this
Act, all Gramdan villages declared as such
under the rules made under the said Act
shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be
Grarndan villages declared under this Act
and all actions taken in furtherance of
the declaration earlier mentioned shall be
deemed to have been taken under this
Act, and the provisions of this Act shaU,
so far as may be, apply to the said Gram-
dan villages. ]

1, Substituted by thc Orissa Bhoodan and Gramdan Amendment ) Act,

1978 (Or,Act I5 of I978 ),s.3
2. Addcd by ibid.

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