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PHPUnit and Drupal 8:

‘No Unit Left Behind’

Paul Mitchum
Mile23 on
paul-m on Github
from Seattle
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Keep In Mind:

The ability to give an hour-

long presentation is not the
same as being an expert on
the subject.

Also: Please hold questions until afterwards.

Two Goals:

Give some practical knowledge in how to run

unit tests and interpret what they mean.
Even if you never write unit tests, you can run and
interpret them.

Introduce some concepts about testing in

general, and unit testing in particular.
To get you started writing tests.
I Assume That You Understand:

- Basic PHP OOP.

Classes, Interfaces, Methods

- Basics of Composer, /vendor, etc.

- *nix flavored command line. No Windows.

Three Sections:
1. How to use the tools.
- Run Drupal 8 PHPUnit tests.
- Generate a PHPUnit coverage report.
- Basics of interpreting coverage reports.

2. Which tests are which?

- Definitions: Unit, Functional, Behavioral
- Mainly differences between Functional and Unit testing.
- SimpleTest vs. PHPUnit

3. Important unit testing concepts.

- Isolation, DataProviders, Test doubles
What Do We Want?

To Know.
For Sure.
What Do We Want To Know?
That Our Code Works.
Development Process
Regression Testing
We want to know what we know.

That We Can Maintain The Code.

We want to know what we don’t know.
What’s a Unit?


- Class Unit

- Method/Function Unit

- Individual Line of Code Unit

How To Run Stuff
Testing Under Drupal 8
Drupal 8 has two built-in testing systems:

- SimpleTest - Functional testing, from D7.

- PHPUnit - Unit testing.

PHPUnit under Drupal: Testing Page
PHPUnit under Drupal: Results Page
How To Run PHPUnit Tests (the right way)
0. At the command line...
1. Obtain Drupal 8.
2. cd to core/
3. ./vendor/bin/phpunit
4. Wait 8 seconds.
5. Know………………………………….(all/all)

How To Run PHPUnit Tests: Fail
0. At the command line...
1. Obtain Drupal 8.
2. cd to core/
3. ./vendor/bin/phpunit
4. Wait 8 seconds.
5. Know………………………………….(all/all)

Coverage Report
How do you know if you can trust the tests?

Coverage Things You Can Know:

1) Coverage by line numbers.

2) How the complexity of your code relates to

its coverage. (aka C.R.A.P.: Change Risk
How To Generate A Coverage Report
Same as running the test, except for two things:

Requires XDebug.

./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html [path]

Will generate a static HTML site.

Or a minimal text report: --coverage-text

Where Is SimpleTest?

PHPUnit coverage reports do not reflect

SimpleTest coverage.

SimpleTest ‘coverage’ isn’t really line-based

anyway. They test different things. So it’s
apples and kumquats.
E-Z Ways To Interpret A Coverage
1) Quick Scary Info:

2) Missing Coverage:
Compare Directory
w/ Coverage
Coverage report won’t reflect
classes untouched by tests.
Demo of coverage report
Coverage Report 1: Overview
Coverage Report 2: Single Class
CRAP: Change Risk Anti-Pattern

- Run tests in order to know things.

- Analyze coverage to know about tests.

- Line coverage is good.

- CRAP reveals maintainability risks.

(Not a judgement of the code under test.)
Testing Categories

Unit - PHPUnit

Functional - SimpleTest

Behavioral - Behat
Behavioral Testing

Functional Testing (SimpleTest)
What Are You Testing?
How (sub)systems interact.

Does my module’s hook_schema() install a

Does my module implement access control?
Is my form rendered properly?

Uses: SimpleTest tests, fixture database,

Unit Testing (PHPUnit)
What are you testing?

Subatomic teensy weensy nanoparticulate code.

Very few dependencies.
At the implementation level.
Do methods behave as expected?
What happens if I change code within a
What problem domain do you care about?

Implementation: Unit tests.

Overall operation: Functional tests.

Project-Level Outcome: Behavioral tests.

Caveat: Very loose definitions.

Talk About Writing Unit Tests
PHPUnit Drupal 8
Rules of the Game
Generic Drupal 8 PHPUnit Test Case
// @file [PSR_path]/ModuleTest.php
namespace \Drupal\[module]\Tests;
// UnitTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;

class ModuleTest extends UnitTestCase {

public function testSomething() {
Drupal 8 PHPUnit File Setup
PSR-0 (4?) for both /lib and /tests
PHPUnit Concepts
Things to keep in mind if you are writing tests.
opposite of
Concept: Isolation
Systems under test in unit tests should have as
few dependencies as possible.

As few moving parts as possible.

PHPUnit wants nothing and should remain


SimpleTest depends on the database and

server: Isolation PHAIL. (Which is OK.)
Concept: Isolation
Types of isolation:

- System isolation:
No database, no server
- Language isolation:
Pick out extensions and libraries
- Code isolation:
Dataproviders, test doubles, reflection, hard.
IF U R….
- Requiring a database

- Making a module

- Subclassing anything

- Writing complex support code

Isolation Anti-Patterns
Patterns For Isolation
- Data Providers

- @expectedException

- Test Doubles (mock, stub)

- Dependency Injection

In code under test.

- Interfaces
Pattern: Data Providers
Data provider is a method that returns an array of data
which PHPUnit then iterates to the test method’s

public function providerTestSomething() {

return array( array(‘expected’, ‘data’), );

* @dataProvider providerTestSomething
public function testSomething($expected, $data)
{ // Your Logic Here }
Pattern: DataProvider Isolation
Once a unit test is written, it becomes:
The Test™

Test methods should not be altered.

Data providers give us a way to change test

data without changing test logic.

ALWAYS write a data provider, for any data-

based test you write. The test method should
not depend on specific data.
This is my sneaky way to teach you about dependency injection.
Anti-Pattern: Exception Handling
Example without @expectedException annotation.
* @dataProvider providerTestException
- Cumbersome
public function testException($boom)
{ - 12 lines
try {
$item = new \Some\Class();
$item->badDataMakesMeGo($boom); - Not immediately clear
catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->assertTrue(TRUE); // PASS
catch ($e) {
$this->assertTrue(FALSE); // FAIL
Pattern: ExpectedException
Test passes if an exception is thrown. Isolates
test from code.
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @dataProvider providerTestException
public function testException($boom) {
$item = new \Some\Class();
Pattern: Test Doubles
PHPUnit can provide an imposter object which
you can program to do stuff.

This is a ‘test double.’

Test doubles perform stubbing or mocking of

items needed by the system under test.

Isolate behavior of SUT from other

Pattern: Test Doubles
Under Test

fooMethod(\Interface_B $b);

$mock = $this->getMock
Pattern: Test Doubles
Class_A::fooMethod(\Interface_B $b);

$mock = $this->getMock(‘\Interface_b’);
Dependency Injection
of Mocked Object
(Modern PHP)
Winding Up: Recap
PHPUnit: ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Coverage Report: --coverage-html [path]

CRAP: Reflects maintainability

Functional vs. Unit Testing: Systems vs. Code

Patterns: Isolation, Data providers, Mocking

Thank you!
Paul Mitchum
Mile23 on
@PaulMitchum on Twitter
paul-m on GitHub

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