Spanish Lesson Saber Vs Conocer

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Lesson Topic

Saber y Conocer

Aligned Standard(s) Learning Goal(s) Assessments

2/3. Interpersonal Communication: 1. SWBAT identify the difference 1. 50% sample: Whether or not
Learners interact and negotiate between saber and conocer in the jigsaw puzzle is complete
written form 2. 50% sample: partner activity:
meaning in spoken, signed, or written
2. SWBAT choose between the in pairs, students come up with
conversations to share information, appropriate verbs in various correct verb and are affirmed or
reactions, feelings, and opinions. contexts corrected by partner
3. SWBAT conjugate the verbs 100% sample: whiteboard
correctly in the present tense in activity: each student responds
1/2. Interpretive Communication: oral and written form 10% sample: a couple students
Learners understand, interpret, and will share their answers for who
knows what in class using the
analyze what is heard, read, or viewed correct form of the verb
on a variety of topics. 3. 50% sample: partner activity:
in pairs, students come up with
correct conjugation and are
2/3. Presentational Communication: affirmed or corrected by partner
Learners present information, 100% sample: whiteboard
activity: each student responds
concepts, and ideas to inform, explain,
10% sample: a couple students
persuade, and narrate on a variety of will share their answers for who
topics using appropriate media and knows what in class using the
adapting to various audiences of correct conjugation of the verb
listeners, readers, or viewers.

Depth of Knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy

We will use multiple levels of Bloom’s taxonomy because this should be a review of the material.
There will be Remembering with the Jigsaw activity.
There will be Application in the partner activity.
There will be Evaluation in the whiteboard activity.
There will be Creation in the human scavenger hunt activity.


Projector (and remote!)
Envelopes with puzzle pieces
Partner sheet handouts
White boards and markers and erasers
Scavenger hunt sheets
Powerpoint with:
- saber vs conocer comparison
- puzzle instruction slide
- partner explanation
- whiteboard prompts
- scavenger hunt explanation
- homework

Academic Language
What vocabulary is critical?

infinitive- a verb before it is conjugated

Instructional ​Sequence Assessments Expectations, Transitions

● Greet class and introduce

myself (2)
● Present expressions to class
○ Review the uses of
saber v conocer in
Spanish with a visual
● Jigsaw puzzle (10) 1. 50% sample: Whether or not Have envelopes on table before
○ Explain the activity the jigsaw puzzle is complete class
○ Students will have an
envelope with pieces
to the puzzle
○ Students will have to
match up
sentences and create
a complete “puzzle”
in the end
● Partner activity(10) 2. 50% sample: partner activity: Hand out partner activity as
○ Explain the activity in pairs, students come up with students work on jigsaw activity
○ Hand out sheets to a correct verb and are affirmed or
person A and a corrected by partner
person B 3. 50% sample: partner activity:
○ Have students in pairs, students come up with
complete correct conjugation and are
conversation affirmed or corrected by partner
prompts and correct
each other
○ Ask if students have
any questions about
why specific verbs
are conjugated
certain ways
● Whiteboard game (10)
○ Every student has a Hand out whiteboards before
whiteboard. class
○ Sentences are put up
on the screen and 2. 100% sample: whiteboard
students must choose activity: each student responds
the correct verb and 3. 100% sample: whiteboard
conjugate it correctly activity: each student responds
○ Ask students “why?”
for each sentence
● Human scavenger hunt(15)
○ students each get a Hand out scavenger hunt sheets
grid sheet during explanation
○ students must ask
questions using
Saber y Conocer. “Do 2. 10% sample: a couple
you know….?” students will share their
○ Students must answers for who knows what in
answer in complete class using the correct form of
sentences in spanish the verb
○ Have everyone sit 3. 10% sample: a couple
down and ask a students will share their
couple students “who answers for who knows what in
knows….?” class using the correct
● Ask if there are any questions conjugation of the verb
about the material
● Explain the location of

Plan for Differentiation

providing infinitives for scavenger hunt activity if needed

letting students work in groups for whiteboard activity

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